NordVPN is good. Based in Panama, no logging policy. You can pay by credit card or even crypto. Works with Netflix to give you US Netflix. Has servers based in most countries (Malaysia, Singapore, etc for speed). I believe they have a 2 year plan for ~$79 USD and 3 years for ~$99 USD
Wanting to hide your tracks from the authorities while making your website and learning to make your logo? Use NordVPN today! NordVPN allows you to connect to thousands of servers in almost every country imaginable. With military grade encryption and no logging policy, NordVPN is one of the most secure VPN service in the world. Use code MYGANG at checkout today to get a large discount on a 2-year plan plus 4 months free. NordVPN, because we are more trustable than your authorities.
"Show me where in the constitution or in any law this is from."
The first handwave here is the use of the word "Hak". There is a special position granted under the constitution - not rights. Trying to frame this as rights is a bit hilarious, and a key sign that whoever is trying to sell this to you has never read the Constitution.
The second big hilariousness is the remedy portion, where they claim that if anyone disagrees, they have to go back to their homeland / another British colony. This isn't even a handwave - it's just completely made up. There is no such provision in any article of the Constitution or the law. This is not only again a sign that they've never read the Constitution, it's also a clear indicator that their guiding philosophy is the nationalist "you tak suka you keluar" creed.
The last part is just a standard ethno-nationalist call to arms - "they've insulted us so let's get rid of them". I trust no one needs a map to know where that sentiment is coming from.
Finally, tell these people to refer to actual historical documents instead of fucking memes mocked up. Here's a starting point, and heck, the Reid Report is available in full online anyway.
Ultrasurf is a free VPN, and as such they might be harvesting and selling your data and doing a whole host of unsavory things FYI. I would recommend getting a paid inexpensive VPN, such as Private Internet Access or BolehVPN, where you can pay in MYR. Alternatively, any paid VPN will do.
Hi Yotsuba-San, I would recommend Private Internet Access or PIA as a good introductory VPN to try. The price is reasonable and not too expensive, and is very good as well. I am using NordVPN myself and have a three year subscription, as I got it on offer.
VPN can affect gaming via ping times, so it would be better if you not use it when you are gaming. Otherwise, for light browsing and surfing and other things, it should be fine.
Neither. I bet my left boob it's just a training wheel since its under MaGIC free coding course for youth under Blue Ocean. Basically a drag and drop program with very lightweight coding.
Over 200 school was chosen for the program all over Malaysia.
They had server compromised before. Use ProtonVPN instead.
Oh wait, climate activist arrested recently and ProtonMail was compelled to give IPs.
iVPN maybe? Or if you like Malaysian product there is also BolehVPN (Yes, serious. Incorporated in Seychelles)
Or those using new WireGuard protocol like Mullvad.
To block this spam in android, just block them from the sms app. If your sms app doesn't allow blocking this, then install another sms app and make it as default sms in android settings.
I personally use the Google messages in my Samsung phone. Installed it just so I can block mkn 😜😜
This was my prized possession, THE Pentel P205:
Still rocking it to this day. For the lead refill, only the Buncho brand. It doesn't break so easily.
Our 'league' only allowed the standard country erasers. The most you can do is mod it with staplers or carve shapes with blade.
Anyway, hijacking your top comment to announce that the beta is ready for download:
If you want to be informed about my future projects please follow me on twitter @Linteractivity
If I ever make a battle royale version it will be called: Rubber Wrestling: Apek Lejen
Now i'm curious as to which technological stack did he use to implement his app. Is he using a drag and drop tool or a full-featured IDE to create that textbook app?
Uhh hello PDRM, isn’t it already obvious? Jho was hiding out in Thailand for a while. Thailand is famous for gender reassignment surgery. Therefore Jho is now a lady boy.
Latest artist’s impression:
imagine, the number is scarier than hundreds. it’s roughly 100,000 detained and, of that, 50,000 arrested. (there’s also the issue of passports: “Government authorities had revoked almost 11,000 passports by 22 July;[78] by 30 July, more than 50,000 passports were cancelled.[79]”)–present_purges_in_Turkey
I just wanted to thank everymonyet on r/malaysia that gave your feedback on the game. You guys are awesome! I hope to be able to continue to develop Rubber Wrestling into something uniquely Malaysian that speaks to our experience and childhood.
