Heres a 3 pack of pregnancy tests for $12. They're just as effective as the doctors tests. The additional $96 she paid was a tax for being a moron and wasting the doctors time
Bypass Paywalls for Firefox or Chrome:
Been using it for years.
This mask expert disagrees. There most certainly is training on the proper way to wear masks to mitigate viral spread and I guarantee you 99% or Maybe even 100% of school children are wearing them ineffectually
I’ve been hoping you would bring on a new voice for the political right that provides a different perspective than outright “classical liberalism” of the enlightenment of “classical conservatism” of the traditionally religious Americans. (There’s somewhat a dichotomy in America around politics in America that are rooted in the philosophies at and around America’s founding.
Bring on Timothy Gordon, the author of Catholic America. He did an interview with Patrick Coffin and Milo published his book. I think he’s a better representative of the Catholic lay intellectual than Michael Voris who Crowder had on a while back.
Great questions. There has been a rise particularly among middle school aged girls claiming gender dysphoria issues. Girls who haven’t been treated in early childhood for the mental disorder. Bisexuality is also exploding. Abigail Shrier had written on this and speaks to it a good bit.
You seem to be all over this thread and don't understand why just giving money is a bad thing. So you're going to need to reading homework.
I recommend reading The Road to Serfdom it's a lengthy and exhaustive read but economist and philosopher Hayek thoroughly outlines how a government can go from the process of benevolent policies that are tailored to help people to becoming forever dependent on the system and how to manage/avoid it.
If you’re still hurting for more, he also did a 5 volume history of the colonial era and early America that (to me) blows any of David Barton’s works out of the water (volumes 1-4 / volume 5)
I'm not going to reciprocate your childishness but here's an actual book on the subject on the off chance that you have any interest in educating yourself:
I think he needs a little of this after that comment.
There's still comedy if you know where to look
Sure. Here you go.
Currently reading this one:\_Wages\_of\_Destruction
You're the one claiming to be well read on this topic. Yet you couldn't answer LOL.
I think you lied when you said you weren't J--e--w--i--s--h. Only J--e--w--s get so mad about people criticizing them on the internet.
What would Mussolini know about the definition of fascism, right? We should look to an expert, like someone who wrote a whole book on The Doctrine of Fascism.
He also wrote a book about manhood and bettering yourself which to the Left practically makes him Hitler.
For those interested the "Marxist handbook" has a name. Its "Rules For Radicals"
It's possible that the letter would have came unfolded in one of these envelopes.
Of course the whole story is bullshit. But if it wasn't, this would explain it.
The problem is departmental bloat. Once the primary mission is basically accomplished and requires only some monitoring, each department has to find new reasons to exist and expand.
I haven't read this and it's not an endorsement, but this book describes the issue with the federal government:
The little-known USDA Agency of Invasive Species—founded by President and humble peanut farmer Jimmy Carter—would like to reassure you that they rank among the most effective and cost-efficient offices within the sprawling federal bureaucracy. For decades, under Administrative Director Adam Humphrey and his “strategic disengagement” approach, the Agency has epitomized vigilance against the clear and present danger of noxious weeds.
Jessie Ventura wrote a book a while ago called "DemoCRIPS and ReBLOODlicans, no more gangs in government"
It talks about this exact problem. It's a good short read.
>A single one of these $1,000 camera drones at altitude has a good half mile field of view in which you can clearly see individuals on the ground over a mile out.
>The border is 2,000 miles long. That means only 4,000 cameras are needed to observe the entire thing in real time. We can round up to 5,000 just to make sure natural barriers don't impede any single view.
>Then let's say every position needs 5 so that 1 is always out while others are charging. That means the entire job of the border wall which is at the point of having a $1B/mile cost can be done with $25M in drones.
>Hell, they can go all out and get these AAA Hollywood movie camera quality drones and the cost would still be only $400M. That's less than the cost of 1 mile of new border wall in the middle of the desert where they have to first build infrastructure before they can even start bringing in construction equipment.
