NaturalReader is a text to speech software with natural sounding voices. This easy to use software can convert any written text such as MS Word, Webpages, PDF files, and eBook into spoken words. NaturalReader can also convert any written text into audio files such as MP3 or WAV. NaturalReader has many other functions, such as OCR. OCR function can convert printed characters into digital text and it is up to 99% accurate. This allows you to listen to your printed files or edit it in a word-processing program.
Have you tried having a text-to-speech app read it back to you? (A good one that doesn't sound robotic.)
Sometimes I'm happy with my own writing until I hear it out loud.
I've used this website:
I also really like the Read Aloud Chrome add-on.
This online text-to-speach reads that emoji was if it was the words "deadpan face".
So it looks like they just give each emoji a name and say that name. Strange how it's different to the Unicode name for the symbol, which is "neutral face".
I am bereft of two human things
Two things a single man can never do
Two things that I strive for
Two things between myself and the married life
Tax breaks
(Change speaker to Charles, change speed to -2)
There's a bar at the top with all the different voices, you'll wanna select the "English (UK) - Charles" option. Set the speed to about -2 or so, and go nuts!
Pretty sure it's this one:
"Charles" and "Mario" are there. But I find Google Translate's voices a lot better in general, this is just for fun and has many variations. "Darren" is similar to the "MLG voice"...
Sigh, the TTC announcement lady's name is Heather and she's a robot... don't think the TTC will go back to paying for a human voice. Sorry :(.
You used to be able to make her say stuff here: but she seems to have been removed from the list. I guess her voice is only proprietary now.
The automated male announcements are by Mike. But I think most of the male announcements are gone too.
Heather sounds like this:
I never assumed you weren't an abuse survivor, and you had that small mention that you had been in an obsessive spiral for a couple of days as well- but I wasn't going to ask or mention because you hadn't and that is personal stuff.
Please reread the bottom paragraph of my comment if it's really too much text to read- I commend you for bringing it up and that it was valid to bring up.
I went into detail of how this obsession works so that other people, including abuse survivors, can understand too. I see your anger and frustration, and I validate your points. I also explain why the behaviour is as it is.
As for your question- you do heal over time, and it can be helpful as long as you're mindful about it. It's been years since I've re-examined my abuse and certain things I struggled with (but my ex was so kind) are now being viewed in a different lens. Taking a break from it and acknowledging it like you did is also super healthy and helpful.
You deserve to feel safe and accepted too, I'm so sorry for the terrible trauma you went through. You most certainly are not the 'bad guy' for bringing this behaviour up and being critical about it.
As for long text, here's a website I like that reads text to speech:
My school’s disability services gave me a link to use this program called natural reader. It transcribes text into speech, I just upload it and it does all the work so I can just listen to the reading or even download it and listen away from my laptop.
The free version has unlimited use of files like docs, you have to get the $9.99 a month service to do the mp3 download or drm files. But it’s seriously saved me, you should check it out! natural reader
This is so much fun 😂😂 Abuse this online text-to-voice service by making it read out r/cricket copypastas in a posh English accent
My advice to anyone else trying to figure out the lyrics is to check how Han-Tyumi says it (choose UK Charles) with how it sounds in the recording. Even if the recording sounds like one thing, if UK Charles's inflection doesn't match, he's saying something different.
Yo can someone send the post link cause I’m lazy and want to plug it into a text to speech program:
Until then ima also try to find the post
Edit: found it:
Edit: what the fuck did I just hear. I know it’s Reddit and all but what the absolute fuck
You mentioned reading so I’ll put you on this chrome extension, natural reader. This helps me read faster just by keeping pace and following along. Rip if your readings are like photocopied or some junk but otherwise this might help!
Thank you for this!
However my lazy-ass used a text-to-voice tool to read this to me lol
What kind of mistakes are they pointing out? Misuse of words, improper grammar, messed up spelling? Or is it scenes that don't match what you've written or plot holes? Or did you write something earlier in your writing and then made a later comment that contradicted it? For the first one, I'd recommend using Grammarly. I use it for my own writing and it's helped a ton! Other than that, I tend to have an online thesaurus and dictionary pulled up when I write. I've also begun using to read my work back to me. I don't like speaking aloud and sometimes listening to it and then making corrections along the way helps a lot.
