My wife is from Thailand and made this book as a Christmas gift for a friend. It was put together in a hurry so there are probably some errors, but there are a lot of authentic Thai dishes you may enjoy making. This was before she went to culinary school, so it isn't perfect. If something doesn't make sense shoot me a pm and I can ask her for better instructions.
There are about 110 recipes in it.
Edit for new links:
Since you guys killed my dropbox here it is again.
or here:
be careful with anonfiles,I think it is the smaller button to download. lots of crap ads. Never used that site before but it was recommended on this thread.
Hi bababooyey123-
Could you please provide the information or graphic which shows the results you posted are related to the tab sold by our shop?
I would be more than happy to provide a response but first would like to see the lab's descriptor of the tab being tested.
Edit: See this image for specifics on print detailing. Notice that it's attributes can be confirmed:
Also, please see my post here for more information regarding this accusation:
Updated 5/16/2014
More permanent fix:
Steps to get working:
Modify your hosts file again:
> Linux: /etc/hosts
> Windows: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\hosts (i think?)
> MacOS: dunno where it is google it.
Put this in the hosts
Unzip the jar to somewhere.
Open a command prompt/terminal:
Windows users type cmd in the start menu then right click "run as administrator"... You have to run as admin because I bind to port 80 which requires root/admin privs.
Cd to the directory with the FuckNeulionV2.jar
Usage is as follows: > Linux: sudo java -jar FuckNeulionV2.jar URL
> MacOS: sudo java -jar FuckNeulionV2.jar URL
> Windows: java -jar FuckNeulionV2.jar URL
Where URL is the m3u8 you wish to view. So for the retards out there, lets say you wanted to watch today's washington game:
sudo java -jar FuckNeulionV2.jar
Now, in vlc go to file -> network stream put the url in:
:http-user-agent=iTunesAppleTV/4.1 or some other header that has worked in the past.
edit holy fuck formatting is hard.
I have only ever ordered small amounts of acid, didn’t order weed because I have a legal dispo nearby and not really into any drugs harder than acid
acid is probably one of the “safer” drugs to order from darknet, it comes in a small package and no smell
I ordered from a trusted vendor that I found on a reputable dark net market which used an escrow system to reduce the risk of being scammed by the vendor
I shipped directly to my apartment but it might be safer to ship to a P.O. Box or something like that, and my order came a couple days late but not the biggest deal
for safe buying practices see
Link to full PDF:
Good lord these comments are a cesspool. The clickbait title surely doesn't help.
As for the study, I am interested to hear from someone who has more background on these "liver on a chip" devices. The researchers provided how they constructed these "chips" but I don't know enough about this to say how well it simulates in vivo hepatocytes.
To me, the most noteworthy finding in this study is that acetaminophen itself may cause damage to the mitochondria almost immediately after coming in contact with the cell. We have long known that one of the metabolites of acetaminophen (NAPQI) is toxic to the liver, but there has been little concrete evidence to suggest that the parent compound is toxic as well.
The researchers found that this toxicity was dose dependent, and was even detectable at the normal physiological range of concentrations (1-4 mM). However, this toxicity was found to be short lived, with a recovery of around 30-40 minutes.
The results are very interesting but I don't have enough expertise to say how significant this is or isn't.
Is there any doubt at this point that feminism is being used to break down the family unit? Is there any doubt at this point that the protocols are real? Daily reminder to read these books:
Your wish is my command. I present: FishSchool.
The linked .zip contains Node.JS script and package.json. Install node, unpack the files somewhere, run npm install, run node fish-school.js. Enjoy.
Domains are pulled at random from Quantcast every 30 seconds, a site is requested every 1-1.5 seconds. To conserve bandwidth, only the index page provided by each site is requested.
I strongly encourage anyone interested in running this to carefully read all 71 lines of the script before doing so. Do not run scripts people post for you on the internet until you're absolutely satisfied that you know exactly what they do.
Throwaway account here, don't want any unwanted links. I wasn't making this screenshot though, so I don't have any more info that wasn't otherwise released.
I realize that "not all of DiGRA is 'the enemy'", but that doesn't excuse what's going on here.
There was a thread on 8chan's /gg/ today, with much more on this. I have some resources from it, though I'm not sure of it's still up.
DiGRA archives:
Supposedly this is from a public mailing list by DiGRA, called GamesNetwork.
