After some interesting feedback about yesterday's Person of New Zealand, I thought I'd draw a response.
I'm auctioning off this piece (I'll add in some other originals too) on my instagram: @ugly_ink
All the proceeds will be split between and
- You can also add Hydrating Person to any fun event using this graphic:
I could never look at gangs the same way after reading <em>The Girls in the Gang</em> by Glennis Dennehy and Greg Newbold. Maybe things have changed in more recent years, but for decades most gangs operated as rape cults. Rape defined them and bonded them, not drugs, organised crime, or turf wars, just the institutionalised rape and abuse of women.
For all those against Jane Kelsey's response. Here is the one from Deborah Gleeson.
I particularly like this paragraph.
>The purported aim of the Annex is to facilitate ‘high-quality healthcare’ but the Annex does nothing to achieve this. It is clearly intended to cater to the interests of the pharmaceutical industry. Nor does this do anything to promote “free trade”: rather it tightly specifies the operation of countries’ schemes for subsidizing pharmaceuticals and medical devices with the aim of providing greater disclosure, more avenues for pharmaceutical industry influence and greater opportunities for industry contestation of pharmaceutical decision making.
Ironically, I have an M.A. in Journalism. I'm a software engineer now, but, as I said, I've written a book on NZ politics. Self-published, sure, but gosh darn it, I'm proud of it.
When a major newspaper takes reddit comments as a newsworthy story, the news has indeed broken.
No the bloody New Zealand Warriors beat the Sydney city Roosters. Bloody kiwis an their skills. Good game but.
Always applicable quote from 'The Anti-Fascist Handbook':
"It is important to note, however, that the vast majority of people who oppose limiting free speech on political grounds are not free speech absolutists. They all have their exceptions to the rule, whether obscenity, incitement to violence, copyright infringement, press censorship during wartime, or restrictions for the incarcerated.
If we rephrase the terms of the debate by taking these exceptions into account, we can see that many liberals support limiting the free speech of working-class teens busted for drugs, but not limiting the free speech of Nazis. Many are fine when the police quash the free speech of the undocumented by hunting them down, while they amplify the speech of the Klan by protecting them. They advocate curtailing ads for cigarettes but not ads for white supremacy.
All of these examples limit speech. The only difference is that liberals pretend that their limitations are apolitical, while anti-fascists embrace an avowedly political rejection of fascism."
NordVPN is the only one I've found to work consistently. Gets around Netflix, Hulu + BBC no problem. I have it on all the time on both my phone and laptop, quite risky to not have a VPN on tbh. Whatever you choose, just ensure it's not a free VPN. Those are the devil for privacy.
Rachel Glucina’s brother Henry works for the Hip Group who are owners of the cafe (via)
Do you know how China built it's car industry? The encouraged lots of foriegn companies to come with the promise of selling cars to it's growing middle class, and cheap labour then started squeezing the companies till they all went out of business. During that time all the locals had been trainied to use all the new epensive machinery that these car companies left.
Chinese business moved in, propt up by the government and just used the factories that had been built and paid for by the foreign companies. This is how Chinese start all the business, it's a method they direved from an old Chinese story about war. If anyone is interested I will type up the story.
edit - someone asked so here is the story.
The story is that in the time of the 3 kingdoms, two large armies were facing off against each other, with a long wide river in between. For the sake of my memory, we'll just say Army A and Army B as I can't remember the finer details... The spies from army A reported that army B has a massive contingent of archers and there was no way they could cross the river and win without being shot to pieces.. So the general considered the problem and sent lots of boats down the river, containing lots of hay men (think scarecrows) dressed up and an invading army.
The boats were sent down the river in the morning mists and in the lowlight army B filled the invading force full of arrows, so many arrows they emptied their whole supply. Army A waited down river for their boats, now containing all the opposing armies arrows.
Army A, thus having gained the advantage attacked the following day and used the new arrows to defeat their opponent.
> Instead of just being able to use the same few passwords everywhere I'm forced to remember dozens...
Dude.. That's a no, no. That would mean one website breach results in your being open to the world.
