Femboy Hooters is a restaurant full of femboys serving people food and drinks whilst being seductive. Here is the uniform in the front Here is the back
You should add some texture , from looking at the original cover it seems to be a old glass texture type https://www.freepik.com/free-photo/dirty-metal-texture_1025232.htm . Ofc you can type on texture on google and pick on the ones you think fits the most . You should also maybe make the lines more skinnier to give it a clean look .
Appearance: 5.5/10
Backstory: X/10
Overall: X/10
^(P.S. if you want people to rate your OC, criticism not included, try) ^(Rate My OC) ^(()<em>^(PC version)</em>^())
The subject matter is similar.
cw: homelessness and drug use.
link: https://drawception.com/game/Y5Tw9MSpmp/super-mario-eating-a-mushroom/
I’ve never used a Mac before so I can’t help you with the installment. Alternatively you can use Bluestacks to emulate an Android device and install Gacha Club on it.
Under operating system select ‘MAC’: https://www.bluestacks.com/download.html
I didn't make a google classroom, and this subreddit isn't really FOR gacha. But it's called art critique and its helpful.
Here's the link tell me if it wdoesn'tork!
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