> I seriously didn’t see that coming, that’s bananas
It was probably because of this article.
Love your flair choice btw <3
100% I was introduced to this book some years ago. I learned a lot from it and it helped shape a lot of my views and doubts. All the Shah's Men: An American Coup and the Roots of Middle East Terror
There's a chapter about Joan of Arc in Transgender Warriors by Leslie Feinberg
But basically, while the terminology wasn't necessarily there for them to describe themselves as anything other than woman told to dress as a man by God, Joan of Arc continued to dress like a man even after they were caught, and tried, and this was seen as heretical by the church. While academics suggest that they were doing it for entirely practical reasons, Feinberg argues theres more to it than that. It's the standard erasure of queer people from history, back in my day there weren't people like you, etc
The point is, there are countless examples of trans people throughout history. I like pointing to Joan of Arc because the first time I did it really pissed some traditional types off, lol
i heard about renpy a while ago, it's a visual novel engine that you can code with literally just YAML (basically just write out the script in a super simple but structured format) and can run on Android, iOS, Windows, mac, linux.
could host it on 0xacab.org too
So, I am the Reading Teacher at an inner city public school. The class is supposed to follow the Scholastic program faithfully. For four years I have been slowly dismantling the system. I refuse to buy their books. We go to the library to take out the books....the students get to chose any books they want. I never make them read books that I only choose. The books in this post are horrible. I should do a fundraiser for these books
One reason why I get to keep doing the dismantling is because my students exceed expectations for the district. I'm trying to spread the whole "let kids read what they want to read" mantra.
Don't tell me I don't support a thing that I support so that you can criticize me for not supporting it, lmao.
You lot aren't too bright, eh? I guess it's easier to argue against us when you just make shit up on the spot. Here's a book for you, since you like reading so much.
A VPN is a good idea, but be careful which ones you go for. There are many scammy ones, that won't actually protect you. Like HideMyAss selling out LulzSec.
There is also plenty of scummy sites that claim to review VPNs, but are actually advertisements.
Look for a no logs policy, and where they are domiciled. (Be careful, there is a prominent VPN company that uses nordic imagery, but is actually domiciled in Panama).
No point in going through US domiciled ones. Panama/various island nations have no data retention requirements, but also no legal protections in case the VPN company itself spies on you. while EU usually has actual privacy regulations, but it means that the provider is within the reach of law enforcement.
The best option is self hosting on a general purpose host (TrailofBits' algo, but if you are not technically inclined, has detailed comparisons.
"The plans and speculations of the employers of capitals regulate and direct all the most important operations of labour, and profit is the end proposed by all those plans and projects. But the rate of profit does not, like rent and wages, rise with the prosperity and fall with the decline of the society. On the contrary, it is naturally low in rich and high in poor countries, and it is always highest in the countries which are going fastest to ruin. The interest of this class, therefore, has not the same connection with the general interest of the society as that of the other two.... The particular interest of the dealers in any particular branch of trade or manufactures is always in some respects different from, and frequently even in sharp opposition to, that of the public. To widen the market and to narrow the sellers' competition is always the interest of the dealer.... This is a class of people whose interest is never exactly the same as that of society, a class of people who have generally an interest to deceive and to oppress the public." (Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations, Vol. I, p. 231-232)
Also, here's an audiobook just in case you prefer that over reading a screen.
Best of luck; post any and all questions in one of the anarchist subs, preferably r/anarchy101! Please!! We would love nothing more than to help you understand our positions.
raddle.me exists. I don't browse it often, its usually pretty slow, but when all the lefty subs are inevitably shut down its as good a place as any (that I am aware of) to migrate to.
prosperity gospel, "if god exist then he made me rich." combined with "If you're poor just travel to Africa and take some diamonds they're literally everywhere" https://www.gutenberg.org/files/368/368-h/368-h.htm
Hmm, if you want to dive straight into literature the library Is your best friend. Common recommendations are Petyr Kropotkin, Mikail Bakunin, and Murray Bookchin. You can sort by author on the main list.(And true to any leftist theory I'll have somebody saying they're problematic in some way, but what isn't?)
I personally started with "The Conquest of Bread" by Kropotkin. It's definitely dated, but it's aged pretty well all things considered.
I think that the thrill of automating your basic needs and the thrill of watching someone learn both stem from the same concept of the power of the seed. Plant a (figurative) seed and care for it, and in time it will grow enough to care for you instead. Your power is amplified by being an originator, and that power goes on to empower other people.