Hey guys! Deliria will be on Post Halloween �� Sale this #weekend extending to next Saturday. Do check out our game if you haven’t already done so.
Deliria is Malaysian made and needs your support!
iOS App Store: Deliria by Eldritch Games
Google Play Store:
Congrats on wanting to learn another language! I don't have any IRL recommendations, but here are the online sources im using to learn:
Here is an open directory with lots of Pimsleur audio courses, and here are the free online courses made by the US Foreign Service on almost every language. Good luck!
NordVPN works really well, with their obfuscated server. You can try that.
Yes and no. Some sites can detect VPN, and you might not be able to access the sites even if you are using a VPN that shows you are in that specific county.
shopee pretends to have low prices but not worth the hassle when things go wrong which is increasingly common now that they've defeated lazada. They force you to allow them to store your credit card info and they intentionally decline to use the OTP for 2-factor. Which means if someone hacks your shopee account (which could be their own staff) and makes purchases, they'll get away with it.
Amazing how some people in this thread seem to be dismissing this as an "accusation" when just a couple of months ago 15 ISIS suspects were arrested in just Malaysia. This is of course exclusing the near 100 people that were arrested previously up till April 2015. Like it or not, we are a terrorist safe haven. The numbers alone should indicate that. But I guess it's better to dismiss this as an "accusation" instead of actually admitting that Malaysia is facing a problem.
Basic story is Dr Mahathir is not happy with how Najib has performed recently, especially in Najib's poor response to the various attacks on Najib and the government (eg. the Altantuya case, 1MDB, etc.). Dr M thinks Najib's now a liability to BN and UMNO instead of an asset, and thinks that Najib should back down and let someone else take the reins.
This is big news in the Malaysian cybersphere because the Malaysian cybersphere is practically undisputed Pakatan Rakyat territory. Since Pakatan's component parties have historically had no issue with latching on to anything and everything that can bolster their basic line of "Najib and BN suck", and since Dr M is a huge personality in terms of both historical impact (during his tenure as PM) and in politics (his say still has a lot of sway among the grassroots and middle echelons of BN), Pakatan is hyping this up bigtime.
Which is ironic, considering how Pakatan's component parties have previously painted Dr M as the most cruel and vicious tyrant history has ever seen or ever will see.
tl;dr: Two big political figures are clashing, and a party that is opposed to their political party is egging them on.
ELI5: Two guys from the same football team are arguing; the guys on the other team are shouting "FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!"
As others have been saying, a foreigner who is fluent in English can survive here without any mastery of Malay language.
However, if you're interested to learn Malaysian language or Indonesian, there's a free course made available from PeaceCorps.
Wart hog is a species of wild pig aka babi hutan.
Unless you want to use the literal translation ketuat babi, ketuat meaing wart and babi referring to hog.
Because wart hogs are native to Africa unless you include bornean bearded pigs or wild boars there is no specific way to call it other than babi hutan... it’s a purely linguistic issue although my initial reply was just to joke around.
The actual meaning of Pumbaa in swahili is to be silly or foolish. Pumbaa is actually a name not the animal species itself.
Get NordVPN or MullvadVPN. I would NOT recommend Express VPN as they were recently bought by a scummy company, Kape, that used to operate in adware. Incidentally, this same company has bought Private Internet Access, CyberGhost, and Zenmate. They have several VPN review websites as well that pushed all their company products, which is very unethical.
It concerns this app published by the Malaysian government to verify the vaccine certifcates.
PIA is US-based, which means that they can still be compelled to release data on users by the US government.
Tunnelbear got acquired by McAfee, which isn't the most trustworthy antivirus company in the world and is also based in the good ol' US of A. I wouldn't use that.
NordVPN for privacy, as it is not part of the Five Eyes network, and not under US laws, whom are notorious for breaching privacy. BolehVPN is our local VPN, in case you want to try something local.
