ITT: People convinced that they all rolled higher than average INT.
Fun fact: Nearly everyone thinks they're average or above.
There is no way in hell to retrain people for new jobs. People who are laid off simply don't have the ability, and there are no suitable jobs in most cases. Retraining was still feasible for most in the 80s. It will be completely unviable in 1-2 decades.
In addition to being a fiction author e.g. [STARTIDE], I am still an astronomer and one of my areas of research is SETI or the Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence. Sure, this overlaps with science fiction... you might say I have been exploring the concept of the alien all my life. Along the way, I became involved in the arguments over the so-called Great Silence -- the question of why we see no signs of other civilizations out there.
Might planets be rare? That is being answered right now as we discover solar systems all around us. Might life itself be harder to start than we imagined? Or intelligence? Or technology?
Or might all intelligent races stumble over the same sets of disasters, over and over again. Like nuclear war or ecological mismanagement?
I'll be dabating these issues at the AAAS in San Jose in February.
I agree. The system should function to provide every human being with a dignified existence. That means - (if possible) meaningful employment. But if not it must imply society cares for those left bereft of necessities of existence. The human state isn't a lottery where some lose so others must win.
And I am certainly no luddite. I am radically pro-progress and an active Transhumanist.
But I guarantee you, the current employment model is dead. Yes society collectively will generate a lot more affluence (by whatever metric you define affluence..) but this affluence will emerge with patent, investment and resource owners.
Everyone else will face considerable hardship, until we collectively decide we had enough and we take it back.
$22.58 maximum per day paid to the foster parent for a newborn. Where do you get the $40,000 figure?
Edit: My child's daycare's rate is $51.50 a day.
A few years from now denial of technological unemployment will be the same as denying climate change.
Jobs are disappearing because of mass automation.
This has been happening everywhere, for decades, but it is now accelerating to a climax. Somewhere this century all labor will be automated. There might be a few artists left, but AI will displace the vast majority of jobs and almost no new jobs will appear.
There are two possibilities - you me, everyone you know, 99.999% of people will be marginalized at a level of attrition of the Gaza strip. Like, Elysium. - a very small percentage of humans will be immortal posthuman superbeings. As in - no longer even remotely human. And that's when the dying will start.
Unless we do something about it.
I'm thinking that this will turn out to be some Christian Dominionist kook trying to 'anoint' shrines and temples either with olive oil (although apparently Wesson will do in a pinch)
Pay it forward! Help infect kids with a love of WRITTEN science fiction! With deeper ideas than in the shallow Hollywood films. Here's info: about using Science Fiction to teach Science
and about teaching Science Fiction
and about why Hollywood sci fi has sunk so low:
In this topic, one can be as enthralled by "wrong" ideas as by right ones, because the splashes illuminate parts of the landscape. Look for example at THE ORIGIN OF CONSCIOUSNESS IN THE BREAKDOWN OF THE BICAMERAL MIND... a stunning bit of unintentional sci fi.
Or KAPITAL by Karl Marx, portraying a scenario for a hypothetical intelligent race with some similarities to humanity, but just a bit simpler and more-stupid than us.
In my work on SETI I ponder, what would intelligent descendants of TIGERS be like? Or pack carnivores like wolves? Solitary omnivores, like bears. Niven's Puppeteers explored the paranoia of sapients descended from herd herbivores....
See a lot more about the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI)
I try to maintain this list of 'happening right now':
Some 'in-progress' reports are included though, otherwise it seems there would be weeks without anything going on, but generally I try to stick to current accomplishments as they happen, so many reports on "potentials" and "could be's" or "may change everything's" are left out.
I make Naan Bread at home on my BBQ.
I put a pizza stone on the grill and use this recipe:
BBQ up some chicken & vegetables at the same time. Toss everything on to the Naan with a slab of Caesar salad dressing and a couple of slices of Proscuttio. Your life will improve significantly.
I have posted a lot of lists, over time. Here you can find compilations about science fiction
... and about using Science Fiction to teach Science
... and about teaching Science Fiction itself! --db
The most common assumption of people who have NOT read my articles or The Transparent Society is that - as "Mr. Transparency" I oppose privacy or think it is doomed. No way! A free people will want and demand some privacy! In ch 4 of The Transparent Society I discuss how essential some core privacy will be... tho it will be closer and narrower.
