THIS is one of the worst descriptions I've even seen from an amazon seller.
"Super Sticky Sticker"
I took a stock Rubik’s cube, in its traditional colors, and printed three distinct symbols, nine each, on Brother 0.75" white-on-clear label tape, cut them all to fit, and stuck them on the three ambiguous colors.
In the photo above, the image on the left is unaltered and the one on the right is run through a protanopia filter that I used when figuring out what would be ambiguous to him and the best way to make the sides distinct.
I would very much appreciate it!
If you would like to help, head on over to the Crowdin page, I just added Hebrew to the list of localizations. Just create an account there and select your language.
Thanks for the interest!
I actually heard someone say this for the first time over the weekend. Some old lady was telling us her son or nephew or something could do it in 2 seconds because they were very "mathematical".
She also tried to tell me that this was a Rubik's cube:
Not sure if her kid was supposed to be solving a real one in 2 seconds or that thing, which would have been much more plausible.
I can't find any information on the article itself, but that headline about privatising asylums appears to be from The Onion.
Hey Guys!
I'd like to send a big thanks to the many people that replied on my old post, asking for feedback, and a lot of the respondents were beta testing it - BUT NOW IT'S FINALLY OUT!
I still very much welcome feedback and thoughts as always, so we together can create the best possible product! :)
Android (Google Play):
iOS (Apple App Store):
I've never tried designing a cube sticker set so I decided that the most sensible next step was to pull the stickers off a cube and give it a shot. I went with a set inspired by the Mad Titan himself, frocked with the Infinity gems on each of its 6 sides.
Edit:yes they are for sale, heres a link to my sticker shop
Edit 2:since a couple folks have asked the decals are 16mm x 16mm but I can print/cut to pretty much any standard size
Here's the cube I used for a model
Seprovider Speed Cube 3x3
wow rubik's, it really is a shame. they really don't seem to care. but why would anyone download it (or even pay for it) when there are so many great other options for cubing apps out there? i've been using this one here for a long time and haven't been disappointed.
i don't understand how the "original" brand has come to be the one that fucks up most. smh
Only if you have incredibly thin skin and are looking to be offended.
By the way, you can purchase these "rich things" for 10 dollars on amazon. But who can afford that, right?
Execution only solves help a lot. Use this website or this app to generate a scramble + memo. Execute each scramble/memo until you have a success and try to spam tps as fast as you can. When you're more comfortable with your execution, memo recall will be easier and you won't have to remember it as long, since your execution is faster.
A low success rate is not bad as long as you're trying to push memo and execution. When you do safe solves - double checking memo or just taking more time for memo, your successrate should be good, but during practise it's better to push everything, just like when you do sports, where you push yourself further and further, you're doing the same to your brain here :) Just be sure to check what you did wrong, so you learn from your mistakes!
New Giiker cube that isnt Bluetooth, really interested in seeing what else Xiaomi does in the future with more cubes.
a lot of people actually like these kinds of blindfolds because they can be slightly easier for nod don (better weight distribution and stuff)
lots of interesting jokes during comps due to the shape though
Looks like a copy of Squareminx, just with adds, different colors, worse controls and an annoying level system.
Also screw everything about adds like this. I can understand putting adds in a free game so you get something back for your work (banners are usually fine), but noisy full-screen video adds about dirty dating apps are not okay.
OMG I planned left block in insepction. There were no bad edges. Then right front block was already made. Fairly easy f2l insert. Sune COLL into U perm.
I was looking around for interesting solves and found this solve:
Scramble: B' L2 D2 F' D2 F' R2 B' D2 L2 B U F2 D' F2 L B F2 R D' R2
D B' R' D' F U R' U2 R L' U D2 L' D' L' F2 D' U' L' U L D U2 R U' R U' R' U2 R2 D' R U R' D R U R U' R' U' R U2 R U' M' U' M2 U' M2 U' M' U2 M2 U2 R' U'
Other than it being a zz variant (called zz-zipper iirc), the guy proclaimed that he got a 3.66 single on this. I am not hating on this guy but I am highly skeptical because
Discuss about your thoughts on this and say whether you think its fake or not in this poll
Additional tip: YouTube's seeking is very janky and if you want to frame-count more than one thing in a video (e.g. doing frame-counted splits), download it with youtube-dl and do the frame counting with a proper video player or editor. (If the video editor reports timestamps or frame numbers, you can subtract those instead of literally counting.)