On the technical side, it creates an encrypted ‘tunnel’, so that your ISP or anyone else can’t see what you are doing, and can’t track you at all. They only know that you are connected to a VPN, but can’t see what you are doing or track you in any way. It also protects you from MiTM attacks, or man-in-the-middle attacks, especially on public Wi-Fi, where someone can intercept your connection to the router and see what you are doing and steal your data eg credentials and all that, as some your connection is not encrypted in any way, if you are browsing on an insecure website. VPN will protect you by encrypting your entire browsing experience.
It can “bypass” the data quota set by ISPs as they can’t log your usage, but I don’t think that applies nowadays. It is more towards privacy now, as most people wouldn’t want their ISP or anyone else tracking them and seeing what they do online.
I've written this in a different post but I'm going to do it here as well. Obstacle limitation surface is defined by the ICAO doc Annex 14 chapter 4 and it is also implemented in Singapore with CAAS manual for aerodrome standards Chapter 8, which uses the values in the ICAO regulations.
For ILS based approach, it is considered as a precision approach, with 2% or 2.5% slope for 3km from runway, followed by 2.5 or 3% slope for the next 3 or 12km (refer to table 4-1 in ICAO Annex 14). This translates to approx 60m for 3km, and 135m for 6km, similar to Loke's numbers (using category II and III or precision based approach).
For a non-precision based approach or non-instrument approach, the slopes are much higher (varies from 3.33% to 5%, again the table has the numbers), therefore a vision approach wouldn't be as restrictive as an ILS approach. Those are the standards and regulations. Who are these experts they interviewed I wonder?
NordVPN is reliable and reasonably fast. It uses heavy grade encryption that does slow performance quite a bit and will kill some routers that you run OpenVPN on, but it's a good compromise. Their only problem is they lack a simple round-robin autobalance setup like a friendlier VPN would use. With NordVPN, you must choose a server manually and it will not change servers automatically if the one you choose goes down or is overloaded. NordVPN is powerful, but you have to be involved and watch its performance.
BolehVPN is friendly and reliable. I used to use them until I had some incompatibility between my router's built-in VPN client and their servers. They've fixed that though, so I might switch back to them one day. Simple setup, simple to use.
Private Internet Access, recommended by Linus of Linustechtips!
59.95 USD for 2 years, 2.50usd per month.
Hello sir. Have you had a chance to listen to the word and gospel of our Lord and savior, Swipe for Facebook?
Because it's a word that can be used in different contexts with different meanings.
Definition of rape
transitive verb
1a archaic : to seize and take away by forceb : despoil
2: to commit rape on
Good for motivation, though. There's an entire school of self-motivation that revolves around giving yourself XP and points for doing things, complete with leveling up. The theory is if you treat life as a game with these little incremental goals to achieve, you will be more inclined to keep busy and be productive.
So after installing Files to try and free up space on my phone, I found that I've somehow received NSFW material via Telegram without me knowing about it. Uninstalled immediately.
Now I know how a girl feels when they get unsolicited dickpics.
Lol zakat is less than RM10 and have to be paid per annum. Just pay because it will help a lot of people.
In the meantime I think this is the perfect opportunity to share an app named Share the Meal, an initiative by UNICEF to help children in politically dire situation get their meal. A meal costs only RM2 daily!
Whenever we eat, remember that some kids in someplace aren't fortunate enough to enjoy the KFC we have. Worst yet, food wastage isn't uncommon in our society too.
Bak kata Illuminati, the more you give, the more you will get.
Grab - register as GrabHitch driver by submitting your driver license & your selfie with driver license. No other criterias required. Download app
Sender - where you accept task to deliver items from one area to another. But it is new this year and not so famous though. Download app
No recommendation for phones, but HERE WeGo's offline maps are great. Travelled around a bit with offline maps and they never fail me. In fact, Google Maps now support offline maps.
>you're comparing a real park with a blockbuster movie. why??
I was wondering that. I've always enjoyed /u/jayakumar2 's enthusiasm for nature etc.. but this is kinda entering PETA level of crazy..
well.. not quite.. maybe a toe in the crazy camp..
Mein Kampf is a public domain ( and technically you can republish it locally. I found the local cheap ones came from Popular publishing press.
If you are in Kuala Lumpur than a photo tip for you. Take Kelana Jaya LRT and get off at Jelatek. Walk 5min to the nearest apartment building top floor/roof top and from there you will get this view.