No, I'm not. Not at all. I'm saying the wall isn't a solution. It is absolutely nothing and actually takes away from having a real start to a solution. There are many more effective and cheaper alternatives, and they are mostly using technology to form a soft wall. The dumbest of the dumb hate that solution, because it's not a big visible SYMBOL like the wall is.
The Border Patrol has publicly acknowledged many times that the border wall is not meant to stop people, but it can slow the down for apprehension by patrols. We don't need to slow people down though if you see them coming and have a response being sent before they even get there.
A single one of these camera drones at altitude has a good half mile field of view in which you can clearly see individuals on the ground over a mile out.
The border is 2,000 miles long. That means only 4,000 cameras are needed to observe the entire thing in real time. We can round up to 5,000 just to make sure natural barriers don't impede any single view.
Then let's say every position needs 5 so that 1 is always out while others are charging. That means the entire job of the border wall which is at the point of having a $1B/mile cost can be done with $25M in drones.
Hell, they can go all out and get these drones and the cost would still be only $400M. That's less than the cost of 1 mile of new border wall in the middle of the desert.
The border wall is not even a start to a solution. It is simply just a waste of resources being funneled to shady deep state contractors which could be used for a real start at a soft border wall.
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I think part of it is that the outrage is like a drug, and they have to keep feeding the addiction regardless of the source.
Dan Crenshaw has a book that talks about this. Highly recommend the read!
Fortitude: American Resilience in the Era of Outrage
If I’m not mistaken, Obama also allegedly smoked crack, among other things...
He also later admitted to “using cocaine” which at least partially verifies these allegations.
Amazon sells them shows historical temperature data. I used Edmonton's numbers, since that's near Nisku, where the "Truck show" was. On July 6, when the picture was supposedly taken, it was over 45 degrees with thunderstorms.
Only problem is, the picture you're showing ISN'T the one they fact-checked. The picture they fact-checked showed a bunch of trucks parked in a rainstorm.
lol OK then. Someone took the gamer tag I've been using since the late 90s. Would you prefer I used 007 or something? Believe whatever you want. Just like you stupidly believe it's always worth throwing careers away for something that isn't going to do jack shit.
lol Yeah, I'm jealous, totally. Keep doubling down on that stupidity. Here, this good deal might help you with that hole you're digging. It can even cut wood! AMAZING!
He’s Irish. Here’s some information on their healthcare system:
> Public healthcare is free, in that you don’t have to pay into a specific state insurance policy: it’s primarily funded through taxation. And if you qualify for a Medical Card, almost all public medical services are free to use as well. If you don’t qualify for a card there are costs for general practitioner (GP) visits, hospital stays, drugs and some other services, although the rates are subsidised.
Lol, great. Now, when more private businesses decide to turn you hillbillies away for acting like assholes, you'll have something else to cry to your mommies about. It will be so nice for civilized people to be able to eat a normal meal at a restaurant or board a flight to a tropical getaway without having to worry about some dumbass drunk in a MAGA hat yelling about his stupid conspiracy theories in the background.
81% support having a vaccine passport. Have fun being societal outcasts, you fucking losers.
> Because they put a little bit of effort into helping protect others. Something that seems to be too hard for many people.
How come the cdc admits they haven't seen the "virus"?
> media making false claims about the results of the audit
> provides quote from the media with no context as proof that the media didnt lie
If you wanted the actual truth you could watch a livestream of them going over the results, but thats dangerous, you might learn something.
You can watch them revealing their actual findings here:
>even cyber ninjas, who had an agenda for Trump couldn't find anything
This is false. You have been mislead by the media. Their recount of all votes cast agrees that Biden won, but that is all votes cast. The audit portion looks for votes that are included in that and shouldn't have been, which was multiple times the margin Biden won by.
Tell your friend to enjoy this.
As much as I hate supporting the evil empire, you gotta do what you gotta do.
