Can't believe it's been 2 years already. For those of you who are unfamiliar with my journey, over a year ago I made a post on this sub on how I went about fixing my PE with my own method, which includes correcting improper posture, stretching every day, strength training, usage of a vacuum bell and breath hold training (apnea training).
I've been making fairly regular updates since then, and this one is not much different than the last one as far as my body is concerned. I've reduced my PE a small fraction (about 0.3mm average) and gained a bit of mass. I must admit that since my last update I have gotten a bit lazy and callous, not maintaining my stretching and breath hold training as I should have, and instead focused on building muscle. I've corrected this error about a month ago and am again reaping the rewards.
As always, here is the graph of my progress:
Also, I'll be going on vacation soon (hence the title). I'll try and get some photos on the beach which should have much better lighting than the crappy lights in my room. Still a tiny bit anxious about taking my shirt off in front of people, even though I've done it hundreds of times by now.
EDIT: Almost forgot. The major difference since my last update is that the results of the VB now last significantly longer. It used to be that after 2 days my sternum would mostly sink back, while now that time is closer to 3 days.
Hi. You can wear those swim shirts that some surfers use. TSLA 1 or 2 Pack Men's Rashguard Swim Shirts, UPF 50+ Loose-Fit Short Sleeve Shirt, UV Cool Dry fit Athletic Water Shirts
Sometimes I wear this, it actually helps a lot to relief the chest pain / chest discomfort, i think it squeezes my stomach and my internal organs upwards so that my heart is not drooping so low inbetween my sturnum and spine... lol idk but it helps a lot.
Thought I'd mention it, I use it to try to reduce the swelling that the Vacuum bell causes, since I was wearing the vacuum bell 24/7
What is cryo?
Are you unable to sleep on your back?
Maybe get a wedge pillow
or wedge up the pillows you have
You shouldn’t be laying on your side at this point. My surgeon was very, very clear that you should only be on your back when laying down until he clears me later on to lay on my side.
I’ve been using a wedge pillow in my bed, this one to be exact:
>a lot harder for women to get results on a flat chest with ya know breasts and all.
They sell custom fitted ones! it might even work better, are you referring to women who have had a custom fitted one? let me show you, I have never heard yet if it works well or not but I want to make sure you're referring to this because I write down your example to memory lol:
something like that?
Also as I said in DM's, a surgery is probably the best route, better to take care of it now than when you're older...
But... for myself I'm ignoring that advice completely, I'm quite scared to go under the knife.
It's mostly covered in my book, although I do an advanced variation of it with harder exercises and more volume.
So here is what I do:
Each rep is done slowly (15 seconds), with the eccentric (negative) portion lasting 10 seconds and the concentric (positive) portion lasting 5 seconds. So if I were to do a pull up it's be 5 seconds up, 10 seconds down. I do 3 reps for 1 set, and 3 sets for 1 exercise.
My workout routine:
1 set of one armed pull ups for each arm - 60-90s rest
1 set of assisted one armed chin ups for each arm - 60-90s rest
1 set of explosive pull ups (hips to bar pull ups) - 60-90s rest
1 set of chest flys
1 set of headstand push ups - 60-90s rest
Perform 3x
1 set of face pulls on rings
1 set of pistol squats - 60-90s rest
Perform 3x
1 set of inverted dead lift on bar (same motion as dead lift, but the body is rotated 180, feet up, head down)
1 set of straight bar dips with transition to negative slow muscle up - 60-90s rest
Perform 3x
1 set of front lever raises
1 set of parallel bars trap shrugs - 60-90s rest
Perform 2X
1 set of windshield wipers
1 set of straight bar trap shrugs - 60-90s rest
1 set of pelican push ups on rings
1 set of bicep curls on rings - 60-90s rest
Perform 3x
1 set of ring dips with forward lean and legs in pike position - 60-90s rest
Perform 3x
As for diet, I don't count calories, I don't eat sugar, I keep my carb intake very low and my protein and fat intake high, I fast for half of the day (intermittent fasting) and I do periodic prolonged fasts.
You can see my weight progress here (red circles are days of prolonged fasting - 36+ hours):
It's been 4 months since my last update so I figured I'd show you guys whats going on.
As you can see from this graph, my progress has slowed down to a crawl. Though the sternum is still being lifted, it's at a much slower pace than the previous year.
I've also found a new appreciation of apnea (breath hold) training after not being able to train for 2 weeks due to a flu a few months ago. I realized that daily apnea training will significantly impact how your chest behaves. First, it will keep the sternum lifted for longer after VB use, second, it will allow for greater and easier expansion of the chest wall and third it loosens up the muscles surrounding the chest.
Other than that, I'm still doing my daily stretches, still using the VB about 2-3x a week, and still making sure my posture is correct.
You can definitively grow muscle.
Here's my 16 months progress:
Note though that this isn't just from working out. It's also postural improvements, daily stretching, VB use and breath hold training.
Thank you yes! I am plus 30 also so looking for experienced adult docs, and trying to find some who have performed on women as that is rarer. My colleague had Nuss with doctor Jarozewski last year! He wrote a document about it and shared on Reddit, I think you will find it interesting since you will be doing the exact same thing:
Did you come across Dr Robert Meguid when you were considering surgeons? He is located very close to my home and seems to have experience, but I have no idea how much? Do you have to call the hospital and ask how often they perform, how did you find out?
Hello, I have been looking for treatments for my ribs for a while now, and I am wondering if anyone knows if anything non-invasive that I can do. I have been looking at braces, and one of them has caught my eye, the LaceIT Pectus Excavatum. Does anyone have any other suggestions that would best suit my condition?
UPDATE: i got one of these Pump and so far i've had no issues, in fact i think is better than the one that comes with the vacuum bell, i will update if anything changes.
I had rib flares pretty bad. I wear these as undershirts at work every day. My shape has improved significantly.
I got a bell from them too and no plug. I got these off Amazon and they work perfect for clamping the tube. So much easier than a plug.
Quickun Plastic Tube Tubing Clamps, 3/16"-5/16" Tube OD Shut Off Hose Clamp Water Flow Control Tube Clip Pipe for Beer Bottle and Infusion Bottle for (Pack of 5)
Webetop Adults Dirt Bike Body Chest Spine Protector Armor Vest for Skiing L
Anyone works really, I’d get one with the back part too cuz there have been plenty of times I fall and end up on my back and am fine thanks to the protector. Otherwise you’ll probably end up bruising yourself pretty bad
If your going to the gym, I say get a brace. They help tremendously but you need to give it time. I’ve heard good things about this one:
That’s Amazon UK so search for it on whichever one you use. It is definitely there.
I'm using some scar gel and it seems like its getting better over time -- less dark and stiff. I'd recommend trying it.
In an effort to improve my posture I got myself one of these: I lie on it for ten minutes a day and it seems to help withback aches, unsure if it's a good fit for your problems but it may be worth reading about.