сад да ли се она стварно убила због њега и хејта, или је пак нешто друго у питању, мислим да нико не зна сем ње саме.
свакако, крме јој је много загорчао живот, и када се слегне прашина он ће пробати да се некако "опере". неће моћи, друшкане.
за крај бих цитирао Његоша: "свак је рођен да по једном умре, част и брука живе довијека!"
Olycksplanet är en de Havilland Canada DHC-2T Turbo Beaver av 1966 års modell. Registrering SE-KKD, här callsign Kalle Kalle David.
Planet lyfte runt 19.25 från Örebro flygplats. Den som vill höra den sista kommunikationen mellan piloten och flygledaren kan göra det via LiveATC här, och i hopklippt version här. ATC och pilot resonerar kring om de hinner med ett lyft till och sedan startförfarandet, däribland antalet hoppare ombord. Man blir senare klarerade att starta från bana 19 i sydlig riktning tillsammans med väderinformation. Efter ett tag efterfrågar ATC transponderkontroll av KKD. Med tanke på haveriet ser flygledaren förmodligen inte planet på radar och misstänker att transpondern är avstängd eller har fel squawknummer inställt, däremot borde flygledaren förmodligen sett planet fysiskt från tornet.
EDIT: Kodi addon available at . Make sure to read the README.txt!
She's primarily know as the "amiibo girl" or "glowstick girl".
If you guys are interested there's a snapchat compilation or her getting railed in the ass, peed on multiple times, and licking a toilet. Enjoy
For Windows Users (If you're using VLC 64b, replace Program Files (x86) by Program Files in steps 5 and 6)
1- Open %systemroot%\system32\drivers\etc\ and open hosts file with a text editor (Notepad)
2- Add the following line at the end
3- Save and close hosts.
4- Download the script here: and rename the file hockey.lua.
5- Copy hockey.lua here: C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\sd
6- Copy C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\intf\modules\common.luac to C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\sd\modules\common.luac (create folders as require)
7- Grab FuckNeulionV2 here:
8- Open VLC, go to the playlist and open the /r/hockey playlist.
9- Find the game you want to watch and find the game ID (Just before the time is the game ID 20140200224 for example)
10- Open a command prompt (as admin - right click and select open as admin or open as admin from right clicking the windows button on Win8.1) and navigate where FuckNeulionV2.jar is located.
11- Start the java like this:
java -jar FuckNeulionV2.jar GAME_ID HOME/OR/AWAY
so for the habs, tonight, it would be: java -jar FuckNeulionV2.jar 2014020024 away (for away stream)
12- The script should tell you there is a lift off.
13- Return to VLC, and select the game you previously "unlocked" through FuckNeulionV2.
Helsingborgs Tingsrätt, Mål nr B 5100-13
Utdrag: > Den misstänkte Kim kontaktar ideligen målsägande Jeanette trots att hon sagt åt honom flera gånger att hon inte vill ha kontakt. Han har även skrivit att hon ska straffknullas tills han ser blod. Jeanette mår mycket dåligt över det som sker och tar hans ord på allvar.
Since you guys killed my dropbox here it is again.
or here:
be careful I think it is the smaller button to download. Never used that site before but it was recommended on this thread.
Full episode links:
There's a lot more good stuff in this doc (with her tits out too) but it's too much effort to edit them to be reddit safe. Might do it sometime but no promises.
Ok here it is. To use it, drop it in your firefox user directory. To know which one it is, go to about:profiles
in your address bar and see which profile is currently in use, then click open directory in the root directory of that profile. In there, create a folder called chrome
and drop this file there. Restart firefox and you're all set.
At the very bottom of the file, I added some lines to remove the close tab button, since I prefer to close tabs by middle clicking and I more often than not click the close tab button trying to change tabs, so I disabled it. You're free to remove that if you prefer to have them.
PYTHON SCRIPT (credit to /u/mishugashu, modded by me)
Checks and edits host for you
Download & install Python3*.4+*.
Put this in with jar file’s folder
Rename it to nhlstreams -keep .py
Open file with text editor and change vlc path (after vlcbin = “). If your local time is past 11:59PM, I recommend changing > #date = raw_input("Enter date of game [YYYYMMDD]: ")
> date = time.strftime("%Y%m%d")
> date = input("Enter date of game [YYYYMMDD]: ")
> #date = time.strftime("%Y%m%d")
Save & Close
Open file:
Windows: double click it. Run in cmd if closes immediately to see error. EDIT: If you're not an admin user, open cmd as admin, cd to path\to\file's\folder, type After that, you can double click it to open it.
