This is awesome! And don’t give it to him yet, it needs a little MEAT RUB from JACK Stack BBQ
It's actually the #1 best seller on Amazon at the moment. Which is both hilarious and great, since it has probably earned a great deal of money for the Trevor Project and AIDS United.
You should read Batwoman appears in the DC's 52, Batwoman: Elegy and New 52. They talk about Kate and Montoya's relationship before the reboot and in the new 52 they talk about her past and her relationships.
She's completely open in the comics. Especially in J. H. Williams III's Batwoman. Honestly it was one of the only comics I read when they decided to reboot the entire DC universe, also cause J.H Williams III is one of the most beautiful comic book artists out there.
Believe it or not, they're cheap Amazon shoes! I ordered a few pairs months in advance to find the best one!
and thank you!
So true. The writer of Effing Dykes recently published an article in the New York Times called Hipsters broke my gaydar, and it's essentially a breakdown of what you just said, because let's face it, hipsters are everywhere and they dress like us. As she wrote: "But here’s the thing: Hipster style is just queer style, particularly queer women’s style.
Put another way: Lesbians invented hipsters."
Relatable and definitely worth a read.
I'm just gonna leave this google image search for Andrej Pejic here.
I scoured Google trying to find how to get this poster but I couldn't find it. All I know is she posted on her Facebook that these were being sold for a charity event and I snagged one really quick. However, during my search I did find Gillian Anderson throw pillows:
I wish I'd gotten a photo now but has anyone seen the Barbie Date Night Dining Set? That specifically says Date Night and the box has 1 woman seated and another taking a seat, with heart shaped plates...
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I split from my husband because I'm 100% gay. Always thought I was bi but was wrong. We aren't the only ones. There are many many of us. Even though I didn't have an affair, I found this book super helpful. It's written by a psychiatrist who realized she was gay after being married to her husband and falling in love with a woman. She talks about the psychological aspects of it all and gives resources for overcoming it.
When I told my husband, he was super supportive. Still is. He's a really good dude. His first question was "How are you feeling about all of this?" then it became about logistics. He's sitll my best friend.
Your boyfriend, if he's a good person who wants what's best for you, would understand. He probably would also prefer to be with someone who wants to have sex with him. Even if you fake it.
Edit to add, I've exchanged PMs with lots of women going through the same thing. Feel free to PM me. :)
I think ideally you'll get some peer validation on this of what it feels like to be in the metaphorical gutter staring up at the stars going "Yeah, how the fuck am I ever gonna get there?"
But, 15+ years out from being in that place, I can say, "Shit, idk kiddo, it just kind of happens. One thing leads to another and one day you wake up married to a woman you love more than anything in an apartment full of both of your things and everything is ok."
When I was a kid my high school library had two gay books. TWO. GAY. BOOKS. And you had to special request them. Which just about sealed I was never looking at them unless some kind of rulebreaking happened. (And I know we've got someone roaming around here going - "back in my day we had 0 gay books" - also, true. You dear reader win the extra bonus surviving the gay loneliness trophy!)
One was Am I blue? and the other was Annie on My Mind. And I snuck into the locked library of my VERY CATHOLIC school on off periods and read "Annie on My Mind" with another more "sensible" book as an outside sleeve. Contraband lesbianism. It was a revelation.
I thought I was the first gay person on earth (despite holding that book). I thought. OH SHIT, I'VE RUINED EVERYTHING. MY MOTHER WILL NEVER FORGIVE ME. NO ONE WILL EVER LOVE ME. I WILL NEVER FIND MY PERSON. LIFE IS DARKNESS. It was all very real. And very scary. And I wouldn't wish that kind of being young again on anyone.
But, seriously, it does get better. SO MUCH BETTER. Ridiculously better. Eventually with wife too!
Soft butch, don't feel comfortable in traditional women's swimsuits, so I wear these or a bikini top with trunks.
