Toontown was dropped by Disney and picked back up by some lovely developers who volunteered to maintain the game. It is now called Toontown Rewritten and is 100% f2p.
This is an incomplete Venn diagram. You're missing combinations of 2 that are opposite of each other. See this for a proper Venn diagram of size 4:
Literally 10 seconds of Googling
>On April 8, 2024, the shadow of the moon will once again completely block out the sun across the United States
I really liked the Android 6 era of the blobs, when some were partially side on and had a bit of neck/body, it really helped emphasise the emotion. I mean just look at how exhausted this guy is.
Way too late. We have Bitcoin Billionaire
I played this 3 years ago, and I'm not even sure how old it was, then. It was actually pretty fun.
My mother made mine. I can't stand the plasticy fabric so mine are made from thin linen and grocery bags from thick linen.
But you can get them from supermarkets usually and online
The Online Etymology Dictionary refers to this joke documented Hugh Rawson's "Wicked Words" (1989): >The expression [the shit hits the fan] is related to, and may well derive from, an old joke. A man in a crowded bar needed to defecate but couldn't find a bathroom, so he went upstairs and used a hole in the floor. Returning, he found everyone had gone except the bartender, who was cowering behind the bar. When the man asked what had happened, the bartender replied, 'Where were you when the shit hit the fan?'
There are roughly 28 grams in an ounce and since you are saying the unit was half that would be 28x2x$5.99= $335. A bit on the high side but maybe it was better quality.
If it was truly half an ounce I would question the authenticity or it was most likely mixed with other spices and only a tiny amount was actually saffron. When I googled the prices per ounce a variety of these mixed-saffron-spice combos came up.
The cheapest saffron I found (so far) was vanilla saffron at $35 an ounce. Not sure if that’s considered lower quality or not.
Clutch idea. What kind of magnets do you use? Something like this?
Self Adhesive Magnetic Sheets -
unsolicited advice:
work on developing the self esteem. change your world view. realize other people's opinions of you are merely their opinions.
someone not liking pizza doesn't make pizza less awesome. the same applies to you. preferences aren't objective truth. peoples preference for a certain type of person don't make that certain type of person better or worse than any other type of person. people have inherent value.
I'd also recommend this
from the person who gave this ted talk
not an expert, just someone who struggled/struggles with the same shit.
For those of you that don't know, this is Pushbullet, a really neat Android app that connects your phone to your PC. You can send files and messages from your phone to your computer and vice versa, send text messages from your computer, follow channels (basically rss feeds), and mirror notifications to your computer.
The Netherlands
Update: even though we don't really have Amazon here, I've found one on the US Amazon website:
Amazon. Im surprised no one else has linked this yet
Edit: The one on amazon is probably a knockoff. The original one is only on hot topic:
Pssst, Relay on Android is great
Play store link: Relay for reddit
I would say this is extremely cheap:
They are often a few pounds for the tiny 25g or 75g bags. I’ve actually never seen a big one like a pound (which sounded like it’s not even the biggest you guys are getting?)
This is a moisturizer for elbows, knees and hands.
Yeah. Just go to, burn the .iso on a USB stick, and look up a tutorial on how to do a dual-boot install. You don't even have to lose your Windows install, so you won't lose your desktop full of files.
With the right equipment, absolutely.
Something like this:
> The ab rollout is an exercise designed to target the core muscles including the rectus abdominis, obliques, and erector spinae (lower back). It also targets the latissimus dorsi (upper back) and shoulder muscles.
Link for a cheap one on Amazon.
Instructions are fairly simple: maintain hollow pose, posterior spine, basically suck gut and spine in and up, and maintain straight arms all throughout the exercise. It’s extremely good for the lumbar, lower spine.
If you do go resistance bands, do straight arm pull-downs with the hollow pose. It’s very easy to target the lower lats like this. Oh, and pull the band towards your hips.
Disclaimer: I've only written like one multithreaded program(unless you count interrupt routines on embedded platforms), but it's the same kind of advice you'll see generally about programming in books like Clean Code. Threads messing with the same data that other threads are using can lead to weird side effects when they start overlapping. Say your other thread is
memes = dank;
Depending on when the thread comparing them runs, they might not be equal, and it would exit your while loop early. This might only happen one in a million runs, so you don't notice it happening until months later. You try stepping through the code, and it works every time.. You get the picture.
For anyone that wants to know the answer to the question, download Minecraft from it's official site then install a mod called Forge. It still says "Play Demo" on the start screen but it actually unlocks the full version.
Oh its pretty fun and the rules are quite simple so you can teach people pretty quick
Games don't take more than 10-15 min, its pretty damn fun
I have this app installed on my phone that allows me to take pictures, record audio & video, and track the phone's whereabouts anytime I want. Also can make it play a loud noise when its on silent, or even wipe its contents with a click of a mouse (Cerberus). It's for anti-theft purposes, but if I can do it, anyone can.
