It never ceases to amaze me how even here in /r/Futurology, people think technology like the printing press can be compared to technology like AI and self-driving cars.
News flash: technology has already been having a big effect on our labor markets, all over the world for decades without our making the proper adjustments to our systems to compensate for it all.
If you want to go ahead and pretend everything will be okay because someone is just crying wolf again, don't forget that at the end of the story, that wolf did actually arrive.
More insight. ". Yadav was infamous for his cruel crimes. He once raped a woman right after her wedding. He tortured a woman by cutting off her breasts in front of a crowd, including her daughter. He and his men gang-raped a woman 10 days after she gave birth. She was so horrified, she burned herself alive with kerosene. His men dragged another woman out of her house, while she was seven months pregnant, and raped her in public view" He raped a 13 yo and who reported him to police and was hidden at Usha's home for protection. Yadav and his men threatened to throw acid and rape her. She opened the gas and threatened to blow everything, they ran away. The whole village ran after him, burnt his house down and police arrested him To his own protection. When he was judged he threatened a previously raped woman. They premeditated his murder by throwing pepper at the guards eyes and stabbing the rapist. They took their time. All women from the village confessed the so called murder unless the one who was charged for it. The same one who protected the 13 yo.
The hieroglyphs in Egypt depict a triangular structure. Transition to a triangular structure on the screen of one of the battle space ships.
From Zorg’s office, the camera shows the round office window. Transition to the “evil sphere”.
Fight scene between Leeloo cuts across to Diva Plavalaguna, both have their arms spread out.
There’s a scene change where the number 10 carries over between scenes (the bomb shows 10:00).
The entire explanation of how the stones are not in the case, cross cutting back and forth between Zorg’s weapons trade with the questions, and the priest’s home with Leeloo and the answers.
The space plane takeoff to Fhloston Paradise similarly cuts back and forth between several locations, to tell a more complete/compelling story. For example, the pilot comments on the landing gears retracting, right as the stewardess’ legs go up due to Ruby Rhod’s exploits…
The list just goes on and on…
I just came across this interactive analysis, which touches on a variety of other artistic aspects as well.
There's a lot of interesting psychology involved with Snapchat and its success, regardless of whether you find it moronic. It appeals to youth in a way that other networks cannot. Here's an article or two.
TL;DR two things make snapchat fun:
-The self destructing nature increases the message's perceived value
-Snaps are very disposable and keep the network clutter-free and (more importantly) current
Edit: Many typos
Sorry, you need a little refresher on your history. He first invaded the rhineland which was always germany's but was declared a demilitarized zone after ww1. This was his first act of aggression (after violating the treaty of versaille and building an army). He next invaded Austria along the border and in zones that were germany's before ww1 and went on to reestablish pre-ww1 germany's borders. This garnered lots of domestic support and was a good transition domestically and internationally to war. Remember the German people were devastated through the 20s and the country faced economic ruin. By starting war with reclaiming land the German people (and even internationally) felt belonged to Germany he successfully navigated from peace to justified war.
Then, after that, he went and did what you suggest in your comment by going after land (firstly in Austria) where he thought it should rightfully be the fatherland (and subsequently extended that to the enormous land mass which included russia and central europe)
Here is a good link detailing these events:
A "Cinderella planet" refers to planets that exhibit similar traits to that of earth. These Cinderella planets are often sought out in what they call the Goldilocks Zone, a zone with ideal temps with the right range and distance to maintain liquid water. The dwarfs he refers too must mean be stars, or lack there of.
“The color of a giraffe's tongue is described as black, blue or purple with a pink base.” Source:
So I guess we are both right?
Here's a meta-analysis involving over 320,000 subjects on the relation between egg consumption and the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
Here's a paper explaining why the studies you read on the subject have a great chance of being biased by cultural standards (in this case, already high cholesterol levels in the majority of the population mitigate the reality at which individuals should truly keep their cholesterol levels at). Here's a partial explanation of the paper if you cannot access it.
>luckily, physics prevents that from being possible.
umm not really, there was a period of earth with giant arthropods (2.5 METER Centipede) during the Carboniferous period. What limits them currently is Oxygen content in the air, there currently isn't enough to support a larger size. Also 2.5 ft Scorpions were a thing. The physics prevents the ants though i guess.
When Congress was envisioned, we were 13 colonies based on an agrarian economy, and no single centralized currency. Times change and a world power will have a large government administering a military, a welfare system, intelligence agencies etc.
Fixing inefficient programs is wonderful, but killing programs just to satisfy a philosophical itch is dogmatism at its worst.
pretty sure if you google "fear and consumerism" you'll find plenty of ressources, this for example was the second result:
pretty interesting read.
> It's more like, how many people have put these Cheerios in their mouth and spit them out.
In their mouth and assorted other bodily orifices... then spit them out, coated with saliva, pissed on them, etc.
Yeah, that's what you want to FEED your children (fer sure).
