For a period in the early 90s, an online community I was part of had a whole epidemic of people "recovering" memories of "satanic abuse" and self-diagnosed DID. It was bizarre and unsettling -- one woman even first convinced herself that she'd been ritually abused, and then convinced her boyfriend that he had too, and that they were both multiple. He accused his family and destroyed his relationship with them; when he realised it was all stuff she'd put into his head he broke up with her and had a serious breakdown. He's still in therapy dealing with the fallout today.
Funnily enough, as the panic subsided, so did the implausible stories and displays of exotic psychiatric disorders. As far as I know, none of those people has ever mentioned the episode again since the turn of the century. It was all a ridiculous fad, fuelled by people's inexplicable desire to seem fascinatingly broken. (And it was pretty damned weird for me to watch, as someone who was actually sexually abused and suffering from the long-term effects, which were neither fascinating nor trendy.)
Repressed memories are a real thing, but memory is very complicated and tricky. It's easy for a careless or overzealous therapist to plant a seed when someone is desperate for an explanation for their unhappiness. J. S. Fontaine's authoritative book on the satanic abuse phenomenon in England is in my to-read stack right now, but I'm just off The Uninhabitable Earth and need a palate cleanser in between. Anyone want to recommend a nice, soothing, fictional police procedural for me? I like them slow-paced and heavy on the forensics!
He definitely did it. Like, there is no doubt. That doc is extremely biased but it is hard to find unbiased sources. There are several books that have been written about it.
And also, re circumstantial evidence, almost every complex murder case relies on circumstantial evidence. That doesn’t make the evidence any less admissible then direct evidence (a confession, an eye witness, etc). When you factor in all of the suspicious behaviors, receipts, sketchy fishing trip the day she disappeared, dyeing his hair and running, it definitely ads up that he killed her—and it’s actually pretty strong evidence.
I recommend Exquisite Corpse: Surrealism and the Black Dahlia Murder. The authors Nelson and Bayliss are art historians I believe. What appears to be utter madness makes complete sense when viewed through the lens of the surrealist art movement in post-war Los Angeles.
I haven't read Black Dahlia Avenger, but I have read in the reviews of Exquisite Corpse that it answers a lot of the 'Why?' questions.
I saw this on the front page, I'm not a true crime enthusiast but this case transcended the genre. I use to live six blocks away from Dr. Hodel's house, where Short was murdered. I would drive by it everyday on the way to work. My girlfriend lived closer to it and I would park my car on the north side of Franklin Street about a hundred feet west. This was years before Steve Hodel's book came out.
I attended a sentencing hearing for the owner of Hurt2theCore, a dark website that hosted Daisy's Destruction. The judge had to watch the video, but he did not have the sound on. It took him two days to finally get around to watching it and when he returned to the courtroom afterwards he was white.
I wrote about the dark web hurtcore scene in my book The Darkest Web
It’s a podcast.
There is a huge discussion about it on findadeath forums, too.
Edited to include links to please all.
Agreed and now a second book just got released that you should read as well
His daughter’s book is quite interesting. She says on the one hand there were no signs...but she also relates very troubling incidents that should have alerted someone to his psychopathy.
A Serial Killer's Daughter: My Story of Faith, Love, and Overcoming
But it has sources attached to it. The bit about the house being torn down, and a new, much larger house being built in its place is talked about in this book, The Cult Files: True Stories From the Extreme Edges of Religious Beliefs written by Chris Mikul which the Wikipedia article about the house lists as the source for that information.
But I'm assuming that isn't good enough for you either, is it?
Did you watch all the way to the end? During last scene of the final episode, it seemed to me that Errol realizes Jeff really did it. If you want to learn more about the evidence against McDonald, as well as details on his appeals, check out the follow-up that McGinnis wrote around 10 years ago:
You should read Chaos.
It makes Vince sound like the last two sentences of Audriannacu's comment are about him instead of Manson.
