Richter-scale charm.
EDIT: Also, Antonio Banderas told me a few times that I sounded "tall and beautiful" which I thought was hilarious.
Well, prior to that, when I would bring up reddit AMAs, people were sort of still at the point of "Hmm, can you explain that some more?"
When I pitched Gerry and his team on doing an AMA, he was like, yeah let's go for it! So we set one up and I will never forget the energy of that AMA. It was like being in a concert. You literally felt the energy of all those millions of people asking questions all at the same time. It was electric. He was really, really inspired by it, and so was I. And so he taped that thank you message. And the rest is history. People started to "get" reddit and why I loved it so much.
1.) Thou shalt not skip leg day.
2.) Thou shalt not curl in the squat rack.
3.) Thou shalt not look down on any who is swole of will but not yet of body.
4.) Thou shalt give a spot when asked and able.
5.) Thou shalt clean thy own sweat if left on equipment.
6.) Thou shalt lift not only with body but with heart as well for maximum swole.
7.) Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's muscles, but work harder to become brolic.
8.) Thou shalt eat heartily but nutritiously.
9.) Thou shalt not unnecessarily grunt, grimace or drop dumbbells.
10.) Thou shall rerack thy weights once thou hast finished thy prayers to Brodin.
X-post from here.
Totally depends on each person - some folks like to share the computer screen with me (Elijah Wood, for instance), others like to read the questions themselves and dictate their answers to said questions (i.e. "I like this question from SeniorPoopedMyPants - can you find that one? It was something about my favorite video game!"), and still others like me to help them navigate it because they can't look at the screen (For example, Ron Perlman was driving around Los Angeles during his AMA and talking to me on the phone so I was reading him questions).
Aw! Well when Elijah Wood did his most recent AMA he was actually really sick, poor kid, so I gave him advil and orange juice and tried to help him through it. He was a trooper.
ALSO: he recognized me from his first AMA. which was really sweet. You have to consider the fact that celebrities meet thousands of people every year.
If the owners of those photos or media send us takedown notice, we'll respond accordingly (likely asking them to contact the original media host, for things outside thumbnails).
Sending a properly formatted DMCA takedown notice is not difficult. We have received them from plenty of claimants who have no legal representation. A quick google search will give anyone an idea of how to go about doing this, and DMCA contact instructions can be found in our user agreement.
I'm blanking on that- but I am remembering the most awkward response to have to ask about spelling. I remember saying "How do you spell Superjew? for Danny Trejo...
[–]Andrea845 [+2][S] 66 points 4 hours ago* > Under American jurisprudence, gathering evidence like the NSA does is illegal itself. Also, illegally-obtained evidence is supposed to be suppressed in court, because of an established legal doctrine called "fruit of the poisonous tree". > Google for "parallel construction". This is a corrupt practice whereby the crooks who are trying to ruin someone's life (in this case, Ross) can't actually find anything to ruin him with, so what they do is they obtain illegally-gathered evidence, and then use this illegally-obtained evidence to retroactively fabricate plausible "evidence" that they can show in court; this allows them to avoid being charged with crimes themselves, and gets them their goal of ruining their victim's life. > This is not the first time it has happened. You'll find quite a few other cases in which evidence obtained illegally through spying and other warrantless methods was whitewashed to make it appear legit. > So why does this matter? Well, if the people doing the accusing can freely lie about how they obtained evidence, and use those lies to exploit illegally obtained evidence, then there is no denying that the "justice system" is a scam. > I hope this puts to rest any doubt that the Silk Road case against Ross Ulbricht is anything other than a kangaroo trial.
Let's share another one that i haven't shared yet - LeVar Burton. I GREW UP on Reading Rainbow. I'm a total PBS kid. So I did geek out a bit at the beginning, but then he started talking and we really got started answering questions, and it was moving along at a prodigious pace - and then he literally started crying at this question. He was so incredibly moved by the showing of support from everyone online. I was choking up on my end as well. That emotion really came across in the AMA, I think. It was beautiful, and touching, and precious.
Chances are they are with me in person - if it says I'm assisting them, that probably means I'm helping out with their AMA via phone. It depends re: me going to them, or them coming to me - as you can see in some of the pics I shared above, we have had some really fun people come by the reddit office (and DARN I just realized I forgot to include Tim Gunn's photo - our entire NY office LOVED HIM. TIM GUNN IS SUPER SUPER NICE!), and in others, I've gone to them (like Nas, who was also really cool).
