This app was mentioned in 77 comments, with an average of 3.61 upvotes
Ikr, he is so dang cute. Not sure how many would like the program though haha. Took me ages but it was so worth it, I'm unsure how difficult it is compared to traditional methods of adding text. I made it with the Inshot app on my phone. Here's a link
I use InShot for video editing. I suggest you give it a try.
As for compressing check Proton Video Compressor out.
Would you like a massage to go with that as well? you want ALL this and FREE as well? GTFO!
On a more serious note. I use InShot, it's not expensive, worth every penny. It's also a one time payment and not a subscription. You can try the demo for 7 days to see if it works for you.
So sorry, did not check the subreddit title, was thinking Windows / Mac.
For mobile, my best experiences had been with InShot(10$ one time or 10$ yearly).
You can also check Adobe Premiere Clip or Quik
I just used InShot (Android), which is a popular one - if you watch a 30 second ad, you can remove the watermark, but I haven't tried on my CB, only my phone.
I use Instashot for Android, it also allows for no crop on your video. I've love it, super simple, easy to use, and very clean interface. (It's also available for ios but I don't use ios so I'm not certain about how similar it is to the android version.)
First of thanks for your kind words, I use an app that got a ton of features, but most of then are only available when you purchase it. I payed 29,99 euros for it a few days ago and made already 5 vids like this. It's called InShot, here is a playstore link:
I think InShot is the go-to app for photo editing on Android. But also there's a (rather basic, with a few filters) built-in photo editor on Samsung devices; just open a photo and click the pen icon.
InShot, it'll ask you to upgrade to premium when you first download it, but just ignore it. I've managed to use it for free so far and it never asked again. No watermark.
Not sure whether InShot can handle HDR content. Take a look at it:
Also, what were the advantages of using Filmic Pro over the native Pro Video in the 1 ii? =the good app =the app that made it hard to make this post
Also this was made on mobile thus making this my most high effort post
Well all my memes are created on my phone
After I get this idea I go on google and try to find a format that will work and I use this app to create it using the canvas and text option and after I use this to crop the vid and after I just convert it from mp4 to gif
uninstalled and reinstalled (06/14/20)
Cannot save any video that I try to edit with inshot. Been using inshot for years with no issues... until I joined beta.
Also having troubles doing basic edits in google photos ie shortening a video, wont save just keeps the "save wheel" spinning. I have to force close the app.
Please someone help I need the video editing for work!
InShot is one of the biggest app studio from China. They have several apps on Play Store with over 4.8 rating thanks to their click farms. They are in Top 20 of the most downloaded apps on Play Store and IOS.
InShot is one of the biggest app studio from China. They have several apps on Play Store with over 4.8 rating thanks to their click farms. They are in Top 20 of the most downloaded apps on Play Store and IOS.
This is where we're getting into specific screen dimensions for different devices. I'm on an S10 5G, which is different to the Plus, which is different to the"regular" model.
This is also where I reveal my dirty little secret, as to how easy it's been to produce all those alternate versions.
I've just been using InShot for all the edits I've done. You can adjust, rotate, trim, clip, and a whole bunch other things. You can also crop to whichever aspect ratio you like for your model device.
This is also why I put up the original, unedited video - so people can take it and make it suit their device exactly.
You can find InShot here:
I use InShot for quick edits on mobile for instagram posts. It gets the job done and I haven't found anything better and yet this simple to use. Check it out
Adobe Premiere Clip doesn't require an account, just press the X button at the sign in screen.
Otherwise, there's InShot.
I have a Pixel 3 XL, so there are simple video editors that come with it, but as a separate app, I use InShot the most often.
I use a lot of photo-editing stuff on my phone, especially for Instagram, so I love InShot. The in-app purchase to remove ads and whatnot is worth it.
I also think its premium, but Afterlight is really good too for editing. It's similar to Lightroom.
InShot is good for quickly editing videos. It's not super-powerful but it's free and it's an easy way to add music to videos. The only bad thing is you have to watch an ad to remove their logo from your video.
This was my wallpaper before I refunded my Pixel 2 XL
Would have liked to give a more detailed run down but here goes:
Kimi no na wa cinemagraph collection or anything of sufficient quality from /r/cinemagraphs
Inshot to edit the videos. Mainly used it because it could crop videos to the Pixel 2 XL's 1:1 aspect ratio. Imports media files including gifs. Exports to .mp4
Video Wall plays .mp4's as an Android live wallpaper.
i think InShot works with gifs
Commit g over from iOS this is one thing was surprised about, that there is no really good video editor for android. I haven't tried this one but from the description it sounds like it might do what you want?