Have a look here:
There are actually a bunch of these all over Europe and New Zealand. There is an app you can download to find them all.
They are all at important points for NZs WW1 history. Most are in North Eastern France, Belgium, the United Kingdom, Turkey and New Zealand. They have a little info panel on them at the top which is cut off in this photograph that tells you all about that specific location and how it's important to New Zealand, written in English, the language of the country it is in, and Te Reo.
As a Kiwi travelling Europe alone, it got me quite home sick seeing these. I went to the 100th anniversary of NZ entering the Somme and it was amazing. Prince Charles was there as well. To see these tiny French villages with names like "Otago Street" and "Canterbury Way", draped in silver ferns and New Zealand flags, it was really something else. They still remember NZ troops liberating their villages to this day. There are towns throughout Europe you can visit as a Kiwi on ANAZC Day and not have to ever buy yourself a drink, amazing experience.
"From the uttermost ends of the earth" is inscribed on most of the NZ memorials in Europe. These guys coming to France to help save villages full of people who had probably never even heard of NZ before that.
There is one in Wellington, near the place where NZ troops embarked on their ships to the Middle East at the start of the war. It was to this day the largest single exodus of New Zealanders from our shores in one event.
This is the app for the Western Front. It was developed by the Ministry for Arts Culture and Heritage. There is a second app that covers Gallipoli. Just search "Ngā Tapuwae" in the app store.
"she felt she had the right as an individual to make a choice about how she lived or died."
This is the key part of the euthanasia and the drug debate. Let people make their own decisions.
Portugal shows us that allowing personal choice doesn't result in the sudden uptake of drug use. People aren't stupid, people will use drugs or commit suicide. They shouldn't have to hide these things
Currently the drug debate is hijacked by Peter Dunne and his little pet project.
edit: I highly recommend David Nutt's book "Drugs Without the Hot Air" This is a person qualified to speak on the topic and he does so in a vary rational and evidence based way.
Yes and those people are not the Minister of Commerce responsible for the 3 strikes copyright infringement law.
I expect law makers who are regulating the internet to know basic information about the internet, like what the largest single source of traffic in the USA is. Especially as the largest single source of traffic in the USA is legal downloads of movies.
Max Wallace wrote a relevant book on this...
> Ancient exemptions from taxation for the 'supernatural' charities who are under no obligation to spend their wealth on 'good works', are not appropriate for the 21st century. They should be treated for tax purposes the same as other taxpayers. The failure of governments to formalise separation of church and state has contributed to the significant wealth of supernatural charities largely as a function of the exemptions. These are effectively concealed tithes on all taxpayers. At the same time church attendance has plummeted. Central to supernatural proselytising is their lobbying success in achieving more public money for private, religious schools.
So...... First episode of the podcast is up! Please check it out and tell us what you think!
Most Spreadsheets Per Capita: a Reddit New Zealand Podcast
Special thanks to /u/AH74 for the intro string :D
I can highly recommend reading Dave Ramsey's "Total Money Makeover" Because it has really changed my life.
It boils down to something like this:
It won't be easy but totally overcome-able. You will both come out stronger!
I finished a game this week.
For me it's a bit of a big deal. I think of myself as a game developer, but hadn't released anything in quite a while. A combination of Depression, Arthritis, Parenting, Earthquake, and Potential Blindness got in the way.
So here it is. $0.99 on the Android Play store and a free to play Flash version at
It's been on the Play store for a day or two and This morning I get a notification Email.
"Potato is at # 482 in [Top New Paid] in Armenia"
That is most assuredly a qualified success.
This. This is only possible effect the new law can have. True pirates won't be stopped, but open internet access at one of the nation's largest institutions for research and education will be utterly stifled.
There's a protest on in Auckland on the 27th of August... anyone care to join me?
Ah, Kiwi ingenuity. Buy stupid shit off AliExpress. Resell for a $46.07 profit.
Was looking through the comments.
After user "Disabled Johnny" leaves a comment with a graph of the price trend, "Mike Bond" leaves these comments:
>Why would you want your own home Johnny? Having your own home means PAYING for your own home and maintenance and insurance and........ Keep bludging mentally disabled one, you are better off.
