There's at least three feet of clearance so quit worrying so much. Even if he did get eaten he'd be shot out the blow hole anyways so it's fine.
Iiks emmä ny tiiä, näkeeks kaikki jos laitan tänne mut siis joo okei, ai kauhee siis jänskättää :D Joku on sanonu mua Shakiranki näkösex :D
It's a little MMORPG he's been working on that you can play right from your mobile's (or desktop's) browser.
Once you're good and addicted, stop by /r/buttlasers for lasers and tiny butts!
Edit: ofcourse /r/buttlasers is a thing. God damn reddit.
This should read: China bans peppa pig because she’s not Chinese.
“This just in! China has a new cartoon coming out called Commie Pigs! Their main character is Sgt. Pepper Pig!”
King: "Good job Ser Alexander, you hath saved my kingdom from vicious snake cultists. You have also proven to be quite the tactician, so anything you want, I shall give you."
Alexander: "Helmet."
King: "Erm.. what was that?"
Alexander: "Helmet."
King: "A helmet? W-what sort of helmet?"
Alexander: "All of the helmets."
King: "Umm..."
This is one of the most fun sites, with one of the best communities.
It's the "whisper down the lane" game only that one person draws an image and the next person describes it, following a person drawing an image to the description and so on.
It's hilarious and everyone should try it. It's been around for years and doesn't receive the love it deserves!
best take down defence i have seen in a long while, every freaking time she did it, she is so fit. Amazing fighter. "To sum it all up picture":
They seem to be pretty fickle with their samples. I've ordered packages before and they've come loaded with samples, but other times they don't include any samples at all. Guess you just have to pray to the snail gods to spare you some samples in your next package haha.
EDIT: Went in search of the snail god, was not disappointed
No, it is definitely a slur. What if they were the Washington Slanteyes and their mascot looked like this? Would you be all "Oh that's not really a slur it's more of an eye shape"? C'mon now.
Turns out I'm probably 5'9'' and not 5'10'', lol
Also: I'm 5'9'', 168 lb, 36'' waistline (so ~22% bodyfat), and my best pull is 285x3. me irl
After some research it appears that elephants noses typically only bleed if they are injured. There are a variety of reasons why their nose would be injured, but the primary reason would be an encounter with a predator - - often human.
From an "explained like you're five" perspective, here's what it would look like
Ultimates :(
Avengers 34.1 -> 34.2
I guess Uncanny X-Force doesn't really count since it was a relaunch, but he sure murdered that too.
It seems that your comment contains 1 or more links that are hard to tap for mobile users. I will extend those so they're easier for our sausage fingers to click!
Here is link number 1 - Previous text "DID"
Here is link number 2 - Previous text "SAY"
^Please ^PM ^/u/eganwall ^with ^issues ^or ^feedback! ^| ^Delete
i wouldn't necessarily call it cultural appropriation black people are not the dominant culture in the US. It's not the most offensive thing I've ever seen but it's weird. If Kenyon Martin is gonna get away with bitching to Jeremy Lin about Jeremy Lin wearing dreads and other black people agreeing with him, I don't see why asians shouldn't be a little pissed about this. I don't really like how a bunch of black people were wearing super stereotypical asian clothes and particularly the women were clearly not asian but doing their makeup in a traditionally asian way.
I think black people would be offended if a bunch of koreans were singing k pop and dancing around in "gangster clothes" with dreadlocks, although i could be wrong.
also this is beside the point but i really hate the asian hat thing. it always evokes this image in my mind unless i'm watching some movie/tv show set in an earlier era.
Well sir, I believe you just broke maybe, 4 subreddits with those dot points.
^^^Also ^^^secret ^^^high-five.
Acá a la piña le decimos "ananá". Sería "pizza con ananá".
Una "piña" en Argentina es un golpe de puño, el título "pizza con piña" nos genería por ejemplo esta imagen mental.
