Article IX of the Bill of Rights 1688 provides:
> That the Freedome of Speech and Debates or Proceedings in Parlyament ought not to be impeached or questioned in any Court or Place out of Parlyament.
That is one of the foundation stones of the UK’s constitution. No Parliament is ever going to repeal that in order to make certain types of Parliamentary speech into a criminal offence.
That makes this entirely pointless, possibly even actively harmful to any other efforts to address the issue.
Smartphone are not really a security nightmare, but they are privacy nightmare. Check your settings and grant minimum rights to apps.
I would of course recommend our own VPN: Freedome
I've heard of the Mr. Robot show but I haven't watched it.
Secret Service is supposed to protect Mr. Trump, but this might be a hard one.
Check my reply earlier in this thread.
Except expressVPN on iphone is rubbish - slow to connect, need to switch it on and off when joining public wifi networks, and most importantly, it drains battery power like no app i've seen before.
F-Secures' Freedome functioned way better as an always on vpn for mobile.
> Make sure to watch what you browse online. Your employer may keep tabs of your search history..
Not search history, but network logs. For search history, use a private tab or set the browser to clear all history when you shut down.
You should do personal stuff on your smartphone, not using the office wifi. Use your own data plan and you are safe. Do you have to use office wifi because reception is bad? Then you can use VPN like Freedome. Except when the VPN ports are banned...
I’m in the same mindset, as paranoid as I am about privacy, set and forget is definitely the way forward for me. I use ProtonMail and F-Secure Freedome (VPN) on everything, phone, tablet, VMs. Nothing connects to the internet without it. I’ve got true gbit up and down connection and it performs well with it. I’m toying with the idea of configuring my router to do the VPN handshake part but not sure what visibility I’d have if it failed. Something to test I guess.
Keepass user too.
Not the place for this but...
Not true tbh. You can see countless videos of them burning their flag, not standing for national anthem and speaking against their military.
Freedome of speech is protected on another level in US.
Excuse me while I go buy a VPN subscription...
Consequently the head programmer at work just sent me an email about Freedome VPN being -50% off through the end of March with a promo code. Clever timing, that!
I swear I'm not an ad, btw! Just pissed and American.
Just use a reputable VPN (e.g. Freedome) and best not to conduct sensitive browsing (e.g. banking) on public networks. Throw on a privacy screen and you’ve made yourself a much harder target than most around you using the same network. Source: I work in the cyber security field.
Edit: also 2FA all the things and accounts you care about. Most rely on SMS which isn’t infallible, but is far safer than using single factor username/password. All your important services (email, financial, social media, etc.) will offer 2FA options in their privacy / security settings.
> the Freedome of Speech and Debates or Proceedings in Parlyament ought not to be impeached or questioned in any Court or Place out of Parlyament.
Doesn't that outlaw eighty percent of twitter on the spot? (jk)
Is it saying "you can't impeach or question speech made in parliament" or is it saying "you can't impeach or question the parliamentarians' right to free speech and debate in parliament"?
If the latter (which I assume it is) then it is still open to question to what extent a "parliamentary perjury" law impeaches MPs freedom of speech, isn't it?
If Michael Coke leapt to his feet screaming "Fire! Fire!" and 23 tories died in the ensuing stampede, could he not be prosecuted?
> Come on, now. This isn't a helpful attitude. This kind of comment is letting the perfect be the enemy of the good. "Nothing is perfect so you might as well not even try." That's just not helpful. Every little bit a person does to make their personal data harder to collate, correlate, associated, and group is a step in the right direction. Folks should make it as difficult as possible at all times to exploit people's personal data.
I'm not saying don't try, all I'm saying is don't use Freedome lol.
>Yes, the VPN could distribute your data. But then so could your ISP. In fact your ISP fought to be able to sell your data (in the US).
Yeah that's why you use a VPN provider that doesn't do that.
I've used this VPN for a couple months now and it's great. They are having a 50% sale for a limited time. There might be some other options out there.
There is Freedome and it's trial but I can't say whether you'll be able to use it or not. I use it myself and it works fine for me anyways. As for changing your IP-address, you won't really be able to change your external IP-address without some kind of extra tool doing it for you (such as a VPN). Good luck though! As I see it, the more people use VPN's, the better. People deserve to be anonymous when they want to be.
To get this deal:
Login to or register an F-Secure Safe 30-Day Trial Account for free
once logged in, click the "F-Secure Freedome" tab
click "Generate a voucher" to get a unique coupon code
click here to download and install the Freedome VPN software for your device
during setup, click "Subscription" and "I have a code" to enter your coupon code
You do not have to renew F-Secure Safe to use Freedome VPN.
