He's been placed there to act against public interest
Regulatory capture is a form of government failure that occurs when a regulatory agency, created to act in the public interest, instead advances the commercial or political concerns of special interest groups that dominate the industry or sector it is charged with regulating.
Fucking laziness. I'd never seen a roach until I moved to Baltimore. A few months after I moved in, my hoarder neighbors moved out. Being a row home, their house was literally against mine.
I was infested with roaches practically overnight. I guess they began to starve and scattered.
I tried those little black roach traps - lol those were just like food to them. We cleaned, bleached, borax powder, all kinds of shit...
Eventually I found this beautiful gift from glorious Roach Satan!
Used two tubes then the other two a couple weeks later. I'm pretty sure I wiped out every roach on the entire fucking block. Nothing works like this stuff.
Also, RIP PS4 and Keurig... I literally just gagged thinking about them in my Keurig. Realizing that was a thing was traumatizing.
Honestly unless you're
Showering after
Using wet wipes
Using a bidet
No amount of scrubbing at your asshole with dry paper is going to get it super clean.
After an hour or so of just moving around/body heat/sweat/etc, anyone who goes down on you WILL get some butt B.O.
People really should plunk down the $35 for a bidet and stop shitting like barbarians.
If you spill salsa on shag carpeting, do you scrub at it with paper towels or do you get some kind of water in the mix?
Owners ended up not adopting another dog, shelter found out later(after video was posted w explanation on FB) and has probably spread word/pics of the stupid assholes to other shelters in order to keep them from adopting another dog 1st story
Edit: corrected statement; added ref
Sunbeam Sonic Egg Bark Control Device https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00PINYA82/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_T2RyCb13Z876X
Try one of these out. Dogs fucking hate it. Had to get one for neighbors behind me. They neglect their dogs so they bark at the wind blowing. It's really annoying, but sad. You wanna hate the dog for being loud but it's not its fault. The shitty part is the owners keep the dogs outside no matter what, whether it's 110 outside or 20. Bought this thing and it keeps them from continuous barking.
When I worked at Walgreens we had those kind of bands in the back. They’re just sticky bands you can apply to stacks of bills
400 Currency Straps / Bands (50 of each Denomination) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01C4NF2YY/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_ua4CCbNF8PDAJ
Amazon probably replaced everything including the grass because, fuck it, they probably sell sod too.
Edit: They sell something close enough https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07DD21X3N/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_VKnpDbT4HTREM
Sheesh, all you whiny babies. How about you check the Amazon price before you have self induced heart attacks about capitalism?
Spoiler for those too lazy: $37 and that’s JUST for the smart water.
In my old neighborhood someone put one of these in the MIDDLE of the main street right where people drive into the neighborhood. A lot of people complained on facebook and would move it to the side of the street but he just yelled at people in the community facebook group and kept moving it back. I remember one of my favorite quotes of his was something about how people who don't live on that side don't see "the assholes that FFFFFLLLLLLYYYYYYYYYYYYY" down the road, he said it just like that haha. We had speedbumps, and it really wasn't that bad. One day it was just gone in the middle of the night and this guy practically cried in that facebook group for weeks straight for someone to return it. After a couple of days though my sister showed me a snapchat from her friend in the neighborhood of hims stealing it haha, glad he did.
Please stop.
Do not break anything... or unscrew it.
This is a link to the keys on the sellers website.
HUDSON Coleman Fleetwood Access Door Key 8025 Qty 2 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0757QPKP4/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_RODWDbBFC4RT9
It is the 8025 key. They are 5.5 pounds for a pack of 2 or 5 bucks on amazon.
They are universal keys.
Fuck your landlord for doing this but get him back. Spend the 5 bucks, adjust it to whatever you want, keep it locked and watch him lose his fucking mind.
Always look at a manufacturer and model number. You can buy a key to almost anything for under 15 bucks.
I have owned one for exactly 2 days now and can attest that it is cool and it does what it is supposed to do, thus far. I am still learning how to use it, the included instructions are not very good. I found a decent YT video that explains the different functions (3 I think) and how/when to use it.
Also, there are a few different versions of this on Amazon and all are exactly the same in appearance and function - with variations of price. I got this one and it's $44 right now, but at the time there was a coupon so I paid <$40, so check around.
Good luck and Happy New Year!
This is the NYC Subway.