OK I don't know if you are being deliberately obtuse or if you truly don't understand how CC licenses work. Let me help you a bit.
The CC BY license does in fact say that others are allowed to distribute your work as long as they give attribution to the original creator. But the creator has to grant that license to the public in order for you to be able to do so. Putting "Creative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed)" on your video doesn't mean a damn thing. The CREATOR has to put that license on THEIR video in order for you to be allowed to use it in that way.
Do you really think that it is OK for anyone to just grab any video from Youtube and put it on their own channel as long as they give attribution to the original creator and stick the creative commons license on it? No. Of course not.
Here is the wording for the attribution license from
"Attribution CC BY
This license lets others distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon your work, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation. This is the most accommodating of licenses offered. Recommended for maximum dissemination and use of licensed materials."
See...this license lets upon YOUR work, etc. The wording makes it obvious that this is a license granted by the CREATOR.
Yeah pretty much that.
They can't, at least as of last week, do the live shows for Rumble but they are uploaded later in the day. Same is true for Blaze if you miss an episode though, takes them a few hours to get the show up in a non live format.
You can do a quick search yourself:
Floyd's family did not come up with the UN idea.
The chatter of bringing UN troops in in response to shootings of black men by police has been around since Obama years.
Same UN troops that prevented the Rwanda genocide in 1993.
Here is a call to federalize the police:
Apparently somehow centralized control will make all the problems go away.
Local police? Bad, racist, genocidal.
Federal police - better but sill racist.
UN troops - every problem solved. No more genocide.
Plenty of issues have been reported with abstinence only education. It does not work in practice.
Again, which side "favoured confrontational or violent methods"?
It's not my election, I'm proudly not American.
To the OP, who keeps claiming the “charging document” screenshot here doesn’t say anything about the felony charges, that is not a charging document. That is the filing of a civil suit by the church that was violated. It is unrelated to the arrests for criminal charges related to misdemeanor property damage and felony weapons possession.
He took responsibility for it to relieve pressure off his friends. As for the high capacity magazine story, which started out as one, and you now increased to two, that’s complete bullshit, just like you.
Number one, his friends did, pretty sure he wasnt there.
Number two, they already resolved that legally, they were told to reimburse the church for the value of the flag.
Number three, how many BLM and Antifa people have been arrested for burning down entire cities.
Number four, the claim he had a high capacity magazine was complete bullshit. Here’s the arrest record. The high capacity magazine part was completely fabricated.
Trump was in on it, look into Project Zephyr & make sure you use a VPN while doing so, the friend of his mentions "Mullvad VPN" due to not asking for your personal email cus the guy who leaked the intel died
I don't know why you think Bezo's wouldn't let this be on his platform. Bezo's is about that loot before anything else.
Yep, America is definitely the problem. Just don't scroll over to Asia lmao.
And even then in the USA it's all coming from LA and NYC, the two places demanding everyone else to make sacrifices for their bullshit.
Yet you keep coming back for more! Are you a masochist?
Also, just so you get something out of interacting with us chimps...
>Interjections are words that we use to show emotion. Interjections are usually only one or two words, and they help set the tone of a statement. They can also be used as filler words when someone isn’t speaking clearly. Examples of interjections include oh, ahem, oops, and yikes. When interjections are used at the beginning or in the middle of a sentence, we put a comma after them.
>Interjections are a unique part of speech. They are small words that are interjected into our speech and writing to demonstrate emotions or act as filler words. Usually, interjections are only one or two words. Interjections can stand alone as their own sentences and are often followed by an exclamation point. They can also be used at the beginning or in the middle of other sentences. When this occurs, we put commas after the interjections.
Although periods in interjections are technically correct, your sentence will flow more fluidly in the reader's mind if you use proper punctuation. But what do I, an illiterate ape, know regarding.
