The full paragraph is - Lastly, regarding other games in development at Respawn, it is important to understand that there are entirely separate development teams working on Apex Legends and Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. Additionally, in order to fully support Apex Legends, we are pushing out plans for future Titanfall games. No resources from the Apex Legends team are being shifted to other titles in development here at the studio, nor are we pulling resources from the team working on Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order
Stryders go from 6.002 seconds per dash charge to 7.923 seconds, meaning 12.004 seconds for a full recharge and then 23.77 seconds. The Atlas maintains the same recharge rate, and obviously the Ogre has nothing to worry about.
I'd like to remind everyone that this was the case with the Burn Card in Titanfall 1 as well, so it's not terribly unprecedented, though it's definitely another one for the "Shit Respawn Should Really Say Somewhere" book.
Amazon. Just type Apex Legends weapons.
Like this APEX Legends Games 1/6 Metal Triple Take Sniper Rifle Gun Model Action Figure Arts Toys Collection Keychain Gift
Like a walking ambulance? I like that idea
Semi relevant: Video games technically aren't allowed to use a "Red Cross" symbol for health
The game "Prison Architect" got caught out by this recently
Some games seem to get away with it while others get around it by using things like a red "H" or using a white cross on a red background
>Additionally, in order to fully support Apex Legends, we are pushing out plans for future Titanfall games.
Which, hopeully won't mean stupid little dinky mobile games are on the horizon.
From the wiki:
>Match Trigger Kill 15 Pilots with the G2A4 Rifle Allows you to fire as fast as you can pull the trigger.
I assume it gets rid of any timing mechanism on firing.
Kotaku posted the news here but they deleted the post immediately. My reaction was as follows
At first I was like
"Oh, another one of those game dying threads"
Then I saw that Kotaku was the OP and I went.
I read the article and went full on
"No. Oh no. Not this. No fucking way. Oh fuck. No. Just no. Fuck."
Then I went to grab my backup whisky bottle and poured me a stiff one.
Maybe closer to release, once the dust of getting the game finished starts to settle, I can see about putting together a "College Student" PC spec. There's also always Origins "Great Game Guarantee" that lets you refund your purchase within 24 hours of first launching it as well.
For a good one, yes. For one that is perfectly good for this purpose, no. My suggestion would be SoftEther, it's really simple to use.
Just install and run it, double click "VPN Gate Public VPN Relay Servers" and select one of the East Asian or North American ones. Then you just start Origin and it should download the game, if you haven't already preloaded using the same method. While the game is downloading, you can (without even pausing the download) disconnect from the VPN so you get your ordinary download speed. Then, you may have to close Origin and login through the VPN again for the game to unlock, not completely sure about that, and finally just disconnect the VPN (or simply exit the program) and click Play!
As long as you keep Origin running your game will stay unlocked, but if you log out for some reason, just enable the VPN in the same manner before launching Origin again.
I'm just wearing this under the armor. My costume is inspired by the original Gates/Cooper recolour.
Back when Apex launched on steam.
You don't get more direct than a character holding a companion cube
You're on an American website. Deal with it.
Me and my buddy had a brawl on Fowardbase Kodai. Then the whole enemy team apart from one guy got disconnected or ragequit, whatever the reason was. After a small group chatter he turned the whole situation into a photo shooting because we still had 1:30 minutes on the clock. And now we are friends with him. Awww
Okay so wall running is faster than sprinting, right? And the more wall runs you chain together, the faster you go. So once you get some speed built up, you can jump off and continue on the ground at that speed provided you time your jumps accurately.
Here is a 10 second video I just recorded showing it. Hope it makes sense.
You have to jump right when you hit the ground. In Titanfall, we have the added benefit of being able to double jump, and the second jump will still carry your momentum. It takes a little bit of practice, but it can get you around the map pretty fast if you utilize it in routes.
Found the scorch one on Amazon.
Edit: BT one as well.
Titanfall 2 Official BT7274 Key Ring
It lets you stream your PC to other devices, so you can game anywhere. You need to have an NVIDIA GTX/RTX to do so.
I played one and a half games trying various weapons without a single kill before deciding their was no possible way anyone on mobile can get a kill.
