well, do you mean mario kart 8? the gold wheel means they have used the steering wheel for 50% of the races they've done. the white/silver wheel means they are using a steering wheel. there is no indication for any stars earned in mario kart 8. it's just not a feature that was carried over from previous games.
and there is no volume option
> its totally random except a few general rules. > > 1) if nobody has unlocked mirrormode in the room, mirrormode wont happen. > > 2) if someone in your room has under 3k VR, 150cc and mirror both wont happen. > > 3) as long as the averange VR in your room isnt below 4k, 50cc wont happen.
That would be cool! I actually found this on IGN too: http://www.ign.com/wikis/mario-kart-8
They claim that Nintendo said this: "Mario Kart 8 currently features a roster of 30 characters, but Nintendo has stated that there are more to come!"
This excites me.
No, it's been confirmed that only acceleration is tiered.
This is also a good resource, as is this thread.
I don't know about a list of all techniques but for general advice i've found the best method of improving quickly is attempt time trials. You'll learn the courses and where to drive. Also worth watching a world record run on youtube for a course before you try it.
For techniques I can't think for many apart from maybe Fire Hopping. http://www.ign.com/wikis/mario-kart-8/Fire_Hopping_(Frogging)
I answered this in another thread just after MK8 came out, but each coin you collect counts towards your overall coins, even over the max of 10 you can hold. As an added bonus, each coin you hit after your max 10 gives you a small boost.
Source: I play MK8 like 5+ hours a day. I might be able to find a real source though...
Edit: Real source: http://www.ign.com/wikis/mario-kart-8/Coins
According to this, there is at the very least a switch from 100CC to 150CC when you hit 3000VR. That could/should coincide with the bracket change, I'd say.
The image is widely circulated around the sub. The creator is written at the top of the image, /u/Spazit made it into a prettier image.
The star system in MK8 is based purely on points earned.
1 Star: Earn 54 or 55 points (Two 1st and Two 2nd place finishes OR Three 1st and One 3rd or 4th Place finish)
2 Stars: Earn 57 Points (Three 1st place finishes and One 2nd place finish)
3 Stars: Earn 60 Points (Four 1st place finishes)
Source: http://www.gamefaqs.com/wii-u/700050-mario-kart-8/cheats
The wii classic controller that connects to the port on the bottom of the wii mote https://www.walmart.com/ip/Classic-Controller-Pro-Gamepad-Joypad-for-Nintendo-Wii-Wii-U-Remote-White/349932133?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=2961&adid=22222222227065499719&wmlspartner=wmtlabs&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=c&wl3=16...
While using any type of boost, you slow down less when you are in the air. So if you hop while you are boosting, it prolongs it a little. But just hopping normally (without a boost)slows you down.
But I don't even use this, since I roll with the sports bike.
There's this. There may be more. There was another post here that discussed this.
i got a cheap video capture card, this one specifically and i connected my switch to my tv and the capture card, connected the capture card to my laptop, and used OBS on my computer to record it
Not OP, but you should look up a guide on how to forward ports on your router, and forward these ones.
EDIT: GUIDE: http://www.howtogeek.com/66214/how-to-forward-ports-on-your-router/
No, the only way you can officially get the games is by buying it on the Nintendo switch.
It is possible to emulate the Nintendo switch but aswell as generally being buggy and laggy it is illegal unless you legitimately own a copy of the game.
If your OK with that then here's a Nintendo switch emulator: https://yuzu-emu.org/
Probably not right now. Switch emulation is still really in its infancy and most games don't properly play on them.
As an example this is one of the more popular ones: https://yuzu-emu.org/game/
But the MK8DX hasn't even been tested on it. https://yuzu-emu.org/game/
Thanks, I made a Google Classroom so it would be helpful if you could join. https://classroom.google.com/c/MTUzMTE4Mzc4MzEw?cjc=45e7mv7
The password is 45e7mv7
Thank you! I made a Google Classroom so it would be helpful if you could join. https://classroom.google.com/c/MTUzMTE4Mzc4MzEw?cjc=45e7mv7
The password is 45e7mv7
Something like this
I don't know of any places where you can directly download the songs, but YouTube has several clean versions uploaded to the site. I've used this conversion site anytime I need music from YouTube, and I haven't come across any sort of negative effects from using it.
Also, Nintendo HAS produced Mario Kart 8 soundtrack CDs before, but in the tradition of American Nintendo fans getting nothing cool, it was only in Japan. You can find people selling them online (here's a link to an offer on Amazon). It has all the same music that MK8DX has minus the new Battle course music tracks. Good luck finding the CD at a reasonable price, though...
This is the one I got. It does the job and seems to be less than what you have found so far.
You're welcome.
It's not as solid feeling as an original controller, but the ergonomics are still there. I'll never play MK8 with anything else.
PDP controllers are simply some of the worst controllers I have ever touched. If you want a GCN-style one, get the Hori.