Please, it's clear that this is a joke. This is how they describe the book "What if sexuality is not static? What if all women can find their inner dyke? Then only a lunatic would continue to live with men in an unequal society. Or? [...] With a great sense of humor Mian Lodalen and Matilda Tudor argues about all the benefits of a new life as a lesbian, such as career advancement, more money in your wallet, better sex life and better health. Here you also get the obvious answers to why you want your daughter and grandmother becomes a lesbian, and why even the state would benefit from an increasing number of switches on. " I have not read the book, but I’m very familiar with the work of some the people involved, like Liv Strömqvist and Nour El Refai, and I am almost one hundred percent sure that this is mostly a joke.
Edit: I have now read the beginning of the book and can confirm that it is a joke. For all you Swedish speakers out there here you have the first 15 pages so you can judge for yourselves
More photos from Le Monocle. Need to get me a monocle and a Tux
Very happy with this lil guy:
Remington PG6025 All-in-1 Lithium Powered Grooming Kit, Trimmer (8 Pieces)
Comes with several plastic attachments that allow you to leave the hair at different lengths.
Hi friend!
I'm having a lot of the same feelings but fortunately, my H and I don't have kids. I haven't told him yet. I'm going to go to therapy first to really dive deep into this to understand it myself before I tell him. I want to have exactly what I need to say to him down before I approach it.
Have you read Living Two Lives: Married to a Man & In Love with a Woman by Joanne Fleisher? I found it super helpful and validating. She's a therapist who was in your situation. Except, she was having an affair with a woman. She also has a forum for married women who are lesbians to post on.
Good luck on your journey!
Not to add more complexity but if you are looking for other options besides just straight out and out divorce, and I'm not saying you should be, just if you are. Then I recommend this book.
I've been torn by all these "it gets better" campaigns. It has gotten better for me as a dyke, definitely so to when I came out in the mid 1990s. Where I have memories of the late 1990s and my gf and I almost getting beaten up by a SUV full of drunk frat boys (in a queer-friendly part of town), my fears these days are a lot lower — even if I'm holding hands in general public space (there will, of course, be the occasional look of scorn).
As for having a transsexual body and seeing what people do to those who are found to have transsexual bodies, however, it's not getting better to when I came out in the early 1990s. It is actually worsening, has gotten scarier, and the stakes are now even higher.
I attribute this to the dramatically escalated awareness by cis people of trans people (both people with transsexual bodies and of transgendered people) and the enmity which used to be almost primarily directed at people perceived to be "just" lesbian or gay. Such negative treatment toward lesbian and gay individuals has become increasingly marginalized — partly due to the credit of "It Gets Better". But that loathing and fear by those who otherwise would marginalize non-heterosexual sexualities are now turning harder towards trans people. The @transphobes twitter feed (mentioned on /r/lgbt the other day) brought back for me how OK it has now become to openly discuss berating, harming, and even killing trans people.
Because of this, I feel less confident about not having to worry in this lifetime about my body's morphological history being used against me for purposes of harm, retribution, or exclusion. For that reason, it means I can't even be out as trans within the queer community.
I fell for my 3rd grade teacher. She was fantastic, beautiful, Greek, intelligent.. 37.. I tried asking her to marry me in a note, but blushed profusely each time she looked in my vicinity. Basically what she looked like to an 8 year old lesbian.
First off, look up the podcast Sweetbitter, because if you're interested in a book of her poetry you'd definitely be interested in a fantastic Sappho podcast.
Second, this is the copy I've had my eyes on for months. I love Anne Carson's translations, and I think there's just something significant about reading a translation done by a woman.
Last Saturday I picked this puppy up for my girlfriend, and on the drive home my jeep was totalled by a city bus. Pup and I made it out alright and now I have this sweet black eye
This is a story I've heard before (Alayna Joy might be relatable). I think, to some extent, you already know what you want and what you have to do to have that (namely, to date women and to break up with your fiancé). Sometimes people are just not compatible, through no fault of their own. It's going to hurt, but it's going to be okay. I promise.
For your doubts, the famous lesbian masterdoc might help.