Because idiots like this guy are not JUST "cucks" -- they're also complete IGNORAMUSES when it comes to the impact of things like sexually transmitted diseases, etc (hint: mommy's STD's don't just affect "mommy" or even just mommy and daddy).
Cf and (click the "full transcript")
And keep in mind that is what is "admitted" by our modern medical industry -- which has been thoroughly co-opted & indoctrinated into minimizing the impacts of STD's.
Well, I've identified what the tool is. Digital Turbine's Ignite platform allows external manipulation of the application installation and management process on an Android phone. I do not know why T-Mobile has added it to the Note 4, but I suspect it may be trickling down to other devices soon if something doesn't change...
Here's an older presentation on Prezi that offers more detail on it.
According to the company's case studies page, AT&T's Cricket, Sprint's Boost, Verizon, and T-Mobile all use it.
Every mammal does!
Check these pictures out, almost all mammals have the same bones!!:
*Edit: I initally mis-read the number of rolls of paper towel. I've updated the results.
No one is forcing them? What about the aggressive lawsuits? Backroom corporate deals with governments all around the world to muscle into previously organic turf? You don't see a problem with a monopolistic grip on food sources?
Monsanto are not where they are because their seeds are so great - they're where they are because they bully, lie, and cheat their way into a leading position. Killing off the small guys as only a corporation their size can.
Just watch 'Food Inc' for a regular American farmer's experience of working in an area Monsanto pushed into. Or just Google Monsanto. They're pretty overt in their scumbaggery.
There’s a frisbee league in Ontario that put together a great presentation about the Dangerous Play call. They have slightly modified the WFDF rule to include the line from USAU about “whether or when” the disc arrives for use in their league. It’s a great starting point for dialogue about the rule and what it looks like in action. Worth checking out
>"Anthony Hopkins studied videotapes of serial killers as part of his research for the film. After noticing that Charles Manson hardly ever blinked when he spoke, he did the same for Hannibal Lecter. (He did, however, blink at least once during Lecter's conversation with Clarice in his "open-plan" cell.)" Source
Hopkins did it first. *EDIT - second?
If you are interested this, you may be enjoy my over engineered Prezi on Plato's Cave.
Most dystopia's connect with this idea in some kind of way. If you want a cheap/entertaining movie version of the cave that's not "The Matrix", roll back to the movie "The Island" by Michael Bay--starring Ewan McGregor and Scar Jo.
"The Man in Black" is an archetypical character who often opposes someone (such as Doritos) who is on "The Hero's Journey" (aka MONOMYTH).
Full presentation below. Warning, you will be disgusted at the level of bigotry that kids are being taught in US schools.
"High performing" is very vague, but i can recommend Prezi, the company i'm currently working for.
Remote position (Budapest)
Remote position (Berlin)
>This cartoon depicts the morbid circumstances under which suffragettes (like Alice Paul) were force-fed after they were arrested while campaigning for women's rights. Notice that the man, a politician, holds her down with a box that reads "ICWT." This acronym stands for "In Corruption We Trust," a reference to the politicians who would not allow women equal rights with men.
So it looks like this particular cartoon actually appears to be pro-suffragette.
May I recommend using Prezi to display this information? The current layout looks perfect for it, and you could zoom in the best order to display the information. Even zoomed in like this it's still a bit hard to digest.
I'd argue that the only bias here is a word choice bias.
The Trump headline is design to promote a negative connotation through word choice.
Take the headlines and swap them.
Despite pandemic, WHO supports public protests.
Even in a pandemic, Trump to hold political rallies.
It's not as egregious as most media, but NPR has definitely indicated how the authors/editors feel about these two issues.
> bees dont usually pee as you or i would, they release a tiny bit or uriac acid that is mixed in with there poop. they need to conserve water as much as possible. bee poop and pee is a mustard like substance that is put on other flowers and plants. bees do this in order to dispose of waste products like other animals.
There's a quote I like relevant to this that goes something like "it's easy to criticize, hard to create". Sure, OP created a cool mockup in photoshop. But actually putting the pieces together and making it into an interactive video game is a lot more challenging. Also, you say you wonder what Niantic is doing, but consider that just because you like something a certain way doesn't mean everyone in their audience likes it that way too, or that all of the proposed improvements are considered acceptable to all members of the company.
I also think a big part of why this is so appealing is because of its presentation. OP did a really good job assembling the imagery and text layout to complement his artistic creations. However, presentation can sometimes impact our perceptions of a product more than we anticipate. Here's a lecture on how presentation can impact perception of how food tastes, for instance. Using catch phrases like "new" and "more" and "better" can also influence perception. My point isn't that OP's work is bad, not in the slightest, just that it's a little unfair to say 'what is niantic doing??' when it's so easy to sell a superior product on ideals and by focusing on simple psychological undertones.
