I made it. We now have a Google Classroom!
You first have to either download the Google Classroom App, or visit: https://classroom.google.com
Once you have the website open, click on the + sign in the upper right hand corner, then click on Join Class.
If you have the app, head to the Classes Tab, then tap on the + sign and choose Join Class.
Once you have the Join Class popup or window up, it'll be asking for a class code.
Yesn't's classcode is: xdeqcrp
See you all in class soon!
I've only played around with it, but google has a new "classroom" thing:
You can create assignments, rubrics, I think it has some sort of plagiarism checking.
It's highly likely that the school district has a Google Apps for Education account.
https://classroom.google.com can be a powerful tool.
https://edu.google.com/ also has some powerful resources.
I have a google classroom for age regressors to complete activities such as colouring pages, simple math equations and more! I set it up today, so not much has been added yet- which is the perfect time to join ! I also plan to host show & tells and maybe even movie nights. :>
Here, it contains Physical, Inorganic and Organic.
I'm also gonna plug my google classroom where I have a bunch of textbooks uploaded.
I'd send a drive link but the books get flagged for copyright on there, so I've made a Google Classroom with HCV and DCP and a lot more textbooks uploaded. Here's an invite.
If you're not comfortable joining then pm me and I'll generate a new drive link for the books so you can download them before they're flagged.
Drive is problematic cause some books get flagged for copyright (HCV for example). It doesn't happen (or takes longer) on google classrooms so I'd made one a while back. Here's an invite (or use invite code g63n7zi) if anyone wants.
You can pm me if you'd like me to add any other textbooks and I'll see what I can do.
here is my google classroom for ap psychology, it has all the needed resources, including the prep books and the barron's edition https://classroom.google.com/c/MTk1MjQ4Mjc1Njgx?cjc=rxw4ktd
code is: rxw4ktd
sure! https://classroom.google.com/c/NDIxNDU0ODYxNjA0?cjc=6o3jhrh class code is 6o3jhrj, welcome! also, we can have people ages 8 to 18, so if you're 18 you're still allowed to be there, but not older than that. have fun :)
Google Classroom for Witches
Hey! I made a Google Classroom with some beginner witch tips. I originally created it to help out some relatives that are new to the path, but decided to share too. It’s free, I’m not promoting anything, it’s just tips I’ve learned along my path. If you’re interested, the code is: zyczdcd The link is: https://classroom.google.com/c/Mzk1NzU1Nzk2NjA5?cjc=zyczdcd
you could use containerise and add query string param based on your rule, it will work
Like I want it to open on STTS container, I did https://classroom.google.com/q/foo?domain=stts.edu
with rule !*stts.edu on containerise and put it as bookmark on bookmark bar or add keyword so it works like as CLI url bar
Hey everyone! The link above is for the google classroom I created where I plan on talking about anything and everything related to psychology as well as doing activities with everyone around the world. I think it would be fun with more people in it so if you want to join it would be great.
Hello, I want to help people want to learn Korean. I'm native Korean and I can speak English. I have 3 years experience in Korean school teacher for foreigner.
I want to share learning source with you. It's for beginners and who want's to learn Korean natural speaking in life. I'm focusing practical Korean usage in life.
You can check on Google Class. and there is learning slides and practice sheets.
Thank you, Have a great day!!
Hey I made a subliminal classroom to track our journeys and share it with others while helping each other out and motivating and encouraging each other’s and posting our results and information like how long it took etc. feel free to join: google classroom code~ v26335a Classroom link~ https://classroom.google.com/u/0/c/MzQ5NzY0NTE1NjIy
Hey guys I made a subliminal classroom to track our journeys and share it with others while helping each other out and motivating and encouraging each other and posting our results and information like how long it took etc. Feel free to join😊: the link
Hey guys I made a subliminal classroom to track our journeys and share it with others while helping each other out and motivating and encouraging each other and posting our results and information like how long it took etc. Feel free to join😊: the link
Hey guys I made a subliminal classroom to track our journeys and share it with others while helping each other out and motivating and encouraging each other and posting our results and information like how long it took etc. Feel free to join😊: the link
Hey guys I made a subliminal classroom to track our journeys and share it with others while helping each other out and motivating and encouraging each other and posting our results and information like how long it took etc. Feel free to join😊: the link
Click here and you will be my student. It's an invite to my Google Classroom: https://classroom.google.com/c/MTk4ODU3MzczMTA5?cjc=3zbykir
Once you click on the invite link for the Quizizz, I will have to go to Quizizz and synch it with Google Classroom
Title: I'm so desperate, I don't know what to do
Full text:
Hey, so, I'm freaking out.