Alternatively, you can also use mpv to play the YouTube video without separately downloading it first, and use the same two keys (comma and period) to step through the video. mpv's seeking and caching are much more reliable than web browsers', in my experience.
Hey guys!
New here. Used to be active at speedsolving a couple of years back. I only cube occasionally now. Reddit and uni eats up most of my time. I have a pretty popular prezi about FMC and done a bit of stuff related to theory.
Browsed around a bit and it's nice to see a community that is still so beginner friendly. Hopefully, I can contribute something.
Nice job!! I'm going to recommend an app that helped me a bunch when I first started 3bld. It basically generates memos so you can practise solving the pairs without worrying about memorization. Isolating this skill helped me a bunch when I just started. Check it out if u want
It's called a Carbon Fiber cube and is popular in bundles and new cubers. You can get them at the cubicle or speedcubeshop, but Amazon is the most popular
Link to buy off Amazon. Might wanna hurry theres only 8 left. ;)
edit: they restocked the kit on amazon! Now theres plenty to go around.
This app
Let's you use your camera to enter the color combo in for a cube and then it will give you the solve for it in anamation and in moves. I thought I might be able to take a pick of the pattern and use the solve to figure out how to reconstruct. But it can't do 9x9.
SwitchTile is a game with the same concept, and it was released almost 5.5 years ago.
I mentioned the same thing in a thread about LoopOver, and apparently that game started development earlier than SwitchTile, even if it was released much later.
NanoTimer. It also calculates averages for splits - screenshot.
Just a heads up if anyone is into memory sports; This app for Android has most events. Not very customizable by any stretch, but gets the job done when you're on the run.
I have an app called Caffeine that I've configured to enact wake locks on media viewers and Twisty Timer. It's automatic after you select the apps and I haven't noticed a meaningful battery drain outside of wake events so it works properly.
The upside to phone timers is that the operating system itself also has options for keeping the screen awake during charge.
He's right. I was pleasantly surprised to see cubes at a local Barnes and Nobel's as well. I got my gear ball there for only $20.
I've seen most of these in their stores.
> #-sub
> a prefix occurring originally in loanwords from Latin ( subject; subtract; subvert; subsidy); on this model, freely attached to elements of any origin and used with the meaning “under,” “below,” “beneath” ( subalpine; substratum), “slightly,” “imperfectly,” “nearly” ( subcolumnar; subtropical), “secondary,” “subordinate” ( subcommittee; subplot).
If anyone is interested, here is the Decoder file that the Android app uses. Everything that is needed can be found in there!
I wanted a new phone wallpaper and I couldn't find the right one on the web... I decided to make one on Codepen.
Pen Link:
If you know coding a bit, you can easily change colour schemes and pattern generation.
If you can buy this Traxxas 50k from amazon
If you only want to buy one tube of lube, buy 50k. It's the same as weight 5 on SCS but you get more for the price.
I bought mine on Amazon but this was probably 8 years ago. As recently as about 3 years ago I saw a new one in a Barnes and Noble. I'm not sure if they are still in production but maybe eBay if all else fails.
edit: if you don't mind paying a lot looks like its easy to get.
Yuxin Cloud is very, very, very good for its price. I actually preferred it to my unmagnetized Wushuang. But then I got a magnetized Wushuang lol.
Unfortunately both cubicle and SCS are sold out. But luckily for you, Cuberspeed on Amazon still has them.
Cuberspeed is one of the trusted Amazon sellers, so get it before it runs out lol. I usually order from them or D-FantiX on Amazon because I love the guaranteed 2 day shipping. I ordered that exact Yuxin Cloud I just linked you to and everything was perfect :)
Phil, I don't know if this is the case as well, but when I was buying my first speedcube on Amazon the seller's video was this one, with no credit to Chris. Here's the link:
I strongly recommend doing some execution only practise! It will speed up not only your alg execution, but it'll also make your memo recall easier, since you won't have to concentrate on your execution.
Use this website. You need to configure it to your lettering scheme, orientation, method and so on. If you have questions about the configuration, hit me up. Also be sure to read everything, so you can bookmark your configuration, since it won't be saved by cookies or anything else - the whole config is in the address. After configuration you'll be able to use it to confirm if your memo is right and you can also let it generate a scramble and a memo. Just execute that solution as fast as you can. If you fail, repeat until you get it right. To start it off, do like 5-12 scrambles. Until you feel really comfortable with your execution I suggest doing 2-3 scrambles before all of your blind sessions.
Alternatively if you have an android device you can use this app to generate a memo.
edit: some stuff
I use the app "FiveWallpapers" which essentially does the same thing.