Depends on the method of transportation and ocean freight can be surprisingly cheap with some careful planning. Fiji water is actually bottled in Fiji; last time I visited the USA it was available everywhere. I can buy San Pellegrino in a heavy glass bottle for a reasonable price of $3.99 in NZ which is as far from Europe as one could get on this planet.
Heck, if you charge the price of a premium product like Voss, it is actually viable to ship them by air freight and still turn a profit. It might be incredibly wasteful, but that's free economy for ye.
The plot says he's a hero, but the cameraman disagrees. Except for the very last scene with Thanos, he has villainous visual imagery, even when he is going through the stereotypical hero's journey.
It could potentially still be salt. American here so probably a few injustices, but from what ive seen/heard nearly all the population of Australia lives on the coastal regions of the Western and northwestern part of the continent. Because of this i would assume there ia an abundance of coastal highways and beaches. Since oceans are made of salt water and beaches are the breakdown of material in the ocean, its only right to again assume that the sand has a salt content. An experiment demonstrated that after heating and distilling sand with normal water sea salt made up 3.7% of sand.
Now i know youre thinking, thats a tiny amount and my car would have to be covered in sand, and it would be have to be hot as hell. Yes. They distilled the liquid at 50 c (122 f) and then boiled to extract the salt. Though i assume if you dont wash your car really oftrn and let sand build up the condensation will absorb the salt on hot days, the sand will flake off at speed and you would be left with both drinkable water and salt, accounting for condensation.
Yes, the way that would be done in two stages. First the seg-witness soft-fork, and then later a hard-fork for block-size increase. /u/pwuille mentions this on his summary slide from the presentation
Honey have you been living under a rock? The world revolves around social media. Instagram, Tik Tok, Youtube, Snapchat, Facebook. The vast majority of human society especially for the younger generations revolves around life online. It doesn't matter what you do in public because all that matters is the online persona and lifestyle and content you are creating online.
>31% of Americans are online almost constantly.
>Our Lives Revolve Around Social Media
I'll presume Ontario, Canada, since you also post to /r/McMaster.
Law of lost or abandoned property is not so simple as "finders, keepers", though in general the finder of lost property has a claim to it superior to all others except the true owner.
If someone could prove (say, via video evidence at a convenience store) that they bought the ticket prior to losing it, they might have a good claim.
Whether a bearer instrument like cash or a lottery ticket is considered lost or abandoned or mislaid can depend on where you found it. Found on the public sidewalk, probably yours. Found in a wallet that's found on the sidewalk, probably not yours. Found on the floor in somebody else's dorm room, probably not yours.
You can go back to 1949 and Bird v. Town of Fort Frances for an interesting lost-cash case, just for kicks.
Completely. Avoid truffle oil, it has the same relationship to truffles that banana oil has to bananas. It smells terrific, but it has no flavor.
That's why it's so cheap.
You can use truffle butter when it has real truffles in it. Not cheap, but not as expensive as a whole truffle.
They wouldn't.
This thesis intro talks about it quite nicely:
Also this review may interest you:
Somebody tested it out, apparently. Looks like it can have an effect, even if its small.
Secondly, I think gelatin is plausible, but the amount of work to get the volume just right with gelatin vs water is significant enough that I am pretty safe assuming it's just water.
As stated below, this research has been out for a long time. If you're up on these subjects there's nothing new to learn here. Here's a presentation that contains this research article and many others from fairly recent studies, as well as the same for other drugs:
Based on the header, it appears to be from this book.
Edit: Another link
Fun fact: this was actually the first talk I ever gave aside from my valedictory speech back when I graduated high school. It was an incredible honor to be asked to speak on stage right before Robert Reich took the stage, who was then followed by Joseph Stiglitz. I felt like an opener for the economic Rolling Stones or something.
If you want to see the slides I made for this, here you go.
While this prezi on reasons Scala is nicer to use is a little old, it does highlight reasons I like Scala. I would say Scala is hands down better than Java. Now, would I say Scala is the best language? I don't know, but it is the best language I've used. Do I use Scala for every task? No; I like Python a lot for scripting.
Sure it compiles (a little) slow, but that's hardly gotten in my way. Removing all the boiler plate code more than makes up for it. Take for example case classes which implement equals, hashCode, and toString. All in one one line.
I can only see Scala getting better. First is with advances in the JVM, as Java tries to catch up with Scala (now they've got functional programming in 8, and I hear rumors of type inference for 9), it can only push the JVM forward. Also, Scala doesn't have to maintain backwards compatibility, allowing it to cut loose any mistakes in its past holding it back. While this produces a greater technical debt when it comes time to go to the next version, it hasn't really been a huge pain (I've been using it since 2.9).
Gender roles and scripts are the sets of behaviors that we expect people to follow based on their gender. These include what sort of work and play they engage in, what vocabulary they use, as well as how they move, stand, and approach situations.
Gender identity is an individual's internal sense of which gender they are. This can correspond or conflict with the sex and subsequent gender that they are assigned at birth as well as the gender roles and scripts they are comfortable with, and the gender expression that they choose to display.
