This app was mentioned in 78 comments, with an average of 3.01 upvotes
When I was still commuting, I'd use to turn on the Moovit app when I'm inside the LRT and seated. Once I'm near my stop, the phone will vibrate and alert me, and that's my cue to wake up. Mga 30mins din na nap yun. I'm not worried about thieves since I secured my zippers with S biners.
Also, pag may mahabang free-for-all na pila sa jeep, wag ka dun sa madaming kumpulan ng tao - lalampasan lagi ng jeep yun kasi kailangan nila itabi. Dun ka mag-abang malayo layo ng konti sa dulo. Ingat ka din sa gamit mo pag pasok sa jeep, diyan ka vulnerable sa mandurukot kadalasan.
Tema colectivos: te recomiendo Moovit, te dice paradas, líneas, horarios, podés buscar de una dirección a otra y te tira varias opciones, te dice que líneas frenan por parada y está actualizada (Hasta donde sé, Google Maps te puede fallar si hubo alguna modificación de línea o de ruta).
That app is pretty much the same as the Septa app for tracking, better UI though.
I use the Septa app and Moovit (which does several transit systems)
Use moovit, it will give you step-by-step directions using all available public transportation. It also notifies you when to get off the bus for example.
There isn't public transit live navigation as there is for walking and driving and biking. I wish there were! You should try Moovit through; I installed it for a while but eventually went back to Google Maps, despite the lack of live transit navigation. Perhaps you will like Moovit better than I did!
Here's a list of RapidKL buses that service the area:
Use the Moovit app to get estimated departure/arrival times of the buses (Most accurate when taking the bus from the terminus).
There are also a lot of shuttle buses that service the Kelana Jaya station.
For tracking and planning public transportation download the moovit application.
All The best pubs are located in the lower city near the "sailboat" (or as local call it "the rocket") tower.
In recent years Haifa is having a bit of a wild boar problem, the boars have started moving into the city in search of easy sources of food. If you come across one, first don't panic, they are usually not aggressive but you don't want to scare them. Keep some distance and don't get too close.
Estuve en tu situación hace poco, y usando la app Moovit (que te tira mejores rutas, los horarios de los transportes, etc) estuve pipí-cucú. Además sirve para bocha de ciudades.
Preporuka za malo bolju stvar od planplus-a, Moovit app za Android. Služi za prevoz, od zadate tačke A do zadate tačke B, gradskim saobraćajnim. Više mi uopšte nije cimanje gde god da idem po gradu, samo dok mi kažu tačnu adresu gde bi trebalo da dođem.
You could download the moovit app and search Parnitha as your destination, from wherever in Athens. As far as I remember, getting there with the bus from the center, is quite a trip though..
O Google Maps já consegue responder bem a isso, se pedires direções podes especificar transportes públicos, bem como hora a que queres chegar etc. Se quiseres algo mais especializado, também tens Moovit e Citymapper. Já usei ambas em Lisboa, e qualquer uma das duas funcionou muito bem.
Pode usar ônibus numa boa em JP, mas sempre fica atento. Instala o Moovit no seu celular. Uso com frequência e é muito bom pra ter noção das linhas, horários e percursos de ônibus urbano em JP. Quando não se sentir à vontade para usar ônibus, usa Uber.
Para ir a Natal ou Recife, vá até à Rodoviária e procure os guichês das empresas que vão a essas cidades (para Natal é Viação Nordeste e para Recife é Viação Progresso). No site da rodoviária que indiquei, dá para consultar e comprar as passagens online.
Se for a Natal, procure algum passeio de buggy nas dunas. Em Recife, recomendo ir à Olinda (região metropolitana de Recife) no fim de semana, pois há muitos blocos de carnaval ensaiando (não são de samba, mas de frevo, maracatu...), há muitas pessoas na rua, dançando, bebendo.
Which city? In Wellington you can get an app that shows you in real time where the busses are. Just give me a minute while I look for it again.
Edit: here it is Supports heaps of different cities worldwide, thought this would be better.
I don't really go anywhere where I need routing now. I live and work in North York on the subway line, and when I go downtown I have everywhere memorized.
For the rare occasion I'm going somewhere I have no clue about, I'll use the TTC route planner on their site. If you're on Android, Moovit is pretty good.
Acá usamos moovit para movernos en transporter público. Uber no entra a el aeropuerto. Tu mejor opción para el confort es el taxi del aeropuerto, pero imagino que es muy caro.