>You are not important enough bludger. Just wasted space is what you are.
If we go to his Disqus profile:
We get this little "gem" of a summary:
>Business man who hates lazy people. Remember life owes you nothing!
Gotta be a troll right? He fits the stereotype right-wing businessman too well.
EDIT: Sensable Mike has some entertaining things to say, too.
Just a note, NZ only needs one party to consent to phone calls being recorded, so installing a call recording app is a good idea.
Haven't watched it yet but I suppose he's promoting his book The Madness of Crowds, which was pretty damn entertaining tbh, especially the Audible version narrated by Murray himself.
I guess the biggest impression I got from the book was that minority groups are being used as battering rams for leftist ideology. A quaint example was when Peter Thiel was declared not gay after showing support for Trump.
Is this a paid advertisement for NordVPN? You seem to not generally post in this sub, appear out of nowhere with all this BS talk about needing to have a VPN on all the time, and get a ridiculous amount of upvotes for it? What the fuck is going on here?
> free markets naturally cause wealth to become more concentrated.
This is why the founding father of capitalism, Adam Smith, calls for wealth redistribution as a necessary element of capitalism in the founding text of capitalism, The Wealth of Nations.
Funny that modern "capitalists" choose to ignore this.
Created by Anna BW who works for Newshub politics
NZ is huge. Conversely, (some) other countries seem geographically small to us. If you spend 8 hours in a car in Europe, you'll probably go through several countries. - the exact other side of the world for us.
Oh it's very serious. Reports of crime waves from avacado shortages have been making international news lately, here's an article.
Please, if you move here, don't go around quoting Thomas Jefferson. The man was a repeated slave rapist and you'll sound like the kind of patriotic knob you're trying to move away from.
EDIT: Also, good lord, will you kindly look at the geographical distance between Samoa and New Zealand, consider that they've been developing seperately for roughly 700 years, and concede that the two groups might now be significantly different? NGL, I kind of hope that you do tell some huge Samoan bloke that "the truth can be offensive" and see how that turns out for you.
Fuck off, deal with the fact that we have access to the rest of the world. International retailers aren't going to bother paying GST, they just won't sell to us. Or people will have goods forwarded via a country without GST. And at $25, 70% of books will still be under the threshold.
There's a bit more than a 15% difference in prices, too.
>The misperception that boycotts ended apartheid
Boycotts helped to end apartheid in South Africa, along with other strategies. For example The targeting of Sun City, a whites only resort, turned into a much bigger cultural movement.
>...armchair activists who liked to perceive that they were making a difference despite minimal contributions (e.g. by protesting a rugby match).
If you're protesting a rugby match you can't be much of an armchair activist.
This is an ideology that even the fucking IMF have concluded doesn't work. Members of an organisation built to aggressively promote global neoliberalism have admitted that the West may have been fooled in the 80s by Thatcher and Reagan. Do you not think it is now time to abandon ship?
Honestly I would recommend just doing some courses on udemy or the udacity nanodegrees look quite promising and look to give a lot of support to students.
I'm currently going through the complete Node.js developer course (2nd Edition on udemy - which has been really solid for $10.
I guess I'd just have to caution throwing lots of money at a course unless you're really after the bit of paper at the end. Online training is really amazing.
I'm an American who lives in New Zealand, from California and living in Auckland. I would say if you're in your young twenties and want a city with an active nightlife, you should actually live in Wellington. It has way more of a "city" feel than Auckland (which kind of feels more like a collection of suburbs). Also, yes NZ is expensive, but it's doable if you have a job, since minimum wage isn't too terrible (better than pretty much anywhere in the US). You can also check out if you're curious about specifics of prices. You can look at jobs and housing on as well. If you're really living in the most expensive place in the US, New York, New Zealand will seem pretty cheap. Anyway, as others say check out the sidebars as well.
Was on my wife's phone and saw that Tinder was installed...
Luckily, each icon has the app name underneath - and after squinting my eyes it turned out to be the NZ Blood Donation app hahaha.
Excessive restrictions on free speech are the domain of authoritarianism and totalitarianism, not specifically fascists.
To 'act like fascists' one would have to be obsessed with the idea that the country is weak or declining in status, embrace a highly hierarchical view of society, view inequality as natural and desirable, and rabidly hate the left. Fascism is fundamentally a right wing reactionary movement against intellectualism and the left.
Robert Paxton's book 'The Anatomy of Fascism' is a great book to read if you want to understand what defines fascism specifically.
Apple alone is worth 4x as much as bitcoin.
I don't think apple shares are gonna replace the USD as the defacto global currency any time soon.
Saudi Aramco's yearly revenues are greater than the bitcoin market cap. All from oil sold in USD. That's 1 company out of millions.
SO and I were going to go jog the Piha to Whatipu section of the Hillary Trail today while a friend of mine ran it in the opposite direction, swap car keys in the middle, meet back at Titirangi and swap cars again before going home.
A wrinkle has arisen, namely that we drank an entire bottle of Cointreau last night and smoked several cones and a couple of durries apiece, and 20k of gnarly-ass trail ain't gonna happen.
We are both bad influences on each other.
Still gonna drive out to Piha and taxi my mate back from the trailhead later, though. Can't go ruining his plans.
In the meantime, I shall drink Nescafe Gold and play FTL. I love this game.
Woo holidays!
This is why I'm fat.
To help with this, there are apps you can get (can't remember their names) where you grow a forest, or have a pet or something, and once you open the app and set the timer, if you close it, your tree or animal dies. Essentially locking out your phone for that period of time. I'll try to find an example and edit a link in.
Edit: found the forest one! :D forest
White privilege is explicitly highlighted at the bottom of the page you posted under the heading "more meanings" you absolute manus
Hey everyone. Remember that coverage a little while ago about NZ customs being able to search your phone and other electronic devices?
I found this in /r/nottheonion, Man charged for refusing to give phone passcode to canadian boarder agents
Looks like it. I'm not sure what is so hard to grasp, they are at about the same longitude as us, so as the earth spins, they will be exposed to the sun at roughly the same time.
>Fascism: A political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.
So no, the threat of violent ~~resistance~~ attack worked.
The whole thing about not eating organ meat's just a super-ingrained modern Western cultural issue. If you have a 1960s Edmonds NZ cookbook collecting dust somewhere give it a look- plenty of recipes for brains and tongues back when it wasn't quite as strongly taboo.
Edit: If you want a really good writeup on organ meat and why people get so weird about it, I thoroughly recommend reading Gulp by Mary Roach as there's a great chapter breaking it down.
Naturally existing in a place or country rather than arriving from another place.
Makes me indigenous. I didn't arrive from another place.
I was in a super procrastinatory mood today so I found it for you. Open the link in itunes and you can hear it for yourself:
edit: it's also here on amazon if you don't have itunes
Agreed all AT software is crud. Google Maps journey planner works well. And I use third-party apps for checking live boards, eg Auckland Transit
I posted a link to this bug on one of yesterday's mindless threads. Looks quite close based on the description.
If true (and I'm speculating again), then they should have patched this 6 months ago.
We do know the "Common Web Platform" uses Drupal 7 and Solr search - that detail is embedded in the search results HTML.
> During outbreaks, unvaccinated kids should be kept away to keep everyone safe including those being kept away...
That's mighty optimistic of you there. If there are anti-vaxxers, there are idiots. Idiots like this:
What will the Labour Party decide at their conference? Yes, 'qualified support' for the TPP I expect, despite world-wide condemnation of the thing. Gutless mugs.
Now were Labour to oppose it, where would the Maori Party and Peter Dunne sit with respect to it being passed? Yet to read the final version I expect they will say.
Its a no-brainer. And dear old Mike Williams wonders where his 1/2 million missing Labour voters are. Sad. I do hope the names of Corbyn and Sanders get a mention at the conference.
It's very nice! Worth noting that this is a stock image, however. I recognise it as one that I've purchased before.
