Hey, awesome. I don't have a lot of experience with trauma-related things (so I doubt I'll spend much time there), but I'll point you to Bonnie Burstow who's written on the topic. Here's a good paper on why the label PTSD is pathologizing. (as always, there's Sci-Hub if ResearchGate is a hassle.)
One quote from the paper that really opened my eyes: >People who are not traumatized maintain the illusion of safety moment by moment by editing out such facets as the pervasiveness of war, the subjugation of women and children, everyday racist violence, religious intolerance, the frequency and unpredictability of natural disasters, the ever-present threat of sickness and death, and so on. People who have been badly traumatized are less likely to edit out these very real dimensions of reality. Once traumatized, they are no longer shielded from reality by a cloak of invulnerability. They now know that the world can get at them. What essentially the diagnostic label does is define the cloak of invulnerability as normative and define the knowledge and knowledge-based responses of the survivor as symptoms. Correspondingly, the act of labeling sets the stage for attempting to rid survivors of their knowledge, pushing them to return to a Pollyannaish view of the world that the trauma has already shown to be inadequate, and even drugging away responses that do not fit with the “norm”. In this regard, the construction of this disorder is not only faulty, and presumptuous, but dangerous.
1 Yes, it can interfere with their growth and damage it beyond repair, like it did to me. I would ban those drugs altogether.
2 In 2002, the psychiatrist tried to change my drug, I had a panic attack, terrified that the whole nightmare was just starting over again. After that, my grandparents just took me home and told me that they'll never make me take drugs again. They never did.
3 The damage of the ritalin slowly receded over time. I didn't start to begin feeling like a human being again until 2010.
4 No. None of them even tried to help me. I recently tried going to a doctor to ask for an MRI to prove the ritalin caused me brain damage, but she gave me a mental health services leaflet and laughed me out the office. I lost my faith in the medical profession after that.
Let me use a picture to explain my experience. If that psychiatrist did to my body what he did to my mind, it would look like this.
Persecute: : to harass or punish in a manner designed to injure, grieve, or afflict; specifically : to cause to suffer because of belief
2 : to annoy with persistent or urgent approaches (as attacks, pleas, or importunities) : pester
a : to bring legal action against for redress or punishment of a crime or violation of law b : to institute legal proceedings with reference to <prosecute a claim>
Source Merriam-Webster.com
(edited for format)
I'm not. Look at the back of the Signet Classics copy of The Federalist Papers (https://www.amazon.com/Federalist-Papers-Signet-Classics/dp/0451528816)
"A companion volume, The Anti-Federalist Papers and The Constitutional Convention Debates..."
Might check this site out. As someone who has worked in the mental health field, I've seen patients struggle with this but it's doable. I believe there are some people who need them (but it's a WAY smaller percentage than what is on them). It can take quite a long time (weeks to years) because these medicines alter your brain chemistry. And as someone else has mentioned it does depend on what you've taken, and how much. Your brain is highly adaptive though. Best advice I would have is be patient with yourself, stay positive, and know it does get better.
If Abilify at those doses is all you've taken, I have high hopes your mind will clear up. Maybe start with simple brain exercises like puzzle games. Something to help calm, check out some of the free meditation videos that's all over the place. I don't like ones where people are talking but the music ones.
This book isn't about antipsychotic use, but a physician who had a stroke and how she recovered from it and the power of positive thinking.
Good luck to you and don't give up!
Hey man. Give Methylated B-Complex vitamins a try.
These are the ones I take. It recommends 2 a day on the bottle but you can take 4. 2 for breakfast, 2 for lunch. See how you feel on them. I’m hesitant to say what it helped me with because reddit might try to “help” me. But I’d give it a shot if you’re desperate. Cheap and highly bioavailable in this methylated form. Go for a week and see how you feel.
Lost Connections by Johann Hari. Sooo good. I read it while I was in the psych hospital last lol.
> "People with delusional disorder generally experience non-bizarre delusions, which involve situations that could occur in real life, such as being followed, poisoned, deceived, conspired against, or loved from a distance. These delusions usually involve the misinterpretation of perceptions or experiences."
At no point are they required to "check" to see if claims of bullying are true, diagnosticians aren't under any justification guidelines, so they can "decide" the person is delusional or psychotic based on their own personal feelings.
Hello! Have you heard of Dr. Abram Hoffer? He has many books on Orthomolecular Nutrition, he specifically talks about Niacin for Schizofrenia.
Here's the book of Niacin:
I have two book recommendations that radically changed my life.