Me tienen cansado mae, al chile perros, me tienen vuelto loco rastas, todos los días con la misma vara, mis ricos ya nos hacemos una repartición de extremidades, al 2X1.
Descargue Moovit, es una aplicación de autobuses en Costa Rica. Yo la he usado para programar salidas en autobús y es muy buena. Igualmente tenés acceso a horarios y las paradas de autobuses.
Hi you can find information for the public transport hère on "moovit" :
And download this app "m'ticket" :
You can but ticket directly, more easier.
For regional transit you can also use moovit (has more regions and a few more features but has ads) or Transportr (free and open source, but has less regions for now. However for Mannheim that doesn't matter as it does have VRN).
As far as I know, both of them get their data from local transit authorities, so they are as reliable as those are, are available for cities all over the world, and have real-time updates where those exist (VRN does have them).
Όταν χρειάστηκε να χρησιμοποιήσω για μεγαλο διάστημα μονο ΜΜΜ σε μέρη της Αθήνας που δεν ειχα ξαναπάει το google maps με δυσκολεψε και χρησιμοποιούσα το Moovit Τουλάχιστον σε ώρες αφιξεων λεωφορείων και αλλαγων στα δρομολόγια λογω έργων ήταν πολύ πιο up to date...
Primero que nada, ¡Bienvenida! tanto a Montevideo como al sub.
La guaraná se consigue en algunos Supermercados, nos llegan acá dos distintas. La Nix (que personalmente me parece una mierda) y la Antarctica. Ninguna de las dos opciones hay de 3L y ni a palo al precio que decís, pero podés conseguir de 1,5L o incluso 2L.
Con respecto al tema omnibus y para evitar perderte te recomiendo que tengas dos aplicaciones en el celular:
Por último, no es para nada infantil, es normal que te sientas sóla en una ciudad que no es la tuya, en la que no conocés a nadie. Es más, diría que hasta sos muy valiente y madura por haberte mandado a la otra punta del país de esta manera.
Así que ta, metele para adelante y animate a salir a recorrer que cuando quieras acordar, te vas a dar cuenta que Montevideo es un pañuelo
Hacete una copia de la llave. Si tenes freezer, congela lo que sea que vallas a comer y mandale sin miedo que a no ser que te corten la luz no se pone feo nada. Busca Paulina cocina en youtube (te va a salvar la vida). Con el tiempo vas a cocinar mejor que tu vieja. Te solucione la vida con esta app Compra te si no tenes aunque sea una sartén masomenos hondo. Podes cocinar lo que sea y cuando digo lo que sea es lo que sea. Hasta fideos y salchichas al mismo tiempo! Si te vas a manejar en bici lleva una llave siempre. Y casco por las dudas. No se a que parte de bsas pero si es porteñolandia acostumbrate a caminar rapido. Caminar lento para una banda de gente es un falta de respeto posta. Si te mudas a ciudad ciudad por lo que mas quieras en el mundo un ventilador. La humedad es impresionante a veces. Si alguno te quiere parar en la calle te quiere vender algo no les des charla deciles no gracias y listo. Te pueden tener horas con tal de venderte un perfume trucho. Conoce al portero. Y no seas careta en las fiestas llévale algo aunque sea una garrapiñada. Faltan un MONTON de cosas pero con el tiempo vas a ir aprendíendo.
The only city in Colombia with a metro system is Medellín, but for moving in bogotá using their integrated system, you can use these apps (I don't have the links for iOS)
Hvad med denne her? Moovit?
Det understøtter da også Midttrafiks rejser, så det er vel fordi du har haft reklamer på + at de allerede havde noget selv?
Moovit for me; it's not necessarily better than Transit, but this one actually supports my country - and regardless I've had great experience with Moovit working well reliably for me. I would literally be lost without it.
Totally agree, the interface is kind of unintuitive, and I have no idea why the thing is split into three separate apps.
I've yet to find a better app on android. I tried Moovit for a while and it definitely feels like a more polished product but unfortunately I found it lacked some of the features I use on Offi.
The Moovit app for public transportation supports Coimbra, as well as other major Portuguese cities.
For trains in between cities you can use Google maps. And you can buy train tickets online at
Moovit can show you arrival times for nearby trains and buses. Hopefully they will add Favorites list support to the Wear app one day.