It makes it so you can have 5 different wallpapers for 5 different screens. My first wallpaper is my actual wallpaper with my apps on it, and then I just scroll to the right for all my algorithm wallpapers.
My 2nd wallpaper is 2-look OLL, 3rd wallpaper is 2-look PLL, 4th wallpaper is some special weird cases for F2L, and now this is my 5th wallpaper.
Nothing on the item's page indicates that, though. I'd bet that the store ran out of this item but doesn't want to admit that, so they set a ridiculous shipping price to prevent anyone from buying it while still keeping it in their catalogue to generate those clicks.
Here’s the RSS feed. If you know how to download it from there, go for it. If not, you may be able to download it if you search for the podcast on, but I’m not sure how that works, sorry. I only listen through apps that handle all that for me
So you have a hobby you don't really enjoy?.. :S This kind contradicts the definition of the word "hobby", you know:
Anyway, it looks like you want to reach sub-20, and at the same time enjoy cubing. I can relate to this, since I would also love to get sub-20. (Still, I like collecting more, since I enjoy collecting all kind of stuff in the past, and twisty puzzles is my best collection so far. Mainly because instead of just collecting, I can also solve them. Unfortunately I don't have a lot of time due to a 40+ hour workweek, so I personally prefer to spend time on all my puzzles and multiple other hobbies, instead of focusing on speedcubing (which takes a lot of time, effort and dedication to master).)
So, I could say you could get some other puzzles you can solve in between 3x3x3 sessions when you get bored. I think the main part is that you need to find out for yourself what you like about cubing by experimenting a bit with other puzzles and events (like OH, BLD, etc.). If there isn't anything to keep you interested I can honestly say that this might not be the correct hobby for you. I don't mean this in a harsh way, and we would love to have you here in the community, but the main part about having a hobby is finding it enjoyable yourself. We can't really help you with that if you don't enjoy at least some part of it.
Anyway, if you only have a 3x3x3 I would say get a few more puzzles (like almost all WCA puzzles) and mix things up a bit with what puzzle you solve during your free time. I've also heard from some people that solving 4x4-7x7 for a couple of weeks improved their 3x3 times, so that might help as well.
good job, but you forgot to add a space for:
> Clock
> *[CR - Africa] 8.15 Average by Conor Cronin
Also maybe download the extension reddit enhancement suite to make formatting easier for you, if you don't already have it.
> Alright, you guys convinced me.
Yaaay! :-)
I think implementation should be fairly straightforward. I'm sure some cubers coders would be willing to help if you ask in the daily discussion thread ; or you could check out cstimer's source code to see how they do it.
Maybe this could help too:
I programmed the bar charts with Processing 1.5.1. I think the most important part of making the bar chart look nice is "blurring" the rank over time to get the bar's y-coordinate. In other words, a bar's y-coordinate will gradually change from 2 to 1 even if the rank technically changes instantly, because of this blur.
Actually I'm really jealous I've been trying to learn BLD and I haven't gotten a successful edges only attempt yet
So I found a pretty decent virtual cube app on Android. It's quite basic but the key difference with other such apps is that the cube remains in the same viewing angle with the URF corner pointing at you. Rotating and doing turns works as you'd expect, it's not for speedsolving, but having that consistent position really makes it super usable. Like you can do your normal F2L solutions and any alg you know how to do without muscle memory.
(If you know other apps that do this I'm interested, most I've tried allow you to position the cube in any random awkward angle)
Somebody shared this on Facebook but I don't know if they're on Reddit so I'm sharing it here.
Fun little virtual 3x3 in the style of an 80s arcade game, with interesting controls - they take some getting used to bit they're precise which is a billion times better than the intuitive controls of most such apps, where you end up making unwanted moves all the time. No ads, no nonsense. Give it a go if you're curious.
Something like this could work (for android).
>Key features:
>- Continuous video recording, with user-defined length and video quality; sound can be included - User-defined storage space on the SD card with cyclic recording; i.e. the card never fills up - One-touch video protection allows you to keep video files for interesting road events during the whole journey
Thanks for the encouragement & welcome. I'm also new to reddit hence i can't even figure out how to include a picture in the reply.
This is the link to the cubes i got roxenda cubes They have a little chinese symbol on the white side.
Loving it, especially in these weird times. Even taught one of my kids to solve the 3x3x3 and she is quite chuffed, only 10.
Thanks for the advice, for the next cube (either a better 3x3x3 or something different) i'll go to the links you suggest.
