Well, No Reviews, a "hand-curated" store (means who pays the most), no workshop, no forums all things i have to check third-partys plattforms for information. No real refund-policy.
Epic don't try to get to the gamers love through service, no they try to buy it with exclusivity.
Epic dont want the best for customers and devs, its a shareholder driven company (unlike Valve) and shareholder want only one thing: money. One of their biggest shareholder(49%) is Tencent, which is in my eyes the prototype of an evil megacorp.
Maybe Valve will ajust their fee-policy, but i hope for the sake of us all, that epic will fail with their shop.
Just patently wrong. I don't care that people hate other stores, but that's just wrong information.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epic_Games_Store: > For other developers, Epic takes only a 12% share of revenue, the rest going to the developer, and [emphasis mine: AND] for any games developed using the Unreal Engine, Epic forgoes the 5% revenue-based fee for those games sold through their storefront.
tl;dr: 12% for any game on Epic.
>What’s the catch? Is this 88% revenue share a special introductory rate? There is no catch; the 88% share to the developer is the permanent rate. Epic’s 12% share covers the operating costs of the store and makes us a profit.
And just to drill it in to peoples' thick skulls:
> My game is built with Unity or another engine, can I bring it to the Epic Games store? Yes, the Epic Games store is engine-agnostic. Epic is aiming to bring great games to players, regardless of your engine choice.
So what's the deal with Unreal Engine?
> My game is built with Unreal Engine. Why should I ship on the Epic Games store? Beyond the normal ease of shipping on every platform, there are no engine royalties for UE4-based games sold on the Epic Games store. If you’re using the default free license with a 5% royalty, for example, you won’t pay the licensing fees from your sales on the Epic Games store. Royalties from sales on other platforms would remain the same 5%.
Shipping UE games on Steam is 35%(!) (30% steam, 5% UE royalty, about the same as Unity) by default. Steam's cut only decreases as you start making millions, which most games don't. That's a 23% difference. So hate on EGS but don't deny it's a way, way better deal for small or new developers.
Valve had planned to do the same thing at one point, but never ended up doing it. Sony and Microsoft do it. Ubisoft, EA and Activision just buy the studio and make them have to publish under them. Investments do not come without strings. Indie game studios always need investments to make their games. Either they work on the game part time and their investment is their still full time job they work, they get super luck and get a ton of cash early on from sales on Minecraft did, or a large publisher likes their project and gives them a bunch of cash. That is just the way the business world works. It is great when publishers to not push exclusivity clauses in their investments like Sony did for Destiny or Epic does with its games, but usually the exception not the rule.
I honestly believe that console exclusives are bullshit, but really storefront exclusives? It is so fucking painful for you to open a different storefront? The actual Epic Games Launcher runs significantly better as well. I download games faster and it never just randomly locks on me like Steam does.
If you are so worried about the infomation Epic is collecting on the behalf of Tencent, have you error heard of a Pi-hole? You can block those telemetry requests that Epic makes to phone home. It is like a network level ad-blocker.
If you know how to use Linux you can use an old PC and install Ubuntu on it.
Then download the script files from here: https://linuxgsm.com/servers/
Setting up multiple instances is also very easy with Linux GSM.
Does Vulkan support mean Update 5 will include native Linux client??
Multiplayer is currently having a bad time with proton, so a native client would be a huge boon for our penguin friends.
I use Figma every day for work and would love to help if you have any questions about components, variants, responsive scaling, etc.
In any case these look great! Would love to help if you need any.
I actually am going to start a new project in Figma to build the UI of Satisfactory soon as well. Just finished a Zelda BOTW UI Kit using Figma to plan out blueprints like how you have it here is awesome. If you want to try diagram tools, maybe try whimsical. I use it to make some great diagrams.
In any case, I like this. Great job :) I just need to get to this point in the game lol… I usually end around when I unlock Nuclear but never build it lol.
This may be blind luck but i seem to have hit a bug somewhere around update 99xxx that removed all critters from my save.
I've been starting to explore the swamp recently and beside the occasional flying stinger pod plants, i've got nothing to fear. Even been exploring big caves, carefully making my way around bends for fear of finding a bunch of spiders but never found any.
Anyone care to take my save and find some spiders and screeshot the open map so that i can see where there are some left ?
➔ NOTE: The OP used the Individual Free Account and most likely downloaded the appropriate App from Miro.com.
To the OP - You know you have reached a "balanced factory" when your in-game spaghetti factory looks just like your whiteboard production planner! 🤣
Thanks for sharing.
Epic Games
In August 2016, the Epic Games forum suffered a data breach, allegedly due to a SQL injection vulnerability in vBulletin. The attack resulted in the exposure of 252k accounts including usernames, email addresses and salted MD5 hashes of passwords.