OK quick related plug for my latest obsession: A video game called Factorio. The objective of the game is to automate a robotic empire into existence from almost nothing in order to built a new rocket ship to get yourself off the hostile feral planet you crashed on. Huge tech tree, lots of thought-provoking emergent decisions (Low-pollution low-yield energy or high-pollution high-yield? Avoid and defend against the natives or go out and stomp them? Super efficient expensive robots or slow but cheap?), and the joy of automating immense complexity out of a very simple start. The game supports multiplayer, which provides a great example of how human team work in such situations increases productivity exponentially - Huge bases go up fast with multiple people playing.
Torturador is both a noun and a adjective, so in this case it’s an adjective modifying “fascista,” which can also be a adj or a noun. . So “una torturadora fascista” == “una fascista torturadora”
p2p search still is more of a research project than a product, though. Not that you can't search for stuff with it, you can even find stuff with it, but having result listings that don't remind one of the days of altavista is still an open challenge.
Also, Russian police later destroyed the memorial. Remember: ACAB is ACAB everywhere!
The short series and the sequel movie were fansubbed. No official release I know of.
The light novels and manga have official French translations, no other (Indo-European) languages I know of.
The Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers by Diogenes Laertius.
The Lives of Ancient Philosophers by Francois Fenelon
I remember some older episode feature random working class analogies and I remember seeing Noam Chomsky somewhere.
Also if that "Activate Windows" thing annoys you as much as it annoys me, get Microsoft Toolkit [Here](https://thepiratebay.org/torrent/15959489/Microsoft_Toolkit_2.6.2_Final_(Windows___Office_Activator)
for research purposes here's a website for free disposable phone numbers
You probably meant to reply to one of the comments above that linked to this article on the T_D/Oregon rhetoric situation. Stating:
> Ironically when a similar situation happened in Minnesota with Democrats refusing to show up for a vote, Republican lawmakers accused them of abandoning democracy and expected the police to handle the problem.
I thought I remembered it happening in WI as well. You are correct. The article they link to is even from Milwaukee Journal Sentinel and clearly states it happened in Wisconsin.
I have a shirt with that flag on it too :/
Fuck it, it's a badass flag, though "power generates parasites" sounds pretty awesome too.
> Ah, I knew it would be all the US's fault!
Are we gonna reject anti-imperialism now? If you think that the crimes of America are somehow exaggerated I'm not even sure where to start. Literally over a hundred examples of democratic interference, CIA-backed coups, and fascist juntas are just the tip of the iceberg. Then we get into things like embargoes where the intention is starvation and destablisation. Or we can enjoy the wonder of the US dominated Washington Consensus and the Structural Adjustment Programs and the No-Bid Contracts and the Export-Proccessing-Zones for when the empire wants to enjoy all that sweet colonialism without the war crimes. Which, of course, since the nation has never gone even a decade without invading another people since its inception those war crimes are plentiful even with the economic exploitation.
The entire continent of S.America has suffered extensive and ruthless interference from the United States and to pretend that somehow Cuba is excepted from that is extremely unfair. Shit, Castro alone is believed to have survived 638 different assassination attempts by the US by Cuban counterintelligence; if you imagine this unbelievable, the CIA has declassified several of their attempts as open record. All this alongside several, declassified, attempts to systematically topple the Cuban government through US operations and replace it with a puppet government.
So when we pretend that nations like Cuba and N. Korea don't exist as an exact reaction to US imperialism we are doing an extreme disservice to the people compelled to suffer under those regimes. And while it may be both right and tempting to criticize the nightmare of these states, it can never be frame in apologia of this or this
If you want a window into the mind of the 15 yr old red fash who did this, raddle did an AMA with them to try and understand why they became a tankie:
The reason they gave is hilarious.
Raddle actually did ban the kid who did this lol. It's ironic because the kid made the raddle sub as an alternative in case the reddit sub got taken down and then raddle banned them for being under 16.
It was hilarious:
Reddit isn't gonna ban them though, the mod team hierarchy on reddit gives full power to the top mod.
Gotchu, conrad
Old school: > Conflict (they have one really shitty anti-immigrant song tho)
> Icons of Filth > Flux of Pink Indians (noisy like Crass)
> Government Issue
> Subhumans
Newer school:
> IDLES (not anarcho explicitly but still fire; post-hardcore)
> Pinkerton Thugs (anarchist Oi!)
