What is hilarious to me is this myth was created and pushed by a Persian PUA chad named, Daryush Valizadeh. According to Incel Logic, Chads & PUAs are evil and not to be trusted nor given friendship at any time.
And don't forget this family favorite (have the eye bleach handy). That's basically when I realized all the drugs had finally ate Lennon's brain - as part of the (overrated IMO) rock royalty of the Beatles the guy could have literally had anyone on the planet and chose the screeching, divisive lunatic Cuckoo Ono.
Can't believe it's been 2 years already. For those of you who are unfamiliar with my journey, over a year ago I made a post on this sub on how I went about fixing my PE with my own method, which includes correcting improper posture, stretching every day, strength training, usage of a vacuum bell and breath hold training (apnea training).
I've been making fairly regular updates since then, and this one is not much different than the last one as far as my body is concerned. I've reduced my PE a small fraction (about 0.3mm average) and gained a bit of mass. I must admit that since my last update I have gotten a bit lazy and callous, not maintaining my stretching and breath hold training as I should have, and instead focused on building muscle. I've corrected this error about a month ago and am again reaping the rewards.
As always, here is the graph of my progress: https://pic8.co/sh/8sjHbv.png
Also, I'll be going on vacation soon (hence the title). I'll try and get some photos on the beach which should have much better lighting than the crappy lights in my room. Still a tiny bit anxious about taking my shirt off in front of people, even though I've done it hundreds of times by now.
EDIT: Almost forgot. The major difference since my last update is that the results of the VB now last significantly longer. It used to be that after 2 days my sternum would mostly sink back, while now that time is closer to 3 days.
>be me
>be drinking space beer with clown
>tells lots of funny jokes
>shitsec speeds in like the chexquest warrior
>bleeds the clown with harmbaton combos
>spaces him
>everybody ignores
>beg the HOS to let me prosecute him in court
>calls the shitsec guard after annoying him enough
>guardfag stares like an NPC
>"you murdered the clown, space law says murder allows up to perma jail"
>show HOS photographic evidence of shitsec spacelynching clown
>throws it away
>realise my job has no impact on security
>can rarely work since sec decides criminal punishment before taking anything into consideration or seeing evidence
> Both sides are acting badly here.
> Since they cannot be adult and share, they both should be removed.
We need to stop the "both sides are bad" rhetoric.
On the statistics of atrocities, that makes some sense. Israel does bad things, Palestine also does bad things, in about a 10:1 ratio. So fine, they're both bad there.
Legally? It's all one-way. Territorial aggression is illegal. Defense against occupation is legitimate.
The apartheid is not both sides doing apartheid to each other. It's the strong imposing it upon the weak.
The land grab is not a case of back-and-forth. It's one country whittling away at the other with no reciprocity: https://pic8.co/sh/naZ01C.jpeg
One side has been willing for decades now to accept peace along the 1967 borders. The other has not. One side offered a ceasefire in recent days which the other rejected.
Both sides are not the same. There's not a 'good' side and a 'bad' side, but there's definitely an oppressive coloniser and a disempowered victim.
I don't know if they can be used by multiple people.
You need 4 to get the 50,000 points. You have to make an account at square enix, then submit 4 codes there. Then, they give you the code to go to Marvel Insider and get to 50k points.
Here are 2.
I have 4 more left.
Before this website, he used to own one site that was titled, "Raping Girls Is Fun."
The .onion website have been defunct since Feb 2020, the link is a photo of the site.
That is the type of newspeak they're trying to normalize. Diversity, right?
Reddit also got the "POC must never be described as the aggressor" directive a couple days ago.
Exactly. Those are typically foam-at-the-mouth rabid fighting words but I just do NOT get the fanaticism surrounding these guys, nor Blob Dylan, the Grateful Dead. I like a good share of all aforementioned artists' stuff but I don't parse every nanosecond of Every Single Note They Ever Released (oh no, that's the 1962 SECOND acetate released by Columbia records, you dumbass.....Jerry did that c-minor in his boulder, co show in 1974 in may....). Omigawd people, get a life. I appreciate they came along right at the slow death of skiffle and ushering in 'rock n roll' but I never thought they were that great and are treated with such unquestioned reverence.
That's a bit of an anticlimax, IMO
"Wanna know the secret to raising a child to be world-class in their field?"
"Hell yes! Sounds amazing!"
"Ok, listen close..."
"I'm listening"
"Ok, organise a crowdfunding campaign to get my book translated"
[organises campaign]
"The secret is: train them five hours a day in a narrow subject from the age of three."
Ain't nobody got time for youtube videos.
Youtube videos are 99.9999999% trash.
See this picture?
Real easy to understand.
I'm not going to click on your youtube link, but would revisit the issue if you A) showed us a picture of them together and or B) provided evidence they factually knew each other AND THEN where Trump denies it.
As far as I know... and I'm up to date on more than most... this has never really been a concern of either side.
Would MSM have missed the opportunity to bad jacket Trump and a pedophile? Because they missed no opportunity to bad jacket Trump and Epstein while ignoring Clinton.
From the old movie "They Live". Another graphic showing the obvious co-ordinated propaganda surrounding this current election.
Time to Heal mantra - https://i.redd.it/kz6g3uqiopz51.jpg
Alternative: https://pic8.co/sh/4Crvhw.jpeg
I like how our voting system is so secure that someone can just mistype something and the vote counts are easily changed.