I use a Bitcoin wallet called It's pretty easy to use.
Basically create a new wallet with a seed phrase it gives you. Save the seed phrase somewhere. The seed phrase is important, it allows you to recover your Electrum wallet if your PC is ever destroyed or stolen.
Then click on the receive tab, and you'll get a receiving address. Use Luno to transfer your BTC funds to that address. If you're unsure, transfer maybe half first.
I bought Asus Zenfone Max Pro (M1), pre-order from Lazada. You might want to check it out. The model was release on April 2018. If you did a search, its comparable to Xioami Redmi midrange model that was released this year or end of last year. Only these 2 phones would fit your price range and gaming requirement.
To be safe, you should wait for actual user reviews in mid-July for the Asus Zenfone Max Pro (M1).
The role was specifically for the front-end. It was a very simple test on that basically test whether I knew the basics of react (js library for building ui). The job expected me to know html/css/js like any other front-end role.
I was only expected to know how the front-end interacts with the back-end, not the specifics of how the back-end is implemented, thus any specific knowledge of back-end programming language wasn't necessary.
Kota Kinabalu is on board too.
Obviously people there who misunderstand the rally are afraid too. I've been afraid as well, until I saw this winning response to a fearful comment found on le FB page, in deliberate Sabahan Malay:
>jangan kamu takut. Misti mau datang. Tiada guna kamu cakap basar dalam FB tapi takut pigi dapa. Kami urang kampung akan berdepan. Kamu urang bandar jangan takut. Tiada tontolou ka kamu?
(Don't be afraid. Must come. No use talking big on FB but scared to go in front. We kampung folks will step up. You city folks don't wuss out. Have you no dick?)
Some misunderstand that this is a planned riot herpaderp. No, this is a peaceful march for what's right and just. BN can go ahead an embarrass themselves all they want (again), the world will be watching.
Hell, maybe Reddit will be watching.
For the alien, especially.
Stumbled on a random Malaysian artist on /r/SympatheticMonsters of all places.
Mother's Hand by Lydia Ling. Not safe for emotions.
For Paypal it should be SWIFT/BIC code, which isCIBBMYKL. Make sure you are in Paypal Malaysia site,routing number is a 9 digit code for US banks
There is no such thing as a good free VPN.
A VPN can either be free or be good or neither. This is because a free VPN needs to make ends meet somehow, which means they have both the motivation and opportunity to grab whatever data passes through their servers and sell it. And a VPN that you cannot trust to do shit like that is in no way a good VPN.
I advise setting aside some money per month to pay for a good VPN if you really need it. BolehVPN, NordVPN, and Private Internet Access are some decent ones that are more or less trustworthy. See this site for more data.
I can vouch for BolehVPN. I was one of their earlier customers and their service is top notch (even in the early days before they had their fancy schmancy client with the auto download scripts) . I'm currently not watching Netflix so I'm not subscribed :P hehe. Waiting for Orange is the New Black 2nd season lol.
Probably a lot of people in your area are using the same wifi channels. Consider using 5Ghz or check for uncongested wifi channel in your area using this app for Android and switch to that channel.
Agree with most points, but I'm strongly against choosing based on passion alone. There are exceptions to the rule, but for the most part people don't know for sure that they have 'passions' for certain jobs or fields and those that do usually have that passion because they have only seen that field through rose-tinted glasses. If you're into reading, So Good They Can't Ignore You by Cal Newport outlines why passion isn't the be all end all for job satisfaction. The author also advocates a skill-based approach to getting the job you want, which I believe is more relevant.
Going by personal experience, I ended up choosing to study something that I wasn't passionate about— in fact those who knew me at the time would've thought that's one of the last things I would ever do—but it was something I had the aptitude for. 2 years in, I'm actually enjoying it more than I might have if I had actually chosen my passion. In fact, from the descriptions of my friends who have taken the courses I was 'passionate' about, I don't think I would've found the same satisfaction had I chosen a different path.
TL;DR be extremely cautious about following your passion
This is gold.
