Jaxx stores private keys unencrypted on the device. The files aren't even encrypted with the PIN. Jaxx trusts that nothing and nobody using that device will look at that file. This is a very dangerous assumption.
A reasonable wallet program will encrypt all private keys with the user's password to prevent exactly this kind of attack. Jaxx is not reasonable.
Just as a reminder of what Ethereum is (https://www.ethereum.org/): Build unstoppable applications Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts: applications that run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third party interference. Stand to that and let people playing with smart contracts take their own risk and assume them. TheDAO is just a smart contract, it's not Ethereum. Trust the code, check it before investing or don't play.
Not a 100% crypto tie in immediately, but I think it would be an awesome foundation, is the MIT Python courses. You could start immediately as all the material is freely available online if I'm not mistaken.
Python Anaconda is a system that downloads, maintains, tweaks, a Python installation. You'll have to do quite a bit of reading to get up to spead on Anaconda, but there is documentation, youtube videos, etc. Once you learn your way around it, you can write code so that you can follow the MIT course or any course.
Later you can take online courses that you can follow, work assignments, get your assignments graded. Places like EDX, Coursera, Udacity offer online courses.
Client dev here.
All clients will have slashing protection at launch, meaning they will track your block proposals and attestations and make sure you don't contradict yourself.
Also clients are implementing a common import/export format to share that information to ease migrating across clients https://hackmd.io/@sproul/Bk0Y0qdGD
Now even with slashing protection slashing can occur if:
Also just to be clear, slashing is the result of an active malicious behavior (producing bad attestations or producing bad blocks), if you are merely inactive and miss some expected attestations/proposals you have a penalty inversely related to the whole network inactivity (very high if close to 66% validators active, and low if close to 99%).
Currently, a lot of digital advertising firms fuck over, users, content providers AND the people paying for the ads. BAT is one approach to fix digital advertising. BAT relies on the Brave browser. (Read more about it at the BAT link)
MetaMask is a browser extension that acts as a wallet allows users to [almost] seamlessly interact with ethereum dapps.
Brave integrated MetaMask into their browser and now MetaMask is linking to Brave.
Hi all!
At Truffle, we're always trying to make your lives easier. That's why I'm happy to announce our next undertaking, Ganache, a personal blockchain for developers. Ganache lets you see what's happening under the hood during development, and lets you introspect blocks and transactions to better understand how your application behaves. We expect Ganache to be part of the bedrock of the Truffle suite of tools. Ganache can fully replace the EthereumJS TestRPC.
Please give Ganache a try and let us know what you think. Hop into our Gitter channel (http://gitter.im/Consensys/truffle) or add issues and PRs on Github (https://github.com/trufflesuite/ganache).
Cheers, and we look forward to your feedback!
-- Tim and the Truffle Team
I am a founder, yes. - There were 8 of us. Vitalik Buterin, Anthony Di Iorio, Amir Chetrit, Charles Hoskinson, Mihai Alisie, Joseph Lubin, Gavin Wood, Jeffrey Wilke. There are others trying to attach "founder" to themselves now starting to crop up it's sad the amount of rewriting of history that emerging.
Go to https://www.ethereum.org/ and read front page: "applications that run exactly as programmed" so the parity code run exactly as programmed. Its their own fault that they wrote rubbish solidity code.
Polo before the HF: > we will support a one-time withdrawal of the deprecated tokens https://poloniex.com/press-releases/2016.07.15-Ethereum-Hard-Fork/
I'm glad people are taking action. Polo has exploited the whole situation to the biggest extent. Without them we wouldnt have any discussions about this obsolete chain and it will cost a lot of people / has cost them already. The way they handled this they have shown that they are anything but neutral. They can bet they will be sued by at least 1 investor for insider manipulation.
Makes you wonder if there is any truth to the conspiracy theories.
Actual argumentation is at the link, conclusion was as follows:
> Conclusion
> EOS is designed around far more realistic assumptions and logic and achieves scalability by avoiding the dogmatic fallacies promoted by Bitcoin and Ethereum maximalists. I have shown time and again that DPOS is more decentralized in practice by any real measure of decentralization. I have also shown that there are more options for light clients and that Vitalik’s claims of government resistance ignore fundamental properties and vulnerabilities of any public blockchain.
Edit: Adding more of Dan specifically replying to Vitalik's written comments.
Better yet, a set of die punches and some stainless steel blankets.
It actually does have a scripting system and some fairly intricate transaction mechanics, though the way it is structured prevents it from being used for very complex application (and most opcodes are still disabled). In fact, it even has an unresolved quadratic attack, where maliciously crafted blocks take ~30 seconds to process (reminder: this is not fatal in bitcoin land because block time is 10 min). This has been around for three years and there has not yet been a targeted fix despite this being cited as a primary roadblock to increasing the block size (until segwit, which is being touted as the "one fix to rule them all" but we'll see if the mining pools accept it).
I can't really speak for the Mist team, but I think Mist aspires to be a full ethereum node browser, providing the maximal blockchain integrity an Ethereum browser can offer.
There are other options though. I'm currently working on MetaMask, a Chrome plugin Ethereum client that will have a public beta available fairly soon! You can sign up for our email list on our website!
While this chart is technically correct, it's not the full picture. You can run a fully verified node with significantly less space:
Sharding will furthermore reduce the size required even further.
> In your card game, for instance, if cards could be thrown at any moment and they exact timing mattered, you'd have to solve for that: which is the exact reason a blockchain has been created in the first place, to decide in a case where the precise timing matters, which action happened first.
