First bit of advice would be to put something up on the internet ASAP, and then iterate on it. It’s easy to overthink a portfolio website, become insecure about it, and never upload anything.
For example, mine is It’s nothing crazy, but it serves its purpose. Also Netlify is great for hosting, and I recommend them over pretty much everything else. You get a free CDN, free SSL, GitHub integration, and more stuff I don’t really use. is another good option, free if you stay under 100GB of monthly traffic. It's very similar to GitHub pages (deploy vi push, custom domain, built-in CDN), but you can push your static files into it from GitHub, Gitlab, BitBucket, or simply uploading manually. They also have an optional one-click Let's Encrypt cert.
idk if y'all seen this and are sick of it already haha but i turned my recent exercise into a 25 minute talk.
it has some nice bonuses for those willing to stick through to the end ;)
AMA i guess
> (well, one of them said he would think about it if I provided the hosting cost too,but at the moment, it's beyond my financial capabilities.)
I wouldn't have thought most small businesses would require any backend code, and for static-only sites there's plenty of free hosting options you could use. For example I like netlify which provides free hosting with various useful extra features.
I'm not a freelancer myself but this is also a common way I've seen suggested when you're starting out as one - do some work for free, and then see if you can get those people to recommend you and suggest further paid work.
Netlify has been nothing short of excellent in my experience. Should cover all your static needs.
They also offer integrated form collection, an easy gateway to AWS lambda among other things. All this is available on their free tier (from last I checked)
Here's a good article explaining them. If you understand how closures work in javascript, then react hooks are easier to understand.
nice job for your first website. keep at it :)
if you want to host your website for free, WITH HTTPS (which i would recommend) try out netlify. i'm fairly certain that your current way of hosting is either more expensive or more complicated. ;)
Not that I can think of. I'm using them for a handful of sites, though I'm not using on their nameservers (too many eggs in one basket). I figure if things go sideways with their platform, it'll be simple enough to pull the cord and host these little sites elsewhere.
They've got a boatload of incredible little features though, form handling that you can tie into Zapier, so you can get submissions sent to your email. Configurable url rewriting, that includes basic API proxying so you can avoid CORS problems. So many things they've thought of to address problems that you often run into with fully static sites.
Not OP but the big one for me is the continuous deployment. Rather than building on your own machine Netlify will build it this brings the deployment time down. IMO its also more convenient to manage the domain with Netlify. Netlify also deploys a url for every commit which you can preview which also allows rolling back to any previous version.
There's a good comparison by Netlify here:
If it's just for a personal project, start with the cheapest option. You can always upgrade to better hardware later.
For a static site, I recommend checking out Netlify.
For a VPS, in addition to DO and Linode, other options are Vultr and Amazon Lightsail (AWS's response to these VPS providers), both of which have plans that go under $5 per month.
I'm working on building a service focused around static WordPress deployments.
For contact forms, you'll want to make sure that whatever you use for the HTML forms POSTs to a service capable of processing the contact form submission.
Here are a couple examples of services that process forms for static sites:
I'm not affiliated with any of these companies, I've used their solutions before and can vouch that they all work for form handling. Formspree and FormKeep are both platform agnostic and simply handle form processing, Netlify requires that you use them as your static host though.
Next ISR can be used similar to Gatsby's DSG. You don't generate all pages during the build, the others are generated on demand.
But ISR also allows the pages to be updated later by revalidating every X seconds. Which is useful, when data changes. So you can somehow have advantages of static sites while updating content regularly.
Gatsby's approach is different and more consistent with the Jamstack. They trigger a new build on every content change. To avoid rebuilding the whole site, they use incremental builds. This is possible in Gatsby, because they have a data-layer which can be diffed between the builds to determine which pages need an update. Next has no such data layer. And therefore no built-in incremental built.
Next sites should only be rebuilt when the code changes, not when the content changes. Content changes are taken care of by SSR or ISR.
There is a nice article about ISR and the Jamstack here (Netlify).
For that, I'd suggest using the excellent/all-powerful React DevTools Profiler
article written by our dearest u/swyx:
Using the React DevTools Profiler to Diagnose React App Performance Issues
Sure, some good places to start are in the official docs for Gatsby as well as the Netlify blog.