Hi, we here at F-Secure are running a VPN service called Freedome. We've got a fast Finnish server, as you'd expect, and over 20 other servers.
You can try it out for free for 14 days, no credit card nor registration needed:
Article IX of the Bill of Rights 1688 provides:
> That the Freedome of Speech and Debates or Proceedings in Parlyament ought not to be impeached or questioned in any Court or Place out of Parlyament.
That is one of the foundation stones of the UK’s constitution. No Parliament is ever going to repeal that in order to make certain types of Parliamentary speech into a criminal offence.
That makes this entirely pointless, possibly even actively harmful to any other efforts to address the issue.
If you have a VPN that provides an endpoint in Finland (eg. F-Secure Freedome), you can watch everything from Yle Areena. Also MTV3 can be watched for free online but requires registration.
Tuohon sähköpostiin liittyen suosittelen Protonmailia. Itse käytin ilmaisversiota kauan ja päivitin vuodenvaihteessa Plus tiliin. Ilmaisversiossa on mm. roskapostisuodatin ja mobiilissakin toimii loistavasti. Meni hermo Elisalta joskus kauan aikaa sitten laajakaistaliittymän mukana tulleeseen spostiin, joka oli ominaisuuksiltaan pahasti jälkeenjäänyt.
YouTuben korviketta en osaa suositella, mutta yksityisyyttä pystyy parantamaan jo melko paljon VPN-palvelulla, kuten F-Securen Freedome. Tuohon Freedomeen tarjotaan ainakin 30 päivää maksutta ja mikäli olet opiskelija niin muistaakseni alennus on mahdollinen.
> muutoin kuin vaihtamalla Freedomesta toiseen toimijaan?
Tämä on vain väliaikainen ratkaisu, kaikkia julkisia VPN-palveluita käytetään häiriköintiin, ja tähän häiriköintiin vastataan erilaisilla IP-osoitteisiin kohdistuvilla estoratkaisuilla. Tietysti mitä pienempi palvelu, sitä harvemmalla estolistalla sen IP-osoitteet ovat.
Yes, in order to be private, the traffic needs to be routed through VPN servers. All VPNs will somewhat affect performance, but how much it will affect depends on many factors. In our case, we did an experiment when we did an AMA a while ago and in that one the speed hit was not essential at all. YMMV, obviously.
However, if the VPN has more functionality than just the basic VPN features, it might even speed up loading times on many sites. Here's our labs' people test results when using the tracking protection in Freedome VPN.
(TL;DR - some sites load up to two times faster if you don't need to download the trackers.)
Thanks for being here, I just wanted to ask, I'm a total internet dumb-dumb, but I understand VPNs help keep people anonymous by doing something to their IP address.
Does a regular Joe-Schmoe like myself need this service? More importantly, why F-Secure Freedome?
Sorry if this is a silly question, I was just curious as to why you provide the service you do, and how you started. Thanks!
Täältä Freedome ilmaiseksi kolmeksi kuukaudeksi:
Muistaakseni Hyppönen sanoi jossain että tuossa oli tavoitteena tehdä VPN jonka kautta voi striimata HD-kuvaa.
F-Securen Freedomella Netflix näyttää useimmiten olevan blokattu. Toisinaan esto katoaa ja voit katsella n. viikon-kahden verran, kunnes palvelu lakkaa taas toimimasta.
Kiva VPN-palvelu, mutta ei paras vaihtoehto jos koko ajan haluat katsoa Netflixiä muualta.
> However, if you look at the most recent ITU report (Annex 2) we actually score higher than Finland which got a perfect internet security score.
It's probably showing that due to the Great Dutch Firewall. Get a VPN and come out and see the Internet for what it really is. May I suggest F-Secure Freedome? ;)
Hi there. We put some of our recommendations here:
But just to address this directly: Be very vigilant about clicking on links on your phone or in email; Use two-factor authentication wherever it's available (Google offers this and you should definitely turn it on in Gmail); Use a VPN-- Freedome by F-Secure, TunnelBear and a service called Private Internet Access have been recommended; Use long passwords and different passwords for different websites; Use Chrome's web browser for sensitive communications like online banking and email; Use encrypted mobile apps like Signal and Wickr for your sensitive communications. As for using non-American webmail services, I would just say that Snowden put these in the spotlight, but don't think for one second that Yandex doesn't get government requests to read your email... Just be careful out there!
Yep, here's the link to the site. It is no longer airborne, I believe it landed at Joint Base Andrews. For some reason today, that link is giving a 503 error message. I can only access it right now using a VPN with an IP address outside of the United States. You can download Freedome VPN and use it free for 30 days if you get the 503 error.
