Dude, look at his accessories:
That shield alone is cooler than anything we've gotten from the Sequels. I don't really collect the 6" line but I'm seriously considering picking this one up.
I recommend every one who is interested in writing Star Wars fanfic to read Orson Scott Card's How to Write Science Fiction and Fantasy.
Did they forget to update their own Ultimate Star Wars guide, New Edition published October 2019 which says that Kylo killed Luke's Jedi students? ^[see ^right ^of ^Kylo's ^head] Or did that still happen in the new comic?
In fact, Tolkien mostly hated Disney’s creations, and he made these feelings very clear. Snow White debuted only months after The Hobbit’s publication in 1937. As it happened, Tolkien went to see the film with literary friend and sometime rival C.S. Lewis. Neither liked it very much. In a 1939 letter, Lewis granted that “the terrifying bits were good, and the animals really most moving.” But he also called Disney a “poor boob” and lamented “What might not have come of it if this man had been educated—or even brought up in a decent society?”
Tolkien, notes Atlas Obscura, “found Snow White lovely, but otherwise wasn’t pleased with the dwarves. To both Tolkien and Lewis, it seemed, Disney’s dwarves were a gross oversimplification of a concept they held as precious”—the concept, that is, of fairy stories. Some might brush away their opinions as two Oxford dons gazing down their noses at American mass entertainment. As Tolkien scholar Trish Lambert puts it, “I think it grated on them that he [Disney] was commercializing something that they considered almost sacrosanct.”
Bruh Luke had NordVPN. For only 10$/ a month You get to read the three hundred encyclopedias, play Fortnite at exactly midnight on a specific date with a specific skin and weapon, and follow ten twitter accounts to understand what they failed to explain on screen.
this guy, apparently? I don't remember this character at all from TFA, but I don't feel particularly assed to go watch it again to find out.
> Like...it would be passable if she was struggling.
I've read Writing Fiction For Dummies for fun, and I know how to structure a story better than this.
According to the Star Wars: The Force Awakens The Visual Dictionary written by Pablo Hidalgo
>Rey’s interaction with offworlders has allowed her to learn nonhuman languages such as Wookiee and astromech binary.
And yes- He calls the language "Wookiee" not "Shyriiwook"
I was actually reading a news article today, about how people on both sides of the political spectrum seem to dislike PC culture. It seems exactly like what happened with Disney Star Wars.
> The gap between the progressive perception and the reality of public views on this issue could do damage to the institutions that the woke elite collectively run. A publication whose editors think they represent the views of a majority of Americans when they actually speak to a small minority of the country may eventually see its influence wane and its readership decline. And a political candidate who believes she is speaking for half of the population when she is actually voicing the opinions of one-fifth is likely to lose the next election.
> In a democracy, it is difficult to win fellow citizens over to your own side, or to build public support to remedy injustices that remain all too real, when you fundamentally misunderstand how they see the world.
Dyad is mentioned exactly twice in the movies
>KYLO REN: My mother was the daughter of Vader. Your father was the son of the Emperor. What Palpatine doesn’t know is we’re a dyad in the Force, Rey. 2 that are one.
>PALPATINE: The lifeforce of your bond.... A dyad in the Force...
That's IT.
Then, some idiot officially novelized it and bastardized the Rule of Two with her own fan fiction (The Rise of Skywalker: Expanded Edition (Star Wars))
>His gleeful triumphant thoughts washed over Rey, as she struggled against his grip, unable to move. He had won. At last. All those years, all that searching. He'd tried to create a dyad with Anakin, as his master had tried to create one with him. The Rule of Two, a Master always in desperate search of a yet more powerful apprentice, was a pale imitation, an unworthy but necessary successor to the older, purer doctrine of the Dyad
They're mostly making it up retroactively as they go while ruining everything that was done before Disney acquired it
Read the synopsis. I wish I was joking, but this is actually what the book is focused on. Another is focused on hyperspace shrapnel from a hyperspace ramming incident. It'll be shit. It's also written by a YA author iirc.
For that sweet internet points? Anything is worth it.
Also to demean something you dislike. I mean c'mon. Let's be real for a second. 😝
Holy christ emojis work. What have they done
RT is totally biased and manipulated... taht much is clear.
It seems to me you will find THIS comparison extremely interesting... MetaCritic FTFW
>Well reddit on mobile sucks ass. I had a long comment typed out. Then I swapped tabs to double check something and it reloaded the page when I returned.
I feel for you. I find that I don't run into that issue if I use the Reddit app or the third-party "Boost" app. You can consider those a try to possibly improve your quality of life whilst using Reddit on a phone.