Building sites like this is conducive to fast static pages rendered over HTTPS, which is always a nice boost to you SEO efforts. Using plugins like Helmet in Gatsby allow you to control all the metadata and <head>
structure easily as well.
good question. my knowledge isnt very strong on this but my quick response would be react has nothing to do with HTTP vs HTTPS. that's entirely a server configuration that you have to set up (i dont know what http server you're running).
this may or may not apply to you, but if you're deploying a react app with no backend (or a serverless backend) you might like to check out using Netlify which offers free SSL for your HTTPS serving. literally one click, a dumb idiot like me can do it.
Congrats on the launch! Please consider providing this to your free tier as well. From the LetsEncrypt site:
>The key principles behind Let’s Encrypt are: > > - Free: Anyone who owns a domain name can use Let’s Encrypt to obtain a trusted certificate at zero cost.
Your users should have SSL / TLS on their site for all of the reasons listed here, and your competitors like Netlify provide also it for free.
Here's a list of some decent static site generators: Pick one you like, or one that's extensible in a language you want to learn a bit.
A contact page does generally require a backend somewhere, but it doesn't need to be you that runs it. You can make your form submit information to another (SaaS) service/site which takes action on your behalf. That's probably safer than running your own, given you're just starting out and asking relatively basic questions.
Do the static site bit first. Don't worry about finding a solution to the contact page before you start.
Thanks man! Yeah it is custom built (I coded it). Here are some of the specs:
It's very fast because the entire site is loaded when you land on the page (it's a single page app) - this has pros and cons :)
Any other questions, I'm happy to answer. And feel free to reach out if you need any help starting your site.
If it's a blog-type site, then yes, it should be able to handle thousands of concurrent connections with good caching. Then again, a static site generator is a better fit there, or at least use django-bakery to create a static site out of your Django project and deploy that to something like Netlify, which I'm an extremely happy (non-paying) customer of.
If you do need a VPS, I recommend Hetzner, they're very cheap and have great performance. Germany-only datacenters, though.
In my opinion, a website is extremely beneficial, particularly with regards to the effort it takes. It is relatively cheap; if anyone on your team has a small amount of web design knowledge and knows HTML and CSS, a nice looking website can be made with Bootstrap with relative ease. There are numerous prebuilt templates that are easy to customize, regardless of experience. Domain names are typically $10 per year, and Netlify ( provides free static site hosting. For anyone with more advanced knowledge of web design, a more complex and unique site can be created. I created my team's website at, and am in the midst of a comprehensive redesign.
Netlify Functions allow you to run Node.js in a serverless environment:
The free tier for Functions is pretty generous: 125,000 requests and 100 hours run time per month.
It sounds like you already know this, but for the sake of folks reading, the Netlify free plan covers 100GB/month of bandwidth, and sells additional bandwidth in 100GB blocks for $20/month.
For example, let's say I'm code-splitting my React app and hosting images elsewhere, so I transfer about 250kb of data using Netlify per first-time user, and less for repeat visitors who cache bundles. That means I'm going to be able to support something like 400,000 visitors per month all on Netlify's free tier, which is a threshhold that many production apps could only hope to hit.
Now, caveats -- there are plenty of apps that are much bigger, and there are many ways that individual power users could use far more bandwidth.
But I do think it's worth emphasizing that comparing Netlify versus CloudFront on a cost basis is something that a team can defer until they begin to see major traction.
Depending on type of site and expected traffic, why take the risk of exposing your NAS to the internet when free options like Netlify exists ?
You mentioned it was a play model, meaning anything docker or virtual machine is out of the question. You’d be 100% reliant on Synology patching a critical vulnerability in time, or risk exposing the entire contents of your NAS to a would be attacker.
Internet security is no joke, and it takes a long time to master. Tools like metasploit makes it easy to exploit vulnerable sites hours after a vulnerability is published. Simply enter the target IP address and you’re pretty much inside the system.
As for the “why would they target me” argument, when my IPS was scanning my was connection, it catched around 4500 different automated scans every day, scanning for vulnerabilities in webservers, sql server, MySQL, and various others. Truth is you’re already a target, but because you don’t have the ports open you don’t know it yet.