No. It's usually because they're shy or holding back or reserved. They usually warm up by the end. Like Mark Ruffalo who was awesome but he started off a bit reserved - by the end we were having a blast.
But NSFW, if anyone's curious.
Edit: Apparently he deleted his comment, so I dug through my history and...
Here is the NSFW link for the interested.
Edit 2: Katee Owen is the girl. Link to NSFW subreddit of her, /r/KateeOwen
>[HTTPS by default] will be happening. Rolling it out this way allows us to ramp up, get API clients on board, and fix any bugs which might pop up. Forcing it to be default for everyone immediately would be asking for catastrophic failure and rollback.
It’s especially insulting when when its a small token amount just hoping to evangelize in order to increase adoption and thus the value of their “investment”.
Kind of like when someone from your past gets in touch and wants to meet up, but then you discover that they just want to try and recruit you for their multi-level marketing program... It could be a nice gesture until you realize their motives make it self serving and scummy.
The ones I've already listed out, probably - plus Jeremy Wade from River Monsters. My 3rd dream job (started out wanting to me an entomologist as a kid, then paleontologist, then finally marine biologist with a focus on fish not mammals- and then realized I was horrible at math and had to go into communications) was focused on fish and I LOVED talking with him about his show!
I'll take that as a dare :)
I got a message from mods:
> When people of a specific gender are made the butt of a joke - in this instance 'divorced men' - it is sexism. Hope that clears things up.
you can actually. just read yesterday about a guy who was banging his brother's fiance for years and didnt say anything until THEIR wedding day. He hasn't spoken to his brother since
Remember though that this is the same amendment the ACLU opposes, citing the significant restrictions it allows congress to place on the first amendment.
Destiny is like Assassins Creed, an incredible concept with a amazing core that had some major flaws that keep it from being what it should be in the eyes of many. That doesn't/didn't stop nearly everyone from loving the ever living hell out of the first game but they also realized it had flaws and so did the developers and then we got Assassin's Creed II which was everything the original should have been and MORE.
I know I'm critical of the game as you can see here:
But in the end I'm critical because the core of the game is so good and promising that I want to see what can be done when the game is pushed to its potential. That means no fucking last gen consoles.
This was my favorite comment from the original post (cc: /u/Compulsive1):
>Copyright your clickstream/browsing as performance art. Then demand payment from anyone trying to profit from it.
YES YES YES. He was so excited about it! It was amazing.
Or to quote the lovely David Mackenzie whom I just assisted - " thank you to Victoria for being the fingers to my voice and for making the whole thing really cool"
I can see why it was posted in the futurama subreddit, but I don't think it belongs in funny. It's not funny, it's neat at best.
Here is a link to reddit's blog post
TL;DR Reddit does not approve of r/fappening personally but does not remove subreddits based on personal feelings, which is why the subreddit was up for a few days. The reason why it was banned was because many of the pictures leaked were proved to be from celebrities when they were still minors and Reddit has a clear-cut policy against the hosting of child pornography.
No. Sit down. Don't keep explaining, or the rest of the class might believe you.
This happens EVERY GOD DAMN TIME this topic comes up -- someone posts the "it's free for the telcoms, it's packets that would be sent anyways" bullshit -- and it's wrong every god damn time.
We went over this last month. I linked to some solid posts on how SMS (in the GSM world) actually works here and here. Here's the salient bits:
> Text messages travel along what is called the SS7/C7 signalling path, which is the same path that messages saying "someone is calling you" travel along.
> It is a very limited path; 64kbit/s shared by everyone in your cell. It doesn't run on commodity hardware, and absolutely has to guarantee that messages sent along it arrive correctly and in sequence. You'd be mad to send trivial could-send-anytime data down it. But that's what people do, in huge numbers, with their SMSes.
> You're only allowed one SS7 signalling path per node. If you want more SS7 bandwidth, you have to set up another network in the same room, and don't forget to connect those two networks together.
That's a solid explanation, but the best response is here.
Go. Read those.
TL;DR: It's not "free" for the carriers, and the above explanation is crap.
He's a vacuum cleaner technician. He did a wildly popular AMA 10 months ago, a second one 4 months ago and another one 1 month ago.