> Pat the Bunny/Wingnut Dishwasher's Union/Johnny Hobo and the Freight Trains/Ramshackle Glory (folk-punk)
>Not Half Bad (electric folk-punk)
> Iskra (anarchist crust punk/metal crossover; also "Red and Anarchist Black Metal" is a thing and has a lot of crust going on)
> G.L.O.S.S. (militant queercore)
>Leftöver Crack (ska punk with hardcore influences)
> Star Fucking Hipsters
Not punk:
> Bambu (underground hip-hop; not explicitly "an" but hella close)
> Axebreaker (antifascist industrial noise)
> Panopticon (metal with ties to labor history)
> Utah Phillips (Wobbly folk singer; like a modern Woodie Guthrie; died a few years ago)
Also check this out; that's every artist Spotify's back-end has tagged as "anarcho punk")
The sad truth is that Lenin and Trotsky were just as oppressive to anarchists, communists, workers, peasants, and ethnic/religious/sexual minorities as Stalin was. Stalin only gets most of the beef because he ramped it up in order to enforce industrialization. The section about Lenin here only scratches the surface.
If you want to level-up on your shoplifting praxis, you can check out the pros over here. They have a detailed wiki of useful things to know and some of them are getting away with thousands of dollars of merchandise in one trip.
> Our merchants and master-manufacturers complain much of the bad effects of high wages in raising the price, and thereby lessening the sale of their goods both at home and abroad. They say nothing concerning the bad effects of high profits. They are silent with regard to the pernicious effects of their own gains. They complain only of those of other people.
-- The Wealth of Nations, Chapter IX, p. 117.
> The proposal of any new law or regulation of commerce which comes from this order, ought always to be listened to with great precaution, and ought never to be adopted till after having been long and carefully examined, not only with the most scrupulous, but with the most suspicious attention. It comes from an order of men, whose interest is never exactly the same with that of the public, who have generally an interest to deceive and even to oppress the public, and who accordingly have, upon many occasions, both deceived and oppressed it."
-- The Wealth of Nations, Chapter XI, Part III, Conclusion of the Chapter, p. 292.
Not that I don't love getting literally all my facts from random unsourced internet memes, but holy shit does this seem conspiratorial. No doubt the dude in the mask looked pretty suspicious, might even be a provocateur, but there is literally no credible evidence that it is Pederson.
Stuff like this is really, really irresponsible. It could inspire violence against an innocent dude, and even if you don't care about that, it's really bad optics.
> He is recognised from the video and confirmed by his ex wife... Face recognition software confirms a match.
The ex-wife, to my knowledge, has made no public statements. All we have are some screenshots posted by a deleted account of a text conversation which we don't even know to involve her. I'll be real, that conversation reads pretty weird. It seems kinda fake to me, but idk that's just speculation (although that's literally all you're doing so I don't feel bad).
Moreover, what facial recognition software? Got a source on that? Is there even enough face there to get a reasonable match?
> Redditors initially called the St. Paul PD which denied that a person by this name worked there.
Got a source on this?
> All information on him disappeared from the internet in the same hour...
Got a source on that? Should be super easy to prove with archive.org
> Several other people have been recognized as undercover plants during protests...
Even if this is true, it's irrelevant to the claim here. Out of curiosity, source?
> He's wearing a professional Honeywell 760008A gas mask
Available for purchase now on Amazon
sO mUcH fOr ThE tOlErAnT lEfT.
"Only one danger could have jeopardised this development — if our adversaries had understood its principle, established a clear understanding of our ideas, and not offered any resistance. Or, alternatively, if they had from the first day annihilated with the utmost brutality the nucleus of our new movement."
Adolf Hitler, 1933
I wanna know why everyone knows about blood sacrifice but hardly anyone seems to have ever heard any classical nahuatl poetry, which is some of the most beautiful and profound that any culture’s ever produced imo. Oh wait, I already know why: colonial racism.
(For anyone interested: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/12219/12219-h/12219-h.htm)
Lol, they changed it to "dumb people" because dumb was totally never used to describe a disability and has become insulting in recent years..
The fact is, medical terms for disabilities often become used as insults. This use then causes them to be replaced in the medical literature with new words. "Spastic" was once used medically (and sometimes still is), and is now quite insulting.