Actually, this would work even if users could throw cards at any moment. That is what submitAction
accomplishes. Essentially, it is just a very cheap transaction that does nothing but use the blockchain to register that an user submitted a transaction at that point in time.
> This works for a specific subset of apps, of course
My claim (which could be wrong) is actually stronger, I do believe this is the right way to build any arbitrary DApp which involves an arbitrary amount of users / global interactions.
> Your dispute solution is actually what /u/pipermerriam has been implementing with his computation market repo, where any computation can be "bet" on.
Just a reminder, nothing of that was invented by me! Most of it comes from the awesome ideas people spread on Ethereum's Gitter. I'm merely organizing/spreading the thoughts!
Ethereum is unpermissioned meaning its neutral about what is computed on it, similar to the concept of net neutrality, or other liberal states such as the original vision for the United States of America.
The legal system which will develop with the web 3.0 will be very different from the legal system of the nation-state. For example, the Nakamoto consensus, to reward anonymous miners for securing the network, is designed to not require any form of regulation other then the protocol itself. This frees the network from burdens which are inherent to states that are processed on human brains (for example nation-states)
As an example, look at the legal organization during monarchies where religious law was a large part of that, and then how law evolved during the transition into representative democracy or representative government. That same sort of change is happening now.
>Eth offloading transaction processing to a separate provider means they can be hacked or screw up and all you’ve done now is securely post bad data back to L1.
This is not possible on zk rollups. Validity proofs mathematically guarantee transactions are valid and not fraudulent. zk rollups inherit Ethereum's security.
>But this won’t be any different, it won’t dramatically increase ETH users, the same people who use it now will continue, and those that don’t won’t start because there’s nothing here..
It's fine if you don't think it's going to work, but I can tell you're severely underinformed when it comes to rollups.
This should get you up to speed: https://polynya.medium.com/why-rollups-data-shards-are-the-only-sustainable-solution-for-high-scalability-c9aabd6fbb48
After you read and understood this, please come back with specific points as to why you think this is a bad approach. Me arguing with you not understanding the tech makes no sense.
Let me Google "Ethereum Ice Age".
First article which comes up has a good enough explanation:
"The Ethereum Ice Age is a difficulty adjustment scheme that was put in place to ensure that everyone has an incentive to move to the new blockchain once the hard-fork is implemented. It was introduced on the 7th of September (2015-09-07), about 11 months ago and it's programmed to raise difficulty exponentially."
So it is to incentivize the move to the new chain when we switch to POW/POS hybrid, by slowly freezing the existing chain.
That "bomb" can obviously be delayed with a hard fork if Casper isn't ready, but that requires a hard-fork, which itself requires community consensus.
If, for whatever reason, there are people who do not want to follow the rest of the community along the very long-planned POW -> POS path then they ("Ethereum Forked Classic?") would need to hard fork the existing chain to remove the difficulty bomb.
So it is to discourage users to stay on the POW chain after the POW/POS hybrid hard fork, not to buggy-whip Vitalik and Vlad into working faster.
Gold is worthless and the CryptoCurrency community should avoid supporting reddit and instead focus on replacing it
But the ETH tipping feature is nice.
very IoT. such decentralized. wow.
They actually did a thorough review of the technologies (blockchains, telehash, bittorrent) and extrapolated it out (contracts, rules of engagement). They seem like they are starting to understand decentralized computing.
IBM has deep pockets, and Samsung has serious market penetration. If they were motivated, this tech could be made mainstream much faster than anyone previously expected.
> We would also like to acknowledge the contributions of the Ethereum team: Vitalik Buterin, Stephan Tual and Gavin Wood
Great of you guys to collaborate with them on this. I hope they don't pull a quick one and eat your lunch.
That's called https://status.im/ . It's actually working now with a set of nodes that aren't Geth but that team has been pretty consistent that when Geth includes Whisper, they'll move the app over.
Awesome post. A couple of personal tips:
I'd additionally suggested having another VPN (as sometimes they don't work)— Astrill and 12VPN are my favorites in China (as of a year ago).
I prefer Google Translate, but that's just me.
Definitely get a SIM card at the airport. I get the data-only plans and they work great (everyone communicates via WeChat.)
AVOID CHINESE CABS AT ALL COSTS. If you think Western cabbies are horrible, you're in for a special kind of suffering. USE UBER (it can be frustrating if you can't speak Chinese but not nearly as much as having a Chinese cab driver decide they don't want to drive you any further in a random part of town.)
Make sure to tell your credit card company you'll be in China, as I've made that mistake before... (credit cards are fairly broadly accepted, but definitely have cash.)
I've historically found Shanghai to be the easiest town in China to get around as an ignorant American on my own, but definitely try to buddy up when you can.
Hi /u/kevalaarkaananda, Leeroy is named after Leeroy Jenkins of wow fame. Even though it has been denied that the Ethereum name is related to wow, the fact that Vitalik was a big wow player leads me to believe it isn't entirely true ;)
Correct. Metamask has a great description on their site.
> Will EIP-1559 make gas cheaper?
> No, this is not the intent of the EIP. As a side effect of a more predictable base fee, EIP-1559 may lead to some reduction in gas prices if we assume that fee predictability means users will overpay for gas less frequently. With EIP-1559, the base fee will increase and decrease by 12.5% after blocks are more than 50% full. For example, if a block is 100% full the base fee increases by 12.5%; if it is 50% full the base fee will be the same; if it is 0% full the base fee would decrease by 12.5%.