But the irony is that we will only have that core if we live in a world that is mostly open, in which most people know most of what's going on, most of the time. Only then will voters and spies and sneaks be deterred, because they'll get caught!
There is so much to this. See about transparency, freedom and technology
If you can't contribute with money or science, you need to get active spread these memes, values, ideas as widely as possible. Yes there is incremental progress. The difference between early adoption and society investing as soon as possible - and "business as usual" is about 20 years and in the order of 100 million humans dying that otherwise won't. Probably more.
I've been collating GI data repositories for a while. I'm sure many of the repositories I tag link to much of the same data so it may be best to just stick to one, but here are many of my finds: (PS I've just scooped the Karen Payne list that u/ensign_paris linked to so that's first on the list, great resource).
For those of you who are would be writers! What I can do is point you to an "advice article" that I've posted online, containing a distillation of wisdom and answers to questions I've been sent across 20 years. (Note, most authors never answer at all.) This article is at:
I can also offer a general site containing advice bits from other top writers. (
Then there is my advice video ! (
Establishing point of view is the most important and difficult task of a fiction writer. It is the stumbling block for so many would be authors! One trick I suggest to such folks is to RETYPE the first three pages of a Heinlein juvenile. (In fact do it for a dozen of them! Don't cheat and just READ the pages!)
The best is THE STAR BEAST. An unimportant book, but the establishment of an alien's POV is brilliant. Or Hal Clement's NEEDLE.
I have lots of tricks for establishing alienness. But little time to explain here.
What I can do is point you to an "advice article" that I've posted online, containing a distillation of wisdom and answers to questions I've been sent across 20 years. (Note, most authors never answer at all.) This article is at:
I can also offer a general site containing advice bits from other top writers. (
Then there is my advice video ! (
It's simply a matter of survival. As long as there is some residual democracy there is an implicit social contract. Without the social contract society becomes based on the woeful combination of necessity, expediency and force. That means - if you have urgent needs your body compels you to take what you can by force and the other will try to kill you when doing so.
the very definition of society and civilization works both ways - if there is great disequilibtrium of opportunity and success, society and civilization becomes implicitly contracted to guarantee redistribution. And since collective society of all humans is so darn effective and productive there is no moral qualm about using a state and government to reallocate (nationalize) necessary resources for collective and individual survival.
Once a majority finds it can't make do, you will see a very quick political shift towards reallocation, much to the chagrin of conservatives, libertarians, AynRandians and similar such people. They will put up an fight but they will prove to be be a small minority in the end and their claims of property rights will take a backseat to the needs to the many.
This will take a while to become self-evident. My guess is the situation will become catastrophic between 2015 and 2022, and by 2025 politicians will hurry to come up with solid solutions.
We are doing great things bringing this to common acceptence in several; big facebook discussion groups, primarily here -
They will only need like 1% of people to be busboys, servants, repairmanagers. Again, let me enlighten you. I know it feels counterintuitive, a world of 100% automation, but that's where we are headed.
Rhythm instruments: maracas, tamborine, that sort of thing.
Bottles filled with random objects: .
Little plastic or wooden cars and trucks.
This zipper method is personally my favorite!
>Namely, you want something like the OSL, making the IP and derivatives free to use unless they are being used for commercial purposes, in which case a limited license must be purchased using CUBI coin.
This part reminds me of the P2P Production License, which aims to bootstrap the development of a material commons. It also seems like the OP suggests something similar to what the license above seeks to do for the commons could be done with money in order to help get a decentralized UBI off the ground.
Hello Marshall. I have been an avid fan of your work since 2007, and have spread your ideas far and wide. I am especially keen on Basic Income, based on my views on Technological Unemployment.
I fear a lot of the struggles we see in US and international politics are intentional and "impromptu" the results of the desire by a very small, very well-connected and very aware elite to consolidate their wealth. I fear this elite will fight the concept and implementation of basic income holding nothing bad. I fear this could get extremely ugly.