I took out one of the notes: https://pic8.co/sh/M534nL.jpg
translated by an online OCR page:
(Guo Silong) ZHENGSILONG Yiwu Seven Sages "Yiwu seven trade" " hundred Ji Shufen"after another new product, for the media Dapu Ear raising hobbies more groups of camellia Fan, Yi Wu seven trade retreat The early one of the seven mountains of the King's Mountain Sai Baiping Ji tree was used Raw materials, made separately, mixed packaging point one division(one mention) A total of seven pieces,each with its own banana and mouth or, Lei Youpin When you are iron, you can feel the difference between the social tools, such as ・・ ・・ * Yi Wu Zhengshan November 8, 2013
This is a seven cake pack, so maybe each cake represents a famous tea mountain of the region?
I might have stumbled upon an alternate answer to this problem...
I will provide updates once I grab it.
Like IncelTear, that place is beyond toxic. I consider them to be more of a biohazard that needs to be quarantined.
IncelTears was banned from Twitter for posting the same garbage they post here. They're back there again posting the same garbage they post here. They're also know to go after other subreddits for different opinions.
They're mentally insane.
Nick's relevant tweet from his Purple Reign thread.
edit: does anyone remember being taught in school that humans have blue blood and it turns red when exposed to air (oxygen)?
I need to test this Drink works machine as well......I been wanting one of these for months....saw it in Florida at a hotel, and tried the mojito.
For other that don't know.
It is made by kurieg....the coffee maker with the pods, well this one makes cocktails! Drinks average 4 dollars a pod. It is a liquid in the pod.
It will carbonate, warm, or chill the drink according to the recipe code on the pod.
They look like this and they make so many different ones.....so many lol. A four pack is usually 16 bucks, but they have a couple packs of them that are seasonal, like fireside for winter, summer solstice for tropical stuff, and so on.
Then a sampler one with 16 different ones that is 70 bucks. It's excessive I know, but for me.....it's easier than making and keeping all that shit on hand, and also.....I got it for all us kids when we go to mom and dad's for holidays lol.
I can likely only have one and done.... lightweight myself.
YHWH is the tetragrammaton, in Gematria it equals 26. There is also a 27 (although it is reversed, 72) in the tetractys of the letters. I learned many years ago from Lon Milo DuQuette that playing cards (52 cards) are the tarot deck (78 cards), minus god (26). 78-26=52. The tarot cards that were removed to create playing cards are the 22 trumps and the 4 princesses. The tarot pretty much contains all of kabbalah. You could take the cards in your drawing and associate the corresponding tarot card, but I have not done that, yet :)
> Here is a censored version of Hunter Biden putting his dick on a piece of pizza. > > > > https://pic8.co/sh/1ydvKo.png > > > > Care to know what happens to that piece of pizza, next? > > > > So, you can be be a little whiny ****** and claim I have nothing, but I can do this all day long. > > > > Oh look... Wuhan Institute of Virology email and passwords. > > > > https://archive.md/UtQGz > > > > Oh look... it worked... > > > > https://pic8.co/sh/HZVq77.jpeg > > > > Why lie to people of the Internet? Why make shit up?
Why lie?
Why lie to people of the Internet? Why make shit up?
How long have you been a disinformation specialist?
They might be scrubbed by now, but the videos were out there.
Just like Hunter Biden had a PornHub account (RHEast) where he uploaded his own material to.
Even though he PERSONALLY uploaded it, Reddit will ban you for posting his publicly available material for "revenge porn" and, in fact, overhauled their entire way of operating surroudning porn after it was leaked.
The balance of violence is one thing to look at, and it's totally disproportionate.
But the conflict is asymmetrical in other ways. Israel is invading and occupying Palestine, and annexing it bit by bit, not the other way around: https://pic8.co/sh/naZ01C.jpeg
Israel was the aggressor in the 1967 war, which was an illegal war of annexation. It wasn't a "both sides are bad" issue: it was a surprise attack. Israel annexed East Jerusalem, "Oh but didn't Palestine also annex..." No they did not. The expansion is entirely one way.
This take is relevant because Israel claims to be acting in self-defense from the rockets. It's a claim that simply doesn't match the facts because if you look at the stats on the rocket attacks - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lists_of_Palestinian_rocket_attacks_on_Israel - they're very paltry, and Israel has this massive overreaction and annexes land, and creates what Human Rights Watch and B'Tselem have called apartheid.
The key point here is that these are not defensive actions. They are acts of aggression designed to subjugate a state that they refuse to recognise.
Jews had no land for thousands of years. They existed, but had no home-base. A few here, a few there.
Zionism is the name of the belief that the Jews should have a Jewish country.
British government issued the Balfour Declaration 1917, supporting the creation of a Jewish country in Palestine.
British defeated Ottomans in WW1, giving them control of Palestine (which had been Ottoman)
United Nations divided Palestine between Jews and Arabs in 1947. Obviously the Arabs didn't like their land/country being taken from them.
War between Jews and Arabs 1947-49 over this. Jews win. A vicious thing called Plan Dalet designed to massacre Arabs and scare them out of the country.
Israel grabs more land in 1967 in a surprise attack: https://pic8.co/sh/naZ01C.jpeg
Since then, Israel has put settlements in the little bit of land the Arabs still hold and generally oppressed them in a lot of ways.
That's the short version.
> So they each have their own designated area, and are trying to expand now?