Especially the part where he eloped with Wan Azizah to Thailand because her parents didn’t give their blessings.
the game's name is No Straight Road, developed by Metronomik, published by Sold Out Ltd.
the game does not come with BM, for international sale ofc it will be dubbed with Japanese.
You should be able to bypass Malaysia's Internet censoring with this.
Uhh.... Thank me later...
>...the Raja made his demands for money-grants to the Great Chiefs, and the raayat supplied the necessary contributions, while their superiors gained the credit attaching to those who fulfil the desires of the King. Under this system, the raayat, of course, possessed no rights, either of person or property. He was entirely in the hands of the Chiefs, was forced to labour unremittingly that others might profit by his toil; and neither his life, his land, his cattle, nor the very persons of his womenfolk could properly be said to belong to him, since all were at the mercy of any one who desired to take them from him, and was strong enough to do so...
> The East Coast, Clifford, Hugh Charles Sir, In Court and Kampong, London 1897.
There's a bunch of websites like the Mechanical Turk that pays you to do stuff on your computer. There are some data entry or transcription jobs on places like Jobstreet or Freelancer that you can do at home.
Alternately, I know someone looking to hire some volunteers for a one-time online research survey in the next month or so. PM me your email and I'll let them know.
EDIT: Or there's always cam-whoring. There's probably someone out there willing to pay money to see you naked and doing stuff, no matter what you look like.
In practice, I managed to get more than 50Mbps for my Internet occasionally, of course in Tanjung Tokong. Like this one which I took last month Pretty impressive download speed I must say.
I recommend Wallet by Budgetbakers. It is the only expense tracker app that syncs with Malaysian banks. Maybank, Cimb, HSBC. It stratifies expenses on a graphic interface with descriptive analytics. It let's you set savings goals that you can also track on the dashboard
hey guys, randommm question. if earning/receiving money in USD, how'd you prefer to receive it? my logic:
>if bank in straight to Malaysia bank account, will lose to the bank's cekik darah currency rate.
sooo my solution is to create another USD wallet in and so i can control the currency rate. let's say its not a one-time thing but til end of the year on a monthly basis. just wondering if other ppl have other ways to deal with this that would maximize the MYR money receive cuz its the damnnn pandemic and every cent matters.
If you have I/C, then you are Malaysian, full stop. Whatever people say is only opinion. Sure opinion can get people killed in some parts of the world, and honestly we may be getting there, certainly people have been jailed, accused of sodomy, accused of being communist, accused of being Zionist when they don't like you.
By reference, are you ethic Chinese if you don't speak Chinese Mandarin? Of course you are, that's literally in your DNA, if you do a 23andme test, it'll say your ancestors came from where China is right now. Doesn't matter if other Chinese call you a banana (yellow skin, but white on the inside), it's just their opinion and they want to let you know they think you are inferior to them (in their minds).
>3 days in brunei, i see no nightlife aside from dinner, and not a single taxi.
Ah, tragedy has struck, I see. Tragedy in the Mel Brooks sense of the term, that is:
Against your sad lack of Brunei nightlife, you might want to compare Venezuela, the lowest ranked country, which among other things lacks even vital medicines for its people.
<strong>Yenny Malaspina</strong>:
>You can't find shampoo, deodorant, soap, meat, milk, eggs, diapers, washing soap, cancer medication, antihypertensive medication... medication in general. And if you do happen to find such precious products, you have to stand in line for 6h to get them. You don't even have alcohol in the hospital or gloves or enough place to keep the sick people and operation rooms dont have air conditioning and are full of flies. Also, teen pregnant girls get a monthly amount of money PER KID they have, children beat their teachers at school so they don't have tests, people in jail get paid for being there, you can't go to university if you studied in a private school, mad currency control, you can't go out after six without being afraid of getting murdered and the list goes on and on... does that answer your question?
At the same time, there are some countries without a strong opposition that have grown and developed tremendously, like Singapore and China. Sure, a lot of weaknesses in terms of "freedom" - but can't deny living standards have improved tremendously. Safety, infrastructure is fantastic.
So, not the worst scenario if no strong opposition - but TALENTED government. Daim, Zeti already getting down to work!