Breach date: 11 August 2016 Date added to HIBP: 7 November 2016 Compromised accounts: 251,661 Compromised data: Email addresses, Passwords, Usernames
> put out grants for new indy devs
Just wanted to share that there is more to Epic than "Epic Games".
I made this comment on someone's post about drones, and the more I thought about a VTOL vehicle delivery solution, the more I loved it, so I decided I'd try to make one. I adore Satisfactory's design, and even though I really was trying to make this look like it could fit in the game, it didn't really work out. That said, I've never done any 3D modeling so I was proud of it and wanted to share.
Link to tinkercad thing. (Apparently you could 3D print this if you wanted to).
Python was my first programming language, I learned the fundamentals from this book in about 3 months as a very motivated teenager with too much free time xD. I think newbie-me could replicate this with an example to follow, most of the code that I wrote for this is pretty simple :)
Yeah those arguments seem rather disingenuous, considering Epic has created the hot new IP Fortnite, while also trying and eventually shelving their other new IP Paragon.
Also they've always been known for supporting indy devs, holding several Make Something Unreal competitions since 2004 and having a grant program.
I love me some Autohotkey scripts for this kinda thing, just setup a simple toggle repeater script on an unused key
Save files - Official Satisfactory Wiki. If you're not seeing anything then display hidden files and folders, How to View the AppData folder
I'm not familiar with computer shenanigans but after a quick search, and comparing with the specs (scroll down a bit) I can see your PC should have no problem dealing with the minimum requirements of the game. You should be able to play on medium settings without crap FPS.
"Epic Games supports Blender Foundation with $1.2 million Epic MegaGrant"
"Epic Games releases $12 million worth of Paragon assets for free"
They give a tonne of Assets and Tools away every month. This is so valuable for indie/game devs. People don't realize this.
>Epic is pumping in a lot of money into (indie) game devs too and is securing their jobs.
Yup. Epic even awarded their 'Epic MegaGrant' to Godot. which is a free open-source 2D/3D engine.
No... im just an admirer.... The mod author is helgenius ... A GREAT guy you can find in https://discord.com/channels/555424930502541343/555506832789995521
they use the scroll wheel. a lot of gaming mice have a button that lets you turn the clicking on or off, so if off, they can just give it a flick and it zooms really really fast. i use the logitech g604 myself.
I use this style monitor stand at work for over 100 monitors, I highly recommend it. Not necessarily this model itself...just the style and price level. https://www.amazon.com/Computer-Adjustable-Underneath-STT003-WALI/dp/B07SXGJBSV/ref=sr_1_7?dchild=1&keywords=monitor+stand&qid=1604276357&sr=8-7
Theres this great android/ios game that I played for months while commuting. No microtransaction, etc, only ads (just disable your internet and they won't show. But theres an option to double your afk passive income if you watch one which can be a lot). Not p2w like most other mobile games.
Very similair in concept, but I feel like it would be better suited for a young kid than this. The things are more "in front of you" and the rules are clearer (if factory thing is what she likes looking at and not random stuff).
I played this game for months. I first pirated Satisfactory, but after about 1h I bought it because I knew I'd love it based on my experience with this mobile game.
Highly recommended even for others too, its honestly a great game. Basically Satisfactory on mobile. And people have created crazy lines in this one too, it has a subreddit as well.
You may have already considered this, but I use a gaming keypad (see link below) when I play PC games, and it has been a game changer. You can map each individual key and the one I have has three profiles, which means I essentially have 96 programmable keys on my keypad. There are some that have even more keys, so it might be worth looking into.
You're at a neat point in the game! I really enjoyed wrapping my brain around the problems you're thinking about, and found others' thinking about them useful in parsing it for myself.
My first bit of advice would be to simply avoid trying to plan for the late game in any meaningful way until you're there. The final stage of the elevator is operating at an entirely different scale. I'd encourage you to use the earlier phases as an opportunity to play with all of the options the game gives you--get familiar with the various logistical options, especially trains, and wrap your head around the liquids. Work on developing a consistent pattern language that you can default to, and understand your options so you can be creative with them.
A mega-factory is a plausible option, but can result in some pretty game-breaking performance issues as it scales up. Some people tolerate the framerate issues, or manage to invest enough money in a machine that they can power through it, but conventional wisdom is that it's better to adopt a "modular" approach. (I personally settled on manufacturing each of the four different parts for the final space elevator tier in different spots around the map, just to keep the scenery fresh.) As others have stated, it really is up to you, and there really isn't a "wrong" answer.
(I wrote up a guide/reflection/meditation on the game and my progress through it that you might find helpful; feel free to follow up with any other questions!)