Mac/Linux: Open terminal, cd to folder it's in, type "python3.4" w/o " (thanks /u/escapen)
If prompted, enter favorite team & bitrate
Pick game
Pick stream
Done! VLC should start automatically.
Report bugs!
EDIT: "Start another game?" has not been tested! Probably won't work, so just end the python script, kill the java process (task manager or whatever mac/linux uses), then rerun script.
On September 23rd 2008, 11 people died at Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences.
Although heavily redacted, the Investigation report still contains plenty of interesting information for anyone interested in the case with the patience to read the report. The report can be found here.
The gameplay is nothing special and other than how the menu looks there aren't really any spoilers. If you want to see a few guys being absolutely stoned playing it though, here's the video as a download.
Maybe this is for you: The longest joke in the world
I made an epub out of it, too.
This is my main log spreadsheet template, which is kind of always changing. Simply fill in a date in the left column then write your action and note for each entry. The yellow highlighted cells on the right side are constants. Changing these will have effects on all other cells that use them (many cells are calculated so fill in the constants as you like). The other tabs/books have reference data and a log for lessons learned.
Anywhere to check the Ledger list without downloading the list from a shady place like Feels like downloading the list of a website like that is the same as installing malware. Would rather check through just in plaintext rather having to download something. The other sources have been removed.
Careful - you might write something true.
Jokes aside, correction is due: this is not a Vaccine.
But I get your sentiment.
If anybody want to read some specifics of this particular gene-"therapy", I recommend:
You sound like a smart guy and you're taking the time to defend Jews from silly conspiracy theories. Since you're very educated on this subject, can you explain what it is that Jews believe? What does their holy book teach them? What is their social order? If you can't explain something basic like this, why do you consider yourself an authority on whether or not Jews are involved or not involved in ideological and political movements in the 20th and 21st century? Here are some good books you might like - I've posted them in other threads. They include some of the more popular 'anti-semitic' literature that talks about the Jewish role in ideological and political movements, and how it is that the supra-national Jewish nation functions. Whatever you choose to believe after you've faced the facts is up to you.
I've written a Python script to get all the download URLs in one place so we can use wget or a similar tool. I've captured around 4500 URLs so far. It's still running.
EDIT: It's done. Updated list of links -You can now use wget.
Vaccines are nothing but chemical lobotomy.
The world is full of Parrots.
Aluminium is neurotoxic. Mercury needs no introduction.
Tl;DR; we've been fucked from the get-go.
And now these fuckers want to edit our genes?
Enough was enough yesterday. And the day before that.
Me too! Before NeoTokyo was released, the teaser website had the best track. When it was released, the website changed and the track I liked so much wasn't included in the game data. So I went to the IRC channel and begged for someone to send the original soundtrack to me, and finally someone did. It could have been Ed himself for all I know. It turns out the track I loved so much from the teaser website was renamed from "001 logic" to "Out" on the final album. The files also seem to include some mixes/songs that don't appear on the final soundtrack.
I kept the mp3s since then and miraculously they're still on my main storage drive today. Here they are:
Forgive me if I am wrong, but I think this might be the 4th girl from the right, in the pink and lime green bikini. Fap away and fap hard my friends.
Requires SkyUI, AMR, DAR, Nemesis, MCM Helper, iFrame Generator and Skyrim Platform.
If you installed everything correctly but still doesn't work, check the MCM config (there are 2) or move the mod to the top of Nemesis's patch priority list.
UEFA.CL.3.11.2021.Official.HL.720p.x264.AAC.WEB.DL - 486 MB (Use an adblocker when downloading)
Here's what the files look like (contains dates, titles, descriptions, and photos of the comments).
Sorry I'm late. Was busy making a program for VLC streams. Lets you pick a game, choose away/home broadcast, and sets up your FuckNeulion for you. It's here if anyone wants it.
I created a batch file to make the java process a little bit easier. This batch file assumes you are running FuckNeulionV2.jar from you 'Downloads' folder, Please change accordingly.
The result is something like this:
So I was able to pull the data from the AAMC MSAR and compile it into a dataset compatible with this tool. Use at your own risk.
Sadly no. It would take a long time to convert it from midi to clean sheet music. The midi is purposefully messy to make it sound more realistic, and a lot of the feeling would be gone without the tempo automation. I can give you the midi, and you can drop it into a notation program and tweak it a bunch, but this song would be hard to do that with.
