> "The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting." Sun Tzu, The Art of War
I try to tilt players. Not by being rude or obvious about it. Just open up divisions within their team. E.g. If the carry dies early and complains in all chat - I'll say it's not your fault because of your jungler or mid was a just a bad pick. The more the enemy turns on each other the less likely my team will.
Yes, we do. Here it is: DotaHex
As the guy who coded it: thanks for the mention on this splendid subreddit :) Glad you found the app useful.
Wow, so many people have tried it out since this post! Thanks everyone :)
I've just updated the app with a bunch of improvements to the speech recognition thanks to what I've learnt from you guys. Google's AI is (surprisingly!) not 100% perfect at identifying the names of Dota Heroes! I get round this by knowing Google's common mistakes and correcting them in order to respond to you. I set up a bunch before I launched the app, but there are so many ways of talking so it could only go so far. This means that now, if Google thinks you said:
True Sight will know that you actually meant to ask:
Also, I forgot to mention, if you want to send me feedback from the app, you can just say the word "Feedback" and it'll ask for what you'd like to say. Or you can PM me on reddit. Also, feel free to leave a review on the Google Assistant Directory :)
Cool idea in principle. But this visualization is very confusing and hard to read. The point of visualizing data is to make that data instantly digestible. You're trying to tell a story with the data. Just slamming all that information into a graph with a confusing key isn't good design and it's not going to teach people anything. I would maybe even recommend taking an interactive approach to this. Something that uses D3 maybe? http://d3js.org/
Read The Visual Display of Quantitative Information. Really dry book title, but it is an amazing read. http://www.amazon.com/The-Visual-Display-Quantitative-Information/dp/0961392142
Just watch this guy. You buy null tallismans (2) and when you get low on health you just kill yourself. You also have 7 base armor which is INSANE.
Seriously though unless you have like 3 stuns/silences a solo techies can win almost any harass war, ranged or melee.
Promise this isn't an ad but there's this thing called (DotaPlus)[https://www.overwolf.com/app/Overwolf-DotaPlus] via Overwolf and it's a godsend during the drafting phase. It's basically just pulling dotabuff up on your phone but faster and does it for the whole team.
With a ~1.5k MMR difference I don't think you will have too much issue raising your MMR.
To do so, people talk about needing to play a high impact role, which I agree with, but my idea of high impact might be a bit different. In short, a high impact playstyle is one where your skill difference is able to be utilized to make a positive impact on your game. An often cited example is to play mid, but it could also be something like playing a successful roaming support or knowing to split farm/push instead of engaging in a standoff mid lane. Whether or not you know what they are, a 1.5k gap indicates you're vastly better at some thing(s) than the other player. You just need to take advantage of it.
Regarding the 50% winrate - the ideal winrate is 50% against evenly matched opponents. If you are indeed better than your opponents then your winrate should be > 50%, and your MMR will adjust so that eventually you're back to ~50% winrate.
In case you're interested in MMR/matchmaking in general, I wrote about a few aspects of it here: https://medium.com/dota-2-notes/understanding-mmr-f6e626da57ab
I took your idea of percentage based damage, and since we can't be sure whether the items that Jesus had (e.g. frankincense, Myrrh, etc) grant any magic resist or spell immunity, I used only damage that pierces through those.
I'm not sure how OP got his calculation for Jesus' HP regen, but 212,055 strength should equate to:
HP Reg = Base Regen * (1 + 0.0071 * Str) HP Reg = (1.5) * (1 + 0.0071 * (212,055)) HP Reg = 2260 HP / s
Enigma's Midnight Pulse deals pure damage that is not blocked by spell immunity, and Necrophos' Heartstopper deals damage in the form of negative regeneration (most powerful damage type as it can't be blocked, reduced, or amplified by anything).
~~Now Heartstopper alone, even with the talent, isn't powerful enough to deal damage over time to Jesus. His HP regen per second is higher than the damage being done per second. Comboed with a Midnight Pulse Jesus is startled, but still doing just fine as MP runs out before Jesus is missing even a sizeable amount of HP. If Enigma has a refresher orb, he either stack two MPs or cast them one after the other, and with Heartstopper there the whole time, Jesus is left with 1/3 of his HP before the two MPs end. But if Enigma has a refresher orb, a refresher shard, and Necro is nearby with the talent? Well only then do we have some heresy on our hands.~~
EDIT: I was wrong with my calculation as well. It seems just a double Midnight Pulse is enough to take down Jesus, or Heartstopper alone can take him down eventually after 57 seconds.