>metal mugs either need to be pressed though multiple dies or spun,
No, these can be stamped fairly easy
>both of which are very expensive, like super expensive considering its for a novelty mug
And, that's one of the more expensive ones. It cost even more than the ones with funny sayings.
>lol also the odds of someone burning them selves on a metal mug are pretty good.
The Enamel and Glaze do not transfer heat as easily as you think, but you hand does get warm. if you put something that hot into the mug, you'd burn your hand on it in a ceramic mug too. Use the handle like your supposed to and you'd be fine.
If you burn your hand more than once... well... survival of the fittest I guess.
here is a set of 6 porcelain enamel cups on amazon for 25 USD considering the mug on the post costs 30 USD this should be considered a scam.
could make it like real life ones. https://www.amazon.com/Nxtop-Industrial-Circular-Indicator-Continuous/dp/B07DN3RH8B each color is a deferent segment on the pole.
Hmmm...Interesting. 🤔
Nuff Said!
Yha this what it feels like hand making everything on a fresh play through. I hated crushing cans, then I bought this for my house and use it all the time.
Sure, you first have to learn German, but if you are not wiling to do that, why are you even playing the game?
The following is quoted from https://www.epicgames.com/store/en-US/product/satisfactory/early-access-weekend
>Will the game be priced differently during and after Early Access?
>We expect the price to increase once we go 1.0, but we don’t know for sure.
I doubt anyone would know the answer except possibly Coffee Stain themselves.
I like the idea. Might not be super easy to setup for someone not that technical though.
Also, I suggest you download this git client. (I think there's a GUI version although I only use git in command line)
No, its because you have been pwned with that email address:
You could argue that Epic should require 2FA by default, though. (Is it at least an option?)
I've had the same cracking attempts on Origin and Rockstar. On Rockstar it actually succeeded and some Russian kid had my account for 9 months.
There's really only two video games I have ever put that many hours into. Satisfactory and FTL.
I've cracked 200 on many games, but never 500.
I'm over 900 on satisfactory and my hours on FTL are skewed. GOG Galaxy says 600hrs, but I've probably put at least 200 into the ipad version as well and those don't total up.
So I was going to make a smartass comment about how there's no way that a save file is 100mb because of what an insane amount of low-level representative data that is, but then I saw this post.
So I guess unreal is just unpleasantly inefficient with its entity data storage and save processes. And there are absolutely ways around the 'has to be done in-between frames' issue, but I guess they haven't gotten around to addressing it quite yet. All I can say is I hope they investigate existing solutions before they try to go roll their own....
They are still in development:
> Cross-Platform Login, Friends, Presence, Profile, and Entitlements (coming Q2-Q3 2019 to PC, other platforms throughout 2019): Provides the core functionality for persistently recognizing players across multiple sessions and devices; identifying friends; and managing free and paid item entitlements. This will support all 7 major platforms (PC, Mac, iOS, Android, PlayStation, Xbox, Switch) to the full extent each platform allows per-title.
> PC/Mac Overlay API (coming Q3 2019): Provides a user interface for login, friends, and other features in a game-agnostic, engine-agnostic way.
> Cross-Platform Voice Comms (coming Q3 2019 to all platforms): Epic is building a new in-game voice communications service supporting all platforms, all stores, and all engines, which will be available for free. (For developers needing an immediately-available voice solution, check out Discord, Vivox, TeamSpeak, Ventrilo, and Mumble.)
> Cross-Platform Parties and Matchmaking (coming Q3-4 2019 to all platforms)
>U could release satisfactory on stadia at the same time as u release satisfactory for steam
No. They would basically need to port the game to make it work with stadia while steam would just be a contract to sign.
But the engine is supported by stadia so it's not impossible that they might but they'll probably wait at least a year before they even start.
Yeah, it works really well. First time I did the procedure with a decent 2.5” Samsung SSD in an enclosure, and it was as snappy as the internal SSD. But that was pain to have hanging off the side of the laptop by a cable, which is when I decided to give the thumb drive a try.
This is the thumb drive I used.
SAMSUNG MUF-256AB/AM FIT Plus 256GB - 400MB/s USB 3.1 Flash Drive https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07D7Q41PM/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_CTMB0SWEWXPPEHBGJ5CC?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Have you tried a complete reinstall?