No. Israel is expanding into Palestine, not the other way around. https://pic8.co/sh/naZ01C.jpeg
> is it correct that the Israelis were there around 1500 BCE?
Hard to say what happened that long ago. Zionists claim it's their native land based on the Bible, but people have been known to claim dinosaurs are fake or the world is flat based on the Bible. It's not a historical document.
Recent genetic evidence suggests Ashkenazi Jews are European – https://www.livescience.com/40247-ashkenazi-jews-have-european-genes.html – and they look European in an obvious sort of way and even have a lot of gingers
It was Palestinian land alone up until the First Aliyah, and majority Palestinian land until the UN created Israel in 1947.
There are two interconnected questions in what you said: one factual and one moral. First: did the Jews once come out of that land in history and are now returning? Second: does it matter? Like, if the Jews did leave the land in 1500 BC and the Arabs had it 1500BC-1947AD, then whose land should it be?
Instead of loading a blur they should at least load outlines. I'm not sure how stemming compressed files works but maybe they could load a 1bpp layer at first instead of the blob. Example:
It would be interesting to know what his motive because with gasoline and the rope, I believe he was targeting the Catholic Priest of that church believing that they're responsible for sexual abuse that happened in the past when the suspect was a kid.
Otherwise, why would he be armed with two .22 pistols and yelling "Kill me!" over & over at a church of all places? This situation is making me curious.
Archive of NYP article on this situation: https://archive.vn/hau1Z
>gay pride isn't rooted in gay supremacy, which is always the case for nationalism.
Some non-whites are going to be very surprised that their racial pride is rooted in racial supremacy. Or, did you just forget to add "(this only applies to white people)"?
Some good comments on youtube. I didn't know there was a cube in Dr. Who but I have never watched it. Here is one of the ignorant comments:
>Saturn is known as the morning star because it is the brightest planet in the night sky before the sun rises, ...
(David Burdick)
Oh really David, tell us more :)
Trying a little hard to connect Saturn to The Morning Star/Lucifer!
I liked this one:
>Jesus was sacrificed on a cross that folds into a box by the Romans. Saturnalia became Christmas and we open boxes lol. Rome was also know once as Saturnia and you can go to part of that boundary in Italy even today. the symbol for Islam is a star with a crescent not ulinke a ring around the star and they literally worship around a giant black cube.
(Delta Monarch)
Great job connecting the crescent to a ring, just like the symbol on Korosensei's necktie.
GREAT comment:
>Read The Saturn Myth, Ringmakers of Saturn and The Saturn Death Cult to learn more about how Saturn keeps our reality inside a time cube to control our reality. Saturn was a sun in our solar system and the war in heaven destroyed Saturn and gave birth to the sun we have now.
Left to right the cards are:
King of Clubs which corresponds to Knight of Wands,
Queen of Hearts corresponding to Queen of Cups,
Jack of Spades corresponding to Prince of Swords.
Images from the Thoth Deck. The Knight of Wands card is one of my favorites and I have drawn that one myself.
One of my roommates is a total weeb and used that same argument to defend a shitty character from an anime I do like called Gate: Jieitai Kano Chi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri. Which I actually do like this one because of 21 century JIDF vs fantasy Iron Age military.
The character in question is oversexualized and I fucking hate that character. If that character was replaced with a OP adult male military character which would fit the setting of the story, I would be happy.
That's what I'm seeing as there is a lot of uncertainty right now on the models. I go past the five days, it has this storm forming into a Depression slamming into East Texas/Louisiana coastline.
What is keeping it down in Campeche is a low pressure trough sitting in the middle of the south coastline in the Gulf of Mexico.
Archive of reports from June 1st to June 3rd, 2020
Aha!! Actually 'the mugshot' sounds pretty interesting (an MGM mugshot). I don't 'do' pinterest, so can't read the article but sure i/we can find it elsewhere online...somewhere.
EDIT: Also, I honestly don't typically give a shit about the Kitty Kelley type 'celebrity/tabloid gossip' crap but Ava's officially-sanctioned-by-her biography i thought always sounded pretty damn interesting. I know Sinatra was a trainwreck when she walked away from their marriage (never could stand Ol Crossed Eyes wannabe-mafia-tough-guy - Nat King Cole was INFINITELY better).
Completely agree. Especially when Bernie Campaign staff are making comments like this for all of the public to see..
I think there are a lot of people who didn’t vote last November that will absolutely be voting and paying attention now.
That's the only 'Vette I own.
It's from a Mecum auction. Their big auction is going on right now. Well, not at this exact moment, but it runs for 10 days, from the 2nd until the 12th of January.
Here are tomorrow's lots:
They're collector car auctions and not like your local police or repo auctions. You can find some amazing bargains there.
It's actually not all that expensive to get into automotive hobbies. You can even just volunteer at your nearest track. The people that are on the corners waving flags are volunteers. You can get a cheap MX-5/Miata and have a ton of fun learning to heel-toe, slinging it sideways, etc...
It's a good wholesome hobby and car culture is as strong now as it has ever been. Even the kids are into it.
No, David.
If you knew anything about science, you'd be aware of the line of stability.
Reality is reality because it is the only one that is stable. The rest are just echoes that aren't stable enough to stay real.
I had a 2015 WRX that was lifted with 1.25" with spacers. I also made a skid plate for it since the turbo is bottom mounted and sits lower than anything else on the car by a good bit.
I drove the shit out of that car.
You don't know anything about it, seemingly...