I'm not sure if using these words as insults is necessarily ableism, as these words don't have same history of oppression and division that words like "nigger", "chink" or even "chav" do. Those words have always been used as a way of directly belittling a group of people based on race or class. "Retarded", and words like it, once held genuine medical meaning (in fact, retarded just means slow), and was adopted as an insult because, well, wouldn't you be insulted if someone implied you had a disability that you didn't actually have?
On a serious note, if the capitalists are trying to force you to use Paint, use GIMP instead. It's Open Source and it's got all the features of the leading brand of image editing software with none of the bull$hit. It's free, and available for Linux, Mac, and Windows.
They're mocking it.
>Welcome to Punch Nazis Jam, a four-year ongoing jam of resistance.
>It's been said that developers often respond to any problem with a game jam instead of something productive. While that may be true, there are many of us who can't engage in direct action against the current Trump administration, the current British Parliament, and the worldwide growth & acceptance of white supremacists.
>If you can make something, if you want to make something, then make something to inspire resistance.
>Use a game to teach people how to prepare for a protest. Make something educational about what Trump's policies will do to the rights and freedoms of Americans and others worldwide. Design a Brexit fallout simulator. Create a Nazi punching gallery. Anything that helps the spirit of resistance stay alive and vital.
>It's gonna be a long four years. If you can, participate in direct action. Help your community. But if you want to make something, do that too.
You should read a bit more about Anarchy as I don't think you understand what it means. Here is a bunch of good reads, all public work of course: https://theanarchistlibrary.org/special/index.
Trans folks have also often been on the frontline of anarchist movements throughout history, it isn't something new.
Have a good one. If you eventually realize that you’ve been misinformed and are tired of being at the mercy of others feel free to come back and we can point you in the right direction. I’d never want to alienate a potential ally!
If your interest has been piqued at all please check out this website where you can learn a lot to hopefully broaden your intellect. I’d recommend starting with the Conquest of Bread by Kropotkin but if that’s a bit too much to take in at once there are a lot of shorter essays too. I’d suggest checking out some by Emma Goldman and Errico Malatesta.
Dude. Meme. Sub. I'm here to make fun of neoliberals and joke about eating the rich, not hold your hand while describing the psychosocial underpinnings of human power dynamics.
I have to go to work now. Go find someone in a more serious sub to answer your questions. Or, like, read a book or something.
Raddle's basically built to avoid as much US-centrism as possible. They made a forum for USA just so that people could avoid subscribing to it and that it would be less prominent in the site. The Africa forum is fantastic. They have a lot of regional forums as well, including latin america and subforums within it like Chile and Brasil, as well as a forum for Europe and some european countries. So you might want to check them out.
Signal. It is an open source, free software message encryption app. It is the most trusted encrypted messaging app in the game right now.
There is also Silence, which uses the same encryption protocol and is based on the same code - but encrypts over SMS, so it doesn't require mobile data, in case you have a shitty data connection or are otherwise out of range.
> National identity and ethnicity aren't real > > They're just spooks employed by the state to help guiltlessly maintain opsression and to create chaos, and are often used as tactics to increase state power while claiming to be in the people's interest and promote the already existing violence against the out-group of the society. > > > And basically if people as communities would just drop the whole mindset of culture and ethnic solidarity they'd see through the states propaganda and handle the underlying economic exploitation on their own. > > > So what we REALLY need to do is call for total violence and supression and all-out social in-fighting against people who think ethnic in-group and out-group mentality actually exists, support state policy which promotes absolutely un-hindered mass immigration, while at the same time both fetishizing native cultures or foreign cultures and destroying our own because it's against some social acts that in the cultures I fetishize treat much more severely. > > I mean sure, modern politicians don't even advocate for nationalism or anything like that like the bread-book man said like 200 years ago, and now Bank-owned state-filtered mass media is pushing for increased immigration and breaking down any sort of preference for your own kind to increase state power but at least I'm not Islamophobic > > Actual communities need to just accept the power of the state in times like these in favor of the values like diversity they use as a guise to increase their power > > I'm the only real anarchist >
I've heard the "shake and bake" method of cooking is productive within minutes, but apparently the risk is much higher due to the explosive pressure produced. I dunno, I would never touch that shit. I think homebrew meth is waaaay sketchier than pharmaceutical grade amphetamines, which seem to be fucking everywhere these days.
I definitely wouldn't suggest reading through and choosing one that suits you best. There definitely aren't issues with some of the other solutions recommended here, however Mullvad seems to be the absolute worst so you definitely shouldn't make That One Privacy Guy's review of that your first port of call
Storm of Sedition and Leper (not 100% sure for Leper) are anprim. I'm not anprim by any stretch, but the music is damn good. Also Leper is crust metal with heavy ska influence and its fucking wild.