1 - back up you save games (same location as in step 3) 2 - Uninstall game 3 - go to C:/users/USERNAME/AppData/FactoryGame/ and delete that too (link for more locations: https://pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Satisfactory) 4 - reset pc (clear any in cache references) 5 - reinstall game as per normal 6 - test game (! No restoring save files yet) 7 - if it still crashes: your plonked, contact devs and tell em what you've been up to 8 - if no longer crashes: (8) - - back up new game dat (loc in step 3) (8) - - replace old save games & test (9) - - - if crashes: old save games corrupted (9) - - - else restore new save games and start anew
(suggesting this as you seem to have been testing with the game installed to no avail)
Copy and paste that into the File Explorer address bar. Then create a shortcut to that SaveGames folder on your Desktop, Documents, or somewhere obvious to easily find it in the future.
I just want to play the game, I don’t care if it’s on Steam, Origin, Blizzard, EGS, or some DVD that I have to buy.
And yes, the developers get a way bigger cut. It says so on their official website.
The minimum specs can be found at https://www.epicgames.com/store/en-US/product/satisfactory/home.
I'd say you should be alright but you may not be able to maximize graphics settings at 1080p.
They're targeting mid-May. That way it'll be an early release if they get it out prior to that, and not too delayed if it comes out later in May. It's definitely too early to say anything more specific. They'll give us an update closer to the actual Steam release (most likely the week before, as they tend to do with big releases).
You could also just purchase it on Epic Games Store and play it right now :) They will end up with a larger cut of the sale if you want to support them (88% rather than 70% on Steam, as the price will be the same), and they've confirmed EGS/Steam cross-play if you want to play with someone on EGS/Steam.
I run the steam version fine with Proton 5.13. Have you tried using the lutris installer for EGS? It sets up wine tricks and dxvk so should be pretty close to proton: https://lutris.net/games/satisfactory/
Sounds like your pc is getting hot and shuts down to prevent killing the CPU and motherboard. Go check your system (with i.e. HW Info). Might be several options, like your CPU cooler (fan or pump) has died, some connectors have come loose. Or maybe you did remove the cooler lately and didn't put it back the right way (forgot cooling paste, tightened it too hard or too loose, the cooling plate of the cooler isn't touching the CPU etc.).
If it's not the temperature, a failing PSU might be a problem as well (like it is overheating due to failing fans). Or did you install some shitty programs lately and got some viruses/malware?
Or did you install some upgrades lately (like newer/better CPU, graphics card, RAM) and didn't you check your power supply can run these new parts?
I used an approach kind of like that at a different area in my system, as seen in the picture here. I did that in this case since there's an elevation change already, but in the intersection in the original picture I wanted to keep it all flat. :)
I said leak. What I meant was breach. Epic has had data breaches (usernames and passwords leaked). Steam has had no such thing that I am aware of (I double checked and didn't see anything but could be wrong. I've gotten notification from Epic of a breach and that I needed to change my password. No such thing from Steam) If you use https://haveibeenpwned.com/PwnedWebsites you will see that Epic Games and Unreal engine are listed as being breached in August 2016.
I just tested under google sheet: I confirm the% problem in pressurizers. And that of the error, with the cooling system. It comes from google sheet, which must incorrectly translate certain formulas. Not working with it, I wouldn't know how to fix it.
You will not have these problems with libreoffice: https://www.libreoffice.org/download/download/
Yeah I've never really looked into exactly why it's implemented this way, but Unreal Engine does not fully take advantage of concurrency (ie. using multiple cores). I've seen conflicting claims about whether it uses multiple cores at all, but I haven't really investigated that one way or another so I'm not going to pretend to know exactly how and why UE implements concurrency/parallelism. I've only thought about this before because my other favorite game (Squad) suffers from similar issues and is also built on UE.
To provide an alternate set of specs, my desktop is getting worked on right now and I've been running the game off of an external SSD on a 3-4 year old Lenovo legion gaming laptop. I've put video settings on medium just to keep the fans from going nuts, but it runs just fine (~100 fps aside from the occassional stutters I still get on my much nicer desktop). Basically, you need basic specs but I don't think upgrading core hardware (like CPU or GPU) really leads to significant performance increases for satisfactory. Otherwise I would assume that the laptop would suck ass
Or this one: Journey To The Savage Planet
(by the way: CSS should send their lawyers - they even use the same coloring) ;-)
https://www.factorio.com/blog/post/fff-192 Here.
The difference to my mind with Factorio though, is its been a slow burn, trading over a year to reach that 1 million mark Not to take away the huge achievement that it is, just that it wasn't a huge seller out the gate, more that it's success grew over time.
Fun fact: Factorio is more often RAM bottlenecked (performance, not size... think GHz and ns, not GB) than CPU! They have studied this problem enough to know that there's even CPU capacity to throw in some extra consistency checks during bulk operations like autosaves. Throwing more threads/cores at this problem wouldn't help.
On top of that, the determinism requirements (especially for multiplayer) impose a lot of overhead related to thread synchronization and interaction.