I just run the script in the same folder that the links.txt is located in? I have a symetrical 200/200 connection so I should be able to download all of it by tonight...waiting for the links.7z to download as it is a slow connection to that site.
You are welcome and for your reply of appreciation here is
Fuck it, if it gets removed, it gets removed.
loooool, yeah kids a retard. But everyday when im browsing i see retarded reviews, here ill post another 1 in a minute that is hilarious, just gta find it
here it is :
I was 100% not trading with an imposter account, Imposter accounts generally do not result in a raid/CD on your house.
Feel free to PM me if you wish to resolve this issue.
I think there were some files with duplicate names that were lost/ovewritten. If you note any missing let me know and I'll see what I can do to keep all of them :)
Hey man, heres my ENB profile i use. its customized to make use of my GTX770 with 4gb VRAM but i dont see why it would cause you trouble. if it does youd need to change the available vram in enblocal.ini, thats not hard though
It contains all the binaries, just download and unzip into your skyrim folder.
I made this for my own enjoyment but maybe others would like to have it too.
Its the first case of My Little Investigations with speech and text twen- about fifty percent faster.
Sample first scene audio to hear what it sounds like without downloading the whole thing.
I think the game was good. But turns out, most of my gripes with it boiled down to the dialogue advancing too slowly. Now we just need an autoplay button like in the opening and final scene.
c:\users\Public\Application Data\My Little Investigations\Cases\
on windows (or just search for a Cases
(or MyLittleInvestigations
) and pick New game
at the main menu.True Blue Scootaloo (Fast Version)
.Some places could use a bit more pauses (would have to be added back by hand) but I still prefer this to it having too many. And the text and audio may be out of sync (fixing this would mean measuring how long each part of the new speech takes).
0d118fa6857a76bc2e07cf59740602ae scootanew.mlicase
a8c24b47e837d19815c70df157f3112042c2db60 scootanew.mlicase
Marginalism contains a theory of distribution called marginal productivity theory, which is based on supply and demand of "factors" (land, labor, and capital) which is fundamentally different from and in complete conflict with classical and Marxian theories of distribution based on the redistribution of a social surplus among classes. See this Palgrave Dictionary of Economics entry and this collection of essays.
Here's the Full Body 2.0.
If someone reading this happen to have RP MPT 4xWeek Shoulder&Arms 2.0 or RP's MP Advanced Muscle Focus Templates, please upload them here. Thanks!\_rar\_JTcZ4HwXtYNLYmj-Yewv7Wz2gi?usp=sharing
Here's a few links for much sought after programs
For 2018 you need an updated client dll. Here's the link for it.
Steam tried to patch 2018 but this client dll fixes it. I think it's meant to go in csgo / bin . Not sure right now as I'm on my phone
btw this score didnt overwrite his higher combo score (which is still the lowest misscount btw) here is the replay\_-\_Spawn\_Of\_Possession\_-\_Apparition\_Blind\_Faith\_2021-07-26\_Osu-1\_osr
Probably the most requested mod on this sub, although not much has been leaked being $37.
This is all that is out there right now AFAIK, no 5Real for June or July posted yet...
5Real Basement Pack\_Basement\_Pack.rar
LA Revo JUNE 21 Update (LA REVO update only, no 5REAL)\_Revo\_2.0\_June\_21\_rar
I'm lazy and I don't want to register on a cloud platform :W
oh yeah so tl;dr:
skrt/ineffable did leak the ip
skrt/ineffable did try to get the phone number of a minor
skrt/ineffable bought supremacy source
they apologised for all of this (excl. source) so take it with a grain of salt, i'm not going to act like they didn't - use the cheat yourself and make your own evaluation.
velema said he'd release the full clip in his description - go figure if he sticks to that.
Trails in the Sky SC (Second Chapter) Japanese Voices (Undub Patch):
Extract it into the game's root directory.
Launch the game, go to the options, set Voice to Japanese.