There's no reason to do that, and especially no reason for Han to not have the Falcon with him too. It just sitting there in the desert for Rey and Finn to turn was just asinine.
It's so easy to fix too. In a TFA Rewrite I did a long time ago, you can have Han and the Falcon save Rey and Finn from the TIEs, with Han being on Jakku because he heard about a Dark Jedi attack on the world (the death of Lor San Tekka).
The relevant bits;
Han Solo:
Han Solo and Chewbacca have not lost possession of the Millennium Falcon. Han has a purpose in being on/near Jakku. In his search of either Luke or Ben, he has been keeping tabs on any Force or Jedi related activity. Rumors of a Resistance pilot with a map to Luke Skywalker being captured by a Dark Jedi brought him to Jakku in hopes of finding answers as to what happened at Luke’s academy.
The Escape from Jakku:
Instead of stumbling across the Millennium Falcon while running from the TIE Fighters, Rey and Finn take the Quadjumper she uses in her introduction. It is equipped with a gun turret for Finn to use. When it appears the TIEs will overwhelm their tiny craft, the Millennium Falcon arrives to save the day. The chase continues with the Falcon in the background of shots, dealing with the fighters it has pulled off of Rey/Finn. The Quadjumper does eventually get grounded so the Falcon comes to scoop Rey/Finn up before reinforcements can arrive.
Full version here if anyone is interested and has time to kill.
I used Da Vinci Resolve, but what I did can be done in almost any video editors. I picked this one for TLJ because it reads the 4K HDR source well.
I've been editing a bunch of stuffs from TLJ too, like this one, and Kylo-Leia on Raddus is coming up next. lol
Do you have a list of other jokes/dumb stuffs do you want to see reworked btw?
I believe - correct me if I am mistaken - that Fandango ratings made via the Fandango app count as Rotten Tomatoes verified user ratings. Fandango user ratings have historically been quite high (source), and thus the integration of Fandango user ratings into Rotten Tomatoes verified audience scores seems to be the most likely explanation of why Rotten Tomatoes verified audience scores tend to be higher than non-verified audience scores. See this post for data.
The foreword is here and I don't see this part... am I missing something?
To be fair, the OT pack is the same price. It's not just the ST toys.. https://www.amazon.com/Star-Wars-Celebrate-3-75-Inch-Scale-Collectible/dp/B087YLB36N/ref=sr_1_11?dchild=1&keywords=star+wars+toys+sith&qid=1603915290&s=toys-and-games&sr=1-11
The first game is now on both iOS and Android:
I suppose you're wondering why I gathered you together here today. Well, just to say that like a lot of you, I’m fed up with how sexless, bloodless, and politically correct so much of today’s entertainment is. But I don’t just want to complain. I have some modest talent as a writer, so I decided to write the kind of book that they’re just not printing anymore. Inspired by sleazy old pulp books instead of The Last Airbender, it’s a Western, filled with blood, guts, sex, foul language, and all the other good stuff that would get a smile out of Burt Reynolds and send your average danger-hair on a 34-tweet rant. It’s only five dollars for two hundred pages of manly thrills, so give it a shot, give it a review, and come back here for your high-five.
Possibly, I'm not normally a big comic/graphic novel type but the massive variation in these was wonderful.
The first book is here on amazon, I think there was 6 or 8 in total?
>Ah, yes, mensuration and flatulence is most surely some high art. If you find that entertaining, then I genuinely find that concerning.
What the hell are you talking about!? That's never come up in any of the YA novels under the Disney banner!
> Can you please provide evidence that they have Kindle versions?
Ok, but in all fairness, the Jar Jar Binks cup, or was canon to the EU sorta.
Prequel hate wasn't rooted in sexism, but women tend to have less of a stomach for crass expressions of anger, such as Prequel hate was. (The "George raped my childhood" stuff - women don't tend to like that sort of "humour").
It told us to seer clear of the whole scene for a while. Especially when things like Harry Potter were far more welcoming.
Here's some reliable demos from pre TFA:
Interestingly, it looks like since then the ST has FAILED at appealing to female demos have gone DOWN from there. Doesn't shock me at all.
Join the discord, you'll find the most recent version. It is glorious: canon, legends and a tiny bit of fanon.
You find customization parts all over the game.
Directly from EA - It would be pretty damn bad for them to backtrack on this: https://thenextweb.com/gaming/2019/04/15/electronic-arts-star-wars-jedi-fallen-order-microtransactions/
A direct sequel is one that takes place right after its preceding work. That's it. That's all that phrase means to me.