No honeymoon period: Daim says Council of Elders getting down to business right away
I didn't saying it's illegal driving slow, I'm saying failing to yield is illegal according to most road codes and it's stupid and dangerous.
Now road codes may or may not be explicitly written out in the law but it can and might be used against you in court.
Here's our driver's education curriculum by JPJ as a reference. Check out page 76, item no.10..
When faced with such situations they say that the driver in front needs to yield, even if the car behind is speeding.
This is JPJ's curriculum, all licensed drivers need to take the Highway Code test based on this curriculum. So really, Malaysian drivers should be expected to follow it.
Even if the speed limits are written in our laws doesn't mean that there's magically no cars above the speed limit and we should act like it doesn't exist or it's within our rights to hog the lane. The safest way and according to JPJ and most highway codes around the world is to yield.
Nice! I would like to develop game too. Took a stab at it, graphics (visual) & musics are my weak spot. :(
Good luck with yours!
In case you are wondering:
If you could rework the SITS app would be great.
Maybe add alerts if your bus is getting closer to the station, I would kill for a feature like that.
If Google DNS can’t do it, change to OpenDNS. If that still doesn’t work, I would recommend BolehVPN, which is based in Malaysia and you are paying in MYR. If you don’t trust them, try Private Internet Access.
Some excerpts:
> “He’s very cool,” said Fatmi Che Salleh, his longtime friend and former political secretary. “He takes things one at a time. Everything is planned, what to do, how to do, especially now we see so many attacks on him.”
End of article:
> The effort to force Mr. Najib from office — and the threat of prison — have given him new resolve to remain in power until the 2018 election and beyond, advisers say. His prospects are good.
> “He will be more invincible in 2018,” said Mr. Oh, the former Najib aide, “because as it is, he is already unstoppable.”
On Appearing Weak
On Chaotic Disunity
On Tactics Against Opposition
(Could you provide your ideas in a point form and have it in separate comments for each ideas? Thanks in advance!)
For your GPS concept, there is an app for it from SPAD; not really sure why it’s not publicised. Here’s the link.
On the tram concept, I believe this should be conventionalised more than BRTs. Why have a BRT system running through the Federal Highway, which may have a irregular efficiency, rather than a tram system, which can provide a higher acceleration and a much more better capacity?
There are trams in the current market which can provide onboard power systems and ignoring the need for overhead wires (to prevent any incidents, eg falling from overpass and touching the high-voltage wires). Of course, the drawback is that it is expensive.
In fact, trams systems are much more expensive and difficult to maintain when compared to buses. So I can see why SPAD did not brought up trams as a solution to the Federal Highway and instead uses BRTs (there are existing buses running there: 750, 751, 770, 772 and so on, along with other lines by miscellaneous operators which are not part of Prasarana’s network).
Another drawback is the space issue. A fellow Redditor back then has pointed out that the road in certain cities are small and complicated, which translates to harder implementation for tram infrastructure (think of roads in Penang and the old quarters in Klang). But wide roads like Federal Highway and Old Klang Road is much more viable, and they have trunk lines which has a much higher ridership when compared to other trunk lines.
i was curious how do radio stations track their listeners. Here you go.
Basically pretty old school, survey companies pay people to keep a diary of what they listen to. New method: wearing an electronic device that receives an inaudible signal from the station you're listening to and phones home every night with the readings.
It's quite a long read, but I hope you get to learn about this issue from a different perspective! human sexuality
>Their features would mean nothing when it comes to soulmates. Heck, if I couldn't have sex with her, if she is the one then I'm all for it.
I mean, it's not any different for lgbtq+ people too! Most of us don't care about physical features (there are some who have preferences just like some straight people do), and sex isn't at the forefront of our minds! We want fulfilling relationships and families, not rampant sex.
>birth control.
I don't understand what does this mean?
>Actually he doesn't cause it, he allows.
I'm having a hard time understanding this. If he allows it, then why declare it sin?
>The cause you are homo is a product of one's free will.
H this again sounds like you saying "gays choose to be gays". Idk man do you really think we choose to be gay in this country where we are socially isolated and persecuted? Why would anyone choose that.bim bi, and let me tell you my life would be souch easier as a straight person. If I truly had a choice, I'd choose to be straight.