I guess people just have many questions about vacuum cleaners and he's really helpful.
This is a win, guys.
Eight games of Gordon is way more than zero.
*Edit: 7 games for us in fantasy. Per /u/heel182's comment:
Week | Opp. |
10 | @CIN |
11 | HOU |
12 | @ATL |
13 | @BUF |
14 | IND |
15 | CIN |
16 | @CAR |
The ATL-BUF-IND should be a particularly sweet stretch.
Yes. Spike Jonze gave me a David Letterman hat. Steven Raichlen sent me all of his BBQ spices, which was really nice of him! Jean Schulz and the Peanuts folks sent me a lovely coffee table book...
I found this thread from that subreddit.
This indeed is a remake of an original poster from that time.
Lysa thinking Sansa is plotting to steal Littlefinger.
This one is controversial here but Tyrion's theory that Joffrey hired the assassin to kill Bran doesn't hold up to scrutiny. It was actually Mance.
You could essentially say that it splits in half. There's absolutely no physical difference between an alpha particle and a (fully ionised) ^(4)He nucleus.
Let's assume we're in the centre-of-momentum frame: the initial ^(8)Be decays at rest. To conserve energy and momentum, the resultant pair of ^(4)He nuclei will have equal and opposite momentum and equal kinetic energy.
The kinetic energy will sum to the difference in mass between a ^(8)Be nucleus and two ^(4)He nuclei (multiplied by c^(2)). This is known as the Q-value of the decay.
~~The electrons almost certainly get shared between the two nuclei.~~ or not
My guess is the OP is just making up a story for karma whoring.
I will point to exhibit A.
This is a spam account that is being used to learn reddit with the hopes of dropping some spam in without being filtered.
plus the texts they sent you!
re: his comment from the initial thread:
> They are full blood siblings yes. The texts started about two 3 hours ago and they said "why would you do that?" and are now saying "I cant believe you would hurt us like that". So I think they have a game plan of some kind set up.
I'm happy with my attractiveness. There are things that could be better but if I had the chance to roll some dice to get a random person's attractiveness, I can safely say that I would not do it.
If you're not convinced of your own attractiveness then why not hit the gym? Assuming you don't already. Get on a strength training program, gain some weight if you're underweight or lose some weight if you're overweight, and in a year or two you'll have an athletic physique, which certainly won't hurt. You do have a decent amount of control over your attractiveness.
Yay! you're using the app! :)
And you've very welcome - honestly, I'm not enhancing anything or anyone. I'm just helping them be able to convey their voices more accurately and easily. And when someone's doing solid days of press, or they've been touring for days non-stop - they're exhausted. I like to think of their AMA as being an oasis for them. I don't have an agenda. I'm not here to twist their words or hurt them or try to get a scoop. I'm there to help them express their voice and connect with their fans directly. I care about them as an individual (which means that sometimes I've told people NOT to do AMAs).
Funniest moment - I think has to go to NAS when I kept mis-pronouncing his name. This has happened before.
Oh PLEASE let it be true...
Guess he shoulda read this:
"Fucking faggot" remains my favorite of the top 10 most downvoted reddit comments:
But that's solely because of the quick witted top response.
The Tesseract, with its cosmic power, was indeed made up for the Marvel movies (it first appeared in the post-credits scene of Thor, then it was featured in Captain America and then Avengers), although it's loosely based on a couple distinct artifacts in Marvel comics: the Cosmic Cube (which first appeared in the 1960's) and the Space Gem (which first appeared in the 1970's).
But "tesseract" has been the standard mathematical term for the 4-dimensional analog of a cube for a while; the term was coined in 1888, and was in widespread use among mathematicians by the early 20th century. In Madeline L'Engle's book A Wrinkle In Time (1962), the titular wrinkle is itself called a "tesseract"; the protagonists have a method of using a fourth spatial dimension to travel quickly between points that are distant from each other in three dimensions, which they call "tessering".
Tesseracts became somewhat more well-known among the geekier segments of the population when it became possible to model them on a computer and interactively rotate them in four-dimensional space and see what those rotations did to their two-dimensional projections on the screen.
EDIT: Added mention of the Cosmic Cube, per /u/GuerillaGorillas's comment.
