just a reminder that, according to this deliberately misleading poll conducted 1 month ago, the majority of people on r/ss13 don't give a fuck about TEH FURRIES
Fun fact. That owner field changed to the same random names that SS13 uses, along with the jobs.
And the honk button honks.
Download it here: https://mega.nz/#!zhJlQRbD!W7v8PoGPYN4xplFhm_oaFmMII63Z-vYlK3kmBLR3QHY
If you want to change the PDA's display and links, check the PDA.ini file in notepad. For more wallpapers, just place any image file in the @Resources\Wallpapers folder.
Download Rainmeter here: https://www.rainmeter.net/
It's not really a game per say, but it's free, and it's basically a physics simulator based on the old falling sand game.
People have modded the game for new features or new elements, but you can also share designs with the official version. It's equal parts pixel art and pyromaniac sim.
There's a tiny sidebar that contains options like liquids, solids, explosives, electrical stuff, other things that include nuclear things.
Basically you draw with whatever option you picked, and then you can interact with it by using the other options.
Here's a guide to make a mini laser.
Oh yeah, Monster had an epiphany today and a sudden boost of productivity and found a in his words "low strain and fast" way for lighting..
He hasn't stopped working since and this is his progress since his post earlier today: https://sendvid.com/gstdrhzx
seriously I love this guy he's a fucking wizard.
>be me
>be drinking space beer with clown
>tells lots of funny jokes
>shitsec speeds in like the chexquest warrior
>bleeds the clown with harmbaton combos
>spaces him
>everybody ignores
>beg the HOS to let me prosecute him in court
>calls the shitsec guard after annoying him enough
>guardfag stares like an NPC
>"you murdered the clown, space law says murder allows up to perma jail"
>show HOS photographic evidence of shitsec spacelynching clown
>throws it away
>realise my job has no impact on security
>can rarely work since sec decides criminal punishment before taking anything into consideration or seeing evidence
It makes you spend chems to DNA sting people which means you might risk not having enough for a fight, and there's usually 2-3 lings with the objective, who are allowed to hunt and absorb eachother in the name of advancing their objectives.
And in general, even if you think it's a lame objective, /tg/ is planning on reworking lings entirely and when/if that ever happens, Fulp will change its rules to fit the new antag with the rest of the antag's rules.
I actually suggested this as an idea, mostly because I find Brainmed interesting but don't want to get caught up in thirty minute tutorial sessions with the CMO. It doesn't seem to have a lot of traction, though. In fact, it seems more people would be interested in the exact opposite.
I was discussing with another specemen earlier about whether the librarian should ever be reworked. Whereas I found the librarian job boring, the other player found the library job enjoyable. I've always had the impression people dislike the librarian job as it was very boring, but I was curious what the actual numbers from the subreddit might be.
Edit: You can find the results here.
Try this: https://www.reddit.com/r/SS13/comments/jqkovw/a_stepbystep_guide_on_running_space_station_13_on/
If that doesn't work you can try Lutris.
Wine only supports IE8, so some UIs will probably be broken.
As I understand it and I'm also not a lawyer, Creative Commons is an extremely poor choice for licensing software, as it does not force people to distribute the source code to their derived works. Assuming Goons had the right to relicense the code, they should have never done so under CC.
1) Install BYOND
2) Register a BYOND account
3) Start BYOND, log in
4) Select Space Station 13 from the menu
I suggest joining the server you saw a video of because every server is very different!
Gotta start slow, yo. Unless your talking that you know some of this basic shit and just want to know how to do ss13 shit, then yeah. No such resource beyond Byond's own guides, which are frustratingly lacking.
i spent my whole week making this you know
please play on my server i spent a lot of time on that too
byond:// - battlegrounds server address
https://www.guilded.gg/i/1pPLPvyp - battlegrounds guilded
https://discord.gg/BUM8uRc - white sands discord
Figured as much. Though, the NC bit of CC is surprisingly murky. That is to say, I'm unable to chase down a concrete definition outside of this: > NonCommercial means not primarily intended for or directed towards commercial advantage or monetary compensation.
Which still sounds oddly open to me.
Please don't post comments like this if you do not have sufficient knowledge of the programming language used. C# is cross platform. SFML is also cross platform.
One of the dumb things they did was use WPF for the tools which does in fact restrict it to windows since no existing WPF tech exists that is cross platform.
You do know that MonoGame is cross platform and based exactly on XNA? C# is cross platform just have to work with it more. Don't make the mistake I did and rule out C# completely.
