Hey! You may know me as the Dream SMP newspaper guy. Or maybe this is the first time you're seeing me post, so maybe you could check out my pinned Reddit posts to see what I'm about. I used to be the top 2 post of all time, but now, due to the recent expansion and users online, I'm left in the dust of 6th place.
So uh, I'm currently experimenting with aggie.io and the concepts of r/layer for a Dream SMP community-run 'news' thing. So you guys can add stuff, remove stuff as the week progresses and I'll upload a screenshot of it with every major development. Of course, with each week, my newspaper team and I will release the 'official' one as a recap. We'll see though.
This is of course, just a teaser as well as a prototype post. The quality is a little low though!
photopea.com is a web-based copy&paste of photoshop. Works exactly the same as Adobe Photoshop, but with a banner ad on the side (it's friendly with adblock though).
Aggie.io is another web-based app - only this time it's like illustrator or something (I haven't used it as much since photopea works well as a digital art tablet too).
Hey buddy!
So a few quick ideas:
Watch something together Rabbit?
Let her work on some Little-themed chores you set her via the OurHome (or any similar) app and ask her to call you or Skype as she does them?
Draw together using Aggie or just the old fashioned way but with a cam pointed at the paper.
Aside from actual physical contact, there’s a lot of ways that you can do things together!
Created using: Mappa Imperium (by Nookurium) & aggie.io
A new island has emerged from the depths, the Youtube Isles. There are 5 total regions in this world, each with their own race. The five races & regions are:
Reman Isles - Birdfolk
Youtube Isles - Triton Dwarf
ElMoe Isles - Giantkind
Auzare Isles - Orcs
Waipurga Isles - Dragonborns
Had a lovely aggie.io collab with my homies /u/Realistella /u/Yuki_Fujiwara /u/Idktehnub HAHAa
Elza by Yuki_Fujiwara
Uda by Realistella
Quaid by Yumikaa
Feeva by Idktehnub
You could use google forms, if you want everyone to write it down you could use a collaborative online drawing program like magmastudio or aggie.io or drawpile. If you're specifically on zoom, just have everyone rename themselves to the same thing, i.e. 1, and have everyone type their answer in chat. Then other players can choose from that list.
The problem is that one of the cables might be trying to put an item into a cabinet that doesn't go there. So that item can't go anywhere and items get backed up.
So an easy fix is to do something like this
If that makes any sense. Let the two item extraction cables feed into one. Then let that one cable go in between the two cabinets. Bc then an item will get pulled into one place, then it will check if it can go into one of the cabinets and if it can't it checks the other.
I know exactly what you are talking about!!! I'm desperately trying to find it now. I'm sure I actually saved that drawing on my phone because I thought it was so beautiful but I can't seem to locate it now. Just to make sure we're talking about the same thing, did it look something like this? Excuse the sloppiness lol, imagine that but less Keith Haring and more actually what the art looked like.
I found links in your comment that were not hyperlinked:
I did the honors for you.
^delete ^| ^information ^| ^<3
Krita is definitely the best bet (my boyfriend uses it) unless you want an illegal copy of Paint Tool Sai (what I used to use but keeping it is so tedious that I instead use a knock off version of it now). If you're looking for online programs then aggie.io is a good place to start, or the program DrawPile (which is like aggie.io but better in my opinion).
Since mods won't answer this, I will.
- Aggie.io, a pretty capable web app for drawing, with layers and everything, but the major downside is that the only non-anti-aliasing tool it has is a square bursh, not a circle one.
- Cloudpaint is also pretty good, and uses a circle brush this time. The downside here is that there's no layers and no color code support, you can only use the default ones.
- JSPaint is pretty popular. It sets to recreate the original MS Paint as accurately as it can. But again, the downside here is no layers.
There's probably some other web apps I missed, but these are the ones I would use.
Hey! If you use a laptop or something, I suggest aggie.io, it's areally simple program and completely free! (just make an acc to save art!)
What I'd work on is anatomy and straighter lines if you can!
I guess developers of a procreate know that and they fixed it, but I did not found such a setting in a sketchbook, unfortunately, and in that online thingie aggie.io there is no such a setting also
Here's the link to the art on the website!