I have a grade 10 trigonometry math work booklet that's 23 pages and I can't do it, I don't know what to do, I need help, by, like, this Monday...
The link is below
I know you'll probably not help me, but this was a call for help...
^(To help preserve questions and answers, this is an automated copy of the original text.)
I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/cheatatmathhomework) if you have any questions or concerns.
Hello everyone, I just wanted to come on here and say that I will be teaching a free online Witchcraft 101 course. The class will be on google classrooms, the course will start in June. Make an account and log on to view the course syllabus. The syllabus is extremely long but that is just to kind of cover everything I will be switching some things around. The class code is czgk5wu
Ages: 11-17
Google meets: (Optional and every Friday EST)
Hi I'm not a cg but I host a agere Google Classroom with a lot of check ins if that helps? I'm also 16 and would love to make new friends 🥺💗
class code: vvdhc77 Link: https://classroom.google.com/c/Mjc3MTAzOTcyNjA2?cjc=vvdhc77
Hiiii. I made an agere Google classroom. Littles and caregivers welcome! 💗💗 I'll be posting classwork and questions so everyone can get to know each other. Only rules: must be sfw content only and no bad vibes.
class code: vvdhc77 Link: https://classroom.google.com/c/Mjc3MTAzOTcyNjA2?cjc=vvdhc77
Hey you can join my google classroom where I've posted FRQs, MCQs, study notes and many more! The link is here: https://classroom.google.com/c/MTk1MjQ4Mjc1Njgx?cjc=rxw4ktd and the code is rxw4ktd
Hey you can join my google classroom where I've posted FRQs, MCQs, study notes and many more! The link is here: https://classroom.google.com/c/MTk1MjQ4Mjc1Njgx?cjc=rxw4ktd and the code is rxw4ktd
https://classroom.google.com/u/0/c/MjE1MjYwNzM4NjMw I don't know if that link will work but I stumbled across a google classroom page that has all sorts declassified CIA info, some of which happened to be the gateway tapes. I don't know if they are the real deal, however they seem legit from the few seconds I have heard while skipping around a few of the audio files.
I have a google classroom, where I have posted many prep books, study notes, FRQs, MCQs will be coming soon, because I just opened it! Here is the link: https://classroom.google.com/c/MjQ2NjcxNDExNjc2?cjc=r4dewb2 and the code is: r4dewb2
I have a google classroom, where I have posted many prep books, study notes (FRQs, MCQs will be coming soon since i just opened it!) Here is the link: https://classroom.google.com/c/MjQ2NjcxNDExNjc2?cjc=r4dewb2 and the code is: r4dewb2
Hey!!!! As a sophomore, I'm self-studying for AP Psychology as well, and I want to invite you to my google classroom that I've made for people who seek help and support in AP Psychology class/course https://classroom.google.com/c/MTk1MjQ4Mjc1Njgx?cjc=rxw4ktd
There you can find many study notes, prep books (Barron's, Princeton, Myer's, etc.), FRQs and MCQs practice tests/questions, and many more! I'll be also hosting zoom classes soon and we could peer tutor, study together and just help each other out! Feel free to join!
Hey, I know I'm probably writing really late, but I just wanted to tell you that you can use sparknotes.com for studying psychology! Believe me, their notes are such a life saver! I also have a google classroom, where I've posted many study notes, prep books, key terms, and many more! Feel free to join! https://classroom.google.com/c/MTk1MjQ4Mjc1Njgx?cjc=rxw4ktd
Hey! I'm self studying as well! You can join my AP Psychology google classroom! You can find prep books, key terms, study notes, FRQs and MCQs practice questions and tests! I will be also holding zoom classes and going over some topics!
I didn't make a google classroom, and this subreddit isn't really FOR gacha. But it's called art critique and its helpful.
