You should read Mindfulness in Plain English. Really, it's so good. It teaches you how to enter into a state of pure awareness - instead of constantly reacting to things in the moment after they happened, you have a continuous flow of experience that does not judge things. A reactionary person is in a state of constant stutter stepping through life. A mindful person is experiencing life as it happens in a continuous stream.
This state is blissful. Don't worry about tomorrow, don't worry about bills, don't worry about things that happened in the past, just experience now. As you experience now more and more you will naturally rise your now moment so that your continual now becomes ever more light and vibrant. Things won't phase you anymore. You come to accept yourself as beautiful, perfect. You become wise, realizing even though you are perfect just the way you are now, that you can change your experience however you see fit just to experience a greater helping of life. Pain is still pain, bee stings still hurt, but now you see them from a higher perspective and can remain blissfully aware of life despite the pain of life. You even begin to see pain as a form of love.
Just take it in steps. Meditate. Talk to your higher power. Take life in the now.
Your brain is a neural net that has the ability to alter itself, to learn, to make connections.
You have the potential to "see" in 4-D without ever having put on a VR headset.
Don't think of it like you have to trick your brain so to say, but rather that you just need to make the right connections.
Every moment you spend studying a higher dimensional shape is a step toward a full realization of that object.
It's all about pushing the limits of your imagination.
Now, with all that being said, what you want to do in VR is also possible, however, I think you will need to make some custom VR software specifically designed to "trick" you into seeing 4-D. There are apps out now that attempt to teach us about higher dimensions, but I don't know how effective they really are since I do not own any VR yet.
Check out if you haven't already.
You guys might like torus games
It's not higher dimensional, it's two dimensional, but explores different geometries. In particular torus and Klein bottle.
Hey peeps! So a few updates:
So with those two updates, here is the new link for the files:
Happy Meditating!
"Intermediate" suggests that this is not for the beginner. I have not gotten too far with the Gateway material but this looks like a summing-up of everything found in the first few Waves.
There are manuals for each set of files, the ones found in here look to be them. I don't know if that link will work but I stumbled across a google classroom page that has all sorts declassified CIA info, some of which happened to be the gateway tapes. I don't know if they are the real deal, however they seem legit from the few seconds I have heard while skipping around a few of the audio files.
There's a great book for this called Surfing Through Hyperspace. It's a mathematicians' exploration of how higher mathematical dimensions would work.
The author goes deep explaining how 4D/5D information might come into our 3D world, and how the beings who live in those higher dimensions might interact with us. It's really practical and easy to read.