Moovit - pretty much the best app for travel by public transport. lets you track buses in real-time (using other app users for GPS tracking if they enabled "en-route" mode), alerts you what station to get off the transport at, ETA, temporary changes in transportation lines
Usá la app de android Moovit. La verdad que es muy buena.
I personally use Moovit and have found it pretty good.
Android link:[1]
not sure if it's on iOS.
Frendi käyttää softaa nimeltä moveit ja on kehunut.
Itse suossitelisn kyllä ihan hsl reitti opasta.
Hey! I use this app!
It's called Moovit:
Coming from Brazil you will notice that prizes in Montevideo are much more expensive than there, I've been on Porto Alegre two times and love that city and consider it very cheap to eat there.
The change is around 1 Reai = 9 Pesos, for 20 days since you already have decided on where to stay you'll need around 1700 Reai (15000 pesos) to eat and move around the city.
The buses are the same prize (36 pesos=4 reai) but we have the "boleto céntrico" which is much cheaper (28 pesos) but is only available for a certain centric zone. Check this link, it shows clearly the zone: On the bus terminal (Tres Cruces) you can also take a special bus called CA1 that takes you to the center of the city for that same prize of the boleto céntrico. You can also of course, take a taxi or Uber, but they are more expensive. Download an App called "Moovit" it's essential since it shows you which bus to take and where to get down when you choose a destination.
If you want to cook, shop in Tata (is the same chain as the Brazilian "Dia") which is the cheaper we have. There are also small markets in every neighbour that can have cheaper things sometimes, but it depends. I don't eat out too much, but use instead an app called "PedidosYa" to order food. Most of the times, the shipping is free and they have a variety of good options there.
You probably won't have problems with the language, since Portuguese and Spanish are so similar, we can understand each other very effortlessly. Just speak Portuguese slowler and in no time you'll learn some Spanish words and start to use Portuñol. You can also just speak English, as most youngsters around here speak it well enough to understand each other.
I hope it helps :)
Awesome guide! Another great transit app besides Google Maps is Moovit.
If you're going to be in San José, Moovit Is available and will show you the train/bus times and routes.
Alternatively, moovit.
I find this way better at journey planning than AT's one.
Tenta a moovit
Aplicações de empresas portuguesas, de um modo geral, funcionam "demasiado bem"
Σχεδόν καρμπόν κόπια του Moovit είναι.
Navigation apps; Moovit is a really good one for public transportation.
LinkMe: Moovit
Get the app moveit it works really well in Israel.
O Google Maps é uma valente merda para transportes públicos.
A melhor app é o Moovit.
If you have access to an Android device, you should have a look at the moovit app. Works well for me.
Chapinero it's the most central neighborhood in Bogota, but it's pricey. There's a lot of apartment to rent for international students/workers. Most common prices are between 1 to 2 million COP (USD 265 to 530) monthly.
You can search for month to month apartment in this web site (this one is a startup from an Australian that lives in Colombia, he has a YouTube channel
As you can see, there's a lot of prices to see in various neighbourhoods here in Bogotá.
Also, to move secure you can use Uber.
If you want to use public transportation like TRANSMILENIO and SITP, I recommend you to use this app called MOOVIT ( The cost of this goes between 2300 to 2500 COP (USD 0.6 to 0.7), per trip, and you have to buy a TRANSMILENIO's card (at the airport) and you have to make it personalized to receive certain bonus to it (a two trip credit, when it has no money charged).
If you have more questions, write me.
Have a safe trip.
I find Moovit works better for KL public transport info/directions.
By far the best two are:
I use Mooveit for public transit. It makes it really easy.
It's also on IOS too.
Give Moovit a try!
Moovit is another one
the minibus info isn't too reliable, but the bus schedules are.
Moovit is a great transit app as well.
For the public transport try this app:
Trying Moovit. Its pretty good so far.
I've found it to be handier than City Mapper for busses, though CM is still better for trains.
Hi! You can use Moovit for most Portuguese transports. Also there is Move-me (Porto version, Lisbon). You have Comboios for trains also, Lisbon subway and Porto subway.
You can probably get by just using the first app, but in case of doubt, you can try those as well!
I use Moovit
Yeah I find that most of the time my bus / tram is early by a minute or two.
If I leave work on time I can make the bus, but not if it's early.
I use apps like Moovit to see the realtime arrivals, but I find that sometimes they can be off by a minute... and that's all that makes/breaks me making the bus.