Where in that entire article does it saying anything about not being allowed to own the property? The whole purpose of a SEZ or a Free Trade Zone is allow to ... well free trade, with no or severely limited government intervention. In addition to this, most businesses in the U.S.A don’t own private property unless the business is ran out of a household. I am familiar with the Marx theory. I fail to see what that has to do with a communist country however.
I should not have to ask you for sources. It’s generally the right thing to do if you make a claim that someone cannot easily verify, you either provide the source, or the supporting evidence. Yet this entire time you have not provided a single link.
Well ok then, we can kill this this part of the discussion. Such ambition.
Here is my source for Shanghai about the cost of living.
This was updated to reflect 2021. Show me your sources and I may correct that logic. While I did a Google search for your numbers, and yes they did pop up, they also came off a Chinese website. Can we really trust the transparency of that website?
You are correct, I figured you would have figured that the 8% I listed was a combination of local and state income taxes.
Remember our highest federal income tax is capped at 37%, while New York is as close to a communist state as you can get (I used to live there, I moved) there just a tiny bit over 45%, which is just the income tax of China alone. That’s not including the extra you pay for tariffs, food tax, gas tax, and any other taxes out there.
Again give me your sources, or this conversation is done.
OP said Trump wouldn’t do it because of the risk of physical harm, even though I’m sure we both agree that it would be the right thing to do.
That is the literal definition of cowardice.
> Want of courage to face danger, difficulty, opposition, etc.; dread of exposure to harm or pain of any kind; fear of consequences; pusillanimity; dishonorable fear.
> I used to think the CIA was extremely patriotic and would go to any lengths to Protect the U.S. its people & President. But Now i see theres a secretive group within the group that will use all their dirty tricks and Black propaganda against the U.S. its people & President.
You're my favorite kind of mark because you reveal too much about yourself and your narcissism forces you to keep coming back. It's endlessly entertaining and here's a different app if that one was to hard for you. This one even uses pictures. 😊
Easiest time to be a NYT #1 bestseller. Just write hot garbage of current hot topic in America.
Lol also reminds me of this treasure
Loving and handing over your wallet are two different things. Jesus said ‘the poor you will always have with you’. If you think you void the world of poverty, your on a fool’s errand.
We are to do good, ‘first to the households of Faith’. We are not to ‘cast our pearls before the swine’. Bible is full of examples of ‘as a man works, so shall he eat’, ‘workman is worthy of his meat. (Those that don’t work, don’t eat) Also, people are entitled to live happily off the fruit of their labor.
A tree that does not bear fruit is cut down. Jesus Christ was NOT a Socialist. Your eternal salvation, and your life, are in your hands- not the responsibility of others.
Read: Jesus was not a Socialist.
Thomas Sowell, American Economist
The Psychological term is ‘enabling’. “Helping someone so much, they no longer try for themselves—they just fall into ‘dependency’ status.
‘American Freedom’ is the EXACT opposite of Dependency/Economic/and Biblical principals.
I just did a search on Amazon Let's Go Brandon Patriotic FJB Funny Political Men's Short Sleeve T-Shirt Graphic Tee
If you read the reviews on these jeans there’s a review titled “good front pockets” that took me 30 seconds to find which says “I like the big front pockets” and “I like to keep my money and my keys in my front pockets, so deep pockets are important.” 5 stars.
>navy baseball cap
That anyone can buy on Amazon for $22 and dosnt in anyway mean you're in the navy
This book absolutely should be required reading. Originally written in 1954 it is even more relevant now than it was back then.
MMT says: spend away, don't worry about debt. Hyperinflation is not going to happen. This time is different Lebanon acted MMT out with predictable results.
> Some basic math will tell you that when you start near zero and increase 4 times and you are still at 1/4, that’s not a good thing.
The Chinese sure think it is because they are living WAY better than their parents did. Meanwhile, you expect American to be happy not getting a raise and doing worse off than their parents. Good luck.
>Quickly approaching?!?
Next 10-20 years.