Hey, great initiative by you and your classmates! I would suggest that you donate to the cause you are passionate about (for instance, animal welfare perhaps?). If not, then perhaps the following:
By the way, don't forget to send a modmail with a photo evidence, so you'll receive a limited edition "Covid Crisis Donor" flair.
I believe that our local food can be kinda unhealthy.
Seriously, just look at Char Kuey Teow. 1 serving is literary 700+ calories.
Also there is really a strong belief among Malaysians, particularly Malays, that wasting food is bad. Yeah, wasting food is bad, however is wasting food more important than your health?
Better waste it than weight it I say!
This isn't mine, but here's the first portofolio from a list of 15 webdev portfolios.
Sorry its not exactly the bare bones basic to be employable. But I think some of these portfolios are good to strive towards.
If you don't have past work to display on your portfolio, you can put your toy projects on there, like a todo list or recipe app or something. Basically anything that demonstrates that you understand how to use a certain technology.
A quick check on SteamDB tells me that our region pays less than EU or US price on Steam. Take GTA 5 for example. Malaysia pays,when converted back to US dollars,41.21 USD compared to the baseline price of 59.99 USD. Singapore pays 55.54 USD. Indonesia pays 41.30 USD. Citation:
So in other words,your claim that Steam prices are unreasonable is a load of bollocks. Ever since Steam did the SEA currency localization we pay way less than US and EU region.
At current price of about 31k USD (~RM 120k), the government would need to mine about 75 bitcoins. Assuming electricity is free.
You can find out the latest and fanciest bitcoin miner's specs here. We know that what PDRM seized is much much older hardware, but just to be fair to them, we'll assume that they are as good as the fanciest one in the market now.
Plug it into this website, you'll find out that your yield will be roughly 1 bitcoin a day. Pretty fancy considering that you'll only need to mine for 75 days give or take to break even.
Then you realize electricity is not free. Then you realize yield generally curves downwards because heat is not friendly to electronics.
The math has probably been done already, its not worth it by any measure.
This is very common. It applies to toothpaste too. You probably need a fraction of what you see in TV. They purposely advertise usage in large quantities to encourage spending.
Example on how toothpaste openings used to be 2mm now its 8mm.
In my opinion the main issue of the problem is this: The area of 30m^2 can never be achieved with 8 circles in this arrangement, if one length is only 4 cm longer than the other. 30m^2, or in fact any rectangle of height larger than even 0.6 cm will cause the circles to overlap.
Think about it this way- if I have a rectangle of x cm by (x+4) cm, where x is the giant monster 1.936 m as suggested by current top comment, then the longer side is only 0.04 m longer. At this scale, the rectangle is basically a square, up to a measurement error. In order to have a long, thin rectangle as suggested by the picture, you need x to be much smaller than 4 cm.
Horrible question.
Here is a graphical solution to the question : "We fit 8 circles into an x cm by x+4 cm rectangle as in the picture. What's the length x in cm?" about 0.57 cm- Moreover, this is the unique solution.
You can manually change the value of T there. As T grows, you can clearly see how square the rectangle becomes.
EDIT: wrong formatting lol
The TPPA will allow investor corporations to sue our Government if it takes any actions which reduces their profits. This means that our government may not be able to enact environmental and safety laws.
So far, most of what we know about TPPA comes from leaked documents. There have been questions over why the Government is not releasing the TPPA document text to the public. Its the same in all member countries although Malaysia's government has promised to release full details. Link to wikileaks
About 80% of the medicines that Malaysians consume are generic medicines. With TPPA only non-generic medicine can be used causing prices of medicine to go up. It will become too expensive for many Malaysians.
Currently copyright materials have 50 years protection. Under TPPA, that will be increased to 120 years. This will benefit richer countries more than us.
The US government is insisting that all member states allow Internet Service Providers to shut down access to individuals who have breached copyright laws. This means no more MP3 or downloaded movies.
Just get off-the-shelf app (plug and play) . These appointment related kind of website/apps too common and the solution is already there.
There’s free solutions , and subscription ones if you’re willing to pay for extra features.
> Braintree
That's available in Malaysia? Oh man, thanks! I'm serious, I didn't know braintree is avalable here. I might check it out!