Source: (Via /r/transeducate)
>Male players are more skilled because male players train for it
That might be part of it, but men also tend to about twice as fast when it comes to reaction times
Speed does kill, because of physics. Higher speed means more energy involved in an impact, along with longer braking distances. Slower impacts always increases your chances of surviving an accident of any type, car or not.
Car accidents aren't common and fatal car accidents are obviously less common which makes finding out the relationship between speed limits and fatalities problematic at times. However, anyone who tries to claim that speed doesn't kill is more or less trying to claim that some really, really basic concepts of physics aren't real.
The more accurate statement is that speed difference kills. That tree someone collides with causes them to go from 30mph to 0mph pretty quick and that enforcement should focus on people driving too fast or too slowly for surrounding traffic or driving in a manner that leaves them perpendicular to the flow of traffic (running a red light or turning left into oncoming traffic) Those, like fatal accidents, aren't too common but both can be negated by promoting safer driving habits in addition to speed limits. Someone pulling out into traffic and getting t-boned by a car going 35mph will be less dangerous than if they were t-boned at 45mph.
It's just safer not to speed. Too many people overestimate their driving abilities -- ever hear of someone saying they're anything other than an average or above average driver?
This kind of goes over the nuances of accidents and focusing on speed for accidents
not that you're the OP, but I disagree with the premise that Waze should be banned from reporting police. While it encourages using the phone while driving, notifying someone of a cop while driving has the same effect as seeing one -- they (generally) slow the hell down.
There’s what’s called the 3 i’s of oppression.
1) Internalized 2) Interpersonal 3) Institutional.
Internalized would be racism that you believe about yourself. Like, if you thought white people aren’t supposed to like hip hop. Interpersonal would be racism experienced between people. Like if someone else had a negative view of you for liking hip hop.
These 2 types of oppression are absolutely things that you, or anyone, can experience. But the final one, and assuming you live in a predominantly white country, is the one you most likely have not experienced.
Institutional racism exists within the massive institutions like the criminal justice system or society as a whole. Black people for example are more likely to be arrested for marijuana then white people, and less likely to be offered a job if they have a traditionally African name. Often when people say white people don’t understand racism, this is the type they’re talking about, although many don’t articulate it well.
Because white people within the US don’t experience institutional racism, it’s less likely they’ll experience the other two types as often as minorities. I’m not saying it doesn’t happen, I’m just saying it’s less likely because the institution isn’t empowering it.
So if someone has the racist belief that black people are prone to criminality, that might manifest itself on an interpersonal level, but the criminal justice system or the media is encouraging the belief by targeting or portraying black people because the institution believes that.
I do believe that white people can experience racism, but we don’t experience racism in the same way minorities do.
So let's assume that the volume of a standard balloon is about 0.00575m^3 or 5.750L.
> Gas required = 20 x 0.00575m^3
> Gas required = 0.115m^3
> Gas required = 115L
I'm just going to assume your above measurements (acetic acid = 60g/mol; baking soda = 84g/mol; and 44g of CO2 = 22.4L CO2) are correct:
> 1mol baking soda + 1mol vinegar gives us 1mol CO2
> 1mol CO2 = 22.4L CO2
> 115L / 22.4L = 5.13
> 5.13 x 1 = 5.13mol of each reagent
If we assume that the molarity of vinegar is approx. 0.833M/L, 5.13 x 0.833M/L = 4.273L of vinegar. This is about 17.8 US cups or 17.10 metric cups.
> 1mol baking soda = 84g
> 5.13 x 84g = 430.92g of baking soda
Using this volume conversion calculator we see that 430.92g of baking soda is equal to approx 442.49ml. However, you asked for teaspoons, so teaspoons you shall get. If we assume that a teaspoon has 5mL, you will need 88.5tsp of baking soda.
So, to fill about 20 regular-sized balloons at STP, you will need 17-18 cups of vinegar and 88.5 tsp of baking soda.
Please forgive any errors in my calculations; I've had far too little caffeine to warrant chemistry today.
And yes, my sig figs are atrocious. Sue me.
I get it now!
I read your reply and I searched for the words to explain it in my mind and then I looked it up to understand it better.
It's mob mentality and mass hysteria.
Já agora, uma curiosidade.
A área de Portugal é ~92K km^2, mas a plataforma continental portuguesa (ou seja se contarmos com o mar) é ~3,8M km^2 . Ou seja 97% de Portugal é mar.
Many of them are covered in /r/Rad_Decentralization/.
Personally I think visual languages based on internal visual thinking will be the most disruptive of all, but that could take a while. See:
But he hasn't seen the wider implications. Even a partial ability to authentically externalize your internal representational system has an effect similar to mind-to-mind communication. Imagine being able to show someone the mental model you have in your head, perhaps on your phone. Once visual "grammar" norms are established, the result can be incredible richness, accuracy, and non-ambiguity of communication. Extremely fast education. Minimal need to master other languages to access knowledge and debate. A visual "free ride" for all logical operations.