I respect the hell out of Vince as a prosecutor and after reading Chaos I am also glad I never had to deal with him on a face-to-face or daily basis.
thanks! if anyone is interested i could post a picture each day. it dives right in to the good stuff! but i don’t wanna clog up this sub lol. anyway i got it off amazon, it was like $10 :)
Spent three months in the backcountry in PNW after high school. Live in western CO now. Have hiked in HI too. This was completely avoidable. You don’t go solo in HI on steep terrain after rain. You take a phone. There’s a reason her car was the only one there. It was not a suitable day to be on that trail. Check out this trail on AllTrails. I did a third of this solo this summer but turned back because it was unsafe. Did the incline instead. She had shitty judgement and put many people at risk.
Here's another viewpoint.
It's not like Vincent Bugliosi had any motivation to be biased in what's contained in his book-- or anything.
You can find most of the official documents at this website:
Other than that, I’d just advise that you be careful. Most of the material written or filmed on the case is very biased toward innocence ... but, to be fair, there are a fair amount of those on the guilty side that are also very biased.
I would recommend that you get a copy of Blood of Innocents. It was the first book written AFAIK. It is out of print ... but available in used editions on Amazon. In my opinion, it is the least biased of the published books on the subject. WM3 supporters find it biased; but I think that is the most factual of them all.
It was a heart-wrenching case. I've written about Rebecca in an upcoming book 'Stalkers'
I'll be interested to hear your take on the podcast. Her mother was doing a one-woman play about Rebecca pre-Covid and Casefile covered her case last year.
Weird, I just mentioned this case in a comment a few days ago. I was not much younger than they were and this was the first time I took in a real interest in a crime (Adam Walsh scared me to pieces but I was not old enough to really follow it). I still have the book Little Girl Lost by Joan Merriam is a really good account of their lives leading up to the murder and after.
These links are Australian but I'm sure they're available elsewhere.
Check out this list I found!
Hi everyone! I am not sure if this would be suited for here, and if not, I do apologize. I am really into cold cases and murder mysteries. I am currently studying psychology and want to study forensic psychology for that reason. I do believe that witness interviewing is really important in investigations as it could easily lead to a false confession, or could provide bad quality information about a case. That's why I am studying eyewitness interviewing and how to aid memory recall.
I know this is a bit of self-promotion but if you would like to take part or find out a bit more, here is the link to book a slot for a mock eyewitness interview: To take part you just need to be +18 and have a good level of English. Thank you so much in advance, and you share this with anyone you think might be interested!
I actually used to work for a transcription company that did a lot of police work. When Mark Lundy got a retrial we were sent all of the detectivesnotebooks from the time of the original investigation. Was quite fascinating
Think of it being something like this
I despise that movie so much!
Thankfully I read her book first ( before I watched the movie and I'm glad I did because the first scene in the movie was so inaccurate to how they met each other. So I knew pretty much from that first scene that that movie was gonna suck.
And to me it did, it was mostly inaccurate and a few of the events were out of order or just straight up didn't happen. I also thought pretty much all the actors that were cast were pretty terrible (including Zac Efron) or just miscast in general (like "Lily Collins" as "Liz Kendall") among others.
With the exception of "Kaya Scodelario" as "Carole Ann Boone". I thought she was one of the only ones who looked closest to the person she was playing and I also thought she did a really good job playing her, even though she was only in the movie for a short time.
But yeah, besides that I just really hate that movie and I'll probably never watch it again.
Interesting! I wonder if it was this one by Michael Nicholson, it’s the only book I could find that was written and published before Sutcliffe was arrested (no cover pic unfortunately)
Yorkshire Ripper
If you're interested in The Coronado Company and like Bearman's article, here's another perspective. It's about a boy who grew up with the hippy outlaws and then looked for his dad for years after he went missing.