I wis you all the best! <3
Plaid. Also a side shave is a pretty good indicator.
But most importantly...
This shirt wouldn't hurt.
It's not too obvious and is a nod and wink to other lesbians.
I'm not sure they deliberately avoided hiring an albino actress.. There just doesn't seem to be that many acting at the moment. Lol I looked up some lists of albino actors and actresses and kirsten dunst was #5 on one and anderson cooper was #1 on the other.
It sounds like the woman who plays domino is incredibly talented though, from the reviews at least. Can't wait to see the movie
I'm at work and can't really talk, but it sounds to me like she's an abuser. There's no shame in being abused, only in being a perpetrator of abuse. It happens just as much in same-sex couples as opposite-sex couples. You should take five minutes to read this over.
Domestic violence isn't just getting hit, it's verbal, mental, and sexual abuse too. I've had several friends in abusive relationships, and only two of them were ever hit. It's usually far more insidious than that.
Putting you down, making you think you're crazy, making you choose between them and family/friends, physically isolating you by moving you far from home, etc.
Hopefully someone here will be able to help you more, but listen to me: YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Folks all over the world go through the very same shit as you. Your experiences are VALID, as are your FEELINGS.
Good luck and Godspeed, sister.
She posted a follow-up on her TikTok.
You could try online dating. OkCupid has this really neat feature under the privacy settings that will let you hide your profile from straight people, so that should decrease the risk of anyone bigoted finding out.
Alternative to this, I'd check for local support groups and maybe for local LGBT or Lesbian activity groups. Attend the ones that seem interesting to you and you might meet someone really nice there.
Being surrounded by people who don't accept you for who you are can feel incredibly isolating and lonely. I really hope the best for you, even if it means just finding more queer friends. <3
I found this one! It's similar but not the same, just in case anyone else wants to grab one too <3
Assuming you don’t live together, you’re not stuck. Leave.
Abusers love it when they can isolate their victim from friends (aka, you being a “shit friend” was intentional, she took up all your time). They also love being able to reconcile so they can get more leeway for being violent the next time.
You really can’t salvage violence, it’s very, very rare for abusers to change unless they do heavy INDIVIDUAL therapy.
Abusers also tend to manipulate the therapist in couples therapy, or pretend to learn from therapy but blow up even worse in private. It’s not salvageable.
Please read “Why Does He Do That?”, a book about abusers from a psychologist who works primarily with abusers. I just read it a month ago, and she checks off a ton of the behaviors in the book. And that's just from one reddit post about one incident. I can only imagine what other behaviors she might have.
Plus, the only man who gets close to her gets turned into a stag.
More here
There is a whole series with this premise by Mia Archer. The Night Terror series, it starts with Villians don't date heroes and is currently 8 books long
I have not read Just Juliet, but from your description it sounds like The Gravity Between Us by Kristen Zimmer might be something you would enjoy. I absolutely loved the book! I only wish it had been like 500 pages instead of just 300 haha.
From Amazon:
At just 19, Kendall Bettencourt is Hollywood’s hottest young starlet, with the world at her feet – but behind the glamour and designer dresses is a girl who longs for normal.
Payton Taylor is Kendall’s best friend since childhood, and the one person who reminds her of who she really is – her refuge from the craziness of celebrity life.
With her career taking off, Kendall moves Payton to LA to help keep her sane. But Payton is hiding a secret that could make everything ten times worse. Because to her, Kendall is more than a best friend – she is the only girl that she has ever loved.
Also check out the book thread that is stickied here on AL, I am currently reading my way through it.
I bought this one and it still works pretty well. Sometimes amazon will list it for $9.99 but right now it's $15.99 which still isn't bad.
SUPRENT USB Rechargeable Ladies Electric Shaver, Noise Reduction Women’s Electric Razor and Waterproof Body Hair Trimmer, Use Wet and Dry (Green)
Cowcow (also via Amazon) makes a great stretch skater dress up to 5xl in a variety of rainbow prints - this one is my favorite:
The slice of happiness this exchange has given me today: Thank you.