People do weird stuff in the subway stations and on the trains all the time. You just know not to look at anyone if you don’t want to be harassed, especially when they’re doing weird stuff. That’s how that one guy is just walking through not caring.
Idk why backpack guy’s hands are like that. I have friends who walk around keeping their hands busy like that because there are always people trying to hand stuff out in the streets or in the subway. You don’t want to take what they’re handing out since they usually will want money or to talk to you. For some people it’s like a reflex to take what’s handed to them so they learn to keep their hands busy.
The guy’s hitting the chair with sticks because that’s his “instrument”. You see people playing all kinds of things! One time my boyfriend and I were walking around downtown at night and there was a guy jamming out on one of those recorders — you know, the instrument grade school kids learn to play. Just today I saw a guy sitting in the subway station playing one of those rock band drum sets (I’m talking about this). It wasn’t hooked up to anything of course, so it just sounded like the guy was hitting plastic, but there he was.
>I am romantically in love with my dad.
>...romantic kissing, full on oral, and anything you can thing of.
Spoiler: She's here to end her sexual relationship with her dad. Her dad is here to prove she's making the whole thing up.
Edit: /u/bbirddribb posted a link to the episode
I HIGHLY recommend Sensuelle Point Rechargable 20 Function Bullet for your wife. Easy to use, rechargable, different speeds. I'm also very sensitive to stronger vibrators and this one has been perfect for solo use as well as my SO using on me! I've purchased many vibrators over the years and for the past 4 years this has been my favorite. Half price on Amazon compared to in stores. There are cute color choices too!
Morrison originally wrote it as "brown skinned girl," a song about an interracial relationship of his, but changed it to "brown eyed girl" at the behest of his label.
It's a verse from a song featuring Nicki Minaj.
It's hard to understand without context but that link will help explain it. Basically, she's bragging that she's very valuable and/or desirable (in part due to her sexual prowess or attractive genitals).
That's the legacy of sundown towns. There's a bunch of good books out about it. I think when people like this get exposed to those they hate / fear and form relationships it changes their worldview.
edit: reference sundown towns; a hidden dimension of american racism this is getting attn so figured i'd share source
It's a quote from Albert Camus, a nobel laureate poet, but the quote is wrong:
>In the depths of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer.
US$ 125 buys you an 8 TB hard drive.
Buying 8 of those isn't that expensive and would allow you to store all this cp.
Add a dimmer switch, and she can control how powerul the vibrations are. https://www.amazon.com/Lutron-Credenza-Halogen-Incandescent-TT-300H-WH/dp/B0000BYEF6/ref=sr_1_3?s=lamps-light&ie=UTF8&qid=1522694221&sr=1-3&keywords=dimmer&dpID=41gCDoU%252BjoL&preST=_SX300_QL70_&dpSrc=srch
Well actually, you are spreading anti-choice propaganda. Most abortions are aspiration or medical abortions and there is no increased risk of ectopic pregnancy or difficulty of an embryo attaching in the future.
Here is an article where this doctor explains what issues may arise and that there is no increased risk. If the pregnancy would go to a live birth it causes the same risk of those issues as does an abortion.
Here is the Mayo Clinic saying basically the same thing.
Anti-choice people used to spread a myth that abortion led to an increased risk in breast cancer. As soon as science very clearly proved no link between those two this rumor that abortion leads to infertility started. Abortion is safer than pregnancy- so anti-choicers have to start these rumors to make abortion look bad.
Not an electrician, but I’ve done stuff like this a handful of times. This all sounds right.
I’d additionally recommend a non-contact voltage tester. Something like this: https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B000EJ332O
Helps to give a little extra assurance that you aren’t about to get shocked.
These are generated by bots and sold on Amazon. They just automatically pull stock images and add them for sale on the chance someone will like the image and buy it. Nobody has manually approved this. It's why you can find oddities like this occasionally
Reliance Controls Corporation THP211 Outdoor Gate Alarm https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0046A9OXE/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_6IOTBbGPC85KT
Doesn’t have to be elaborate or expensive. This would do the trick. Or at least help. Good luck. Hope this helps.
There’s an author who has a couple of recipe books out, one for food and the other for drinks... all for cooking with semen.
So, apparently it’s a thing ��
If you are curious, but don’t trust my link (it’s to the book on amazon), you can google Natural Harvest by Paul Photenhauer. The vast majority of reviewers are being campy or explicitly state they bought the book as a joke, but the author is very serious about it.