I just finished the book yesterday and it was so fascinating and well written. About a young woman who was part of the family for two years but not involved with the murders. Highly recommended! Member of the Family: My Story of Charles Manson, Life Inside His Cult, and the Darkness That Ended the Sixties
I'd do the same, although in the UK we have double glazing and I have heavy full frame lock doors so the amount of noise anyone would make breaking in would wake up the whole street let alone me.
You should consider getting a few of these maybe:-
Basically a battery powered alarm in the shape of a door wedge. When someone opens a door onto it it sets a loud shrill alarm off and also keeps the door wedged shut, giving you more time to respond.
Hope they catch him soon.
Mitrice Richardson.
She was arrested for acting erratic and not having money to pay the bill at a Malibu restaurant. In short, her mother called the jail and asked them to hold her until the next morning when she could come get her. She was assured she would not be released until her was there, but they released her in the middle of the night and she disappeared. The recording of her mother’s call to the jail is heart wrenching. Mitrice’s murdered body was found sometime later and has never been solved.
There’s a documentary about it on Prime. Mitrice Richardson doc
This case has bothered me ever since I heard the story on the podcast True Crime Garage.
It was 96° and 31% humidity at 10:51 am on July 30th. His sweat could have evaporated in the afternoon but why wasn’t he sunburned? Did he reapply sunblock but didn’t take water?
Who are these rapists targeting victims because they are white? Did you read what I said? Do you know what context means? Do you deny that these issues with rape statistics exist? Do you think these issues do not skew the numbers? Are you aware of the history of lynching and false/mistaken/incorrect accusations against black men?
I would encourage you to read some Ida B. Wells, but I doubt you'd do more than click the link and decide it's not worth your time.
And just to reiterate, this isn't a competition of who has it worse, or who is more evil, though that caveat seemed to go over your head last time.
The Cartoonist John "Derp" Backderf was actually a classmate of Dahmer's in the late 70's. According to Derp, Richfield in general & Revere High in particular was such a "Twin Peaks" level of fucked-upness that when his wife called him up to tell him that someone he went to school with had become a serial killer & busted with bodies in his home, Dahmer was his fourth or fifth guess.
Derf's a cartoonist, but he has a degree in Journalism & he released the excellent graphic novel "My Friend Dahmer" & he makes it quite clear that every single adult in Dahmer's life completely & utterly failed him, starting with his parents. His father abandoned his family b/c he'd had it with his wife's unwillingness to treat her mental illness that was tearing the family apart, & his mother abandoned him while taking his younger brother with her. By the time he graduated High School, he'd been living alone in his isolated home for over a year.
Check out Brando for Breakfast for a very damaged inside account. It's limited to a specific period of his life, and very subjective, but provides some insight.
A human rib bone will set you back $40 on Amazon.
When Ebay banned selling human body parts on their site 10-15 years ago, people got the idea that it was somehow illegal.
Please read more than just Devil’s Knot. That book is incredibly inaccurate. I recommend this one, everything he writes can be backed up by the case documents, he just sums it up nicely
I found the same boppy that is being used as a pillow behind the neck of one child. Don’t know if it helps at all, it’s obviously sold on Amazon and probably impossible to track buyers.
Chicco Boppy Pillow Lined Cotton Color Ladybug Lane
This documentary has interviews with other Suffolk cops who seem to agree that Burke is a good suspect. It also has an interview with a kid that Burke got in trouble for harassing. He stole stuff from Burke's car and says (seriously) that Burke had a collection of snuff videos. It's so off the wall, not sure what to believe about it.
This documentary has interviews with other Suffolk cops who seem to agree that Burke is a good subject. It also has an interview with a kid that Burke got in trouble for harassing. He stole stuff from Burke's car and says (seriously) that Burke had a collection of snuff videos. It's so off the wall, not sure what to believe about it.
The other article about Prince, which gives details about the murders (you'll have to use Google translate)
A radio report said Prince "cut the throat of one victim and has said he strangled another child and suffocated or drowned other young children." Neighbors said he was raised by his grandparents in the absence of his father, who was now in prison for charges relating to the Rwandan genocide.