Other than that, I can totally understand the "punch to the gut" comment. I just recently posted a chapter online for my Harry Potter fic, and while some people seemed to really enjoy me working out how a spell works (or, in this case, Harry working out how a spell works and then casting a spell on something), this one person left a comment pretty much saying the whole chapter was boring. Which—I get. Sometimes I don't mind reading those sorts of fics that go all in-depth into how spells work and stuff, but sometimes I'm just not in the mood so I skip it.
But, while I agreed with that little bit of criticism, it just kind of disappointed me because I spent about half an hour to an hour researching the canon facts to make sure what I was writing was accurate.
That was my first reaction too lol, your mixing credentials as an audio engineer would be way more relevant that being able to read treble, bass, and some other clef no one cares about (eat shit violas).
It was my understanding that it's a voice to text reading "Laurel" but there are artifacts and flaws and format change degradation in the formants that whoever working on it, likely being older and having a bit of hearing age and damage, completely missed the "yanny". Humans pay way more attention to those higher formants in speech to distinguish meaning.
It's fun to play with some of the free TTS online engines like this one:
Try the US male voices and variations on "Laurel" "Lorrel" and "Lorral".
pfft. forget that.
How about audio conversation? Realtime generation of conversational audio is already a thing. Your phone does it "pretty good". Imagine what a few more cycles could do to it?
How about a generator like this with a text script in games, instead of shipping gigs of prerecorded audio files?
suddenly, "11000 lines of audio!!!" (Fallout 4) means nothing against an entire script of 500k words with varying accents, habits, etc.
I don't pretend to be an expert on beautiful prose, but I agree with the others that one of the most helpful things I've found both for catching errors and improving flow is to read it out loud. Preferably, get somebody else to read it out loud to you. Though not as good as a human, NaturalReader Free will do in a pinch.
I will see what I can do! It currently has no GUI, and it does take some editing to get it just right, but in the end, it works just fine for me. I had been using Speechify back when it was free. But now it runs around $130/year and I decided I shouldn't have to pay for that..
This one is pretty good too:
The feature is called "narrator" its in the options FeelsDonkman
If you want to meme with the voice, it's called "Microsoft David" a Windows 10 narrator voice. You can try using this thing:
I'm dyslexic too. I'm not sure if you've tried it but I love text to speech readers. For Reddit especially it really helps me to have the posts read out, people often post big walls of text.
It can take a while to get used to the mechanical voice but I no longer notice it.
Here's an online one, for example:
Hey guys,
If you have time, please check out my mixtape. I collabed with a vocalloid to produce these two songs about Ranking in Kancolle. Just click play.
Track B: Part of the Rankers' World
Remember to like and subscribe to support my dream of usurping Naka as CoCo Ichibanya. Thanks fam~
I mean, if you're just looking for a down and dirty solution, you can just use a website or google translate for it. I am not aware of any kind of text-to-speech plug-in or something like that.
this website says it does it, and you can download an mp3 and put it right into final cut.
i'm sure there is other solutions too.
My aunt used the magnifier and it was helpful. Being able to zoom in with the ipad would also help --- though he can boost text size on a standard laptop as well (which he's probably already doing). With a Macbook/iPad he can use Siri for some tasks or searches. (Or another product like Alexa/Google Home.)
Is his workplace in an office or at home? Even in an office he could use a text-to-speech program with headphones.
I'd probably encourage the apps/getting used to audio, since the technology is only going to improve and if the vision loss progresses further, he'll already feel comfortable with it. Things like this look promising.
So there are few things I use. The immersive reader embedded in the edge browser and The website allows you to upload PDFs and you get a browser extension. I find the embedded immersive reader has fewer issues than natural readers, it sometimes skips over blocks of text. Also, check with your school to see what accommodations they provide. Photocopied pdfs will probably be the biggest pain as OCR (optical character recognition) can be hit or miss.
I want to introduce you to the best tools that are getting me through my masters.
Natural Reader is a Text-to-Speech program that I use. They have a chrome extension and stand alone article. I use it to read text books, scholarly articles, homework assignments, and Reddit threads and similar online discussion boards.
Video Speed Controller, I use this to speed up youtube and videos well beyond 2x speed. I have used this to watch the news at up to 5x speed. The trick with this is to slowly boost the speed. Usually it is easies to start at 2x speed and the go a click up once you can comprehend it.
There are plenty of text-to-speech programs out there, and it's not uncommon for operating systems to have it built right in. Here's one I found with about 20 milliseconds of searching.
