This worked wonders for me! This website took me to this PDFescape website where I can fill in PDF forms on my computer. So thank you for this!
Edit: Added the actual link
I use PDFTK, a small downloadable utility for working with PDFs. It can merge, split, etc. without having to upload to a server.
And for when I need to edit a PDF with like filling in forms or adding text/images/etc., I use PDFescape.
If you don't want to download from Sourceforge, a non-portable version is available directly from the maker's website.
I use PDF Excape it's a bit tedious, but it comes out pretty good. Just make sure you set the text size to "auto" and right-click > Object properties on the text box after to set paragraph alignment. Once you have one box formatted the way you'd like, you can right click > Duplicate, then just place the next box.
I'm glad you like the design :-) that....was some project :-P but I feel it was worth the effort, I know it's been a lot easier for me to read through (I'm still a bit new to D&D, I've gone through 4 character sheets so far, part of why I decided to make my own).
Possibly same old, but that doesn't make them wrong.
Thanks for pointing out #9 and #10 - I accidentally stripped the sources from the original document. You can find the updated version here. The sources start mid way through page 9
Sure thing.
PDFMerge! : Allows you to combine multiple PDF's into one file.
DocPub : Allows you to convert the most common file types to PDF.
PDF Escape : Allows you to add editable fields to your PDF's.
All of those sites are free but have size restrictions so keep that in mind if you have large documents. I believe they each have paid options if you absolutely need more features but I used these sites for a year, as the sole healthcare administrator at a county jail, and never needed the paid extras.
First I always used the defaults. I used them, and if it don't fit my needs or it's missing something. Then I search for a better alternative.
evince and libreoffice. Should be good enough.
If you like to edit a PDF file. Then I suggest to use Master PDF Editor
A handy online tool would be this one.
Check out this PDF written by our very own curious_mormon. It details 10 "smoking guns" that reasonably disprove Mormonism. Also check out; it does a good job of explaining LDS beliefs regarding common topics (listed on the left sidebar) before debunking them, which I imagine will be helpful for someone who hasn't been LDS their whole life.
If you need only 2 of all the pro features once monthly, you don't really need to use Adobe Pro then.
For example: I needed to create editable forms in some PDFs once and PDF Escape had everything I needed for that for free.
Edit: After less than a minute searching I also found Draftable, an online tool for comparing documents.
Try this website, I don't know about OCR, but it should do the rest. And you would have to split into two by uploading the file two times and deleting the particular pages.
The one thing I found that was close to what I needed was using a website called PDFEscape. I had to use the insert form field for the lines to be filled with text and use the white out feature to white out the entire certificate so that i can save it, input the information and then print it to said certificate. It kind of worked except for the original scan keeps getting scanned off center, but alas, that's another problem.
This webtool creates pdf files from webpages
this webtool will help you easily create and compile separate pdf files into one document that can be easily spread and printed. (chose the append option under the page tab, to add multiple pdf files into one document)
I don't know enough about how it works, I've just heard that is the case. From two of my GI docs, and on Chris Kresser's site. Here's the instructions.
EDIT: It's the Genova Test - online pdf editing - helps you choose fonts for logos, marketing, design, etc. - barcode generator
Other than those I use ShipStation to handle all my shipments. I've used oDesk in the past to do some repetitive graphic design work.
You need a PDF editor like Acrobat (not Acrobat Reader) or one of the open source ones.
I have not used it, but rates this one highly:
Then just create a text box in the right area and type.
The two free options I used are : and However, they are not that good, so don't expect much really. The tool you found sounds legitimate though. Qiqqa is a research tool, it really isn't good for edition.