I changed the character designs a lot to match more of my style, hope that's okay! Best of luck all. (P.S. I would add a speedpaint, but I don't think the website I use has that feature, let me know if it does. 😊)
So, do you know Aggie.Io? it was there, the only thing I didn't did there was this RGB thingy, and the Glow in the soul, both being because of the way that blending modes works there
I used the Pixel Pencil btw
Deadline is Wednesday September 15th at 8am EDT
Current Turn is a Summer Turn
Amity's Wrappings are charged with Destructive Energy
Deirdre has Destined Sovereign
Trefor is bleeding for 3 turns! (This one included)
Waaseyaa is Bleeding for 2 turns! (This one included)
Waaseyaa is Poisoned for 5 turns! (This one included) Waaseyaa loses 10% HP from Poison!
Deadline is Monday September 13th at 8am EDT
Current Turn is a Spring Turn
Amity's Wrappings are not charged
Deirdre has Destined Sovereign
Waaseyaa is Bleeding! He will stop bleeding at the start of Turn 17
With all Captains Defeated, the students earn banked WEXP for Homebase!
Also, no more reinforcements! What's left is what's left.
Deadline is Saturday September 11th at 8am EDT
Screw Morale, it's now either defeat the White Owl or defeat every enemy but the White Owl to end the map because Storm can't keep track of something as simple as Morale.
Current Turn is a Winter Turn! Cathan powers up!
Amity's Wrappings are charged with Healing Energy
Deirdre has Destined Sovereign\
Waaseyaa is Bleeding! He will stop bleeding at the start of Turn 16
Since this is nearing end of map, going to drop the penalty for being inactive (I'm also going to change it, because 2 is too harsh). However, please continue to ask for covers if you aren't able to make a turn in time.
~~Nothing new mechanics wise.~~ I lied, I should clarify a mechanic. So yeah these Thiefs will steal your items. They prioritize healing items, then consumables (like Vigor Dust, Energy Elixir etc), then accessories.
Blue Shield captain will summon 3 reinforcements at the end of Turn 15.
Deadline is Friday September 3 8am EDT
Morale 56/127
Scouts Defeated: 2/2! Everyone gets some banked unassigned Class EXP in Homebase!
Current Turn is a Spring Turn!
Amity's Wrappings are charged with Healing Powers!
Deirdre has Destined Sovereign
Please remember to ask for a cover if you do not think you can post a turn. If a player does not post a turn while also not requesting for a cover they will be removed from the map until something is said by that player.
Nothing new this turn. White Owl next turn.
Deadline is Monday August 30th at 8am EDT
Morale 59/131
Current Turn is a Fall Turn!
Amity's Wrappings are charged with Healing Powers!
Deirdre gets Destined Sovereign back!
Please remember to ask for a cover if you do not think you can post a turn. If a player does not post a turn while also not requesting for a cover they will be removed from the map until something is said by that player.
Reinforcements have appeared in the Southeast!
They are a little different than their normal counterparts!
They will break up and move in groups of 3 rather than deathball.
Captains will call forth reinforcements this EP!
Reinforcement numbers are not static, each captain will vary from 3-5 new units.
What does vicinity of Q22 mean? It means within 2 tiles of Q22. It will redirect it's route to gain access if parts are body blocked. If every tile is body blocked, it will attack.
Heads-up: White Owl will appear with small reinforcements on Turn 12.
If the Flares go off before the White Owl appears: White Owl appears end of that EP with large reinforcements.
If the Flares go off after White Owl appears: Large reinforcements will spawn
Warning: There is rustling in the stables (the south big red building)
Deadline is Monday August 23rd at 8am EDT
Morale: 64/105
Current Turn is a Winter Turn! Cathan boosts up!
Amity's Wrappings are charged with Destructive Energy
Deidre gets Destined Sovereign back on Turn 9
Marcie deployed a bomb! It will explode end of this turn's player phase! It's AOE is shaded in purple. It has a Might of 55!
Adalin is removed from the battlefield.
Please remember to ask for a cover if you do not think you can post a turn. If a player does not post a turn while also not requesting for a cover they will be removed from the map until something is said by that player.
A new type of enemy has appeared! For the time being it is a Cavalier Sprite with a yellow dot on it, the enemy on the sheet is labeled as Scout. It has quite the abilities and speed so be careful. This Scout has one objective: Reach the vicinity of Q22 and fire off their Flare consumable. Their goal is only this. They will not initiate attacks. If they get their Flare off, enemies on the exterior will be alerted to return and the White Owl's arrival will be moved up. As such, one of the hidden side objectives is now unlocked:
Yes Scout*s*
Deadline is Friday August 20th at 8am EDT
Current Turn is a Fall Turn
Amity's Wrappings are charged with Destructive Energy
Deidre gets Destined Sovereign back on Turn 9
Marcie deployed a bomb! It will explode end of player phase Turn 6! It's AOE is shaded in purple.
Please remember to ask for a cover if you do not think you can post a turn. If a player does not post a turn while also not requesting for a cover they will be removed from the map until something is said by that player.
Enemy AI
So the jig is up, the enemies more or less know what's up at the moment.
Grey and Blue Shield Captains will return to their spawn locations and summon reinforcements from their building every 3 turns. As Grey Shield is already there now, they will summon reinforcements on Turn 5 Enemy Phase, then Turn 7, then Turn 9 etc.
Armors 5,6,7 are Stationary.
Thieves 1 and 2 will linger near the chests. They will open them on Turn 8.
The Deathball around Greenshield Captain will split up. The Armors will travel down the center towards the middle of the settlement. The Mercenaries will travel down the streets just outside the center of town (inner left and right lanes). The Soldiers will travel with the Mercenaries but branch to the outer lanes as soon as possible. Priest 1 will go with the Armors, Priest 2 will follow the Green Shield Captain.
Greenshield Captain will travel to M11 to call for Reinforcements.
The White Owl will appear at some point but more on that later. Enemies may spawn from other houses sporadically but there will be some warning.
Warning: some enemies may spawn from the house Marcie is about to level.
Most Enemies will target Highest Damage/Kills, will do 0 HP attacks if it's the only thing possible, and will typically attack something they won't be retaliated against.
Deadline is Wednesday August 18 at 8am EDT
Current Turn is a Summer Turn
Amity's Wrappings are not charged
Starting this turn going forward, if a player does not post a turn while also not requesting for a cover they will be removed from the map until something is said by that player.
Deadline is Monday August 9th at 8am EDT
Morale: 100/100
It was here. Marcie had detonated the bomb, the settlement awoke and the Ainvi were doing their job. A silence hung over the students as they waited with bated breath. For many, their first real combat.
"Okay, let's go" Caoimhe whispered to her group after a few minutes, "Marcie's back, and that should be enough time"
Likewise on the other side of the settlement, the other group of students forced their way past the gate guards and into the town itself.
It was chaos everywhere, soldiers running about getting to their posts, figuring what was going on. Right beside them, the stables with Cavaliers beginning to pour out. Everything was a mess as everyone was figuring out what was really going on.
This was their advantage, capitalizing on the surprise and chaos.
Current turn is a Fall Turn for the purposes of Cathan's personal.
I have to double check the support values, I don't think I inputted them back during homebase so double checking. This is also a warning for those that may have also forgot to do so to go do that. I'll have those updated most likely tonight sometime or tomorrow morning.
plus, it’s redrawn by other artists often, me and my friend made an aggie dedicated just to a redraw of that image (i spelt sanford wrong) anyways, if you want it here’s the link
This canvas was created on the browser based application, Aggie.io. We do these every week on our discord server.
Another canvas, the first one of the summer semester. We had a really fun time making the "give me six characters to make fanart of!" prompt, including another prompt featured on the left for drawing characters in the discord welcome screen format. Speaking of discord, why not join the community?
This beautiful canvas was created using Aggie.io in our Discord server, come check it out!
This week we've got Helltaker Wendy's, some lovely anime characters, and the blessed Kirby's we all love.
That's why I shared it! I would love if you used it!
The program I used was this:
In the top right corner theres a way to get a link to invite people. When they join, they will appear up in that corner with an icon. They can name themselves from there too.
Each person gets a "layer" assigned to them, this can be found on the right side.
It takes a bit of playing to get used to the UI for sure, but it is pretty straight forward for a paint type program.
This is my first furry drawing, as I am extremely new to the furry community. I am still yet to decide a name. He is 19, and training to be a pilot in the U.S. Navy. I am an aviation geek lol. I used aggie.io because I like the way you draw in it. I based it off of a template I found online. Any tips or constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance.
I'm sorta new to drawing and recently got back into it because my laptop doubles as a touchscreen and pen. Aggie.io is pretty cool so I use that because I'm too lazy to get an actual software and I'm too smooth-brain to understand using anything more than a single brush. With time I'm sure I'll have to tackle these eventually. For now- a drawing of Anemachi in traditional japanese wedding clothing... except I made the hood thing too small (ahaha...)
This is the website that my friends and I use, click this URL for basic instructions: https://aggie.io/help
It's a drawing website. But we upload pictures onto it, and use it for colouring instead. Hope this helps!
He is an angel!
We just kinda cobbled him together and worked on it on Aggie.io but we loved him so much we kept him as an OC, eventually im going to put together a proper reference sheet for him :>
Can you explain the parts of B_(d_inf) (f, epsilon) in the question? Does B(f,epsilon) define a ball centered at f with a radius of epsilon? What about (d_inf), how does it get involved in?
I draw it here, sorry for the bad drawing but maybe we can complete there?
I found links in your comment that were not hyperlinked:
I did the honors for you.
^delete ^| ^information ^| ^<3
Online escape room:
Drawing together online:
You could also download steam and we were here is a free puzzle game too (make sure you find the free one)!
Here is a reference made by me that I quickly sketched to help you with the basics of drawing Grian. https://aggie.io/6tdzdnsjsm And if you need more help with any other drawing you can find me here https://www.planetminecraft.com/member/quadanteater976/ just be sure to message me if you need help with learning to draw. And I think this is a really good start to drawing
Deadline is Monday at 9pm EDT
Ayasha heals people
Lewyn heals
Alaric heals
Juin buffs and heals others.
More Illusionary enemies appear from the fires as gigantic crystals explode from the aether and solidfy.
Reminder at the beginning of Turn 3 Enemy Phase the Lady Purple willl drop a room wide attack (Bás Corcra) that can be avoided by hiding behind the crystals. At the start of Turn 3 I will provide a saftey map for the crystals that will be diagonal to the Lady Purple. For the ones that just dropped, if the crystal is to the left of the Lady Purple you need to be on the left of the crystal in any of the three rows it occupies (E.g. Crystal to left of LoP on rows 10, 11,12 you must be left of the crystal in those rows. For the one to the right of her in the same rows you need to be right of the crystal in those rows
If you have yet to deploy, you still can. Simply choose a tile adjacent to a character at the start of this turn (So how the map looks above) and take your turn from there.
Units yet to deploy this chapter:
Strikes are being re-introduced but will work in a different way. For each turn that you do not participate, i.e. make a post or request a cover, you will earn a strike. After three strikes your character will be temporarily removed from the map. This is to not put a burden on those that choose to be active so that they do not have to make rather large cover posts. If you'r character gets removed, you can redeploy as per the late deployment rules above.
Since characters may be removed from the map, the map may get a balance pass to accommodate fewer players.
Current Strikes:
I found links in your comment that were not hyperlinked:
I did the honors for you.
^delete ^| ^information ^| ^<3
Deadline is Friday September 11th at 9pm EDT
Aske buffs people
Juin buffs people
Once a player is broken out of the crystals, they may take their full turn.
If you have yet to deploy, you still can. Simply choose a tile adjacent to a character at the start of this turn (So how the map looks above) and take your turn from there.
Units yet to deploy this chapter and where they can deploy:
Strikes are being re-introduced but will work in a different way. For each turn that you do not participate, i.e. make a post or request a cover, you will earn a strike. After three strikes your character will be temporarily removed from the map. This is to not put a burden on those that choose to be active so that they do not have to make rather large cover posts. If you'r character gets removed, you can redeploy as per the late deployment rules above.
Since characters may be removed from the map, the map may get a balance pass to accommodate fewer players.
I found links in your comment that were not hyperlinked:
I did the honors for you.
^delete ^| ^information ^| ^<3
I've used https://aggie.io/ in the past and it's worked well. I was using it to play Told By Starlight, which involves drawing a star chart and making constellations. One of the players used her tablet and didn't mention any problems.
Seems to have a pretty good set of tools for a free site. Might be worth checking out.
What me and my s/o have been doing lately is that we draw together! We pick a picture we want to recreate and use the website https://aggie.io/ to draw on the same page. I hope this helps!!
Deadline is Wednesday August 12th at 10pm EDT
Ritual Counter hits 1!
Nana is removed from the map for getting 3 strikes!
Niall heals people
Lewyn heals
Aengild heals
Aske heals
Juin heals
Alder heals
The Seal begins to rumble as Aslaug has begun the Ritual the instance the last guardian was felled. A sound echoes throughout the chamber but it's hard to make out if it's the chamber vibrating or a voice muttering something.
Sounds are echoing down the hallway....sounds of.... fighting. Perhaps Arne's contraptions and guardians spring back to life eventually?
If you have yet to deploy, you still can. Simply choose a tile adjacent to a character at the start of this turn (So how the map looks above) and take your turn from there.
As the sub-groups are more or less interspersed, units can adjacent to any unit. Units that can still deploy:
Strikes are being re-introduced but will work in a different way. For each turn that you do not participate, i.e. make a post or request a cover, you will earn a strike. After three strikes your character will be temporarily removed from the map. This is to not put a burden on those that choose to be active so that they do not have to make rather large cover posts. If you'r character gets removed, you can redeploy as per the late deployment rules above.
Since characters may be removed from the map, the map may get a balance pass to accommodate fewer players.
Current Strikes:
Deadline is Friday August 7th at 10pm EDT
Ayasha's Well is up for it's last turn
Lewyn heals (Shoulda happened in his attack)
Kara damages enemies
Aske heals and buffs
Juin heals and buffs
Alder heals
The sounds of oncoming enemies drew closer
If you have yet to deploy, you still can. Simply choose a tile adjacent to a character at the start of this turn (So how the map looks above) and take your turn from there.
Units yet to deploy this chapter and where they can deploy:
Strikes are being re-introduced but will work in a different way. For each turn that you do not participate, i.e. make a post or request a cover, you will earn a strike. After three strikes your character will be temporarily removed from the map. This is to not put a burden on those that choose to be active so that they do not have to make rather large cover posts. If you'r character gets removed, you can redeploy as per the late deployment rules above.
Since characters may be removed from the map, the map may get a balance pass to accommodate fewer players.
Deadline is Tuesday August 4th at 10pm EDT
Lewyn heals.
Alaric heals and buffs from Wolf Tooth Necklace.
Aske heals.
With the fall of the Generals, the footsteps grow louder and louder, as the large abominations enter the battlefield. Beyond them the sounds of monsters can be heard. They'll arrive soon, but not yet.
If you have yet to deploy, you still can. Simply choose a tile adjacent to a character at the start of this turn (So how the map looks above) and take your turn from there.
Units yet to deploy this chapter and where they can deploy:
Strikes are being re-introduced but will work in a different way. For each turn that you do not participate, i.e. make a post or request a cover, you will earn a strike. After three strikes your character will be temporarily removed from the map. This is to not put a burden on those that choose to be active so that they do not have to make rather large cover posts. If you'r character gets removed, you can redeploy as per the late deployment rules above.
Since characters may be removed from the map, the map may get a balance pass to accommodate fewer players.
Deadline is Sunday August 2nd at 10pm EDT
Alaric heals
Aske heals and buffs
Juin buffs
Alder heals
Loud footsteps can be heard echoing through the halls behind the crew and militia.
If you have yet to deploy, you still can. Simply choose a tile adjacent to a character at the start of this turn (So how the map looks above) and take your turn from there.
Units yet to deploy this chapter and where they can deploy:
Strikes are being re-introduced but will work in a different way. For each turn that you do not participate, i.e. make a post or request a cover, you will earn a strike. After three strikes your character will be temporarily removed from the map. This is to not put a burden on those that choose to be active so that they do not have to make rather large cover posts. If you'r character gets removed, you can redeploy as per the late deployment rules above.
Since characters may be removed from the map, the map may get a balance pass to accommodate fewer players.
Deadline is Thursday July 30th at 10pm EDT
Aske buffs people
Juin buffs people
If you have yet to deploy, you still can. Simply choose a tile adjacent to a character at the start of this turn (So how the map looks above) and take your turn from there.
Units yet to deploy this chapter and where they can deploy:
Strikes are being re-introduced but will work in a different way. For each turn that you do not participate, i.e. make a post or request a cover, you will earn a strike. After three strikes your character will be temporarily removed from the map. This is to not put a burden on those that choose to be active so that they do not have to make rather large cover posts. If you'r character gets removed, you can redeploy as per the late deployment rules above.
Since characters may be removed from the map, the map may get a balance pass to accommodate fewer players.
Try on a website like https://aggie.io/ if you don't get the problem then it is an issue with the app or brush settings.
I made a blending brush that looked like that when I tried to use it as a paint brush in Photoshop this was done under brush settings > Brush tip shape > spacing and increasing that.
Just use a normal hard brush with 100% flow and now spacing or scattering and if you still have a problem check you have the latest drivers and have set your xp-pen to your primary display.
Deadline is Monday July 20th at 10pm EDT
We are moving to Daily Turns as a form of accelerated turns as a large majority will be able to escape the map on this turn or the next. As a result, Strikes will no longer be applied and covers may be posted an extra hour than normal (1.5 hours before turn is due)
Lewyn Heals
Namid's Summoning Sickness ends
Aske buffs people
Juin heals and buffs
Annabelle fires her longrange attack this turn.
Alder's portal will disappear after this turn.