ETA: A Wrinkle In Time also conflates the ideas of a fourth spatial dimension with the idea of time as the fourth dimension. Given what we know about spacetime, that's not unreasonable, but what struck me about it was the sequence were they're explaining tessering to Meg, stepping through the progression from point to line to square to cube and then, without prompting, Meg decides "I guess you'd call the fourth dimension 'time'!" I might expect that kind of insight from child genius Charles Wallace, but having Meg make the leap yanked me right out of the story, even at the tender age at which I first read it. :)
Yes, I've had to deal with some awkward questions - divorce, addiction, weight loss, past incidents... we just try to answer those questions with grace and tact. For instance, Drew Carey was incredible in terms of tackling a lot of tough questions, same with John Malkovich. Not everyone's going to be comfortable talking about the loss of a dear friend (for example) in public. That's why there's AMAA.
Best novelty Kappa account: EMP_Anderson_Silva
Worst novelty Kappa account: guardcrushspecial
It is mirroring the recent headline currently on the frontpage. Not expected to be startling.
> Teenagers who smoke marijuana daily are over 60 percent less likely to complete high school than those who never use. They're also 60 percent less likely to graduate college and seven times more likely to attempt suicide. Those are the startling conclusions of a new study of adolescent cannabis use
> How does actually seeing what he did make it worse? They knew.
Apparently seeing it does make it worse. 83 players have been arrested for domestic violence since 2000. There has never, ever been a public outcry as big as this one. What the difference between all of those cases and this one? The biggest one is that there's a video.
It's sad to say, but really the biggest reason that people are flipping out over this incident is that there's a video of it that they can watch over and over and over again and ESPN can play it over and over and over again.
Domestic violence is terrible. It deserves to be punished. However, if you're one of the people clamoring for Goodell to be fired, I have one question for you: why weren't you doing so with all of the other domestic violence cases? Many of them went unpunished. So where were you? By far the biggest reason you're here right now is not the act itself, but because there's a fucking video of it.
Original post, since it doesn't look like OP's going to bother linking it. The photographer's site has the full images for each slice of this pic.
Copying this top comment from another top thread.
>Secular apologists are already here downvoting this news item. Like it or not, this is how a majority of Kashmiri muslims are. Ungrateful traitors who throw stones at choppers bringing them supplies, snatch boats from rescue workers, assault them so bad that they end up in hospitals and root for Islamist Pakistan even when they are surviving on Indian dole.
And then on this one I read this ground report as well >There are a lot of camps. Most mosques and many big buildings are converted to camps and providing free food with help of local people and aid received from outside.
Just telling people who heavily upvoted that comment on that other thread, douchebags are always there and the separatists there are as big douchebags, assholes, retards, fucking crazy fucktards like anything but think twice before you make a generalization. These are people who are dying in floods, don't just generalize them and start spreading hate for no fucking reason.
It's basically just sending a blank reason for now (which mobile apps and other API clients that haven't implemented the reasons yet will be doing as well). I plan to add support to sending a reason to AutoMod soon, and that will make it so that you can see why it's reporting things (which will be really nice).
Edit: done -
Just don't do anything stupid. Go and get help if you need it.
[edit]: from /u/iwrotethissong
Looks like they just changed over the cert (and I notice the https site is no longer, but just Looks like they were implementing good changes, but in the process left what is a (hopefully) temporary security hole. Https-everywhere didn't automatically redirect to the https site (because the address is different now), and meanwhile firefox came up with an exception when I manually directed it at Verified authentic by Perspectives extension for Firefox, so no MITM suspected. I'm going to have to agree though...nice effort, poor form.
Edit: This actually may not be entirely reddit's doing. It looks like https-everywhere somehow disabled forcing https on reddit, though I know it used to redirect automatically (and it looks like does still work as https). I'm going to assume that they changed their cert setup, and for the same reason that firefox gave an warning about the cert, https-everywhere dropped it by default. You can manually re-enable it though. Hrmph, these security tools are making me/us's almost like they're causing a security hole...
Edit 2.0: All right, I'm not actually sure anything changed now, other than it looks like https-everywhere. But I did just change enough about my personal configuration over the last few days that I can't really confirm any of my speculations, and am realizing this. I'll leave this here for completeness...perhaps it'll be helpful in uncovering the cause, or at least solving the issue on the user's side...