The first revolution in communication was the Internet, a revolution in the level of convenience of communication with people anywhere. The second will be in the level of detail of content that we're able to convey, and how quickly and unambiguously we'll be able to convey it.
Prezi is a good start, which Ajit uses to good effect in the video above.
Decade was enslaved by Shocker in order to merge all the worlds so Shocker could rule over all. He had an accident and lost his memory. Kiva, representing the forces of good, told him to destroy all the other riders in order to prevent Shocker's plan coming to fruition. Decade however, made friends with all of them. The world merging accelerated and people and riders started vanishing. Decade realised his mistake and took upon himself the role of destroyer. By ending the riders he essentially locked their stories in place so they couldn't be overwritten by the mergings. After his death and the foiling of Shockers plan all of the riders including himself were respawned into a single world with no great changes to their backstories.
If you're interested in Tsukasa's journey, here's my old visual explanation.
>Figures often beguile me, particularly when I have the arranging of them myself; in which case the remark attributed to Disraeli would often apply with justice and force: "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics."
Mark Twain's Own Autobiography: The Chapters from the North American Review
> I'm seriously on the edge of my seat about this, ever since Tuesday.
Same here.. and Assange is on fire the last 2 days!
> The Seth Rich/WikiLeaks connection is real, and the Russia narrative, or at least the DNC hacking component of it, is false.
While it is still possible that some hackers were targeting the DNC.. it is not at all established that they were responsible for the leaked emails.. and their connection to Russian intelligence is mostly circumstantial.
IANAE.. but collected some thoughts, resources, technical details on the doubts, inconsistencies, conflicts about CrowdStrike, Guccifer 2.0 story in this (badly-named) thread.
For a decent summary on this stuff.. just check these two links:
This hilarious sideshow:
This recent article:
Warhammer: Fantasty, runs better than Attila if your pc is weak, Simpler in campaign map but more interesting faction rosters. Many of the smaller DLCs are great.
Attila: Not the most interesting time period or faction rosters, but deeper campaign mechanics. Charlemagne DLC is great. Has more modding potential for full overhaul mods(Warhammer locked their visual assets).
Your preference as both are good in different ways. I did not like Warhammer(more focus on what you bring rather than your tactics in the battle) but there is no arguing that it is a solid title with its own style. Enjoyed Attila apart from the pretty boring faction rosters(1212AD mod isnt out for campaign but was tons of fun in custom matches prezi link).
E c'è di più! Le lingue dei segni, come tutte le lingue, hanno dialetti, su base regionale o culturale.
Non trovo una reference al momento, ma ricordo di aver sentito ad una conferenza di linguistica di un fenomeno interessante: la distribuzione geografica di lingue e dialetti dei segni è più "fluida" delle lingue parlate, meno rigida rispetto ai confini geografici e politici.
In 2010-2011 we saw four major earthquakes worldwide: Chile, Haiti, New Zealand and Japan. Earthquakes this big come maybe once every 3 or 5 years worldwide.
The source I'm reading from is all the local papers and TV news from Sacramento area, including official police statements to the press.
Are you trying to say only 3 shots were fired, and not 18? Because that just isn't true.
Here's the Prezi, which is the Sacramento police press info released direct.
Go to the panel marked "ICC Video #2" which is the HQ dash cam footage of the man running toward the cruiser seen in the video you linked. In it, he raises his hand and waves to the new vehicle that had just entered the call. He lowers his arm and run towards the new vehicle pointing behind him at the squad car that has been chasing him all this time. Yelling and gesturing at the other car. You can hear the officer lock the doors, rather than attempt to talk to him. The man doesn't attempt to knock on the door or open the door, he is just trying to talk to the newly arrived officers.
Maybe he was asking for help, thinking the other guys were after him and maybe this guy would help. But no, instead he just locks his doors and watches as 2 of his fellow officers gun the man down against a brick wall. Sounds like 12 shots, but some overlap as they come from 2 weapons. 14 bullet wounds, 18 shots fired. These are required to be reported exactly by the police. There were far more than 3 shots fired.
> Slavery ended in the modern world
State sanctioned slavery perhaps, but to simplify so much as to say " Slavery ended in the modern world" is not only ignoring the facts and counterproductive, it's denigrating the suffering of some (and estimates vary wildly here) 20-46 MILLION people over the world today.
Slavery is still well and alive today, the fight continues!
1.) on filipinos choosing him -->
quote: "The rationale for naming Rizal as the Filipinos’ national hero by the American administration was articulated by US Governor General W. Cameron Forbes in his book, “The Philippine Islands,” also cited by Constantino. Forbes wrote:
“It is eminently proper that Rizal should have become the acknowledged national hero of the Philippine people. Rizal never advocated independence, nor did he advocate armed resistance to the government. He urged reform from within by publicity, by public education, and appeal to the public conscience.”