As shitty as this is, you should still be able to work around it using a VPN like F-Secure's Freedome.
Kinda shitty that they'd do this just to try drive people to Sportsnet Now, though. has so many advantages over SN Now (especially being able to watch non-live games).
I may sign up when does their reduced price promos later in the season, but this is still a dick move. So much for all that talk about getting the younger generation involved.
EDIT: I do notice that this came from support and not from Rogers Support, so things may yet change. Guess we'll need to hear from subscribers when the season starts.
> Esimerkiksi suomalainen ja Freedome-vpn-palvelua tarjoava F-Secure arvioi Digitodaylle, ettei Netflixillä ole keinoja estää vpn-käyttöä.
On, jos tosissaan haluavat, mutta en tähän usko. Joka tapauksessa, jos tuollainen viesti tulee, niin sitten loppuu tilauskin.
I’m not sure if what I’m asking for is possible but I just thought it seemed cool.
I was thinking that you know how apps can have complications on the Apple Watch, so like when you glance at your watch you can see quick info from CNN, Weather Channel, Etc. It would be cool if Activator could implement this so it could have an Activator app that runs on the Apple Watch. So lets just say you want to turn on cellular data, you can set a toggle in activator that whenever you tap on the complication on the watch face like in my mock up, it redirects you to the Activator App on the Watch which than activates your cellular data through Activator on your phone.
If you don't get what I mean please ask me to reiterate.
This idea came to me from a VPN app called Freedome which has an Apple Watch app that lets you activate the VPN straight from your watch. Screenshot:
This is roblox, a kids game. Imagine a hispanic child wanting to have fun then- uh oh it's the guy who said the majority of my people are racists and drug dealers. Freedome of speech isnt some free pass to be a shit head. The house is ugly as hell too could've atleast tried to make your shit posts not match your shit house
> F-secure myös salaa liikenteen koneeltasi Freedome palvelimelle omalla salauksellaan, siispä esim käyttämäsi tele-operaattori, joka liikuttaa tietosi, ei saa siitä lukukelpoiosta.
No tämähän nyt tulee minkä tahansa VPN:n mukana. Eihän koko protokollasta olisi muuten mitään hyötyä kenellekään.
"We can't find him! He's using 7 proxies in incognito mode!!"
This sort of applies here. While it helps to have multiple layers of security, remember that each layer will slow you down some. In this case, it depends on the quality of the VPN, since that becomes the weak link. Freedome seems acceptable, based on the minimal research I've done. May help you to keep it on while using Tor, but it's not really necessary.
Mahtaa VPN:t yleistyä myös yksityisillä. Itse asentelin juuri F-Secure Freedomen, on 5pv triali ja maksaa muutenkin naurettavan vähän (Yksi laite 2,99 / kk, max 7 laitetta 47,99 / vuosi). Eikä hidasta konetta (n. 80 MB välimuistin käyttö ja prosessorikuorma max 1%) tahi nettiyhteyttä. Saapi myös älyluurille.
Ei ole myyntipuhe, yllätyin etten ollut tuosta vaan kuullut aikaisemmin. Tuote tullut kuitenkin käsittääkseni jo 2015.
I recommend getting a Finnish vpn from Freedome/F Secure then you can watch a bunch of children's programs on areena. I have young kids myself and this is one of the ways that we have all learned a lot of the language. I had been watching programs without a finnish vpn but it limited what I could watch and I had to do a lot more searching on my own from various sites...which I don't have much time for
This link about is one show on the areena website that is very simple, takes one word at a time and shows the concept of the word in various ways. Maybe it's fun for a 2.5 year old and also you.
Well with logs you have to understand that there's no such things as "no log VPN" - despite what some providers claim. The real question is what type of data gets logged, for how long, for what purpose and if the company shares that data with law enforcement.
That said, you're right in looking a provider outside of the Five Eyes. Usually I've been recommending Freedome VPN for beginners and Algo for bit more tech savvy folks. There are a ton of opinions about VPNs in this subreddit (and seems like some users are paid to promote their "favorites"). Even the most popular ones can turn out to be pretty bad, like NordVPN or HotSpot Shield (which has been selling user data).
There is no such thing as an undetectable VPN service. If someone wants to detect a VPN it's just a matter of figuring out their IP block.
Only way to do it is to build your own or hire someone to build your own, and considering apparently you're not willing to pay even for Freedome (which is very cheap)... yeah not gonna happen.
IIHF:n virallinen YouTube-kanava löytyy tästä. VPN-palveluna voinee käyttää mikä itselle parhaalta tuntuu, Freedome on toiminut hyvin ja toiset tuntuu suosivan ilmaista Operan nettiselainta, josta löytyy sisäänrakennettu VPN.
Itsellä ja kaverilla ollut jo tovin Private Internet Access. Tarjoavat port forwardia ja ei omien sanojensa mukaan pidä mitään logeja. Tarjoavat myös vallan hyvät kryptat yhteydelle.
Edit. Käsittääksenihän Freedome tosiaan tekee jonkinlaista hallaa torrenteille.
Thanks, we're glad you like it!
On iOS, we're basically configuring the iOS built-in VPN client to connect to the Freedome VPN server. Unfortunately iOS 9 broke something in the VPN integration with push notifications, and we do not have much control about it if it misbehaves. We looked into this issue with a debugger, and it seems like Whatsapp actually crashes as a result when an incoming message pops up with the VPN being down. The VPN should be brought up automatically, so that Whatsapp could communicate with its servers, but it does not. We have filed bug tickets to Apple (and so have some other VPN vendors), and tried to communicate this to Whatsapp too.
Did the new setting (keep VPN on at all times) help at all? Some testers have reported positive results with it.
There's a step-by-step tutorial over on /r/fo4, I'd link to it, but on /r/pcmasterrace they don't allow outside links to subreddits.
And as for which VPN I'm not sure what you mean, as in brand or location? Generally you want either Australia or New Zealand as your location, and use a standard VPN's free trial. I used F-Secure Freedome, but there may be better alternatives out there.
Does anyone have a quick link/guide on how to download and get this stuff playable? This would be my first time torrenting a game so Im not sure how it all works. Also is Freedome free trial enough to use as a VPN while I download it? I dont have money for a vpn subscription and I dont know if its a good idea to download it without one.
Hello im new to this sub forum, but, i have been able to find a working VPN server in Melbourne.
I use ibVPN, just logged into it and Fallout 4 is unpacking. 5 minutes left :P
I tried Freedome first, but it it just wouldn't connect at all. But this ones working pretty well for me so far :)
I just use the trial version, and then you'll recieve the client in your email, login. And choose a server and the connect :) smooth and easy.
Enjoy the game everyone who haven't gotten it yet! ;)
Heres a little proof, now im ready to play :P Im so excited xD
Love from Denmark ;)
Enjoy it while it lasts, guys. Apparently this free VPN is meant for Safe customers who pay full price. They may terminate our free accounts any time:
And what did you exactly found offencive in this? You want police to come for every guys peeing outdoors? You either have a police state or people sometimes do a nasty things and going unpunished for this. Choose the one. Freedome comes with personal responsibilities and also the ability to tolerate others even when those others are quite annoing people. Actually, a lot of Czech are really good at seeing the border with your personal borders. But they can pee outside, yes.
And what is the problem with people having sex in public? Ok, they have it, just pass it. What is the actual problem? I don't like people in red pants. Even though it is natural for some people to wear red pants in public.
By the way, have you visited any public saunas here? It is actually quite opening experience for someone out from Europe.
Pf1e Freedome. That's what I like in pathfinder. You want to be s climbing artist? Go for it. Want to be a skull smashing barbarian, that's very fine. Maybe more like a chieftain barbarian with a cohort? That's also fine (disclaimer most GMs don't want leadership) Through pathfinders archetype system you can be like anything. You just need to find it.
But it comes through this also with the opposite. So you are a skill smashing barbarian? Nice. Got buffed with rage nice... Add your mods. Druids buffs you add that. Cleric gives haste? Wow that's much calculating... Charge? More calculating... Flanking even more.
Sometimes your game change to "math"finder. That's something to have in mind.
We are opsessed with sucking dick because we suck dick.
Freedome of speech isn't onesided. You have the right and the opportunity to say what you want and as you did, but so have we the right to call your said words Horseshit
Ainakin joku aika sitten F-Secure mainosti Freedomea content blockin kiertoon. Itse tein kertaalleen testi rapsan firmalle tuotteesta. Se toimi ihan hyvin. Siinä on joku content-block ominaisuus mikä oli vähän hit-and-miss. Tossa on vaan se että F-Secure on Suomalainen firma niin oletan että tekevät aika kivasti yhteistyötä Poliisin kanssa.
Oma ehdokkaani tällähetkellä on ProtonVPN. Kavereilla näyttää olevan hyvät arvostelut ja palvelimet on Sveitsissä mikä on historiallisesti ollut suht neutraali maa.
Jos pelottaa liittymän sulkeminen, niin voit myös "korjata" ongelman hankkimalla VPN:n, esim. F-Securen Freedomen jossa tulee kätevästi 3 lisenssiä kerralla. Se ei siivoa virusta, mutta kryptaa verkkoliikenteesi niin, ettei operaattori voi sitä enää lukea.
Toki jos saastunutta liikennettä lähtee vaikka reitittimestä, niin päätelaitteeseen asennettu VPN ei voi sitä kryptata. Muutenkin tietysti olisi toivottavaa poistaa se virus, tai muuten seuraavaksi valitusta aiheesta tulee tuolta VPN-operaattorilta.
Well, the problem is that most of them promise the same (no logging, high security) and you can't really audit their claims in an easy way.
So, my rule of thumb is basically: Private Internet Access (if you need Linux support) or Freedome (if you care about your provider being outside of five-eyes countries).
I have trust towards PIA because of their advocacy (someone who supports net neutrality and donates to EFF and ACLU is more likely to take the security of his customers seriously). I trust Freedome because they're operated by a respected anti-virus company.
I personally use
Their website looks really untrustworthy because of those cheesy stock photos though... Anyway, after reading about different VPN providers, PIA seems trustworthy enough. I like how you can pay for PIA anonymously with Walmart coupons.
You can never really trust anyone else than yourself, but at least you need to trust blindly only one link, instead of having to trust EVERY internet service separately. It's also not only about trusting your VPN provider not to do anything they say they don't do - someone else could be intercepting the data.
I considered also F-Secure's Freedome, but they block torrent traffic :)
Kokeile tietokoneella miten netflix toimii normaalisti ja miten jonkun VPN:n läpi. Tuollaista kokeilua varten ainakin Freedomea voi käyttää pari viikkoa ilmaiseksi. Jos VPN korjaa yhteysnopeuden, etsit ohjeet miten saat PS3:een asetettua proxyn, sekä jonkun VPN yhteyden joka väittää tukevan myös playstationia. Toinen on toki hankkia oma reititin joka hoitaa VPN:n kaikille siihen kytketyille laitteile, mutta se vaatinee vähän enemmän kikkailua.
Humans have been part of the Keepers of the One Freedome from the very beginning. The specific ones mentioned in Shadows of Reach are three Spartan-IIIs and a civilian ONI operative who are undercover.
Mulla oli hetken NordVPN ja vaihdoin takaisin freedomeen koska oli niin paska. Välillä yhteyden muodostaminen kesti ikuisuuden ja välillä vaan pätki yhteyttä poikki. Teki samaa puhelimella ja kahdella pöytäkoneella enkä saanut aspan kanssa korjattua.
Freedome on kyllä melko usein blokattu netflixistä mutta muuten sentään toimii.
Koskaan ei ole ollut ongelmia Freedomen ja Areenan kanssa, toiminut 100%. Tämä toimii mulla myös Netflixin kanssa niin että voin vaihtaa VPN:ää ja katsella eri maiden tarjontaa. Plussana että on suomalainen yhtiö niin tulee suomalaista.
> On a side note, would there be any way for me to still use my subscription but trick the site into believing I’m not in the US while using it?
Look into VPNs. To get a safe and reliable one you're gonna have to pay for it but it's potentially worth it. It's not a guaranteed success, however, as some streaming services detect you're using a VPN. I can't watch Netflix or Amazon Prime with mine (Freedome VPN) on, but I know Express VPN, for example, is better in that department.
It’s like sneaking presents before Winterfest! ;)
I used f-secure. They have a free trial VPN named, Freedome. I used this one. I’ll send you the download link via message. I don’t think it’s against the sub rules, but it might be against Origin’s ToC so just to be safe.
Here you can find the official time table in local HK time zone:
Then use or other service to convert the times to your zone.
And VPN to Singapore to watch the race stream on the official youtube channel. I use Freedome (not free actually) but I heard that Opera has a Singapore VPN option.
This is how I did "it". Not hardcore at all, although I do enjoy educating myself about the more extreme measures:
nah dont use Freedome, it's very popular at the moment and hard to connect. - Download WorldVPN (Free for 1hr which is long enough) - Quit Steam - Install WorldVPN - Login & change location to Australia or New Zealand (I did NZ) - Open Steam, it should start unpacking the file (Probably will take 20 mins) - When it's done go to Steam (top left) -> Go Offline - Start the game & enjoy
If you go back online before it's out in your country it will lock it again (so you'll have to re-do the process.)
This comment deserves downvotes, but I'll just say that I'm still steamed about this extreme act of stupidity perpetrated on the downtown small business community this summer in the name of "social justice." I get people are/were upset, but the adults in the room who egged it on (e.g., Freedome Inc., Urban Triage, City Council members, Nada, ) should have known and done better.