Prince said that "When I killed, it was as if a force inside was pushing me to do it."
"At four years old, in 1994 during the genocide, Hamisi Prince followed his father everywhere and witnessed the systematic murders of Tutsis and the tortures that were common to inflict before killing. However, Hamisi Prince, he kills without distinction of ethnic groups."
According to Michael Newton's book, The Encyclopedia of Serial Killers, Prince was sent to a re-education camp due to his young age.
James Renner's book on this is spell-binding. Trust me on this.
This case haunts me. This poor girl never got any justice.
Sylvia's murder also reminds me of the case of Vera Jo Riegle who was killed in a similar fashion. There's a great (but harrowing) documentary about her case on Amazon Prime:
She saw no real justice either.
This is next for me. Whoever Fights Monsters
Or more likely they know they would lose
He didn't fail on his book it's a best seller and is popular
He missed his deadline cause he kept finding more and more
I doubt it cause you forgot about reeve witson and roger Smith and ignore the connections to the cia
I read the book by Ann Rule that was excellent. David was a complete sociopath that had mastered the art of manipulation. I had sympathy for Cinnamon because he not only used her love for him against her but he then instructs her to overdose after the murder. I truly believed that his intention was that she commit suicide so there would be less questions & it would look like he was innocent.
The mini series “Love, Lies and Murder” is definitely worth watching. I’m not sure if you can watch it anywhere else but this is the listing for Amazon:
This guy was one of my biggest crushes in High School
I met him while I was in 7th grade while taking violin lessons at the High School. He had practice at the same time. Tall, good looking, smart, athletic - he wanted nothing to do with a little 7th grader but was always nice.
He had a sister Cindy that was a year behind me and his Mom worked at the grocery store across the street from the school so I kinda knew them just from being around.
When this hit the news I was gobsmacked. I never would have guessed it. Didn't believe it for a few days but my sister who knew him also, woke me up on it.
I just launched a new podcast called REEL CRIMES, where I select a movie based on or inspired by true events, then discuss the film and events with a guest.
Here is the first episode -
Hi, I just launched a new podcast called REEL CRIMES , where I select one movie based on, or inspired by true events and discuss both the film and the true events with a guest. I would love any feedback. Here is a link to the first episode. Thank you.
ACTUALLY, the person you responded to is correct. I am willing to defend them, because they have the right idea. It is much, much easier on average to create the microtears during anal intercourse that can allow for transmission of the virus in the blood to blood contact that allows for the viral load amount necessary to contract HIV.
Contrasted with the durability of the vaginal wall the stuff past the butthole pales in comparison.
Have a look at all of the related links. Dry sex is a local preference in many areas and practitioners contribute to the rates at which vaginal walls suffer the tearing required to facilitate the transmission of HIV.
This doc was well done but made me angry. It seems like the culprit(s) are an open secret and there's no drive/want from the police to go after one of their own.
The book by Ethan Brown (featured in the documentary) is very good, too.
Her father wrote a book and it gives you something in site on what all happened leading up to her death.. Rachel use to baby sit me and was my sister best friend. The color of night is its name.
bbc & co have been making some good lil miniseries
The Chillenden Murders (2 parts) Conviction: Murder at the station (2 parts)
also cbs' the case of: jonbenet ramsey - kinda falls in the same category as a&es killing season, i call it charmingly amateurish (bout 3 hours, 2 parts)
herzogs 'on death row' is not that exact medium but great nonetheless
thats series, heres an in progress list of documentaries -
We have a podcast on a man who committed suicide in 1999, and was linked to several killings and rapes in 2018 due to DNA testing. His name was Robert Eugene Brashers, otherwise known as Mr. Maroon.
hey dumbass, since you want a video of victims, here's one for you. still think it's a hoax?