But in truth it was the Filipinos and not the Americans who first chose Rizal as their national hero. It was revolutionary President Emilio Aguinaldo of the First Philippine Republic—not Taft and the Second Philippine Commission—who first designated Rizal as a national hero."
2.) on rizal as a pioneer asian nationalist leader -->
quote: "Fisher (1962) even called Rizal the Pioneer Exponent of Liberal Democracy in Asia, According to her, eveb before Gandhi and Sun Yat-Sen began their career in poloitical agitation, Rizal through his essays, letters, and novels had already spoken out with firmness and courage ideas on liberal democracy.
Rizal was born in the decade when other nationalist leaders of Asia were born; Mohandas Gandhi, Rabindaranath Tagore and Sun Yat-Sen. According to Coates (1968), all the four challenged the West. Of the four, Rizal was the most remarkable because his ideas matured at an early age. At the time that Gandhi was a schoolboy, Rizal was already articulating lucidly in his speeches articles and letters his views of a completely different relationship between Asia and Europe-that the Asians must be regarded by Europe as equals. "
Funny you should mention it, because I managed to track it down again. I was annoyed, because I spent hours cutting and pasting it when I originally ran across it (maybe 12 pgs then), and can't find the dang document now that it's gone.
Somebody made a video about it on a blocked domain that rhymes with fit-boot. If you want that, I probably can dig that out too.
It's probably where you're posting this recycled meme from right now.
Guaranteed close to 100% of the people on here have their childhood vaccines. If you want to submit yourself to an experimental vaccine for a virus that probably isn't going to cause a severe illness for you unless you're a fat unhealthy fuck or you're an 85 year old redditer be our guests. Enjoy. Credit: u/DownvoteMagnet6969
for anyone who is having performance issues, this guide from the League is what you want. I had many of my own settings not optimized for both the Foundry client and my browser(s) - Chrome and Brave. You want to click on the "PERFORMANCE ISSUES" circle, and then click EACH of the other circles around that one: BROWSER HARDWARE ACCELERATION, FOUNDRY HARDWARE ACCELERATION, WEBGL2.0, and I AM USING A NOTEBOOK PC (if it applies).
Send to all players too.
More and more people are dying from it. Some deaths aren’t even being reported on MSM. There’s many scientists warning about the unknown risks of this due to the new technology. Here’s a page of people’s reactions to it
"A rule of thumb is that an oligopoly exists when the top five firms in the market account for more than 60% of total market sales."
Concentration Ratio Definition - Investopedia
"The cell phone industry is an oligopoly because, there are four large firms that are competeing to produce 70 to 80% of the out put."
Cell Phone Companies are an Oligopoly?
So bored_and_scrolling was correct, and you are dead wrong.
La wiki tiene un buen resumen:
Apaches y comanchees:
Las invasiones apaches:
La Guerra Apache en Sonora, de Louis Lejeune.
/u/integralds asked for the neoliberal org chart, so here it is!
Offical "Why is the host country assured a spot in the groups again?" thread
lol the guy deleted his comment Dairy here's some light reading
Also, this might help you in the future!
Made this a while back and it's chocked full of research. Enjoy:
There's bound to be some newer research I haven't seen but this is up to date as of 2016 Summer. The current opinion is that moderate use in a mentally healthy adult has no damaging impact on the brain. It's important to note that research isn't really available for its effect on the developing brain, although the current research doesn't imply that those who started young show any neurological deficits. That said, I'd highly recommend waiting until the brain has had adequate time to fully develop.
If you have a familial predisposition to mental health conditions such as schizophrenia than it's possible for psychedelics to amplify or uncover certain mental health conditions. It's not recommended for this population to take psychedelics outside of medical supervision.
To actually run those numbers:
>Accessible research material tells us violent sexual events during childhood have serious adverse affects on an individual’s development. More than one known serial killer was forced to dress up as a girl
>“I hated all my life. I hated everybody. When I first grew up and can remember, I was dressed as a girl by my mother. And I stayed that way for 2 or 3 years
> Psychological abuse refers to...any act that could be psychologically damaging to the child, such as dressing a boy like a girl. Such was the case with serial killer Carroll Edward Cole. His mother, aware of
his anger at being teased by other children regarding his “feminine name,” dressed him in girl’s clothing and forced him to serve tea to neighborhood ladies.
Not a lot of people know about Huntingtons.
Especially with the popularity and prevalence of Parkinsons.
This is a pretty cool presentation about the differences:
Lydia's response:
Python interoperability! There’s so much potential in our support (developed by Simon Lund, University of Copenhagen) that we just haven’t had the chance to get to yet; and the speed-up compared to plain Python is really exciting. It would feel like such a missed opportunity to let it languish. Plus, our features and expressiveness are similar enough that it’d be more appealing to Python users than their other interoperability options.