You seem to hint at the same conclusions in your work, describing nothing short of Elysium style hellish favella's in Manna. Are there ways to resolve this "potential" conflict between established privilege, and the democratic needs of the vast majority of people? How will this play out?
"The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few"
-- Charles Dickens
Once enough people are automated in to societal irrelevance (i.e. irreversible unemployment) the pressures upon democracy to institute infrastructures of redistribution and welfare (i.e. basic income) become irresistable. Try to resist it long enough (i.e. the Koch Brothers) and you die horrifically.
I am sorry but that's the way it is. This transcends the conventional constraints of "fair" or "property rights". It may not be pretty, and you'll end up with millions living of some horrifically low welfare while an ever increasingly small crust of productive people do ever more sophisticated tasks, but that's the way it is. IF YOU DO NOT CONSENT, you'll be swept aside in revolution by desperate people.
I suggest you study revolution by the systemically desperate. It ain't pretty. It is just as much the French revolution or the revolts of Sparta as it is that quaint and half forgotten stuff from last century you call "communism". I have heard of this "communism" once.
Isn't it something from a history book?
You may believe this point to be away many years. I believe this point to be away a few years. For your sake lets hope I am incorrect.
I never really get traffic from Digg. I get a decent number from - well worth checking out. They've updated the UI a little and they annoy you about upgrading. If you're a small company though, it isn't really necessary.
Yes the moon is fairly profitable. Not as profitable as Near Earth Asteroids, but still has great potential.
If we had the right visionaries in place we could hit high profitability and a sustainable independent lunar colony in the late 2020s. Probably only a few dozen people at first 'living off the land'. The day-night cycle is a big problem, so it would have to be a polar colony. Later on that would radiate towards the lunar equator with automated machine colonies. I expect the first baby to be born (assuming we still do that by then...) in the 2050s.
Heh... the Fermi Paradox. If you want to look into it SCIENTIFICALLY, see this:
An accumulation of articles and speculations by David Brin about the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI)
But if you want a tour of the many ideas about this subject... in fiction form and having exciting entertainment, then see:
There is a long way to go with this research. Cloning was also required to produce this particular type of genetically modified pig (with the genetic material for endogenous retroviruses having been removed via CRISPR). It remains to be seen whether these piglets develop into normal adult animals with an acceptable life span -
A well-hydrated skin Beauty tips is not prone to premature wrinkle formation or dull skin countenance. You should drink lots of water to replenish lost fluid. Also use a moisturizer that can lock moisture in skin tissues.
They thought we would rise above these expectations and enjoy doing the things they considered in, are compassionate and focused.
check here:>>
I agree we live in an extremely corrupt era of humanity, and there's a vast and yawning gulf of disparity between not merely the people in the developed world but - even worse - between the undeveloped and developed world. I agree the "elites" (for lack of a better term) are quite insidious in their violence and manipulation to maintain a status quo of sorts. I do however insist the current situation is becoming more unstable and unpredictable with every passing month.
I do not believe that it is anywhere near possible to elevate the vast majority of impoverished to gain skills that in the current world are marketable. I am thoroughly convinced "jobs" are being eradicated by technological advances and that is why I consistently remind by Libertarian bothers and sisters not to blow their horn too loudly - many of them might need some kind of redistributive aid before long.
Thanks for your encouragement.
Fenphedra is another diet product that's said in dropping unwanted Weight Loss from the body to work. It is widespread to buy Fenphedra in bottles which contain easy-to take Weight Loss tablets.
If the rest of the country adopted the Mondragon principle, the problem would correct itself.
They don't have an unemployment problem and still recruit.
It seems to be saying to focus on constant improvement - just because something works a certain way doesn't mean it cannot be done in a better way.
Scroll down to see the article -
Same goes here. Luckily, I found a version which appears to be the one which doesn't consisit the feature of blurring the folders. Here Ya go:
I just remembered I was subscribed to this subreddit and was looking through some posts... while this is a 11 day old post, I guess it might be helpful to share this link:
For nearly two years, I've curated something like 300+ links related to automotive shooting and editing. Hope this helps.
I vehemently hope you are correct. I am following a disparate set of topic, and I am far from hopeful when it comes to climate change, resource depletion, weapons proliferation and primarily the pathologically shortsighed free market systems. And yes I am quite pessimistic, or bitter about lack of progress.
Since 1996 the use of citations has grown rapidly:
I will agree calling it a law can be construed as disingenuous, but the theory itself is called the Constructural Law. Not much of our scientific knowledge is more than theory. But thanks for pointing that out because I don't want to get caught up on that again while discussing this so will correct myself and just not use the term law where I can avoid it.
Here is an article that doesn't at all seem vague to me.
If you search through Google Scholar you can find papers on everything from engineering to social network configuration that use Constructural Theory to describe and predict the behavior of systems organizing themselves in ways that is most efficient, and with the least resistance.
Edit: Yes, exactly, I am interpretation pilot wave theory to be a description of the underlying flow of reality.
"For example, consider the double-slit experiment. In de Broglie’s pilot-wave picture, each electron passes through just one of the two slits, but is influenced by a pilot wave that splits and travels through both slits. Like flotsam in a current, the particle is drawn to the places where the two wavefronts cooperate, and does not go where they cancel out."
The pilot wave interpretation of this double slit experiment is an example of Constructural flow guiding the particle.
Segment 80g of the Income Tax Act, 1961 licenses benefactors to Societies Registered U/s 80g profits of pay task exemption on their present. This is among the motivation accommodated the individuals to provide for an honorable cause. As such, all NGO ought to attempt and get enlistment under segment 80g. This is restricted where the NGO can reveal their appreciation to the providers.
When your general public is signed up, there are sure dedications, required to be followed. This enrollment empowers givers of your general public; a conclusion on the sun provided by them to your general public. To equip them to assert such absolution, the receipt provided by you ought to hold reference of the support magistrate's request U/s 80g and ideally a duplicate of such approbation should be provided the givers.
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The Morton-skulls make an appearance in the article. There has been a lot of back-and-forth over the years on whether or not Morton forged the results of his skull-packing activities. The most recent paper is Weisberg's Remeasuring man in the journal Evolution & Development.
There is a similar incident known as the "Burt-Affair," when Cyril Burt was shown to have forged numbers in his twin-studies of IQ. Given that we now know people with identical DNA often have quite different IQ scores, whatever an IQ test is measuring, it doesn't appear to be something related to the physiology of a person.
I believe we were talking about the Farmer Assurance Provision and suicides of Indian farmers? Only the first link mentions suicides and neither the Farmer Assurance Provision so I am unclear what point you are making and where you think I am wrong on either of these points.
From your comments you seem to repeating anti-GMO myths you may have read on-line. If you are interested in learning more about the facts of GMO you might look at Alexander Stein's Scoop It site where he has created an excellent reading list for people who wish to learn more about this subject.
For investors interested in France, you can check it here
Different business structure in France:
This is, in part, something William Gibson originally referred to as atemporality.
Cool! There's some holiday ecig deals here.
Not sure what kind you are looking for but if you like USA made juice, Apollo is under the radar but they shouldn't be. They have their own lab and cut no corners.
Use democratic consensus to appropriate what you need from those that otherwise would not share. Trust me - they have enough. All societal progress results from increased democratization.
The current situation is a disaster. You throw people out of prisons that have no chance in existing labor markets. What do they end up doing? Commit crimes again. This costs insane amounts of money. So what alternative do you have? Keep them in prisons at enormous tax payer expenses. The US is caught with an impossible dilemma.
Anything like current standards of living of people, even in the developed world, are unsustainable. I looked at the energy economy Jacques proposes, it is completely not-credible. I like everything else proposed by Jacques, but in terms of energy management, the main problem is that Venus Project ideology will never get anywhere near electoral majorities at proposed sustainable energy resources.
Between 2020 and 2050 oil will run out. We need alternatives. We have these alternatives and these have conceptually existed since the 1970s. It takes massive investment. The difference between a world without truly abundant energy resources and a world with, is a world that's unstable and dictatorial, or a world that is affluent and free.
There is simply no reasonable existing alternative at this time other than generate energy from HEO. That means infrastructure and lots of people in space. That means mining the moon and nearby asteroids and large scale, many decade construction at Lagrange points. Jacques completely wipes orbital energy of the map as not valid or impossible. It is a valid option, and we should start as fast as possible, as a planetary community, to develop this. If we wait another ten years it may be too late.
Segment 80g of the Income Tax Act, 1961 licenses benefactors to Societies Registered U/s 80g earnings of pay task exclusion on their present. All NGO ought to attempt and get enlistment under segment 80g.
Developing an effective Risk Management Plan can help keep small issues from developing into emergencies. Different types of Risk Management Plans can deal with calculating the probability of an event, and how that event might impact you, what the risks are with certain ventures and how to mitigate the problems associated with those risks. Having a plan may help you deal with adverse situations when they arise and, hopefully, head them off before they arise.
This content:
Additional hints:
Luckily it's not essential to buy that type of buckle.
There are five (yes, 5!) ways to padlock a buckle that does not have a loop at the end of the pin.
Check this out:
(Video, 4mins, with music)
Absolutely not. 'Socialism' is a word for a political ideal that's dead. Let it go. ReCalibrate and refocus. Try Zero State. Venus Project. Do not stay stuck in some past which no one wants.
Every year 1% human labor will become obsolete, and the people losing jobs will never find paid employment again. The "state' will try mop up the massive societal disparity and unrest with forced work programs but around 2030 we'll have electoral majorities for change. Before 2050 we will have functional regenerative/rejuvenation therapies and people will easily live 20-50 years longer on average. In your lifetime you'll see longevity break-even - that means the first person has been born that will live to an age of 200.
Also, before 2050 there will be more or less full unemployability. That means those who own things (factories, energy, machines, ore, resources, skills) will be able to perform all labor without human involvement. Or those who are involved will do so for appreciably little or no wage. Yanno competition for the last remaining scraps falling off the table.
Afraid? Consider the fact that policing and security can be automated too. Try leading protests against automated sentry guns.
I strongly suggest you do not tangle with ideologies that arouse the same vicious hatred in most circles as fascism. I suggest you get active with this -
The term you are looking for is "economic democracy". :P
The United States?? Good luck with that. You are only fanning the flames of ever faster automation.
Got as far as the "hate the English" bit.
Sorry, thanks for going to all the trouble, but if that is the level of your analysis you have wasted your time and the 53 seconds of my life that I wont get back.
I don't know if the irony of using Call of duty as a backdrop was intentional - wtf has it got to do with the subject being discussed?
Suggest you do some further research - here is a good place to start.
I would like to see a citation where explicitly advises this. does the same thing that other aggregators do: prohibits copyright infringement, and takes down infringing content. The difference is that does not know, on purpose, whether or not its content is infringing. If you posted this on and were reported, they would ban you, as per their copyright policy:
Aggregators like have the defense that they cannot be reasonably expected to police their users. You, on the other hand, are the guy who is posting the copyrighted content, and you have no such recourse.
Edit: And from (
> In order to guarantee that the content accessible through the Services is secure and lawful, you represent, warrant and agree that you will not contribute any Content, comments, feedback that: > > a. infringes, violates or otherwise interferes with any copyright or trademark of another party, or any intellectual property of another party;
What is easiest -
1 - enforce minimum wages, with the result of cheap unregistered illegal slave labor being exploited, increased unemployment, crime, squallor, etc.
2 - enforce some kind of contrived tax incentive for people who pay their workers a humane wage. So the state does not end up paying the same people additional welfare.
3 - let the poor without means to gather income starve. Send them to prison or make them do community slave labor for food and cheap housing. Thereby displacing workers who have to compete with slave labor.
4 - Basic Income for everyone, cancel minimum wages and welfare. Fire a trillion useless civil servants paperpushers.
Je ne consomme pas du contenu, je le déguste ;-) Sinon :
Like they said, cut your hair. I think shorter on the sides and thicker in the middle would suit you well like this and shave your face. As for wardrobe, don't wear plain tee shirts when out, they usually don't flatter anyone and look boring.
Here are some reviews and instances of discussion I was able to find regarding this gun.
I am still looking around for more info, I will update the thread with more references as I find them.
Yeah, clicking those boxes away is just reflex. It's funny how things have come to this :).
Another nice review. I shared it on our page: