I wrote a book on the case: https://www.amazon.com/Files-Rapist-Golden-State-Killer/dp/0999458108/, which involved a very heavy dive through thousands of pages of original documentation and police files and some in-depth study. Even though I locked up and/or passed on my files a few months ago, I still chime in and help when I can because this case is just one of those things that I can't let go!
I also created the http://www.coldcase-earons.com website.
Edit: added link
Thank you!
The EARONS book is in the exact same format -- possible and confirmed crimes presented in a chronological format, with context and analysis sections at the end of each entry. We spend a lot of extra time on the ONS murders.
I'm really glad you found it useful!
Edit: A link to the VR book and a link to the EARONS book.
Some of the cases being looked at as far as possibly related include the Jennifer Armour kidnapping/murder and the Donna Richmond kidnapping/murder, both of which occurred in Visalia. After JJD was arrested, another woman came forward and claimed that JJD kidnapped her while he was in uniform, transported her in his squad car, sexually assaulted her, and released her. All of these events occurred in Visalia, and as of yet, JJD hasn't been conclusively linked to any of them. Some of them have a few holdups that are still being ironed out.
As far as his escalation pattern goes, there were a lot of incidents that have been confirmed to JJD that clearly show that he continued to escalate after the Snelling murder. There were two attempts at entering a home while a woman was still inside, there were more targeted stalking patterns, and his peeping and prowling was increasing at an alarming rate. He may have committed a rape in Sacramento in October 1975, and in Visalia, his lack of success in committing any more known murders or any rapes is largely because the Visalia Police Department was out in force looking for him in a very small area. There were several weekends where he was out prowling and they were hot on his heels. It was during one of these nights that the McGowen incident occurred.
If you're interested in a detailed analysis of his known (and his possible crimes), check out my Visalia Ransacker book :) https://www.amazon.com/Secret-Origin-Golden-State-Killer/dp/0999458116
As far as the EARONS trying to kidnap anyone during the rape series, he took several of the early victims out of the home. In Attack #6 he took her outside, and in Attacks #8 and #9 he led them quite a ways away. In Attack #10 he again took the victim outside to the backyard like in Attack #6, and then the behavior tapered off significantly.
I highly recommend this book: https://www.amazon.com/Sociopath-Next-Door-Martha-Stout/dp/0767915828
It might help to understand how a person can “fake” human emotions when deep inside they lack empathy etc..
It’s creepy to encounter people who operate like this.. it’s like the wolf in sheeps clothing.
I tend to think that it's less about age and more about free time. In the period from 1976 through 1978, he seems to have had a tremendous amount of free time to prowl neighbourhoods all over the Sacramento area, and made stalking and burglary almost a full time job. That is an exaggeration, but when you look at the timeline it's less of one than you might think. After the middle of 1978, he slows way down and shifts base to other areas.
Speculation time: I've long suspected that he was a student during the first couple of years, and that his opportunity to do what he wanted while away from home gave him time to indulge in his sick "hobby". School ended in 1978 or 1979 (perhaps with a graduation, or perhaps by flunking out), and he ended up having to work, and quite possibly ended up with a girlfriend and even kids. No time to spend all his evenings prowling, as he'd have to explain it to people and would make his work day much more difficult too. So his activity decreases and stops. This is basically what happened to Dennis Rader; the demands of work and family forced him to stop for the most part.
I'd be really, really interested in someone who finished college in 1978 or 1979 and then moved (back?) south, perhaps to Santa Barbara or LA. And who either lost his job or hit a very rocky patch with a wife or girlfriend in early 1986.
Also, for anyone interested, I got copies of the academic calendars for ARC, UC Davis, and CSUS and built a timeline showing exactly why the student angle is so appealing as a theory of the case. See what I mean?
Case Files of the East Area Rapist / Golden State Killer. Link: https://www.amazon.com/Files-Rapist-Golden-State-Killer/dp/0999458108/
It's #9 in the "Serial Killer" charts on Amazon today, so thank you to everyone who has read it!
>To me, it looks like EAR/ONS was a college student who went to American River College (community college) for 2 years (1976-1978) and then went to a four-year college (possibly UC Davis or another in the Bay Area) before graduating/dropping out and moving to Southern California.
I absolutely think this is a strong possibility. A while back, I got copies of the academic calendars for several such schools for those years, and plotted known EAR activity against it, and the matches are just too interesting not to take seriously, in my view. It doesn't prove anything of course, but it's interesting.
It's from Mills Junior High School in Rancho Cordova. He's in the "graduates" section--I'd assume that's 8th grade, but wouldn't he be too old for that? Were middle schools and high schools separated at different years back then?
The yearbook is available on ancestry if anyone is interested in tracking it down.
The "Case Files of the East Area Rapist / Golden State Killer" book was published first and covers the case as it stood pre-arrest. It's in the process of being updated for a second edition, which should be available sometime this winter. The second edition will take out a whole lot of irrelevant sightings and information and it'll add a lot of stories about the investigation, how people overcame the challenges associated with the case, and of course, the arrest and impending trial.
The "Secret Origin of the Golden State Killer: Visalia Ransacker" book was published post-arrest, and it contains very detailed information about the Visalia crimes (along with some arrest information) and how they connect to the broader case.
You're welcome! During the second half of 1975, the VR was clearly trying to commit some kind of sexual crime. He attempted to break into occupied homes, he tried to kidnap the Snelling girl, he was regularly peeping at various girls and women all over town, and he very likely committed a rape in Rancho Cordova in October 1975. He seemed to fail more than he seemed to succeed, and I think he probably took a step back, replanned his approach, and started going after "safer" targets. It's a very, very complicated escalation pattern -- I wrote a 400+ page book about it, and there's still more I could've said!
Since I have had a few questions both here and elsewhere about the commonly held view that he was a student of some sort at the start of the series, I figured that I'd share this timeline. It's not meant to be an exhaustive account of everything EAR-related, but rather a timeline showing periods of activity compared to the academic calendars for UC Davis, American River College, and Sacramento State. Dates are noted as approximate wherever I'm not certain of them, but the academic calendars come from the schools themselves and should be correct with the exception of CSUS for the 1978-79 year. Only EAR activity (and suspected activity) that didn't actually happen on the day and in the vicinity of an attack is included, because the intent is to show when and where he was busy rather than to include loads of extraneous detail.
Anyway, it's really quite striking how well EAR activity meshes with the academic calendar until the end of 1978, particularly for Sacramento State. After that time, he moves out of the Sacramento area entirely and prowling activity seems to decrease, though this may well be an artifact of the primary source on prowling and burglary activity (Shelby) having less information on the crimes occurring after he ceased to be personally involved in investigating them. In any event, it does seem as though he doesn't spend quite as much time at it once he leaves his haunts in the East Area.
Note: the idea for using this site came from whomever made the other fine timeline of EAR activity, but I didn't refer to that while building this, so any errors on this are entirely mine. And there are bound to be a bunch. If any of you spot an error or something you think should be included, or especially if you have academic calendars for other schools that might be relevant, just let me know. I'll gladly amend this.
Yep... It's funny that the factually wrong comment is upvoted while mine was down voted to oblivion just because I linked to a publication that Redditors don't seem to approve. Here's some other links:
Also weird someone would comment on something they clearly don't know much about in such an authoritative tone.
Sounds like she didn't know that gedMatch existed. I'm thankful that these companies take customer privacy seriously.
Her writing also makes it seem like this was some kind of willful obstruction of justice, which isn't the case at all and there is plenty of info out there for law enforcement to request access to their customer's information, (https://www.23andme.com/law-enforcement-guide/). A bit dramatic and misleading if you ask me.
> I'd have to look up when his breaks were and what they coincided with. But during the summer of 1977 he didn't commit any attacks for many weeks.
Here's a timeline I put together before JJD was caught, compared to the academic calendars of a few local schools.
I had bppv as mentioned above and I can tell you there’s no way he could do anything with that. I couldn’t even get out of bed. It was scary and terrible and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone - my husband though I was having a stroke and I was in my early 40’s when I had it. I had to go to a physical therapist at my ent’s office to help get rid of it with a series of physical manipulations of my head.
For this type of vertigo there actually is a test that you can’t fake. It’s called the Dix-Hallpike. https://www.webmd.com/brain/dix-hallpike-test-vertigo
Here’s a video - https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kEM9p4EX1jk
All that being said, this is a serial rapist/killer we’re dealing with so I don’t think I would believe him if he said the sky was blue without checking first. Anyone can say they have anything and call in sick to work.
From 23andMe
>23andMe chooses to use all practical legal and administrative resources to resist requests from law enforcement, and we do not share customer data with any public databases, or with entities that may increase the risk of law enforcement access. In certain circumstances, however, 23andMe may be required by law to comply with a valid court order, subpoena, or search warrant for genetic or personal information.
Interesting. http://www.wikiwand.com/en/HMAS_Lonsdale_(naval_base) would have been the naval base at the time, 20 minute drive from Caulfield North:
I thought Paul Holes audio book was worth the price. A lot of old information, but I thought it had enough behind the scenes discussion to make it worth the price.
It's much like a podcast. The main narrator is an FBI agent with clips of Paul Holes, victims, victims' families and other law enforcement interspersed throughout.
An individual's privacy must be protected by DNA sites in accordance with state and federal laws. However, law enforcement can request and receive DNA records about an individual if they show just cause and the subpoena is approved by judge, grand jury, or administrative process. Don't know about 23&Me, but here's the Ancestry site policy,
Edit: Oops I was replying to u/ponderthat123. sorry
Sudden Terror by Detective Larry Crompton, who worked some of the cases, is the definitive book on the case as far as detailing each rape and murder, https://www.amazon.com/Sudden-Terror-Larry-Crompton/dp/1452052417
Because this is hidden under a now deleted comment:
At the press conference the Sacramenta DA said he was being charged with the murder of the Maggiores, as does this article: https://edition.cnn.com/2018/04/27/us/golden-state-killer-arraignment/index.html
And this Reuters article: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-california-goldenstatekiller/ex-cop-charged-in-golden-state-killer-case-due-in-california-court-idUSKBN1HY17F now says he's been charged with 8 counts of murder.
Ancestry and 23andme absolutely did not turn him in. It goes against all of their policies. If they did do this, they are outright lying to the public since they have strict online policies about giving DNA to LEO and transparency reports on who and why they've given DNA. 23andme has never done it and for at least the past two years, ancestry has done it only in cases of credit card fraud and identity theft.
We all know people on the internet lie. I'm not sure why people are taking posts that "sound plausible" as true. A case this big on a site like reddit where people are anonymous (or even extra anonymous by using a throwaway with no past comments to verify anything about them) is bound to bring out a lot of people lying for attention or they think it's funny or who knows why.
Edit: My bad. Apparently it was from a DNA site, but in my defense, I did only use the top two sites and they both deny it and repeat their policies. It's good it ended with finding him this time but it could set a dangerous precedent in the future. Also, if it was illegal, could he get away with it now?
Given that u/winters_vw is too humble to mention her own books :), here you go:
Secret Origin of the Golden State Killer: Visalia Ransacker
Case Files of the East Area Rapist / Golden State Killer
These are absolute must-reads, if you're interested in EARONS.
Can also get this cataloging of each crime:
Small member mentioned extensively.
I don't think brainstorming motives/backgrounds/etc is meant to garner any sympathy.
It's like in The Art of War, know your enemy. The more information you have on your prey, the better chance at catching it.
Why do you think the FBI looks into past abuse of serial killers? Certainly not to feel sorry for them.
While he was certainly physically fit, part of me doesn't believe that he executed vaulting a 6 ft. fence with a single hand. I think it's more likely that JJD lifted himself with two hands. I surmise that the witness likely saw the secondary motion of him pushing himself off the top of the fence with one hand. Hopping a 6' fence is impressive regardless, but one handed seems a bit over the top, at least for that height. But if true, I'd love to see a photo of his calves which I'd imagine to be downright monstrous.
This is a definition of Narcissistic personality disorder from the Mayo Clinic.
Here is the overview:
Narcissistic personality disorder — one of several types of personality disorders — is a mental condition in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration, troubled relationships, and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of extreme confidence lies a fragile self-esteem that's vulnerable to the slightest criticism.
A narcissistic personality disorder causes problems in many areas of life, such as relationships, work, school or financial affairs. People with narcissistic personality disorder may be generally unhappy and disappointed when they're not given the special favors or admiration they believe they deserve. They may find their relationships unfulfilling, and others may not enjoy being around them.
Treatment for narcissistic personality disorder centers around talk therapy (psychotherapy).
Here's the weather history from that early morning: https://www.wunderground.com/history/airport/KSAC/1979/7/5/DailyHistory.html?req_city=&req_state=&req_statename=&reqdb.zip=&reqdb.magic=&reqdb.wmo=
It was getting much cooler at that time in the early morning.
23andme confirms they have never complied with such a request, and provides a detailed report of current requests and the status of their compliance. https://www.23andme.com/transparency-report/
This did not come from a commercial private DNA database service. The subpoena would violate the civil rights of every person related to the suspect, now and forever. It would also destroy the private DNA testing marketplace.
Hello, I'm a bot! The movie you linked is called THS Investigates: The Original Night Stalker, here's some Trailers
Yes, it is, as you can see in Ancestry.com's current transparency report.
> We received no requests for information related to genetic information of any Ancestry member, and we did not disclose any such information to law enforcement.
A lot of stores carried my first book, but we haven't worked on getting this one into any yet. In the meantime, you can order a physical copy through Amazon, and then touch and smell it all you want to when it arrives :) Physical copy is here: https://www.amazon.com/Secret-Origin-Golden-State-Killer/dp/0999458116
Uh oh, I would remove that link if you can. Sorry about my misunderstanding. That website was seized because it violated copyright. They were republishing books without author consent.
The book you are talking about is available at libraries, Amazon, and any other used online bookstores for very little money.
The test for diagnosis of bppv is a very specific type of test. There’s no way you can have bppv and not have dizziness - that’s the main symptom. I’m not saying he had bppv or he was ever really dizzy - I obviously have no way to know and it’s pretty easy to say you’re dizzy and not be able to prove it.
I was really responding to where it was said there’s no test for dizziness - that’s not entirely accurate as there is a test for bppv. The eye movements made during the dix-hallpike are involuntary and cannot be faked. They can even tell which ear canal the debris is in by the direction your eyes move.
Also, there’s dizziness and then there’s vertigo. You’re dizzy when you have vertigo (bppv) but it’s a specific kind of dizziness that’s intense and feels like the room is spinning. https://www.webmd.com/brain/dizziness-vertigo
In short - some types of “dizziness” may be faked, but bppv cannot and there is a specific test for that.
Some people have bppv and never find out what it is because their dr doesn’t know what it is. Luckily, my dr is awesome and the first thing he did was do the dix-hallpike and saw right away that I had bppv. I had to go to The pt at the ent because they know exactly how to do the maneuver that cures the bppv. I still had residual dizziness for over a year - although it wasn’t nearly as bad as when I was first diagnosed. Odds are if you start talking about bppv to people you know, you will run into someone who had it or knows someone who had it. Jason Day (golfer) had it on the course during the us open. https://www.google.com/amp/s/nypost.com/2015/06/19/jason-day-collapses-with-thud-at-us-open-after-dizzy-spell/amp/
At the press conference the Sacramenta DA said he was being charged with the murder of the Maggiores, as does this article: https://edition.cnn.com/2018/04/27/us/golden-state-killer-arraignment/index.html
And this Reuters article: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-california-goldenstatekiller/ex-cop-charged-in-golden-state-killer-case-due-in-california-court-idUSKBN1HY17F now says he's been charged with 8 counts of murder.
I personally really enjoy listening to Casefile more, but both are definitely worth listening to in my opinion. Click Me: Visit Without A Trace
1, 2: https://www.23andme.com/transparency-report/
Let's see if it updates next quarter. Otherwise, if they used the only other popular service, ancestry.com, looks like Ancestry doesn't share the same info. Maybe someone can find out if they publish it?
Amazingly bad coverage. I’d follow the Sacramento Bee, and former Sac County Sheriff John McGinness has a radio show, I’m sure he’ll have info. 1530
iHeartRadio https://www.iheart.com/podcast/john-mcginness-20635690/?cmp=ios_share
Both Jones and McGinnes were also on the Armstrong & Getty talk show this morning. Neither provided a lot of new info.
https://www.iheart.com/podcast/The-Armstrong-and-Getty-Show-20474616/episode/42618-ag-hr-3-sheriff-scott-29246763/ https://www.iheart.com/podcast/The-Armstrong-and-Getty-Show-20474616/episode/42618-ag-hr-4-sheriff-john-29247361/
It's not public and I'm not sure if they become public after they are caught or how that works. It was requested by law enforcement and given to them. The former FBI agent I heard talk about this was Jim Clemente. I heard him talk about it on the Real Crime Profile Podcast number 127.
What if they state in their policies that they won't give DNA to LEO unless legally forced to and then have a transparency site detailing every reason they gave DNA to LEO in the past? 23andme and ancestry both have fairly detailed policies about not giving it and 23andme says they have never given DNA and ancestry says they only have in cases of credit card fraud and identity theft. Would a private company lying to the public about that be legal?
> Further, you acknowledge and agree that 23andMe is free to preserve and disclose any and all Personal Information to law enforcement agencies or others if required to do so by law or in the good faith belief that such preservation or disclosure is reasonably necessary
That’s from 23andMe’s Terms of Service. Section 8 third paragraph.
So you automatically waive your rights when you send it off. The language also implies that 23andMe is allowed to send any DNA to law enforcement agencies without any suspicion. There doesn’t have to be a warrant unless 23andMe doesn’t want to hand over DNA, but freely providing the DNA is definitely 100% legal.
> We may share your Personal Information if we believe it is reasonably necessary to: Comply with valid legal process (e.g., subpoenas, warrants);
Here is the waiver in Ancestry’s TOS too. Under For Legal or Regulatory Process in the privacy subsection.
> If we are compelled to disclose your Personal Information to law enforcement, we will do our best to provide you with advance notice, unless we are prohibited under the law from doing so.
That’s just a few lines down on Ancestry’s privacy statement. I’m almost positive that a warrant would have contained a clause that prevented them from notifying in case DeAngelo killed himself or tried to run.
Both companies promise not to give your DNA to “third party marketers” without your consent. But both state they will hand over your DNA to law enforcement.
I’ve brought this point up several times since these services have become mainstream. People looked at me like I was spouting some crazy conspiracy.
Edit: fixed links
I once put together a detailed chart comparing his known activity to the academic calendars from some local colleges during the relevant years. I was pretty sure at the time that during his EAR phase he was probably a student, or just possibly a professor, and that this would explain some of his weird absences.
Now it looks like some of these were actually due to his wife's schooling, not his. This is still largely speculative, but he seems to have had less time to prowl and pursue his demented hobby while she was off for the summer or during some other downtimes.
The academic connection had to do with the long breaks he tended to take over the summer, though with hindsight it seems more likely that this was due to his wife's schedule rather than his own. Here's a detailed chart I put together to show EAR activity vs the academic calenders for a few local colleges to illustrate how well they seemed to often line up.
As for the German surname, that was little more than rumors about the outcome of DNA testing. For what it's worth, I spend a fair amount of time warning people about taking that too seriously, and why.
I cannot speak to JJD, but EAR/ONS suffers from unconventional borderline personality disorder with narcissistic features. cc: Stop Walking on Eggshells: Taking Your Life Back When Someone You Care About Has Borderline Personality Disorder
BTK/Dennis Rader's daughter says exactly the same thing. She has a book about it.
Around people in their lives, they are a completely different person.
It's only when you explore outside of that you start to find the cracks appearing.
Not all are like that though. Sometimes their family lives are just as bad.
What this goes to show is that there are constraints over who can be a serial killer/rapist.
It can be anybody, from any walk of life. Anyone at all. They can blend in.
The longer they fool everybody the more you expect them to be... well... a regular Joe.
I think it's important for the families of serial killers to get things off their chest and to write about their experiences so we can also learn from them.
Maybe one day we will learn more outside of what is a statement prepared for the courts in favor of the defendant.
Thank you!
Please understand that I'm biased, but I would begin with mine because it's chronological, it goes deeper into the evidence, and all of the information was cross-referenced from a variety of sources. Some of the other books are fantastic at providing details about how the police department was investigating things at the time, POIs that were ruled out, etc so if you're more interested in that kind of stuff, I would recommend Sudden Terror or Hunting a Psychopath. If you're looking to just get a solid intro to the case, mine would probably fit the bill https://www.amazon.com/Files-Rapist-Golden-State-Killer/dp/0999458108/
The victim, Jane Carson-Sandler has written a book about the crime and her life afterwards. She also spoke at Crimecon. Here she is now, with a link to her at Crimecon. I sure wish I knew if she mentions the car and talks about the investigation in her book.
http://www.oxygen.com/blogs/crimecon-my-name-is-jane-carson-sandler-and-i-was-victim-5 https://www.amazon.com/Frozen-Fear-Story-Surviving-Shadows/dp/1491735996
>Can you link to the transcript.
"Sudden Terror" by Larry Crompton, around the 300-page mark or so ( LINK ).