Finally, there’s the matter of CGNAT. Many residential ISP providers are using CGNAT to avoid upgrading to IPv6. That also means you won’t be able to expose ports. It may or may not be a problem. My ISP uses it, but disabling it is just a phone call away.
If you decide to go ahead with it, make sure you use GeoIP blocking to allow only access from the countries you expect traffic from, and know that exposing a service to the internet means you need to check logs every day for malicious things. Also enable synology account locking and various other. Synology security center should be green all over.
or let them send it from their email. <a href = "mailto:
<code>[email protected]</code>">Send Email</a>
or use a service like forms by netlify!
Nah, you're not blind. ;p
I did found storage and bandwidth limit on their [Terms of Services]( It's 100GB.
Do note it's a soft limit, though.
put the list in a (non-public) bitbucket/gitlab repository, then deploy for free with
you could use your own domain or use the one netlify provides. password auth is only available if you pay money.
> dynamic html site
What does this mean exactly? Most of the time when some one says they have a HTML site I assume they mean a static site... how is yours dynamic?
> I know wp has an html importer which can get this done
If you have a static set of files currently why not move to a static site generator to make managing it easier if you need no other benefits of a CMS like wordpress. Coupled with static hosting providers like netlify you can host it for free while keeping the benefits of a fast static site served over a CDN.
Besides local development and for when you want to push to the public internet, and both have some great free plans for development. is also still a great solution.
Aww shucks, I try :)
Anyway, yes, it differs from Github pages in a number of ways, but my big reason for preferring Netlify is that my Jekyll sites rebuild immediately whereas my Github pages site takes between a few minutes to almost an entire hour to get an update. Of course, that depends on the complexity of the site. Some sites rebuild in about 20 seconds, others take a few minutes longer. But I still notice that Github pages is always slower.
Take that with a grain of salt, though. I haven't done any specific tests on this and the link I posted is from Netlify and they might be a bit biased.
Can you please give us some more information on what purpose the SPA will be serving?
A list of features that you want to see reflected in the application is a good place to start - depending on how robust of an app it is, you may not need an Express server at all.
Again, this really depends on what you would actually like to do, but given your background with ES6/React, building out most of your application front end and deploying to Netlify may suit your needs quite well.
You're looking for a static site gen.
I like Hexo a lot, Gatsby is also good but not really for blogs. VuePress is the official one for Vue.
Best used with because they will run the build for you.
Look into Netlify - it's a great tool for deploying and hosting apps and sites of any size, especially if you already have a repo set up. It's very easy to use and comes with plenty of features and plugins, all client and cloud based.
this post brought or not brought to you by Netlify(c)
You’re not doing anything wrong and neither is vue-cli. GitHub pages is a badly designed product and possibly purposely crippled in that it isn’t capable of properly serving files that are in other directories like you can with a normal web server.
I spent three days on this and realised what was wrong so wrote it off. I suggest instead. I had it setup in less than five minutes and it’s free. Every time you push to your GitHub repo it will pull it deploy it. Have fun!
Netlify is all you should need for most static hosting; no idea why people bother with github pages or s3 when you have a completely free service that's dead simple to use and offers almost everything you could want...
This is great change to plug Netlify.
It's a web hosting platform for client side websites like yours. The free tier is very generous (I haven't run into any issues) and it comes with loads of extra features that GitHub pages doesn't have. For example, Netlify lets you hide environment variables for exactly this purpose.
May be worth looking into for your next project!
I can highly recommend Netlify: Their free plan gives you everything you want plus lots of other features (e.g. a CMS interface, drag-drop deploys for quick demos, form submissions, asset optimisation options).
Reimplements hooks:
Explains implementation:
I moved all my static sites from Netlify to Fleek.
They've come a long way and the Github + Fleek hosting for static sites is now remarkably stable. End users don't know the difference, but so many of my simpler sites are now on IPFS!
It would be great if Fleek and other similar services offered solutions for specific needs that static sites can't accomplish. For example, Netlify has a special product line for forms and also lambda functions.