But go ahead and find me anything from the 50s and 60s, like a textbook or encyclopedia that matches the mainstream narrative provided by Hollywood.
As several users here have commented, this is NOT blackface.
>Blackface is a form of theatrical makeup used predominantly by performers of non-African descent to portray a caricature of a dark skinned person of African descent.
In the United States, the practice gained popularity during the 19th century and contributed to the spread of racial stereotypes such as the "happy-go-lucky darky on the plantation" or the "dandified coon". From: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blackface (emphasis is my own)
THIS is blackface: https://pic8.co/sh/bndcEY.png
Rachel is simply trying to look like Bruno Mars - just as someone trying to look like Snow White would wear a black wig and lighten their skin. It's a costume NOT a caricature.
Turns out you were harassing him in DMs. He clearly told you to leave him alone. Looks like he left you alone and ignored you until he snapped. And judging by the convo, you were stalking his profile for that very specific purpose.
I've forwarded him contact info for a lawyer. It turns out that in North Carolina, harassment is a pretty hefty charge and can be prosecuted as a felony in some cases. I'm not a lawyer but I'm going to guess a judge won't look too fondly on you pushing a person until they snap at you.
Just gonna pick a mod at random here... Hell, first one in the list: /u/druid_king9884
Sorry to ping you man - you've been pretty decent from what I've seen of your moderation here but if it were me, I'd say there's enough to ban both of them.
Deep Fake filters are common. The Pfizer CEO interview is one obvious example.
However, makeup, acne and herpes filters have been in use for years, so that news broadcasters maintain their attractiveness.
Every Snapchat and Instagram filter can easily be used on any kind of video.
However, when it comes to Biden's ears, they are always the same.
I'll help you out.
I have named him "dick ears" because each ear has the shape of a dick on the inside.
Notice the shape of the flaccid phallus.
While I'll be the first to say they are faking faces and using disguises, everywhere, I will point out that the Bidens "dick ears" are always correct.
Just a reminder that a screenshot of the first page of the google search reveals pictures of them together. The screenshot I took, just now, is different but also features pictures of them together.
This means that the people asking for proof DIDN'T EVEN TRY.
It's pretty dishonest to claim they aren't connected. A screenshot was already provided and there is a financial relationship. Check Ed Buck's donations.
is an ad hominem.
Come back when you learn how to have an adult conversation.
I said, present the evidence and you did not.
Let us know when you reach your 18th birthday.
"I'm willing to review the evidence" is my stance on Gaetz and Schiff, but you've provided nothing.
Roy Cohn is the CIA blackmailer tied to Trump?
Your sophistry is obnoxious and fallacious.
Ask your babysitter before posting again.
See how that works?
Well, didn't you read? According to OP,
> The most damning piece of evidence is that Alice Waters contacted Comey on his personal email, asking for help in covering up the issue, which he assigned to Paul Abbate.
> https://pic8.co/sh/30N2v4.png
That email pretty much tells you everything, doesn't it?
I gasped in horror when I read that!
Yes, you've stumbled upon Ereshkigal, a Sumerian Goddess known as the Queen of the Night that is worshipped in various reincarnated forms, like Mary with the moon under her, Santa Muerta cults, the cult created by Jack Parson's wife, etc.
She is the goddess of a lunar cult that dates back for at least 6,000 years and has had many names under many religions.
The Owl Minerva is generally representative of her.
Notice that the artist's rendering neglects the fact she is standing on the snake. This is the goddess of the Mexican Flag and the same goddess the Santa Muerta cartel cults worship.
The owls are her spies in the way that Odin uses ravens and we see this motif in the spy community regularly, as they are still into it.
The reason is because the weird religion of the elite is this same religion. It is still practiced.
While a lot of people got involved in the "pizzagate" era, long before that, there were thousands of Internet users clamoring for justice in regards to Epstein.
When he was killed, it was no surprise.
SDNY ran a limited hangout in the NXIVM trials, as well as the Weinstein trial, so I expect much the same, here.
Keith Rainiere and various Hollywood personalities tortured physically, psychologically and imprisoned women and girls, with photos taken by Allison Mack of girls as young as 8 in pornographic poses.
The trial didn't really touch on that or the ties to the Sinaloa cartel or former Mexican presidents.
If Maxwell is found guilty, or not, the cover up is still taking place.
Now, you get her on stealing babies, then you might finally give me some hope, but there hasn't been a peep.
You're not using the word right, which is your problem.
A criminal conspiracy is a crime that people get prosecuted for all the time.
"Source" are merely court documents.
For example, here is a court document where Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein, among others, were accused of stealing babies. Weird it didn't make the news.
I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.
Again, I'm not simping for Posobiec. People are claiming he is factually incorrect but refuse to provide a single example of him being factually incorrect. THOSE are the shills. YOU are twisting words.
I do not trust OANN, because it purports to be a Conservative outlet, but it is run by Democrats.
So, your accusation is unfounded and has nothing to do with what I was asking for. An example of him being factually incorrect.
Keep in mind, Pizzagate IS real, and they are literally stealing babies and the trial is happening right now.
Ghislaine Maxwell was stealing babies.
Is the Catholic Church run by money laundering pedophiles? Yes. And the US Government just rewarded the industrial scale child rape with over a billion dollars cash injection.
Is there anyone in media who I trust? No.