Use this:
I learned about them on reddit in a similar thread. Has worked wonders for me in my mixed laundry and no separation needed. They soak up everything.
They also got a cartoon on netflix
Dear darling, all these long years together n never been able to love any other woman
shall we break?
(years long memory of a comic strip by Quino)
for those that don't know this genious, worth checking
Another Nineteen by Kevin Ryan is a well researched book investigating nineteen suspects who had motive, means, and opportunity to plan and carry out the attack.
You should keep a spare capacitor on hand for your A/C. $20-50 part that anyone can change, $200+ to have a technician replace it.
So fun fact about charging laptops in cars, you no longer need to convert from DC to AC with an inverter (your laptop brick just turned that back into AC again anyways). With the invention of USB-C and the Power Delivery standard you can now get up to 100W on a car charger. You'll want to stick with brands that have independent reviews though, this one has photo reviews of someone actually testing out the output volts and amps and really can deliver 100W, be sure to also use a USB-C cable capable of handling 100W.
>People literally never saw black people, and if they did see one, they though they were an escaped slave.
Oh how braindead you are.
I suggest you have a read, maybe your eyes will be opened to actual history and reality.
I've linked it a few times now in the comments, but I'll do it again haha
They unfortunately don't sell it anymore but you can find similar ones on amazon
So this book should have been "Guns, Germs, Steel, Cargo Shorts, and Cheddar" ?
Because the current best selling novels didn't have the same effect on women.
No, we're saying the exact opposite things. You're implying the story lacked focus on romance for a large fraction of the plot because it didn't directly show the love interests interacting. I'm arguing that the majority of the focus was still on romance despite the fact that Bella, Edward, or Jacob, weren't interacting with one another in those moments. It's completely different from The Maze Runner.
Also, look at the top selling female romance novel on Amazon right now: The plot is literally about dating a boss at a New York law firm and how the tough competent guy has a softer side. How is this not just a repeat of all that stuff I was saying before about how many women love high status serial killers, monsters, sycophantic billionaires, etc...?
oops im an idiot, found another one tho
tried my best to find an inexpensive one, if thats not quite the right colour i saw another slightly different one for 35 or so
Fellow (former) Night Shift worker here… I’ve always slept with a fan to block out noise because I’m narcoleptic and need to stay asleep, but for Night Shift, I specifically researched to find the loudest white noise machine I could find. I ended up getting this thing and highly recommend it. It won’t completely block out landscaping noise (I feel your pain on that one, our complex’s courtyard is right outside my bedroom window), but it comes close.
Have you not been introduced to the magic that is the coffee enema. 🫗?
Get you a good pair of open back headphones. I have a pair of Sennheisers, and they're incredible. The open back gives you amazing clarity at the expense of bass tones as compared to closed backs.
If you really want great sound, run it through a Digital to Analogue Converter. I just have a cheaper Chinese one, but it's such a difference.
If it was today: Kevin would be a Youtube influencer, the house actually some place they're squatting, and the whole family would have to pay their own way for the trip but wouldn't actually be told that until the morning of.
Kevin's share would be paid by NordVPN though.
Not sure if this has been mentioned yet, but you should read The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind by Julian Jaynes. It poses a hypothesis that attempts to explain how our inner monologue came about due to the development of language. He poses that from around 10,000 BC to 1,500 BC humans heard voices in their heads via auditory hallucinations that were the voices of authority figures in their lives. Over time a social class developed to help make sense of these voices and maintain social order that coincided with the rise of civilizations in Mesopotamia. During and after the Bronze Age collapse the voices starting going away and we were left with just one inner monologue, our current one, though we still have vestiges in our brain such as hypnosis and schizophrenia.
It’s a pretty interesting read.
There’s a great book on this called <em>Policing the Open Road</em> by Sarah Seo that goes into how cars are the number one tool of oppression for American cops.
This one should be Close enough
I'm not watching a youtube to find out. I was kinda like this one but obviously a much older version of it.
Also, TIL they still exist.
Some friends and I get together about twice a year and make amateur movies. “Bad Girls” is one of our latest, a crime-spree featuring three escaped convicts, the rockstars they kidnap, and the two detectives who hound them. There’s frenetic energy in the first third, then it becomes more story-driven. It’s obviously cheap, pretty dumb, and a lot of fun. Thanks for asking!
I tell ya what, I don't know a guy that wouldn't want one of these things.
Unless they already had one.
People that call them otter pops:
People that call them freezies or freeze pops:
But there's so much real estate in the towel. There's a percentage of chance that the area you dried your ring with is the area that touches your face the next day.
Or, solve the problem up front with a labelled towel
Yep! That’s legit. The creator worked with Steven Hayes on creating RFT (see book link). Glad to see some really cool applications develop from the science i study.
Here’s a good book.
Or if you like an interactive learning experience.
>You can get a good phone case for like $9 on Amazon lol.
You just proved my point. Amazon is American. I'm South African.