And as for the coldness, slight hint of both, but I'll extend you the same offer my dear -19, if you too would like someone to talk to, I'll be around as well. We both gotta keep trying to get back on track and keep our heads held high.
-Slightly warm slightly happy gay imagining all them possibilities. 🤗
Basically, it's influenced by testosterone exposure in the womb.
I have extremely feminized digit ratio (index finger longer than ring), but I swear, lot of straight women have masculinized digit ratio (ring finger longer than index). Ngl reading this thread makes me hella salty lol
If you're looking for a wireless mechanical keyboard, check out the Anne Pro 2. It looks a lot like this but it's only $100. I use it as my travel keyboard and it's great.
I bought some to have on hand, but I haven't gotten the chance to use them yet... You can buy them from Amazon here! You can also cut up a condom so that it's a strip of latex for you to use as a barrier.
Second this. I'm thinking something like this
Its my personal website. On the left of the site is a movie player and on the right is a chat box. The movie player is a stream of my desktop, so i go online and stream these from my desktop for everyone.
You can check it out here:
I thought that too - whenever someone else was in danger Lara was like "oh no... Hope you win your gun battle... Excuse me while I risk ALL of our lives over and over to save Sam!"
They are my favourite ship (apart from Marlene/Tess you know that shit would be hot!)
This article discusses the writer's view about potentially making Lara gay:
And for further reading a great article from IGN about gay characters in videogames
Nancy Clue! I don't know how I forgot that; here it is on Goodreads, for those searching. I've read the first book - it's a affectionate parody of 1950s pulp fiction, in which Cherry Aimless stumbles into mysteries and danger and then back out again. (Cherry is the perfectly put-together, totally oblivious nurse. The titular Nancy is the girl-detective.) Anyway, the cast is full of both laughs, and gay.
As for the others, I haven't read them. =/ Mind flinging me a small blurb for each?
((I get why you want the happy/sad thing to be removed; it kinda does act as a spoiler. On the other hand, my poor black bitter heart has its full of sad death at work. So I am torn.))
i would not normally play this sort of game, but i was curious as to why it was getting such great reviews , so i decided to give it a try. is somehow fun
TIL that people were using the word "dork" in 1967, and "LOL" in 1993.
If Mom was born in 1970, then she's 42 now, and could have been using "LOL" since she was 23 - and people were using "dork" before she was born.
You didn't invent the slang, you young whippersnapper. ;-)
Tons of photos of the full event on facebook
In Cape Town "corrective" rape is a problem, the CTL was at Slutwalk to march against victim-blaming.
If you're interested in another titles on Webtoon, then here is a list of GL webcomics I would especially recommand my absolute favourite which is Ice Cream Castles :)
A couple of things I use to cheer myself up on days like these is man gobbles at turkeys on youtube and some cute animals.
Lather, rinse, repeat :)
Whoops. Not "wicca," but "wit." That's what I get for Redditing and having a real live conversation at the same time.
Here's a bunch of words from the Online Etymology Dictionary that all share the root "weid."
Dress codes aren't supposed to be more than specifying a formality level, otherwise you end up with situations like this:
6.There are free lectures all over the place. Check the free papers.
7.Open mic nights.
8.Abandoned buildings for a photoshoot.
9.Sharpie Attack! Street Art your love/lust all over town.
10.Play Kubb you can make a set for about $10.
Are you talking about or something like OKCupid or POF to see "Likes"? Usually thats how they get you to subscribe or pay so you're able to see it but what you should know is that most of the time it's fake so you pay to see who like you. The moment you pay, you'll realize that the likes stopped or that its from fake account.