IPFS alone might not be sufficient for forms and serverless functions, but a decentralized solution is possible — I mean, if Ethereum can do it...
I don’t have an example on hand, because most websites would always support both.
Here’s an article on the differences.
If you still don’t believe me I’ll whip an example up for you later ;)
I did this way back just out of curiosity as well. Learned a few things about DNS, Firewall, and web server.
Some warning: I would only do this to play around. I will not do this to host an actual website.
Some cons on this:
This is just a high-level explanation of what you need. There will be a lot of troubleshooting involved.
I'm assuming you have a windows laptop. These are the steps you might need to take.
I spent days making this work back then. Each of these steps is daunting if you haven't done it before. I wouldn't even ask my enemy to do this.
I would recommend hosting your static website in netlify ( instead. It's free.
This comment is the only help I'm willing to provide. Sorry.
Congrats on the traffic surge - that's pretty cool!
Regarding continuing to use Github Pages to host your site, it looks like you're in the clear for now, as the Github Pages Support Documentation says that there is a soft bandwidth limit of 100 GB per month for a site hosted using the service.
For comparison's sake, I checked out Netlify's bandwidth limits and they're also set at 100 GB per month for the free plan, 400 GB for the Pro plan ($45/month), and 600 GB for the Team Business plan. However, additional bandwidth can be purchased in blocks of 100 GB/mo for $20 per block.
I can't see why you wouldn't have one now. As others have said, Let's Encrypt makes it free and then simple hosting services like Github Pages and Netlify, which are perfect for your use case, basically incorporate it when you set up your page.
It's your portfolio. The whole idea is to make you look great. Not sufficient .
Great that you're writing!! I stopped blogging for almost 10 years, and I really regret stopping. It's the best way to learn, and to document your skills for prospective employers. I only just started blogging again.
To do that I went through a long process of evaluating and testing frameworks and CMS in order to resurrect my blog.
After many false starts I ended up using Eleventy (, a static site generator. I found it simpler to use than some of the other static site generators, though in sure they are great too. It involves installing and running it through Node.js, which might be a bit tricky/different if you're just starting out, but worth the initial small hurdle. Plus it's really easier than self-hosting Wordpress in the end. It gives full control of all the markup so you can practice and make changes all you want, and comes with a simple starter theme for a simple blog. Keep it on github and host it for free on and you won't have to worry about anything but writing blogposts. Like u/judgerules said before, your content (posts) is what counts, not the design or tools you use to make it.
Whatever you do, get into that writing, write whatever you want! Don't worry about others having blogged about a subject before. Everybody has a different angle, and your angle will help someone else eventually :-)
Check out netlify CMS and netlify hosting. Or one of the many headless CMSs. These give you a nice compromise between the ability to update content like fully dynamic sites and simplicity/cost of statically hosted sites.
You could use VSCode and then get a plugin such as FTP-Simple. I know you mentioned that you're worried about a third party plugin being janky, but it's well supported.
Alternatively maybe look into a service such as Netlify which allows you to build/update sites directly from Github. This gives you full source control as you use git to drive it, so no need to worry about "mishaps".
Yes it's possible, either with a CNAME record like you've suggested or with Cloudfront in front of the bucket, but just use Netlify - It's basically a nice interface to achieve the same thing.
Image Transcription: Twitter Posts
[Screenshot of three tweets from a Twitter timeline. They are transcribed in chronological order, opposite from how they are shown in the screenshot]
David Johnston, @blacksheepcode
#100daysofcode day 50 - This React, SSR, react-router, redux template is working! Next step - get it deploying via Netlify.
David Johnston, @blacksheepcode
#100daysofcode arrgh can someone tell me how people do server side rendering on Netlify? @Netlify
David Johnston, @blacksheepcode… 🤔#100daysofcode
[Link preview:]
JAMstack vs Isomorphic Server Side Rendering | Netlify
The JAMstack runs against all that is Isomorphic JavaScript. It encourages the separation of code between your client and your API while leveraging the use of m...
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Are you familiar with using Github? If so, you don't even have to pay for site hosting - you can host your site for free using Netlify. All you have to do is buy a domain and modify some settings to point it at your Netlify account. It will grab your Github project and host it. Every time you push a change to your Github project, Netlify will grab the update almost immediately and update your site.