Con respecto a la consulta, nunca la probé, la he visto en varios menúes, pero la sola idea me genera terror. Ananá y pizza: no en mi universo.
> Tyrannosaurus rekt
Here's one:
And another, more lame:
And he stole it form this guy:
or this guy:
That second one is pretty awesome.
Every minute in Africa, 60 seconds pass. Together we can make a difference, let our voices be heard!
This is the best I can do, but there is a surprising amount of angry bananas on Google Images. And I didn't mean to come off as rude, I just thought it was funny that you sounded so eager to see this type of stuff. But hey, whatever floats your boat.
update2: just have the link to the drawception game as she keeps posting:
update3: her dusty got banned account, got banned
> So all the mods are SJW's that don't want posts of real people so we can't hurt people's feelings or be racist
> >
Top kek
That is better than what I could draw
I am so awful at drawing... :(
Here is my attempt at drawing Lonk in a game called Drawception
Draw Something? (If not, the one I played that matched your description was called Doodle or Die)
It could also be Drawception but seeing as that's the first result on google I think you would've found it already lol
To quoth the great anonymous poet (I think it was /u/sichno):
"Whomever smelt it, dealt it"
Turn your cellphone to selfie mode. Only then will you find the true villain!
PS That inspired me to make my own fireplace
|You can't punish a player for something he has barely any factor over!
MFW Advanced Medic Contract requires ubered demos to destroy buildings
Nice sprites.
Edit : I have nowhere to show this but want to share.
My submission to a Drawception chain that was fire emblem related
Nahh, man.
This is one sexy rhino. Just look at those curves, the way its back arches. Its gental and serene face.
This is more like my housemate. (Managed to get a pic from last summer's bikini album for ya!
No actually, the mass migration occured after censorship and mod interference. I'm sure you'll keep talking out of your ass though.
Oh yes, of course, you're playing the both sides are blah blah blah again. This is exactly why you were called out and downvoted in the first place. You're claiming both sides are as bad as each other and when asked to justify and explain your position you have struggled, to put it kindly. No. One side employs smear campaigns, mass censorship while insisting they care about women and minorities then in the very next breath erase voices of said groups if they're not on the same page in their social justice 101 book while calling them every name under the sun.
You sure do seem rustled for someone so impartial. I think I found the prob Show me, where /v/ touched you
I'm not so sure about penguins and cows not being friends.
Because human arms are straight and the arm in the ground that comes out from the body's shoulder is pointed in a different direction than where the rock had been.
And sorry, I don't need to be an ME to know what an arm looks like.
And they don't look like this.
Ike has two red skins. WTAAAAAATATHAT?!?!?!?! Just make a new red one (a combo of the two), and a white/purple one! Also, the yellow one doesn't look very good.
Marth's Alts: The white one and blue one are so similar, I can hardly tell them apart. To top it off, they as well has the red one have a white cape, making it really hard to tell everything apart. That's actually why I use the green alt, which has its own green cape.
Ivysaur needs to magically get an enchanting new alternate costume. Maybe the art wizards should do it, just to make sure that it looks powerfully bewitching.
Tbh, I feel like Roy's mixed palette skin looks ugly, and too much like his black/cyan skin.
One of Wario's biker skins should totally be replaced with this!
Maybe Yoshi's blue color could be replaced with Boshi.
I think all of Tink's colors seem a bit dry. I think all his skins should be given more color (at least make the colors more intense). Like look at this comparison.
it's effective because after you read 30 seconds of it, this happens
all because in the end you know
New game finished
My team of blood-mages is making som Leal improvements.
some months ago I was playing drawception (it’s something like the telephone game but with drawings) and I participated in a public game where I was supposed to draw a "furry with a missing eye and a scar". it ended up being one of my favorite drawings so i started using it as my pfp on drawception. recently somebody on drawception forums created a thread where they encouraged players to add pride flags to their pfp’s. i decided to redraw my pfp with trans and nb flags. i thought that the final result looks nice, so i posted it here too.
so basically that’s why this furry haves a scar^(sorry for long explanation)
Making coffee. He’s usually a hot chocolate or tea guy, though.