Have a question tho, i find the 2x2x2 a bit boring, the 3x3x3 excellent and the 4 & 5 basically just a 3x3x3 with a ton of admin. are the bigger (6,7, etc) more of the same or would you recommend something a bit more quirky?
thanks again all,
I use Rush cubing timer but a lot of people recommend Twisty timer
If you don't wanna buy the Traxxas 50k at a hobby store you can get a 2oz bottle (60cc) for about $7 which is cheap.
Since you have all the different "weights" I can tell you will need to test them to see which one matches your style, then after that naturally you will be narrowed down to a few lubricants maybe even 2-3, as you will see what fits or doesn't. Traxxas lubricants are cheap and the standard bottle is 60cc for about $7 on Amazon and $5 to a online hobby store I use. However cubicle lubricants are still useful but if you need a wallet friendly alternative then Traxxas is the way to go. However I always recommend a bottle of 50k around you it's pretty much universal. Alot of people just lube the core of their cube with 50k, lube 4x4's with 50k (when you break it in it feels amazing), and 2x2's.
30k, and 50k and some thin weights is all you ever honestly need and since your getting Lubicle Speedy, you won't need 10k, but yea. Goodluck
That's my 2 cents.
I'd recommend Traxxas 50k You can usually get it for pretty cheap at a local Hobby RC store or here on amazon
Thanks so much for this, really appreciate your thoughts on #4.
I did notify the Amazon seller, and they issued be a full refund for both Cube and Cube II.
Do you think there's any reason to believe that this is not a real WeiLong GTS? The price is cheaper than on other shops.
For less messy amazon links you can extract the part after "/dp/" in
and make it:
Plz send any recommendations via PM
Amazon link. It turns just fine. Not a speed cube, but fine for the methodical pace suited for bandaged mods. Here's a qiyi one, but don't really recommend buying cubes on Amazon.
Is cuberspeed on amazon a reliable seller for Gan Air 356 SM?
Alright cool, thanks. Found the QiYi one on Amazon for that sweet, sweet 2 day shipping.
I have been looking to buy a 4x4 and 5x5, and currently only own a 3x3 and a couple of 3x3 mirror cubes. I have found this on Amazon and I'm wondering if anyone has any experience with these cubes. The price seems right and the 2x2 and 3x3 would be a bonus. Are these quality cubes or should I be looking somewhere else?
On Amazon the gan 356 air sm is sold at a very cheap price at 40 dollars. Is this the real one? see here Also, if it is why does it have coogam in front of the name.
Check this out: LiangCuber Qiyi 7x7 Speed Cube Stickerless Qiyi Qixing S 7x7...
Here's the link, I got a 25$ gift card for my birthday so I got this. It's pretty good if you don't for perfection and just want a cheap, fairly good cube.
Hi, this probably has been asked a hundred times, but...
I want to buy a new cube and I am pretty set on GAN365 and I am trying to figure out what all the letters stand for. "M" is probably for magnetic, "Air" might be for light sets of springs I guess? but what is "X" or "R" or "S"?
I saw a review of a GAN356 Air SM and I liked it. But I couldn't find a stickerless version – my current stickered one is pretty messed up. I stumbled upon this GAN 356 XS (+M?) and this GAN Air M. I am a bit confused...
I'll check out the app when I finish updating to iOS 12 (lol)
I'm pretty sure I saw an app with the same rotating-tiles mechanic but I can't find it in the Reddit search. It was posted at least 3 months ago and they had videos of the 4x4, 5x5 etc being solved. I'll see if I can find it
Edit: Found it.
It gives scrambles and also generates the memo for your preferred letter scheme, so you can cross-check your own memo.
Do you have an Android/Apple device? There's tons of excellent timer apps available online that have a myriad of features beneficial to keeping cube times. I personally recommend Twisty Timer.
I use Cube Companion, an app for android (if you're on IOS I can't really help you). It doesn't have all the things that you're currently tracking, but what I love about it is that you can have sessions where you track avg, best time, etc. and also keep all the solves for a more extensive statistics page with overall averages, total solve time, some simple graphs and other fun stuff :)
There are some similar programs for PC as well (can't remember the names rn) which might have more stats, but they all look dull/unfinished so I prefer the app :)
u/Catchears made a great program from a flowchart that you can use to find out what cube to buy.
The site you linked doesn't load for me at all, but I've found their emptied store on Aliexpress. There it is written, that their Aliexpress store will be closed, and you should search for them on Amazon. Here. I wouldn't says that their prices are that good.