Lots of code bases have really good guides for setting things up on local. For example, here is Goonstation's: https://hackmd.io/@goonstation/docs/%2F%40goonstation%2Fdev
If you have a specific code base you want to run, just go to their github. It usually has a link to a guide like this.
Nope, Unitystation runs on Unity and is pretty much just trying to transfer everything over. SS14 runs on a custom engine and will remake many systems. Movement isn't tile based for example. You can read up on the planned changes and other things here.
Radd, this is great. I'm writing about using archaeological techniques to understand modern technology and computer culture. Since a lot of stuff from the early 80's is poorly documented I've been trying to figure out what you can figure out from the code and hardware itself, i.e. material culture. It's cool you seem to be doing that here with various branches of SS13 code. Tried looking through Usegroup archives, since those were super useful when I was doing stuff on Abandonware rings. Didn't find much, only this relatively recent attempt at a remake (2011) https://groups.google.com/forum/#!search/"space$20station$2013"/091labs-public/mCUrw9e2-dM/lQtLyzt8oY8J
That's the ferry :/ This white ship is only on meta station tho, and it can be found south east of the old telecomsat. And you can take it to The Mining asteroid, Derelict, SS13 docks and deep space(AKA southeast from Tcommsat)
Yeah they do, I need to work and making them different. I want to see if I can make them have more facial expressions like lego people or some thing like this: https://dribbble.com/shots/2471886-Lego-Stickers-Giveaway
It could be extra funny if people would wobble their mouth when talking or open with a big O when there are explosions and such. And you could wink for real in game.
well its offline now
I've never seen the station goal achieved (dna, bluespace)
does co-op servers exist?
can't the server spawn no traitors and then add them after 15 mins (via pda messages or joins)?
Yep that was me and I never released the code. Transitioned to C# and, as far as programming, it is still very active. I try to improve on it and debug it with unit tests at least 3 times a week, life permitting. I am so glad I did make the transition to C# because C# is evolving to be more cross-platform
That is really unusual. Huh. It should at least give an error message.
If you're somewhat technical you could use task manager to check and see if the dreamseeker.exe process exists after you run it, maybe it's hanging up really early, before it even displays the window.
You could also try http://www.dependencywalker.com/ to see if it's trying to use any libraries that aren't installed on your system but that should just give you an error when you run it and I doubt the rest of BYOND would work.
Other than that I got nothin', sorry. This makes no sense.
Why not use the Fullscreen API to allow popup mode to go to fullscreen when available. Byond could give an iframe with allowfullscreen enabled and the browser could do the work. The user would still have to let the game activate the option in the browser.
There's a precise garbage collector as of 2.085.0, and of course you "could always" run in @nogc or -betterC mode (these actually kind of suck right now).
Yea, you can find the design docs here: https://hackmd.io/@tgstation
It doesn't have everything, but it should give a general picture.
For more detailed information all development channels are public and there are no secret/hidden channels, unlike in most codebases.
I have been wondering if you genuinely care, or you're just trolling me. Among Us is a very popular game that has traitors and crewmates on a spaceship. The traitors win by killing all the crewmates or sabotaging the ship enough. The crewmates win if they execute the traitor or get the ship going before all the crewmates die. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.innersloth.spacemafia&hl=en_US&gl=US
Who want's to try Sexy Assistant?
The rules say 'try to follow the lore', 'do not be excessively malicious', there's also an escalation checklist. The lore is literally just 'NT and syndies still hate each other but are in a cold war after their last fight crippled them both'. The hackMD is right here.
You can just make your own.
actually, desired design docs dont even cover that many areas of the game (that arent already implemented) and in general design docs for nonspecific game design flows with the exception of like, head coder pronouncements i guess have fallen out of favor (so if you want to do something in https://hackmd.io/@tgstation/HyOAnhDPI this list youre definitely SOL).
there is no "primary doc" that details what we do and dont want for the game as a whole in some all encompassing detail or whatever. the hackmd is a collection of tbh mostly ignored or unimplemented design docs that we need to figure out how to make more usable in the first place. the current procedure with design documents are mostly "if youre doing something really big make a design doc" which is ehh tbh but whatever
I don't know how Crossover works, the best copy of Byond over Wine I found was this Lutris script.
If you can use winetricks, install:
Once you do this it will maybe work.
It's worth noting that any VueUI functions won't work until Wine implement it or Byond replaces its embedded browser so it's not Internet Explorer. Maybe Crossover has support for this already, I don't know.
In CC BY-NC-SA, SA stands for "share alike" https://creativecommons.org/licenses/
"This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work non-commercially, as long as they credit you and license their new creations under the identical terms."
CC BY-NC-SA is not GPL compatible, in fact it's only compatible with itself and CC0 according to Creative Commons.