Again, thanks!
Looking for someone with experience in tabletop RPG to join us in Nationstates to help spice up the roleplaying. Everyone is welcome to join our roleplaying group as well, the more the merrier.
Apple throttles your old iphone batteries, probably why you find that your s7 has better battery life. Huge controversy when they discovered it.
Affinity Photo is an alternative to Photoshop. And you pay for it just once, instead of Photoshop's subscription. There's a trial, too.. I don't remember but I think it's 10 days.
The warnings at the beginning of the article gives out OKBR vibes. I reckon that you try reading article about Malaysia from the Uncyclopedia too. This one even got labelled as "public concern" by the Ministry of Internal Security
Try here : has most subjects at high school level.
Also, there are several malaysian redditors who are willing to help y'all kids, not just me. Ask around.
Seems like none of Pakatan Rakyat's manifesto achieved, but that's normal because they are not the government. BN though, I'll just paste this link here and let you be a judge of it. BN achieved some but not all.
Pakatan Rakyat manifesto here:
How is your experience using ExpressVPN? I'm considering too now. I don't trust 7plus to show Malaysian badminton matches haha (I'm still salty they decided to show Australia over Malaysia, even though it makes sense why they did that).
I’m viewing from Sydney too! After some recommendation here to view through VPN, I’ve subbed to ExpressVPN 7-day trial and have been watching Malaysia’s badminton matches through RTM online.
Unfortunately, I couldn’t find non geo locked streams too. Please let me know if you do!
It's worth looking into getting a VPN so you can access the various different Netflix libraries by country.
I use ExpressVPN and find it works well. It can also open up ways to get services that aren't available in Malaysia such as Disney Plus.
HERE WeGo offline map app (originally by nokia) already had this indoor map feature 4 years ago. Very popular offline map app in r/androidapps
Ok guys it's ready. Have fun with it.
If you want to be informed about my future projects please follow me on twitter @Linteractivity
It's now like a scheduled train service. You can use this app to check the schedule. My usual commute is between Batu Caves and Bank Negara. I don't wait more than 10 minutes because I can show up at the station at the right time.
>Where can I get a cat that don't shed alot, less maintenance and preferably one that does not poop?
I’m currently using NordVPN. They state that they do not keep logs of user data and actively work to unblock Netflix’s VPN detection.
Speeds were pretty slow a few years ago but that has greatly improved. Connecting to most countries will bring you US Netflix content save for a few countries with a notable Netflix library (Australia, France, etc).
3 year plans are pretty decently priced. A little bit expensive up-front, but pretty good value over 3 years. Useful for getting past P2P throttling by some ISPs too.
If you need a vpn basically just for privacy, I'd so to go with Nordvpn as Mullvad is based in 14 eyes, and as I understand it's not the most perfect place for a security service. Searched for some comparison tables, maybe this helps. Can't say anything about Bolehvpn, sorry, never tried it, never heard anything about it.
‘PureVPN’ - but it’s not the actually vpn that seems to be he problem. My friend who owns his own computing business in the U.K. remotely accessed my laptop and tried linking his own VPN - to no avail. Said that my internet was super fast but my network appeared to be managed and wouldn’t connect to any vpn. And when I go to the address bar and type in my IP address to access my router settings, it blocks me!
If you can't find a TV, this year's Super Bowl will be on NBC. NBC network itself provides free live stream on its website on your browser's extension since I believe it doesn't work if you are outside the US.
Alternatively, there will be a thread on /r/nflstreams where people link to stream links. There is usually a guy posting links to Chinese streams. I sometimes watch the Chinese streams because they are in 720p/1080p, no commercial and they broadcast different stuff compared to the usual FOX/CBS/ESPN/NBC. And
The first one is good and to start learning, plenty of short stories & conversation that can pressed to show more info (pin yin pronunciation, meaning, etc)
The second is useful for translating your current page to see what Chinese characters are showing, not perfect but close.
I'm using these 2 daily for my own practice and learning. Good luck!!
I know its the complete opposite of what you are asking for, but do try out Beginner Chinese app to learn on your own some of the basic Chinese words and phrases from scratch at your own convenience.