I can play the "meaning of the word" game as well.
noun Any of various potable liquids resembling milk, such as coconut milk or soymilk.
a food product produced from seeds or fruit that resembles and is used similarly to cow's milk almond/coconut/soy/nut milk
Since somebody else mentioned using melatonin to help you get to sleep:
f.lux on Windows, Mac OSX and Linux
Twilight on Android
Puts a red filter over the screen at designated times of the day to ensure the blue light from your phone or computer monitor is not going to disrupt melatonin production that naturally occurs once the sun is down.
Note that Twilight can interfere with app installations, and you may need to pause it to properly install apps. It can then be safely resumed.
Here's the distribution of certifying consultants in New Zealand. There are four in Queenstown, and there's one each in Hokitika and Owaka. If you're in Southland or on the West Coast and not near Queenstown, that's two separate trips, of several hours each, that you might have to make before you can get an abortion.
You do realise we already have transfer payments and have done for a very long time? It is common knowledge that money in the hands of the poor is better for the economy than in the hands of the rich up to a certain point, which we are nowhere near.
Also, there are plenty of studies showing that increased inequality correlates with poor GDP per capita. It's a big part of why the gini coefficient has become relevant.
Not really. 4chan and 8chan for example are places that anyone can visit and are relatively easy to find. 4chan for years was infamous for certain boards like /pol/ for similar things, but mostly for internet trolling. Among other things, they managed to get "Hitler did nothing wrong" as a new Mountain Dew flavour name. 4chan's infamy came primarily from those things which I figure to be examples of dark humour, although 8chan became a thing after those moderating 4chan got sick and tired of the kind of content they kept seeing. 8chan is where all the "toxic" people from 4chan migrated to and that's where the terrorist hung out. There's also a lot of other questionable shit on there like child pornography.
I don't think that they're honeypots in the sense that people don't simply find them and then become sucked into it as commonly portrayed. Those people who do espouse or otherwise agree with the views found in places like 8chan tend to already have those views before they went in, and simply looked for people who shared them. Same goes for most social media platforms, like Reddit, Facebook, etc.
For cheap spotify premium you can sign up to the spotify family plan, which is $22.50 for up to 6 ppl (incl yourself).
So basically paying $3.75 each and all 6 ppl get their own individual premium account.
Dirt cheap!!
Hi Gareth, think you are doing a great job, and were the only one with any reason during the copyright bill debates.
Couple of questions:
1) Did anything come from the Nethui last week? What are your ideas to help this government be more forward thinking when it comes to technology and the internet?
2) Are there any ways we could make NZ a testing hub for some of the more creative ways to use technology to solve some of the big climate/economic issues we are facing. Eg. Solar Roadways
So ran into a thread "Best web based browser games" on the frontpage of reddit last night.
Say goodbye to my life.
Holy jesus it's such a dumb game, but so addictive.
We use VeraCrypt on any laptops crossing boarders. Plausible deniability through hidden volumes. Suck it, Mr secret agent man.
Not that I'm ever carrying secret squirrel data (passwords in Keepass DBs sometimes), but I hide any pirated movies or shows on my laptop when flying internationally.
Phones? Meh. I just assume anything on my phone is accessible by anyone, and act accordingly.
Hasn't happened yet, but company policy is to scrap any device that gets taken away for examination. Who knows what cyber cooties it's been infected with.
I know it can be hard to talk about, been there myself. Something that really helped, and got me into a headspace where not only could I help myself, but to where I could talk to others about it was Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. Its under $20 on kindle
Its not a typical "self help, be happy" type book, its by the guy who pioneered CBT, which is a mainstay of modern psychiatrists.
It didn't "fix" my mental illness, but it really helped me cope when I was in the worst of it.
That and binging Community and Parks and Recreation
Gboard has a million languages and Maori is one of them. It automatically suggests macrons where appropriate and has auto-correct for both English and Maori.
I've never used any as I find the Iphone one works fine for me but I've seen a LOT of love around for Pocket Casts. For both iOS and Android.
Argh . Can anyone look after my two amazing Burmese cats for 5 months while I sail to Tonga to do some charity work and sample the water for radiation on the way? My arrangement fell apart just now and I'm leaving on Thursday! Two amazing Burmese! Food and vets paid!