However, some are more careful about presenting facts than others and I'd like to know about JP for my own edification, so I can either
A) Completely Ignore
B) Glance over it and think, "Okay, Maybe. Let's see."
What version are you using now?
I'm getting some artifacts, when I walk back and forth in the Bloom Palace I get Tsubasa's skirt flicker with the white square and the purple line on the ground. I see the purple line style flicker in the first dungeon too.
The game flickers between a white spot over her skirt or the purple line.
You're welcome!
Here's books about dialectical Irish: https://pic8.co/sh/1IlFhM.jpg
You can find a list of dialectical authors in the 'Gaelic Literature' box at the bottom of this page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaelic_literature
$7.50 EOW...
We should all do a Hunter Biden, knock up a stripper, smoke some crack, and a throw a gun in a dumpster!!!!
Dating your sister-in-law is optional.
Voice of San Diego discusses the pedophile coach who got no jail time.
The fact that you reqwuire an insult to debvate, shows that you do not have a leg to stand on.
Why are death threats against Coronado students opkay? Why are false accusations okay and why is teaching kids about fisting okay?
Spoiler: It's not okay.
Failure to report sex between a coach and a student IS A CRIME. This requires the termination of multiple school officials who ignored reports to the extent that the reporting student HAD TO GO THE POLICE AFTER REPEATED ATTEMPTS.
So, go ahead and protect the pedophile. The convicted pedophile.
Protect the people who make false accusations.
"report" is merely an attempt to censor because you have no leg to stand on. You cannot exist an an environment that truly allows free speech because you are at a informational disadvantage.
Then, you, with the least amount of information and an uninformed opinion, beat people down who actually have the facts.
Go ahead... censor my speech and leave death threats against Coronado students to go unreported.
What a fucking nerd, you are. With shit taste in music, to boot.
Tell us, you who stares at screens all day, what propaganda is your screen tricking you into believing, right now?
Let's play a game, shall we? You like games, right? You're smarter than me, right?
You're so smart, you should be able to figure this one out.
Smarter than me, right?
We can also list each other's published works. You start. You say the first book you published, then I list one, then we see who has the most.
Not everyone has written a book. No problem.
How about legal pleadings? Let's compare those. Oh, wait... you've never written one of those, either?
How about your best stock trades? It's easy to lie, so we can just go ahead and link to previous posts where we have shared our successes.
from this post:
How much is in your trading account? It's okay... spend your energy on League of Legends and video games.
How about properties... want to compare who has the most properties?
Oh weird, it turns out you are just a pipsqueak on the Internet who has contributed nothing to society but loves to tell everyone else you know more than them?
I'd say enjoy being a loser, but you clearly aren't enjoying life with your level of productivity.
It was Palestinian land until Jews started showing up in the aliyahs. Israel has been taking Arab land, not the other way around: https://pic8.co/sh/j1zlYd.png
Israel was the aggressor in 1967. (You can't launch a surprise attack and not be the aggressor.)
Israel was the aggressor that broke the 2008 ceasefire. (I mean, their side of the story is that they killed six enemies in retaliation for the Palestinians digging a tunnel, but a reasonable neutral person would call that Israel breaking the ceasefire by aggression.)
A small amount of Israel's actions can be called self-defense, but you don't blow up a press office in self-defense or bomb a refugee camp (two things they've done in the past week)
> And how many of them support Palestinians?
Depends what you mean by 'support'. There's a lot of realpolitik going on of course; it's commonsensical to support the strong over the weak and poor.
> you are telling me no other Arabic country can house/ shelter these people and give them a small piece of land and call it day.
So you admit Israel's goal is turning an entire nation into refugees? Many are already; there are more Palestinian people outside of Palestine than in it.
> Make no mistake this is all about wiping out the Jews and erasing Israel as a country nothing else.
Oh yeah it's definitely about erasing Israel as a country and up is down and black is white.
First you admit you think the Palestinians should all become refugees, then you cry out that they're the ones trying to erase Israel. You can't really be serious.
There are bad acts on both sides, sure.
BUT that's not to say it's symmetrical.
Here's the deaths since 2000, Palestinians killed in yellow, Israelis killed in blue. "They're both bad" is a weird way to respond to that.
And it's not just about deaths. It's about the apartheid situation. Israel treats Palestinians as second-class citizens, imprisons minors without charge, puts people in front of military courts, stops them at checkpoints, subjects them to segregation. Palestine reciprocates maybe 8% of Israeli murder, but 0% of that systemic oppression.
Thirdly, look at the situation. It was Palestinian land until 1947, when the Israelis came in from abroad and started committed massacres under Plan Dalet. They stole land and drove out the people who's lived there for thousands of years, then stole a bunch more in 1967 in a clearly illegal war. (International law forbids aggressive wars to gain territory.) Palestine never stole Israeli land.
So "Palestine did bad things too! It reciprocated 8% of the violence" is a weird take on it to me.
Don't put pressure on yourself. Sex is merely one of many facets of life that you will have plenty of time to explore.
However, applying the "Bullet" to your clitoris is probably going to be a much better place to start than trying to force it through your hymen. "The Rabbit" is also incredibly popular (it does go in and has little marbles that spin around while inside) as well as the Hitachi Magic Wand which is a powerful vibrating massager.
Every guy and every girl is different in exactly which parts feel best doing what. Between the Bullet, the Rabbit and the Wand, you should be able to find what works best for you.