What do you mean by 'more thorough'? A TTS program reads text out loud, what else do you want it to do?
I was using Natural Reader for a long time. The BIG thing, especially for HP fanfics was that you can customize the pronunciation. It would even output mp3 files that I could load on my phone (easy on android) and then I didn't have to worry about pronunciation.
I stopped when my work commute dropped to like 5 minutes, but now that it's back up I've been thinking about using it again.
Edit to say: the personal version is free but you only have one voice.
Holy fuck, I need to find a text-to-speech site to paste that Berlin Wall of text so I can listen to it while doing other things online, instead of taking too long to read it. Thanks.
Edit: Got to read me your comment. Thank God for text-to-speech voices!
I'm unable to read that without hearing the voice of the "Mongodb is web scale" bunny.
Addendum: Paste the text into naturalreaders and select the Mike voice. Now I'm totally convince that the gentleman in questions is trolling.
TRY TEXT TO SPEECH AND LISTEN WHILE YOU MINE ALL THOSE DIAMONDS!! (simply copy, paste and listen, great for bg posts too)
I listened to this post using NaturalReaders.
My favorite video of his isn't on your list, so I'll link it here.
Art Is All About Pressing Your Buttons!
I'm one of those people who can listen to criticism of things I like without getting angry, so I don't share the kneejerk distaste that many have for him on this sub. Just think of it like someone criticizing your favorite food. It's just their personal preference, it doesn't affect your enjoyment of the dish in any way, and anyone who thinks less of you for your food preferences is an idiot. As such, I've probably watched a couple dozen of his videos, including all of his reviews of SAO (still waiting for his review of Mother's Rosario). His ability to quickly and thoroughly articulate why he does or doesn't like something is a skill that not many people have cultivated, and it's easier to clarify your own views on any anime by contrasting them with someone else's. I'm also generally interested in what presses people's buttons when it comes to art and entertainment.
With that being said, I generally disagree with his taste in anime, but one of my criteria for what makes a good anime critic is someone who I can agree with even if I disagree with their opinion, meaning I can understand why they hold their opinion even if I don't share it. I don't remember if Digi passes this test, but I get why he doesn't like SAO.
I read the first three chapters. The art is really cool and the intro is solid, but the character dialogue seems a bit unrealistic. Like the grammar is so perfect and formal, it seems like dialogue you would see in a textbook, not how people would talk in real life.
Sometimes, what helps me is to say all my dialogue out loud and see if it sounds like something real people would say. Or if you got a sore throat, copy and paste your text into here
Here's one where you don't have to create and MP3 file! Although you only get to listen for 20 minutes and you have to pay to access more than that(unless resetting your browser works.)
I would say the intonation of your speech was part of it and also how you pronounced certain words. For example in the word "left", you elongate the 'e' sound a bit too much. You could try comparing your speech using a text to speech website. The one below has a very natural sounding voice and is using a standard American accent. It may help you spot the differences better.
I see there is a ePub link.
You might want to try a dedicated ePub reader, I've had good success with for text to speech, since I need to read some large technical books a bit faster for me to digest them this way.
I listen to them now, using text-to-speech stuff like in the Firefox reader. I also do the same with long reddit posts by copy and pasting them into a site like this:
Only that youtube e-celeb is a very common one, all the others i think are from a paid service
many wojak voices are from this or similar websites just google text to speech
the voice called "Mike" from this website is very commonly used
Alright so it seems like you know your stuff when it comes to math which is good. I don't know if your voice is the best for narration though. Since I'm assuming you don't wanna spend money on a voiceover have you thought of using a robot reader? Something like this. I think this would help with the narration of the video. Also, your audio is a little quiet and this could fix that as well.
Otherwise, you're doing good for the type of content you are posting. Doesn't seem unnecessarily drawn out.
Good stuff
That's an excellent idea. Just something short, letting them know that you're there and that your social anxiety is preventing you from speaking. If you're afraid to record your own voice, use something like Voice Generator (use pitch ≥ 2.3 for a more feminine voice) or Natural Readers to synthesize what you want to say, and play that over the phone.
u/ThotBurglar you could even use one of those to carry on the conversation if that helps. Put your phone on speakerphone, listen to them, and then type what you want to say and click play. That will give you time to think about what you want to say, more like talking on Reddit here rather than talking on the phone.
I just found it! It's the "English (US) - Fred" voice on this website. Speed of -2 seems to be the same as it was in Real Sleep, so I'm guessing Kris downloaded it like that and then edited it slightly in Final Cut Pro to add the static sound.