How bout something like this: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09HGCRY6N ?
A collection of techniques and specific lifestyle choices that show evidence of efficacy for combating head issues (through scientific studies referenced at the end). ...shit like: did you know that holding your breath and submerging your head in cold water will evoke something called a "divers response" that diverts blood flow to the brain and promotes focus [DBT]? It can help a shit ton while in the throes of a manic episode. Similarly, cold showers can increase dopamine & noradrenaline levels...can be helpful for depression. ...there's tons of shit like this out there bruh.
Much of the shit referenced in the book I linked can also be found in a variety of therapies like CBT, DBT, EMDR and many others.
...there's like a million different approaches to "therapy". IMO, none of em have it "right", but there's useful shit to be found in many of em.
"therapy" might not try to gain knowledge, but each individual can gain a wealth of knowledge from exploring different types of therapy.
https://smile.amazon.com/Mind-Fixers-Psychiatrys-Troubled-Biology/dp/0393358062/ref=sr_1_1?crid=CSW8077LL3Z6&keywords=mind+fixers&qid=1657991544&sprefix=mind+fixers%2Caps%2C88&sr=8-1 This is a good book to read - you're right to have a bad gut feeling about putting your trust in psychiatry
Eat a looooot of vegetables. Seriously. Check out the Wahl's protocol, she reversed her MS mostly by eating 9 cups of veggies a day. Healthy diet is key. I'd also suggest getting a water filter, maybe reverse osmosis. Drink a lot of the cleanest water you possibly can.
Check out the herbal formularies books, especially volume 4 (for more neurological-ish plants). But supporting your whole body's health is key. Diet, sleep, exercise, lion's mane (?), probably a lot of the diets that focus on anti-Alzheimer's aka brain health (i guess) would apply. I'm not conflating alzheimers with psych meds, I just mean, similar protocols (like turmeric and omega 3s) probably would help, you could just use their protocols for your own situation. Plus, two birds one stone?
Peter Breggin is a conspiracy theorist who believes Dr. Anthony Fauci in coordination with the American shadow government, DARPA and the Chinese Communist Party created Covid as a bioweapon in a Chinese lab, until the program was bravely shut down by President Trump. I don't doubt that he has some useful things to say about psychiatry but his non-psychiatric beliefs are fucking bonkers.
I suggest you this book which cites the arguments of several experts (and also some popular non-experts), but especially it has sources. It expresses also the view of mental illness as biological vs one more like yours. It cites the evidences like studies run on twins from separate families to show that correlation is (way) higher when the DNA is from the same family.
Also you'll see the book is not at all about labeling mentally ill people as people to discriminate in any part of the book, unlike the opinion this sub commonly has about mental health sector
Go read this book (https://www.amazon.com/RECLAIMING-CATHOLIC-CHURCH-Catholic-Impostors/dp/1838158642)
All the numbers are in there. Including the Spanish Inquisition nunbers. Which never sponsored the Malleus Maleficarum btw.
Plus those aren't Catholics. Those are Novus Orco Churchians. So of course they'd be bullies. Very little have read The Bible.
Happy Ash Wednesday too.
Sounds pretty decent!
Seconding adding in DBT, if you're not already, just to see if the skills up your stability. The skills don't work for everyone and I'm saying this even tho I personally don't find DBT helpful. But if you want to try it, you can buy a workbook off of Amazon and give it a go. If it's self-directed, it's somewhat low-risk.
The workbook also means you don't have to remember the skills. You can just flip through them whenever you want.
Glad to hear you're not being subjected to polypharmacy. There are no "on label" medications for Borderline -- glad they'd give talk-therapy a chance first.
The trauma processing is also super important. If you haven't looked already, there are resources on r/CPTSD, too.
> I know this is antipsychiatry but my appointments are honestly so helpful just to talk through things.
Keep in mind that psychiatrists are not the same thing as psychotherapists (clinical psychologists). Just because someone opposes the former does not mean they must also oppose the latter.
In this comment, I explain the distinction between the two:
> The principal difference between psychiatrists and clinical psychologists is that the former take the biomedical approach to the treatment of psychological disorders. . . . As UNLV psychology professor Wayne Weiten explains in <em>Psychology: Themes and Variations (10th Edition)</em>: > > > . . . psychiatry is a branch of medicine concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of psychological problems and disorders. (p. 18, italics and bold in original) > > > > . . . clinical psychology is the branch of psychology concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of psychological problems and disorders. (p. 12, italics and bold in original)
Your experience brings the Rosenhan experiment to mind, aka "on being sane in insane places"
In an insane context, it's easy to paint anyone as insane. I'd go off the meds if I were you.