If you're interested, you can read more here: https://www.factorio.com/blog/post/fff-215 and here: https://forums.factorio.com/viewtopic.php?t=53769
> To my surprise, the parallel version didn't speed things up, it was actually even slower.
Parallel programming is hard to get right, and often backfires, causing chaos across the board.
Multiple monitors I assume?
DisplayFusion, https://www.displayfusion.com/ also available on the Steam Store. Recommend getting it through Steam if you are already using Steam.
Under Settings -> Functions. Scroll down to Mouse Cursor. Set a hotkey for Lock/Unlock Mouse Cursor to Current Focused Window. I used Pause / Break.
While in the game, hit pause/break, it will lock the cursor to the window. Then when you want to move the cursor to another window, pause/break and do so.
they were connected alright, just running 30% efficiency (or so). I found someone else with the same issue and they did find a workaround so in the end I had to redesign my pipes to look like this (the black pipes are oil input):
I've also run into a strange issue with water where if you split a 300m³ pipe into 3 using a normal junction it'll result in 3 pipes of 99m³ each. No clue why.
This causes my alu solution production to run at 96% (each takes 100m³ of water) which is also pretty annoying.
Haven't found a reason why nor a fix for this one. Other than either running a pipe per pump/alu solution refinery or pulling in an extra pipe to overfill the production. But I don't like that this is necessary. A 300m³ pipe should be able to feed 3 refineries taking 100m³ each or is that just me?
I've also considered the possibility that this might be fps related since my base has grown quite large and even with all settings reduced to lowest I'm only getting an estimated 20-30 fps.
Because I've also started running into weird issues where a 480 line of ore could no longer keep 16 smelters (each taking 30) provided. No matter how i split the belt.
But when i restarted the game the next day the issue had disappeared.
So at this point i just don't know anymore.
One thing I realized after finishing my first multi-floor factory was that you want to have a splitter after each output leading into a storage box. What I wrongly did was have the output go straight into a storage box and then output from that storage box from the next step... but if you end up with the higher tech stages using more of the material than the previous stage is generating it'll empty the box and you won't be able to easily replenish your inventory.
When making it I used an Excel sheet to track what was being produced on each floor and where everything had to be such that ingredients only went upwards lol https://www.screencast.com/t/x9iWNYcZ
My issue right now is that I over-did the screw production and now I'm short on stators because all the rods are being used on screws before making to the stator section, this game is hard!
A little Statistics about this building:
We (that’s me and friend Flo (u/Affenjunge2610)) needed around 100-125h to build this building.
It was supposed to be our secondary Factory.
Width: 520m
Depth: 376m
Hight: 924m (including Radar Tower)
The Underground Garage has 22.528m² and 1.081.344m³
The Ground floor has 193.920m² and 9.308.160m³
The whole building has 1.364.944m² and 53.440.752m³
And yes, I have measured out every single floor, but it would be too much to write every single floor in here. And yes, I have nothing better to do with my time 😅😂
Every Floor consists of a 12 Walls high Floor for constructing and on top a 3 Walls high Floor for connections, conveyor belts, pipes, etc.
The Building has a total of 13 Floors + 12 floors in between for connections.
Mods used for this:
- X3 Roads
- X3 Signs
- Decoration (For the greening of the ceillings and the trees on the breakyards)
- Moar Factory (For a few more walltypes)
- WFurniture (For decorations on one of the breakyards)
And of course, we didn’t used Mods that ease the building process. We build everything by hand and went crazy on it, because the game runs on this save on around 10 FPS and every 5 Minutes there is an autosave of 40-50 Seconds where Flo gets a connection time out.
We really hope you guys like this building. We are definitely proud of it.
I have found zero reason to not trust Epic. However, we are talking about the internet, so nothing is 100% safe!!!
I do however recommend https://privacy.com/ for one-time use credit card numbers when buying stuff online.
Unfortunately I can't help you for that. I did recommend letsencrypt because they are big names that support this web site (mozilla and effort)
I guess there will more useful details on https://letsencrypt.org/getting-started/ Look for the "without shell access" (aka SSH - except if you do have such feature)
Look at all the buildings that get posted. I just come up with them as I get along. I look also at the landscape and use that. I only use reddit for Satisfactory, so you can look at the various things I did right here I use mods to help me make it look nicer. Especially the Structural Solutions mod.
You can also just do a search on werid buildings and rebuild one of those.
I started with square boxes, the gradually did something different for the next part. Sometimes I start with the building, sometimes I start with the machines. Sometimes I do machines a part, then building them machines again. It all depends on the moment.
Never used it, but apparently there are on both Epic and Steam things to do a verification or the like of the file. And then search engines are an option
Due to the width of the Table and the number of Rows, I strongly recommend creation of a Google Sheet and the sharing of a Link.