There is the cousin which to me seems like the most likely explanation. On her facebook she lists herself as being interested in both men and women, but is married and has several kids. I think the entire Amina backstory could very well be this woman's history right up until the part where Amina divorces her husband and gains several girlfriends and goes back to Syria. Only in real life she created this Amina pen name in 2007 as a basis for this book she wants to create about her life and it spawns into this whole alter-ego. She woos the Canadian girlfriend online, just like in the movie 'Catfish'. Then she realizes things are getting out of hand (she had agreed to meet with the girlfriend for the firs ttime IRL in Rome later this month) and hits the big red destruct button, vaporizing Amina while calling tons of attention to the fight for freedom in Syria. You can check out the cousins facebook here and an old dating profile for Amina here
It's a sort of shout out for when any of us have sex. There's actually a page where you can "ring the gong".
Glad to help!!
I bought this one but you can probably find cheaper or faster shipping ones with just as good quality on Amazon lol
Buy pretty wax too if you want!!! It's fun to make nice colors in the warmer. I use these since they're smooth and smell really nice but it's fun to mix colors and stuff lol so do whatever you want with the wax beads.
>we can't mechanize looking at a picture and seeing if it contains a bird
Uh, yeah we can? In fact, we have AI that can even identify which specific species of bird it is, and you can install that stuff for free on your phone. Example:
It looks like there is a movie. I haven't seen it though but I just searched French Amazon hoping to find a book and found this.
I'm a smut merchant by trade, so I've written in almost every genre (and over a wide spectrum, from romance to utter filth). For my latest book I wanted to do a sort of swashbuckling, sword-and-sorcery, Conan meets Xena adventure. I think it veers more on the Romance side than the smutty, but my real goal was building two strong female characters that could have a realistic love/hate/love relationship. So here's the Amazon link and thank you for letting me pimp!
I've been using Zenmate.
It's an extension to chrome/firefox/safari.
You add it to your browser, change your location (If you're in Aus it'll likely connect to Hong Kong) to USA and then log into Netflix and it should connect you to the USA version.
For real though, here's some advice for learning how to be a good programmer:
Read programming books. C++ Primer, Algorithms by Sedgwick, Eloquent JavaScript, etc. They're the best place to learn about a subject; way better than most help websites.
Practice. Set up a good development environment (usually this just means installing Ubuntu and a nice text editor, and learning how to use the terminal) and write lots of code. Focus on maintainability, scalability, and readability.
Writing lots of small projects is better than writing one big project. If you start a big project, you probably won't finish and you'll have nothing in your portfolio, and, if you do finish, the code you wrote at the beginning will be way worse than what you wrote towards the end. You'll also get more opportunities to try different technologies and ideas. Plus it helps with synthesis, i.e. putting a bunch of small pieces together to make one big piece. Synthesis is hard, and it's part of the reason why good programmers make so much money.
Talk to other, smart developers. There are lots of irc channels, chatrooms, discussion boards, and talks where plenty of smart people hang out. Everyone has holes in their knowledge, but discussion among peers helps fill those holes.
Take as much math as you can during undergrad. You can usually take up to topology as an undergrad, but see if you can get into an intro to a category theory class at some point. The applications of category theory to programming are numerous.
Have fun!
If you ever need help, don't be afraid to ask 😜
I can do you can't lol. I love dancing, have done it since I was very little. Stopped for a few years due to depression but I'm back at it and feeling wonderful (I'm on the left in pink btw)
I'm not sure! I found it this morning from this article on buzzfeed:
Now I'm re-watching as many episodes as I can before work! :
There are a bunch in the Seattle area, according to the Actual Lesbian Finder (in the top bar).
Allow me to introduce you to Krita an open source drawing-based image editor
I used to make my memes in GIMP too but Krita has more tools. It's a lot harder to navigate and find stuff just because Krita has more stuff but now that I've gotten used to the interface I've uninstalled GIMP for all my meme-making needs
Idk it's something to look into bc I used to use GIMP all the time
=D I posted a few books in the comment below yours. I keep thinking one of these days I'll sit down and write a master book-list for the subreddit My work can get pretty heavy and I need the escape, so I've read a fair few this year. Most have been entirely made of cheese, but some of theme have been so incredibly excellent that it has blown my otherwise tiny mind.