(Learn more about Simon's Chapel-Python interoperability work in his HPSL paper and presentation:
But they explain with line item detail the myriad ways they have contrived to separate you from your money in an illegal way! How can you stay mad at that? /s
Road to Server Meshing:
The section on the Progress Tracker for "Persistent Streaming and Server Meshing."
Took me a while to find, but this guy made an absolutely awesome resource to collect and show all the stuff CIG has talked about when it comes to the upcoming server tech.
You can press all the different boxes to see how it will work.
Check the troubleshooting FAQ here:
Specifically the Performance Issues
section, and the I am using a notebook PC
and Browser Hardware Acceleration
jeez, he was standing there on the fire escape with them when it fell. they were fine, and then it collapsed and looks like the firefighter was just able to hold on.
Can't speak to the PF1 stuff, but I think it's pretty fair to say that your 2012 MBP doesn't really count as a "relatively modern computer," per the official minimum requirements. It should run, but it sure is pushing the boundary, hardware-wise.
Hosting the app on a remote server won't make any difference with this particular problem, as all the heavy lifting is done client-side; it's your machine doing all the work regardless.
That said, you might want to run through the troubleshooting guide, particularly the Performance Issues section, and make sure you've done everything you can to ensure your GPU is being used properly.
> One of my frustrations with the greater not-Left movement is that it lacks the ability to readily confront or even discuss that whole topic.
I'd love to talk about it more, or even just listen to what you have to say on the subject. I readily admit I'm not particularly good at addressing this issue, I'm completely out of gay (or any kind of minority) culture, and don't really know how it interacts with the progressive movement. But a while back I did run into something that made me come to very similar conclusions as yours.
Some time ago I took a deep dive into neoliberalism. That was before /r/neoliberal really took off and you could see a lot of people adopting the label, if only ironically. I wanted to find out what exactly the left means by it, is there anything to it, etc. The thing is that a lot of academic writings on the subject are downright goofy, so I went down the rabbit hole of "the neoliberal view of psychotherapy" and such, and run right into "It's Never Been About Being Gay" - The Book (summaries are also easy to find: 1, 2). It blew my mind at the time. It was one of those moment when I wanted to run into the streets screaming, try to find all my gay friends and tell them "THEY don't care about you! THEY are only using you as soldiers in their army, and THEY'll throw you under the bus the moment you step out of line"... The thing is, I don't really know how to talk about that without sounding like a paranoid nutjob.
Did you try to broach the subject with anyone? How did you do it, and how did it go?
Assets on Bitcoin Blockchain is a topic with a long and interesting history.
The presentation and the slides ( are an interesting overview on the matter that goes beyond the RGB protocol presentation.
This was the source I found for that claim. It popped up in Google as "Is Chamoy bad for your health?" under the People Always Ask portion of the search results. As per the dubious nature of the result (It looks like a school project/report), I added the little disclaimer at the end, but since what you're essentially eating is peppers and vinegar, I'm sure eating two buckets of that isn't exactly healthy.
The density of Norway is ~14 people/km^2, and in the US it's about ~33 people/km^2 (with other data sources showing up to ~35 people/km^2).
Oslo city has a population density of about 3,300 per km^2.
STL has 1,900, CHI has 4,600, NYC has 11,000, and LA has 2,900.
So out of your four cherry picked examples from the US, two beat the most populous area of Norway.
This also matches with overall world analysis, which shows very slight negative correlation between population density and homicide rate (but close enough to zero that I think we should just consider them uncorrelated.)
Wenn die Pfalz sich trennen wollen würde, würde Bayern einen Kuchen zum Abschied backen und die Türe aufhalten, danach abschliessen und den Schlüssel wegwerfen.
Wenn Bayern ernst macht und sich verabschieden wollen würde, würden sich die anderen Bundesländer gegen die Türe werfen und sie mit allen Mitteln verteidigen damit die Bayern drin bleiben.
Das Problem in Spanien ist: Katalonien ist Bayern, nicht die Pfalz.
Edit: Ich befürchte stark dass der einfache (nicht reiche) Katalone so oder so der Gelachsmeierte sein wird, in Spanien und unabhängig von Spanien.
Interessanter Diskussionsfaden:
This is a gross misunderstanding of Derrida, and has nothing to do with most Post-modernists. Derrida is not saying that we can't make useful and true statements about the world. He would not say anything that different about the statement 'It is raining' than Wittgenstein would. Wittgenstein, like Derrida, would say the meaning of a statement is it's use. Do you also disagree with Wittgenstein here?
He is talking about metanarratives. He is saying that overarching ideological systems like Marxism, Fascism, Libertarianism, etc can never have a monopoly on truth. He is taking Godel's incompleteness theorem to an ideological level.