Sorry if it's not what you need.
Edit: this one seem pretty good:
InShot is perfect for that, I use it for little videos all the time.
It's the best one out there...
Oh sorry I thought you were using inshot carry on fellow pilot
I use inshot mate��
Still not working. A workaround for me was to export a video via InShot and export it to IG stories directly.
Suite :
Zentertain a aussi édité ceci :
un "nettoyeur" de mémoire pour MacOSX a 10€
Ou encore pleins d'autres app a la qualité douteuse :
Zentertain semble être devenu en 2015. Alors là par contre impossible de savoir si c'est la même boite, ou pas. J'avoue ça devient confus. Surtout que Zenjoy somble complètement inactif depuis 2015.
Dans la même veine on tombe sur d'autres "companies" identiques du genre i Share : ou InSHot :
Même genre d'app, même style d'avis, même absence de site web.
I've used
You can right, left and center align and a bunch of other stuff.
try InShot, it's free and works for most stuff you'd want to do with videos / images on a phone
haven't been able to find anything great either. Here's what I use though:
Primary Video Editor:
Audio Editor:
Screen Recorder:
Fix Shaky Video:
Compress Large Videos:
Backup Video Editor:
Backup Video Compressor:
Backup Backup Video Editor:
Backup Backup Video Compressor:
Is this the Android version?
Video Editor & Video Maker - InShot | 4.8 rating | Free with IAP | 100,000,000+ downloads | Search manually
> InShot - Powerful FREE HD Video Editor and Video Maker with professional features. Add music, transition effects, text, emoji and filters, blur background and etc! Professional video editing features, record your precious moments of your daily life. Top movie maker ...
I use this one
This app will help you.
Inshot mobile video editor for android lol
Dude there are a billion different apps each of which come with their own free trials, here's a few I've found:
Sorry if you have an iPhone, but still, I'm sure there are tons of videos editing with free trials on them!
Inshot it's the one I use for editing I like it, and it's good. here is the app on Google Play store
iPhone-urile sunt preferabile pentru social media, da. Nu pentru că ar fi super telefoane în comparație cu celelalte, ci probabil aplicațiile respective sunt mai bine optimizate pe iOS decât pe Android, iar lucrul ăsta se vede în special atunci când postezi videoclipuri pe story sau faci live-uri.
La poze diferențele sunt mai degrabă de culori în ansamblu - de multe ori pozele făcute cu iPhone (în special cele cu persoane) sunt mai plăcute ochiului și par mai clare pe ansamblu, chiar dacă în momentul în care dai zoom te doare capul. Dar din nou, cred că mai degrabă este vorba despre dezinteres și optimizare proastă. Eu am comparat un filtru din ăla de story (Moody up, carmushka, în caz că sunteți interesați să comparați) pe care îl promova un influencer, pentru că mi se păreau culorile drăguțe în low light - pe telefonul meu (Samsung Note 9) nici nu ai fi zis că e același filtru, pe când pe iPhone XS era totul ok, la fel ca în videoclipul de promovare.
Anyway, mie nu îmi place iOS și nu aș putea să cumpăr iPhone doar pentru asta, deși mi-ar plăcea tare mult să am parte de facilitățile respective. 8 Plus mi se pare destul de vechiuț, dar dacă într-adevăr vrei, îți poți lua. Dacă vrei să rămâi pe Android, ajută să filmezi cu camera telefonului (sau GCam, sau ce folosești tu) și să uploadezi apoi pe story din aplicație, decât să filmezi direct cu camera Instagram-ului. Pentru quick trim și modificări minore eu folosesc InShot- un story are cam 14,9-15,0 secunde, dar dacă faci videoclipul mai lung e ok, îl împarte Instagramul în mai multe. Pentru modificări mai serioase folosesc Adobe Premiere Rush
InShot is a fairly robust video and picture editor.
Download here:
The song I edit using InShot:
If you're using xiaomi phone, follow this:
I was on a similar search and landed on Inshot. It has a $30 single payment option and does a pretty solid job.
I used Inshot before. Worked fine.
I am completely guessing here, but it might be this.
Video Editor & Video Maker - InShot | 4.8 rating | Free with IAP | 100,000,000+ downloads | Search manually
> Best FREE HD Video Editor and Video Maker with all features, trim & cut video/movie , blur background and no crop , add music and video effects ! InShot - top movie maker and HD pro video editor with music, helps you create video with ease, edit video ...
I know the question is 'how do i uploaded nonsquare videos to instagram', but fyi, there are apps that let you upload uncropped videos to instagram. Ie. For Android there's Instashot.