The book I would really recommend which I added to the "best lesfic list" this evening was "Neither Present Time", by Caren J. Werlinger. I cannot believe this book didn't get more press; it is very good.
That sound super difficult, and I'm sorry to hear you're going through such a tough time. Thinking of you, and hope things start to improve for you soon. Lots of hugs!
Also, if you need extra support, 7 Cups of Tea offers text-based help for free.
You might find it useful to use a tool like mint (even if you aren't doing anything, just observe for a few months).
Paying taxes is also a lot more intimidating-sounding than it ends up being, unless you own a business or are super rich. Just register with Turbo Tax or something, select their free 1040EZ filing option, and copy numbers from your W2 form (which your employer should give or mail directly to you when it's relevant each year). If you pay out-of-pocket for any work or school expenses, cram the receipts in a folder and dig them out for tax filing too.
Messenger bags! I got this one - and I get a lot of compliments for it. It's a little big though because it fits a laptop but there are so many on Amazon that are smaller for a tablet/e-reader. If you carry all of the things you list, then a bigger one might be better for you.
It's through Amazon :( but for le pussy I'll compromise my attempt at having consumer ethics.
Warm Sun Women's Bamboo Viscose Fiber Multi Pack Plus Size Stretchy Soft Breathable High Middle Waist Panties Size S-3XL(6/M,Five White)
I don't know what to say, but I can offer you a livestream of some kittens, if that helps at all? They just woke up from their naps.
Wishing you the best, and I hope that your mum comes around. Please take care, and stay strong.
OMG spend some time apart. Do things apart and let her cry and be sad about it. She should grow up and stop defining romantic love by the rush of hormones that are released when you have sex with a new person. If she needs a constant honeymoon she will be doomed to serial monogamy. Not wanting someone to leave is love.
Also check out responsive vs spontaneous desire from the book Come as You Are and google attachment theory.
Impress Nails come in a few different lengths. They are stick ons, like the earrings I used to wear as a kid, but can last through a day or two. I work with my hands, so that's about all the wear I get out of them. My mom can wear them for two weeks at a time. The great part is, there's no glue, so they pop right off when you need or want them to.
No problem!
the arguments are generally:
It came into being from nowhere very mysteriously during the 19th century in the possession of the extremely wealthy art collector Edward Warren who was himself gay, and who was an enthusiastic proponent of various theories and of homosexuality in ancient Greece (you see where I'm going here...).
This circumstantial suspicious compounded by the very fact that the cup is entirely unique, as it is hands down the most explicit homosexual imagery from the entirety of Greek art, in itself a warning sign because it contains a fundamentally different attitude, and originality/uniqueness was not a hallmark of Classical Art.
> Am I Blue?
There are a few books of that title floating around, so I am hoping ths one edited by Marion Dane Bauer is the one you're after. =D
Was/am thinking of getting a tattoo and my first choice was black triangle, but than I decided on lambda (Wiki: The lambda was selected as a symbol by the Gay Activists Alliance of New York in 1970, and declared the international symbol for gay and lesbian rights by the International Gay Rights Congress in Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1974.) I think it's quite discreet :)
Vacationed in London while staying with British friends and we went to She Bar in Soho several times. Once for a meet-up that was happening there in the day time, and other times at night.
She Bar is pretty small (it's like an underground bunker with a bar one end and a small dance floor), but it's cool and friendly. Keep an eye out on their Instagram for whatever DJ/theme they have going that night. It's the only exclusively lesbian bar/club in London since Candy Club closed and apparently it doesn't even make that huge a profit - the owner just keeps it open because they own other clubs and understand how important She is to the community.
If you're looking to chat, my friend tells me they've had loads of success going to queer meetups on London has quite a few.
There's also a cool pub, The Coach and Horses, just across the road from She that's frequented by gay people. That whole area is pretty gay in general actually.
There are a few--check the AL finder spreadheet! :D
Maybe send some PMs to folks in the area and arrange a meetup?