Escaped People:
If you have yet to deploy, you still can. Simply choose a tile adjacent to a character at the start of this turn (So how the map looks above) and take your turn from there.
Units yet to deploy this chapter:
Strikes are being re-introduced but will work in a different way. For each turn that you do not participate, i.e. make a post or request a cover, you will earn a strike. After three strikes your character will be temporarily removed from the map. This is to not put a burden on those that choose to be active so that they do not have to make rather large cover posts. If you'r character gets removed, you can redeploy as per the late deployment rules above.
Since characters may be removed from the map, the map may get a balance pass to accommodate fewer players.
Deadline is Sunday July 19th at 10pm EDT
Nial heals people
Lewyn heals
Namid comes back thanks to Kyla's Bifrost. She has a summoning sickness for this turn.
Aengild heals.
Juin heals and buffs.
Aslaug procs Good Fortune for that 1 HP.
Annabelle fires her long range attack next turn.
If you have yet to deploy, you still can. Simply choose a tile adjacent to a character at the start of this turn (So how the map looks above) and take your turn from there.
Units yet to deploy this chapter:
Strikes are being re-introduced but will work in a different way. For each turn that you do not participate, i.e. make a post or request a cover, you will earn a strike. After three strikes your character will be temporarily removed from the map. This is to not put a burden on those that choose to be active so that they do not have to make rather large cover posts. If you'r character gets removed, you can redeploy as per the late deployment rules above.
Since characters may be removed from the map, the map may get a balance pass to accommodate fewer players.
Deadline is Friday July 17th at 10pm EDT
Lewyn heals.
Nana loses Lucky 7
Juin stops bleeding. She also heals her self and those around her while buffing them.
"Maiden!" an older and gruff looking man calls out as he arrives into the battle atop a black stallion, surrounded by a pack of Bristle Hounds, "I thank you for allowing me to pause ravaging the Great Plains. Allow me and my Hounds to assist you achieve our goals!"
The Maiden of Death surveys the battle, "At last" she locks eyes with Niall, "Now, my kin, let us commence." Her eyes flared with a black magic none had seen before, "I well tend to the Garden of Death."
If you have yet to deploy, you still can. Simply choose a tile adjacent to a character at the start of this turn (So how the map looks above) and take your turn from there.
Units yet to deploy this chapter:
Strikes are being re-introduced but will work in a different way. For each turn that you do not participate, i.e. make a post or request a cover, you will earn a strike. After three strikes your character will be temporarily removed from the map. This is to not put a burden on those that choose to be active so that they do not have to make rather large cover posts. If you'r character gets removed, you can redeploy as per the late deployment rules above.
Since characters may be removed from the map, the map may get a balance pass to accommodate fewer players.
Deadline is Wednesday July 15th at 10pm EDT
Niall heals
Kara damages
Anastasia appears next to Juin because ~~she wanted a break~~ of GM mistakes.
Aske buffs people
Juin heals. Final turn of bleeding.
Twins are no longer stunned.
Aslaug procs Good Fortune
As the Maiden of death and her first wave of forces appear, the sigil disappears from the ground. Footsteps and roars can be heard from the northern hallway leading to this cavern.
The barriers are now visible on the Massive Units. They also have what skills they will unlock on notes in the skill section now.
If you have yet to deploy, you still can. Simply choose a tile adjacent to a character at the start of this turn (So how the map looks above) and take your turn from there.
Units yet to deploy this chapter:
Strikes are being re-introduced but will work in a different way. For each turn that you do not participate, i.e. make a post or request a cover, you will earn a strike. After three strikes your character will be temporarily removed from the map. This is to not put a burden on those that choose to be active so that they do not have to make rather large cover posts. If you'r character gets removed, you can redeploy as per the late deployment rules above.
Since characters may be removed from the map, the map may get a balance pass to accommodate fewer players.
Deadline is Sunday July 12th at 10pm EDT
Lewyn heals.
Kara damages with Duskbringer.
Aengild heals
Aske buffs.
Juin is still bleeding.
Twins are Stunned! They can't move!
Namid and Anastasia will respawn next to Kyla on Turn 9 (Bifrost respawn is being lowered to 4 from 5)
The Maiden of Death Appears! She has two health bars. As has been in previous chapters, damage does not carry over from one bar to the next. It's not shown on those maps but the Abomination and Deadborns have Barriers, as seen in the last few chapters.
If you have yet to deploy, you still can. Simply choose a tile adjacent to a character at the start of this turn (So how the map looks above) and take your turn from there.
Units yet to deploy this chapter:
Strikes are being re-introduced but will work in a different way. For each turn that you do not participate, i.e. make a post or request a cover, you will earn a strike. After three strikes your character will be temporarily removed from the map. This is to not put a burden on those that choose to be active so that they do not have to make rather large cover posts. If you'r character gets removed, you can redeploy as per the late deployment rules above.
Since characters may be removed from the map, the map may get a balance pass to accommodate fewer players.
Because I am busy Thursday night, deadline will be Friday July 10th at 9pm EDT
Lewyn heals.
Torsten stops bleeding.
Anastasia is Bleeding! Bleed Counter is at 2!
Aengild heals.
Juin heals.
Juin is Bleeding! Bleed Counter is at 3!
As Annabelle moves down, a large magical circle begins to etch itself into the stone and grass ever so faintly.
The Maiden of Death will spawn in that circle with reinforcements. Annabelle will fire her bow this turn
If you have yet to deploy, you still can. Simply choose a tile adjacent to a character at the start of this turn (So how the map looks above) and take your turn from there.
Units yet to deploy this chapter:
Units temporarily undeployed:
Strikes are being re-introduced but will work in a different way. For each turn that you do not participate, i.e. make a post or request a cover, you will earn a strike. After three strikes your character will be temporarily removed from the map. This is to not put a burden on those that choose to be active so that they do not have to make rather large cover posts. If you'r character gets removed, you can redeploy as per the late deployment rules above.
Since characters may be removed from the map, the map may get a balance pass to accommodate fewer players.
Deadline for this Turn will be Tuesday July 7th at 10pm EDT
Niall heals
Torsten is Bleeding.Bleed Counter is at 1!.
Anastasia is Bleeding! Bleed Counter is at 3!
Aengild heals.
Aske buffs Lewyn
Juin heals.
Juin is Bleeding! Bleed Counter is at 3!
Alder heals
"It is time" Annabelle says to herself, preparing to push forward onto her final allies for the final time. "Come soon" she calls out to the air, calling for the Maiden of Death.
Annabelle will begin moving this EP. Her bow will fire on Turn 5 as I penalized her with it not having a charge at the start of the map
If you have yet to deploy, you still can. Simply choose a tile adjacent to a character at the start of this turn (So how the map looks above) and take your turn from there.
Units yet to deploy this chapter:
Units temporarily undeployed:
Strikes are being re-introduced but will work in a different way. For each turn that you do not participate, i.e. make a post or request a cover, you will earn a strike. After three strikes your character will be temporarily removed from the map. This is to not put a burden on those that choose to be active so that they do not have to make rather large cover posts. If you'r character gets removed, you can redeploy as per the late deployment rules above.
Since characters may be removed from the map, the map may get a balance pass to accommodate fewer players.
Deadline for this Turn will be*Saturday July 4th at 10pm EDT* but the turn will not be processed until the following day sometime.
Lewyn heals.
Nana will temporarily leave the map to relieve amount of needed covers, since JJ will be unavailable for ~ a week. When JJ returns Nana can be redeployed and act.
Kara damages enemies with Patron skill.
Torsten is Bleeding. Counter drops to 1 from 2.
Aengild heals
Aske heals and buffs Aengild (Spd/Def)
Juin heals. Juin is Bleeding. Counter drops to 2 from 3.
Alder heals
If you have yet to deploy, you still can. Simply choose a tile adjacent to a character at the start of this turn (So how the map looks above) and take your turn from there.
Units yet to deploy this chapter:
Units temporarily undeployed:
Strikes are being re-introduced but will work in a different way. For each turn that you do not participate, i.e. make a post or request a cover, you will earn a strike. After three strikes your character will be temporarily removed from the map. This is to not put a burden on those that choose to be active so that they do not have to make rather large cover posts. If you'r character gets removed, you can redeploy as per the late deployment rules above.
Since characters may be removed from the map, the map may get a balance pass to accommodate fewer players.
Deadline for this Turn will be Thursday June 25th at 10pm EDT
If you have yet to deploy, you still can. Simply choose a unit adjacent to a character at the start of this turn (So how the map looks above) and take your turn from there.
Units yet to deploy:
Strikes are being re-introduced but will work in a different way. For each turn that you do not participate, i.e. make a post or request a cover, you will earn a strike. After three strikes your character will be temporarily removed from the map. This is to not put a burden on those that choose to be active so that they do not have to make rather large cover posts. If you'r character gets removed, you can redeploy as per the late deployment rules above.
Since characters may be removed from the map, the map may get a balance pass to accommodate fewer players.
Here is an alternate idea you may\may not use.
It is a drawing channel haha. You can share the link and people can come in and draw on their own layer.
Used it when I needed a explanation on hardware wiring lol.
I hope everyone here is doing well in these interesting times...
It got a bit lonely not seeing and interacting with friends and coworkers after a while of social distancing, so we started this group activity. We used aggie.io to share a canvas and discord to chat while drawing, which really enhances the experience.
We've been filling one canvas per week for the past three weeks during our downtime from work, each with a different theme! You can have a look at the other two we've finished together here: Twitter Link
Deadline is Thursday April 16th at 11pm EDT
Niall heals people
Lewyn heals
Yet to deploy:
Going forward, I have begun to track activity again. Those that participate, or at the least ask for a cover, will be rewarded with extra gold/ingots in homebase.
Dimellah places his sword directly in front of him, point down and holding the hilt with two hands
Deadline is Tuesday April 14th at 11pm EDT
Niall heals people
Alaric heals
Yet to deploy:
Dimellah points his sword at the ceiling again
Going forward, I have begun to track activity again. Those that participate, or at the least ask for a cover, will be rewarded with extra gold/ingots in homebase.
Deadline is Saturday April 11th at 10pm EDT
Niall heals people
Alaric buffs from his necklace.
Yet to deploy:
Dimellah places the sword down in the ground and places the other hand out in front of him. A greyish energy begins to swirl out of the air and into the armored gauntlet.
Going forward, I have begun to track activity again. Those that participate, or at the least ask for a cover, will be rewarded with extra gold/ingots in homebase.
Deadline is Monday April 6th at 3pm EDT
Niall heals people
Alaric heals
Still yet to deploy:
Dimellah releashes his magics and a large gust of wind erupts from around him. His armor adjusts as he slowly points his sword to the ceiling and large chunks of the top of the cavern begin to rumble.
Brown squares are impact zones
Deadline is Wednesday April 1st at 10pm EDT
Niall heals people
Kyla heals
Lewyn heals
Alaric heals
Still yet to deploy:
Kane's sword glowed a deep burning red, as he tore into the large armored being. He could feel the Titan within the sword satisfied as Dimellah's Subordinate shattered into pieces. He swung the sword to his side, dispelling the arcing electricity off it. "Not fucking bad" he commented.
So. You've destroyed my little puppet. You're better than most I see. Now, it's time to face a true opponent.. Dimellah lifted up their sword, and grabbing it firmly with two hands, pointed the sword directly infront of him, aiming down the hallway. See how you handle this their voice boomed through the cavern as the staff at the center of the crystalline sword began to glow, illuminating the sword itself with the colours of the rainbow.
^ That's the Bifrost Beam
Hello u/Hey_Eu_Sou_Eu, it appears you tried to put a link in a title, since most users cant click these I have placed it here for you
^I ^am ^a ^bot ^if ^you ^have ^any ^suggestions ^dm ^me
As soon as you set dom.w3c_pointer_events.dispatch_by_pointer_messages=true you can't use graphics tablet to scroll any page anymore like you would on a touch device.
For example: Open aggie.io in chrome and fireforx. Send messages to eachother until scrollbar appears. Then try to scroll messages without using scrollbar but like you would on a touch device. Chromes behavior is exactly like you would expect using any touch interface. Firefox however acts like a regular mouse is used.
The pen we bought came with it, made specifically for this model laptop, same company. Thanks for your concern, but yes- it's made for the laptop. In addition, I've tried other (not as good) drawing softwares like MyPaint and aggie.io, both of which work with the pen. I believe it's a Krita issue.
It's not unusual for your digital art to look different than your pencil art, I think. While I don't draw frequently, my digital art tends to look a bit different and significantly better, with all the error-correction I can do. I use Krita for drawing and I love it, I can recommend sticking to that. Back when I first got my digital tablet, I drew poorly, and it took some time to catch up to my pencil skills (although not that long). Was your pre-2014 digital art better? It's normal for your skills to decrease if you had a long break from the tablet. If you keep practicing, it's likely you'll catch up pretty quickly to when you were better. I know "keep practicing" isn't original, but it works ^^^^i ^^^^hope.
As for the "multiplayer" canvas website, some months ago I was invited to an Aggie.io canvas and I really liked it there, you should check that out. I can't really compare it to iscribble.net though, since I haven't used it, and going there is giving 404s for some reason.
Best of luck to you!