OMG My first sub-20 Ao100 PB of 18.89! Also got a new Ao5 PB of 16.96 and Ao12 17.80. I've never had so many sub-20s in one session before. This feels amazing.
Thx :) Idk, I feel like they look a bit better on the picture than irl, but I'll have to check that later. I just put them where I thought it looked good with a steady hand and sound judgement (Augenmaß) :D Well, took me an hour to place them, so I was kinda tryharding xD
You probably mean /u/g253's 4x4.
Certainly works quite well to sticker them like that for 3x3 and 4x4, but it might get annoying if the pieces are much smaller than that. I can tell you more about that after stickering the 5x5 - I'm not quite sure if cutting the stickers in 8ths is enough for the 5x5 - from roughly checking it, it looked like it would just barely be small enough to not be bigger than the center pieces.
From building your todo list app, you probably remember Flask has database commands like flask db migrate
and flask db upgrade
. There's also flask routes
which lists your endpoints and the HTTP methods they support. flask run
runs a devlopment server. Etc.
You can write your own custom commands, the Flask documentation has an overview here.
I have a few custom commands:
flask create_new_test_comp
which generates a new competition with every event, posts a thread in our test subreddit, and adds it to the site
flask score_and_generate_new_comp
which scores the previous competition and posts the results, and also generates the new comp, posts the thread and creates the competition in the app
flask generate_new_comp_only
which is similar to the test comp generation, except that it doesn't do every event, it follows the event rotation from the previous posted competition
That's really all I use it for now, though I'll probably add other things in the future, mostly admin functions like re-scoring a competition, or re-calculating each user's PBs from previous competitions after I get the WCA-style personal profile stuff up and running.
> Didn't you ask about these a few days ago?
I ask last time about the Ga + Gc, and based on the answers I got from that question, I decided to change the algs that I was considering to learn.
> Any reason you don't want to learn these ones?
Actually I'm using the Ga from that list, Last time I didn't ask about the Gb and Gd.
I did a proof-of-concept on virtual 5x5. You could certainly do something similar on 6x6+, but the center commutators would get pretty ugly. It's probably the world's most inefficient way to pull this off...
Here it is on
I decided to reconstruct a typical 3x3 CFOP solve for me;
If someone has extra time and/or feels particularly bored today, I would appreciate some tips or feedback. The last layer is not so important though.
Also got a new pb of 31.78 today (OLL: Chameleon, PLL: Gb-perm)
Yea I thought that too. Here are a few tips tho:
Use a color scheme, you can generate one randomly at
Put everything in one page and show/hide them instead of reloading the entire page.
Don't use tables. Use divs with a table layout and style it.
hr's are not a good idea, use shadows like this "box-shadow: 0 1px 3px rgba(0,0,0,0.12), 0 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.24);"
Using full light or full dark themes are better. When background is colorful and the text isn't colored acordingly, it is hard to read.
Enjoy your journey with CSS (you probably will not.)
Based on your dimensions, with some minor tweaks to make it printable and fit the Moyu mat I have which has slightly smaller holes than the intended Stackmat mat itself?
The print is underway, I should know in ~40 minutes whether it works out or if it needs tweaking
Hi there! The new languages are Indian, Ukrainian, Valencian and Vietnamese, plus a bunch of other additions to other languages.
All the translations are made by the community. If you speak another language, you can contribute your translations right here, and have your name featured in the "Translators" screen in the About section!
I already saw your post when you posted it and thought about writing there, didn't have the time and forgot. I think I really have small hands/short fingers and they are really not flexible. I also have this (a link to before I use the wrong term), so stretching is hard for me and I need to be careful to not overdo it.
For me it's already hard to solve the 68mm sail with 2 hands - it's really stressful and I can't do more than 1-2 solves and it already starts to hurt. It's also hard for me to speedsolve big cubes, since for the 3x3 stage my fingers are to short to hold all the layers that I don't want to move.
Here's a picture of my hand
As you can see my middle finger is a little bit shorter than 6.5cm. Is that really small or am I really just not flexible enough?
You might find the first two levels of my Memrise course helpful. It's really helped me be able to remember which location has which letter. And if you use white top/green front, you might find the last two levels useful too.
For anyone who checked out my Speffz Memrise course that I posted the other day, I have updated the first two rounds of pictures to be colour neutral. Now they can used by people who use any orientation, as faces are now distinguished by letter rather than colour. The last two rounds are still specific to white top, green front though. Not much I can do about that...