FOMO (fear of missing out) is what the world has designed to pressure you into a variety of spending behaviors; as in money. Targeting impulsivity means promoting impulsive behaviors to increase spending and this bleeds over into many aspects of life you might not even be aware of unless you are paying attention.
Point being, while you may feel a bit behind the curve... don't worry. You're fine.
It sounds like what you are seeing of yourself is normal. Here is a picture to compare:
Yes, the hymen can be very closed. Yes, it will hurt to break it. A little baby oil can go a long way if you need it for your first time. Sex is best when you're in love and when your partner is in love with you (Reddit often disagrees, just keep in mind Reddit is heavily astroturfed and full of intentional idiots). Your life will be better if you don't treat sex as a weapon or as a currency.
I assume you are seeing someone to get the Zoloft? That is likely a medical professional who could answer some of your questions. If you aren't comfortable asking them questions, then it is worth considering another medical professional to care for you.
The Internet is a terrible place to find good advice. Double check all answers.
Today I wasn't really satisfied with my own answer, so I set out to test things myself as well. I tried both a volume file as well as a complete USB disk (both with hidden volumes). No matter what I did, when supplying the wrong passowrd / keyfile / PIM I got a similar message, but not identical. Instead of your "Operation not permitted" message, I get "Invalid argument" no matter what I tried. https://pic8.co/sh/aBijLq.png
I have also tried with read-only on keyfile as well as the container, the latter resulting in a read-only mounted volume, not any error. It looks like there is something else going wrong.
Are you able to mount the hidden volume on another OS?
What? I can't discuss with 2+2=5 people, I'm sorry, it hurts my brain.
Imagine a sign like this even 20 years ago.
Alright, it's been fun. Take care.
I feel like I've hit a wall due to lack of Tier 4 Catalyst. And, in general, I've just been kind of winging it. I'd really love some advice on who to focus on and suggestions on how to get more Tier 4 Catalyst, even if there was a way to put a little money into the game to get over the hump.
The answer to your question is corruption. Duh.
Here is the proof so you can stop spreading disinformation:
In the first several minutes of his video, Mike Lindell presents a series of numbers that no news outlet has debunked. It was very apparent the night of the election that many dead voters were voting. A closing inspection of the votes reveal what we all already knew.
This is important because they are reeing about his video so hard, and they criticize his ideas about Dominion, but they never touch the numbers he presented.
The numbers are real and the election was stolen. Everything after the first 10 minutes is ancillary.
Go ahead and Google the criticism of this video. Pages and pages of links and not a single one has "debunked" the numbers in the beginning.
Maybe the anarchy was a temporary state as that's all it will ever be
. In today's political climate is just being used as a carrot in bait and switch. That's why corporations are funding the "revolutionary" movements. It's just a power grab for even more control than they already have.
Interesting. I've had Indians calling for jobs requiring clearance as well, although those tend to be for what I'm assuming is positions posted on public boards. Lockheed-Martin in Chelmsford, MA is a particularly bad offender here, I get calls all the time about a crap contract position where they want a Secret or interim Secret clearance because "the hiring manager is unwilling to wait for the clearance process." This job has been open for months because it pays crap for the area, and...it's a short contract.
Here's a shot of my job contact spreadsheet up to 12/10. Almost all the calls were Indian, including a few that tried to use western names but were most certainly Indian.
I believe I know who you are talking about is Nathan Daniel Larson. This guy is known to create forums and dark net forums about having sex with children, especially young girls.
I've mainly had convos about politics.
Again the feedback, I'll mention this to PMYB2 and AOU. I'll give you the point of the direction of Poal. I'll definitely in the future find more examples of things I don't like so I can save and use them for future reference.
I've liked the chat they built into the website and integration of Pic8.co onto the website.
I know PMYB2 wants to avoid mob abuse. That was one big issue he has not liked about Reddit
Welcome. My first post here is connected to this. Check out this image:
Black robe, mortarboard, purple stripes on the robe connect to purple reign theory, symbol on tie us supposed to be the moon but it could also be interpreted as a ringed planet.
That is the same character pictured here:
The image there also has cubes and the number 6...
Isn't it somewhere in reddits rules against harassing a user with an alt after your original account gets suspended? You clearly are u/IdkTheAnswerHelpMe which I have provided evidence of, and you have continued to harass me even after your account was suspended.
As for your accusations of racism, I am just quoting articles and stating observations. So far you have called or labeled me all of the following:
retarded, schizophrenic, idiotic, solipsistic, mentally retarded ass, ignorant fuck, 50 year old basement dweller, brainless chimp, mentally ill, insane, racist, pathetic, loser, antisemitic, QAnon-follower
You have told me to "fuck myself" and to "kill myself".
You just called r/PastSaturnsRings "overtly anti-semitic", which it is not.
>And if I was "racially" Jewish, why the fuck would I contribute to such an overtly anti-semitic subreddit?
Maybe because you want to SHUT IT DOWN?
We live in a holographic simulation. Have you ever seen Star Trek TNG? Think Holodeck. Notice the cubical structure?
Got another one for you: our current epoch, which translates from the Greek roots to mean "entirely new", is called "holocene". Quite a coincidence. Sounds like holographic scene...
Our simulation is a prison in the way that is it being influenced by the Saturn-Moon matrix and by long-running human bloodlines (aligned with the matrix) who hoard knowledge and resources.
u/IdkTheAnswerHelpMe I see you created an alt 8 days ago - probably for situations like these. You know how many alts I have here? Big fat zero!