Your Reddit Post will get buried over time, and unless readers save the Post, your efforts will be lost or you will have to recreate Post.
Using a Google Sheet, you can simply share the link without having to recreate the TABLE again.
Just a thought. 🤔
I've made a couple of timelapses as of late, and been asked a lot how I make them, so here's a guide!
Caution: the way I deal with the movement and turning is ... frustrating... and could probably be drastically improved with the right kinds of mods...
What you'll need:
1: a second copy of the game (can be either steam of epic store).
2: a second computer.
3: reWASD (https://www.rewasd.com/).
4: JoyToKey (https://joytokey.net/en/).
5: OBS, or some other program that lets you record your screen.
6: Patience aplenty.
I use reWASD to alter the sensitivity of the sticks on a controller down to just above the game's deadzone (this cost me a bit of money though... but I've wanted to make timelapses in this game ever since I first saw it... so... yeah). Then I put something heavy on the stick, making it perpetually move in the direction I want the camera to move. There are probably better ways to alter the movement speed to a crawl out there... but none that I have found.
I use JoyToKey to set a repeating command to the a button the dpad of the controller. it repeats moving the mouse one pixel left, 10 times per second... and then I set the mouse sensitivity in-game to 1 (default is 4). this makes for an almost imperceptible turning when I press the dpad-button in question.
Now.. After you have all that set up... there is one more huge frustration. the game will crash. Often. The timelapse in the video was of a little over an hour of gameplay.. and it crashed 4 times.
That's my process currently. If we're talking wishlists, then I would love a spectator mod with programmable waypoints...
I don’t believe that PS4 will support unreal engine unless you have a dev kit. (Do some research I might be wrong). It may have some optimisations done for PS5 (will be released sometime in 2020/2021). You should seriously build a tower. The min specs are on this website. https://www.epicgames.com/store/en-US/product/satisfactory/home
>At FICSIT inc. you will take part in the Save the Day program, providing short-term solutions for long-term problems, possibly with the help of your friends.
Offline mode seems to be in already according to the trello, yet it didn't seem to do anything a couple of days ago when my broadband went down! (Regional issue, rather than anything up with my local setup. i.e. VDSL Modem was connected (showed up/down sync rates), but no Internet settings were applied (no IP, no DNS etc)).
I ran the Epic Launcher, with no Internet, and all I got was a black background window, with the Epic icon top left, and three animated dots in the middle as if it was waiting for something. No menus, nothing to ask if I wanted to run in offline. Left it there for a good 5 minutes. No change.
Launched Steam as a test, and it tried to connect for about a minute, then popped up a 'Do you want to switch to offline' prompt, as I'd expect.
According to this: https://www.epicgames.com/store/en-US/news/launcher-offline-mode it shoudl just detect you're offline, and ask you. Seems the Epic launchers code to detect no Internet, isn't very good atm!
do you even know what refund system is used for in marketplaces? you don't understand such a basics? yet you are trying to argue about other things
obviously epic gets more money if then make game exclusive can we get even more obvious? that's the point you were trying to make? I can't tell anymore, your delivery sucks
as a customer what I care about is my experience, by making games exclusive to Epic store, as a customer I'm forced to buy there if i wanna play, and they know that meaning they don't need to offer better USER experience than the competition which is unhealthy for everyone it's about the monopoly you idiot.. seriously.. give me one example where monopoly meant well being of a paying customer? perhaps there are some, but they are very rare..
obviously you think me and many others are buthurt because we need to buy a game on other store, seriously how dumb you actually are to think that's what everyone is upset about? I tried to dumb down it for you but you persist on your not only uneducated but fundamentally wrong arguments
the only reason why I was speaking in favor of steam in my previous posts because steam offers much more than epic store and if CSS wasn't greedy they would publish their game there no doubt..
if going after better user experience means I'm steam's fanboy so be it, not like there are any other choices, you keep getting raped by corporate over there > https://www.epicgames.com/store
I know I can't win with stupid, but at least I tried
Sorry in advanced for not being able to make it a gif, Reddit doesn't like my .mp4 files apparently. And the website I tried to use ( https://convertio.co/mp4-gif/ ) didn't either.
Fire up OCCT (https://www.ocbase.com/) and do a CPU test (Linpack and the other, not sure how it is called). Be sure to make it utilize all cores. If it is the CPU you should see errors within the first minute of the test and maybe you can reproduce the crash that way. From your description it may be CPU or the PSU. Theoretically it could also be the MB (some PWM not working properly when stressed) but i never encountered that as a problem.
> Is it when you build too many objects too far from each other (like having a for example a Steel factory in the south west, an iron factory in the north east and like a coal power plant in the north west) and thus too much rendering happening on the map that makes the game load too much data and it starts lagging?
