his author page describes him as: "Dr. Lukas Castle received his doctoral degree in the social sciences with a focus on an honest reflection on masculinity research. He has over a decade worth of research into men's behaviors and sexuality-related discourse..."
no one who writes a book supporting the black pill is giving a "honest" look at masculinity
What is hilarious to me is this myth was created and pushed by a Persian PUA chad named, Daryush Valizadeh. According to Incel Logic, Chads & PUAs are evil and not to be trusted nor given friendship at any time.
Hmm. Hosted in Sweden.
As of May 2016, the Swedish Penal Code was updated to include identity theft or "Anyone who, by illegally using another person's identity information, pretends to be him or her and thereby gives rise to the detriment or inconvenience of him or her" (the part in quotes is ran through Google Translate from official PDF release)
I'd contact the police before the hosting company. Although PRQ says they don't tolerate content that violates Swedish laws.
Before this website, he used to own one site that was titled, "Raping Girls Is Fun."
The .onion website have been defunct since Feb 2020, the link is a photo of the site.
There is a book series called the warlock of salem in germany. For some bizzaro reason they kept the german word for warlock in the english version.
Basically you know how there's that underwear for kids that lined with super absorbent material for potty training? Picture that but less bulky and adult size. But also it's totally going to get stained so maybe buy a dark color
Youth? Funny how data shows that men of almost any age prefer women in their early 20s while women have a more proportional age preference
Source: https://metro.co.uk/2019/02/22/men-regardless-age-will-always-attracted-women-early-20s-8718590/
This is the book they got it from: https://www.amazon.com/Dataclysm-When-Think-Ones-Looking/dp/0385347375/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1412948960&sr=8-1&keywords=dataclysm
That's the hosting, not the domain registrar. And it's worse than that. The company they're hosted with is called PRQ and its whole business model is hosting stuff that nobody else will tolerate. They'll also do their best to protect their clients from the law.
Honestly, this dumpster fire isn't even the worst thing they're hosting.
Seems like they moved their domain to PRQ as well (Saw some links to Sweden in the WHOIS data, not exactly sure). Not sure what we can do anymore. Those guys are a haven for shady people because of their "free speech" policy. Contacting the Swedish LE, maybe?
One of my roommates is a total weeb and used that same argument to defend a shitty character from an anime I do like called Gate: Jieitai Kano Chi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri. Which I actually do like this one because of 21 century JIDF vs fantasy Iron Age military.
The character in question is oversexualized and I fucking hate that character. If that character was replaced with a OP adult male military character which would fit the setting of the story, I would be happy.
I usually tell people to buy TunnelBear through the App Store when they travel. I bounced around the islands a lot prior to Covid for work and I never got onto any network without TunnelBear and Lockdown on my phone, tablet and laptop.
> All I did in high school was play vidya and watch fucking TV.
And whose fault is that? 😒
Also, "books on 80s esoterica and the Bermuda Triangle"? Like these?
I may or may not have those books. 😹
It'll cost you $5, but the majority of the reviews are incels fawning over this flawed wreck.
Way to try to use a credit card that is in space, luxury because of no work, all will be replaced no matter what if your speakers are of the US government are the responsibility of the person you want to self-host, go for Mullvad which is the same Tanger)
I highly recommend this book. It's a very comprehensive look at the REAL reasons kids kill, which are of course easy access to guns and incel behavior and beliefs
This wasn't bad: https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/p07fvhmw/inside-the-secret-world-of-incels -- that player only works in the UK but you might be able to stream it somewhere else.
>nice so if I were short that means that over half of my dating prospects have been eliminated
I'm sorry, how do you think dating works? You aren't dating (or shouldn't be) by asking out random people in the street. You're looking at a specific person, so the numbers don't actually matter- even on dating sites, you're meant to chat and get to know someone before actual romance happens.
Half your dating prospects haven't been eliminated, you've just learnt various strangers won't date you. That's fine- most strangers won't date you. Doesn't matter what they think, they weren't options anyway. What matters is if the person you're asking out would date you, and hopefully you know them well enough that you aren't relying on match.com surveys to predict their reaction.
I think a lot of Incel problems isn't attractiveness or even personality- lots of shitty people get dates- it's forgetting this. You're not asking out "a woman" in a way where you can pull up the stats and see the odds she'd date a short guy. You're asking out an actual, individual person, and if you don't know if she's the kind of person who wouldn't date short guys, probably get to know her better before asking her out.
So, general issues:
It's easy to go down this route, but I'd like to ask you to stop and turn around.