Pretty easy. Just have to divide the count by elapsed time, and add some start and stop controls. Keyboard commands are a little more complicated than I have time to deal with right now, but here:
Undoubtedly. The only other way is to A-Perm/T-Perm and then U-Perm. If you plan to get fast, this is the only way. Especially since the "proper" G-Perms all use similar triggers, only separated by how the pairs are taken out.
I used these (DocDroid PDF)
I don't think I have heard of anyone doing both parities at the same time, it is certainly possible but recognition may be difficult. there is a second set of PLL's for the parity cases so you can solve PLL and PLL parity with one alg. I'm pretty sure a similar thing exists for OLL too ~~but I can't find it~~ I found a subset of it.
I've recently stumbled upon this virtual cube for Android, and I'm loving the ergonomics.
The scrambles aren't great, a lot of stuff could be added, and you have to use it in airplane mode to avoid the intrusive ads, but I can actually do all the moves I want, including slice ones. Really underrated.
Tip: buy something like this. Makes removing stickers really easy! That’s where to buy one but it comes in a packet with some other Rubik’s cubes of that time. You would have to find out the value of all the other cubes then subtract it by the price all together.
Thats interesting, as I hadn't seen the guide and it looks helpful.
In the description from the Rubiks Amazon page says it has 2 different solutions.
I use this app-
I avg about 4 on 2x2,and had a previous pb of an exact 1, and had got that scramble a few times. When I got this, I immediately checked the scramble and this was a new one, which turned out to be the WR scramble.
I'm in Canada, the store I'm ordering from is The brand store is cuberspeed.
Hey guys, I'm from the r/MechanicalKeyboards sub but I also like to cube occasionally.
We use this thing called super lube to make the keyboards sound better, but I'm wondering if I can also use it to lube the cubes. Thanks!
There are specific products designed for doing this. Not sure where you are but in the UK I use Sticky Stuff Remover. It may be a bit pricey for a single cube but it lasts forever - I bought a bottle >10 years ago and I can't have used more than a tenth of it.
However, when I'm removing sticker residue I normally start by trying to get it off by using a bit of sellotape or similar. If you repeatedly press it down and pull it off again this can be remarkably effective. It does rely on the stickiness of the tape being equal to or greater than the stickiness of the sticker residue to the cube. Try this as soon as you get the sticker off - don't rub the residue with your thumb first or it becomes a lot harder to remove this way.
Be careful using nail polish remover. This contains a high percentage of acetone which will happily melt plastic. Good for removing superglue though. (Note that some nail polish remover is made without acetone - no idea if this would help to remove sticker residue or, indeed, nail polish.)
Scrubbing pad and sandpaper will work eventually but only by abrasively damaging your cube, which is presumably not what you're after.
I've also wondered about alcohol-based hand sanitiser, which seems to have really taken off recently (can't think why). Don't know if this would work, though, and I've never tried it.
Amazon is where I got mine. I used them along with earplugs for 3bld, 4bld, 5bld, and mbld at Mental Breakdown 2016, and will continue to use them in the future.
Nope, it's not weird. I will probably be doing this in the future, and it's perfectly normal.
Is this it? (I'd prefer to buy it on Amazon because I have a giftcard to spend.)
Hey guys, so I'm pretty new. I got a Rubiks brand 3x3 for Christmas and have been having a blast solving it.
To feed this new found addiction I am looking to purchase a Valk 3. My question is has anyone had any experience with purchasing over amazon as opposed to the cubicle or speedcube ect. I got prime free two day shipping and would prefer to have it by Friday.
I'm looking at this one/seller :
Amazon has some for about 4 times what I spent on one. I wish I still had it. :(
Is this cube good for a beginner? I want to buy from Amazon since I have Prime and free 1 day shipping.
I'm still an absolute beginner (Still one algorithm away from learning the beginner method). I kinda did it backwards. I bought this ShengShou on amazon because it was crazy cheap. I bought a Rubik's brand cube last night because I wanted to feel the difference... The difference is HUGE. The ShengShou is leaps and bounds better, and is currently $2.55 on Amazon, whereas it was like $10 for the Rubik's cube.
If you don't have traxxas 50k, get that first just due to the versatility of it, being able to use 50k on both the core and sparingly on the pieces. You can get it over on amazon here.
If you still do have more budget, I would recommend lubes specifically for the pieces. Stuff such as TheCubicle's Silk, DNM-37, and Lubicle One, or Cosmic lube from SpeedcubeShop will do as well. These lubes are less viscous than 50k and are great for being used on the pieces.