RAMB (Red and Anarchist Black Metal) is the subgenre you're probably going to want to look for, and there's some RAMB lists online like this one.
srsly i wish this wasn't a niche ideology bc there are definite merits to maoism that anarchists could learn from and apply. the mass line comes to mind, even tho that requires a vanguard, but with modern communications technology it wouldn't rly have to
are you serious? they're just like any other exploitative corporation
the reason they offer all that shit for no upfront cost is to get you into the proprietary UE ecosystem so that when you go to release a game you're stuck licensing it from them and paying them royalties
let's not forget the predatory way they treat smaller indie developers and loss lead their consumers into their DRM-compatible store
real gamedev praxis is free software projects like Godot that offer you truly free (in both senses of the word) game development tools
signal is an secure encrypted messenger app.
It's considered as pretty safe, but one of the down sides is that it requires a phone number.
It also offers encrypted group chats. And only very few data is stored on their servers.
True, I play HoI4 too and all Paradox games have a terrible DLC model. However, I try my best to get the prices and deals by using a Keystore aggregator website to find anything I can on sale https://gg.deals/game/stellaris/?tab=official-stores
Lol fair enough. its also just reddit.
I don't think I'm the best person to explain this but a country is not a good thing because it's mostly used to alienate people outside of the said country. A country can do horrible things to other countries and that's fine because it's not in a countries interest to protect the lives of other countries unless there are economic ties.
I know I'll sound like a dick here because tankies use it as a thought-terminating clicé. But reading theory is a good way of understanding the actual critiques levied against counties from an anarchist perspective.
There used to be an URL on this sub that lead to the https://theanarchistlibrary.org/special/index and some book recommendations. I can't give them though because I don't use them and I can't point you in the correct direction. I think some other people could here if you'd ask.
Anarchism, as I see it, fundamentally is a philosophy that takes it as a given that (almost all) hierarchy is bad and power corrupts. Countries have power over many people with little accountability and that's mostly what it comes down to.
Hope I made sense here and said some things you find interesting.
KRunner revolutionized my workflow, when I am forced to use Windows at work I find myself constantly going alt-space and cursing when I realise it won't work.
found this searching for "broken swastika," just flip it upside down?
>...Arguably a more successful platform for the Alt Reich than than Twitter
Shout out to Mastodon, btw. Twitter is a cesspool and should be abandonded. Mastodon is soooo much nicer, with nice people and a nice atmosphere, and we really should be on there instead of Twitter.
If you really need another good reason to join, then, in the words of Shonalika: >"Mastodon isn't really favoured by Nazis and remains a largely Nazi-free zone."
And if that's not enough to convince you to join, then I don't know what is.
Oh, and they also have content warnings for posts. Which is really nice for those who need to avoid personal triggers.
you have to read the book...
Officer Brent's World Famous Chicken Shack
The book is great but the audio-book is superior imo (at least in the german version where the author reads it).
There is an english version btw . It's not as radical as you might hope but it's funny and an easy read. There are two sequels called "Kangaroo Manifesto" and "Kangaroo Revelation". The first two are amazing imo, the third one is still okay.
Edit: The author apparently reads the translation as well! The audio-book on amazon is a "best of"-version not the whole book but since the book is written in episodes it does not really matter. I also found the first chapter in english language on soundcloud
Assuming we are not talking about white-washed liberal assumptions of nonviolent resistance, the answer to if non violence works is again... it depends. If you have enough people early on enough, violence can be avoided; it incentivizes larger numbers do to a feeling of less risk, and violence is more expen$ive and this fact can be used to the advantage of nonviolent resistors given they don’t have as many budget constraints. Prolonged use of violence is State building- you can do everything with beyonets except sit on them.
Yes. This is the Amazon page for a book about it. (It might be available at your local library, ISBN-10 141046959X.) Democracy Now also did a series of interviews with the authors.
Fuck yeah, first time I’ve ever seen Mullvad mentioned anywhere! Expensive but extremely fast and reliable (and, most importantly, private!) VPN. Highly recommend. You also get a discount if you pay in crypto.
Looks like you don't understand anarchism then. The point is that humanity can exist without hierarchy. Also I know for a fact you're confusing authority with hierarchy. In which case read Bakunin's God and the State where he explains the difference.