(includes windows self-installer msi, sdk, frontend data, and apple self-installer dmg):!55EUCCBB!oqKHOWcYYWRG4WSdvJxjaVNBE6KeFOePjWkcHIMJZpQoqlvpxHJfllpD7_4j6fUu7D_WHAt0 n anonfiles:
Ok guys, time to take off the tinfoil hat. I messaged Blueviking today regarding this question and he ensured me that everything is alright and we're too paranoid. Reddit BTFO'd.
heres a pic. all i had was generic ONAX bars to compare to, so i dont know how ONAX looks compared to other generics or the actual name brand bars. Quantiks are legit as fuck. no one i have ever given them to has ever questioned their legitimacy. they taste very similar to these ONAX bars but are slightly harder, but not hard enough you cant break them into 1/4's.
there are 2 ONAX bars in this pic, one showing the top side and the one to it's right showing the back. the rest are quantik's.
Freak Out! collection.pdf
Overnite Sensation.pdf
The Dangerous Kitchen.pdf
The Frank Zappa Guitar Book (transcriptions by Steve Vai).pdf
Zappa - The Black Page - Terry Bozzio.pdf
(That was hard... I don't have a great way to anonymously send someone a pdf... would be great if anyone has a better idea!)
What, if some day or night a demon were to steal after you into your loneliest loneliness and say to you: 'This digital book as you now desire it and have desired it, you will have a chance to read in scanned form once more and innumerable times more' ...
Would you not throw yourself down and gnash your teeth and curse the demon who spoke thus? Or have you once experienced a tremendous moment when you would have answered him: 'You are a god and never have I heard anything more divine.' Or would you just say 'Hey, thanks for that! I really should sign up to OpenLibrary so I can find other ebooks like this with ease.'
Project Impact 1.3 is still WIP, no working release yet.
I'm pretty sure the 90km laser-scanned version is still in pre-order and they're currently only offering a very small preview section to the backers.
If it helps, here's a link to their complete version for the meantime:
Just upload it on somewhere, anonfiles or whatever, we will download and see
Anonymous File Upload - AnonFiles - Upload files for free and transfer big files easily.
its up again but not really interesting
UPDATE 3: Combined my small accounts into one, final value managed to save:25.75mil DOTS Made a screenie to remember the money I started with, are we calling tsla puts?
From the old thread:
Here just use this cfg for now and learn how things work
Change the binds and maybe go into a server with bots to see what the sliders do
Or look on the guide made here and some videos on youtube
thanks, I also uploaded the source code to anonfiles:
EDIT: I have also re-hosted it on MEGA:!EllDWKRJ!-i2z3mJMzTwuULBmh0JY0yj2bNe6rzXe6iea-_NnS_g
Not sure why I'm getting downvoted. Anyway, when you seed content you expose your IP. That is how peers know where to download the files. This is why media companies are able to go after pirates and why it's highly recommended to use a VPN (in your situation even a VPN is not recommended).
You should upload it to a 3rd party. Here is a decent site to upload too. It doesn't require registration and has a 500mb upload limit. As a side note you can split a rar archive into multiple pieces or if your using Linux you can use the 'split' command.
Instead of using Move_towards_point(), try adding 180 degrees to the direction from the enemy to the player tank. Also, don't use collision_circle, just use distance_to_object(player_tank), it's simpler.
playerdirection = point_direction(x,y,player_tank.x,player_tank.y) direction = playerdirection+180 speed = 2
Here's the full code as it would work in your event:
if distance_to_object(player_tank) < 128 { playerdirection = point_direction(x,y,player_tank.x,player_tank.y) direction = playerdirection+180 speed = 2
} else { speed = 0 //This is assuming you want the enemy to stop when the player isn't near }
If you want to shake things up, you can replace the +180 portion with a block that selects a random number in a range, so that it's not exactly away fromt he player, but rather away from the player with some random variation of a few degrees, that way it's somewhat less predictable.
if distance_to_object(player_tank) < 128 { playerdirection = point_direction(x,y,player_tank.x,player_tank.y) direction = (playerdirection + (160 + random(40)) ) speed = 2
} else { speed = 0 //This is assuming you want the enemy to stop when the player isn't near }
I chose (160 + random(40)) so that instead of just 180, it could go anywhere between 160 and 200 degrees away from the player. It will likely kind of wiggle and alter it's direction as it goes. You can adjust these as you wish to make it "wiggle" more, too, by just subtracting more from 160 and adding the same amount to 40.
Just for fun, i made a quick example. Adjust the distance to the player as needed.
Step 3. Downloading and running the .jar file.
3a. Download the file from: (or check for updates). Unzip and open the folder. You'll find a file called FuckNeulionV1.jar. Move this to your desktop.