That's because you don't actually understand what freedom of speech means. Freedome of speech is the freedom to say your beliefs without government persecution. School is not the government, the overriding duty of the school is to provide a safe and inclusive environment to all it's students to ensure education needs are met. The school is free to decide how that duty is carried out. freedom of speech does not protect you from the social concequences of your actions. They have not been punished by the government through legal action, which means their right to freedom of speech has not been violated
Kenne das Problem.
Mit Brasilien bist du super eingeschränkt in der Auswahl.
Perfect Privavy,Tunnelbear, Freedome und viele andere fallen da halt raus.
Persönlich schaue ich brasilianische Sachen recht selten daher nehme ich einfach einen kostenlosen VPN und wähle mich über eine VM in dieses VPN ein.
Über diese VM schau ich dann nur TV.
Einige Mediatheken erkennen mittlerweile VPNs recht gut.
Die UK Seiten funktionieren aber noch einwandfrei AFAIK. Schaue aber fast nur BBC/Channel 4. Keine Ahnung bei ITV und co.
Started using Freedome vpn software on all my connected devices, switched to ublock origin, and most importantly deleted my Facebook account. I know not everyone can delete their Facebook account for business or other reasons, but in my case it was a non-issue.
Guys, I feel like must emphasize that everyone, in my opinion, should pay attention to the reliability of the VPN service they use. I could imagine that not every company offering server service is as willing to honor the privacy of your data as some others. After all, you are sending all your network data through their servers when logged on to a vpn. I would encourage to be ready to pay for a good and reliable service.
I myself use Freedome by F-secure as it is a very established and respected Finnish company. Works on multiple devices. What r u using?
Thanks for this post!
I'm looking for the most optimal, not COMPLETELY wallet-devouring, mobile VPN for use with an iPhone. It would be great if the VPN covered both MacBook AND iPhone, but not a big deal.
I don't trust my web searches, and don't REALLY know which VPN is best/legitimate for what my needs are, which is just a secure internet experience. I was running a trial for F-Secure Freedome VPN and enjoyed it-- but wasn't sure if it's considered a reliable service.
Thank you all in advance!
EDIT: Added details about previous VPN.
The code that is sent is not actually a login password to the VPN service, it's more like a registration code or voucher that is sent to us once (strongly encrypted) when you enter it in the application, which then proves to us that a payment has been made. It's not transmitted later on, and a government agency can not link network activity to the payment information. We also have no logs of network activity flowing through Freedome that could be looked up later on.
>...mainostaa F-Securen tuotteita jollakin tapaa yksityisyyttä suojaavina.
Freedomen tarkoitus on juuri suojella yksityisyyttä, ei rikollisia. Aika harvan VPN-palvelun tarkoitus on suojella rikollisia.
>Kunnioitamme kuitenkin tuomioistuinten ja toimivaltaisten viranomaisen määräyksiä laittomien toimien tutkinnassa, sillä tavoitteemme on varmistaa yksityisyytesi verkossa, ei suojella rikollisia.
So what I'm getting from all this is most of the free easy vpns are not connecting, because I'm sitting here waiting for Freedome, but no cigar. What do, do I wait? Is there any other free vpn programs?
What do you want to use the VPN for?
Kérlek meséld el, hogy akkor, amikor (a Freedome House szerint) a média 80 százaléka a Fidesz kezében van, mi a fenét csináljanak azon kívül, hogy Fb-posztokban háborognak és lemondásra szólítják fel a kormányt? Pénz, paripa, fegyver kellene és az nincs, legalábbis én ezt látom. Legyen megint egy tünti, aminek a végén szépen hazamegyünk, kicsit könnyebb lelkiismerettel? Vagy legyen vandálkodás? Én pl. azt nem vállalom.
It's pretty easy you just need a VPN that has Finland as an option. I use Freedome. There's also NordVPN and others. Freedome I believe has a trial period before you have to buy it. Just download whatever software and then set the country to Finland and you'll be able to access YLE Areena and other Finnish streaming
Not yet. I posted a report for Modern World, Super Soft Drink and Soldier's Way here on reddit. Soldier's has a more detailed report when it comes to what types of enemy ships per wave.
No way im gonna put my reports on True Divine Trial and For Freedome here in reddit for a while.
Freedomella toimi tosi hyvin kun testailin. Ilmeisesti tuo YLE:n blokkaus ei heti tajua, jos VPN palveluntarjoajan IP vaihtuu. Oletan että siksi toimi Freedome just eilen mutta kohta on jo blokattu. Todennäköisesti toimisi myös NordVPN:llä satunnaisesti mikäli he vaihtavat IP-avaruutta silloin tällöin. Taitaa mennä VPN palautukseen.