Here's the link tell me if it wdoesn'tork!
Perhaps, you may wish to use Google Docs grammar checker. All you need to do is go to docs.new then click on tools and locate spelling and grammar. Following that, you will need to paste your writing there. It will do the job for you. Besides, if you want to check for plagiarism, go to classroom.google.com and create a class for yourself and upload the docs as an assignment. The inbuilt plagiarism check will give a hint where you need to paraphrase your work. If you need further help, kindly feel free to DM me.
My Writing Google Classroom!
I made a Google Classroom for young writers, ages 10-19!!!! I hope u guys can join and participate in writing contests, weekly assignments, surveys, and more!!!! And all for writing📝❤️💜
Code- gsd7mmy
Link- https://classroom.google.com/c/MjE5NTYwODIyMTY2?cjc=gsd7mmy
That's a phenomenal idea! I love the Chandelure line. I could use your help with the regional variants, would you like to join? If so, here is the link: https://classroom.google.com/c/MjA3NDM5MDYzODI1?cjc=hk75pa2
Wow, we could really use your expertise! Thank you! Here is the link to the Classroom: https://classroom.google.com/c/MjA3NDM5MDYzODI1?cjc=hk75pa2
Amazing! If you're interested, please join this Google Classroom: https://classroom.google.com/c/MjA3NDM5MDYzODI1?cjc=hk75pa2
I made it to keep it organized.
Title: math activity
Full text:
^(To help preserve questions and answers, this is an automated copy of the original text.)
I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/cheatatmathhomework) if you have any questions or concerns.
You can join my classroom if you like. It would mean a lot to me if you joined. My google classroom code is gcpamxh. You can use this link if you like!
Hogwart google classroom |* ̄∇ ̄| <- CLICK! :)
Link: https://classroom.google.com/u/0/c/OTA1MDQ2NzUxNDVa ese es del classroom para que entren pls estoy en un salon de niños y sera mas facil porque estos niños son inutiles cuando se trata de tegnologia pls aganlo porque estoy harto de esta vieja y no digan que yo pase el link para que no me castiguen pls
https://classroom.google.com/c/MTkwNjQ1ODQzMzM5?cjc=aql4wgy - this is a classroom I made for all of my AP Psych notes if you guys would like to use it, it contains almost every chapter in the entire course
- Chapter 2: The Biology of the Mind
- Chapter 3: Consciousness and the Two-Track Mind
- Chapter 5: Developing Through The Life Span
- Chapter 6: Sensation and Perception
- Chapter 7: Learning
- Chapter 8: Memory
- Chapter 9: Thinking and Language
- Chapter 10: Intelligence
- Chapter 11: Motivation and Work
- Chapter 12: Emotions, Stress, and Health
- Chapter 13: Personality
- Chapter 14: Psychological Disorders
Please share this with classmates and other friends!
Hey Guys my name is Clemency im a 19 year old Irish witch and im kinda just starting out too I made this as a community for beginners and others who are looking for like minded people who want to chat discuss the craft give each other tips and help with research. Ill be sure to try and make this as interactive as possible so it doesn't get boring! I hope you will all get engaged and make this a space of positivity (although darkness doesn't mean badness) Peace and love to you all. Clemency.
Class code for google classrooms is: https://classroom.google.com/c/MTgwNzU4NDg1NjM4?cjc=wobrrao
yes i've seen a couple of posts going around that are asking for a google classroom for self-studiers.
this is the first link i found & joined: https://classroom.google.com/u/1/c/MTQ5NTgwMzQ1MTUy
i thought it would be a good idea to have a central AP gc page where we post the google classroom links for the sub-AP google classrooms for each separate AP.
I just gave this a go on an HP G8 EE with the A4 CPU - joined a 8 person admin meeting and it was fucking terrible - CrOS stable 85 with only 2 tabs open (1 idle on classroom.google.com, and one on Meet) and with spotlight grid on, 360p send/receive resolution, all HW accel/RTC flags disabled, and it was barely useable on my side, and generated an awful experience for the rest of the participants...
What a total shit show.