Good point, that is way more efficient. Wish there was more items that were 1-2K gold in the game.
HoN had some interesting concepts. This one was really interesting http://www.heroesofnewerth.com/items/view/140
Basically you would build null talisman and a recipe.
>On kill or on assist, becomes charged. A charged Grave Locket gains +2 to all stats and reduces 10 seconds from the respawn timer. If the wielder dies, the charge will be removed.
It would be really helpful for the roaming supports with terrible stat gain.
SuperF4 (shortcut is ctrl + alt + f4) https://stefansundin.github.io/superf4/ lets you force closing programs
works with anything including dota, and doesn't require an autohotkey setup
Be careful letting this affect your relationship. She has an expectation to equal access to your internet.
Your options are really only get a cable from router->pc (you can use a switch in the middle, thats my method) or find a much better wifi emitter (access point) and better conditions (no walls/floors between nodes)
The cable is by far the easiest and cheapest, the only issue is being allowed a cable between the two points or distance. If the problem is distance usually a cheap switch in the middle can solve that issue.
If you gotta use wifi and want a stronger signal emitter then I suggest something like this: amazon-link
The real problem with this is its expensive and might not fix your issue if the conditions are the major reason for the problem.
I play a lot of support. Best advice I got to improve my game was to re watch my games and see what’s happening when I died. I was too lazy to do this tbh.
Download dota picker and overwolf, or just the latter. Overwolf will actually give you highlights of the game from when you died (I’m sure there is more to it but I haven’t explored it yet. So as soon as my game is done it’s all already for me and I can easily see the different fights I died in. I’ll watch the clip and be like “oh should I used my force staff earlier” or “I needed to tp because they didn’t have stuns” etc
I found by doing this I’ve really reduced my averages deaths and improved my general gameplay. I’m reading situation better now and find that I’ll generally be able to call out more plays.
I only played him just now, and am comparing him to what he was 5 years ago (when I played https://pic8.co/sh/CRMtb5.png). I don't care about the nerf, I care about the drastic change in play-style.
Fuck it, I'm in normal skill now and games are a shit-show. I'm going to go treads-blink-aghs anyway.
It was mentioned a few times already, but build hex. The standard Tinker build is to go blink into hex. It's just too powerful to pass up.
One of the things that helped me a lot was to focus more on farming. You should still attend team fights when you can, but don't be as focused on getting solo pick offs until you're more farmed. If you farm well and get the most out of each TP cycle, you'll be far ahead of the opposing team.
I don't know if you need this, but here's an article I wrote on Tinker: https://medium.com/dota-2-notes/f0326aa705b8
For reference, my Tinker win rate is 59% out of 193 games; as of last month it's 62% with 24 games. I'm currently at 4.2k solo MMR.
I wrote an article on this earlier this week. (: It doesn't go over all the different aspects of Tinker, just the basics behind the standard march build.
Instead of buying a razor mousepad, just google "desk mat" (something like this). Only about $10 and bigger than you will ever need.
If it's your ISP that's fiddling with the traffic you're out of luck with local QoS.
You could try a VPN like WTFast or VyprVPN, which will make it impossible for your ISP to detect the content of your traffic.
However, you'll have to see if you end up in the slow or in the fast lane with that.
Really this is a topic for your ISP support then.
I use this
half the price, just as good.
I find razer to be overpriced crap
Ive had to replace mine 2-3 times over the years, but for half the price, I think its better. Also has custom weights.
The thing is that I'm looking for actually ergonomic mice. Most of the stuff I'm after has a vertical shape. Here's an example: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Wireless-Vertical-Ergonomic-Optical-1600DPI/dp/B00BIFNTMC/ref=sr_1_4?s=computers&ie=UTF8&qid=1497426459&sr=1-4&keywords=vertical+mouse
Whoops, I think you're the only person I missed (I wasn't checking the thread any more at this time). Sorry about that! To make up for that, here's the full version before I make my posts!
With regard to the ping script there is/was a very good website at http://dota2timers.lixend.com which you can alt tab to and press start on 0 seconds and it will make various sounds for stacking, runes, courier purchase etc that can be very helpful as a reminder for various reasons. Sadly the domain seems to have expired at present.
There looks to be a similar Android app on https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.th4t.android.dotatimingtrainer
Not tried it myself though, I'll give it a go though