I don’t know if anyone else has recommended this, but there are some free text-to-speech websites out there. Saved my semester. I literally cried when I stumbled across it.
It doesn’t always remove the struggle, but things are 10x easier. Even if it means me playing the same passage over and over again in the background while I do something I can actually focus on. Sinks in eventually lol.
I ended up purchasing the natural reader’s ‘premium’ thing, it allows pictures and pdf’s to be read. Honestly it was a game changer.
Edit: links
You know, I figured that the text-to-voice would be a bit irritating to listen too but I was legit surprised with how well it worked out. This would probably grow well in the long run.
Give this site a chance. It lets you download 20 minutes of audio a day:
/u/Adriss95 noted in the "reddit answers" sub that it was the Matthew Voice (US) found on this TTS program.
I agree with their assessment, /u/Adriss95 please note that points could not be added on that comment as it was archived already. post up here and I'll upvote. /u/thygrrr , I believe that if Adriss95 does post-up they deserve points and the found point as well.
How many divines are you finding that this is a problem?
Anyhow there's a text to speech pack in the mega compilation that was posted below. Here's a video of it.
I actually searched for a text to speech option for exactly this and found a few that are far more natural but sadly not free to download. I suppose there's no reason that you can't just record the online preview and save it as an MP3, it shouldn't be any different to the paid download. Assuming of course that you have an hour free to do this.
This one: with Gabriella (US) and speed zero sounds very natural as far as text to speech goes.
>citing a source that explicitly excludes terrorism in a conversation about terrorism.
>so your premise is retarded
Something like this might help in the future. These fine folks can probably also help.
Oei daar vraag je me wat, de 't' is iig helemaal stil, wat nogal misleidend is.
Als je deze site opent, en de stem "French (Canada) - Marie" kiest, dan krijg je wel een aardig goed voorbeeld.
Add a text-to-speech feature which will turn text stories into audio like an audiobook.
Provide a button which links to a site like PornHub, but replace the audio on the video with the text-to-speech file.
Porn sites are searchable, so people can find a video related to the story they like pretty easily. Make it simple to use, just a couple of buttons, so people can do it on their phones. Bespoke porn for the masses.
festival and espeak sound about the same in terms of robotic'ness, pitch and speed is a bit different, but that might be configurable. Compared to proprietary solutions both are rather underwhelming.
Hey there! I used Ableton Live.
For the white noise, I used this sound and some random dripping water and bird sounds I found on youtube. For the swirling movement I used an audio effect called chorus. The voices came from this TTS website:
As far as theory vs intuition, it's a bit of both. I am well aware that I have a low attention span. One thing that distracts me greatly from being able to read and focus on my work is other people in my office talking (even if they are being quiet for the most part). At first, I just played the Industrial AC noise link above in my headphones so I could have a constant noise floor. This worked quite well for a few days.
I'm a also music producer so I love playing with sounds and wanted to add a few effects on top of it. I've always felt very calm whenever there's some kind of swirling sound going on, so that was the first thing I put. Water is also quite relaxing and stimulating at the same time.
The voices were the result of trial and error. At first I just wanted some encouragement because I always tell myself "stay focused" or "back to work" in my head and I tend to forget. I tried not to make them too frequent. So I would play this audio track in my audio workstation while I worked. Whenever the vocal cues played, I would turn them down or change them if they pulled me out of the zone. The whole idea was to make them present but not pull you out of your zone.
Finally. I rather enjoy a nice pat on the back. So I included a nice pleasant ding and other sounds to let you know it's ok to take a break. Makes me look forward to hearing this through to the end.
Hope this helps!
I'm talking about text-to-speech software. It's also called speech synthesis, which is how I was referring to it. Sniff around websites like this and pick various voices to say what you believe is being said. If you get the right voice, you should be able to experiment and get the exact same voice clip.
So sorry for the late response, I haven't been on reddit in a while.
Someone already posted an audiobook, but I'd like to point out that audio reader software isn't half bad in a pinch. I often use NaturalReader to listen to text that isn't available in audio format otherwise. It's obviously not as good, but it will handle most texts pretty well.
I'm sure there are other options as well.