It can't be both simultaneously, they are mutually exclusive:
As per the Creative commons website:
Currently, no non-CC licenses have been designated as compatible with BY-NC-SA 4.0.
Species can't really be altered aside from the monkeyize mutation IIRC, which is primarily for turning monkeys into humans. And the hulk mutation if you count that.
I never really bother with editing UI, all of my knowledge regarding genetics comes from working with the mutations so take this knowledge with a grain of salt. The point of genetics is that you don't know what does what until you try different things and figure it out. You could copy someone's UI and change other people's UI to match and then they'll look like that person, but if you just want to tweak individual aspects it's purely a guessing game.
Also, obligatory https://getsharex.com/
EDIT: If you are trying to make two people look identical, you do also need the UE to change their name.
Well, I can try to break down the video I guess.
He's using two different Desmos calculators
He seems to be using a 49.83/49.83/.35 Plasma/CO2/Tritium mix starting at -269 degrees, with a pressure of ~3600 kpa and a mole count of 87357 moles.
And then he hooked that up to what I assume is a max upgraded heater, and let it rip
He heated that mixture up to 790 degrees and then fucking exploded
You then end up with 100% tritium mixture in the can with the following stats:
Moles: 17532.1
Volume: 1000L
Pressure: 239464000000 kpa
If is your computer you can change the settings. If it is someone else's (like a school or family computer) you will need someone with admin access to deal with that.
You can go the other route. Install 7-zip. (Choose the 64-bit x64 link). Then right click the zip file, hover over the 7-zip option, extract files..., and click OK in the window that pops up. You will then need to go into the new folder that appears, open the byond folder then bin folder inside that, then double-click byond.exe.
If that is blocked, which it well may be if your security setting are blocking the installer download, you'll need to ask for help from the person with admin access to your computer.
BYOND is a flawed implementation of a perfect multiplayer engine for hobbyists. Some day there will be something as simple as codepen: write the rules, draw the sprites, click the button, send the link to your friends.
My recommendation would be to use Lutris with this script.
I had to make some changes though to get the above script to work.
I may have gotten some details wrong here like the folder names but I'll correct this when I get home.
You could just use Lutris' installer for Byond. I've found it generally works pretty well, but does suffer from a gradual increase in lag that I find unbearable after half an hour. Luckily, it's generally solved by closing the game and rejoining.
> And yeah they should follow the license, but somehow TG doesn't have to follow the license its work is based on? Because it's bigger?
You should actually go and read the license text instead of blabbering on. Amusingly enough, MSO's interpretation of the situation makes sense, if subversioning is considered a collection. It actually gets even more amusing, because no matter what changes you make to the work, you could argue that the original is still in there, under years of commits. (Shenaniganry like this is actually why you don't use artistic licensing for software, but that's another matter.)
It's actually pretty common for software to have multiple licenses apply to it, or different parts of it. In our case, it'd be CC-BY-NC-SA applying to the Goon bits, GPL applying to the post-Goon-pre-AGPL bits, and AGPL applying to everything thereafter. This means you have 3 licenses applying to one collection of work, which means that depending on how far back in Git history you go, you'd have to abide by a set of all three. Which /tg/ is doing, as far as my tracking goes.
Though all of this depends on whether or not subversioning of code is counted as adaptation or a collection.
Don't use the & operator during interactive, aka SSH sessions, since they will still terminate as soon as the SSH session stops working.
Just use the normal DreamDaemon command inside an screen session.
More information about screen is here. https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-and-use-screen-on-an-ubuntu-cloud-server
Doing a search on this subreddit can yield a script that can do the process for you. I have one I wrote myself as well, but it’s not completely optimal. Some saint of a person did make a Lutris package for it as well https://lutris.net/games/byond/
Link in case anyone is interested. I've also turned that script into a Lutris Installer which makes it even easier to use.
Any OVH game server is an absolute beast for single core performance. I've used them to host large factorio superbases and heavily modded minecraft servers (both single threaded based performance games like SS13). I have absolutely zero doubt that a spessmen server hosted on one of these would be never have any real lag issues that are hardware related.
the date matters because alot of what is used now was not usable back then, numerous BYOND features that are standard now did not exist when the game was made.
Hell I think this was made Pre-3.5 aswell,
Here is a changelog from 4.0, which post dates this game by a few years, notice some of the features that are quite commonly used now did not exist at the time the game was made...
Go to the server list, and look for the ones that say "[Play in webclient]". Find one that you like, and click on that webclient link to get started! You don't need to download anything, all you need is to be signed into a BYOND account.
I can not give you a mod idea, but I just got an idea!