No, Netlify is built on the idea of continuous deployment and utilises a git repository to do so. That git repository can be hosted anywhere, but most notably GitLab.
You should either ask more questions or fact check before you say someone who is trying to help you hasn't helped, doesn't exactly make the rest of us want to help.
It looks like you can enable HSTS for your site: (search for Forcing SSL). But beware of the warning on there.
You can also set up a 301 Redirect from HTTP to HTTPS.
Edit: Looks like checking the Force SSL box will set up both HSTS and a redirect. You should be good with that :)
Check out Netlify and Netlify CMS. It is a static hosting site with some extra features are exactly what you are looking for. You can use any static site generator of your choice and the CMS is a simple SPA application that can update pages via an authenticated git gateway that they host meaning you don't need to give people direct access to underlying git repo.
If you are hosting with Netlify, you can trigger a new build for the static site using webhooks. Or myself just set up an automatic build every x hours or every day.
Yeah, definitely agree with this sentiment as well.
Sheets has built-in support for Google Apps Script which is based on pre-ES6 JS (I think) and you can achieve the same thing with no outside dependencies.
It's possible to expose GET and POST endpoints and do whatever read/write operations you want to (and leverage other Apps Script functionality like sending emails from Gmail, etc). I think you might be able to integrate OAuth 2.0 with it as well, thought I haven't tried. I used this method to collect contact form info in a server-less CMS setup and it's been pretty smooth.
If you need the full flexibility of Lambda on a small(er) scale (and static hosting in general), I'd definitely take a look at Netlify which has an amazing free tier. Not affiliated with them, but have had nothing but good experiences with it for server-less hosting and they recently introduced support for ezpz Lambda integration.
Come on, there are plenty of free or practically-free ways to host static files. No need to host from your personal internet connection.
Take a look at something like Netlify.
You also REALLY need to showcase your service's selling points on the website without requiring users to sign up. You don't have the luxury of expecting that users will trade away their time for a signup on the basis of zero information. Don't advertise until you've had the chance to work on marketing content.
You can try netlify. They have really nice docs about how you can setup a site. You can upload your html, css, js manually but also do it automatically via a git remote repository (gitlab, github or bitbucket) or even via command line.
It is a really nice service and i never had any problems with it. You can also have custom domains and https enabled.
No, I'm a developer and I built it with React.js with the create-react-app and I host in on Netlify.
I tried out Wordpress at first, but I found it to be really hard to "customize" it down to the level I wanted.
If your website is just HTML, CSS, and Javascript there's really no need to pay for a web host because there's plenty of services that let you host a site like that for free or at least close to free. And a static site will have no problem scaling if you start getting a lot of traffic since it doesn't have many moving pieces to worry about like web and database servers.
Typically the type of web hosting you get at a traditional web host like the services in the sidebar offers a full server environment that can run dynamic server-side processing for software like WordPress. If your site doesn't need anything dynamic (most informational sites for small businesses don't) then you can just upload the static HTML, CSS, and Javascript files for your site to a service that serves them as-is.
Here are a couple services that offer static hosting free of charge: Github Pages Netlify Surge
I honestly think you'd be better off going down that route if you don't have a need for dynamic server-side functionality. You'll save money and the odds of running into a scaling issue is super low unless you suddenly want to start running dynamic functionality on your website, e-commerce for example.
If you want to chat more about this feel free to PM me, I administer about 20 or so websites with the majority being static sites for local businesses. I don't want to sell you anything, just genuinely want to help you get the best value.
Netlify is awesome. Deployment and administration are very simple and intuitive. The free tier comes with many features. It supports custom domain with free SSL. Here is a nice comparison to GitHub Pages
Netlify is specialized hosting for static sites with extra features. It's really cool. I'm pretty sure they use HTTP2 with SSL and there's support for a lot of static site generators with continuous deployment. Oh and one of the pro plans is free for open source projects.
Harder than I thought to find one that allows you to edit so the URL stays the same, this: should do and has some nice extras.
EDIT: Just set a single file website up, didn't have to use any command line tools, just drag-and-drop, >5 min work :)
You meant the best place to just buy the .lu domain, or the best place to host a site/email after you buy that domain ?