> The ongoing movement of applications to rollups and Layer 2s will greatly reduce fees.
> The total data directory size of the entire chain of blocks is the blockchain.
That's under 100 GB. That's the entire chain of blocks. The whole chain, including all the blocks with all the transactions. No blocks or transactions thrown away. The whole blockchain.
I know you read /u/5chdn 's piece, but you might want to go through it again slowly, as the various options can be quite confusing, and some of the terms have different meanings to the way they're used in Bitcoin: https://dev.to/5chdn/the-ethereum-blockchain-size-will-not-exceed-1tb-anytime-soon-58a
So what's the thing you've got the number from, the archive node? Trying to put things in Bitcoin terms, I guess the states you keep in an archive node would be more like snapshots of each individual intermediate UTXO set. AFAIK nobody actually keeps such a thing and you wouldn't really want to in the UTXO world (possibly one of the meta-protocol clients might for some reason?). If you've got the blockchain, you can recreate this at any point in history by replaying the transactions, so you're not losing any data by not running an archive node.
I think you misunderstood what Vitalik does. He doesn't "know the structure of the code by heart".
Vitalik has a great intuition about how cryptocurrencies work. He can assemble disparate ideas into a coherent vision. This makes him good at decision making, as he can see consequences of each decision in the general context.
So his job is essentially to listen to various ideas, mull over them, and over time incorporate the best of them into the general vision and make decisions. This job doesn't require sitting in one place.
It's not an efficient use of Vitalik's time to do the coding. There are many people who can code, but few people can design stuff.
Ethereum Foundation has a management team, you can read about it here: https://www.ethereum.org/foundation
Vitalik is listed as a "Foundation Council", not as a manager, and not as a coder.
Discussion of EF policies should be a separate topic. My understanding is that EF wants to give as much room as possible to commercial companies, while restricting its work to core stuff. I agree that perhaps they could focus more on ETH usability. But I doubt it's Vitalik's responsibility.
Not true. The idea that economic incentives are what provide for resistance to change is straight out of Satoshi's original bitcoin paper, which makes clear that blockchains are not immutable but only economically incentivized to be resistant to change:
> The incentive may help encourage nodes to stay honest. If a greedy attacker is able to assemble more CPU power than all the honest nodes, he would have to choose between using it to defraud people by stealing back his payments, or using it to generate new coins. He ought to find it more profitable to play by the rules, such rules that favour him with more new coins than everyone else combined, than to undermine the system and the validity of his own wealth.
The language is Coq.
The file contains: - some high-level view what a contract can do - a very-partial EVM interpreter that describes what instructions do - an example specification - an example program and - a proof that the program and the specification match
You can install AOSP roms that aren't rooted with zero carrier bloat. As for ads, the best way to kill em imo is running the adblocker outside of the device. https://pi-hole.net/
My phone VPN's to my home server running pihole and all my traffic is private, secured and adless.
I started using Steem about five months ago. My profile: https://steemit.com/@sunjata
I thought it was a really nice idea, but a flawed one, and was always sceptical that the economic model could survive. As you can see from my posting history, I posted fairly regularly early on, and became more and more irregular as time went on. If I wrote something now, I would for sure put it up on Steem, but it would only be one of the places I would publish.
Steem's major problems are user-retention and lack of user engagement. Both of those come from the bad economic model rather than technical limitations (although that's part of it):
As it stands, I don't see Steem collapsing soon, but I also don't think they've hit on the right formula for a "redistributing value to the network"-type protocol yet. There is a lot of lessons to be learned from it, though, and I don't think they deserve all the scorn that gets poured on them.
I hate to say this and I will probably sound like a ahole, but most of your "so called community of peers" are here ONLY to make a buck, when it really comes down it, it's just business and money for most, including the devs.
Nobody was asking the hard questions when the DAO hype was in full swing. A few people wrote some thoughtful posts like Dan, but most of the investors were only thinking about how much cash they were gonna rake in, and that is precisely why there is such division now, the real motives of most of the participants are now on full display. I was an investor in ETH, but I stayed the hell away from the DAO!!
There is NO community, there is only a group of investors and miners with a variety of financial motives and opinions that mostly revolve around self-preservation!
I've spent 4 out of the last 12 months in China, and am posting from Ningbo right now. You can use a VPN called Astrill that works on your laptop and mobile device. With it enabled, browsing is completely unrestricted. Google, Facebook, Instagram etc.
I've used it at dozens of hotels, coffee shops, coworking spaces and never had a problem.
"Metropolis is the release that opens the gates to the masses. This is where there are fully fledged and tested user interfaces for the non technical users. Although this is now being performed by individuals - for example the ethereum desktop wallet. Again it is unclear when this phase will take place and whether it depends on the pace of external community development. "
Read this if you want to understand more: https://www.ethnews.com/ethereums-vitalik-buterin-gives-keynote-on-metropolis
I've been waiting for you to rip the band-aid off so we face the uncertainty and heal. Loosing members of the coms team (after they've received their ether) isn't a big deal --probably even necessary to get costs under control. Are any high level technical folks or members of the foundation board leaving?
> Our journey towards decentralisation will include at its core a new token to incentivise liquidity and reward loyal customers of Ethfinex. These loyalty tokens are similar to loyalty points, and will never be sold in a crowdsale, but are instead given for free to token market makers in proportion to the volume of trades they participate in on the exchange.