But glad you're willing to admit that you truly don't understand what anarchism is
Cambridge dictionary lists 2 meanings:
> silly or unwise; showing poor judgment or little intelligence
>informal annoying, or causing a problem
So I would say my use of the word fits into that second meaning. The word originated as meaning a person of low intelligence, but it's changed over time.
I mean if you use NordVPN that's your own fault. Don't really know ExpressVPN but if they pay youtubers to advertise for them too then I wouldn't use them.
> Hell, even morality comes into play here. Imagine owning a VPN and finding out that pedophiles are using it to hide from authorities and share material. I would straight up not be able to live with myself if I didn't shut the entire service down.
Don't run a VPN service then. You might as well argue that people shouldn't run TOR nodes.
Exactly. What percentage of ExpressVPN or NordVPN's users do you think is paying with crypto or by cash? So seeing as they haven't had their access to the countries in question revoked, then they are complying with the law. If the cops get a warrant and send it to them, they will comply and send the cops everything. Because they know they wouldn't be allowed to continue operating if they didn't.
Hell, even morality comes into play here. Imagine owning a VPN and finding out that pedophiles are using it to hide from authorities and share material. I would straight up not be able to live with myself if I didn't shut the entire service down.
Look up a book that Amazon is actively in the process of banning. Its called "The Creature from Jekyll Island": https://www.amazon.com/Creature-Jekyll-Island-Federal-Reserve/dp/091298645X
If you look closely at the listing, you'll notice they removed the Kindle version and you'll not be able to purchase the physical book from Amazon direct. At this point its only available from third party sellers.
there's the concept of Creative Commons Licensing.
e.g. CC BY-NC means the author is to be named and the work is to be used noncommercially.
You know you can get this thing called a job and you get paid for it. Then you can either buy a house or start your own business.
Here’s a job that all you need is a high school diploma, a drivers license, and willingness to work that pays minimum 15 an hour, with room to advance. Jobs like this exist pretty much everywhere if you actually look.
Field Service Technician - (petroleum industry) http://www.indeed.com/viewjob?from=appshareios&jk=1504e8e3bdb9588b
Quit blaming other people and the system for your failures in life.
Another thing to consider is that 'fascism' didn't come about primarily as a result of theory in the way communism did. There exists fascist theory, of course, but there is no formal definition in the 'communism is a stateless, classesss society where workers own the means of production' sense.
I tend to prefer Umberto Eco's definition of Ur-fascism, as a list of features, around which fascism can be allowed to 'coagulate'.
I highly recommend Part 1: How furries fought the Nazis and won of the Worst Year Ever podcast for a detailed analysis of that. Robert Evans is a conrad btw.
I highly recommend Part 1: How furries fought the Nazis and won of the Worst Year Ever podcast. Robert Evans is a conrad btw.
The Worst Year Ever Podcast - The Virginia Gun Rights March and the Second Civil War
Robert Evans attended the massive Second Amendment rally in Richmond, where he uncovered a hotbed of dangerous extremism and nihilistic violence lurking in the heart of the gun rights movement.
In the U.S. corporatocracy, as in most modern tyrannies, there are elections, but the reality is that giant corporations and the wealthy elite rule in a way to satisfy their own self-interest.
In elections in a corporatocracy, as is the case in elections in all tyrannies, it’s in the interest of the ruling class to maintain the appearance that the people have a say, so more than one candidate is offered up.
In the U.S. corporatocracy, it’s in the interest of corporations and the wealthy elite that the winning candidate is beholden to them, so they financially support both Democrats and Republicans.
In the U.S. corporatocracy, corporations and the wealthy elite directly and indirectly finance candidates, who are then indebted to them.
I appreciate your curiosity. Keep in mind that I am in no way able to speak for all anarchists, only myself. And this will in no way be a complete explanation. I am also always in the process of learning and adapting my views.
Short answer is no. Authority is a specific type of coercive power that is granted to specific social roles, e.g. cops, judges, bosses, etc. So violent action against a hierarchy (whether that's the government, a corporation, or another kind of hierarchy) is not de facto authoritarian because no one is coerced into it. I cannot command you to shoot anyone or bomb anything. I have no authority over you.
Violence is a political tool, one that the state already employs in every sector of society to keep the population under its control. Violent resistance is simply an act of de-monopolizing violence into common property. That sounds scary, but anthropological evidence suggests that this was the norm for much of human history, and it was not murderers and rapists around every corner of the village.