Sorry I'm on mobile, packing and fueling up on the yacht.
Please pm!
fake, as another user said in the x post
Vibrators are expensive, dumb dildos are cheap.
You can buy 50 Realistic 12 Inch Real Skin feeling Dildos for
USD $3.20 each
Edit: So $480 USD will get every MP in parliament their own 12 inch dildo, plus have a few left over for the next reddit after-after-party.
Edit2 Or you can go small and give them 7inches for $0.50 each so USD $75 the lot
Please show one graduate nurse job in Australia at $80k or above.
you can certainly earn more in Australia as a nurse but you will be disappointed if you expect to earn $80k as a grad nurse in Australia.
I'm currently listening to The Worst Idea of All Time. This is the most ridiculous fucking podcast I've ever heard. These guys are watching Grown Ups 2 every week and reviewing it and losing their minds.
100% highly recommend.
Podcast is up. Looks like it actually went up last night.
Edit: Snoo Zealand. You guys are mad. And no need to get salty about miso soup.
urgh, another day at work. Was up until late working on this game for a gamejam. Just put first 'playable' build online;
(Runs in yer browser, build a tower) kinda worried people will compare it to Minecraft :o
I didn't watch the fight, either. But boxing is pretty hit and miss. Matches can end in the first round or go the full distance. Plus it's far too watered down:
> In 1949, boxing had nine weight classes with a single champion ruling each of them. Today there are 17 separate divisions and the potential for over 100 different men to wear world championship belts of varying standing and worth. - The Guardian
Not to mention the history of corruption in the sport.
They have a long way to go to out slut gay men in 1978.
(I mention gay men before AIDS NOT because I think gay men are big sluts but because I think this is probably a decent approximation of heterosexual men's behavior, too, if they were unconstrained by partner availability and/or threat of AIDS.)
Its actually not that simple and you are spreading complete mistruths.
The TPA investment document is here.
Article II.18 deals with claims. The key clause is 1.b
**(b) the claimant, on behalf of an enterprise of the respondent that is a juridical person that the claimant owns or controls directly or indirectly, may submit to arbitration under this Section a claim
(i) that the respondent has breached
(A) an obligation under Section A,
[ (B) an investment authorization, or]
[ (C) an investment agreement;] and
(ii) that the enterprise has incurred loss or damage by reason of, or arising out of, that breach,**
B and C are both referring to specific deals the govt has made with that company. So if we give an oil company a license to drill for oil and then later on ban drilling, the oil company can claim for damages. Which seems reasonable as it's sort and got assurance that that wouldn't happen.
A is the actual agreement which I encourage you to read as I cant copy out the whole thing but basically says - You cant favour local bidders in any way - You cant demand that foreign companies must pay additional costs or employ people of local origins, or leave profits in the local country. - You must protect them you would a local company within the law.
All of which sounds totally reasonable and what we would hope our companies experienced if setting up in foreign countries. Its also the general principles of every trade agreement.
You may oppose free trade for a variety of reasons but to say that we are handing over to the corporations is ludicrous.
tl;dr OP is spouting hyperbolic nonsense.
There is some evidence to show that more animals die producing plant crops than are killed for meat:, also some interesting discussion here -
At least most meat animals are killed humanely, compared to pest animals dying slow and painful deaths from poison.
The best search engine for flights is ITA matrix. It is the software that provides the backend for Google Flights.
But it isn’t a booking site. So once you know the flights you will have to book them with the airlines.
Yup, I travel a lot for work (from NZ) and spent about 4 months there last year living mostly in Middelburg. Nice place but pretty quiet :) I had apartments on the Blauwedijk and the Dam. I lived here
On Walcheren (the main peninsular part) i also visited Vlissingen, Domburg and Veere, and drove through some other towns.
I liked Zeeland, it was pretty cool. I think the Netherlands is my favourite country now, after NZ of course........