I'm not paying 70 USD for that. They called that therapy! I want to cross-examine some art therapists now.
I can make Christmas Cards for free on my own. I have LibreOffice. Psychotherapy of any of the 69 flavors are all jokes.
It sounds like you miss taking your meds because it was a clear daily act of self-care and self-maintenance. It sounds like you'd like some way to continue the habit without the actual drugs. And honestly, that's great! What a lovely impulse to want to check in with yourself every day and take care of yourself.
Have you considered switching your focus from psychiatric drugs to nutrition? A multivitamin could take the place of the other pills in your daily habit. Or, if you want something more involved than that, I use Cronometer every day to track my nutrient intake to make sure my body is getting everything it needs.
I like it because it gives me clear daily goals to work toward (gotta hit those RDA targets!), keeps me eating healthy so I feel good physically, and the data provides proof that I'm doing a good job and trying my best every day. I also have some weight to lose, so it's helping me with that too. But, I intend to keep up with it even after I reach my weight goal just for the nutrition aspect. It's been really positive for me overall.
Hey why are you attacking important chemical lobotomy for blocking all cognitive abilitys! Its important to be ded inside for the proper functioning of your mental health https://www.linguee.com/english-german/translation/faculty+building.html!
Here is a link to 100 articles saying prolactin is a psycho-active hormone . .
Your doctor should know this, I have 40 - 50 articles saying it causes testicular atrophy ( causing hypogonadism ), and two articles saying it can cause ovarian, uterine and, breast atrophy in women . . It lowers your estrogen, that's why pregnant women don't have so much sex, especially when breast-feeding . . .
my wife was on lexapro for a short time (less than a year) and tapering off was not easy for her but she's happy she did it. The thing I remember the most from when she was getting off were "brain zaps"...like a shock to the brain followed by a brief blackout. Def a good idea to follow your doc's tapering instructions and go slow (it might take a year to get off the drug fully). If you the withdrawal symptoms are too much, probably a good idea to slow the taper or maybe even jump back up in dose a bit.
She's livin well now and rockin many of the depression management skills touted in this book: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09HGCRY6N
What? I can't discuss with 2+2=5 people, I'm sorry, it hurts my brain.
Imagine a sign like this even 20 years ago.
Alright, it's been fun. Take care.
Lmk if the link doesn't work.
Mostly songs lately, though I've written short stories and would like to write a novel. But since my mental breakdown longer writing has been overwhelming. APs made it impossible to enjoy reading so I just listened to music, then a few months ago I finally got back into literature, but I had to take a break from reading books the past couple months. Unemployed and living with my parents since COVID. Without a job or social life to ground me, serious reading makes me think too hard about my life and get way too emotional. Idk it's like I can only think emotions instead of feel them like a normal person. Books hit too hard, lol.
If lethal drugs were legal/freely available and people were educated about how to use them, and when/if they could exercise their right to death or seek counselling, I do not see why this approach of coercive hospitalization should exist at all, unless someone is profoundly psychotic (but this can be used arbitarily, since people can fiercely react when detained and be judged mentally unstable).
this book has some helpful tips for managing depression:
If 3/4 bucks is difficult for you to manage, you can message the author at u/BigDome22 and he might hook it up.
And, you act like that's a bad thing. You cant just do whatever you want and expect to be allowed into the kingdom of God. Once saved always saved is childish thinking.
Plus God has the final say on who gets into heaven. You can be a good person and still go to heaven.
Plus please see (https://www.amazon.com/RECLAIMING-CATHOLIC-CHURCH-Catholic-Impostors/dp/1838158642)
>Jordan Peterson is a recognized behavioral psychologist. IMHO a well-intentioned and a great one.
Please read more and post less. Jordan Peterson is a fraud and controlled opposition. This is not a conspiracy theory, and I'm not writing this from my mothers basement. So please its not your humble opinion, you're just wrong.
I can't weigh in on the weight issues, but as far as stretch marks, I have a friend who had a C-section who swears by this stuff because she had a HUGE scar from it and she says it's barely noticeable now.
I can't 100% say that it works because I've never personally had a reason to try it, but her OBGYN recommended it. Her incision actually came open early, and they couldn't close it back up, so it was quite a gnarly scar. It's supposed to work for stretch marks, too.