Then you use your alt to further harass me? Dude that is so weak! I didn't report anything, if other users here did than good for them. I can only know myself and can only control myself. I am not looking for imaginary internet points, only discussion relating to the topics this sub was founded to discuss.
Your astounding projection has already told me so much about yourself. I suggest you reconsider things and contribute in a positive way.
Apparently editing is disabled here? Anyway, I did find some pictures of one of the werewolves that shows up at some furcons.
There are two pictures, one seems to refuse to thumbnail but it's there.
I used to wear Fruit of the Loom briefs when I was a kid, so did my father. We would also use his old underwear to polish his work shoes. I distinctly remember there being a cornucopia in the logo!
Is that from dutchsinse? I remember him - he disappeared for a while but I guess now he is back. He has a hexagonal logo now.
Directed Energy Weapons or otherwise - if those fires are being intentionally set we have a really big problem that needs to be addressed ASAP.
Wow great find, and I don't have that deck. For those that do not know, all of kabbalah is encoded into the tarot.
Here is that card in the Thoth deck.
Same card in the Rosetta Papyrus deck.
Those feature cubes but they aren't black like your example.
aesthetic is kinda bad too now, you'll never see games that look like this anymore (except nier or doom) games with an absurd amount of effort put into even the clothing, because go ask a dev from sony games and all they care about is smashing a ton of worthless detail into every texture imaginable, even ones you'll never see
Not only that, they're honestly so fucking dumb for visiting a possible FBI honeypot without a VPN.
Also use catbox.moe or pic8.co if you want to create good albums of this because Imgur love to delete stuff they deem "offensive".
I was also thinking, alternatively, that they could redesign the helmets of the characters and have them keep them on for the whole game. Halo does this pretty well, each helmet in the game has a face and a strong personality. Chief's helmet is a strong example.
I'm not sure if it's intentional, but to me Chief's helmet perfectly encapsulates his entire backstory. It looks grizzled and wrathful, but it's stoicness is intriguing. Look at the mouth-like piece of the helmet, it isn't frowning, it's not necessarily mad or sad (maybe grumpy). The face of the helmet looks almost shocked or traumatic(which is amplified by the openness of the visor), and trying to make some sort of emotion. It's sort of cold and eerie. What if he's crying for help, or struggling to grasp the remains of his individuality? I think it reflects Chief's past, it's like a cold iron mask that fights to bury it away.
For those who don't know, Chief is a child soldier, kidnapped and indoctrinated from birth to violently and swiftly quell insurrectionist threats. He never had a full childhood, and most of his life was strict and demanding. He can't relate to most people, or really anyone except his spartan team. In Halo 4, they started to focus on Chief's humanity, and whenever I look at the helmet he wears I'm reminded of his past.
So if they can express Chief's character (or spark the imagination) so effectively through a simple helmet design, it's more than possible to express the Squadron's characters in some way, shape, or form
It's mostly covered in my book, although I do an advanced variation of it with harder exercises and more volume.
So here is what I do:
Each rep is done slowly (15 seconds), with the eccentric (negative) portion lasting 10 seconds and the concentric (positive) portion lasting 5 seconds. So if I were to do a pull up it's be 5 seconds up, 10 seconds down. I do 3 reps for 1 set, and 3 sets for 1 exercise.
My workout routine:
1 set of one armed pull ups for each arm - 60-90s rest
1 set of assisted one armed chin ups for each arm - 60-90s rest
1 set of explosive pull ups (hips to bar pull ups) - 60-90s rest
1 set of chest flys
1 set of headstand push ups - 60-90s rest
Perform 3x
1 set of face pulls on rings
1 set of pistol squats - 60-90s rest
Perform 3x
1 set of inverted dead lift on bar (same motion as dead lift, but the body is rotated 180, feet up, head down)
1 set of straight bar dips with transition to negative slow muscle up - 60-90s rest
Perform 3x
1 set of front lever raises
1 set of parallel bars trap shrugs - 60-90s rest
Perform 2X
1 set of windshield wipers
1 set of straight bar trap shrugs - 60-90s rest
1 set of pelican push ups on rings
1 set of bicep curls on rings - 60-90s rest
Perform 3x
1 set of ring dips with forward lean and legs in pike position - 60-90s rest
Perform 3x
As for diet, I don't count calories, I don't eat sugar, I keep my carb intake very low and my protein and fat intake high, I fast for half of the day (intermittent fasting) and I do periodic prolonged fasts.
You can see my weight progress here (red circles are days of prolonged fasting - 36+ hours): https://pic8.co/sh/xjfNJm.png
THIS. FUCK OGRECHADS! this speaks true to the king minioncels! the bird represents the <strong>OPPRESSIVE FOID</strong> who DENIES us our THRONE. the foidfag will never submit because she defies her heritage! we must obtain the red dragon, AKA the <strong>BLUSHED STACY</strong>. when we find the blushed stacy we will show the ogrechads what a REAL family is like! they will grow old and frail, and their foidfag cucks will make them seethe, whereas us minions will pamper our blushed sweeties and keep them fine and wined to the end of our blessed legacy. our sons will be stronger than kratos and the sun will KNEEL TO OUR RULE
> Why should I use this?
Because GitHub has a long history (both before and after Microsoft) of injecting communist propaganda banners above people's work.
Today's example - https://pic8.co/sh/bpoJbI.png
But when they were advocating for government regulation of the Internet ("""net neutrality""") it was even worse...