They are also available on Amazon.
It's worth a 100 dollars to me. Realistically though, it's probably some kind of thrift store that haven't updated their prices in forever. $20 dollars on origin right now.
Stop taking the blame off Respawn please. Yes, they are good developers, but they also make mistakes, and one of them is monetization. They have already admitted it but apparently they do not change.
>In British English, a billion used to be equivalent to a million million (i.e. 1,000,000,000,000), while in American English it has always equated to a thousand million (i.e. 1,000,000,000).
I appreciate the effort you put in this, but I'd like to point out that there are a lot of better (at least easier and free) solutions out there.
If you have an AMD GPU (HD 7700 Series and up) you might want to consider Raptr (AMD Gaming Evolved). It's capable of doing the same thing as Shadowplay (instant replays) with no performance loss. You're able to record at 1080p@.
If you have AMD and want some more customization for your stream or recording I recommend a fork of OBS with support for AMD hardware encoding (OBS fork download). This uses the same technology as Raptr so it shouldn't affect performance, but it isn't a stable release yet so there might be some memory leaks in it causing it to freeze every so often (depending on quality).
For Nvidia, just use Shadowplay. The default OBS version already supports Nvidia encoding, so no worries if you want to use that.
If anyone needs help setting recording stuff up, send me a PM.
EDIT: Also, what's up with that codec? They call it a lossless codec and the first thing they're explaining is that they use better compression?
Yes, Origin Mexico is about $37! Here's how to order from there:
Use a Mexican proxy or VPN (e.g. sign up for the free trial at and set everything up)
Go to (if your VPN is working, the website should be in Spanish, or auto-translated English)
Add Titanfall to your cart. It should be listed at 500 pesos, plus what I'm assuming is sales tax. Continue with the checkout process as normal. Add any other discounted games you'd like as well.
After you attempt to purchase the game, the website will ask you to login to your Origin account. Disable your proxy/VPN connection at this point, and then log in.
You're done! Just purchase the game like you would any Origin game. Origin asks for your shipping address for some reason, and some people say you're less likely to be "caught" if you use a fake Mexican address, while others say you're less likely to be accused of fraud if you use a real address. I used my real one, since I haven't heard anything about EA prohibiting or revoking purchases.
If you signed up for a free trial to get access to a Mexican VPN, make sure to cancel the trial, so you are not charged extra money when the trial expires.
I put it into the wayback machine at and found this
It's apparently the webpage of one of the environment artists who worked on the game, Andrew Hackathorn. Dunno why he blanked it tho.
The helmet's still available as a standalone on Amazon if you want one. I can say it is uncomfortable, hard to see out of, and is so big it makes me look like a bobblehead. It's a nice display piece, though.
I never understood why this never became the go to answer for these threads:
Try out the game for free for 48 hours with Origin Game Time:
The simple answer for PC players: Yes, the game is still alive. Some game modes you can't find lobbies for, others are alive during peak hours and sometimes a bit later, and everything else is accessible anytime of the day. (For the record, I'm a native of North America, things may change if you live in Europe.)
The biggest question is whether or not you're fine with only being able to access the game modes that are still viable. The only real way to answer that is if you try the game out yourself, but to help you out a bit more: TDM, PvE "Horde mode", and campaign are the three modes that seem to always have a lobby going.
And if the mods are listening: Can we get another link at the top of the subreddit that sends you off to the Origin Game Time page, or perhaps something in the sidebar that mentions you can play the game for free for 48 hours if you're unsure about buying the game outright? When Titanfall 2 comes around and this game gets a small spike in popularity, I can see this question getting another surge in popularity of its own.
historically the game's been cheaper ($5 at gamestop before the season pass was free and $6 for digi deluxe on amazon) but $8 is still a hell of a deal for this game.
if you're not sure if you will like it or want to see how long matchmaking takes, give the game a try for free with origin game time
Here's a link to the creators profile, in case any of you wanted to try printing one of these yourself. There are also files for a vanguard and ion!