Your old boss was right and if you're interested in reading about this topic more I would highly recommend reading The Psychopath Test by Jon Ronson. There's a lot of fascinating info in this book about psychopaths and how they operate and there is a section that talks about the fact that there is a higher rate of psychopaths among CEO's compared to the general public. Unfortunately, in business it does tend to be beneficial to only care about yourself and what you can gain and to not have any qualms about screwing people over to benefit yourself and the company.
uhg nooo.... most times when Bulgarians make it to reddit its for something like this.. uhgg!!! Not all of us are like this, promise, sorta... uhgg....
btw (as for the original source), the person who found these just probably went to http://www.odnoklassniki.ru/ its like facebook, but russian.. it translates to "classmates" its sorta for "older" people, and there is a lot of this garbage on it.. Russian/ Ukrainians/ Bulgarians and some others use it.... the younger generation uses VK, its a bit more civil..... less of this......
again.. im sorry.. this is a shame for us Bulgarians, for Slavic people, for Putin, for Obama, for 4chan.. no i take the last one back...
No, a mattress pad before the memory foam craze meant like a mattress protector, like another cotton, sometimes lightly padded fitted sheet that is sometimes waterproof / water resistant which keeps your sweat and body oils from leeching into the mattress. ex https://www.amazon.com/-Mattress-Protector/dp/B003PWS9AI/
Oh my goodness! Found it on Amazon, it's worse than I thought. Ya'll pray for me while I dive into these reviews.
My work uses a proprietary leather solvent, but if you can't find a good solvent at an auto shop, you can probably get away with a leather-safe all purpose cleaner. Test on one area and check the next day if it discolored the leather.
Grab a soft bristle brush, something like this. Spray cleaner liberally along the seams, then scrub to loosen up debris. Vacuum to pull up loose debris, rinse and repeat.
If you have the leather that is perforated with holes throughout, stuff just doesn't come out from those easily. Spray with cleaner and scrub with a rag to see if it dissolves, but other than that just hope it works itself out over multiple vacuuming sessions.
I have experience with this. See, the best technique is to put the tip of your wang up against the opening of the bottle so that the pee goes inside the bottle. However as you start to pee, the pressure will build up because you need to displace some of the air in the bottle. So gently push down on your tip to create a slight air gap (bonus points to do this from the beginning). This likely requires two hands though and It'd be hard while driving.
If you don't wanna do that, while we're talking amazon, they've got these things which you could pee in while driving. If they're too expensive, you could make your own; all that's in those things is the magic ingredient which you can buy in bulk on ebay for cheap: Sodium polyacrylate. Used in magic tricks and has all types of uses.
Not too sure if this is even trashy... because they do well "meowajuana" and package it like real bud and everything. Meowijuana Jar of Buds - Large Jar https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00U6DJCR8/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_NVrrCbNCJDYRP
I have an extra sensitive nose and the vinegar has never worked well enough for me. My girlfriend and kid says it smells fine, but I can still smell it. What does work good enough for me is the Nature's Miracle stuff at the pet store. That shit works 100% everytime. Also works instantly on milk spilled in fabric. I had a nasty spill from my kid that stunk up my car for 3 days and I basically drenched the seat in vinegar and it would reek of spoiled milk the next day. Shot the Nature's Miracle on it and was gone in a few hours.
> are you familiar with the rimjob
Man, I once read this fucked up horror short story about a guy who permanently locked his wife in the basement and tortured her, fed her scraps, cut off limbs as punishment, etc. He would also go down there to shit and she was required to clean his ass exactly that way.
The most fucked part of the story is after the guy died and her son came downstairs, she thought she would be rescued. He continued the tradition.
That was too much for me. I got rid of the book.
Edit: For any curious, I believe it was this collection.
I have no doubts thats what your pregnant friend said. A lot of people resort to saying that when they have never brought it up with their doctor at all. My doctor told my ex he'd never tell anyone quitting smoking was bad for you when you're pregnant. Even the mayo clinic says:
> If you smoke, quitting is the best way to give your baby a healthy start. Quitting smoking at any point during pregnancy can help. Your baby will begin to receive more oxygen even just one day after you quit. But quitting before week 15 of pregnancy provides the greatest benefits for your baby, and quitting before your third trimester can eliminate much of the potential impact on your baby's birth weight.
Democide: Murder By Government
Population control has taken various forms throughout history, some more overt than others. It's easier to manage a population before they're out of the womb than to put them in gas chambers or death by firing squad.