I think the problem is that we've got two very very different communities here:
A) people who weren't very interested in the technology or concepts but were excited by investing in something new with a buzz around it;
B) people who aren't very interested in investing but were excited by the technical possibilities of trustless dapps/contracts interacting by themselves without humans involved.
From the point of view of someone in group B, what you did was:
1) You took some dollars which were:
2) You then voluntarily exchanged those dollars for Ether, which was:
3) You then voluntarily exchanged those Ether for DAO Tokens, which are:
That is not the same as buying an off-the-shelf Apple product. Insisting that it should be treated the same takes away group B people's rights to experiment with cool but risky technologies like Ethereum.
I noticed that the IBM/Samsung IoT project (ADEPT) dropped off the Ethereum.org site. It was still there on the 12th according to the Internet archive. Maybe they asked to be removed and are focusing on their own blockchain now? IBMCoin?
EDIT: My intention is not to speculate, for all I know it was accidentally removed in a website update. If it turns out IBM/Samsung are looking elsewhere, I know that is a mistake on their end. Ethereum is so cool and powerful that they'd be idiots to not use it. Just opens more doors for the rest of us :)
I wouldn't worry about it too much. That they didn't get it right on the first try (or is it the second?) is far, far less important than that the get it right, ultimately.
A while back, they provided a dev plan (link currently broken)...
... which spelled out a stringent security audit for the algorithm. So I'm confident that what they release will be airtight.
My personal feeling is that the release schedule (originally late 2014) was always extremely optimistic and still is. But so long as they continue to update the community on progress and maintain the excellent level of transparency, the delays don't bother me at all. Better to get it right than release too soon.
EIP-1559 seems officially set for London update (July). POS could arrive before December 2021
Official ETH devs updates:
Did you read any mathematical papers, are you familiar with university-level math, or with computer science?
What might help you get familiar with this style of writing is Concrete Mathematics ( https://notendur.hi.is/pgg/(ebook-pdf)%20-%20Mathematics%20-%20Concrete%20Mathematics.pdf ), or Introduction to Algorithms by Cormen ( http://www.amazon.com/dp/0262033844?tag=top-books-cs-20 ).
The first book is more about math, but it's a nice and fun read. And it will make you familiar with math notations. The other book is about algorithms and data structures - difficult to read, but once you get through the first chapters, reading things the Yellow Paper should be much easier. Protip with Cormen - skip the proofs at first :)
Most developers, even the ones familiar with architecture and design patterns, aren't familiar with the theoretical/mathematical groundwork behind all this.
In other words: the paper is written for computer scientists, not developers really. Many excellent developers are shit computer scientists and vice versa.
HD stands for Hierarchical Deterministic, usually. It's often confused with hardware, but not all HD wallets are hardware wallets (although the converse is usually true)
There are indeed two subjects:
What we could do is setup a payment interface where we would sell ourself the ETH on the markets and accept some kind of uncertainty on the final received fiat amount, the "marketing effect" of accepting ETH as a payment means outweighting all the (small) financial risks.
I'm going to add ETH payments to our roadmap. It's our job to find solutions and bring satisfaction to our customers.
EDIT: link to the new item on our roadmap https://trello.com/c/FEgAzos6
Yes (this should use 0xprotocol; i have edited)
> We cannot do this alone, and Ethfinex will contribute to and collaborate with other decentralised exchange protocols, e.g. 0xProtocol [1], as appropriate
and the source is there whitepaper https://www.bitfinex.com/ethfinex-whitepaper.pdf
I would imagine that the difficulty would go down so much that you could probably mine it yourself even with a CPU, but that would mean the chain would be very insecure. Also, there is a difficulty bomb, so you would need to hard-fork it anyway to defuse it or extend time on it. Plus there would be no replay protection. So keeping Homestead alive would be an uphill battle.
There is already a plugin for Chrome and Firefox for dapp support: https://metamask.io/
Mist will likely always be the reference browser for Ethereum, but if it is successful, the functionality will definitely be added to other browsers.
Right now all the browser implementations are clunky because they rely on full nodes to work. Mist requires a local full node, while Metamask connects to a third party full node. Once light client solutions are available for Ethereum, the experience should be a whole lot smoother (and more secure if you are currently relying on a third party node).
For starters you can go to https://explorer.etherapps.info/ and enter your ETH address on the top right and check how much you have right now.
If you really want to sell it right now, Kraken exchange has a way to import your presale wallet directly on their website (once you have your account there): https://www.kraken.com/ether I haven't tried it, but some people said it works...so be careful, try smaller amount first.
thanks, no I did not have a source except for the official document to go from.
I've seen different takes on 3d models of the logo by others but none of them were what I thought it should be. So decided to make one.
For Ethereum:
> "[...] the tribunal shall apply the laws of Switzerland and any discovery shall be limited and shall not involve any depositions or any other examinations outside of a formal hearing." > > "The place of arbitration shall be Zug, Switzerland."
For the DAO, I don't know.
What you're looking for is web3.js
It's a JavaScript library to allow connecting to an ethereum node, and performing lookups and transactions. This wires up quite nicely into any existing webapp/site, whatever you're preferred development style is.
What's quite important when starting development is deciding whether your app connects to a server at all, or relies solely on a user running their own node.
Also worth knowing from the start is whether your app will rely on existing contracts, or yet to be developed contracts, in which case you're just going to be using web3.js as development tooling to debug and test your contracts before being able to design an app to make the interaction seemless.