Use a Mexican proxy or VPN (e.g. sign up for the free trial at and set everything up)
Go to (if your VPN is working, the website should be in Spanish, or auto-translated English)
Add Titanfall to your cart. It should be listed at 500 pesos, plus what I'm assuming is sales tax. Continue with the checkout process as normal. Add any other discounted games you'd like as well.
After you attempt to purchase the game, the website will ask you to login to your Origin account. Disable your proxy/VPN connection at this point, and then log in.
You're done! Just purchase the game like you would any Origin game. Origin asks for your shipping address for some reason, and some people say you're less likely to be "caught" if you use a fake Mexican address, while others say you're less likely to be accused of fraud if you use a real address. I used my real one, since I haven't heard anything about EA prohibiting or revoking purchases.
If you signed up for a free trial to get access to a Mexican VPN, make sure to cancel the trial, so you are not charged extra money when the trial expires.
You can get the helmet and scarf in the Vanguard Edition from Amazon. There's an option to get it without the game, that's how I got mine.
Edit: Titanfall 2 - Vanguard Collector's Edition - Standalone
As far as vision goes, it's not as bad as you'd expect. Heat and fogging isn't an issue either, at least for me. Although it does get a bit more difficult when you turn the visor on.
Godspeed, Pilots.
There are some conspiracy theorists who think EA intentionally released TF2 at a bad time to limit sales so they could buy up the development company, Respawn - which they did.
Not gonna lie, it's not great, but it is not like you won't find a match or anything like that.
There's a free trial:
Edit: Just to clarify: the player count is not great. The game is!
> ...but with modern TV's it is no different than a PC monitor...
That's really untrue. Modern TVs have worse latency than old school CRTs. Modern HDTVs have internal image processing that their CRT predecessors (for the most part) lacked.
Based on CNET's findings, the fastest HD TV on the market still has 16.9 ms of display lag. Not that you should take my word for it, but as a personal anecdote, I can tell you that I have the top rated HD TV in that link, and when I hosted a small Super Smash Bros (Project M) tournament just a week or so ago, I received several complaints from players who moved between that and CRTs.
But even modern LED monitors get lower than that, even if we don't consider CRT monitors, which are often 1ms or below. You can check out an arranged list of display devices based on their display lag here. It labels the device as a monitor or TV as well.
Link to the video for the lazy: link
I'm pretty sure it's a problem with the source engine. I've seen it happen before in L4D2. Maybe redownloading files would help? Not that it matters now.
Joytoy, I got a Steel Bone mech and it's almost an Ogre-class. Making some modifications
physical copies are less than $12 on amazon, prime shipping eligible:
since the season pass is free this version will give you the same amount of content as the digital deluxe edition of the game
the physical copy will be missing a couple foreign languages. you can buy the digital copy of the game from the brazilian origin store to get all the languages, plus no waiting for shipping, also for less than $12.
Uh.. it's NOT a port, though (assuming you're implying it was developed for console and "ported" to PC...)
Respawn initially developed the game for PC, then during development it was 'ported' to console. Which... is the exact opposite of what you said.
11-12 USD on mexican origin store (~ 9 EUR / 7,2 GBP)) for season pass.
EDIT: How? Use this:
>He wont get a refund BECAUSE IT WILL WORK. Nothing will be wrong with the software, the game itself is fine, its a time bomb, even if people buy the game when it is dead, they cant get a refund as the game will function, there will just be nobody to play with.
Wrong, cockbag. Maybe you should actually get a clue about what you're talking about before you start spouting this bullshit.
Because your point is that Titanfall will fail because Ghosts failed. If the reason why Ghosts failed is because it's a bad game, and Titanfall isn't a bad game, it stands to reason that it won't fail
Would you like to give a few examples? Because I can really only think of the CoD series, which has been doing pretty well, arguably with the exception of BLOPS 2 and MW3.
>I was not making any judgement on your intellect you moron,
Season 1 trailer.
If you look closely around the 30 second mark, where Bangalore runs into Skulltown, there's a few things that hint there's more to come this season.