This is something that we could talk about for years so I would suggest that you read some of texts on https://theanarchistlibrary.org/special/index if you want to learn more. They have an introductory section you can browse. I recommend Anarchy Works by Peter Gelderloos as a good starting point for my irl friends.
Grubstakers did a great episode on the 'creator' of Minecraft, Markus "Notch" Perrson. Here's the description:
>He made a cool unfinished game then got a team to help him finish the game then fucked the team out of over a billion dollars when Microsoft bought the game after he hadn't worked on it in years. Anyway now he lives in a mansion and talks about IQ differences on twitter.
He's a real piece of shit.
Do keep in mind that Duolingo sends your data (or at least used to) Facebook. Check out Anki, it's open source and community-managed.
You wanted my source, have fun: https://mobil.rundschau-online.de/ratgeber/digital/digital-mythen-im-check-lassen-sich-ausgeschaltete-handys-auch-orten--28027784?originalReferrer=https://www.ecosia.org/
"Expert" is Fabian Scherschel from c't-Techmagazine
Ronn Cobb is amazing and I totally recommend you look at his compilation books. There's one on the pirate bay: https://thepiratebay.org/torrent/8513512/Ron_Cobb_-_The_Cobb_Book
> but it reduces the number of resources I have available for making my own game - it's harder to reach where you are now if you've pulled up the ladder behind you
You do not need a single thing I did to make your own game. Start here, get cracking. The only possible difference, assuming you're from a developed country with half-way decent (CS) education and some talent, would be in fanbase but that's not a ladder that anyone could avoid pulling up.
> I mean sure, but everyone would be better off in a world where no copyleft existed because there was no copyright
Then people could take publicly available source code, make changes to it, and publish the resulting binaries without publishing the source -- you'll get the car, but no schematics for it, so you can't service it properly.
And yes that'd happen even in space communism as there's reasons other than money to keep the source closed. Dwarf Fortress for example is closed source. Not that I mind as it's an artistic work, a finished piece (even if work in progress), but all kinds of vanity getting into people's personal improvements to basic infrastructure would get annoying as fuck. You see that in many modding scenes.
> Copyright is in no way the same as credit for work done.
> “If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants” was what Newton said, not "I have seen further because I had to re-learn and re-tread old ground in order to pull myself up to greater heights on my own than the people that came before me"
They can see, and play, my game, that's plenty to rip off the design. Musicians don't get inspired by Beethoven's ink stains on his drafts, but by the finished piece. And in fact demanding such insight is an invasion of privacy.
We're getting together a fundraiser in the next week. We want to do canvassing and we need paper and toner and shit, it's run out everywhere.
This is going to be an ongoing thing, not just about April 1, we will be doing pushes EVERY MONTH that this bullshit goes on, and until we get the payments forgiven for EVERYONE.
In solidarity with the global rent strike! Organize in your city, talk to your neighbors, and ensure housing for all!
two-sided, with full demands: https://www.docdroid.net/eOomWPm/rent-strike-double-sided.pdf
It's the same people, same institutions, same ideologies.
Your understanding of racism is weak and narrow minded, very liberal.
Here's something better:
here is a great article that i read back when it was published, which had me utterly transfixed with fucking horror.
Yeah this is a huge problem on the left. I tried to create an account to help spread information beneficial to the cause, but wanted for security sake to keep it anonymous. Know what immediately happened? 20 leftist chuckleheads accused it of being a cop or a fed without any proof other than "it was leftist" and "Wouldn't doxx myself over DM".
Like seriously fools, do you know nothing about operational security?
So, yeah, that project is pretty much scrapped because leftists run immediately to lable any generic looking account (like the one above) as a fed without observing what they're doing, but I sure as shit can tell you there are probably accounts you're interacting with now that look like leftists that you're just cool with. Hell, I even have a twitter account that's my shitposting account that uses a face generated from thispersondoesnotexist.com and you know what, no one has ever questioned it's legitimacy.
Leftists are REALLY, REALLY bad at this whole thing. Like embarrassingly bad. They'll stop the legit leftist at the door who comes in with a Che hat but won't give their real name, but will let the guy who "looks cool" and says his name is Steve right in without ever questioning it.
Yep same. Have adbockers galore, including following everything from https://www.privacytools.io yet STILL “intelligence” [read “too much data to analyse, also we’re lost because the best people never join us because of ‘morals’”] agencies advertising on my Reddit. Close to using Apollo, but too many key features hidden behind paywalls and future bug fixes.