This is an old post. I've checked the time stamps on the forum today and this post is not currently on there between the time of 6:18 am to 6:35 am and the only timestamps I could find that would be close to these posts between that timeframe since this post shown was posted on 6:27 am.
Another discrepancy I find is that the color of the [News] tag is blue meanwhile currently on the forum the color of the [News] tag is an ugly lime green.
Εδώ είναι το απόσπασμα που του προξένησε κρίση 🙂
Το άτομο ισχυρίστηκε πως ο φοίνικας είναι σα τη σβάστικα 😱
Όταν έλαβε απάντηση με ιστορικά στοιχεία έπαθε κοκομπλόκο 🤯 και αντί να σκεφτεί μόνο του πήγε στο μαντρί να ρωτήσει τι πρέπει να σκεφτεί 🤖
Τυπική περίπτωση NPC δηλαδή 🙂
>Signal is essentially the leader
By what metrics?
>The phone number verification that the service employs is mostly to ensure the service isn't spammed by bots- as they aren't likely a large enough company and probably couldn't handle or diffuse a large scale attack of that nature.
I am not saying there is no reason for them to implement a verification, but a phone number is not anonymous in most countries. For example, here is data from the end of 2018 for Europe: https://pic8.co/sh/wKfYcf.jpg
>I also recommended other services, and clearly listed which is the best for "anonymity" and private communication.
Sure, that's cool, but he specifically asked for anonymous messengers in the title and in the post.
Signal is also showing Google reCaptcha to some users on registration. Sure, it might be only 1% of the users, but it's the 1% that are doing their best to protect their identity. They get flagged as "might be bots".
I agree with you that Briar is good.
I only played him just now, and am comparing him to what he was 5 years ago (when I played https://pic8.co/sh/CRMtb5.png). I don't care about the nerf, I care about the drastic change in play-style.
Fuck it, I'm in normal skill now and games are a shit-show. I'm going to go treads-blink-aghs anyway.
Yes, WOW has been absolute shite today, it went offline here on the East side about 2AM. It's been on and off all day.
The online issue tracker has no issues listed, and wait times right now are running about 15 minutes. Downdetector suggested that pretty much the entire Eastern US was having issues.
I am still having issues here, so I swapped my modem out with my spare, here's hoping it's now fixed.
edit: Here's the weeks speedtest results. That used to be 65mbps across the board. https://pic8.co/sh/EXgIyv.png
Thank you. I had someone send me a screenshot.
I did not chose that detected steam path. The files for this game aren't even on that drive.
Is there a config file I can edit to change the steam path? I'm not even sure what I look for to change it to.
It's been 4 months since my last update so I figured I'd show you guys whats going on.
As you can see from this graph, my progress has slowed down to a crawl. Though the sternum is still being lifted, it's at a much slower pace than the previous year.
I've also found a new appreciation of apnea (breath hold) training after not being able to train for 2 weeks due to a flu a few months ago. I realized that daily apnea training will significantly impact how your chest behaves. First, it will keep the sternum lifted for longer after VB use, second, it will allow for greater and easier expansion of the chest wall and third it loosens up the muscles surrounding the chest.
Other than that, I'm still doing my daily stretches, still using the VB about 2-3x a week, and still making sure my posture is correct.
Far out. Like the Nobels, Pulitzers & everything else The everybody-gets-a-trophy Left have CHEAPENED, Bridges really should have got an Oscar for The Dude (Crazy Heart was 'meh'). I'll always remember watching this in the theater and on leaving my friend & I were "What in the HELL did we just watch?" - so intricately multilayered - like my man Kubrick - that repeated viewings are essential to devour everything. With only a VERY few turkeys (i thought their remake of The Ladykillers was atrocious; Intolerable Cruelty was intolerable.....) I think the Coen brothers' output is pure genius.
'Snot like I've got the expertise to argue!
I do know it's a C3. That much I'm pretty confident with. It was the last good looking 'Vette until the C7.
This is the only 'Vette I own and the only one I've driven - and I didn't get it until fairly recently.
occult and satanist subs of u/xaviermgk :
Echerdex: 43 <- claims this is about m. c. escher. proof: https://pic8.co/sh/EnOChE.png
occult: 23
PastSaturnsRings: 7
JustSyncIntuit: 6
Alchemy_of_Prophecy: 4
Sweet! That's one of the body styles that I also like.
I don't really like the C4, C5, and C6 bodies.
This is mine, that's older than yours:
CBS wasn’t the only one. Liberal journalists must find their job offers in a crackerjack box, they are so clueless, they don’t even know who the democrats are that they rally behind! Elijah Cummings had a very unique face. We all know his face, and we didn’t even like him 🤣 https://pic8.co/sh/AB3T1I.jpeg
CBS wasn’t the only one. Liberal journalists must find their job offers in a crackerjack box, they are so clueless, they don’t even know who the democrats are that they rally behind! Elijah Cummings had a very unique face. We all know his face, and we didn’t even like him 🤣 https://pic8.co/sh/AB3T1I.jpeg
You can definitively grow muscle.
Here's my 16 months progress: https://pic8.co/sh/dGVysG.png
Note though that this isn't just from working out. It's also postural improvements, daily stretching, VB use and breath hold training.
>However, with very basic tools that anyone can use, I attempted to see if I could automate writing news articles. This is the result.
This doesn't seem to be true. The full text appears in this since deleted article.