Bang is using a legendary skin on her weapon... specifically the one with Wattsons name on it, maybe a hint Wattson is coming soon? There's also a Pathfinder on one of the roofs in the background firing the L-Star. And there's a swarm of flyers in the sky, which plays with the other not-so-subtle tease Respawn did with the Season1 banner that shows Leviathans on the map. Animals are coming, and they might be environmental hazards (unlike in Titanfall 1 where Flyers/Leviathans were mostly scenery)
It's lightweight and records quite well. I use it for every match (that I remember to turn it on).
If you hack one spectre , any others close to it will be hacked automatically as well.also one attrition point per hacked spectre. There is a burn which lets you hack any spectre automatically ion range of you. Also the double agent burn card, grunts ,spectres, titans and turrets will ignore you. Great for running into a group and hacking them. Example here!566&authkey=!AHyEKLZ83gsCL6w&ithint=video%2c.mp4
This happened to a subreddit I run earlier this year. The warhammer subreddit has a lot more OC, and our userbase was not okay with this happening. I think it's incredibly shitty of this person, so we got the tumblr taken down. It's really easy to do, all you have to do is fill out the following form:
Another fun thing to do is to include [FUCK YOU titanfall-game tumblr] in your posts, since the bot the guy is using just copies posts, titles and all.
If a mod on your mod-team wants to help, they could notify everybody who has had their post stolen with a link to the DMCA form. That's how I did it, and the tumblr was taken down within 24 hours. Funny how a flood of absolutely legitimate DMCA requests will do that.
While I wholeheartedly agree that the plot of the campaign sucks, I personally don't care. I believe there was an interview somewhere with someone high up in the ranks of developing this game where they were asked about the campaign and why it wasn't a "traditional" campaign like Halo's or CoD's. The response was, and I'm massively paraphrasing here, that time/resources/money spent on the campaign would take away from the multiplayer. (Currently looking for source, stay tuned.) EDIT: That was quick, here's the link to the article I mentioned above.
Let's be honest here, we buy FPSs for the multiplayer. I bought Skyrim for the story, but I bought Titanfall for crushing foul-mouthed 12 year olds on Xbox LIVE.
I wasn't expecting a good story and I don't need one either. I played the campaign to get my two chassis (No idea what the plural of chassis is. Chassi? I could Google it, but whatever.) and I haven't looked back since.
I'm sure when I need some help with some challenges down the road I'll return, but for me the campaign/story is such a miniscule part of the game that I haven't given it a second thought.
They make things you can stick to your TV. Not sure how you'd manage the cord hanging down though.
People who haven't seen it might want to have a look at Gamespot's Titanfall videos made as part of their new "Next Big Game" series.
Video three, Pilots vs Titans has some talk about balancing the two and the changes that meant during development.
For example, at one point the titans even had regenerating health.
I hate to say this, but IGN's review was very well done as well, basically gave it the same props that Adam is talking about but points out some of the things that it will be lacking on release day.
However I do feel that the problems mentioned in IGN's review will be fixed, but they are worth noting.
edit: link to their review
and no, it's not dead. it's just seen a decline in players in the last few weeks, but there are enough players online during the evening hours after everyone's come back from work.
Yeah, nah. They is used singularly quite regularly even ignoring non binary people, for instance the phrase "whoever they are" doesn't necessarily mean more than one person. Besides, the meaning of words changes over time and "it" is a pretty dehumanising way to refer to someone, so most non binary people use they and I'm really not sure why you'd have a problem with that.
Bloodhound's page uses they btw.
As a matter of fact, you can!
Check out this tool: CompactGUI
I saved 23 GB for Titanfall 2 with no discernible issues so far. Actually used it on a whole load of other games saving me literally hundreds of GBs of disk space.
>Awesome gooser with the Kraber
FTFY, sorry, it was really bothering me for some reason.
A small tear appeared on my face, seeing someone mention good ol UT2004... About a third of my whole youth must have gone into this milestone of competitive videogaming. All those memories of instagib CTF and trial-maps (multi-walldodging enabled :P ) were suddenly woken up by the first baby steps I performed on the walls of Fracture. I miss ut, and love titanfall for giving me back fast-paced competitive shooter gaming (even though in terms of multiplayer configuration and modding options, titanfall can't even hold up to lego racers, but well I wont taint the positiveness of this thread). As a sidenote: did you read about the new Unreal Tournament game? It's (almost) Open Source! :)
tl; dr thanks for mentioning UT2004! Heartwarming to see some of the old guys still around.