Open Source SS13 remake, with limited action points, as a parallel MUD and browser game with only most minimalistic controls (think about darkroom).
To expand on this idea:
MUD as niche format for fans and people who will find it to be more accessible.
Action Points: It's a time-stretcher, rounds can last for weeks, and players will spend majority of game-play time chatting away. If you played twinoid's mush then you should be able to relate, otherwise open your mind to accept that people learn to enjoy it. Also, people who can't couldn't play SS13 during daytime, find themselves to be part of similar experience all through out the day, as long as they can find a few minutes to check in every once in a while.
Might do well as open source, massive community experience and collaborative evolution. I'm tired after last paragraph, let this stream of consciousness just hang out somewhere.
After consulting the resident programmer (aka the only other guy working with me) we will be using Monogame, which "is a cross-platform game engine written in C#" basically, it won't be too hard to make it cross platform since we are using this from the get-go.
Well, it could potentially, yes. I may be misunderstanding it, but the whole page area of it is being taken down. You know how we have the main page with a list of all the games, and for us, SS13?
Byond will look like this, except not as flashy.
Again, I could be completely mistaken and overreacting, so I'll throw one of the main topic links up there.
So why not use amazon's EC2 Service?
A 3 year term on a damn good server with a 10gb uplink is $549 .
I've personally got the t2 micro server to test (it's free for a year) and the vcore that you get is insanely fast (and yes, that $549 is for Windows 2008 R2 installed as well)
*sigh* okay now I'm not exactly familiar with Git but what you got there is a simple code snippet, the site was even kind enough to lay out the URL and project names for you.
> Step 1, install Git for Windows, the text on the grey boxes is a bunch of commands to run on the project folder from the Git Bash terminal or whatever terminal you prefer for that if you have such a setup.
> Step 2, run the aforementioned commands, specifically those from the "create a new repository" section in order, make sure you're running them on the project's folder, nobody wants to see a repo made out of some guy's root folder or something.
> Step 3, expect something else to be done.
> Step 4, realize there's nothing else to do and you're done, that was literally it.
> Step 5, reflect on your life decisions, maybe get a milkshake or something while you're at it with all the spare time you thought you'd be spending on something like this.
Alternatively, be a scrub and use the desktop GUI
I've been using this for a few months and I love it.
I highly recommend you put the word "Byond" somewhere in your Atom package page and give it tags like #dm and #byond so that people can find it when they search for "byond".
I just looked at your forum.
The only thing you can do to make it look even worse is changing your font to comic sans..
But seriously though, I suggest brushing up your forum style, to be completely honest with you it looks terrible, your background is disruptive and makes it hard to focus on anything. The font colors (green and gray) makes the text harder to read, make the font a bit bigger and change it to something more pleasant and easier to read.
Your shoutbox wants me to just close the page instantly, gray background with color #FF0000 (Very bright red) works really bad, and will just cause headaches in the long run.
If you need some nice color palettes you might want to check out http://www.colourlovers.com/palettes
EDIT: Might be off topic and not what you want in this thread, but eh I just wanted to let you guys know
There are design documents which broadly steer development, generally authored by either headcoders or maintainers- they're also publically viewable, though are admittedly a little hard to find if you dont already know they're there. You can see them at https://hackmd.io/@tgstation
TL;DR no but we do have an idea for a better replacement and servers can always fork if they want.
To put it bluntly I'm of the personal opinion that everything lavaland related is a disaster from a game design perspective.
The thing is that miners basically spend their entire round disconnected from what is actually going on on the round, basically playing a single player game. If I wanted to dig through caves and fight bosses I would play Terraria. Then at best their single-player labor, or lack theoreof, influences the round merely by providing materials to R&D or other such things (or not and making R&D hate their choice of job since they now have nothing to do).
It's not a good thing in a game like SS13 where the entire focus of the game is on-station chaos and emergent gameplay from people interacting with eachother.
We have an idea for a replacement we dub Salvage Crew. This is mostly an idea dump, not final, probably has rough edges, etc... we're also nowhere close to implementing it because, as implied, an off-station job like this is low on the priority list. Much more important stuff to make work on the station itself, I think you can agree?
Also obviously servers can fork and implement whatever they want, including lavaland. We just won't be doing it for "official" SS14 servers.
OP go buy one of these and do it with bananas for a keyboard ok https://smile.amazon.co.uk/Makey-Invention-Kit-Everyone/dp/B008SFLEPE/ref=smi_www_rco2_go_smi_8682124849?_encoding=UTF8&%2AVersion%2A=1&%2Aentries%2A=0&ie=UTF8