I have info for them I dont need any info from them. Lubbock and Utah already have my infi and are working with me. aee racheal runyon case and the sketch they have. it's the same man. i dated him for 4 years. since he likes to taunt his victims i gave no problem letting him know i am onto him that's why he changed his number and is hiding. he also hacked my phone got into my message and started robot calling a friend the other day. he contacted some kids i call play sons and play daughters because I found the Delphi videos. I make no bones about the fact I am going after him on this. he knows me well enough he tried to get me to back off by doing ugly things to me, but I never broke down so he gave up and is hiding. all I can say is wait and see. Lubbock or Utah will likely pick him up first since they are working with my info now. they both were very pleased and excited to get the break they have been looking for. see these reports they verify eveything I am saying.
because I recognize the face, the body, the walk and the brown coat I gave him 3 years ago for Christmas. I have researched him for 4 years tracking all of his I'll doings. he is the suspect in racheal runyon murder and Lubbock quad murders. I ha e given both agencies the info on him as of last week. I know the voice and it was so upsetting I cant listen to it any more...the same man who killed these other people is responsible for lyric and Elizabeth murder too
see Anthony Atkinson report on womensavers dating site..he has a report there in Delphi too..he is a sick sick dude who once told me " my head is not right."..if he is being looked at for those 2 murders and possibly hailey dunns then I must have something right. I know the man I slept with for 4 years. its him..its just a matter of time now. I am watching him continue to go to jail on child porn and sexual assault cases in Houston where he lives.
see and all of these reports are his too. he uses so many names its crazy.
hi everyone! with the second lockdown looming in the UK i decided to put my mind to creating a true crime & mystery tinyletter, called tinycrime! it’s going to be weekly (with the first letter going out on thursday) and will feature case spotlights, headlines, podcast/tv/book recommendations and hopefully more delivered to your inbox. if you’d like to subscribe you can do so here:
thank youuuu
Have you ever had youtube tv? If not you can get a free trial and it is up on there.
Link to make it easier :) hopefully you can watch it!
I tried to find the episode of “Escaped” that Thad appeared on detailing his has stuck with me over the years. This is an absolutely horrific case. This was all I could come up with:
This was on the official s&s Instagram page:
Obviously, it got a lock of flack and got taken down. Apparently enough people have complained about Mike’s behavior that Wondery finally dropped the show. He’s notorious for asking fans for nudes and for dm-ing women in the MFM Facebook group for nudes and/or being rude to those fans before he got booted out of that group. But I believe that Instagram post was the last straw.
Here is his recorded “reasoning” in which he blames literally everyone else for the podcast ending:
Above is a link to his father lying in the local comments section about seeing Nick Hillary jump from a window "right in front of him"
The senior Mr. Carranza is my #1 suspect. He was a violent criminal in the past, zebras don't change their stripes.
The East Area Rapist/Original Night Stalker/Visalia Ransacker/Golden State Killer, now known to be Joseph DeAngelo. It's really hard to impress on those unfamiliar with the details what a one man crime wave he was, in multiple cities, over a decade or so. He almost made prowling certain neighbourhoods into a second full time job, and he went out of his way to mess with investigators too. Now that we know he was a cop with a degree in criminal justice, that makes sense.
Since his capture, he has also become a reasonably popular suspect for the Zodiac murders as well. I don't personally buy it, but so far as public information goes he can't really be ruled out yet, so there's that.
It really is amazing. During the EAR phase, he basically made prowling into almost a full time job. Look how much time this guy spent prowling those neighbourhoods. It's nuts.
You can ignore the academic calendar stuff. That relates to a theory I was working on years ago.
I've known about this horrific story for many years. There's another more recent -- and very similar case -- that happened to Vera Jo Reigle. No one was barely punished in her case either. There's a great doc on Amazon Prime about it:
This is one of the craziest cases I’ve ever read about and I was obsessed with learning more/why when it all came out. The man who helped rescue them - Charles Ramsey wrote a great book about the experience and it’s a really good, quick read!
I read Harold Schechter's account of the Bath school massacre a few months ago ; it mentioned that the few survivors of the massacre finally had a graduation ceremony alongside the class of 1973. Not gonna lie : That detail made me tear up.