My secret is that I basically never read anything, I get apps to read it for me. If your readings are already online/PDF half the job is done. There are some screen reading apps for pc, and web-based ones like natural reader ( ) but if you have an iPhone/iPad I highly highly recommend Voice Dream. I can listen to my readings on the bus or wherever and actually get through them. No, you don’t absorb it the same way as reading while taking notes, but when you need to go back over the article/chapter it’s easier because you already know what it’s about and don’t get tripped up reading one paragraph over and over because you keep losing focus.
I'm not being aggressive. The voice inside your head is reading words on a screen in an aggressive tone.
Very good advice, I second this! I was using natural readers to do this.
Another thing I did was record myself reading my own statement and playing it back. I cringe at my own voice recordings but it was very helpful. It works on two fronts: reading it out loud helps catch mistakes, and playing it back helps you hear the tone. Also if there are parts you're stumbling on hard while reading your own writing, there's a good chance it's worded poorly or has syntax issues.
I think it's definitely worth a try. Maybe start with a couple of pages and see how you get on, you'll know quite quickly if it doesn't work for you. The other thing as another comment suggested is to get an audio version of your book.
If you have the pdf available I know a good free online screen reader that you can upload files to. I use it a lot for my studying.
It's just as good through text to speech.
You can do it OP!! A short paragraph is about 100 words, for your paper you’ll need to triple or quadruple it, BUT it’s doable.
I recommend doing an outline based on the rubric. It worked for me every time. I don’t think I’m in a linear patter & I sure as heck don’t write in a linear pattern. The outline ensured that I hit all of the points & allowed my brain to skip around while writing. Warnings: if u use this method be sure to read ur paper out loud, have it checked by someone (if there’s time) & watch out for repeating yourself.
I like to use NaturalReader to read my paper as I follow along in word. It helps me to catch mistakes. (Link below.)
You can do it OP! We believe in you!!!
Source: I graduated with a masters in English & creative writing.
I had a student with ADHD and reading long-form articles was hard for her.
You know what she did? (First, she *didn't* email me to complain) - she would copy and paste the reading into which is a text-to-speech free website.
So now I tell them they can use that if they want, but whatever they do they still have to do the reading.
A source for "The Science" you follow would be nice because its settled science that masks do help others AND yourself(since thats all you ppl care about). Its pretty easy to read the below links but you can insert the text into a text to speech program since you may be semi-illiterate.
Text to speech:
It doesn't necessarily have to be this one, any text to speech site that you can upload documents to and have it read them to you will do.
You're my favorite kind of mark because you reveal too much about yourself and your narcissism forces you to keep coming back. It's endlessly entertaining and here's a different app if that one was to hard for you. This one even uses pictures. 😊
That isn't really an option. just record your voice then as dead air or use something to read off your number ifyour are that worried about people hearing your voice. Not very well but not too bad
I like this site for downloading books without DRM:
I like this site for ok voices to read them to me:
If your school doesn’t have an account to give you access to the good voices on Natural Reader, you can refresh your IP address to get it to continue after you hit the free limit.
Amazing. There’s also a free online tool called “Natural Reader,” (you can paste your text in and choose speed and accent of the voice - fun!) I prefer to edit the words first but it can be useful for a final pass on any draft. Close your eyes as you listen and see if anything jumps out as unnatural, especially for dialogue. Good luck with your story:
It's all right: I am an American, so this doesn't hurt at all! In fact, considering how Marx was from Germany and not Russia, Faux German makes more sense in this case than Faux Cyrillic!
Also, if anyone is wondering how this comment would be pronounced, click here, then switch the voice to a German-language one. The result can be transcribed as:
"If they vented too make-uh foon of Merks, try mezzing vith oom-lee-uts instead oof Feux Cyrillic! Et lee-ehst thet vould make-uh moor-uh zen-ze, es Gehr-men ek-tu-el-ly ooses them". Maybe we should make a subreddit for Fake German!
Probably should have left the Security Response video off of this post... That was enthralling. Really, you could have just used a cardboard cutout and this to have produced a comparable video.
You're welcome. I expect compensation for my business efficiency optimization. A monthly recurring Bitcoin deposit will suffice.
I appreciate honest criticism but making a false claim followed by a personal attack is pretty low. Its literally the summary at the top. Here, let me provide it for you:
"Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, new research finds that past stressors and traumatic events increase vulnerability to mental illnesses, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and major depressive disorder (MDD)."
And it is restated in the conclusion at the bottom:
"The researchers say that overall, both findings suggest that the Chilean disaster survivors who had experienced multiple stressors and traumas were at a greater risk of developing a post-disaster mental health disorder compared to those who had experienced few or no prior stressors."
That's how professional writing works, the overall statement being made is put at the very beginning and the very end of a paper so (most)people don't miss it. Its understandable if you got thrown-off by the article talking about Covid, natural disasters, and climate change; the writer seems to have tossed-in as many alarming buzzwords as could fit the subject. If you have trouble reading those you can copy and past into this website and it will speak the words for you.
I mean go try a few out lol, prolly will find what you’re looking for Here’s like 10 you can try. Other than that you’ll have to ask whoever programmed the plug-in
You will do awesome with Chemistry, I know it!
Also, I don't know whether you gotta read stuff online, in paper, or watch videos, but if you read online, there's a website I use that might help you.
Reads stuff for you, ps not my website, I just use it.
Hope it helps and wish you health happiness and success!
Don't forget to sleep and relax before the exam and stuff. Sleep is when the info compartmentalizes itself in your brain.
I'm sorry if you couldn't understand it even though you could have copy and paste this to a word to speech (like this: and find that this sentence makes perfect sense but I digress.
Can I get a source?
I use it because I'm listen better than I read and am in the process of finally getting my BA so I need to read stuff and this just does it and is relatively cheap for clearer voices. Yes they have apps for your phone and tablet and whatever else.
Nobody ever believes me when I tell them I can actually do two things at once. smh
I use Voice Dream Reader. It's an app for IOS and Android. It lets you get premium voices as one-time IAPs. I've had it for years now. NaturalReader is quite popular and has a free option. If you just want to use your computer, Apple's default voices are quite good and if you go into the Accessibility settings and poke around, you can download higher-quality voices for free (I think it might be something like Accessibility - VoiceOver - Open VoiceOver Utility - Speech). insert text "do you love me" many voices to choose from,hit the play button and record with a screen recorder like bandicam and open the video in reaper and render to audio and drag the audio in a sampler.
Dyslexia has been difficult for me. Reading, writing and remembering stuff is difficult. Every day I get humiliated because I don´t see what others see easily. I write things but I forget to write words. For example, I want to write "I am going home". BUt instead I will write "I going home". NO matter how many times I read it again, I don´t see my mistake until I send it off.
Also not seeing what others can see can be very disorientating. Especially when you know what you are looking for is on the page you are reading but you just can´t see it. When doing a job you are generally finished last because you just need more time with spending twice as much energy as other people. Sometimes because of that I am just exhausted after work. Some jobs I know are just not for me because it focusses too much on reading and writing.
All in all, nearly 50 years of dyslexia has in part caused me many depressions.
I am looking for things to help me. One of the things that helps me is to use this app. This app helps me. It tells me what's on the page.
It also helps to not proof read straight away but wait a few minutes. Do something else and then proof read. I just see more.
This is probably different for everyone but I notice my dyslexia is less when I am in good shape. So working out helps me.
What helps me the most is focussing on my strengths. I think because of my Dyslexia I have became a problem solver. I see answers to problems much easier than others.
Also I thrive working in unstructured work environments. While others find it unworkable, I feel just fine. Your boy friend has strengths too. And very likely the very same strengths as I have.
Hope this helps
Microsoft Edge has a built in TTS called Read Aloud, which has really good voices built in. Their Natural (also called neural) voices are cloud based and sound phenomenal. You can use them to read webpages or you can open a PDF file and read that. My issue is that it is a little clunky to use and it doesn't read as fast as I like.
There is a chrome extension called Read Aloud, unrelated to microsoft, that has a really good free one. I recommend using the google translate voice with it. This one also allows you to use a pdf file's built in chapters. So if you find a PDF version of a text book, you can easily navigate the chapters.
I use Natural Reader it has paid and free voices, but it has the best usability out of all my suggestions. You can adjust the reading area, so if you're reading a file that has headers and footers every page, you can skip it. You can also fix pronunciations. This one also has a standalone software that does not require internet. That was the most important thing for me, because I have such slow internet, I frequently have issues with the other programs.