Margaret Sanger managed to pull together the bigots of her day, eugenicists & KKK members, all rallying around the "need" to cull the "lesser" populations.
I'm not looking for an argument here, merely explaining how one could equate PP to an extension of fascist methodology.
Since no one else posted the actual title, I believe this is Little Known Facts About Well Known Places - Disneyland.
There's one for Disney World, too.
I don't have tinnitus, but I remember last time I was in a thread about it, someone posted these steps and people and like it changed their lives. It's not a permanent fix, but it might help you sleep.
You seem to know more about this than me. Can you provide the data?
Google says that it’s approved by the FDA and the American Migraine Foundation. The webmd page has a list of side effects but it also says that it works to reduce migraines.
> "Forever bride"
I'm all for not spending a big wad on a ring, but this is a pretty tacky selection of stuff with coatings that will rub off and rhinestones that will fall out: https://www.walmart.com/c/brand/forever-bride
...something plain would've worked fine here, but. It had to be the ring equivalent of a fake Rolex. Four month bride!
She’s talking about these shorts with the ruching in the butt crack.
If you’re not a waif your butt cheeks will fall out.
Baskets like that are usually used to serve fried items. Possible dumplings or a tempura with the chopsticks involved. https://www.amazon.com/Present-Serving-Baskets-Presentation-Kitchen/dp/B01N9X5L2O
No, officer. It's a scatmat to keep my pets indoors when I leave the door open for fresh air...
I made it myself to save money.
This is a bit harder to deal with in entirety, but that's one of the reasons that reducing plastic where you can is so important. If dog poop bags are the only plastic you're wasting, that's still better than using 20 bags a week at a grocery store.
Anyways there are a few alternatives. First, biodegradable is a gotcha word. A lot of "biodegradable" products are only biodegradable if they're disposed of in commercial facilities that use a special process to break them down. Many of them would still take decades to break down outside of one of these facilities. Some things are completely compostable rather than biodegradable, like thin paper.
You use this to pick up poop and throw it directly into a trashcan or toilet and then you can rinse it off. Really not ideal at all, but if it doesn't bother you, it's a perfectly fine way to get rid of the plastic poo bags.
Drinking a beer once in a while (less than twice a month) while pregnant widely accepted all over Europe as not harmful to the baby. I went over there a few years ago and really didn't notice any fetal alcohol syndrome.
>Some doctors recommend that you completely avoid alcohol when you’re expecting; others say that occasional light drinking is unlikely to harm your baby.
And here's your source you fucking crybaby. https://www.webmd.com/baby/features/drinking-alcohol-during-pregnancy
Drinking heavily and drinking 1 beer every now and then are two massively different things. If you weren't so fucking lazy you could've figured it out on your own.
No you didnt image isnt exact so maybe he did lmao
That they are sharing the table with this is even more weird. I mean fuckin' magnets, how do they work?
Terrorism is, in its broadest sense, the use of intentionally indiscriminate violence as a means to create terror or fear, in order to achieve a political, religious, or ideological aim.
the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion
I honestly feel you are giving them way too much credit. Around 2006 I knew of approx. 260 energy drink companies all fighting for end cap real estate at local quik-marts. At that time, you could pay about $12,000 to a company in China for your initial shipment of a "Energy Drink" recipe with your branding on it. And $10,000 for subsequent shipments. I forgot exactly how many were in a shipment but it came out to a bit more than .75 a can. Flavors ranged from Grape to Grapefruit. Today we have this
Blacking out an entire part of your body was popular in certain punk groups in the 80s. You can read an article where Davey Havok of AFI has done the same thing.
This guy definitely looks like an older punk dude. He probably had some tats he didn't like anymore and blacked them out.
Not mutually exclusive, at least how I understand that.
You can look like a dumbfuck but still have a nice body and/or be good-looking. And you can be somewhat ugly or undesirable but have some good fitting clothes and good posture/manners/way you hold yourself (in spanish the word is porte and it seems to be translated as bearing).
So, long story short, you can be cute but dress like a 5yo and you also can be ugly but have a "sexy" attitude/aura.
Bro, get ready for a storyline driven turn based game from Paradox that will crash only every few missions! Crashes aside i'm fucking loving it and Paradox is really good about fixing mistakes so look forward to amazing patches (at least Stellaris has been pretty top tier).