Was looking at some of my photos and I still look like crap, had to factory reset my phone as I couldn't fix the overheating/going from 98% to 58% in a hour, my aunt is shit-talking my cousin, but not about her bad behaviour - personal attacks/pulling yourself by your bootstraps/randomly diagnosing mental illness seem en vogue - and I have no-one to cuddle/talk with.
Anyone got any cute stories/fanfics they can suggest? I could use a pick-me-up. Possibly with a transhumanist bent, I loved the human/AI in The Heart of the City and it's not something I see around much.
I would start off with a drink. Maybe two. That'll help with the anxiety. But you're underage. I'd consider going with a friend or two, they may be able to very discretely help you with your underage issue, and it'll help to have someone familiar with you in otherwise unfamiliar territory. Knowing how Reddit is, I bet there's a lesbian Redditor in your area that may be happy to hang out as well. Which city and which bar are you going to?
Each bar is different, and contains as much diversity within its walls as there is diversity within spectrum of femininity. So that leads me to your other question of what to wear. That's up to you. What you wear is an expression of yourself. Are you just some college kid out on her first bar experience? Wear what that person would wear (sorry, I know it's a bit cryptic, just consider it). Can't offer dancing tips, other than alcohol helps, sorry about that underage problem again. Be yourself, smile, enjoy the scene for what it is.
Edit: I have no idea why there's a [1] in front of that cookie recipe. Maybe it's the #1 absolute best cookie recipe ever?
>Drafting excessively long replies using made up words like "cisnormative" just alienates us and makes it look like you've just constructed a circlejerk theology that's just pointless to engage with.
You were saying about cisnormativity?
>I don't give a shit if some doctor carrying out post-mortums noticed that post-op vag skin looked identical to natal female vag skin. I don't give a shit if some of you drip like a fucked fridge, I don't give a crap if your gynaecologist couldn't tell the difference and I really don't give a shit about whatever gender theory you picked up from reading whipping girl.
I hear you. You use the biologically deterministic rules of patriarchy and its essentialism of validity to ostracise women. You categorically dismiss queer theory which challenges you. Awesome. I sort of wonder whether massa's tools will help you free yourself from that lonely castle when you wonder why your bed gets cold.
As for the rest of your kind remarks: uh, tl;dr?
EDIT: I upboated you because we're at least having the tough discussion. There's substance here, even if that substance is foul-smelling.
If you've done some research already, you'll probably already know of a few of these:
Kindred Spirits on the Roof - VN-style game where the protagonist helps lesbian couples fall in love at the behest of lesbian ghosts that haunt her school
Life Is Strange - compelling story about supernatural occurrences in a small town in Oregon, with the (optionally romantic) relationship between two women being a key story element
Stardew Valley - a farming sim in the vein of harvest moon; all marriageable villagers are available regardless of player's gender
Starlight Vega - rather run-of-the-mill yuri VN
Nights of Azure - hack'n'slash RPG with a story that focuses on the romantic relationship between two women. IMO not really worth the $30 but opinions vary. Sequel in the works.
Also check out the "hella yuri" curator on steam.
I lost 30 lbs since last summer, through a combination of Zumba and eating better thanks to the iPhone app (I highly recommend it if you're looking for a super useful calorie counter).
I'm looking to lose 30 more lbs though, so I'd be cool with joining the discussion, at the very least to maybe help out ladies who need an extra encouraging push or nutrition advice.
Hot Springs, Arkansas, 28, lady person. I am just moved to Arkansas and I am looking for more queer friends! I love exploring all the trails, mountains and lakes. Just bought a kayak but the weather is not cooperating. I am a massage therapist by trade and I also make baskets. Read any good books lately? Instagram
See /r/papercraft, and replace the cardstock with cardboard.
If there isn't a suitable pattern out there yet, you can create one using Pepakura Designer and an existing 3D model of a raptor.
I see why she didn't like it. Comic Sans is so 2016. You should have used Comic Pa~~pyrus~~rchment..