The definition of sequel is incredibly vague in this regard. All the ones I've seen say that it is a work that chronologically takes place after its preceding work (which KOTOR 2 does) and none of them specify that it must feature the same characters, only that it sometimes does.
>You don't go watch TPM and then have the next movie be about Kitster.
KOTOR 2 doesn't veer off of KOTOR 1 to anywhere near that extent. I won't spoil anything important but the main character is well acquainted with Revan.
>It doesn't follow the main characters.
That's an arbitrary requirement to place upon a sequel. It's not specified anywhere that that has to be the case for it to be considered a direct sequel.
By this same token couldn't you argue the prequels aren't direct prequels to the OT because they feature different main characters?
Or that the ST isn't a direct sequel to the OT because different main characters?
At the end of the day, though, I suppose this is an issue of semantics.
The correct term is *auto*biography, yes, but let's not quibble.
Shouldn't there be a conversion so that one isn't multiplying by less than 1? A cube .1 Ly per side should be .1 ly^(3)
As much as i wish it to be, it's not a mod. This is a mod.
Apeiron was developing on a different engine. Even if it requires original files (i still wonder how it would do that), it would be a completely other game.
Why? They started adding things that weren't in the original, like yavin ground level or off-rails speeder racing (my impression on how it looked).
See, artificial gravity would sort of make sense, however if we were to assume that a StarBlimp is running with a full extravagant 1 Earth gravity equivalent rather than something like half or a third gravity, so 9.81 m/s^2...
A space blimp is just less than 22 meters, and obviously there's the matter of internal dimensions, but let's say that this StarBlimp is packed to the gills with bombs, and the ones at top get a full 22 meters to "fall". That means your top mines are going at a thrilling 74.8 km/h. That is, if there weren't a bunch of bombs under them, so we'll have to say they can move as fast as the ones in the middle with all the pushing, so they get to move 52.9 km/h.
However, we get to ignore the possibility of gravitic accelerators or electronic catapults because according to the wiki, it's magnets.
>The modular bombing magazine, called the "clip" by the bomber's crew,[1] would drop the bombs through sequenced electromagnetic plates in the clip, which propelled the bombs to "drop" in microgravity environments. The bombs would then be drawn magnetically to their targets.
Of course the movie shows them "dropping" like they're just being affected by gravity, so their initial velocity is still going to be at best, urban road cruising speed, but now with magnets they'll... probably loop around thanks to the nearest magnetic field being the ship itself and smack right into the top of the ship or something along those lines, or bounce right back if the generated magnetic field is shut off which still means the closest magnetic source is the bomber, and oh how I hate this scene.
I believe I got a whole package of the original 90's space sim games on GOG.com for a great price. X-Wing, TIE Fighter, X-Wing vs TIE Fighter, and a few more.
They're pretty great ! I remembered the graphics being better at the time, but TIE Fighter especially still holds up.
I believe there is a semi-active mod community out there for X-Wing vs TIE Fighter or something.
It's more like this. if you considered the new jaded fandom on board with "subversion" as a stand in for Parody.
The fact of the matter is, the genre might have inevitably gone that way, but it needed to progress to that point to earn it.
Yea I know which comic book you’re referring too, however there is opinion out there that it was just palpatine influencing Anakin to make him turn to the dark side. To say that he is his father however is a stretch, because it was the midi chlorians and not Palpatines “seed” per se... these are not my ideas just some answers that I’ve read
No worries, but if you've heard of Black Mesa (the fan-run Source remake of the original Half-Life), then it shouldn't be surprising that Project Borealis (a fan-made rendition of what HL2:E3 would have been) is a thing.
I was also thinking, alternatively, that they could redesign the helmets of the characters and have them keep them on for the whole game. Halo does this pretty well, each helmet in the game has a face and a strong personality. Chief's helmet is a strong example.
I'm not sure if it's intentional, but to me Chief's helmet perfectly encapsulates his entire backstory. It looks grizzled and wrathful, but it's stoicness is intriguing. Look at the mouth-like piece of the helmet, it isn't frowning, it's not necessarily mad or sad (maybe grumpy). The face of the helmet looks almost shocked or traumatic(which is amplified by the openness of the visor), and trying to make some sort of emotion. It's sort of cold and eerie. What if he's crying for help, or struggling to grasp the remains of his individuality? I think it reflects Chief's past, it's like a cold iron mask that fights to bury it away.