3b. Open terminal. Move the the desktop by typing "cd Desktop" and hitting enter. You then will run the .jar file by typing "sudo java -jar FuckNeulionV1.jar" and the link to the game. So for today:
"sudo java -jar FuckNeulionV1.jar"
Terminal will ask for your password to do this.
After that you should be able to open VLC, find the /r/hockey tab, and watch the game like old times.
I hope that helps!
Nu visar det sig också att hon tidigare har blivit ofredat av afrikaner:
Med tanke på tidigare uppgifter, så kan vi dra slutsatsen att hon hittade på detta om nazistattacken. Hon lägger bara skulden på några fiktiva nazister för något som afrikaner har gjort mot henne.
Yep compare mine to even these wannabe inkjet pvc peoples "microshit" and youll see what im saying is true i spent alot of time on my developmet and r&d
comparison of a standard pvc printed IL back and and my offset printed microprint
i have my microprint printed layers done via offset printer and then there diecut and repackaged and stelth imported
i fill in the variable and barcodes stuff stateside i could get the whole thing done in offset but it would be tougher in customs if opened vs onlyt he microprint printed
Just wait till you see my perfect microprint FL coming real soon :)
Oops. Forgot to mention: the tipping button assumes that the user uses an android (or whatever mobile) wallet while browsing on a pc/notebook or tablet and wants to tip using his device. Tapping on the button will show the QR version dynamically generated using Google Charts to make the tipping easier - hope they don't mind the piggyback.
EDIT: Quick implementation of tip button in HTML/CSS/JS (JQuery) can be found here:
All you need is to put an anchor with href="tip:yourawesome34characteraddresshere". Included JS and CSS will take care of the rest. Feel free to optimize.
There have been a few comments asking the same thing, so I thought I'd re-answer them up here for anyone else who needs it.
Yes, you can sample this, in fact, here's the midi file (The velocity is will sound very weird because the VST I use makes velocity weird.)
The piano sound I used is called "soft piano" on LABS by Spitfire (I also used a bit of OTT, of course)
I know it sounds jazzy, I completely agree with my friend. The point in the beginning was to make it sound classical, but the point in the end was to simply write a nice piece of music.
I probably didn't use the word classical or concerto correctly, it's just a song I wrote for my friend, there is not much bigger meaning than that.
This is the original file that was used for the YouTube video. Uploading the video for it now so you can hopefully stream it soon.
Wallpaper :- if you can't open the wall, change the extension to.jpg
Icons :- Drops Icon pack
Launcher :- Nova Launcher Prime
Widget :- 1. Flow Kwgt 2. Cheesecake Kwgt
Some extra information -
The top three apps are folders and the remaining rows are individuall apps with swipe up and/or up gestures for those apps to open different apps or a different instance of the app. This helps clean up the homescreen.
If I had to guess I'd say she was more of an amateur considering the amount of stuff that was laying around.
Here's a link I found that includes some pics and short bj clip.
Tagging u/jimmyneutran
Unfortunately, actual sources of information are scarce. Every single document related to MKPILOT, save one, was destroyed during the MKULTRA document destruction. The only document that survived did so because it was stored outside of of the CIA. I've uploaded a copy here.
Hey its saying the file has expired and requires a paid membership to download.
Would it be possible to upload to or to google drive?
Thanks :)
I compulsively save every fic I read that I enjoy just in case/might read later/offline reading. Haven't read this one yet. Is it good?
A couple options I know of offer anonymous uploading up to 20GB, if you're a developer they also offer an API for automating some of your tasks is desired.
Is this what you are looking for?
Risky click but worth it :) Confirmed no viruses, full report.
Online URL scan shows ok too. Used
Here's Calimove mobility that was recently posted :\_Mobility\_Program-20200825T150043Z-003\_zip\_Mobility\_Program-20200825T150043Z-002\_zip\_Mobility\_Program-20200825T150043Z-001\_zip
For anybody who was wondering the same I stumbled across this
just download,unzip files into a folder,open itunes on your laptop or macbook, add the folder to your library and finally sync your iphone, enjoy Endless!
The source code isn't in that image. If the source code was embedded into the image the size should be around 58.8 KB, not 1.74 KB.
Edit: Here's the image with the source code in it:
Ay me vale v3rga si me vuelven a bloquear por mis comentarios pero ahí va mi sentir...