Found this on drawception. I laughed; he rolled his eyes.
Now, here are some things I've learned that I wish I knew sooner. One point I can't stress enough: Don't try to make things perfect. When you aim for perfection you'll be spending hours redoing the same parts and you'll never get it exactly like you want it. It's frustrating and not fun. Just try to enjoy drawing and not fretting over it too much, that will give you better results. I still struggle with this but I'm getting over it, and I'm better off for it.
I would recommend starting with sketching little things, often. Like things you won't worry too much how they turn out. Your lines will become more stable the more you draw so don't worry if they're really messy at first. You might try to draw lines really slowly to make lines more steady, but that will actually make them more messy. More time making the line means more time to make mistakes. You don't want to do it too fast either. You'll find a good pace eventually, don't worry.
For drawing more often, there's a subreddit of people of all skill levels drawing something subject related once a day.
Drawception is fun, you get 10 minutes to draw a caption, someone captions your drawing, and so on until you get to see the completed game. Again, people of all skill levels. The misinterpretations are the fun of the game, it can get pretty silly.
The most important thing is, have fun. If you're having fun you'll draw more. If you're drawing more you'll improve more.
A lot of people don't understand this, however most of these people making the loudest noise are actually literally racist under most definitions.
The reason why he said, "Woman of Color: MIA" is because to him Asians don't look like that. To him this is how Asians look ""
If their eyes are not ultra slanted and every other word is not "chin ching chong" the character is simply not Asian to these people.
If a character is not as black as night, speak in ebonics and say hello as, "WHATS GOOD NIGGA?" that character is "white washed."
If a character does not cry about being black, reference themselves being black, or in others, is a cunt about their race, then that character is an uncle tom.
These people are some of the most racist individuals that i have ever known about. When the KKK is more accepting of what a "black" person is than you are, you are extremely FUCKED.
~~Yessir. Other mode with Magnums is referred to as SWATnums in the game.~~
~~Still SWAT, just a variation within the game type.~~
EDIT: That's my bad.
This is what I've been trying to do, but still forget and wind up hitchhiking back back from com xxx :p
I'm pretty sure someone is going around specifically down voting you. Because even when all the other posts had 1 vote really early on yours all had 0 or -1
Kind of unrelated to hairy man toe cleavage, so heres a pic to tie it all togethor
Speaking about anthropomorphic vaginas... NSFW
Also, got this too searching for it. Thanks google.
> FTO made me take the passenger seat out of the car and physically run around the block with it.
Oh to be the gangbanger on the porch watching this shit happen.
I Also get weird at 3am... that why i usually try to sleep by 230... one time i superglued my room mates shoes to the ceiling.
Actually I'm really jealous I've been trying to learn BLD and I haven't gotten a successful edges only attempt yet
Play at
The current game I'm in isn't quite finished yet, but here's the link to the panel. A button that takes you to the finished game will be added when the game is done.
EDIT: Finished!
Yes I know. I got the word "The void" so I coloured the whole screen black, then some other person guess "The hole that all the Splatoon fans fell in", like seriously.
Urban Dictionary backs you up but I can't say I agree. Men would more readily participate in that situation and are therefore not as mythical. Maybe for boys something like sex gnome.
ah yes my field is much more simple than psychology thus it is more important and more scientific. it is easier to understand thus it is more rigorous, the fact that psychology is much more complex means that it is meaningless, much like women, who i have no need for, because i can always have my monocle, which is very practical and can be measured using my ruler
Just keep plAying haha, we got fun all over. You can find users all over, like Clunse and Rtcker down there, we got agaents everywhere >:D. I kid though, we would love to have more people on the site playing with us, and that influx of games and people was awesome! here is my account to show my experience with the site
I like drawception, where you have to either guess what has been drawn, or draw the guess from someone else. Like the telephone game. Which can lead to hilarious end results.