>Your rebuttals on these topics are substantively lacking. There’s no evidence to suggest that anything you are saying results in the overall good of the people. Communism is authoritarian, rights of the people be damned.
Capitalism is authoritarian, rights of the people be damned. Wages are evidence. Hundreds of millions of Chinese being lifted out of poverty is evidence. It’s a fact. Sorry.
>You say what freedom means to you but it’s not freedom at all. It’s giving up control of your life for the appearance of security. Understand that is the fundamental flaw of communism. People give up every last right to the government so they will be taken care of.
I don’t think being in poverty is a right. I don’t think dying of cancers because you can’t afford it is a right.
>You are worried about going broke fighting cancer, yet communist governments have killed millions of their own people who didn’t disagree with them.
Cool let’s do the part where no one goes broke fighting cancer without killing millions of people. Problem solved.
>It’s still happening to this day in China.
Total nonsense.
>Benjamin Franklin once said: "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
Except I’ve seen how your side treats this: the patriot Act, NSA surveillance, arresting Muslims, cracking down on protesters. No thanks.
He got his cancer cured by the Soviets.
I don’t entirely understand the question. I’m definitely joking and not suggesting that Ben genuinely hates him. It’s just a running gag. But the book was real and did actually do well.
$10 dollars on Amazon for a crash course on fascist political philosophy and how it was received at the time of its development and its relationship to the American Left wing:
If you don't want to pay for it, but are willing to read it, let me know and I'll buy it for you. If you want to know why horseshoe theory is a silly way to try and reconcile cognitive dissonance, and not a functional idea, and also how fascism operated as a political philosophy this is a good step one.
Eh tbh it’s not a conspiracy even if it’s wrong. I’m a Brit who’s lived in the US for some years. John Oliver sounds the way he always has, yes. But there is a weird effect where Brits exaggerate their own accent subconsciously in the US due to positive social feedback. It’s a thing and I’ve seen it, even in some humorous contexts of my own. It probably started out subtle, of course.
It can be more consciously faked, or at least affected. I know someone from grad school who goes ridiculously overboard: this guy, a socialist who writes for the Guardian and Current Affairs. His ex told me he moved to the UK as a child and had a mostly normal Floridian accent until a need for attention in undergrad, and it really suits his cringily constructed persona. He hated me, as some imagined ‘role usurper’, even without knowing my politics, especially since his ex was a friend.
On the other hand many Americans struggle to believe that any actual British accent isn’t fake, because theirs is the ‘zero’ accent to them (only they speak of ‘no accent’, as though it’s been the natural way to talk since Hammurabi). I’ve been ‘called out’ on this a few times before proving it. It would blow their minds to realise that I’ve felt the same way when I first met Americans.
At the end of the day none of them sound better or worse to me, and they’re all equally valid and complex and all similarly far from 1600s English.
Honestly yes, if you still support trump at this point you are as much an idiot as he is. What progress? All the stuff he repealed to set himself and his cronies up to be richer?
His cult has been represented for the idiots they are. Look at them protesting during a pandemic?
Here, is this from your amazon wishlist?
But yes, Hillary was a fucking farce by the DNC. Still, I'd say she's a smarter person than trump.
Read this book:
The wages that rise as a result of immigration are those of business owners that profit off of having a wider pool of labor competing for the jobs that they provide.
Massive wage increases occurred in Europe after the Black Plague wiped out a third of the population died. Each laborer had more value due to the constraints on labor supply. Adding labor to your society inherently reduces the amount of money you have to pay your laborers, as there are more of them competing for available jobs.
Edit: the studies you’re citing are also from 1) specific occurrences in specific times, and 2) largely from studies taken during the 20th century and not in the current age of mass immigration from third world countries.
I use Boost for reddit. I would think it's a feature on the Reddit app. Maybe not.
Anyway, I think controversy is determined by how many down-votes you got regardless of how many up-votes you also got.
Your most controversial comment is this one.
EDIT: and I agree with your comment, btw.