Such a piece of shit, her and the rest of them. On a semi-related note, the WaPo article on their resignation is horrific; a complete puff piece that describes Potter both in the article and title as a "26-year veteran and former union president" and trying to list off her achievements and printing quotes like “She’s just a very dedicated, passionate, good person ... always willing to help out”. It also just prints that it was an "accidental discharge" with no follow up or critical lens whatsoever instead supporting Potter's claims on it, along with focusing on how Wright had an outstanding warrant. If you haven't read it and want a reminder of what a rag Bezos' PR department it or to just be a bit madder, here's a link (BypassPaywall's a great add-on for doing what it's name suggests without giving Bezos any dosh)
Great summary with resources.
Raddle is also an excellent space in my opinion. A lot more opinions outside the US and US anarchism has a lot to learn from our fellow co-conspirators around the world.
My PoliSci professor, who is an over 40 year old Latin American dude by the way, talked about how much he liked Jordan Peterson and how good he thinks his book is.
Keep in mind, this dude called himself a feminist and was pretty for Bernie Sanders so I just... I.... I do... I... exasperated sigh
Assuming that this is being asked in good faith, here's a response I made to a similar question. This is a meme sub, so go to r/anarchy101 if you want to have a broader discussion on the topic. Alternatively, anarchist library is a good online research tool for these types of questions.
Perhaps our ideas of what "drastic" looks like are different. If you're set in your beliefs you really don't have to worry about it too much. I can only recommend you read more about anarchism because there are many other views than the one you're presenting. I think this place is a good start: https://theanarchistlibrary.org/special/index
But then again, you're on a sub that would be happy to answer your questions too.
Along with that if you want to learn more about https://theanarchistlibrary.org/special/index this website has most socialist and anarchist writings for free
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anarchism and the wikipedia article is suprisingly good.
and someone else already mentioned /r/Anarchy101 but I will anyways.
Finally if there are any questions you have feel free to reply to the comment and me or someone else can probably answer.
Not sure if you also live in a place with restricted internet (considering you're here, I doubt it) but most anarchist texts are also available online, through The Anarchist Library or even something like Library Genesis.
Don’t use Gmail. Google is a part of surveillance capitalism and collects your data and tracks you. Use https://protonmail.com instead, which uses client-side encryption so the user is the only one that has the keys to access their information.
Adblock is great and all, but if you really wanna get your slackivist game on, I recommend AdNauseam which both hides and clicks on advertisements which distorts metrics for advertising and helps undermine our modern """democratic""" capitalism
Hail Soros, fellow cultural marxists!
I edited it in.
Why are you trying to infiltrate queer anarchism with liberal nonsense? Everybody thinks their hierarchies are justified. Hierarchies are justified through associative property. Parentalism justifies a patriarch/matriarch state. It's all or none.
Especially read the first comment.
You want to suffocate children. You want to kill them so they can build your machines.
You absolutely can and should start a business for next to no money there is a great book that looked at business that are successful that took lest then $100 to start https://www.amazon.com/100-Startup-Reinvent-Living-Create-ebook/dp/B0067TGSOK/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=100+startup&qid=1632776828&sr=8-1 but to act like it’s just a magic bullet and not tons of hard work is just dumb.
There's actually a lot of economic proof that this wouldn't be a big issue and that the overall economic growth to countries that are early adopters would be huge.
If you're interested you should give the book "Open Borders" a read. Your library probably has a copy.
Open Borders: The Science and Ethics of Immigration https://smile.amazon.com/dp/1250316960/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_HXD3QCH3YF4793G2Q4RQ?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
This is just a kit to throw in the trunk and set up in less than a minute. Converted the tom into a snare with one of these, I can carry the whole setup in two hands.
"bass-hat-snare-hat||bass-bass-snare-hat" d'ya really need anything else?
"Unmasked: Inside Antifa's Radical Plan to Destroy Democracy"
This shitwaste book has 4.9 stars on Amazon, and the praises are nearly identical - denouncing Antifa as violent, dismissing the right to self defense, paradoxes in the rights to own firearms.
These are the people you are dealing with. Make no mistake - you will never win an argument with people who can believe diametrically opposed ideas. You waste your breathe and time even trying.
These people do not care about you. They dont care if you are poor, trans, physically threatened - they will make every excuse they can to oppress the same "rights" they claim hold so dear. The facade of liberty has a bitter taste.