Estos malparidos de mi3rda siempre han visto así al pueblo, para los que ya estamos viejos recordaremos todas las manifestaciones que han habido y como se nos ha reprimido constantemente con balazos, granadas de humo, lacrimógeno, despidos por no votar por x candidato, etc y TODOS los que hemos estado en esa situación LO SABEMOS...
Este cerot3 no es el primero ni el último ARENERO en matar o mandar a matar a los salvadoreños, asi mataron a Monseñor Romero, así el Alcalde de S.S. (Si, el mismo maje que salió en videos y fotos Y ADMITIENDO EN TV que se reunió con pandilleros y que les dio pisto) mandó a matar al líder sindical hace unas semanas porque denunció que NO les estaban pagando y otras anomalías en la alcaldía del arenero...
Así el Princeso que tenemos en Tecla ordenó los disparos de parte del CAM a los manifestantes y me consta de primera mano.
El tacuazin peinado (Si el otro cerot3 arenero que tambien SALIO EN VIDEOS Y FOTOS CON FAJOS DE BILLETES dandole pisto a los Mareros y prometiendoles más SI votan por el) y muchas mi3rdas mas de esa CLICA que tanto daño le hace a mi país.
Y solo para aclarar una cosa, fueron más heridos porque también le dispararon a una señora mayor de edad...
Y para que sepan también ellos tienen trolls pagados, uno de ellos es el famoso "Gordo de SoyaCity"
SoyaCity Pagos de Alcalde aunque ÉL mismo lo dijo en un directo en Instagram y que tambien le echaba la mano a la alcaldesa de Santa Ana (la que hace paradas de lujo de más de 40 mil dólares)
UPDATE: RR DLL, straight off the meme press :)
Your formatting is a bit hard on the eyes. Although product looks good for $1900. I went ahead and touched it up a little if you want to copy paste. Just add two spaces to the end of each line to keep the format.
Vendor requires FE? No, but I DD
Price: $1900 incl. shipping
Vendor Name: Bestcoastbud
Marketplace: DD
Products reviewed: Green Crack HP, Mr. Nice HP
International Shipping? No
Customer Service Description [x ]+5 Superb
Product Quality Description [x ]+4 Mostly pure
Processing: Description [x ]+4 Processed & marked shipped in 48 hrs
Price Value Description [x ]+5 Excellent - great value & low cost
OPSEC/Logistics Description
[ ]+1 Single (but effecive) Vacuum-Seal
[ x]+2 Multiple Layer Vacuum-Seal
[ x]+1 Mylar and Visual Barrier
[ ]+1 Decoy Utilized
[x ]+1 Proper NETSEC/PGP
Green Crack
Mr. Nice
Ordered late Thursday, it shipped out on Saturday, landed on Monday. Weighed in at 463.5.
There is a point where the frames re-align, but that would require a massive 900 frame gif. You do not want a gif that large. So Instead I created a simpler ping-ponging gif. But to get a reasonable amount of movement I had to skip frames and reduce the frame rate. So it doesn't look very good :(
But there is some good news. I saved the much better 900 frame version as an avi file. Just have your video program play it on a loop.
I'm surprised I haven't seen anyone post this on here yet, but I don't feel like making a new thread for it... on the DNM avengers onion forum someone tested a 150ug Sacred Geometry tab from GG and it came back at 109ug.
thread: http://avengerfxkkmt2a6.onion/index.php?topic=423.0
sample picture:
I'm not sure if these are the same tabs that he's supposedly admitted to underdosing recently, but this certainly doesn't look great.
We've been seeing a lot of stuff like this recently, as well as users seeing a post that obviously breaks the rules, then says they hope the OP gets what they asked for before we see it. The example below is just one of many
Wow. I'd be pissed as shit if I got that. This is what I got for $175 and you'd be hard pressed to find anything THAT much better unless you feel like spending $300
That's just terrible luck, tho, as if this was habitual he'd be outta business in a week.
>alphabay mods also threatened to turn my account over to L.E AFTER ASKING FOR MY BOND BACK FUCK THAT PLACE
Never trust carders. The only honor they have is amongest themselves, everyone's money and life is fair game to fuck with, including their own grandmothers.
would love to see /u/trappy_pandora some how turn this one around. I'm sure he wont have much to say about this like the previous extortion attempt they had.
*Edit: not sure why but /u/fuckECBfuckDr deleted his post to me. But if recent events have taught me anything deleted posts should be seen so heres a screenshot I got from uneddit: