Hi /u/fhstuba, this is a pretty common question we get here, so I would recommend scouring the subreddit (and especially the sidebar) for some resources first and coming back when you have a bit more specific problem in hand. For example, we had this discussion a week ago that was quite similar.
To give you some sort of an answer; The best way would be to immerse yourself in a 100% Finnish-speaking environment. You want to hear, read and try to produce Finnish as much as possible and the best way is obviously having to interact with monolingual Finnish speakers 24/7.
However, if the Finnish-speaking resources around you aren't that great and you just have to go at it alone, I would not delve into the complexities of grammar right away (as you seem to have done) as it will be quite an arduous task to do but maybe just trying to get a feel for the language, its basic structure and vocabulary would be worth it? Basically, just try to do one of the various conversational Finnish courses - the FSI one is available for free for example - and try to expose yourself to Finnish when possible; maybe listening to only Finnish music or podcasts in Finnish while driving?
Lykkyä tykö!!
> ei suomi vaikeet ny oo se o vaa erilaist ja tosi sekavaa iha vaa vittuilakseni kirjotan tä viel slangil ettet varmasti voi kääntäjää tähä käyttää
>finnish is not difficult now it's just different and really confusing just to fuck with you i'm writing this in slang so you can't use a translator for sure
Kovemmi joudut koettamaa.
you can mostly find their english equivalents on the same site, and read them side by side, or pick a book you're already familiar with. I've been reading Pikku Naisia/ Little women
Hyvää sunnuntaita! (。◕‿◕。)
I joined Memrise this week because I was bored of just picking up random words and scribbling them down on random bits of paper to remember later. I've only picked up a handful or two of new vocabulary as I know about 60% of what I've encountered so far. It's loads of fun though. I've not been reading much per se, but I've came across more things and learning some more; for example, I think I finally understand how se means both "it" and "that" (Se oli hyvä elokuva = "That was a good movie"). Anyway, if you haven't yet, take a look at Tatoeba.org if you're looking for some random sentences to read/translate. There are about 34,000 Finnish sentences ATM, and most have English translations. Also, I've been looking through the book Kato hei! which goes into real detail with puhekieli. Definitely not using it just yet but it's a good reference IMO.
Not language related but I found Finngenerator - it gives you your Finnish name, which is quaint.
More stuff: loppujen lopuksi [spoiler](#s "after all") | söpöys [spoiler](#s "cuteness") | takia [spoiler](#s "because of") | aiemmin [spoiler](#s "earlier (adv)") | ainakin [spoiler](#s "at least/for one") | rengas [spoiler](#s "tire/ring/hoop") | kirjaimellisesti [spoiler](#s "word for word/literally")
The word order in these sentences seems off. I've also changed the order to what I'm guessing it would be in the standard - am I right here? (They're from songs)
That's all for now. I'll be back later with an edit or new post with something I will have written about the movie The Kings of Summer soon. I write such long posts...
It's pretty easy you just need a VPN that has Finland as an option. I use Freedome. There's also NordVPN and others. Freedome I believe has a trial period before you have to buy it. Just download whatever software and then set the country to Finland and you'll be able to access YLE Areena and other Finnish streaming
If you are interested, you could use flashcard tools like the Beginner Finnish app and the StartFromZero_Finnish app to practice and grow your Finnish vocabulary at your own pace and convenience.
I haven't tried Qlango but Learn Finnish by Simia is a quality app. There seems to be a lack of content in regards to finnish apps unfortunately. Here's the link to Learn Finnish: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=simply.learn.finnish
I got an email saying somebody else's content was identified in that video and that they can limit where it is available for viewing. So apparently it's not available anywhere. But I put it here. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0FiO4WB0HXNS2pBeW0zVy1OREE/edit?usp=sharing
The only thing I know of that's structured exactly the same way as Duolingo is Mondly. It's free to begin with but then you have to pay. May or may not be worth it. I didn't pay so I can't say how good the paid version is.
Luckily you can search on Amazon...
I did that starting out, but I’ll tell ya what. It gets reeeeeal tedious if you ever have to write something longer than a paragraph or two.
If you ever plan to do a serious amount of writing, it’s well worth installing the actual Finnish keyboard layout. Key stickers that show the Finnish layout are widely available too and usually pretty cheap, which is easier than consulting a chart for punctuation/special characters.
Isn't that from Agamemnon?
There are various English translations of that particular part, including:
>Zeus has led us on to know,
>the Helmsman lays it down as law
>that we must suffer, suffer into truth.
>Zeus, who guided mortals to be wise,
>has established his fixed law—
>wisdom comes through suffering.
I found a Finnish translation on Gutenberg and it's translated as follows:
>Zevs meit' ohjaa oppimaan,
>vahvistaa sen totuuden:
>vauriosta viisastuu.