Finally, here's an article on how postmodern ideas have been shaping research into artificial intelligence
You might find this analysis interesting,
>In the book Slaughterhouse-Five written by Kurt Vonnegut he writes, "This one is a failure, and had to be, since it was written by a pillar of salt." >Explanation >Vonnegut compares himself to Lot’s wife, looking back upon the destruction of Dresden. >Instead of forgetting his horrible experiences and moving on with his life, he is focusing on the past. The past, which damaged and scarred a society that has just begun to pick up the pieces of their shattered lives and is still mourning the loss of their loved ones. Vonnegut recognizes that his story is to be a failure, because he is not bringing hope to a nation that is wanting to move onto a better future, like that of Lot and his family.
It's just an essay; food for thought, nothing definitive.
Edit: Though I must say, that I read it many years ago, but did feel it was a real 'downer' book. It wasn't a pleasurable reading experience. I mean, even A Clockwork Orange, scary and true as it was, didn't give me a down. Interesting.
I think Orange represents Hinduism not Islam in Life of Pi.
Just going to say a research organization website is a little different than a research school article. Please use peer reviewed sources
Dovetail joints, press fit and snap fit are good ways that don't even involve tools or post processing. See:
Wasn't that Gore who contested the 2000 election? And then Bush contested his contesting it? >Gore's people sued the state of Florida for a recount, and Bush sued against it. Florida's Supreme Court ruled in Favor of Gore, and Bush appealed the case, taking it further to the U.S. Supreme Court. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled 5-4, in favor of Bush, stating that Florida's Supreme Court ruling was Unconstitutional.
Screw the Dems and establishment GOP who are "outraged" at Trump, ESPECIALLY after the O'Keefe videos.
I'm using the Capturing Kids Hearts model this year. Here is a Prezi that breaks it down pretty well. Harry Wong also has a great Social Contract in "The First Days of School".
Here's something I found on the evolution of spikes
the first 2 images in the presentation look really uncomfortable and stiff. Wearing such stiff spikes would definitely make a huge difference in how you run and thus alter your performance
Food usually don't have butyric acid, but an ester of the acid usually in methyl ester form. And unlike the butyric acid which smells like vomit, methyl butyrate has a pleasant smell which is why it's used in food and perfumes.
As a matter of fact, jolly ranchers use it as an apple flavoring
"How much of a business story has to be true?"
None at all.
Know a little brand called Hollister? When were they founded? Not 1922 as their labels suggest. Who were they founded by? Not J.M. Hollister as their marketing suggests. J.M. Hollister wasn't ever a real person in fact.
Hey guys!
New here. Used to be active at speedsolving a couple of years back. I only cube occasionally now. Reddit and uni eats up most of my time. I have a pretty popular prezi about FMC and done a bit of stuff related to theory.
Browsed around a bit and it's nice to see a community that is still so beginner friendly. Hopefully, I can contribute something.
It's pretty shitty. Of course personal responsibility is involved, but companies spend millions on making sure it's as hard as possible. Think about the pink slime in fast food story. Did it even hurt the industry at all? I know personally I have eaten many burgers since hearing that story despite knowing what I know. Here's a fun video on how McDonald's gets you with the smell of the french fries, they pay big money for that smell.
>Not really. It's the same thing as if the driver slammed on the brakes at the same moment and the ABS just does its job.
Actually, no. evidence from the NHTSB suggests this is incorrect. The systems are typically called emergency brake assist
The particular study I linked deals with light vehicles, but is on the same topic. Research suggests that up to 90% of drivers don't brake with enough force in an emergency situation, perhaps for physical reasons, or because they're suprised by the "buzzing" of the ABS system engaging. A mercedes Benz study from 1992 suggested that these systems could reduce stoppign distance by as much as 21 meters in a passenger vehicle traveling at 200 km/h. The NHTSA study above found stopping distances 4-10 feet shorter in passenger cars driving 45 mph.
This is similar in concept to "fly by wire" technology in aircraft. Modern fighter jets are built to be fast and manuverable, but the designs trade off stability. Modern 3rd or 4th gen fighter jets are so unstable that if they were controlled by old style controls, wires leading to the control flaps, virtually no pilot could pilot them effectively. Rather, the pilot now controls a computer that controls the flight surfaces, measuring airflow and adjusting them far faster than a human can, allowing the plane to be controllable.
The computer controlled emergency brakes are similar, because any determination is going to involve different factors, the tire, the road etc. The computer can monitor those and determine the maximum level of deceleration it can get.
Seriously OP.. look at these lyrics. They reflect the melancholy of life in Britain and you could make an awesome presentation if you include cultural references like these. Take it out of the box a bit g. edit: also maybe have a look at .. it may not be for you but I find that it's loads more engaging than bloody powerpoint... edit 2: maybe not the joy division lyrics.. i feel that is more a vision into a terribly depressed soul.
This might help you -
Seems the important people to look at are Henrik Ibsen and Bertolt Brecht. You might also want to look at a definition of modern art in general to better understand why certain plays might be representative of the "modern" movement.
Pretty sure it has to do with webgl
There’s also a pinned thread on discord troubleshooting about certain chipsets that cause this )not surprising a driver issue)
You can also try the link below