No, factory buildings that are far enough away that they're not even rendering is an easier workload than if you build everything in one huge megabase.
> I get these stutter freezes every 5 seconds, where like 30 Frames are frozen.
I would get a hardware monitor program like OHM or HWinfo to check out temperatures on your CPU, video card to make sure you aren't having problems via overheating. Also make sure that you aren't running out of ram while playing the game.
If you're serious I'll do some more photos. This 6 story, 6x10 took me like 6 hours to build. It could probably fit in 6x8 but my whole build uses 6x10 microfactories so I was going for consistency.
This is the output side. https://imgbb.com/
The whole base has taken me like 70 hours since the patch released but this is my 4th time building so it went much faster then the others.
Haven't found one, so i ended up using my dayjob tool called Figma. Once i made all the graphics and components, making the diagrams themselves became a piece of cake. It takes about 10-20 min depending on the factory complexity. Doing the ratios math is the hard part.
I think I'm doing this right I just signed up
All I could think about while reading this is that the tool experiences gforce.
I think that, in the first part of reentry it should stay normal, then, as the air drag increases, it should go down (it does not experience air drag). Maybe on landing it should bounce up a little.
Disclaimer: I don't know much about rocket physics / space physics, but that's my logic. Also did some tests with dropping my pencil case.
Davinci Resolve is free with no catches(that I've found yet) and makes great tutorials on how to use it.
Note: it'll ask some survey stuff if you put random text it will accept
If you like the sound but without the goats, you can check out the tech house channel here: https://www.di.fm/techhouse
We do also have Coyu hosting shows if you ARE looking for some Saura sounds with cats/goats and the like
Just to give you a different option:
A friend has no Gaming PC at all and he recently successfully tried https://shadow.tech which offers you a windows VM with good performance and network quality. A shadow instance costs 30€ (paid yearly) or 40€ per month.
I dont't know how much an AWS instance costs so you'll have to compare the prices yourself
If you want to play from work: Chrome Remote Desktop has worked through the corporate firewalls of every place I've worked. It's free and very handy for remoting in to install updates and open the game to let it run, scan hard drives, and fill inventories. The framerate is too low for exploring outside the safety of base but manageable for walking around base with a bit of patience. It no longer requires a separate utility either, just bookmark the remotedesktop.google.com/access URL. You do have to have the Chrome browser installed and need to enable each computer at each end before you can use it though.
I have Enhacer for Youtube as a plugin. It is great, because it makes not only the viewable area better, but can also turn off autoplay and a LOT of other settings. But just for those two reasons it is well worth its price of 0USD.
I can prove Epic does bribes. Take a look at a quick internet search: Epic times exclusivity deals
> No one talks about "bribes" when a game get a PS4/XBOXOne exclusivity
Yes, Microsoft and Sony are bribing developers too. However, a bigger, more focused-on point, is that you have to buy the hardware in these cases. Bit more pressing than bribes, but they are still an issue.
> no one talks about bribes when a clothing brand realease some new exlusive stuff you can only buy in their very latest shop they opened.
(emphasis added by me)
THEIR latest shop. The company wasn't bribed into releasing only in one shop, it's THEIR shop. So it's the same situation as with Fortnite and Valve games.
> They're making the deals they need to make if they ever want to compete with Steam.
At the cost of the consumers. These are suddenly games which I can't play on Linux as Epic apparently actively tries to stop the use of Wine or Proton. Linux support is definitely the first thing needed to compete now. The argument of "you don't have to buy the hardware" is moot for linux users as they HAVE to buy Windows or MacOS.
This one still crashed both EA and Exp, but the save editor loaded it (might be that I'm out of RAM though - 4GB).
Anyway, I did the mass dismantle and set the hub built to false (one of the issues I have to fix), and the resource node to unoccupied (another issue I have to fix..) Still crashes my game, but the save editor opened it. Hope it works: https://gofile.io/?c=6bVfhg
I was using the nvidia gamestream thing to stream the alpha from my desktop at home to my work PC. I was using a hacky workaround to do PC-PC streaming outside my network though, called Moonlight. Worked way better than I expected, but that's pretty universal to any game.
No OP: but anyone else looking to do this, check out Resilio Sync.
Share your games save folder with read/write
Give friend link
He installs and adds folder and sycs to same folder on his PC
You play, it will update his save and vice versa. Just gotta check to see if anyone is currently playing before you start.
There are many software packages that are way better for logging and debugging and for software development that are intended for that purpose. Reddit (as a concept) would be better, but there are even better tools where they can easily link and assign tasks.