I feel like stretch marks and scarring don't have any universal solutions because it seems to depend very much on the individual. Scar reduction products that are a miracle for one person are often totally ineffective for another.
You should read PD it's in your hands, It's written by a wanker of a psychiatrist who thinks ANY recurring mental health issue is a PD. Like, how is recouping depression a PD?
Its because they don't think Multidisciplinary. All they know is Psychiatry.
When the doctors tried to throw me in Inpatient, the cunt, the only doctor I talked too in direct violation of mental hygiene law, tried to shout me down when I mentioned I am Anthropologist. I had to yell and scream at them to get her to shut up. She literally cowered in fear. I explained from multiple angles why certain diagnosises are bullshit. They had to let me leave, and she even said "You seem like a sane and rational person."
Psychiatrists have coopted the role of Shaman, and instead of Halluciogenic chemicals, they feed the patient damaging Nerve Agents. Every culture and religion has used naturally growing entheogens going back Millenia. Even the Christians.
Psychiatrists, are just cutting the legs off the evolutionary natural Shrink before they can get a business up and running.
This author has some interesting observations in the earlier part of this book about where and why the trend of “chemical imbalances” in the psychiatric field started and how short sighted it is- The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma https://www.amazon.com/dp/0143127748/ref=cm_sw_r_awdo_navT_a_FAA1G4ZMAR04A6R1M6WJ
It depends. All the times I did therapy, it was either useless or harmful. One of the times I did it, I got much worse due to it because the psychiatrist I did therapy with was a pretty abusive and crappy person.
This book is an interesting one on what could go wrong with therapy: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1403947406/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o06_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
This shit is freaking scary! How far will this go? I'm glad I'm not on this page anymore. And there are so many reasons like this one that I don't regret quitting it at all! But to anyone who's feeling suicidal, please don't do it. I found hope when some idols of me encouraged people not to do it and they were right. Things get better and if you feel like failing at everything, it doesn't mean it's like this forever. Some things are difficult because of limited resources and fear of oppression but some moments are really worth being there. And how to be private: use a good VPN (not Hide my Ass, that's bullshit!). One that doesn't keep logs. Like for example NordVPN. Maybe there are good free ones but I haven't ever heard of any. You can also use Tor Browser but that doesn't work everywhere.
I don't know what is happening exactly, with me it starts before page 1. If you go to the page on this book on amazon.com, here:
you can read the beginning of the book before page 1, which I believe is the same version of the book they have on google.books.com
So if I understand you are there involuntary? They'll let out when you show you are taking it for some time?
Can you keep your phone all night? Do you have headphones? I would download this https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mobiutil.dreamtalkrecorder this records and after stopping the recording it plays you sections with some sound. It should work fairly well. If they somehow know you are recording stuff at night just say that you are interested if you dream talk. If the recordings prove they arent doing anything to you I wouldn't obsess about it.
I am not sure how I would hide it. Personally I would keep taking it because I would too scared of them punishing me and keeping me there even longer.
This book might be helpful.
It was written by a man who was able to conquer his lifelong OCD. I haven't read it because OCD is not an issue for me, but when I read the author's story, it seemed like it would be a good book.
Regarding your specific situation, I wonder if limiting your internet time would be helpful. Could you install an app on your phone or a program on your computer that would limit your access to a certain amount of time each day? I think those kinds of things exist for parents to control their kids' internet time. Maybe you could make the password something really long so that you couldn't remember it, and keep it written down in a place that's very inconvenient to get to. I'm sure it would be very uncomfortable at first to not have internet access when you want it, but it might force you to get out and do other things instead.
Timothy Scott talks about this same problem here: https://www.amazon.com/America-Fooled-Antidepressants-Antipsychotics-Deceived/dp/0977307506/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1528827831&sr=1-1&keywords=america+fooled
This sub is indeed talking to much about how things suck instead of suggesting options, and there are many. This is understandable considering how traumatic experience with psychiatry was for many here, but it's not very useful for people who deal with issues just to tell them to suck it up. I don't like this about this sub.
For withdrawal check out this book: https://www.amazon.com/Psychiatric-Drug-Withdrawal-Prescribers-Therapists-ebook/dp/B0098JWEJO
> Could you provide a link this claim?
> What do you mean by antidepressants
at least part of antidepressants, prozac and the ones that were approved after it.
This book:
Shows how antidepressants were approved without any double blind studies, just studies that appeared to be valid, but really were not. It also cites studies that antidepressants are not more effective than placebos, not more effective than accupunture and a some other treatments, and are actually worse than physical exercise.