Awesome! We wary of Android's aggressive power savings though. It could appear to be okay for you since you've probably used the app a lot, but Android buckets apps according to how often they're used, so other users might run into issues. We noticed for example that Chrome, which at least for me one of the most used apps, would only be allowed to send background network requests every 15 secs or so. I personally have noticed with some apps that I don't get push notifications until I open the app because they're so rarely used that Android places heavy limits on their background resource usage.
Freedome, a VPN app, for example has this in their FAQ. More about all of that Android power magic here:
Hope you don't run into any issues!
Mikko Hyppönen tässä Freedome VPN:n vanhassa mainoksessa sanoo kyllä ihan hyvin, että nykyään ei osteta enää palveluja rahalla, vaan yksityisyydellä. Tämmöiseen toimintaan me suostutaan ku lyödään "hyväksy" ruksia käyttöehtoihin. Onhan se kyllä perseestä anyway.
Yeah. You close Steam, Open VPN (I used Freedome, it has a free 30 day trial), Set the Region to wherever the game is currently playable (For Resident Evil 2 it was Europe), boot Steam, game should unpack, viola.
Note: If you change the quit the VPN after starting the game, and Steam believes you to be back at your appropriate location, it may re-lock and be only bootable via VPN
I'm curious if there is any hope for me. I recently moved to a new apartment, and now I no longer control the network (ie. port forwarding). My server is not (properly) remotely accessible, though low bitrate streams seems to work most of the time.
Is there anything I can do short of hiring Hackerman to make my server accessible from outside my network again?
I'm on Windows, do ask if I can provide any other useful information.
Edit: like, is this something that can be done via a VPN? I have tried googling that, but I'm struggling to understand how that would or wouldn't work. I already have F-Secure Freedome for what it's worth.
I’ve used NordVPN. Works great, has loads of countries to choose from and they directly say they won’t keep any logs of any of your activity. Of course it depends if you trust anyone saying that but still. They usually have discounts which makes it very affordable with a 3 year plan for example.
No affiliation but I know a guy who knows people who are part of the people running things there and that way also I have a bit more trust in them than just any provider.
Many have also liked Freedome by F-Secure but haven’t used it myself.
Im here to mention Freedome, as that has been my go-to VPN for over a year. Works nicely, maybe bit pricey but you have plenty of options.
Also its outside of these "5 eyes" or more lists as its native to Finland. (Its on different languages)
Depends what model you have. I have an Acer Spin 3. If uninstall some of them, the fold back hinge/tablet mode stops working. Essentially, I would have paid for a 200$ premium to uninstall it. Freedome can go for sure. It's a FSecure VPN client. It's awesome but if you don't use it let it go. Abfiles and photos can go. You can disable them before uninstalling.
Freedome ei ainakaan pari kk sitten toiminut Netflixissä. Netflix valittaa että VPN käytössä eikä anna katso. Puolisen vuotta sitten kuitenkin toimi HBO nordicissa kun oli tarve katsoa sitä ulkomailta.
Suurimman osan ajasta en käytä VPN:ää maa-rajoitusten estämiseen. Käytän sitä siksi, että se antaa anonymiteetin eli minun nettiliikennettä ei voida mitenkään erottaa muiden Freedome-käyttäjien nettiliikenteestä, ei edes poliisin toimesta (ellen sitten mokaa jotenkin muuten anonymiteetin kanssa). Myöskin VPN takaa, että kukaan lähiverkossani ei pysty vakoilemaan liikennettä, eli esim. nyt kun langattoman verkon salaus on käytännössä murrettu niin VPN pitää silti liikenteeni salassa sinne VPN-palvelimelle asti.
Freedomessa huomio se että kannattaa tsiigata ne asetukset sillä torrentit on kiellettyjä tietyissä VPN hosteissa
F-Secure Freedome, based on recommendation by Troy Hunt (a security researcher) and their claims as they say they really try to log as little as they can about you legally. They even block torrent traffic on many of their locations (but not all) so they don't have to keep extended logs because of DMCA, which I like, but if you are going to use the VPN for torrenting then this might not be for you.
I have it on whenever I'm not on my home network.
I just tried the service you mentioned and it does indeed work for me. I'm currently unpacking the game.
However, I'm not sure if it's the VPN service itself or if it's something else. I did also change my password before connecting to the ibVPN service (a post higher up recommended to do so).
Or maybe it was something else. Either way, the way I've been unlocking games early for years didn't work today - neither did FlyVPN, Freedome or ZenVPN.