I think I am spending too much time in this subreddit, but does this question get ask every night? Wording of title is always the same as well.
Here are the threads in question
I think we already would have consensus that psychopaths should not be in control, just based on the fact that it sounds bad. However, this is probably not as possible to test for as you might think. The difference in screening for psychopaths is that it is motive based. You can easily lie about motives and take steps to fool the test if you're aware of what they are looking for. Your post was probably inspired by this same post that talks about masking the condition
>no person, be it the Pope or the head of a central bank, can survive being seen as a racist
Also to nitpick, Donald Sterling has shown racist tendencies for a long time and he's been doing just fine financially
As annoying of a subreddit as it is for getting your question answered I think we should make /r/asksciencefiction more apparent in the link lists just so we don't get pure 'questions' with no real fighting potential like this sure you could make an argument with pictures from the comics but the top comment is in essence "no unless time travel"
Also I've been seeing more downvoted lately and even a few comments which had a negative karma rating but there's little more that can be done
In his defense, if we let people post what they want to post, subreddits can go downhill. /u/voidfunction had a good post on this a few days ago on r/smashbros.
Edit: here's the post.
Do you know if there's any particular reason that MFA hasn't chosen to opt out of inclusion in /r/all? The option was pretty much intended for this sort of "special interest" subreddits where the mass drive-by of /r/all is always a detriment.
The black thumbnail doesn't do this super hot GFY any justice.
The GFY was originally posted by /u/strayslacker.
Here's a video source (courtesy of /u/capwne): (GFY @ 0:33)
At Coachella the price of water hasn't gone up since they started the fest in 1999. I believe that's $2 but it could be $1. I'm usually bringing in a camelpack so I don't need to buy one.
Anyone seeking more information directly posted by the photographer in /r/ExposurePorn, Includes more comments and answers to some questions asked.
Photographer's Comment > This was going to be a spiral but I forgot to take the zooming machine with me so had to shoot them the old way. D800E, 14-24. 650x40seconds f3.5 iso1000, 1x10sec f10 iso100 @ dusk
Here you go! In short, we won moderation back from the evil /u/soccer when they missed the 2-month posting deadline. The holocaust-denial and other links are removed from the side-bar, and balance has been restored to the ~~horse~~ subreddit.
^^^God ^^^I ^^^can't ^^^believe ^^^I'm ^^^saying ^^^this
But in this case the ends justify the means. Preventing the spread of information is bad but at least we have arguments now. I remember when the button was still there and we had 'arguments' like this where people would downvote instead of making arguments. All those downvotes were there to discourage me from continuing to argue which means that ultimately the removal of downvotes and knowledge of how to use them means we can more freely share information as there is no fear of being downvoted
Also on an unrelated note weren't you a mod a while ago or am I making stuff up in my head?
Pi isn't actually infinite. It's actually less than four, but it takes infinitely long to get through. That means it would take eternity to eat any, which is why it's more practical to eat pie instead.
This isn't getting enough attention. "FWB"is obviously Chris from this poist.
OP, the dude who wants to date you is picking up on the fact that you have an interest in someone else, and that you're using him as leverage to get Chris to date you. You are the worst. The absolute worst. And the fact that you come here and criticize a dude you call a gentleman is absolutely disgusting.
A beta version on Android is available today here. We're working to get it out publicly as soon as we're sure it's ready.
alternative: fix the fucking api – its still broke and if it were fixed people would actually be able to do this kind of stuff without valve's help
Its the latest and greatest in really weird ironic meta-jerking. But according to the rules of the ProMemerLegaue, I must direct you to ask /u/K_Lobstah, who is the current Commissioner of Memes.
Why would a botnet use a public pool and not their own dark pool?
If it is a botnet via a virus/trojan we need to get all the anti-virus companies to take a look-see at getting a machine purposely infected.
A lot of people use Avast because it is free and they are a very responsive company to inquiries like this, so maybe they will help. We can ask on their forums?
added: here is a scypt miner with TWICE the power @ 737,000 khash - so botnet or asic?
Proof of botnet would be that the number varies drastically from hour-to-hour or day/night.
If it stays within 1-2% 24/7, I suggest it is a scrypt asic rig.
Funny enough, someone asked what would happen with two suns on /r/worldbuilding today, and got a pretty solid answer.