According to Amazon, its still available for preorder.
As for your second question: It's worth however much you are willing to pay for it. I, personally, am not going to buy the edition with the helmet. I have the money, but no use for the things that come with it. I decided $250 ($200 with Amazon Prime) for a helmet and flash drive (the two things I thought were cool in the bundle) wasn't worth it for me. Its a decision you have to make for yourself.
The third question is kind of up in the air. My best guess would be that you can't buy the helmet separately. That said, some people who buy the collectors edition may sell the helmet on eBay or something, but likely at a high premium. So I wouldn't try to do it this way if you are really wanting it.
Haven't found the hoodie, but there seems to be plenty of those on Amazon.
Edit: Also the shop I ordered this from is quite big and has lots of other merchandise as well, such as The Walking Dead, Assassin's Creed, Zelda, Vikings, Game of Thrones and much more. I'm quite inclined to believe that their stuff is licensed.
I played titanfall and TF2 on Xbox years ago. Picked a copy up for PC off amazon before Xmas that has Battlefield 1 Revolution And Titanfall 2 Ultimate Edition Bundle. It was $12 bucks I think. I just was 11.99. And still is on sale. Links for my PC friendlies: Battlefield 1 Revolution And Titanfall 2 Ultimate Edition Bundle [Online Game Code]
>"We make these single-player missions that take up all the focus of the studio, that take a huge team six months to make, and players run through it in 8 minutes," he said. "And how many people finish the single-player game? It's a small percentage. It's like, everyone plays through the first level, but 5 percent of people finish the game. Really, you split the team. They're two different games. They're balanced differently, they're scoped differently. But people spend hundreds of hours in the multiplayer experience versus 'as little time as possible rushing to the end' [in single-player]. So why do all the resources go there? To us it made sense to put it here. Now everybody sees all those resources, and multiplayer is better. For us it made sense."
2v2 LTS
>Respawn also confirmed today at PAX East that a new 2v2 Last Titan Standing mode is coming to the game as a free update sometime in the future. [Source]
How old is your PC? This game from what I heard runs well even in older machines.
Try this website to see if your pc will work or not.
I think the 360 will be a tone down version of the PC/ONE. If you're used to gaming on FPS with a controller (like me). YOu can easily get a wireless adapter dongle to connect your controller to your PC or a a charge kit wire.
Nah, I just have terrible moments in the game and want to play with others like myself so I don't feel as bad.
It's possible.
If you got a decent player already who knows how to move etc and then plays around with the settings I'm guessing you could go under the radar a little. The guy in the video couldn't move and generally sucked but it's the first Kraber aimbot I've encountered.
For PC footage Avidemux is a nice free option that will work for just cutting and exporting to MP4 or whatever. It's not as powerful as Sony Vegas or Adobe Premiere but works great for simple edits.
What I recommend:
With a list of around 100 VPN servers, it's free and open source. No Australia but there are Japanese servers in which the game will unlock in 30 minutes.
Quit origin, connect to the VPN, launch Origin, voila.
EDIT: Switched link to the one that comes with a plugin with the servers.
I loved the footage but hated the music. I am not very good at editing anything outside the native software given such as COD gameclips and xbox one upload studio but perhaps yall will enjoy them.
I dont know if I shared this right but here is my 3rd attempt at a montage.
And second attempt
I’m hosting through github pages because they have built-in support for jekyll. I like this setup because it’s free and I can completely customize the code.
Found this on Amazon for everyone interested but idk if these are legit Funko pops or just 3rd party ripoffs
agree but im assume they some kind of collector's toy time of thing.
This is all purely academical, you know that, right? You could likely apply any military rule, idea, tactic or just about any quote from 'The Art of War' to a game that simulates a wartime scenario and find success if you've applied it correctly. Splitting hairs is really not the point here :P
Game is technically out.
I searched and it's on the playstore, it just says not available in my country.