Sorry if this doesn't fit, but I would absolutely love if anyone could draw my mascot character Clover. They kinda resemble a snoo (and could very easily be adapted into one) and are super easy to draw haha. I'm so thrilled when I see other people draw my overglorified doodle of a chess pawn lol.
i don't think you can play on that website anymore, there are a few other sites though (
unless you're actually asking how the game is played, you get a group of people (ideally 5 or more) the first person either writes a sentence or draws a picture, the second person does the opposite, so if it says 'santa claus' he'll try and draw santa, then he passes his drawing to the next person, and he only sees the drawing, then writes what he sees, then passes that and the next person draws what that person wrote. (each person only looks at the most recent page) with something like santa, it might last the whole game, but if you start with 'harry potter playing quidditch with gandalf' it will quickly devolve into absurdity from poor descriptions and worse drawings
A not particularly great おたく
(otaku) - nerd, geek.
Looks like it's from a Fanboy & Chum Chum round of the game Drawception.
If you want something competitive but where you don't have to worry about sucking, Battle Royale games like Fortnite are good for this. You probably won't win much, but since only one person out of a hundred wins each match you're not really expected to. You don't have a team relying on you, and you can just jump into another game when you die. Plus, it's pretty easy to survive for a while just by laying low, even if you don't ultimately win.
Alternatively, if you don't like FPSes, you could try a social deduction game like Town of Salem or Throne of Lies. Chaos mode in Town of Salem is pretty light-hearted, though it does require thinking and learning the rules.
Or you could play a more creative game like Minecraft or Drawception, where winning and losing isn't really a thing.
I found this, lol:
actually looks like he is holding a slice a anchovy pizza in 'fishful of dollars', in this gif he even takes a bite:
you might be able to find something in the pannucis pizza episode as well
Nah, afraid I can't take credit for this piece of work. Google images said it came from a game of Drawception. Better than the dead tigers on higways pics that kept coming up. :(
found this searching for "broken swastika," just flip it upside down?
I came across this and I just
this masterpiece has been crafted by user "bearsbears" on some kind of drawing online game? I don't really know.
respiration.exe HAS STOPPED WORKING
Two cannibals were eating a clown. One cannibal looks at the other and says, "Does this taste funny to you?"
Visual representation (Source)
Thank you OP!
Romeu and Julit XD. Sorry I know it's not nice to make fun of this since Im not a native english speaker either but I immediately thought of this spoiderman
"I'll Take Gundham! Unless he is taken, then Kazuichi lol"
Discord is Silverflame31
Tanzania is bordered by the Indian Ocean and eight countries - Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Zambia, Malawi and Mozambique.
[](/flutterpaint-i)It's like a game of telephone but with art. Someone writes a prompt, someone else draws that, someone else writes what they think the drawing is, someone else draws that, and so on. Players can't see anything else until the full chain is completed.
I've made a bunch of fun drawings in chains that are all currently at 11/12 or 13/15 completion, so there isn't much visible in my public games just yet.
(I'm not trying to call you out on using the drawing, I just recognized the game it came from. )
AHY! (Homer Scream). When she smiles it's Frieza Joker! (Oh Google image search. . .you never disappoint.)
Drawception is a popular telephone style art game. You receive a prompt which you have 2 - 10 minutes to complete (depends on the game creator's settings), alternatively you may receive a picture which you have to describe. Similar to 'Drawsomething'.
When you're in a super market or a store do you often have to ask someone for help reaching something? I imagine having short arms and kinda short make this difficult?
On a similar note, is there anything functionally different about places you live to make things easier for you? Do you just use like... a lot of step stools?