Edit: I wish I could have pointed you at https://www.gitbook.com/book/d11e9/developing-dapps/details but I'm still busy writing 😅 you can register to be notified when it's done, if you like
Parity is written in the Rust language which is advertised as being extremely robust and efficient:
For exapmle:
So maybe Rust is a better choice when it comes to implementation of ethereum nodes. At least i'm very very happy with my node performance.
I think it's that it seems harder to pivot from an insecure blockchain, in addition to that a lot of money is riding on it.
Just look at the lifetimes of cryptographic hashes... or OpenSSH
With that said, there might be something about blockchains and their implementations that make them more resistant to insecure implementations. But also maybe their usage is too new for methods to break blockchains to really develop.
Edit: Not trying to be a naysayer, and I really want to see Ethereum succeed, but right now these are my own realities of things that could happen down the road.
Ah I wasn't clear. I meant Visual Studio Code, which is for linux. I realize the SE question I linked had information about normal Visual Studio in addition to VS Code, which is indeed Windows only.
Here's the specific editor and plugin I was mentioning: - https://code.visualstudio.com/download - https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=JuanBlanco.solidity
Oh and despite the many contributions, we can always need more help :-) So please, if you spot an error in the documentation, just use the edit button on the top right. You can always talk to us in http://gitter.im/ethereum/solidity and there is a new "how to contribute" page at
Have fun with the new features!
Hi u/DabbingChili 👋
I appreciate your focus on trust. At Kraken, we work hard to keep our client's trust by keeping our exchange hack free since it was founded in 2011. Not many can say their exchange has never been hacked!
If you'd like to learn more about how we secure our client's assets, please take a look at our 'Security' page.
If you'd like to learn more about Kraken, click here.
Reach out if you have any questions!
Happy Trading!
~Sana from Kraken 🐙
step one: http://www.codecademy.com/en/tracks/javascript
step two: http://dappsforbeginners.wordpress.com/
Ethereum dapps are ridiculously easy to make. Studying finance and econ is actually going to be a huge advantage because good ideas and business models will be what is in short supply in the ethereum ecosystem.
Executing is as easy as writing some contracts, making a frontend in bootstrap, do some testing and bam there's your new business.
Wrote a bit more about the rabbit hole I followed to find the eventual explanation on steemit.
TLDR is that you can get a physical E-Card from their E Bank location in San Diego or redeem some coins by signing up at https://e-coin.com. With these coins, you can use them at a group of restaurants in San Diego.
Anybody knows if they made ERC20 tokens? I wonder how they might take this forward. Maybe do an ICO and take the show indie?
If you are looking for the mobile wallet then definitely Trust Wallet. It is available for both iOS and Android, has support for any ERC20 compatible token (autodetect all the tokens) and ERC721 collectables.
Also includes Web3 dApp Browser to access decentralized exchanges and blockchain games, that's like Meta Mask on mobile.
More details on https://trustwalletapp.com
This is why you should bookmark the websites you use regularly and only use the bookmarks to go to those websites. Don't click random links on Telegram, Slack or other websites. Additionally, it may be a good idea to install either MetaMask or EtherAddressLookup. These extensions will warn you when you visit a phishing website.
I was signed up to the newsletter from the beginning. I didn't pull the trigger on ICO as at the time there were so many scamy ICOs and I already held some BTC which seemed super risky itself. I later bought ETH (when it was more mainstream) and still hold some today.
Another fun story: a friend gave a USB drive with a single BTC on it as a white elephant gift when BTC was ~$15 The person who ended up with it didn't want it and gave it to their friend.
At the time I just thought the tech was super cool and wanted to support the vision. Even during the first meteoric rise I assumed it would all crash hard (which it did) and potentially end it all (it obviously didn't).
Ethereum Newsletter Issue #3 - PoC 5 is out, the ether sale starts!
Two very big announcements in this newsletter, the proof of concept 5 binaries are out now, and of course, the anticipated ether sale started today! For instant updates, please don't forget to follow us on Twitter.
The Ether Sale starts.
The ether sale has begun! It takes place exclusively on our website at https://www.ethereum.org/, and nowhere else.
To simplify the dissemination of information, all documentation including the development plan, updated whitepaper and intended use of revenue can be found on our website at https://www.ethereum.org/.
I feel like the root of any confusion is that searching "buy ether" leads to a page that makes it look very technical, and doesn't offer obvious links to third-party markets:
EDIT: Is this worth reconsideration from someone on the team?
Perhaps you can get a better idea of what they are looking for from this -
It shows what they intend to do based on various levels of funding.
https://www.ethereum.org/ is a good place to learn what ethereum is.
Basically, ether is used to pay for computations on the ethereum blockchain. It's also just a normal currency and can be exchanged like bitcoin or whatever else.
I am going to do a deep dive into your docs to learn about this more (and I expect to find the answers there), but I would like to ask an Explain-Like-Im-Five question in hopes to speed up the learning process.
Lets pretend that there is an API somewhere on the internet that someone could send a POST
to, and within the response there exists data that proves they performed some desired action. An example of this would be making a payment using stripe.
Can you explain how I would use your service to allow a contract to know that a specific payment was made, as well as any caveats that may go along with this?
Please forgive me if this information currently lives somewhere obvious and easy to find as I think it might be useful for other redditors to see an explanation of what seems like a standard use case.
Also, really cool looking service. Today I learned that TLSNotary exists which blows my mind.
> This article claims that Dropbox runs as a front-end to AWS s3
No, it claims that it used to.
> And people who think they can compete with S3 on anything including cost, edge-latency, ingest, capacity or durability are simply kidding themselves. Dropbox can do it because they own the use case and business requirements including how their app works.