Half the thread seems to be people disagreeing with the policy, but it's hard to tell because the mods remove all those comments and usually ban the person.
Is there anything that you folks can do about the "impassible captcha of doom" that the new CloudFlare setup presents to users who access the site through Tor with JavaScript disabled?
No? I have a fairly extensive history on this site dating back at least two years commenting and participating in discussion. I was there for the rise (and immediate fall) of Allan, man.
EDIT: Fixed link.
Downloaded the .7z file from the post over in /r/netsec
There is also, it'll give you the first two characters of the password.
From that I've determined that my password came from DreamHost, it's the only place I used that email with that password.
:edit: link to OPs post with dump:
You might be interested in this discussion over on OneY. In particular, /u/RealQuickPoint has a really interesting post about a few of the problems in NPR's reporting, including the problem of making men's issues about women (for example, men falling behind in education is a problem because it's harder for women to find an educated partner).
Even if there are problems, it's definitely a good thing to see men's issues being discussed.
So let's keep motivated here ladies and gentleman. There's been some good advice floating around gunnit lately on how to act and engage anti's and let's keep all of that in mind while they're amped up emotionally. As sikhanddestroy commented in PE's post here, "If you shout down people, you're ignoring the fact that he's trying to hand you a noose with his neck already in it."
As always keep the pressure up on your representatives. Take new shooters to the range, use facts and verified statistics, assert your rights, etc. Whatever you do just do something and keep the pressure up!
> In a blog post, “another angry woman,” writer “stavvas” opens her defense of the “kill all men” slogan by saying “nobody is actually planning to kill all men.” According to (probably) her, it’s just a “shorthand war cry,” a “structural critique, presented in a provocative fashion.” Continuing in this (dishonest, dissembling) vein, stavvas reminisces about being part of a reading group that was studying would-be Andy Warhol assassin Valerie Solanas’ “SCUM Manifesto,” which calls for the extermination of the vast majority of male human beings. She notes that “the power of SCUM is the effect it has on men,” but regretfully notes, “It’s pretty difficult to mention SCUM (or indeed just cry “kill all men”) without the misogynists crawling in, crying misandry.”
> I wonder why that is?
> Look at the imagery here; look at how the “misogynists” — men who actively hate women — “crawl in”, like snakes or centipedes, ruining the productive discussion for everyone. Look at how the only possible reason that one could have for opposing the idea of killing all men, or finding it essentially misandric, is pathological misogyny.
> How is one supposed to respond to this? It’s like some sort of lurid carnival game, glittering in the middle distance, both inviting and entirely rigged. How can any man — excepting the (masochistic, ideologically suicidal) “allies” noted by stavvas, who opined to the reading group that the manifesto didn’t go far enough — participate in this sort of discussion?
> There’s no point. There isn’t anything there for us. One can’t reach any sort of understanding with a person who is both committed to saying inflammatory things, and determined not to mean them.
In the world of internet security, you should never have to ask "why should we be more secure?" It should just be the default mentality.
If you go to you'll see it's already somewhat available, just a bad/no certificate. I'm not saying to make it required, but at least give us an option.
Funny how Adam4d's comics consistently get upvoted here but then blasted in the comments.
Oh, the tales I could tell. There's a reason I don't like birthdays (which is why I'm also trying to work out what to say to ) because every time I asked for something I would end up with something that wasn't what I wanted but was close enough to it so that I couldn't get what I really wanted without it being a waste and if I complained I was being ungrateful.
/u/AnotherClosetAtheist has sent you a VIAL OF BLOOD! Click <strong>here</strong> to play SOME SHITTY VAMPIRE TEXT GAME for free!
The CMS result for H -> ττ is sort of old news
Since the link to the paper in the article doesn't seem to work:
See also a more detailed writeup of the same analysis:
this topic was #1 in /r/all and /r/worldnews at around 8 am est. today but then removed by the mods here
edit: now it's reinstated
I'm curious as to what Halo 4 PvP would've looked like if 343 hadn't felt like they had to continue what Bungie started in Reach.
Anyways my thoughts on the PvP here:
Don't know what Bungie was thinking.
Because it's not relevant to the current discussion.