There was a free trial weekend just last week, but afaik you can try out a part of the single player campaign still to test performance. You can download it from origin ("Play the trial")
*edit: didn't know this was a reply to this douche. But hey kid ^^^ your a douche
Paraphrased.. " of course respawn will make a game for ps4.. Just not the first titanfall "
Here's some words from respawn, but nobody really knows much about the 360 version. Honestly I say make all the delays you need to, as long as it's a good game
This site seems suspect:
Also, in researching them online it's pretty obvious they have insiders posting favorable reviews about them. Many of the responses are nearly identical in makeup. See here:
Still, this deal is tempting. Anybody have any experience buying Origin games from them?
I really need to play through everything again. I tried to pay attention to the story, but I got really confused towards the end. === SPOILERS === Did everyone die when Demeter is destroyed? I thought Blisk was right outside the room where McAllen was sabotaging, plus the whole station went nuke anyway, enough even for Spyglass to deny extraction.
But then in "Made Men" (the last mission) isn't it Blisk fighting Graves who has now switched sides?
Also just now reading your summary and then some wikis, It does say that the McAllen was formerly serving under Graves, but it seems like the main conflict is between McAllen and Blisk (The english sounding guy).
Here is a synopsis is anyone else wants to read.
> A new map and some new skins (mostly stuck behind a scummy lootbox system) every holiday, which can end up being fairly far apart?
I dunno if you play Overwatch, but what you said is complete bullshit.
There's 6 pages of patch notes: -
They've added a lot more to the game than "a new map and some skins".
Gooser is killing a pilot in mid-air. The namesake is from Goose in Top Gun.
Bamboozle was a word my grandmother used to use
Bamboozle is to hoodwink, as mad is to angry.
Ok, maybe the Thesaurus will help you out.
Synonyms for identical include, but are not limited to: exact, indistinguishable, carbon copy, duplicate, same, spitting image, and twin.
Antonyms include, but are not limited to: different, distinct, and unequal.
I got mine from
29.99 gbp.
I have bought 9 games from them, all big games.
Sim city x2, cod mw2/3, Starcraft hots, Battlefield premium, Titanfall and a few others.
I was extremely sceptical when they needed a scan of my id, but that was years ago now and still all good.
ds4windows emulates an xbox 360 controller flawlessly and will allow you to play titanfall with a ps4 controller pretty much out of the box.
i have ps3 controllers and use ScpToolkit which i know also has DS4 support baked in. ScpToolkit works great for me and DS4windows also works great from what i've heard.
I don't know of any sales coming up, but you can't go wrong with Origin. It's EA's own launcher/store, which ensures it's not grey market.
Outside of that, there's a few legitimate product key sites, such as GreenManGaming who sell genuine Titanfall 2 keys. They don't have much of a sale right now (14% off isn't much, at least that's what it says for me), but I'm guessing they can have occasional sales too.
I think it's tied to your Origin ID which is unrelated to who you buy the code from so you should be fine. Note that right now Titanfall is ~~$30~~ $40 (
Before buying a key for a random version, make sure you're not getting scammed...
edit: correct pricing
Thank you.
Specifically to Titanfall, if I buy this, I am covered with everything that has been released so far?
Do we know how long this game will be on sale for $29.99?
I've now recommended a few friends play this game this weekend for free... and they now want to know how long that $29.99 will last...
In the 3283 War On Typhon's local cluster, BT is found in rough shape by Major Anderson and Wraith's son, Colonel Spicy Kraber Jr. BT has adapted to the terrain and now walks on his arms.
I couldn't think of a funny title so have this. Thought he looked funny. Credit to creator is here.
Curious to hear about this as well. The PSN website has listed Titanfall 2 as a game with issues identified.
Anyone changed their PSN username and noticed any issues within titanfall?
This makes sense and I was about to do it. I just opened Origin to try out your solution out and saw this on my profile. I have no idea how I suddenly got the achievement but its there. Thanks for the reply though!
I use Avidemux for some quick trimming jobs. Seems to work nicely. I can also apply a resizing filter to 50% so that my gifs aren't so massive. It's a bit difficult to figure out, but once you understand how it works, it's pretty simple. If you end up using it and have questions, just let me know and I'll help you out.
The best place to buy from is Origin Mexico: it's only $37 (500 pesos), and you're able to pre-load! Here's how to order from there:
Use a Mexican proxy or VPN (e.g. sign up for the free trial at and set everything up)
Go to (if your VPN is working, the website should be in Spanish, or auto-translated English)
Add Titanfall to your cart. It should be listed at 500 pesos, plus what I'm assuming is sales tax. Continue with the checkout process as normal. Add any other discounted games you'd like as well.
After you attempt to purchase the game, the website will ask you to login to your Origin account. Disable your proxy/VPN connection at this point, and then log in.
You're done! Just purchase the game like you would any Origin game. Origin asks for your shipping address for some reason, and some people say you're less likely to be "caught" if you use a fake Mexican address, while others say you're less likely to be accused of fraud if you use a real address. I used my real one, since I haven't heard anything about EA prohibiting or revoking purchases.
If you signed up for a free trial to get access to a Mexican VPN, make sure to cancel the trial, so you are not charged extra money when the trial expires.
Origin Mexico is about $37
Use a Mexican proxy or VPN (e.g. sign up for the free trial at and set everything up)
Go to (if your VPN is working, the website should be in Spanish, or auto-translated English)
Add Titanfall to your cart. It should be listed at 500 pesos, plus what I'm assuming is sales tax. Continue with the checkout process as normal. Add any other discounted games you'd like as well.
After you attempt to purchase the game, the website will ask you to login to your Origin account. Disable your proxy/VPN connection at this point, and then log in.
You're done! Just purchase the game like you would any Origin game. Origin asks for your shipping address for some reason, and some people say you're less likely to be "caught" if you use a fake Mexican address, while others say you're less likely to be accused of fraud if you use a real address. I used my real one, since I haven't heard anything about EA prohibiting or revoking purchases.
If you signed up for a free trial to get access to a Mexican VPN, make sure to cancel the trial, so you are not charged extra money when the trial expires.
I actually changed the crosshair to make it look more like the TF|1 chaingun's crosshair (well actually I combined 3 different reticles).
I set active_crosshair_count to "3," and added the Splitter Rifle and Wingman Elite crosshairs, in addition to the 'plus' that we already have, voila!
Here's the VPK file if you just want to drag and drop. Enjoy!
A. I know using a Spitfire from that distance is stupid. B. I'm sorry for using generic xbox for the vid. C. Using a Titan burn card just shows it as standby. Nothing happens and you won't lose it. Hope this clears it up.
edit: two separate links and no I don't camp with my Kraber.
I have video of me doing this. Let me find and upload.
Edit: Here is a video of me doing this to a pilot.
Granted, its probably not as cool since the pilot had no where else to go but still fucking awesome!
Ima just put this here. I posted it last night and I don't think anyone noticed, but from what I saw here: this thing
I was able to figure out how to code a complete loadout randomizer with all primaries and boosts, complete with wierd and confusing names. Y'all might not care, but I've seen some people asking for something similar to it, so here: thing
Everyone: This game is so good why is it so underrated? Everyone should play it. Why are they wasting time making Apex Legends instead of TF3? Fucking EA.
Reviewers: 9/10 game of the year. Everyone should buy and play it.
Youtubers: Sponsored by ExpressVPN. This game is the tits and everyone should check it out. Like and subscribe and hit the bell and join my members only and buy my merch.
This guy: Nobody ever said I should play it.
The game must be included inside, fully physical. Not even a digital code.
Amazon US:
Only Battlefield 1 got a discounted bundle for about $175 on Amazon US that had the physical goodies without the game itself.
I wouldn't even waste time discussing it with the retailer. Ask for a refund immediately and if the request gets rejected, do a chargeback. This is a pure scam.
Response from my brother: "The glasses were chemically etched with a stencil. I used this ammonium bifluoride paste from Amazon:
The images are from the titanfall website, but I made vector versions of them."
I asked for the vectors, so when he sends them I'll add a link.
Edit: Link to SVG:
Tag: /u/TheDeadlyWrath /u/AaronBalton /u/BigR0n75