Thanks, I made a Google Classroom so it would be helpful if you could join. https://classroom.google.com/c/MTUzMTE4Mzc4MzEw?cjc=45e7mv7
The password is 45e7mv7
Thank you! I made a Google Classroom so it would be helpful if you could join. https://classroom.google.com/c/MTUzMTE4Mzc4MzEw?cjc=45e7mv7
The password is 45e7mv7
u/theLordschips93, u/fietsmevrouw I've created a few sections on classroom.google.com.
What timezone are y'll in ? It might help to somehow be on the same page with expectation, the structure of the test and stuff. Maybe we can have a chat if y'll are interested.
Hello u/GeographyElctericBot, it appears you tried to put a link in a title, since most users cant click these I have placed it here for you
^I ^am ^a ^bot ^if ^you ^have ^any ^suggestions ^dm ^me
not for euro but for calc bc here's a presentation and notes for ab I didn't make them btw
join this class on google classroom
code: m2jekeh
True, but a lot of people have been talking about Google Classroom, Easy Class, and VEDAMO variously for online learning, I thought you just plonked the kid down in front of the computer and the teacher was in charge from there?
You're gonna have to wait until the testing centers reopen so you can schedule the written exam. Check NREMT.org occasionally.
In the meantime, you can find a Google classroom with a lot of things NREMT and plenty of free sample questions here: classroom.google.com
Log into classroom, click the + in the upper right corner, and join the class with this code: zquhpjx
Thank you for submitting to /r/pewdiepiesubmissions, /u/eluwinaadadad. Unfortunately, your submission, https://classroom.google.com/ can somebody join? code is qbu6goh i want to prank my friends please, has been removed for the following reason(s):
Calling for a brigade (whether to another subreddit or off-site) is against Reddit terms of service - no matter how, why or in what context.
^If ^you ^have ^any ^questions, ^you ^can ^message ^the ^mod ^team ^using ^the ^link ^in ^the ^sidebar. ^Replies ^to ^this ^removal ^comment ^may ^not ^be ^answered. ^(Reposting a removed post without express moderator approval will result in a ban.)
If you scored 90 overall in the course, you're probably having an issue with the test itself.
Have you used test prep software? Has it been an adaptive style exam? Have you been reading the reasons for the right and wrong answers and learning how the NREMT wants you to think? What results were reported to you by NREMT (the one that tells you how each part of the test went)?
I'm more than happy to help you figure out what's wrong, if you're willing to put in the work.
Because this is such a common topic of trouble, I've just created a Google Classroom for NREMT prep for anyone struggling with this. I'm still adding resources but you can access it here: https://classroom.google.com
Once you're logged into classroom, click the + icon in the upper right and "join class", then enter the following: zquhpjx
If you have any trouble with this, DM me and we'll figure it out.
One thing that caught me off guard is that non-LMS integrated Rubrics are only accessible via https://assignments.google.com, not via https://classroom.google.com. You create the assignment and rubrik on that site, then share the link in Classroom. It's a bit roundabout.
IT/Physics teacher-in-training here. Got many go-to resources and happy to share but is there anything in particular you are after???
Straight off the bat i recommend "Google Classroom" [https://classroom.google.com/] which is a free service( at least it has been for me so far) that allows teachers to create an online 'classroom' where kids can all log in and access materials/assignments/etc. Teachers can invite students via their emails and even send out reminders about deadlines to the parents' emails. I think you can also submit assignments through it (so no more kids skipping school to get an extra day for their project!) There should also be alternative to google classroom as well but it's the only one i've tried.
I'd also make sure all the kids have the ability to download whatever Office suite the school is using (microsoft office Word, libre office, etc) as any kid who can't afford to download the school's programs will be at a disadvantage.
There's also ways you can link all the kids screens to your screen so they can view your presentation from their own screen. This is a little difficult but the IT staff may be up for it!
Let me know if you'd like more ideas or further explanation :) I love tech in classrooms so happy to help!
Sure, I was looking for playtesters a few months ago. Had only one and he said he really liked the game... It was really encouraging but it didn't go anywhere from there. If you want to take a look at it here it is:
Rift Tactics:
It is a small puzzley area control game with light bluffing, low luck, and deep strategy.
I have the game in a Google Classroom with the other files. Just join below: