Pokemon Showdown was coded by an amateur in about 6 months and is now the main simulator after years of junk simulators like Shoddy Battle.
Therefore, it's possible to put out a great product. Know what the Showdown guy did? He didn't bother posting up anything until most of the work was done.
By the way, one of the Enhanced Wars developers was the founder of Weewar. Which is why GoldenJoe24's rant about how much of a special snowflake he is means absolutely nothing.
I've been fiddling around with it and noticed that it's a bit harder to get a more powerfull sound because the instruments are not as realistic sounding as in real music, however I did some slight stereo enhancing and stereo widening, nothing too big but hope you like it nonetheless,
I didn't want the main post to become a giant multi-link ad, so here I'll link to his main site with all his games. You should also be able to find shareware versions of everything in case you are an Android user and you really want to try before you buy.
Personally I've spent thousands of hours in Slay, it's my go-to for something mindless to do while listening to a lecture or to kill time. If the lack of infantry and unit micro in MOAB irks you, then Slay is just pretty much that part alone, also worth a look.
It's a placeholder date. Amazon uses it for lots of games that don't have a release date yet.
For example: Metroid Prime 4.
Doesn't mean anything.
As for the non-mechanical parts, there's also some work to do there, but it's not so onerous.
Each CO has the following audiovisual components in AW2:
For graphics, they need to be manipulated and chopped up in certain ways for the game to read and use them correctly. I'd suggest learning how to use a spriter-friendly graphics editor, I personally use GraphicsGale for this purpose.
Text is incredibly easy to modify, if you've got a hex editor you can literally just find and replace text that is the same length or shorter. I personally use HxD but there's a billion hex editors out there.
Music editing is a whole world unto itself for romhacking and a fairly specialised skill. I find it to be a gigantic pain in the arse. You can sometimes just transplant songs directly from one game to another, but it's hard work no matter what.
You can also do it with the various remote desktop applications instead of steam. The subreddit discord is fond of using parsec.app, which works quite well.
But that's a real cute way of using Steam's remote play :)
Hi and thanks!! It also works on mobile phones, though it's not the best experience playing there.
It's coded in the Lua programming language using Pico-9 for graphics and audio.
The most difficult, yet most important thing to recreate is the immersion experience. Let's be honest -- if game mechanics were the only thing that mattered, we'd all be playing Chess or Go. Most of us are here because of the characters, the music, or even the community.
One fan project that did this correctly was Pokemon Showdown. Before this, people played on Java-client downloadable programs like Shoddy Battle. Those had none of the polish of PS. PS put every other Pokemon simulator that had been created before it to shame by focusing on presentation. While Shoddy Battle had hundreds of people at its peak, PS handles 10000+ concurrent users. I suggest you play a couple of games on PS to get an idea of why it's so good. To retain users, it even has an integrated chatroom.
This was why I could never get into AWBW. Never mind the incorrect mechanics: it has no animations, no sound effects, no music, and no win screen with a cheesy quote. There is no immersion.
It indeed seems to be official. It's up on the Amazon Canada item page.
For reference, here's a side-by-side comparison of the box art and the original image.
Pretty neat! It looks like they moved the little green dudes to the left side so you can see all the factions represented.
So I posted NW here a few months back, as it was almost available on PC. But now it's fully available and for free on the Play Store. Let me know if you enjoy it if you check it out. Or any changes you'd like etc! :)