"Vote. If you think something contributes to conversation, upvote it. If you think it does not contribute to the subreddit it is posted in or is off-topic in a particular community, downvote it." Reddiquette
It was nice of you to wish him a happy cakeday though, but this is actually a good example of when to downvote correctly, and not because of disagreement with the comment as they usually do.
This project is as much about respecting privacy and strengthening the ethics around data as it is providing a way for researchers to dig into communities. I'd recommend reading the actual first-hand website on this:
This is absolutely not about releasing private data. Specifically:
> DERP will only support research that respects user privacy, responsibly uses data, and meets IRB approval. All research supported by DERP will be released openly and made publicly available. Partner platforms may also have additional guidelines and privacy commitments that apply to the research they support.
Additionally, as a "partner platform", this is part of our privacy policy, which I'm personally very proud of. This section specifically:
> we will only share your personal data with your consent, and after letting you know what information will be shared and with whom, unless it is otherwise permitted in this policy. While advertisers may target their ads to the topic of a given subreddit or based on your IP address, we do not sell or otherwise give access to any information collected about our users to any third party.
Ref: - I recommend reading the whole thing if you're curious.
It's all about the titles. There was big drama over in /r/worldnews (see here) where one user was deliberately fabricating sensationalist titles linked to related news stories that in no way supported the title though. This was done in order to bring attention to the lack of moderation.
Edit: I'm not implying that /r/todayilearned lacks moderation, just that headlines will get upvotes and sway opinions far more than the actual content of the article.
Condoleances with your uncle. Please see this topic from someone with the same problem as you have.
You can also send everything to my place in the Netherlands ;)
edit: typo
Original proof of concept discussion and code:
Documentation of patch:
We exchanged a bunch of comments in the thread I linked. So much "Aww shucks, I'm sorry it turned out this way but I wouldn't have done it differently anyhow". Funny how naive people here were about him.
Edit: /u/ladygamedev sums up how I felt about here. She doesn't seem to be active anymore though, shame, I liked her.
Misleading title.
Taken from /r/soccer -
>There were no talks between Dortmund and Reus over a contract extension. Reus' contract at Dortmund runs until 2017. Instead Dortmund offered Reus a higher salary (7 Mio. Euro instead of 5 Mio. Euro), if he agrees to remove a clause from his contract. Said clause would allow Reus to leave Dortmund after the upcoming season for a fixed transfer fee of 35 Mio. Euro. Dortmund and Reus met in May for a first round of negotations, without any immediate results.
And that happened in May.
Two of my top three posts ranked by "controversial" are speaking negatively of /r/ShitRedditSays and related subreddits, and the other one is a sarcastic criticism of people who try to argue that men's issues are just a side-effect of misogyny. Yes, I stand by them.
> You'l find no one in /r/mensrights denying the existence of misogyny in the world, while in the SRS subreddits, the nonexistence of misandry is the common line. > When one group says "yes, misogyny exists, but so does misandry", and the other group says "no, only misogyny exists", I don't think they're really that comparable. The MRAs consider the SRSters anti-men because they deny the existence of misandry, while the SRSters consider the MRAs anti-women because they accept the existence of misandry on top of misogyny, which they take as an insult to women everywhere. []
> How dare you say that women have something better! Anything bad that happens to men is clearly a result of people hating women, and you're a misogynist for thinking anything different. []
> Wow, that's hopefully the last time I go to ShitRedditSays. It's like a combination of the maturity level of 14 year old kids on Xbox Live with people screaming "MISOGYNY" at everything. []
I've taken LSD over 300 times. There are many aspects to it. Each trip was unique yet familiar. In small doses, the world seems bright and vivid and it seems you can practically read the thoughts of others. In large doses, reality as we know it can disappear entirely and your imagination becomes your own limit.
I've never experienced anything like a "flashback" but just talking about it gives me a sort of reminiscent feeling, like a small dose just kicked in.
Anything in particular that you'd like to know, I'm happy to answer.
*For what it's worth, if anybody's interested, I did a couple simultaneous AMA's in /r/casualiama here and /r/drugs here a while back.
You're doing it wrong.
Here at CCWGoneWild you need to tag your sex. It should read:
Howdy! Thought I'd introduce [m]yself with my CCW setup...
> There were a few moments and camera angles that made me think "come on, that was completely unnecessary" and at other points it was distracting from the show being otherwise serious.