For the hosting you can literally have it hosted on any hosting service in the world. as /u/gdnt0 said. Even free ones could apply, it really depends on what you need.
But about buying a domain, OMG i didn't thought it was THIS terrible. Apparently there are a couple of other options, but it looks hard to get something that doesnt try hard to upsell you a crappy hosting together with it.
I read below that you don't have this hosted anywhere. I think you should check out Netlify. This is an old link but was updated April 2020
Pretty simple really. Push to Github and Netlify deploys it for you. It takes a hot minute but it's really been pretty cool to use lately.
Thanks a lot!
Gatsby has a lot of documentation about implementing blogs in a site. This is a good article on how to get it set up. If you already have a website and want to add a blog section, try this link out.
> Which cms do you use?
I used Netlify CMS for my site.
I recommend reading through this:
Are you hosting the site on your own VPS? It took a very long time to load for me, and Google Lighthouse confirms it isn't just my internet connection.
If it is hosted on your own server, I'd suggest switching over to a static site host like Netlify or Cloudflare Pages, that way it will load quickly regardless of where your visitors come from.
It should be fine, might be worth it for you to read through their instructions for React. Looks like they have some starter templates but also instructions for deploying an existing site.
Do you need php and database hosting or simply static file hosting? If it's only static file hosting you should check out netlify. Their free tier is great and you can deploy via github or just zip up your files and upload them from your browser.
Hi Klubei,
I have a small blog with Jekyll and GitHub Pages. ( Check
>Jekyll is a static site generator with built-in support for GitHub Pages and a simplified build process.
You just have to push the changes to your Jekyll repository and Github will build a static site for you.
If you want to go with Hugo, you have to build it on your local machine and then you have to put the static site to GitHub Pages - so every time you make a change, you have built it locally and push your static site to GitHub pages.
>are netlify, GitHub, and all those free platforms unlimited traffic-wise?
The Netlify free Plan has a 100GB/month bandwidth limit, I am not sure about GitHub Pages.
So, if you are comfortable with Git and GitHub and short of budget ($10 to $20/month) you can go with Jekyll.
>but how do they compare to regular $10 a month shared hosting for example?
WordPress is great, in that case. And we all know, WordPress now powers nearly 40% of websites. WordPress will make this easier for you.
So if you don't mind spending $10 to $20 per month on your blog and want things to be user-friendly. you can go with WordPress.
Hope that helps you!
This might shed some light on it: How do React hooks really work?.
Essentially it's stored in the surrounding scope of the component's render function so that it's available every time render gets called.
>Thanks for the ideas, I have heard of the "library of things" but as far as I know they buy and lend their own things, and don't let people donate items. Plus it's free, if that makes a difference. I still want to own this, I just don't mind lending it to anyone for the rest of the year when I'm not using it.
>For the website: it's just a static HTML, some CSS (but mostly I used bootstrap to get the basic layout), then the JavaScript (for the overlays and animations) is hand written and I am using webpack to bundle it all, deployed with Netlify
>Yes I would let it grow beyond this single tool, but I didn't want to build a massive app if no one will borrow even this. - And I would call it a success even if I just get one or two people to borrow it.
CloudFlare is big enough, but it's in beta so I wouldn't build anything on it yet that I need to not change.
Should be good for a JAMstack architecture.
But I agree that I'd prefer to use a host that could also serve my backend.
It doesn't matter much but it looks cool to be able to just say "visit if you want to see my CV/resume" and helps with "personal branding". This is especially important if you're ever looking to do freelance / consultancy work - you'll want a respectable image that says "I trust this person to join our project for x months to push it over the line" type of thing.
It's also pretty slick if you're looking for internships, can interview or chat at an event with someone and afterwards give them a little card or whatever with your personal site on it. Maybe they don't look at it ever again but if it were me and some 22 year old junior dev did something like that I'd definitely find it cool and indicative of them being more of a go-getter and willing to put in effort i.e. someone I want on my team.
Personally I've got a basic one that uses Gatsby.js and Netlify free tier which gives something like 100GB/month worth of traffic. I bought for like £15. All it has is a basic "About page" with my professional info / resume, a link to email me, a link to my Linkedin and then a blog section that I basically just use for tracking / planning my hiking trips! It was made using a basic template I found online then personally adapted (I'm not a React whiz but it looks exactly how I want it, is responsive etc).
To submit new posts I can just his and have it authenticate using my bitbucket account, then post in a rich text editor or file upload an new version of my CV for really easy content management.
All in it maybe took me 15-20 hours and now I've got a nice independent platform for some professional self-promotion! It is whatever you want to make of it really.
"Im currently using my domain name and sslforfree can't seem to work but Im going to change that in the future" Oh, regarding this: I don't know where you host, but some of the hip new static hosting companies have pretty generous free plans and automatic SSL.
Would recommend or
There is an easier method with FaunaDB and netlify functions. FaunaDB will provide Graphql interface for free. The free tier is like 50MB/day(remember it's json only so kind of doesn't take much data).
I am actually creating my user profiles using these two. Much easier.
For this type of irregular computation you want serverless from Azure, AWS, Google or similar. You will be required to rewrite parts of your code so the hosting service instead of fastify does the routing for each of the endpoints.
I would also suggest instead of using those to use instead. They recently got more funding and their personal accounts are 100% free. You could use the static site hosting and use their pre-built SSL as well.
If you need authentication services as well would be a good bet too. It's more expensive but still cheap compared to microservice/legacy architecture. It has a built in authentication, A/B testing, cache optimizations and more.
If you want you can send me a small sample of your code in a PM and I'll show you what to change to make it work on any of these mentioned platforms.
I'd recommend using Netlify for free hosting / auto deploying your site. Netlify does not have the time limit issues that Heroku does.
For common static site builders Netlify will auto detect your builder and deploy without 0 config.
I use Netlify for personal stuff (free) with no issues.
ugh this is annoying. Thanks for letting me know about it. I'll have to figure out why MalwareBytes flags it.
The website is actually entirely static HTML. All the underlying source code is in this github repo. I use Netlify to build it for free. All that is to say, I can guarantee the website is safe! I'm not sure what MalwareBytes is looking for.
Hey, before trying what you suggested, that I think is a valid approach, I would suggest trying this to improve your build times:
Oh my goodness, I'm sorry I'm not familiar with the current iteration of NeoCities/GeoCities anymore, but that is such a throwback!
I did a quick search regarding NeoCities/GeoCities, and it doesn't seem they support any server-side scripting such as PHP. If you are unable to insert and run <?php //some PHP snippet ?>
, then it will not be possible to have any PHP on that website. You will have to manually insert code snippets to each page.
If you are interested in building a simple website with PHP, I highly recommend GitHub Pages. It is free! /r/web_design have suggested Netlify's free plan as well.
I would say that this isn't something you need to worry about. In recent months the team at Gatsby announced the Gatsby Cloud service that solves this problem. They are constantly optimizing and improving Gatsby performance and build time. Just recently the team at Netlify announced gatsby-parallel-runner which will cut your build time in half for image heavy sites.
Didn't test it myself, not easier than drag and dropping to netlify, but here's a how-to automating the dropbox->netlify process:
You need to set up a redirects rule so that any address that's not the root will know to load your app.
here's a blog post on how to deploy react apps to netlify. look towards the bottom for the part about redirects
Netlify tutorial: says:
>$ bundle install
>This will install the jekyll
gem and create a file called Gemfile.lock.
This file will ensure that Netlify always uses the same version of Jekyll that you used to build your site, thus avoiding any nasty surprises.
>Finally, open .gitignore
in your favorite text editor, and make sure that it includes _site
on one of the lines. With that done, you are ready to push to GitHub.
Not sure if I understand that correctly, do I have to ignore _site or include and push to remote repo?
Essentially you'd use WordPress to just create pages & posts, there's no theme. Then when you add or modify content you'll generate those new static pages to be served on the front end. The nice part about this is that lots of people (writers) are familiar with creating posts in WordPress. The downside is that this approach is fairly technical and you may need or want some help on the front end with design.
Hopefully this article can give you some overall insight into how it'd work and this piece from Netlify (a static site host) includes a list of tech you'd need to make it happen with WordPress, which includes the Gatsby Starter Kit that uses the WordPress API.
This approach could be warranted on a high traffic sites or an existing WordPress site could be migrated to this infrastructure. I was at a very large digital property who migrated from an old CMS to WordPress and a complex front-end using a Content Delivery Network. We needed to maintain extremely valuable, decade-plus SEO rankings too so this transition took some time.
If Gitlab pages is not a must for you, then I advise you to try Netlify. I have blogs on private repositories in Gitlab, but they are served by Netlify (free account). I must say I'm more than satisfied with their service. Continuous deployment and always online...
Note: I'm not affiliated with them in any way, just a happy user.
Imho, is the best service for hosting static sites (that is, no "backend"). If you need that you could always use something like which also has a great free tier for demo/pet projects.
That package.json looks fine, no --production
flag should be necessary.
But come to think of it. The result of a create-react-app build is a build folder with static assets which can be served by any simple server. You might have good reasons for your setup I can't derive from you're post. But running a Docker image that runs Nginx on Heroku is a little overkill for what I'm seeing here. If all you want is just hosting a client side rendere React app, I'd suggest you have a look at Netlify.
To get a better idea of the issue your having it would be good to have a look at your Nginx config as well. Although that might raise more questions of course :)
The output your seeing is your site being fetched from the got repository and built on Netlify's side. They do a lot of things under the hood involving continues integration and deployment, setting up aws lambda functions, redirects, etc. This is all part of that output, and then of course the actual process of deploying this site.
Your in luck, Netlify has environment variable built in ✨
> netlify thanks, never heard about it. But how credible is their comparison?
They say GitHub Pages doesn't have CI. With Travis CI it certainly is not the case. And Cypress integrates nicely into GHP. And what do they mean by Asset Optimizations? In Github Pages is that you can't cache assets for long, which is a big problem for SPAs. Is that different with Netlify?
It may be worth your while looking at Netlify.
Not an endorsement, because I haven't used it, but it's on my list of options for specific circumstances.
Regardless of what the issue is, can we have a status page for masstagger? I've seen a status page SaaS provider ask for the ridiculous price of $29/month (obviously not ridiculous for a huge business website). I haven't done much research into the issue myself but this tutorial would probably be both free and easy:
No problem! I couldn't see any sort of client side framework (totally fine). If/when you feel like you want to bring a JS framework in, I highly recommend: (built on React -- I use this at serious scale, it's great) and gives you Server Side Rendering and a ton of performance out of the box (I bet it would cut your total page load bandwidth in half before you even thought about responsive images).
You can very easily use Next.js in tandem with (from the same company) which makes it super easy to deploy and manage production environments for small projects such as this giving you lots of room to grow and worry less about DevOps.
I have been using namecheap for years without any issues. So that would be my recommendation, unlike godaddy they do not try to constantly upsell you and spam you and such.
For hosting I now a days use netlify. They are a dead simple hosting provider for mostly static sites. Git push and you are done, they take care of the rest. And best of all they are free for simple use cases. Plus it gives you things like forms, A/B testing etc
Do you need backend services for your web app or is this just a term you’ve heard that you think you’ll need in order to deploy? If your web app is all client side (e.g. running in the browser), you can deploy without any backend at all. I’d suggest Netlify.
It's in the Terms of Service. You get 100GB, but you need to conform to their Acceptable Use Policy (no illegal stuff, don't use Netlify as a storage server, no hosting large downloads).
If you just need a static site with SSL/HTTPS you should use Netlify. It covers everything you need and it's free. I've been hosting 5 sites on there for over a year and haven't had any problems.
GitHub doesn't host your DNS. Name servers are where your DNS is hosted.
If you want an all-in-one solution -- DNS (name servers), CDN, CI, cloud functions, etc, I'd recommend Netlify. Their free tier is extremely generous and I use them for all of my sites instead of Github pages (and I don't pay a dime, all of my usage fits in the free tier). What's great about netlify is that you can still deploy on push, but you can use any static site framework you want and they will build it and host it. Even if you don't host your DNS with Netlify I still recommend them over Github pages.