For those who don't know, Chief is a child soldier, kidnapped and indoctrinated from birth to violently and swiftly quell insurrectionist threats. He never had a full childhood, and most of his life was strict and demanding. He can't relate to most people, or really anyone except his spartan team. In Halo 4, they started to focus on Chief's humanity, and whenever I look at the helmet he wears I'm reminded of his past.
So if they can express Chief's character (or spark the imagination) so effectively through a simple helmet design, it's more than possible to express the Squadron's characters in some way, shape, or form
I just now realized that because of you, and now I’m left wondering why I hadn’t before. It’s so obvious now.
I'm not convinced that Rey goes through a heroine's journey, to be honest. To me the movie lacks many of the characteristics of such a story. There is no mother figure or nurturing femininity that Rey distances herself from. She seeks to reconnect to her family, but that was the case from the beginning. If it was truly supposed to be the heroine's journey, it didn't connect with me at all...
A much better example for the heroine's journey would be Moana (https://prezi.com/p/9lhr6gdt3w_m/the-heroines-journey-featuring-moana/). Moana's story is much more on point.
WAIT WHAT?!?!?! I just glanced over it but holy crap you are right! https://www.amazon.com/Skywalker-Ysalamiri-6-Inch-Scale-Lucasfilm-Anniversary/dp/B08W5C9P9Z
Is there more? Is there one of Mara? I'm off to look!
Yes, I got that one a few years back, this is the link:
Holy moly it's gotten expensive! Hopefully there are places you can get it cheaper than $180
Just here to say she's not: https://www.amazon.com/Star-Wars-Awakens-Survival-Replica/dp/0794435696
She keeps a journal. Now as for where she learned to read: likely her parents or one of the other regulars who took pity on her and then she kept at it 'cause you can always learn things on your own with a little help to get you started, right?
According to Pablo Hidalgo’s Star Wars: The Force Awakens The Visual Dictionary (canon):
>Rey’s interaction with offworlders has allowed her to learn nonhuman languages such as Wookiee and astromech binary.
No, not officially. They do have an official dvd release from Fox though, but it's oop and goes for quite a bit.
Fox did make them available for the first time digitally on Amazon earlier this year though. SD only.
First off, I'm sorry that I can't remember this.
George Lucas has said many different things... from watching the special edition VHS docs, to Empire of Dreams, to interviews, to whatever else.. I simply can't remember when he said what.
Secondly.. yes.
What I mean by that, is that George literally said "he had this whole saga mapped out" at one point.. to recant and say it was made up on the spot, to something else.. to something else.
Mark Hamil's interview shortly after ROTJ, in the 80s that had him coming back to be a mentor, sheds some light on that fact.
There are stories of him mapping out 12 films, to then ROTJ was supposed be two films, then got condensed into one, Empire being a completely different story... to even ANH being a completely different story all together.
I mean that comic they released not to long ago, The Star Wars which was the original draft...
The fact of the matter is, we will never really know as George Lucas has literally said something, recanted, or changed his mind or story. You can watch any documentary that has come out that has George Lucas, and he literally says something different.
Like the prequels, were because he had drafts of Obi-Wan's back story so he made those movies...or that he had ideas of what the clone wars were... then to watch he was literally rewriting and making things up on the fly... or not... who knows.
I notice the DVD version Amazon is selling claims to have the theatrical version of EP. 4-6? Is this a bootleg?
You’re sort of wrong, Amazon Prime has an cbs all access channel, which just means you can pay for the subscription through Amazon. Prime has 5.1 audio compared to All Access’s 2.0 audio which would be the main reason to do it through. https://www.amazon.com/Star-Trek-Picard-Teaser/dp/B07S5HX14T/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?keywords=picard&qid=1579922612&s=instant-video&sprefix=picard&sr=1-1
You’re right Amazon Prime has an cbs all access channel, which just means you can pay for the subscription through Amazon. Prime has 5.1 audio compared to All Access’s 2.0 audio which would be the main reason to do it through Amazon.
Except if you had been following properly, you’d know that that picture isn’t from the force awakens visual dictionary. It’s from the visual encyclopaedia https://www.amazon.co.uk/Star-Wars-Visual-Encyclopedia-Horton/dp/0241288460/ref=pd_lpo_sbs_14_t_0?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=P4BBJDKC8SV9BV979401
They’re not the same book. Did you ever wonder why this wasn’t brought up for two years, if it had been published in 2015? You were the one that wrongly made the claim that this extract was from the “visual dictionary”, and in doing so misled yourself even further.
If anyone wants to see a great sci fi epic told through the eyes of a servant / helper droid check out Metabarons.