Seriously, love it.
You guys are really cute! I have lots of DIY ideas (probably why none of them get done ;p)
-make a frosted/monogrammed wine glass set (just a stencil and some spray stuff to make the glass frosted like this:
-SF is like super maker capital for everything... maybe design something (or find a pre-made design file of something significant) and get it 3D printed ( for ideas... i'm not endorsing them I just can't think of the other websites)
-or come up with a design that you want cut out of metal and take it to a maker shop... they probably have a CNC or laser cutter that could cut out a fun design or etch something
-Find some thick tree branches and slice them into rustic coasters (or cut out the center of cheapo records and shellac the label to serve the same purpose)
Studies have shown that we find people who resemble us more attractive/likeable than people who don't, including people who have similar names (here's an article with a bibliography that covers some of - I'm sick, so my level of ambition doesn't quite go as high as primary sources right now), so it's no wonder this happens a lot. It's SCIENCE! /o/
Also body language is pretty big in people thinking other people look similar. I look nothing like my sister, really, but we have the exact same mimics, so everyone can tell anyway.
Yeah it's meant to be hug, but damn no body except EmojiOne has a good one, and no one uses that, facebook is ok I guess
Everyone else is just trying to copy Apples bad design.
DUN, DADA DUM! NERD-GIRL TO THE RESCUE! (all the girls swoon at my majestic curls blowing in the breezes) "It's all for the ladies. I have done my part. Now, AWAY!" Whoooooosh!
Fellow softie checking in. The struggle to find a date is real :(
On that subject, not sure if this is a good place, but I feel more comfortable here that /r/OkCupid . If anyone could help with a critique of/suggestions for my OkCupid Profile, I'd really appreciate it. Not sure if it's my looks or what I've written. I just can't seem to find a match. :(
I totally understand where you are coming from. I've been looking into this artist and it looks as though he/she uses Native imagery often, however - they are from South Africa so I doubt the co-opting is indigenous American tribal. Either way at the very least I appreciate you sharing this information. It's important to be aware of such things.
Here you go!
Until I get that CommunityWalk thing going, we can use just a normal poll. Thanks for tipping me off!
I vote for either Saturday or Sunday at 20:00 UTC, since it would be 1pm in California and 10 pm in Europe, and seems like a decent time span for everyone in between (sorry if anyone is in Australia).
Not sure if something like this might help? They have labia spreaders with clamps too but I'm not a fan of those.
I bought this six months ago and it's still almost full. It only takes a small bit to use. You can also put it on after you use lotion to keep your skin moisturized longer, or use a few drops on a brush through long dry hair (off the scalp, though).
I typically wear sports bra styled tops and high waisted boy shorts from Amazon. I recognize they’re still fitted, but it feels much less femme with it down to my thighs and covering my below belly button area.
Fun fact, I received the book 927 days of summer this week, from Amazon. Haven't started it yet, but I loved their first book. Title might be inspired from the book you mentioned.
Car travel does cost a lot more, but I personally love the security in comes with. I also love to get in very remote areas... I can't wait to get lost in Pantagonia! :)
I’m consumer trash and got it from Amazon. I like it a whole lot but I do have a wider wrist and am on one of the smaller loops. A gal with a smaller wrist might find the strap too bulky and loose. Still better than paying full-price for the Apple one, though 😅
i've had this thing open for 30 minutes trying to come up with something to say and all i got is "i fell into a flannel rabbit hole on amazon" this one is my favorite , anyone else got a favorite flannel on there? i'm rly interested in ones that are lined! (and i prefer flannels that are dark colored!)
> So, I’d love to watch women’s AFL, but I can’t.
The AFLW app on iOS and Android is free, and it provides free access to every game live-streamed.
It’s on your phone rather than your big TV (although I’m able to throw up from my phone to my big TV via my Apple TV) but it’s entirely free and not geo-locked (at least I can and do watch games from where I am, which is half-way around the world from Australia.