To recap my reaction from my post above, they had almost reached the end of the episode, it seemed that the fanservice had calmed down, and then... DAMMIT.
Small correction: Bum broke the SF Giants record. A couple of lefties from 100+ years ago have more Ks.
I can, actually.
The clippy background is based on the subreddit's already implemented CSS for pseudo-random backgrounds (like the sheep on this post).
These backgrounds are based on the first post on the page, with a different possibility for each possible last character (a-z, 0-9) of that post's ID.
The mods have added in an additional rule for this specific post.
Because that post is the top post in the subreddit (at least it was), the subreddit background is clippy, along with that post's comments-page background.
[](/scootacheer) It's a bit late for this, but oh well. With the brand-new change that means users will need to specify a reason with their reports, I'm interested in some thoughts on what we should have as our list -- when and if we get the opportunity to change that ourselves.
I might make it:
Any thoughts? I considered making 'repost' its own section since it'd be used so much, but then I figured there's no reason to bloat the list any more than we need to. I'm also not sure whether to include 'spam' or not. Like, we don't really get spam that's related to ponies, so I don't know what spam wouldn't be covered under Rule 3.
There is a thread on ELI5 about Ukraine seeking Nato membership:
The redditor /u/Sheltopusik gave an interesting insight about the dificulties Ukraine might face because of the ongoing issue with Russia and the annexation of Crimea recently:
"Interesting question here. I am currently living in the Republic of Georgia, and I can tell you that for a country to join NATO, the process is quite extensive. First, they spend years of sending NATO verification officers to the country. These people inspect everything dealing with any sort of human rights. Prisons, orphanages, hospitals, elections, etc. They also inspect the military and their training. After years of this, they then vote whether or not to offer the NATO Membership Application Plan to the country... often referred to as MAP. This is a step closer, but means even more scrutiny under NATO officials. They do the same as before, but I believe they write it all up into some sort of report which is ultimately presented to the NATO members. The NATO members then vote on whether or not to accept the country. The main reason Georgia has not been accepted is due to the fact that Russia occupies Georgian territory in Ossetia and Abkhazia. This means that if NATO accepts Georgia, they will be expected to help Georgia push the Russians out. Putin recognizes this fact, and that is why he annexed Crimea and is attempting to occupy more territory in Ukraine. Keep in mind, he vowed never to allow a NATO country to border Russia, and he considers the collapse of the USSR as the greatest tragedy of the 20th century. Obviously he doesn't give a damn about the holocaust and WWII. But that's a whole another subject. I hope this answer helped, even if it is not from a Ukrainian point of view."
Russ had tweeted..
"I am going to avoid telling you any of the details of what has changed. My hope is that you get to try these changes out and share your first-hand experience with us before the numbers lead to any preconceptions."
So I'm going to repost this comment here. It was made by UwasaWaya and not me, but I think it's very relevant.
"Sure, but they clearly spelled out the expectations... that they would like us to go in blind and try it. Think of it as the honor system. I'd rather have a dev that gives us a bit of courtesy and doesn't feel the need to zealously guard everything (especially after so much complaining about transparency) than one that locks everything down and closes themselves off.
We give them so much crap about bad balance and the one time they ask us nicely to help test something blind we undermine it? That's just disrespectful.
If anyone's going to mine the data, they should mine it, put it aside and look at it after they've given the test server a shot."
My point is that NONE of the above changes are permanent yet and we shouldn't immediately jump to conclusions before trying it on the test server. After the test, we can give constructive criticism and there will still be time for PGI to change the numbers here.
Signed! Let's make this happen r/UIUC
Edit: Just came up with an idea? What if the Caucus makes a facebook event for this petition, and we can all invite our friends who don't go on reddit to sign. You know how viral these things can get on facebook, we can invite a lot of people who in turn will invite a lot of people
When you navigate to you do establish an encrypted link to the server, the warning you receive is just letting you know that the domain and the certificate's domain do not match but that the encryption is still in place, in fact it uses 256bit encryption which is better than what some other institutions use. So as far as securing your traffic that ability is there and has been.
I have no idea, honestly. I got it from here, on /r/gifs.
If it's not an edited gif it doesn't really belong on this sub though. I guess it looks a bit too smooth to be an edited gif.
Yes, he got scammed with an extremely bad contract in the Thermaltake Dragons team, if I remember correctly.