Okular does have tabs (release on 0.19), you might need to enable them:
> Navigate to Settings > Configure Okular. In General, under Program Features, check the 'Open new files in tabs' option. Click Apply. Click OK.
PdfShuffler for merge, split, rotate, crop and rearrange pages.
Inkscape for edit one page.
Okular for view, print, make annotations.
Tools Used:
[https://www.wolfram.com/mathematica/](Mathematica) - Modern Technical Computing Software; Used for Graphing
[https://orgmode.org/](Org Mode) - GNU Emacs major mode for plaintext markup; Used for time tracking (and exam outlining)
[https://okular.kde.org/](Okular) - Universal Document Viewer; Used for label editing
Epic Fail (TL;DR at bottom):
After writing a midterm paper using a mixture of LaTeX and Org Mode, I finished compiling a pdf to a total of 22 pages. Quite an accomplishment, I remember my instructor said anything over 20 pages is too much. In my revision (pre-epic faildom), I easily shortened my midterm to 20 pages, but I also decided to geek out with miscellaneous paper formats. That is when I realized my epic fail: I used legal-paper instead of letter-paper! For those who do not know, letterpaper is "8.5 x 11", whereas legalpaper is "8.5 x 14". After recompilation, my paper extended to a whopping 28 pages! Thus, with less than a day left, I compressed my midterm by 28%. I learned a lot from this experience, but most of all, I will never mistake legal-paper for letter-paper again.
TL;DR I used legal-paper instead of letter-paper, writing way more than I was supposed to.
Most likely, your document is improperly converted/saved to pdf. I had this issue with one of my pdf. Can you please attempt to do two things (please create a backup before you try this so that you don't loose any notes you already may have)?
For viewing and marking up PDFs (filling forms, signatures, highlighting, etc), you can't go wrong with Okular. If you're on Windows, there's a good version of it in the store, or you can download one of the nightly betas.
For more substantive edits, you can try LibreOffice Draw, but it doesn't have a perfect track record with formatting. InkScape tends to do better, but can only edit one page at a time.
I did some research on this for a project I was doing at one point, and basically found that PDFs are so loosely and inconsistently structured, even for tabular data, that it is nearly impossible to programatically extract data from PDF tables in any consistent way that doesn't require a significant amount of human intervention. The best solutions I found were Tabula and Okular. For my use-case, I found Okular worked best. It has a table selection tool with which you can select a table, click the boundaries between rows and columns, and then copy the text out as tab-separated values.
This is assuming you are using digital PDFs and not scans, in which case you should be looking towards OCR libraries to recognize the text, then you can use the above tools to extract it.
It wouldn't be impossible to do this, but it would require a bit of work and you'd most likely have to do it yourself or get someone to do it for you, because annotations are pretty much worthless as a feature for Firefox's pdf.js, since it's mostly intended for viewing temporary PDF-files.
So, unless you're looking for a programming project, I'd recommend searching for another PDF-viewer that is lightweight enough and offers annotations.
Another one that you could try is Okular.
Funnily enough I had my mother asking me the same thing about an hour ago.
I pointed her in the direction of Okular - which was enough for her purposes - perhaps for yours?
The apt package is a bit outdated, yes. The source files you've linked are even older, in fact (from what I can tell, it's from 2017).
Here's an explanation from Okular's website's download section:
>If you want to compile Okular, you need to have an already set up compilation environment.
Distributions should provide development packages usable for compiling KDE applications.
In case you want to compile the development version of Okular, please refer to Build from source at KDE's Community Wiki.
>If you are interested in stable tarballs of Okular visit the KDE Applications download folder and download the okular tarball.
I've decided I'll go through with the flatpak version, but it'd be great to know how to compile from source. I tried to do this with another program a few days ago but it didn't work and I started to get frustrated. Are there any good tutorials on this you'd recommend? Thanks for your input!
Do you need to modify a PDF, or do you need to complete a PDF form? Because you can do the latter with a reader.
For the former, AFAIK, Okular implements the largest part of the PDF standard of any FOSS package.
The ones I prefer personally are either okular or evince. Okular seems to have an "Export as > Plain text..." option which seems to do roughly the right thing, but I haven't used it at all before myself, so don't know how useful it is. Also unsure how compatible they are with Windows, if you want that.
Please consider using Okular instead. Foxit is non-libre software which disrespects your freedom (and therefore it's better to avoid it).
Hmmm seems like it's core to me.
>Okular is a universal document viewer based developed by KDE.
So to me seems it Should Be included.
And I consider it as many others including Distro's a default core app in Plasma.
And latest 0.26 was released in August of this year.
I ended up using the multimedia package and the commands in Chapter 14 of the Beamer user guide. However, I could only get the video to work when presenting in Okular, a free document viewer. The video file must be stored in the path stated in the \movie{} command, i.e. the videos would not work if the PDF is a standalone file. I could never get any multimedia to work in Adobe Reader.
Additionally, unlike /u/JimH10, I could never get the movie9 package to work for me.
If anyone has any tips on how to overcome the issues stated above of using Adobe Reader and/or movie9, please let me know. I use Ubuntu 14.04, Texmaker 4.1 with PdfLaTeX.
It depends on the PDF. They can be a much more complex object than many people realize, and can be ”locked". And sometimes they are much simpler than you might think, being merely an image wrapped in a PDF container—making the text not really text.
Anyway, the best FOSS software, by far, on linux for working with PDFs is Okular. Though, if you're not using the KDE desktop, be prepared to install a monumental amount of dependencies along with it.
Something like Adobe Reader? Okular.
Something lightweight and fast? SumatraPDF.
Something you probably already have built into your web browser? PDF.js.
Use Okular, a r/kde app. And if you use a system which is based on KDE (with the Plasma desktop), all of the app are so well integrated between each other and the desktop that you'll forget Microsoft and all of their trashy apps you pay for :)
Why the fuck are you even using acrobat??????????
For office there's libreoffice
For Acrobat just use any competent pdf reader, like okular or even libreoffice draw (for editing)
gnome-sushi is awesome, but the mac "preview app" is name for macOS's pdf viewer / annotator (not the quick look function). It lets you add handwritten signatures, text, and even shapes to existing pdfs (as well as deleting pages or removing pages from other pdfs).
there's like a million pdf apps out there, but they're almost all proprietary, and I have a suspicion that the open source ones get sued / bought out. Not sure how else to explain why no good open source pdf viewer / editor exists on linux besides okular
Throwing out a bit of a curve ball, but Okular (https://okular.kde.org) might somewhat fit the bill.
It’s got good compatibility with many file formats and runs on Windows and Linux. Only thing that it might not be able to do from the list is document rotation be explicitly saved (Okular remembers the rotation via file meta which might not be used by other document readers - would test but not got my machine in front of me atm), though printing the PDF to itself would guarantee that rotation changes would be saved if needed.
As it’s by KDE it’s FOSS and not a web browser in disguise
> Something that runs on Linux may be useful in the future
The best FOSS PDF viewer right now is Okular IMO, works on Windows as well. Caveat: It will remember rotation but not apply it to the PDF.
Tried that?
Getting all the dependencies installed - may be the bigger challenge.
$ sudo apt build-dep okular
The following NEW packages will be installed: ... big list of packages ... 0 upgraded, 144 newly installed, 0 to remove and 2 not upgraded. Need to get 14.7 MB of archives.
So to compile it - on this system - i would have to install 144 support packages, totaling just 14.7mb. Of course I am on a Kubuntu install, and have been installing/compiling a lot of other stuff - so what you need may differ greatly.
Good Luck.
If you want a blazing fast one but not so good looking, you have to try Sumatra PDF. If you want something with more functionalities and good looking, Okular is the definitive solution for me. Both are open source, no scummy things around, no bloat.
I discovered Okular when using Linux and then found out there was also a build for Windows. Both are, obviously, almost unknown, obscured by the giant amount of marketing on others crappy paid PDF readers, with the exception of Acrobat that still represents the standard for the file format and gives exclusive tooling like editing, signing and others.
I now use only open source software, but when I have to sign documents, sadly, I still have to go with Acrobat.
When I used to do stuff on Windows, Sumatra was the way to go. Guess it's changed. Bummer. On linux, I've been using Okular which has worked well. It does look like it is available on Windows. It might be worth a try. https://okular.kde.org/download/
(On Mac, Skim.app works well. And---as someone mentioned in this thread---emacs can open PDFs, but its a tad clunky. I think DocView
helped with rendering. It can work in a pinch, but I mostly use that feature to look at image PDFs or EPS files and not full-fledged documents.)
my favourite is Okular: https://okular.kde.org/
in terms of features like annotations, highlighting, etc ... i don't think there's a better one ...
for rotating pages and adding,merging,splitting pages i use pdfarranger
: https://github.com/pdfarranger/pdfarranger
your choice of sub is a bit odd for this question :)
> Okular
On Windows, if you need a good reader, get SumatraPDF. It's not only open source, but also blazing fast, small and opens dozens of file formats besides PDF.
After using it, you will not regret purging Acrobat, Foxit and other crap from your PC.
If I need to go whole hog and modify a PDF in any way, I'm gonna use Okular, which is basically a no-frills, native, free PDF tool. Definitely recommend.
Otherwise when I'm just paging through documents such as a textbook or manual I'll use Zathura, with some theming of course ;)
But 99% of the PDFs I encounter I read from the web and don't download, so the builtin firefox one is fine for that purpose.
I don't recall the actual amount of Ram. On XFCE I had Firefox open. On Plasma, I had Firefox, Vivaldi and Okular open and the RAM usage was similar. As well, when apps were closed Plasma seemed to recover the RAM quicker, creating a snappier response.
Just recovering the RAM quicker means a lot for a laptop that's 10 years old.
To be fair, I've found a couple of problems with Q4OS Plasma that I didn't have with XFCE. I had to give up trying to mount Google Drive to Dolphin. I would get it working for a little while, but the next time I went to use it, GDrive wouldn't load.
I also have an issue with my monitor displaying and sharing the screen with my smart TV, using an HDMI cable. Plasma doesn't see it. With XFCE it worked as soon as the cable was plugged in.
I reported both of these issues to Q4OS support.
Also I forgot to mention Okular. It's a Linux program but has Windows version as well. This one comes with 3d capabilities I think, which Sumatra PDF doesn't. Sumatra is lighter though.
It seems most of your questions have been answered here except for your specific question about pdf files. pdf files are viewable in linux via a number of tools. I actually prefer something like okular over Adobe Acrobat any day of the week.
Buena pregunta. Paso a dejar mis tips tecnologicos como ex estudiante flojo que le iba bien en la U:
Agreed, although the current PDF reader is not bad per se. I would wish there would be an Okular or Xodo PDF reader port somewhere as one can always export an ePUB into PDF.
The biggest issue for me is not the PDF reader but the absolute lack of colour selection for annotation/highlight, beside the missing eco-system how to download and re-upload (sync) a PDF (folder) with the reference manager of user's choice (Mendeley, JabRef, etc.).
IMHO the latter is the biggest problem, and while solutions like k2pdfopt
is nice to have, until this is not seamlessly automatic, the usability in academic setting is cumbersome.
No, assolutamente no. Mi permetto di consigliartene qualcuno:
LibreOffice Draw se devi fare modifiche importanti e non devi apporre una semplice firma. Praticamente puoi trattare il PDF come se fosse un semplice file di testo e puoi cancellare pagine, aggiungerne... Piena libertà.
Okular se, invece, devi solo evidenziare, firmare, compilare qualche modulo. Ha funzioni molto basilari perché nasce come visualizzatore PDF. Non farti ingannare dalla grafica vecchia del sito.
Xournal++ è più un software per prendere appunti ma permette di modificare PDF.
per un merging veloce, su Linux, il pacchetto "pdfunite" è molto comodo perché ti permette di lavorare da terminale e fa tutto in un battito di ciglia.
In breve, secondo me, il setup migliore è Okular come visualizzatore e Draw come editor, sia su Windows che su Linux.
it can even retain notes created on other OS Foxit.
also able to edit. Person I know tinkered with many
editors and settled with this mainly for compatibility.
Okular supports pdf, epub and other formats. I also want text selection, look up, built-in select screenshot , copy to buffer features. I found those in Okular.
I use Okular. I know it's "for KDE", but I think it really dosen't matter in current RAM/CPU/Disk Space. Aesthetics is usualy maintained between DE if you use default themes.
If the PDF is "text-based" (eg.: not images from scanned document) you could try the table selection tool in the Okular PDF reader.
(This may not be the best place to ask this question.)
If you're interested from a user perspective, maybe this will help: https://okular.kde.org/faq.php#addedannotationsinpdf
If you're asking from a purely technical perspective, I cannot help you, sorry.
I think I have the perfect option for you, try Okular, it was only available for linux but recently gained port for windows. I hope it fits you. https://okular.kde.org/download.php
The page you linked has regular binary builds for Windows (both release and Nightly ones) but they don't seem to be publicly linked to on the Okular website's download page (https://okular.kde.org/download.php). The page only mentions that it is available on the Microsoft Store (https://www.microsoft.com/store/apps/9N41MSQ1WNM8).
> Office docs that just don't quite display right in the Office look-alikes such as LibreOffice. Some element out of position or something.
It's a bit of an aesthetic issue, not a real issue. Besides depending on language locales some text can be misaligned depending on computer and location too, it's normal.
> PDF docs where I can't form-fill. Usually govt tax forms. There are two types of form-filling in PDF, I think, which makes it trickier too.
I used Ocular when I filled out some insurance forms, and it worked:
> Some few docs (I think Office docs ?) that print right to the very edge of the paper, no margins, sometimes cutting off a pixel or two. Same doc prints fine on Windows.
Check the print preview before printing, you can always edit it to make it print it out right.
Hmmm... it didn't recognize the file when I tried. I looked around and found this indicating Ubuntu Okular package doesn't support epub: https://okular.kde.org/faq.php#ubuntuchmepub
Will dig around a bit more.
It should be able to open epub: https://okular.kde.org/formats.php
Maybe you just need to install an additional package for that? https://forum.manjaro.org/t/fbreader-and-okular-can-not-open-epub-file/23535/2
Yes it does.
Originally it stored annotations in the user's home folder, but support to store annotations within the pdf has been included in version 0.15 released August 1, 2012. The release note states:
>This release introduces new features like the ability to store annotations with PDF documents
^(Source) ^(|) ^(Original bug report)
I use highlights an comments with Okular all the time and export them regularly with some scripts I use for my workflow. Okular itself is amazing to work with. Everything I could dream of every customizing in the interface is customizable.
Foxit is alright. I try to avoid it because it uses a Windows-style installation wizard and on Kubuntu it associates itself quite forcefully with every possible file extension. Support has been aware for over a year but last time I tried it still wasn't fixed.
(Assuming you absolutely cannot get this data from a better source)
I'm using a software called Okular to read PDFs and export them as .txt (it's pretty good at keeping tables intact).
After that I use Python to read the files line by line, and extract data using REGEXes - if the line is a row in a table, I can add it to a Panda's DataFrame for further analysis.
You can automate the extraction from PDF (and several other formats) in Python using Textract, but to my knowledge, it will only extract the raw text, meaning you'll have more work when parsing the files (which may be totally worth it, depending on the volume and frequency).
Okular is the best PDF tool available on linux. You might give it a spin. If that doesn't work out, you also might try a web-browser with a built-in PDF viewer, e.g., Chrome.
>Any other PDF editor?
(But both work with poppler as pdf engine..as almost all other linux pdf readers do. So if the problem is in the pdf there is a good chance that okular will do it the same way as evince.)
Good luck. Personally, after exclusively using linux for almost five years, I ended up buying a MacBook so that I could use Adobe Acrobat for working with PDFs.
The best linux PDF app is Okular. Maybe it can be useful to you. But, be aware that since it's made for KDE it comes with a huge amount of dependencies if you're using any other desktop environment.