There is only one way you could know this for a fact.
By the way there is an article by an Austrian guy in this book:
Hidden Intercourse
Eros and Sexuality in the History of Western Esotericism ed. Wouter Hanegraaff & Jeffrey Kripal
Hans Thomas Hakl, The Theory and Practice of Sexual Magic, Exemplified by Four Magical Groups in the Early Twentieth Century
Hakl's citations are mostly in German. One of the groups he writes about is the Brotherhood of Saturn. He claims that one of their top teachings is that homosexuality is perverse and strictly forbidden amongst the brothers. He implies that this was the explicit rift between the Brotherhood and the OTO.
My favorite Delonge episode was one of his early interviews with George Knapp where Knapp got him to say that if the CIA offed Kennedy they probably had a good reason for it. Knapp really had him dig into it too with the whole "do you really mean to say . . ."
YHWH is the tetragrammaton, in Gematria it equals 26. There is also a 27 (although it is reversed, 72) in the tetractys of the letters. I learned many years ago from Lon Milo DuQuette that playing cards (52 cards) are the tarot deck (78 cards), minus god (26). 78-26=52. The tarot cards that were removed to create playing cards are the 22 trumps and the 4 princesses. The tarot pretty much contains all of kabbalah. You could take the cards in your drawing and associate the corresponding tarot card, but I have not done that, yet :)
If you haven't seen XLM's logo before:
Also let's not forget about the Saturn on ETH:
I just discovered David Talbot's book The Saturn Myth...
I haven't read it yet but I was clued in to it from his you tube video Symbols of an Alien Sky
And another note of interest is Jay Weidner's theory on Saturn which he calls the Cult of Saturn. Very interesting, in the movie 2001 space odyssey, the Discovery was originally supposed to be travelling to Saturn and then it was changed to Jupiter during production. The Production Design claimed it was too hard to o Saturn's rings with special effects so they changed it to Jupiter...Jau Weidner thinks that they changed it to jupiter because it was too revealing about the Cult of Saturn. some stuff to think about and to test your google fu. The Jay Weidner info came from his Higherside Chat on you tube.
I subscribed and I look forward to reading more on this sub! Thanks.
Some good comments on youtube. I didn't know there was a cube in Dr. Who but I have never watched it. Here is one of the ignorant comments:
>Saturn is known as the morning star because it is the brightest planet in the night sky before the sun rises, ...
(David Burdick)
Oh really David, tell us more :)
Trying a little hard to connect Saturn to The Morning Star/Lucifer!
I liked this one:
>Jesus was sacrificed on a cross that folds into a box by the Romans. Saturnalia became Christmas and we open boxes lol. Rome was also know once as Saturnia and you can go to part of that boundary in Italy even today. the symbol for Islam is a star with a crescent not ulinke a ring around the star and they literally worship around a giant black cube.
(Delta Monarch)
Great job connecting the crescent to a ring, just like the symbol on Korosensei's necktie.
GREAT comment:
>Read The Saturn Myth, Ringmakers of Saturn and The Saturn Death Cult to learn more about how Saturn keeps our reality inside a time cube to control our reality. Saturn was a sun in our solar system and the war in heaven destroyed Saturn and gave birth to the sun we have now.
Totally reasonable. I do believe there are many forces trying to hijack consciousness on Earth for the purposes of control. This book has some good information on escaping the hijacking and learning to create your own reality if you want to check it out:
This is an interesting comparison chart from what was apparently an abduction study conference held at MIT in Cambridge, MA.
(Be vigilant with this information, I haven’t cross referenced it’s sources so I’m not 100% confident of it’s legitimacy. Though it does seem to line up with other material that I’ve read, it could very well be disinformation, as with all things. I don’t want to mislead you.)
And nope, no ists or isms for me.
I read an older edition of Enochian Vision Magick several years back. It was one of my first dips into the occult world, but I found the material way above my head at the time. I definitely enjoyed the book even if it's not something I was able to use at the time.
Searching for the Raphael Saturn brought up another painting "after Raphael", like the engraving that Moros shows. 16 c Pietro Facchetti.
I could not find any images of actual Raphaels.
The stuff about human sacrifice is Ronald Hutton's. It is on page 90 of this book:
He thought the Phoenecians sacrificing to Moloch was baseless slander but he did not mention the Aztecs. There are exactly two archaeological finds (as of 1991) that he considered possible human sacrifices of small children.
I spent about 90 minutes last night hiking under moon + Saturn. I scared the crap out of some poor buck. Bats but no owls.
Have you seen any of the Robert Phoenix stuff about Saturn in Aquarius?
Welcome. My first post here is connected to this. Check out this image:
Black robe, mortarboard, purple stripes on the robe connect to purple reign theory, symbol on tie us supposed to be the moon but it could also be interpreted as a ringed planet.
That is the same character pictured here:
The image there also has cubes and the number 6...
Isn't it somewhere in reddits rules against harassing a user with an alt after your original account gets suspended? You clearly are u/IdkTheAnswerHelpMe which I have provided evidence of, and you have continued to harass me even after your account was suspended.
As for your accusations of racism, I am just quoting articles and stating observations. So far you have called or labeled me all of the following:
retarded, schizophrenic, idiotic, solipsistic, mentally retarded ass, ignorant fuck, 50 year old basement dweller, brainless chimp, mentally ill, insane, racist, pathetic, loser, antisemitic, QAnon-follower
You have told me to "fuck myself" and to "kill myself".
You just called r/PastSaturnsRings "overtly anti-semitic", which it is not.
>And if I was "racially" Jewish, why the fuck would I contribute to such an overtly anti-semitic subreddit?
Maybe because you want to SHUT IT DOWN?
We live in a holographic simulation. Have you ever seen Star Trek TNG? Think Holodeck. Notice the cubical structure?
Got another one for you: our current epoch, which translates from the Greek roots to mean "entirely new", is called "holocene". Quite a coincidence. Sounds like holographic scene...
Our simulation is a prison in the way that is it being influenced by the Saturn-Moon matrix and by long-running human bloodlines (aligned with the matrix) who hoard knowledge and resources.
u/IdkTheAnswerHelpMe I see you created an alt 8 days ago - probably for situations like these. You know how many alts I have here? Big fat zero!
Then you use your alt to further harass me? Dude that is so weak! I didn't report anything, if other users here did than good for them. I can only know myself and can only control myself. I am not looking for imaginary internet points, only discussion relating to the topics this sub was founded to discuss.
Your astounding projection has already told me so much about yourself. I suggest you reconsider things and contribute in a positive way.
I used to wear Fruit of the Loom briefs when I was a kid, so did my father. We would also use his old underwear to polish his work shoes. I distinctly remember there being a cornucopia in the logo!
Is that from dutchsinse? I remember him - he disappeared for a while but I guess now he is back. He has a hexagonal logo now.
Directed Energy Weapons or otherwise - if those fires are being intentionally set we have a really big problem that needs to be addressed ASAP.
Wow great find, and I don't have that deck. For those that do not know, all of kabbalah is encoded into the tarot.
Here is that card in the Thoth deck.
Same card in the Rosetta Papyrus deck.
Those feature cubes but they aren't black like your example.
Lots of amateur exorcists out there. They are selling John Eckhardt's stupid book at walmart. They are trying to exorcize you. : (
I want to buy the Llewellyn Guide for 2021. This is what I found on Amazon. It says it is a daily planner though. Is this what you bought? If not, can you give the entire title of what you bought, because I want to get it for 2021.
I just finished Forbidden Science 4 Jacques Vallee journals 1990's. The thing that stood out to me is the Skinwalker Ranch project. Bigelow spent a small fortune with 6-7 full-time pro scientist researchers with state of the art surveillance equipment, recording equipment, digital data processing on the records for about a year on one of the best UFO neighborhoods extant on earth at the time.
They came away with no results suitable for peer review presentation. Plenty of witness testimony but no unambiguous data recorded. None.
It's like the scientists were dogs with bones and the skinwalker was teasing them.
The Kelleher Knapp book is also excellent. Kelleher is a biochemist phd who was employed by Bigelow for around a year at the Skinwalker Ranch.
We are not going to be getting to the bottom of this in our lifetime, if you ask me. Bigelow's group swung at a really fat pitch there and completely missed.
Also the Utes probably have a better idea than we do what is happening at Skinwalker but they aren't saying much.
I'm mostly an armchair occultist. I've heard good thing about the Living Spirits, if you're interested. I don't want to give out any advice that's out of my scope of expertise.
Edit: There's also a Facebook group of the same name that might help get you answers quicker.
Wang explains that point as well as about 20 other Saturn bits elsewhere in his Qabalistic tarot book. He is (was?) a real Saturnine fellow.
For some reason most artists go for the rabbit here, who is earthy but they are almost an invasive species. The thing that stands out to me about this card and the whole deck is the artwork seems so not-amazing. The artwork looks better than Scott Adams or Matt Groening but not really that much.
The single most Saturnine tarot card according to Wang is The World which explictly means nearly Saturn and almost nothing else. Here is the Sharman Caselli World. They might have the best art.
Wang's book is dense and I find myself looking stuff up in there all the time.
Some of these cards are extreme. Example:
That is the eighth trump instead of Strength the woman and the lion. Nerone translates to Nero from Italian to English according to google translate. I like the deck a little more than Adams' book.