If you have an iPhone or iPad, there are several podcasts available - just search John List. I read a book several years ago and it may have been this one: Death Sentence: The Inside Story of the John List Murders
I saw the youtube video a 3-hour video from Stephanie Harlowe that details about this murder. One part of the video she explained that Scott lived with his sister, (the one scott's mother gave for adoption) in SF for a while and stayed in one of her room that is overlooking the bay. Her sister said that Scott often stayed in the room and gazed to the bay and sometimes he yelled (out of frustration) "She's not there, you're looking at the wrong place!!". Maybe he could see where they were searching for the bodies, which was not the right spot.
Sounds to me that he wanted the search to find the bodies.
I think this story was mentioned in the book, "33 reasons why my brother is guilty"
This case boils my blood! That poor little girl…
There is a great documentary about the aftermath of her death. What her father has done as an advocate for victims is incredible.
I was also very intrigued by the connection to surrealism, so much so that I surprised myself by becoming almost physically ill when I encountered some of Man Ray's artwork in the Prado in Spain. Anyway, this book delves deeply into this aspect of the case, but warning that some of the content is pretty graphic.
I've helped an inmate self-publish his experience with Aaron and it's not what Netflix presented in my opinion.
Great! I'll check it out. Thanks. However, I was counting on something less distant than 16th century Scotland. Plus, this book seems to argue that it is mostly a legend.
Please try reading "Feeling Good" by Dr. David Burns. It's the #1 recommended book for depression by doctors.
Good luck and God Bless.
I was looking for window clings today and found this. It might help if you have reason to believe they'll bust through a window.
Have you heard the podcast Most Notorious? It only covers historical true crime stories. The host interviews authors and he makes sure to include lesser known cases. You can find it on Stitcher or Apple. There is also a writer named Jason Lucky Morrow who writes a series of Kindle books focused only on 19th and early 20th century cases. Here's his first collection. You'll love it:
Oh nice, Olsen is a fantastic true crime writer. If you're interested in finding more true crime paperbacks, here is another classic, still available for the 1991 asking price of 6 dollars.
In Broad Daylight by Harry MacLean
The story of the vigilante killing of Ken Rex McElroy on the main street of Skidmore, Missouri in July 1981. McElroy, an illiterate hog farmer, had terrorized all of northwest Missouri for over 20 years, until the town, and even law enforcement, was terrified of him. McElroy was shot as he sat in his truck in front of a tavern. Over 45 men witnessed the shooting. Despite two eyewitness accounts and three grand jury investigations, no one has been prosecuted for the crime.
Werner Herzog's Into the Abyss will really shatter you. It's got amazing cinematography and relies almost entirely on interviews of the accused, the families of the accused, and the families of the victims. It's got footage of one of the actual crime scenes (no spoilers), where the TV is still on and there is a bowl of cookie dough on the counter where one of the victims was baking.
This one really stands out for the rawness of the people in it and the senselessness of the whole thing. None of it had to happen. But you see how something so dumb spiderwebs out and ruins so many people's lives. Just devastating. One of the greatest films I never want to see again.
Well yes xd . I made 13 card for my true crime app but no one knows that it exists so all this work was in vain . So I think maybe here people like that's why I post these cards. I like collector card format because it easy to read XD XD .
Could be but these one I made it for my true crime app and I searched the info. But I will see these book because I like these format .
I wrote a book on the the trial and it explains why she was acquitted. This is a shorter summary I did a few months ago.
The short version is that George Anthony (Casey's father) is just as much of a compulsive liar as she is. Everything George told police was a lie. This may simply be an incidental finding, but it's a problem for a couple reasons: first they used him as their key witness and the jurors felt they couldn't trust his memories. But more importantly, he was the other last person to see Caylee alive. Cindy left for work, leaving Caylee with Casey and George. BOTH of them lied to police about what happened. The jurors couldn't rule him out. That's why she was acquitted.
I am still on the fence but a book that almost made me against it was "Guilty by Reason of Insanity"
If you want to read one of the most harrowing stories in true crime history I’d highly recommend this book on serial killer Adolpho Constanzo in Mexico. It will blow your mind
Gone at Midnight review
This book was very interesting but had its problems. We get information on the Elisa Lam case which is not available on the Internet. The book confirmed my opinion as to what happened to Elisa. The conclusion and my opinion is that she was killed by one or more hotel workers, and the body was hidden away in the water tank. The hotel and police were then involved in covering this up. The hotel paid a handman a large sum of money and he left the county soon after. The LAPD didn't investigate properly, there was a questionable autopsy performed by someone accused of falsifying previous autopsy conclusions. So it involved a massive ongoing cover up and was blamed on the girls mental health issues.
Why only 4 stars? The book was too long , longer than it needed to be. The author jumps from Elisa to himself quickly. While the author and Elisa shared Bipolar which I'm sure he understands her better than I do, I felt the author spent too long on himself, his problems and relationships. It was unnecessary and I skipt through a lot of pages throughout the book to get on with the elsia lam story. Disappointing but I would still recommend it to anyone looking for some answer's on this interesting case.
If you love mysterious true crimes, here's something a little different - our game Misadventure In Little Lon is based on a true crime from 1910. Investigate the twisted tale of events that led to Ernest Gunters demise and uncover how his formidable sister sought vengeance for his death. A stolen kiss, money owed to the mob, a hired hitman. Are they telling truth or lies? You decide!
Download on the App Store or Google Play, select offsite to play from your lounge room in augmented reality. Would love to know what you think!
Had to pay for it on Amazon:
My Roku search pulled it up in a couple of places but all were for pay and Amazon was the easiest. It was worth the $6. You can watch it in one sitting. Definitely worth it if you watched Mindhunter.
In the last couple of years a few devices have come on the market including Sensor Safe Car Seats and Elpho Clip.
My understanding is that these devices have been slow to market because of the lawsuit risk if they fail.
You would probably like the savage surgeon, Buck Ruxton. There's a new book coming out in the next few months about it from an author that used to work that field. I seen him at a crime weekend and it was pretty interesting.
Goodnight Sugar Babe: The Killing of Vera Jo Reigle is a 2017 documentary available on Amazon Prime:
24-year-old Vera Jo Reigle of Fostoria, Ohio was killed March 26, 2012 by Daniel Bixler (21) and Nicole Peters (17).
Bixler and Peters reportedly walked Vera out to the railroad, stabbed her, and left her body on the tracks of a CSX trestle bridge over the Blanchard River.
Daniel Bixler plead guilty to aggravated murder, two counts of kidnapping, felonious assault, and tampering with evidence. He was sentenced to 40 years to life in prison.
Nicole Peters plead guilty to conspiracy to commit murder, two counts of kidnapping, and tampering with evidence. She was sentenced to 23 years in prison.
If you own an Alexa you should check out St. Noire. Professional voice actors mixed with a game board. You can question suspects and inspect locations for clues. It says teen and up but i havent found anything too upsetting. You know your kids best. St. Noire - an Alexa Hosted Cinematic Board Game for Adults & Teens (Amazon Exclusive)
This book on the case is also a good read:
The Most Evil Person I've Ever Met: Part 1 LeMaricus Davidson and Part 2 Eric Boyd
I grew up in Port Coquitlam, BC. We were home to the infamous pig farm murders. Crazy stuff, I used to drive past the Pickton farm every day when I was a kid. My high school is on part of the reclamation site.
There has been a book on the topic:
And the wiki page:
Tommy Lynn Sells hands down. As a drifter with no real 'area of operation' he strikes me as the most frightening. Read
Hi Jaderust - the book is available at this link.
I recommend the Kindle version, as it has a lot of hyperlinks to documentaries, news, evidence exhibits etc.