In your videos it looks like you have large canine teeth. Are you like a vampire dinosaur? Example
Finally, are you married? Cause I'm not married and I'd marry you. I'm pretty tall so I could reach high up things for you. I'd sing this song to you too.
No. They get close together because they are doing an evil demon summoning dance, which extracts all the thermal energy in Antarctica and distributing it to one another.
Meek's next cover should be Seseme Street Characters presenting this:
On behalf of stating your pride upfront, I wanted to show my honest-to-God appreciation for your honesty.
Also, I didn't draw this simple little number, but it still popped up as relevant when I did an image search for the hilarious scene your last sentence put into my head.
Because religious people especially Muslims believe in their claims with tremendous conviction. If this conviction comes about by purely personal means and you acknowledge that the reasons you follow the religion are personal and not scientific then you won't really judge other people's religions or lifestyles and you're a chill person.
The problem arises when Muslims believe that their religion and theirs alone has scientific and logical proof and that their religion is the one true religion.
What if the spider was really a spider (not a dog as a spider) and just wanted to lick you. All you have to do is lick it back.
The legendary bee that took down TeoSS69. Some say it became the bee king following that feat. Taking full command of killer bee set pieces everywhere and wielding the power of 1000 stings at will.
apparently Sha is close enough to Sonic, since thats all that popped up for Sha the Hedgehog. Oddly enough it also must know I like food because this gem was there!
On second thought, there is a major benefit to slowly hand (or chopstick) stir in the water, rather than using a stand mixer. The mixer *really* develops the gluten network prematurely, before the dough is flattened. If you reserve enough resting time between the initial flattening, lamination, and cutting stages and follow proper methods, you should still be able to produce neat looking noodles. However, the resulting noodles probably would be much tougher or chewier than made by the traditional method.
Looks like there was a video and a Drawception from what I've seen the phrase 'Mama had a baby and its head popped off' comes from children's play songs that stretch back into Colonial America courtesy of this post
fun fact: on the website this is from, we have a thread for fanganronpas (danganronpa fan games) and the user who made this drawing actually entered mozart into one
Nice idea.
If I may ask, how do you intend to turn it into a gameplay feature? The first thing that popped into my mind was something similar to [Drawception](, where you either receive a prompt to draw something and the next person needs to guess what it is or you receive a drawing and must type your guess.
Anyway, good luck, this seems like a fun project and I would certainly kill some time playing a drawing game with this mechanic on my phone.
The subject matter is similar.
cw: homelessness and drug use.
Made this into a drawception palette, knock yourselves out:
Try Drawception and their Store if you need a selection
Lots of good palettes, just eye-drop them. I think the 'Tide Pool' one has the blues - It was a really fun online drawing game I played maybe 5 years ago. You'd get a prompt to draw something and it was timed, so you couldn't get too fancy or elaborate. I was working on a Macbook with a track pad or a desktop with a regular mouse, so I didn't have any tools for creating superfine detail, but I made some nice drawings nonetheless by being creative. Anyway, some of the players somehow loaded like a template drawing, a super-detailed picture of a guy iirc, and some other intricate pre-formed drawings that they would load up rather than drawing while the timer ticked away. It completely ruined the game. I LOVED that game, but I just quit and never played again.
Drawception, an online drawing game, "Where simple drawing meets the classic 'telephone game'." And it's not just meant for artists, anyone can play!
I think it would be fun for the Grumps to play, and the viewers to watch!
This was a beautiful result of a Drawception game, which is basically a game of Telephone. Someone makes a prompt, another person draws, another guesses, another draws the guess, and next thing you know Mike Wazowski is ending his life.
Yay google image search! In all seriousness though I wanted to do this piece justice. If I had drawn the hand from scratch it would look more like this
This might be my favorite one. Though friends of mine have seen “Asian Donut Pumpkin Hitler” and “3 aroused llamas sing at leaky spider”. is a website where you can create an avatar using generators made by artists! is basically the telephone game, except with drawing.