I'm glad it's working now though.
The problem that I have experienced is that I am unable to watch some geoblocked content because the service knows that I am using a VPN. Netflix was one of the first to be able to recognise my VPN IP addresses and deny me access, now many other sites are doing the same thing. I use PIA so their IP addresses are well known to all and sundry. A workmate uses the F-Secure Freedome VPN and doesn't seem to have this problem at all.
Deswegen bin ich bei Freedome. Sie gehören zu F-Secure und sind auch so vermarktet, und Betrug beim VPN würde daher zum Verlust von einem grösseren Geschäftsfeld führen.
(Und Snowden empfiehlt Freedome)
F-Secure bought it and will continue to develop it. Their beta version is available to download now. On their website they have the following statement:
"A notice to users of Little Flocker
F-Secure XFENCE 1.6.6 is our initial beta version of XFENCE. Its current feature set is compatible with Little Flocker version 1.6.4. This first version of XFENCE will not be able to automatically migrate Little Flocker rules or preferences, nor will it be published as an automatic update to existing Little Flocker users.
Existing installations of Little Flocker will continue to function as before, and once we have implemented migration of rules and preferences, they will be offered an automatic upgrade to F-Secure XFENCE beta."
Jonathan Zdziarski trusted their VPN called Freedome. F-Secure is probably the best group of people he could have sold it to. I really enjoyed his tweets, but at least his work will live on.
Freedome - I get 80/20 speedtest with 46ms ping when using Melbourne exit node. Anything OS will be pretty shit, netflix should work though.
Don't do free VPN, Troy Hunt has a good blog post on VPN providers.
Can someone assist?
I was using Freedome VPN - and Aus, and the game unlocked. But then I had to restart the game. So I started up the VPN and it no longer shows playable. I reinstalled, same results.
I just tried VYPRVPN and WTFFast with the same results. They say connected, but the game only shows a Download symbol now?
Itse ostin myös Freedomen, mutta ainoastaan muuttaakseni sijaintini Suomeen jotta pääsen kiinni asiakkaan VPN:n.
Onko muuten mitään takeita, ettei F-Secure pidä kirjaa VPN:n lävitse menevästä liikenteestä?
Vieläkös jotkut VPN:t toimii todistetusti Netflixin kanssa? Omalla Freedomella ei ole enää aikoihin ollut mahdollista katsella esim jenkkivalikoimaa, Suomen puolen valikoima on katseltu niin moneen kertaan jo läpi että näin parhaaksi lopettaa koko palvelun tilauksen.
I currently use a VPN called Freedome, but I'm sure many others work (not all of them are free).
I wouldn't use Hola if I were you.
IIHF streams all the games live free on youtube (english commentator)
It's geo-blocked in some countries, to watch it use a VPN with a free trial like Freedome and choose a country like Netherlands or Spain. Also works on phones if you're at work :)
Install a VPN with a free trial (like Freedome or Hotspot shield, neither requires an account)
Set the VPN to a country that hasn't bought broadcast rights (like Spain for example)
Watch all the games live from IIHF's world championships youtube channel:
I'm watching it right now, works!
A VPN typically costs you $50 a year to protect up to 5 devices (I use Freedome, but just google "VPN comparison".
There are many reasons why you want one, security over wifi probably the most important, location spoofing is a nice add-on.
Olen käyttänyt 14vrk F-Securen Freedome VPN palvelua. Olen ollut tyytyväinen, sen saa puhelimeeni ja tietokoneeseen, käyttöliittymä on yksinkertainen. Nyt pitäisi kuitenkin alkaa maksamaan vuosittainen maksu, jos jatkan käyttöä. Asiassa epäilyttää se, kuinka turvassa tietoni ovat F-Securen käsissä. On paljon erilaisia VPN palveluntarjoajia, mutta ajattelin suosia suomalaista. Kuitenkin toivoisin, että tietojani ei säilytetä missään muodossa heidän päässään. Myöskään en tiedä F-Securen kantaa esimerkiksi p2p toimintaan heidän palvelunsa kautta.
Onko sinulla vinkkejä tai kokemuksia VPN-palveluista, ja mitä mieltä olet niistä?
The first differences that come into mind between most VPNs and Freedome is the background (we're a publicly listed company with over 25 years of history, we'd never risk losing our clients' trust), the anti-tracking features (in addition to being just a VPN, we're also blocking malware and third party trackers) and the user interface (elegant, simple & works, incredibly easy to install - try it for yourself).
Also, we're active on Reddit.
Disclosure: Hi, we're Freedome VPN! :)