Literally no one is yelling. If you have trouble reading things on the internet in a neutral tone of voice, or if you literally interpret things are negative/attacking I high recommend you copy/paste responses into this and press play
>Pushing two melons out doesn't magically make anyone un-ignorant. It's like saying "I pushed a melon/baby out of my vagina. I'm anti-vaxx I'm not ignorant at all!!!" That's literally what you sound like right now. This is quite literally what I wrote. Except with PCOS and insulin resistance the TDEE decreases slightly which is why you would gain weight EATING THE SAME NUMBER OF CALORIES. When your calories expenditure goes down YOU GAIN WEIGHT. You have to literally REDUCE YOUR CALORIES in order to stop gaining weight. THIS IS QUITE LITERALLY WHAT I SAID. Jesus fuck you are ignorant.
Give it a go. It makes a world of difference. It may help you stop reading things in your head emotionally and might help you focus on the objective portions.
Narrator is a bit klunky at times and a PPT conversion to PDf not always clean. If you moved the fields around in PPT before filling them, or your slides have dif layouts, that could be an issue too.
This is a cool, FREE Text to Speech tool you can drag/drop your pdf page into. it might give you an accessibility test with somethine other than Narrator.
There is also a subscription rate which likely gives you more accesses to the magic. They do have edu special that allows for free subscription in some covid related situations. might be what you're looking for. I myself don't use it but it has been recommended to me. Just tested it out on a pdf and it seems to work fine.
I don't remember where I heard about this app, but I really enjoy using it for reading aloud my work to assist with the editing process. Good for spotting flat dialog, long info dumps, and overall flow issues. I've also discovered I can find a wider beta reader audience with audio files available to listen versus just read.
If there are other, better text to voice apps out there, I'd love to hear about it!
First why is you post marked NSFW I was a little disappointed, LOL
Now for your question, I am not sure you are using the correct type of application. Polly like the rest of AWS is designed for developers writing apps. In this case giving them the capability to talk to people, it is not a service to simply put a file into and have it read back to you.
Try this
If you are in fact trying to develop an app that reads PDF, then your app should parse the PDF and send it to Polly in chucks.
una pagina web te sirve? los programas que leen se llaman Text to speech generalmente hay varios idiomas y voces de hombre o mujer. Link de uno que funciona en PC que tiene opcion de pdf y mas, no lo he probado en smartphones.
Here (set it to UK Charles at speed -2)
I made a Han vocal cover of Automation a while ago with it as well
that base pay better of been worth least.
side note: for 'walls of text' and not feeling it. i opt for having it read to me. they have a pay wall. so use incognito window to get the 'premium' voices.
personally, i go with UK's Peter.
ATT Mike. You can get it here or find that TextAloud download pack that gets passed around, which one of your generous moderators will surely provide.
I found links in your comment that were not hyperlinked:
I did the honors for you.
^delete ^| ^information ^| ^<3
Not sure if this works or is the correct pronounciation(if anyone does know can they let me know?), but now people no longer have the excuse of not being able to pronounce her name.
SAM online:
Natural reader:
You can also use the TTS in your computer, if you're using a Mac, this method is great:
You shouldn't.
They make it pretty clear in their FAQ that they don't provide an API and don't want people to access the website programmatically.
Avatarify iOS:
Avatarify GitHub:
Avatarify GoogleStore: Unfortunately not available. :(
I used for text to speech.
I also used KineMaster, I know dumb watermark, but you can use the pan and zoom feature to decrease the size of the image. I also recorded the text to speech and layered it in time with the lip movement, hope this helped.
You can check out Natural Reader or the one from Google. I heard a speech by someone from Google and the use it to call people and the people didn't know that it wasn't a computer.
I think it'd work with Leela, but you just need a better text-to-speech - maybe a paid/premium one, unfortunately. I like Amy under the Plus Voices here for instance.
I love naturalreaders, too! It reading emotional dialogue can be kind of funny sometimes, but it's still been helpful with catching weird or run-on sentence flow. I personally like using English [UK] Peter.
The browser version ( lets you use Premium voices for free for up to 20 min. a day with unlimited use of their Free voices (I don't really like those though). I usually only edit in small chunks a day, so it definitely helps.
I've also used Google Cloud's Text-to-Speech a bit. It takes a bit of fiddling, but the voices here sound a lot more realistic than in naturalreaders. Unfortunately, this has a character limit, too, so I'm not sure if this helps.
The Han Tyumi portion is actually my favorite from the three segments on MOTU haha. I completely understand how that portion could be unsettling tho.
If it helps, you can access the voice the band used for Han Tyumi and make him say whatever you want (maybe to help make him seem less creepy).
You can find the voice on here. The name is "Charles (UK)" and the speed is -2. I hope this helps if you decide to use it :)