Didn't you just contradict yourself?
> Amazon has been running exabyte-class erasure-coded multi-region replicated distributed storage on a hostile internet for years and during that time they've been repeatedly and reliably dropping price, adding new classes and adding new features left and right.
It's definitely true that Amazon is the market leader and expert in this space. No disagreement there.
> And this is just laughable "If you're distributing data all over the world rather than putting it in a $600 million data center in rural Kansas, you can get a lot more performance out of it." -- they are seriously claiming that sharding bits of your files across thousands of consumer-class storage devices sitting all over the world at the end of internet links of various quality will end up being "more performant".
Yes, we are claiming that. Isn't getting closer to the edge what Cloudflare just launched? https://www.cloudflare.com/products/cloudflare-workers/. In fact, what's the point of CDN at all?
Distributing across a wide variety of nodes with high variance allows us to return data as soon as the fastest nodes return. Enormous parallelism gives us unbeatable throughput. If you're concerned about consumer-class storage devices, do you think S3 is all SSDs? They're spinning metal just like everything else.
Why so negative?
Very rarely will this be due to a rootkit. Granted, it can be, but it's a very low probability on the list.
There are other tools for finding rootkits - http://www.gmer.net/ for instance.
Much more likely someone managed to access an email account and found recovery seeds there or something.
The copyright stays with you regardless (at least on github, dropbox used to claim the rights in their ToS), so they didn't buy it in that sense.
edit: they can suspend or delete your code though [0]
This all sounds very similar to the Freenet project, which was one of my first "decentralized distributed everything" loves. I recall thinking back when I first heard about Bitcoin that it'd be fantastic if it could be bolted on to Freenet to give actual incentive to store and forward data chunks.
Starting afresh is probably better than bolting things together at this point, especially bolting to the creaky old Bitcoin blockchain, so I'm really looking forward to this.
The article confuses Ethereum's Whisper protocol, with the controversial app Whisper that wasn't so private: http://whisper.sh/
Perhaps a new name for Whisper is in order - Umbra, Blur, Fog, Mirage, Puff, Murmur, Mutter, Phantom, ... ?
from my point of view anything that isn't cold storage is not safe enough for large amounts.
Having said that, the best for your friends is to start small. Position sizing is the most important key here to survive and nobody talks about it.
Start small and interact with the apps. I recommend to everyone by using Toshi in the past and now Status.im. They are the easies way to interact with Decentralized applications from a mobile phone. Besides, they both open the door to easily communicate between you and your friends.
How much to store? as much as what they would bring on their physical wallet. They want to store more? oh then get a cold storage.
The key here is to survive in the long run, starting small is key.
The only centralized thing is the main web site, it's just a fancy "viewer"... because you can view all content and 3 tokens using the CLI client (steemd).
Dan Larimer (Bitshares founder) left to start Steemit. It runs on his Graphene blockchain which has a 3 second block time and can currently do 1000 tx/second. If Reddit was on a blockchain it would do about 250 tx/second.
The 2 really unique things about the Business Model are (a) 90% of the cryptocurrency is locked up for 2 years in "Steem Power". All payments for content are locked up. The 30 founders investment is locked up. Then (b) there is a continuous algo that transfers locked coins from hodlers to contributors.
Thanks to this Golem update, I used gWasm to convert the Bible! (chosen b/c as of a few days ago it was the most downloaded (and non-copyright) book in the world here. Because the Bible is a long book, the audio file is massive (4.52 GB).
So Golem has moved past taking on Frankenstein.
I’m happy it worth stealing :)
It’s a Google Font the name is Inter, a simple but powerful font.
The other font I used on the Gitcoin Grant is Spartan also a Google font I really like.
It's a bit dated now, but this was my original write-up of the system.
Side note: I really enjoy getting downvotes from people stuck in the herd mentality thinking that hardware wallets are some kind of god-given gift to security. You people are why security sucks for the masses.
> The idea is that using the standard native secure random API's is not enough
I'd disagree with this, but adding additional sources of entropy shouldn't hurt things. You can only prove me wrong by doing so, so I support what you're doing.
However, you need to add your additional sources at the proper step in the process or else you end up potentially reducing entropy. It sounds like the native secure random is being used in the same step as everything else, which is the correct way to do things.
It would be great if you allowed keystores / arbitrary file data to be part of the composite key. Look at how VeraCrypt does things for reference.
Just saw that Airgap.it is at least partially a mobile app. I don't have the time to review it in depth at the moment, but I'd be interested in what AirGap is doing to prevent sensitive information exposure when things like this are becoming more and more common.
It looks like the signing happens on the offline device, and nothing sensitive is exposed to an online device. However, does the AirGap software ensure the device is offline? How does it hide sensitive data from being exposed in side-channel attacks?
I wrote some code to do this.