And they are often free, yet intended for big projects and at a very professional level. Two I have experience with (as a user) are https://www.bugzilla.org/ and https://www.redmine.org/
And yes, they can limit the amount that users will see. And there will be others, depending on their specific needs. But the least you should have is that the user can see what he or she posted.
If you try it and check your console output, you'll see that it failed because Cross-Origin Request are blocked. By enabling CORS (or simply poking the address yourself : https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbwQq-kQrbvLujqaX0\_MQy1GOrmtuCiv49U4XmIQPZsAXWEO9F3C/[email protected] ), you'll get a simple json containing : {"status":1,"message":"Email not found or you should have received a secret code with your key"}
And honestly, I did not expected it to work : the countdown is kinda short, and anything beyond is probably good fun trolling from CSS, so let's relax and wait until Simon(s) hate all the keys
The "enter email for code" page could still be legit despite people saying all it does is return false.
It calls a google macro with whatever you put in that email box as the argument and then parses the response.
If you want to test submissions without having to type in the box you can just navigate to the following link and replace YOURINPUTHERE with whatever you want to test
> their launcher is basically a chrome locked in what websites they allow (like Discord)
https://electronjs.org is what it is. Chromium front-end, node.js backend.
I case anyone didnt want to risk the shady link it's going to https://www.worldtimebuddy.com/event?lid=0,8,5746545&h=0&sts=25882560&sln=17-17.5&a=show&euid=98385f08-4aef-86e4-4dc1-b1eb0d7705d9
A good site for figuring out multiple time zones
Specifically, it's playable until the 11th at 5pm GMT. For me that's 10am Monday morning. I might get a little bit of a late start for work tomorrow.
For anyone like me who has a hard time figuring out time conversions in their head. https://www.worldtimebuddy.com/
I guess if you're going to pay even minimal hosting costs then you could probably provide a full-featured API and adjust rate-limits an what-not later, when or if traffic becomes some kind of problem (e.g. too-high costs).
What kind of requests are you thinking would be "slow"?
Are you thinking of providing 'calculator' info, e.g. production/factory plans/networks?
What I've been thinking about is a tool to analyze an 'existing' plan/network (factory). A factory would be input as 'diagram markup' (e.g. using something like Mermaid, a JavaScript library that can, among other things, make flowchart diagrams from markup). The tool would let you know the throughput of the factory, and each component building, so you could, e.g. underclock buildings to smooth power consumption, or know how much of a resource node is being used.
I might look at 'forking' the Satisfactory Tools data JSON file (and whatever they use to generate it) and use that in my hypothetical tool.
Also, just curious – what are you going to write your API in? I've been writing a lot of Elixir code so that's what I'll probably use myself.
Not sure if that means you are interested, but in case. I will see how many are going to show interest in the coming days, and will try to have a meeting with everybody in a few days. It would be great if you could click when you would have time here. https://doodle.com/poll/hh5nfmdqmx86ac8d?utm_source=poll&utm_medium=link
Yeah, not sure what you are on about but they have been purchasable since May 2020. I have one running retropie on my desk right in front of me.
Here's a full kit ready to ship with everything one might even need: https://www.amazon.com/CanaKit-Raspberry-8GB-Extreme-Kit/dp/B08B6F1FV5?th=1
I have all of my steam games installed on an external SSD. I found that it really improved my game performance over the internal hard drive. This is the one I use.
SanDisk 1TB Extreme Portable SSD - Up to 1050MB/s - USB-C, USB 3.2 Gen 2 - External Solid State Drive - SDSSDE61-1T00-G25 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08GTYFC37/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_9X5VDA6CTSK5EY4F9EHG
By the specs I would say, game runs fine at your laptop. Medium-High settings wouldn't be a problem for the hardware.
Only concerns I have is the temperatures of your laptop. Might get pretty hot for continues high load on CPU and GPU. So maybe get a Laptop cooling pad to prevent overheating your system.
I've been using ergonomic keyboards for years because I work in an office and could feel the carpal tunnel set in early. I've migrated to this specific keyboard because it's comfortable to use and can pair with 3 different bluetooth devices. I also use a Logi trackball that can pair with 2. So I can flip between my work and personal computer very quickly.
Or if you wanna keep it traditional
> If it were the stator, the "fingers" where the coil is wound around would be pointing inward, as that's where the magnetic field needs to go.
With respect, you can find lots of examples of stators with the coils on the outside of the shaft. Seems to be more of a design decision than an intrinsic requirement for all stators.
>I won't go into the rare cases of heavy-starting motors where the stator also rotates at the beginning
Actually, could you? I would be interested to learn more – even just a link to a relevant Wikipedia article would be appreciated. I did try googling “heavy start motor” but didn't find a lot of success.