I was the same. When I was 25, I'd been through a lifetime of being called ugly, largely due to having a cleft lip. I'm also very short (5'4"). And not very confident. Suffice it to say, I'd never had a relationship, and I was still a virgin.
I joined a dating site, Match.com, and had the same experience. Ghosted hundreds of times, went on a couple of dates that sucked. But I kept at it, and eventually had a date with a certain girl. Long story short, well, we got together, and we've been together for ten years.
The point is, it can happen. You don't need to be a great-looking guy, or tall, or any of that stuff. Yes, those things will increase your chances of going on a date. But they won't really increase your chances of meeting the right person. Just keep at it. It may take a hundred, or a thousand matches, but you'll eventually find someone that you just click with.
And weirdly, since I got into a relationship, a lot more girls have found me attractive. I think it's confidence that holds people back the most, rather than their looks.
You can do this, man. Just keep at it. Life doesn't end at 25. It doesn't end at 30. It doesn't end till it ends.
I was a virgin with no relationships till my mid-20s. Joined a dating site (Match.com) and met a girl on there; we've now lived together for over ten years. Online dating may well be a "mess", but it's a way to connect with people. I must have spoken to a hundred girls and gone on a dozen unsuccessful dates before I met my girlfriend. You just have to keep on trying.
The bad news: like any possible topic there is already a PhD work on it.
The good news: the PhD was also made into a fascinating book which might well help you in your work. Try:
i should have screenshotted before i made the comment, he deleted his thread. luckily google cache had at least the OP
someone on an eddsworld NSFW site is imitating your art style to make you look like a pervert, that was all over his OP post.
This is an old post. I've checked the time stamps on the forum today and this post is not currently on there between the time of 6:18 am to 6:35 am and the only timestamps I could find that would be close to these posts between that timeframe since this post shown was posted on 6:27 am.
Another discrepancy I find is that the color of the [News] tag is blue meanwhile currently on the forum the color of the [News] tag is an ugly lime green.
That really fascinates me about incels, that they seem completely unaware that there are dating apps besides Tinder. I don't think I've heard them mention eHarmony or Match.com (which owns Tinder, for fuck's sake) even once.
If you scroll right down to the bottom you can see that the forum is used trough xenforo services or whatever, a forum service provider. In the license agreements there is a part that claims that they can also shut down any customer of theirs:
>XenForo Limited reserves the right to revoke Your License to use the Software should any of the terms of this Agreement be violated. In the event that We revoke Your License for a violation of this Agreement, no refund will be granted.
We could probably mass report them on there too, since I doubt XenForo would enjoy being associated with incels.
Well rapey is on lockdown so you had to log into it but there’s other sister sites that they have like faerie.su, lolihunter.su and gastronomy.su.
They also have discord servers like this one https://www.guilded.gg/i/4kaG18BE and https://discord.gg/DE3ajGCB and that’s the only two I have so far there’s other servers that they created.
Just because Nathan got arrested doesn’t mean rapey is over because it’s not they are continuing on sharing cp with each other and they’re grooming victims who doesn’t know any better.
The majority of the victims that they targeted are girls and these girls don’t realises that they’re in danger and these people are not their friends.
Whenever I see the words, "Haunted Vagina" (which is blissfully very rare), I can't help but have flashbacks to reading this book.
Yeah. I saw someone post a comment about it in FB once, and my curiosity got the better of me.
It didn't end well.
The proper authorities to contact for that particular site would be the Swedish police as it is hosted by a company based in Sweden called PRQ.
Reporting through any of the links the bot posts (or as someone else pasted below) would probably not help.
The Swedish Police website has a telephone number for reporting crimes, including an international for reporting from outside Sweden.
Not a lawyer, but from reading through latest updates to Sweden's Penal Code, a lot of the things posted on that forum might break a few laws. Sweden do have a history of being super permissive about what online content is allowed, but it looks like things are being tightened up
There is good news and bad news.
The good news is that we actually scored a minor victory. I re-checked the IP/Domain information, and looks like the Dutch webhosting they used finally booted them (took them long enough lol).
The bad news is that they moved shop to a new hosting provider called PRQ [Wikipedia Entry] and WikiLeaks to paedophilia advocacy sites. I have a feeling that any and all complaints we may send to them will be immediately forwarded to the shredder.
Nevertheless, I made a report to the Swedish police. It probably won't go anywhere, but maybe they'll slip up eventually and get theirs. It's all that we can do right now.