A more or less direct, blunt translation of the above:
>Zeus guides us to learn,
>affirms the truth:
>damage makes you wiser.
Give it a try and let us know what you think! We really appreciate any feedback
iOS: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/id1602114377
Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.langbrowser.readlang
https://www.amazon.com/Handbook-Finnish-Jukka-K-Korpela-ebook/dp/B015AM7Q90 is excellent (it's almost bizarrely thorough).
If you’re interested in free flash cards, Frequency lists by Neri links to a couple decks of Finnish Anki decks totaling 10k sentence flash cards. Some of the other language decks from that page are been pretty decent quality but I haven’t looked too closely at the Finnish ones yet.
Sure! It's fairly easy. First of all you should download the Memrise app. In the past year(s) there have been some updates to the app making it a little vague to find some of the courses but it's not impossible. Within the app you can still look for plenty of courses but I don't think you'll find any Finnish courses anymore.
Fortunately you can still find them on their website. So with the account you've created in the mobile app you should login to their website. The courses I've mentioned in my previous post can be found here:
Visit these links, enlist, then reboot your app. They should pop up in your app then. Ready to be used!
I hope this is of use to you :)
I've just started learning finnish and I've been enjoying this giant list of books from project gutenberg. It's really easy to make a parallel text by searching the english title, and my limited vocabulary is ever growing!
https://glosbe.com/en/fi/drunk these are some specific ways of describing a drunk person or being in an intoxicated state, while the basic swear words are mostly the same 4 used in different context and phrases. Dunno what else should I elaborate. :D
NordVPN seems to work for me at least. Compared connecting it through Swedish server and Finnish one and the Finnish one allowed me to watch everything while the Swedish server allowed me to watch only some.
I bought both (textbook and exercise book) used around nine years ago through Amazon. Looking at Amazon right now, I see used copies from $15~ $32. I also bought Finnish for Foreigners 2 (both books) through Amazon as well.
Hei! I use this app on my phone and works ok. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.appmind.radios.fi
Regarding stations, I usually listen to radio rock, radio Aalto or yle puhe. However yle puhe is rarely playing music and more about the talking. Hope it helps!
it's my own app, but basically you can copy any word into clipboard and it will show grammatical case and translation as far as the database knows it. no guarantee if it works or not and I have no time to do user support. but for me it works well to read ebooks or websites and look up missing words quickly
Hi! I've been using Drops as well as this other Learn Finnish Language with Master Ling. With Drops I'm using the free version and it is limited to as much as you can plow through for five minutes a day. The other I don't use as frequently, but it is more involved and has phrases and moves more quickly.
Check out QuickDic, it uses Wiktionary data and can display the Wiktionary website for conjugations. It's not design solely around Finnish and its conjugations, but it often suffice.
Not sure how helpful this is since you already know the basic Finnish vocab, but just to share what I know - Beginner Finnish app (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.shex.beginnerfinnish)
I wrote this myself and it helps me to learn better with a chrome extension. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/finslator/jconlgphbngjmmckbifalooloblbdfde?hl=fi there is also a paid android app for this https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.finmorph&hl=en
I don't think anything beats it (for me at least) because it will show you the case for words like haen, transduce it to hakea and translate it also. if you know already most of the simple words this is a great help and on android you can use it with ebook readers or websites or whatever allows copying stuff to clipboard.
Why do you get this book: https://www.amazon.com/Finnish-English-Frequency-Dictionary-Vocabulary/dp/154477737X
It's incredibly useful to get your vocabulary up, and the 2500 finnish-english example sentences get you your reading practice too.
Like others have suggested, the best way to get started is probably to buy a book. I got Complete Finnish before I moved here, mostly because it was the easiest to find, and while it's certainly not the best "textbook", I quite liked it as something I could read through myself. It was pretty straightforward and easy to use, in my opinion. But you should really just pick a book that looks the most helpful to you. (From Start to Finnish is one that is recommended often.)
I also found this podcast (check it out on iTunes, you shouldn't need to sign up or anything) to be alright in terms of getting a feel for how the language sounds.
Definitely sign up for courses once you get here, and start trying to use the language ASAP. Good luck! :)
Get yourself a copy of http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/9511081454?keywords=Aaltio&qid=1442224647&ref_=sr_1_5&sr=8-5
It's not only an excellent introduction to Finnish, it's also the best language tuition book I have ever seen for any language. It's what I learned from and I can never express my full gratitude.
To my experience, the easiest way to deal with the verbs is to use the 6 groups approach. I have compiled all the rules I believe are applicable into an app if this can help. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=fi.finnco.presentandverbgroups The app with the same title is available on iOS