In google docs, go to tools -> script editor
then paste in this function:
function getETHtoUSDTpoloniex() { var url = "https://poloniex.com/public?command=returnTicker";
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url); var test = response.getContentText();
var myjson = JSON.parse(test); //var leng = myjson.data.length;
var USDT_ETH = myjson["USDT_ETH"];
var price = USDT_ETH.last;
return parseFloat(price); }
function getETHtoBTCpoloniex() { var url = "https://poloniex.com/public?command=returnTicker";
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url); var test = response.getContentText();
var myjson = JSON.parse(test); //var leng = myjson.data.length;
var USDT_ETH = myjson["BTC_ETH"];
var price = USDT_ETH.last;
return parseFloat(price); }
Then in the google docs you can use: Cell A1: =getETHtoUSDTpoloniex() Cell A2: =getETHtoBTCpoloniex()
Cell A3: =GoogleFinance("CURRENCY:USDGBP")
Cell A4 (USDT to GBP): =A1*A3
Hey! As of this week, I am the Director of Business & Community Development for Jaxx Wallet and Decentral and I'd love to figure out what happened here. Our customer support is usually able to solve these issues like this and if you had created a Support Ticket (https://jaxx.io/support.html) when you submitted this post, it would have already been in the queue to be solved :) Never the less, if you create a ticket and PM me the number so I can monitor its progress
EDIT- Good news - EVERYONES funds are still there. This seems to be an internal ETH scanning issue. Im getting an estimate on getting this fixed.
A lot of your questions can be answered in the first PoS implementation:
The rich get richer claim is not true for PoS because anyone that owns coins can mint and get a % based reward. i.e. a minting account retains the same % ownership over the total marketcap through time. So if there are 100 coins one year, and you own 1, then next year when there are 101 coins, you will own 1.01 and the price/coin will theoretically go down by ~1%.
Cool that we are covered.
There is however a problem: information around 1:00 and later is not accurate. There is no fee sharing mechanism! We made that clear on the number of occasions!
Please refer to our blog and crowdfunding page for details.
Metamask is a web-enabled wallet, it's probably the most common wallet. If you're looking for a wallet based on security rather than ease-of-use, check out Argent, but I don't love jumping through all of those hoops, metamask is just easy.
> but for that data to be useful to me, I'd still need to (a) actually fetch the data, (b) hash it and verify that the hashes match
Not necessarily. I'd say all that matters is that I have the guarantee that, for every chunk of data in the state, (i) I can theoretically fetch the data at anytime I want to, and (ii) the data is valid, ie. it follows protocol rules. The idea of "hashing the data and verifying that the hashes match" is to me meaningless because "the data" is defined as "the thing that has the hash that we already came to consensus on".
I would say that this is my definition of "on-chain" versus "off-chain" - on-chain data is data that the entire global consensus tries to guarantee data availability of (data availability = the guarantee that any node can connect to the network and fetch any specific part of the data if it wants to), whereas off-chain data is data that is up to the beneficiaries of the data to ensure availability.
> a node in shard A can only use apps running in shard A (and not the global set of apps)
This isn't quite true. Applications can interact across shard boundaries, but only do so asynchronously.
> https://blockstack.org/whitepaper.pdf
The issue with virtualchains as described in your paper is that the (i) data availability, and (ii) validity of the data in each virtualchain is not secured by the underlying blockchain protocol. This means that your assurances about validity and data availability (both measured in terms of cryptoeconomics and in terms of fault tolerance) is only as strong as the mechanism that agrees on the consensus hashes for that one particular application.
I do agree that chatting with a whiteboard will be great :)
Hi, co-founder of Exodus (https://www.exodus.io) here...
We're hiring:
All positions are remote. Review positions here: https://www.exodus.io/jobs/ - (engineering positions not listed) then shoot us an email to :)
What do you mean by "being paid to do"? As a non-profit that usually isn't the language people use to refer to receiving donations.
EF does not do marketing afaik (beyond their social media presence which is minimal). The EF funds groups and development teams to build some of the tools that are important to the Ethereum ecosystem (provided that the tools are open source and benefit our mission). The EF also funds research teams that produce more written work and intangible benefits, such as academic collaborations. In the past we have also had a grants program to fund important community projects (it is currently not operating). There are other things that the EF does, including putting on Devcon every year and having a presence at some academic events.
I remember the logo literally saying "Powered by Ethereum" lol but I'll dig it up for you.
Ethereum Brand Identity Guide PDF: Section 1.8 "Powered by Ethereum"
> This affiliation is strictly reserved to Ethereum Dapps
Apps or technologies that are primarily developed on Ethereum,
and where Ethereum is an integral, majority or key dependency
part of the solution offering or operation, and where there is a
dependency on the single core Ethereum global consensus network.
You must be approved by Ethereum to be on that list, and you must
hyperlink the signature logo to www.ethereum.org where we will
maintain the official list of organizations and projects that are
approved to use such logo.
I like the retro style. But please don't take any offense if I say, I like the official branding style much more. Check this: https://www.ethereum.org/images/logos/Ethereum_Visual_Identity_1.0.0.pdf
> I wonder if Vitalik would be willing to disclose how many people this includes and/or who they are?
86 people. The list of people on this old version of our webpage correlates fairly well with the highest recipients of the endowment, though not completely; eg. Ralph Merkle didn't get any ether and neither did a few other people on there, and there are plenty of people not on that page who got only a small amount for one-off contributions.
Currently, Ethereum runs at around 15 transactions per second. This is because of fundamental constraints of Nakamoto consensus. In fact, the main reason there are block times is because Nakamoto consensus is a synchronous consensus protocol. Whereas Snowman consensus, which is used in Athereum, is an asynchronous consensus protocol. In Athereum, there is no minimum block time. This means that Athereum can process transactions as fast as the EVM/database can support. With our current tests, this puts the number around 200-300 tps. However, we have found some places in go-ethereum (which was the basis of the Athereum subnet) which might be able to boost that quite a bit higher. However, that is still a work in progress. The block sizes in Athereum are not changed from the Ethereum's sizes.