I googled it after I asked. "Harvoni was so effective that it cured hepatitis C after 3 months of treatment in about 94% of people who took it. Cure rates approached 100% after 6 months of treatment in patients whose hep C was harder to treat, often because their livers had already been scarred by the disease, a condition called cirrhosis." Maybe your friend should ask his doctor about it. https://www.webmd.com/hepatitis/news/20141010/hepatitis-c-combo-pill#1
I got kicked out of there for wearing a shirt with something similar to this on it.
I’d hope they were at least in the water park portion?
With the site thispersondoesnotexist.com/ why would someone ever use a stock photo to create an image, when you can get uniquely AI generated faces. This is just lazy.
What’s trashy about it, the fact that you don’t know how amazon works?
T1248 Truckers Wife Decal Sticker - 6.50" x 2.25" - Easy to Apply - Instructions Included - Premium 6 Year Vinyl https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06XJ7PTJH/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_OiKuBb17XDXDT
If anyone is interested in a great documentary about this and other things check out the documentary "Hot Coffee". It's available on Amazon Prime Video
They sell em on Amazon. I’ve had them in my cart for the past few months because it seems like it’d be a funny gag-gift for the right person. It’s not trashy, OP just can’t take a joke.
According to stats only 53% of Reddit visitors are American these days, so if anyone states 'you must support' him without specifying 'we Americans' or something then you're going to get pedants like me having a go!
Though I guess if this was an American sub like Politics or News then that wouldn't be necessary, we can assume most comments are Ameri-centric and let them pass.
So now the big question: is r/trashy an American sub? ...Or can the rest of the world step up with our trash game?
(EDIT: Alexa stats on Reddit if anyone wants them: http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/reddit.com )
>I’ve heard both male and female judges speak to the fact that they’re more likely to give empathy to the person who shows up in a ratty, I’ll fitting suit than the dude who shows up in sweat pants and doesn’t want to take his hat off.
Surely in the eyes of the law you should be able to turn up to court in a jester suit because punishments should be based on which crime you are found guilty of rather than what your choose or can afford to wear.
Needles aren’t that expensive...
Edit: not sure why I’m getting downvoted...Tattoo needles...14 cents apiece...super expensive huh?
Almost all heavy equipmemt has only a few key patterns for each manufacturer. Got a CAT key? It'll start most CATs. Password protected controls are becoming more commom.
Need some keys for that job site down the road? Amazon has got ya covered. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0831SP9RG/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_fabc_Z6AEFTZ57CRDCWPM0DR2
I'd never do this with my dog because I like havin her ride in the truck with me. But when I was a kid I'm sure I saw a product for sale in some department store or maybe as seen on tv but they used to make a harness for dogs to ride in back of trucks that seemed pretty safe apart from if the truck rolled. Which is fucking ridiculous I know but does anyone else remember that? Edit: they still make them now you can get em on amazon. https://www.amazon.com/Bushwhacker-Harness-Vehicle-Restraint-Barrier/dp/B00S03SIP8 Still seems really sketchy.
These are fake boobs.
Her real boobs and vag are free to the public. https://www.tumblr.com/search/miley%20cyrus%20terry%20richardson
Oh yeah that's markdown, sometimes it's confusing.
E.g. if you just put one new line (return key), it ignores that. If you want a single new line, you gotta put a double space and then the new line. Yeah that's a bit weird.
However, most of the time it's better to divide it into whole paragraphs anyway, and for that you just put 2 new lines - those will then be kept just like they look when you're writing it.
Another nice one, easy to remember and something you can use often, is to put underscores around a word or phrase to emphasize it (that gives you italics).
>Retroactive abortions should be a option for all of these people.
Neal Shusterman wrote a dystopian fiction book about that exact thing. It's called "Unwind" and it will freak you the hell out.
For anyone not familiar: There's a little bit of evidence that he faked his death but most likely he simply died in a famously stormy body of water called Hecate Strait when he was kayaking across it alone on his way to a court appearance.
He WAS a true survivalist so if anyone could disappear 24 years ago and still be living in the wilderness it would be him.
I highly recommend both The Golden Spruce and Hadwin's Judgement if you're interested in this crazy story.
Thank you so much! I will listen to it tomorrow!
You should read Death in the Grand Canyon. It tells stories about every documented death in the canyon. I have such a better respect for National Parks now. The authors don’t mince words either, so it can almost be funny as well.
Edit: here’s the amazon link for it: Over The Edge: Death in Grand Canyon, Newly Expanded 10th Anniversary Edition https://www.amazon.com/dp/0984785809/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_sDpDBbDA82ED6
It’s on kindle one as well.
Dunno if I can link you directly but here's (3m gum removal agent)[https://www.amazon.com/3M-Gum-Remover-Ready-Use/dp/B0087RTY0K/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1548392381&sr=8-3&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_FMwebp_QL65&keywords=gum+remover+from+carpet&dpPl=1&dpID=31p%2B6l8pigL&ref=plSrch] on Amazon. Try that before WD, as that's an oil which is almost harder to remove.
Hmmmm is the lady a black woman married to a well know "preacher" in South Carolina?
actually, they just cross reference each other now...
they do not mean the same thing as much as they are gradually growing to have the same meaning.
BUT i can admit this:
>You’re not suppose to eat road kill because it makes their poop sacks burst into their blood stream making it inedible for this very reason.
See, what you do it, on the way to work, you paint circles around the roadkill you find. On your way home, you know that any roadkill without a circle is fresh enough to eat.
When you open up the animal, the intestinal integrity will be very apparent, visually both mostly the smell..
If everything checks out, get home, whip out your road kill cookbook and have at it.
Nah this is 100% legal. You can make it even closer. You can get money that looks almost exactly the same, but obviously just feels like paper and says it’s not legal tender on it
Studies indicate only about a third of us have mssa/mrsa on our bodies, the nose being the most common site. Maybe even less, because a lot of those studies come from hospitals/clinics. But yeah, not really a big deal.
Dark skin on elbows, pits, groin, or neck (anywhere really... these are the common places) may be acanthosis nigricans which is possibly an indication that you have some insulin resistance.
It's maybe nothing, but it would not hurt to bounce it off your doctor.
Ledger was sober during the filming of dark knight. There is a show on Reelz that went over his autopsy results. Has some commentary from those close to him.
Autopsy: The Last Hours Of... Season 5 Episode 2: Heath Ledger
Edit: Anyone know why the hyperlink isn't hyperlinking? **thanks Turdle_Muffins
They might not even be real.
https://thispersondoesnotexist.com/ generates fake real looking people every time you reload the page. It's fun to reload the new fake people but frightening how real these people look and even more frightening to know they are commonly they are used.
No idea if this is one of those but it's highly possible.
I have this picture in my People of Walmart coloring book. Has the cover, too, I believe. I'm not sure why I'm being downvoted: here's the book https://www.amazon.com/People-Walmart-com-Adult-Coloring-Book/dp/1945056088
Maybe it’s this: Made Ya Look Black Lives Matter Vintage Baseball Cap Embroidered Cotton Adjustable Distressed Dad Hat https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08GV7DCJT/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_VP7JK83GYZWB4M2SD0YG
How tall do you need? I got them from here on Amazon and they're great.
I'm 5'9" and got S/M and they fit me fine. If you're taller than that M/L would probably fit you unless you're like 6'5" they're pretty stretchy.
Yes , I’m not really familiar with other countries/states but here in Texas they sell canisters like this for air rifles, air guns and paintball guns they are a pack of 40 for about 25 bucks and just need to be over 16 to buy at walmart
Update : here is a amazon link
This woman needs to get a mattress protector if she regularly needs to air out her mattress.
Also, poor kid
That comes from using shit like this
US /ˈpær·əˌfreɪz/
to state something written or spoken in different words, esp. in a shorter and simpler form to make the meaning clearer:
I’ll have to paraphrase it because I didn’t get a chance to memorize it.
This has been posted before a lot, here is some of the recent posts: https://www.reddit.com/r/trashy/comments/7cb4t2/nsfw_multitasker_of_the_year/
Karmadecay somehow didn't find any previous posts, and Tineye doesn't see NSFW posts, but found the image when looking up some user pages, most of them made a comment on an earlier post. Some are from Jul 25:
Charles Gould Curtiss, 1827 - 1893, born in Utica, NY, died in Buffalo, NY.
In case you were wondering.
I was on POF for years before i met my ex psycho girlfriend. Ive been on a few dating sites since and this is how i rate them.
Dating sites rated as if they were store:
Craigslist personals = Dollar Tree
Plenty of Fish = Wal Mart
Zoosk = Marshall's
Match.com = Target
Tinder = Last call at any bar that doesnt have a cover to get in
Is this correct with you guys? This is just my own experience.