Its funny you say that- Winston actually did a good job in that position as opposed to all the other things/positions you could criticise him for- check out this US diplomatic cable:
"Clark was widely criticized when she appointed Winston Peters as New Zealand's Foreign Minister following the 2005 election. Since then, Peters has proved his worth in the role, with accomplishments such as helping to advance the US-NZ bilateral relationship. Fears that the hard-boiled instincts Peters often displays on the domestic political stage would injure New Zealand's reputation aboard have not been realized."
I use NordVPN and share my login with family. Very satisfied overall. They're not based in a Five Eyes country, recommended by , and cheaper than most similar VPNs such as Mullvad.
Only feature I'd want is port forwarded servers for P2P use (which PIA has).
Their Android app is great. With the CyberSec feature you can browse any site, securely, on public WiFi without ads.
I'll keep my advice short and simple.
I am a University student, still studying. Seeing as you are still young, be brave and take some risks. If you are interested, I recommend you read "The Intelligent Investor" by Benjamin Graham, it is well worth reading and available at all libraries.
Also I won't mention this guys name (for obvious reasons), but he honestly does fantastic finance and investing tutorials.
Stock Market Simulators do exist and the NZX and the ASX have their own for you to use. You can also create bogus portfolios through Google to simulate how much you may or may not have lost.
If you are reading this, feel free to private message me. I am more than happy helping people with their personal investments.
If you do any boating MX Mariner is like $10 bucks and has charts for all of NZ freely downloadable, zoomable, and integrates with your tablet or phone GPS and can do tracking and waypoints and measure distances and so on. With this you pretty much don't need a chartplotter, and way cheaper than Navionics if you're only in NZ waters.
I closet smoked for 8 years (three or four a week). Openly smoked for another 9 years (est. two or three packs a week).
App is called Quit Now. It's got a forum inside it - people propping each other up, back patting etc. Phone will send you pings everytime you hit a money or health milestone. Which is a lot in the initial months. Its free, but I got the pro version in the end. Ads were a pain and $4 is nothing in the context it was serving. Here are the free versions:
And to pre-empt the question, I quit using Champix. It was incredibly effective for me and it's fully subsidised by the government.
If you have an Android phone, try this app to see how strong your wifi signal is in different parts of your house. It's best to have your router up high and away from steel/concrete/microwave ovens.
It's possible that someone nearby has a more powerful signal on the wifi channel you're using, which would affect your connection - try channel 1, 6, and 11 to see which gives you the best results at .
I really wish more people I knew used Signal (on iOS) or TextSecure (on Android).
Not sure if it can replace the native SMS app on iOS, but I use it in place of the usual messenger on Android.
> stalker dsr manual
According to this copy, the calibration test is to ±1 Mph. (at 40 Mph)
So allowing for rounding, it's only accurate to ± 2 Kph. (at 64 Kph)
If the measurement error scales with speed, which it probably does, at best it's only accurate to ± 3 Kph at 100 Kph.
That is of course under testing conditions, in the real world, allowing for terrain, interference and user error, the accuracy would be substantially worse.
Go through this in detail and fill out the linked spreadsheet with relevant numbers.
CIA has not found any link between Orlando killer and Isis, says agency chief.
Sorry, what exactly does our deployment to Iraq have to do with a crazed gunman in the United States?
Oh that's right. It's an emotive excuse designed for plebs, thought up by an entourage of hacks.
Just finished watching Watchmen, the ultimate version all three and a half hours, fairly good film.
Then I encountered the post from the guy losing his hearing, If there is one fear that could happen to me, going deaf is it, it's why I'm far more careful with my hearing, considering how little it takes for my ears to have pain.
It's Drupal 7 and Solr. Far more likely that one of the many holes were used. Or maybe they were just sloppy and hadn't buttoned everything down.
We'll never know until the Treasury "web editor" comes out from hiding under his desk.
But seriously, if it turns out they trusted the security of their public CMS to protect sensitive time-embargoed information then heads should roll.
I was going to complain some more but instead put the stuff from the top three parties into a google spreadsheet (linked below). I tried to highlight the policies that are comparable, so reading across: if two parties show have the same colour the policies are about the same issue (or the parties have the same policy). Weaker colour means the policy addresses a similar issue or addresses it in a different way. In addition each topic has a colour to show where the groups are; I kept these the same as on the original nzherald page even though some might be in the wrong place (e.g. there's a lot of education talk in "Welfare"). Every policy will affect all topics anyway (e.g. better education might mean less poverty).
Looks like they may have asked if they wanted to show it at the Civic:
>From: Lane, Christopher Sent: Friday, June 27, 2014 5:02 PM To: ODell, Steven; Alexander, Ralph Subject: More Theatres - Hateful 8
>Ralph & Steven-
>Here are some more theaters I found outside of Europe that might be of interest to add. Photos attached. These all still seem functional – some I’d actually like to go to some day…
>· Grand Ocean Theater, Hong Kong, China
>· Cathay Theatre, Shanghai, China
>· Broadway Cinematheque, Hong Kong, China
>· Cine Odeon, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
>· Cine Roxy, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
>· Espaco Unibanco de Cinema Glauber Rocha, Salvador Bahia, Brazil
>· Civic Theatre, Auckland, New Zealand
>· Labia Theatre, Cape Town, South Africa
>· 35mm Cinema, Moscow, Russia
>· Cines Monumental, Buenos Aires, Argentina
>· Cineteca Nacional, Mexico City, Mexico
>· Cinema Rio 70, Monterrey, Mexico
>Have a good weekend!
>Christopher Lane
>Sony Pictures Entertainment
>Worldwide Repertory Sales Manager
>10202 W. Washington Blvd. | Jimmy Stewart 237-D | Culver City, CA 90232
>p: (310) 244-7913 | f: (310) 244-1525 | e: >
>Like us on FACEBOOK and follow us on TWITTER for updates!>
Hey everyone - I'm the author of this article.
You guys have commented on this more than /r/Vexillology AND /r/graphic_design combined! So Thanks.
I wrote another article about the NZ flag debate earlier this week. Don't kill me for it, just my opinion as a designer who loves the NZ "brand". I love your country and had a great time visiting in 2010!
Fuck it. Get the one that reflect your personality.,searchweb201602_5_10065_10068_10084_10083_10080_10082_10081_10060_10061_10062_10056_10055_10037_10054_10059_10032_10078...
Classic white is out and Bordello Chic is in
the 'combinations' don't mean anything, the line closest to you is for your lane, the other line is for the oncoming lane.
did your rental company give you anything at all? I'm amazed it isn't standard practice amongst rental companies worldwide to give foreign drivers an illustrated pamphlet with translations to be honest. I would've appreciated Hertz explaining multi-way stop intersections to me when I went to the USA or even the right on red rule. It's hard to work these things out fast when you're already trying to 'get a feel' for driving on the opposite side that you have been for most of your life.
This is most of the info you need to know anyway.
Yup, looks like you are right.
Just done a search for "software" across the whole thing.
Word only used to insist Governments use only licensed software themselves.
Article II.15: Investment and Environmental, Health and other Regulatory Objectives
Nothing in this Chapter shall be construed to prevent a Party from adopting, maintaining, or enforcing any measure otherwise consistent with this Chapter that it considers appropriate to ensure that investment activity in its territory is undertaken in a manner sensitive to environmental, health, or other regulatory objectives.
In other words this and similar sections in other part of the agreement, which will very likely be in the final agreement, means that a pharmaceutics company would be unable to successfully sue us if we decided to do something similar to the Canadians in this case.
A lot of the bad things people point out about this agreement are either misinterpreted, not backed by fact or vastly exaggerated in their effect. I'd encourage you to check up on the sources of any claims made and be somewhat sceptical if none can be found.
Inertia is the answer. There have been multiple failures over the past few years with no help from Trade Me being the 5th most-visited site in New Zealand according to some stats.
Check these graphs out.
They show that a NIT is exactly the same as a UBI, cost wise.
Throw in a dash of Ombi so others in your household (wink) can easily add to the library themselves…
Then realise you’re now running an essential service and can’t afford downtime…
End up in /r/Homelab and decide to build a high-availability cluster…
Which eats up all the money you saved from not subscribing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