For your question about the minimum AVA amount to stake: this is controlled via an on-chain governance mechanism. However, the only purpose of having a minimum amount is to prevent a DoS point on the network. One of the amazing benefits of using Snowman-based consensus, is that we do not need to limit the size of the staking set to achieve fast consensus.
For hardware/bandwidth: we are currently running the Athereum deployment on c5.large AWS instances. So you can read the exact specifications of the current network nodes here.
Edit: link formatting
Yes, politics will come to any sufficiently valuable cryptocurrency. Ethereum is unlikely to be an exception, so they (or whoever "owns" the source code) should pay attention to what's happening in Bitcoin land.
The most important lesson, IMO, is to be extremely careful with whom you place into a position of power. Demand honesty, transparency, and integrity from everyone, and be prepared to quickly show the door to anyone who can't live up to that, regardless of their technical prowess.
Sorry to hear you were robbed!
Prob. Your windows pc was hacked. The hacker downloaded your keystore files and installed a key-logger type program. Which records keystrokes on keyboard. Then waited for you to make some transaction in ETH. Then got your password. Then he got everything he needed to make a transaction from his pc with your private key and password.
The best to avoid such a thing is: 1. USE LINUX. Linux mint is good for beginners. I use debian. 2. Don't install shitty soft only from trusted repositories. 3. Read the EFF guides to learn more how to protect yourself. Surveillance Self-Defense | Tips, Tools and How-tos for Safer Online ... https://ssd.eff.org/en 4. If having big sums you can have a cold storage that is not connected to internet. Something like an old laptop that you can install linux on and your crypto stuff. Then use that laptop in offline mode to sign transactions and move them to online pc to transmit them with usb stick.
U can use hardware wallet..They are more secure also.
Good site to load yourself with Open source software to protect your privacy is https://prism-break.org/en/
Good Luck.
The front end source code is not open source (at least at the moment, will defer to the dev for future plans)...
There is a page about building other front ends here: https://peepeth.com/front_end
The Leeroy dev actually built one as a proof of how powerful this was going to be. You can find his example here:
This is still developing rapidly, but ensuring interoperability and multiple frontends is a top priority, as I understand it.
And why I find the project so exciting, I might add.
It's an Ethereum function call that is partly augmented by IPFS.
There are 3 ways to send an SMS using the service:
Sends it via notify("1", "+1234567890", "This is a test message")
, which would not only cost you some gas if your message is long, it would also expose your number on the blockchain, but it's the most straight-forward method to make a call.
Sends it via IPFS by using xnotify()
. xIPFS-supported methods will be prefixed with x-
. This allows you to send the content via IPFS. Here's the same example Lower gas, but still exposes your private data.
Here's the same data, encrypted. The encryption is done similar to PGP, with randomly generated key every time, so the same data can be sent with totally different ciphertext and calling via the same xnotify()
Ethereum smart contract function.
Space and computation on the blockchain isn't cheap, so is more aimed at storing only consensus-critical parts of sites or systems. But things like IPFS (https://ipfs.io/) and Swarm (http://swarm-gateways.net/bzz:/swarm/) are aimed at solving what you're talking about; the more general parts of a site, like text, images and other data that don't strictly need consensus (but would like to benefit from being distributed, thus always online and uncensorable.)
Given that the current raft of ICOs and token sales follow the same "promise a unicorn & exit by selling equity when the hype wave hits rather than long term sustainable dividends model" I think it is hard to recommend cryptoeconomic protocols as a solution at present. There is also a very real risk that if blockchains based rating systems are designed wrongly we do end up with a Black Mirror Nose Dive style society. Similary crypto economic protocols often do 'replace the big stick with the big algorithm' or rather the 'big game theory'. Will a decentralised uber treat drivers any better than a centralised one? Will it ensure that passengers are not discriminated against? Maybe but only if carefuly designed with an eye on the social implications when designing incentives.
Where blockchain might help is
I think people are much smarter than you give them credit for...
Digix was a once in a lifetime opportunity - the first time Gold (our oldest and most respect real money) has been converted to a decentralized, trustless, borderless, digital asset...
How this relates to the actual price of each digix token...who knows? (and that's assuming there are no major setbacks, lawsuits, etc.)
...but the quantum leap in technology and added value to Planet Earth are irrefutable...read Peter Thiel's "Zero to One"
Thank you... I emailed them 3 days ago and 7 days ago. No reply. If you look at their app in the play store, the one-star feedbacks, you can see that they're basically saying, "Sorry it's taking so long ... " which may mean "long con" again.
Hi u/occamsrazorben 👋🏻,
"Why Kraken" is a good question, and we have answered to this one here.
Are you looking forward to have access to your staked ETH? 🤔 Staked ETH cannot be unstaked or transferred on the Ethereum network for an unknown period of time. This is a limitation on the Ethereum network itself.
However, we at Kraken, as a courtesy to clients who may wish to exchange their staked ETH for unstaked ETH, we provide a trading pair ETH2.S/ETH for this purpose. 🤓
You can find all the details and much more in our Ethereum 2.0 Staking FAQ.
Let me know if you have any other questions,
Val 🐙
P.S. u/Ru9on thank you for the vouch 😉
Think about it this way: you and I both have a computer at home. We want to communicate. I can send you an message. That's bitcoin. That message can carry only what it's meant to - a tiny bit of information. But nothing operational. Nothing conditional. This is valuable. But now let's add a feature: i want to send you a more complex message - with logic. A program. That's Ethereum. That program is actually functional.
Now to more idiotic examples: Bitcoin is whatsapp. Ethereum is IFTTT. But a decentralized one.