The cheapest phone cover on Amazon that will fit my phone and ship here is 108 ZAR and shipping is 245 ZAR. That cover though is the same as the one that comes in the box with the phone. I will admit that I did not share all the problems I have with covers there, covers also increase my chances to drop things by making them larger and reducing skin stiction so in order for a cover to outweigh that issue for me it will have to be really robust... Or I could just go without because I don't need it.
>If that’s a 1st world luxury then so is the phone.
Nope. Huuuuuuuuuge difference between the phone itself and a cover. I actually need and use my phone for work and as my wallet and to communicate. Whereas a cover would be a hinderance that will only cost me.
I actually have one of these, they are quite nice.
Veken Ultra-Slim Bidet,...
I generally avoid Amazon, but my wife bought this. I was reluctant at first, but now I can't stand pooping anywhere else
These were my favorite!
If you’re not using something like this, you’re making pina coladas wrong
One time I (a guy) was hooking with a guy, and we were about to do the deed. Lights are off, we're in bed. He tells me to grab the lube. I reach on the table, grab the bottle, and it is liberally applied to P and to A.
We begin to get to work, and after a few seconds (and full insertion) we both realize something is wrong, and then then the lights on to see that there is red goo smeared all over. We both immediately panic thinking it's blood mixed with lube, until we notice the bottle, still laying on the bed.
I had grabbed a bottle of candy goo, not lube.
On the days I exfoliate I use this moisturizer after toner.
On the days I dont exfoliate I use this on my entire body after a shower
Obligatory YMMV I am not a doctor
Heres what I use followed up with this toner
We have some interesting urdu novels available on our app
Tbh i always consider knowing what's inside a box to be more important than how it looks like.
also the amount of shapes is virtually infinite.
I'm particularly fond of this type.
Bad Girls 2021?! Wow, great movie, can’t believe you brought it up!
Some friends and I get together about twice a year and make amateur movies. “Bad Girls” is one of our latest, a crime-spree featuring three escaped convicts and the two detectives who hound them. It’s obviously cheap, pretty dumb, and a lot of fun.
Have you ever wanted a false sense of security while playing a predatory micro-transaction simulator with the worst possible quality of audio? This comment is sponsored by NordVPN, Raid Shadow Legends and Raycon.
I mean, I'm be a bit hyperbolic to illustrate, but they still create and sell laser printers. They just refreshed this one that I'm going to get if my experiment in buying the extended life cartridges for my inkjet doesn't work out -
Smallest laser printer they make, as far as I can tell, new model for this year.
Upside: Way less disgusting than cleaning the mess of a drain clogged with 10 pounds of decomposing hair.
Downside: You still have to clean it every day, because she won't.
I have super long, thick, curly hair. I have a tub shroom that does a great job but my shower also looks like this on the regular. Because of my hair length I only really “brush” it in the shower, so everything that often gets caught by the brush bristles when you brush dry ends up here between my fingers and on the shower walls.
Sometimes I forget to wipe the mess immediately. I am human.
I've been on YT premium for about 4 years now. I visited my mom last year over the winter and like, physically couldn't handle commercials. When they'd start I'd think something was wrong and look around in confusion. I think I only know what squarespace, hellofresh and NordVPN are. And that's okay to me.
If you sympathize with this, you need to improve at holding conversations. Here's worth while read...
All that scrolling and no link…for the other old people here
Yeah, like Shadowmaker said, I just looked mine up on Amazon by "over the sink dish drainer." But I do have a link for ya! It's actually showing it's $32 now!\_yo\_dt\_b\_asin\_title\_o04\_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1
an amazon one. there were several, I just searched "over sink dish rack"
That happened to me a month ago. Now I bought this handy little bug catching device. 😆
ATTENTION! Everyone not currently on OxyContin or plan to be in the immediate future should buy one of these bad boys:
> LibreOffice
Though I haven't used the editing tools, rather the Commenting tools, PDF X-change Editor could be a good one. It offers a large amount of tools for editing and can purchase a 1 year license for about $56.00. It also has a trial period I believe.
What I can definitely be sure on is that it offers a lot of commentating and annotating tools for free in its limited form. Offers ability to do a lot of the free commenting features that Adobe offers
May take a little to get used to its layout. Almost looks like the old Word layout but once you get used to it, you may find it pretty good for free in terms of annotating pdfs. Unsure on its editing capabilities.
Xodo PDF Editor and Foxit could also be other choices as well. But I'm only familiar with these in terms of their annotating tools, not PDF editing.
Use Okular, a r/kde app. And if you use a system which is based on KDE (with the Plasma desktop), all of the app are so well integrated between each other and the desktop that you'll forget Microsoft and all of their trashy apps you pay for :)
Just want to throw this out there! For all of you still using Microsoft Word and pay for it, STOP LOL!
There is another program called Libre Office! This program is very similar to the Microsoft Suite, and it's FREE!!! The features are similar. The look and feel is a little different than Microsft's but the features are all there!
Just like with the Microsft suite you can create spreadsheets and PowerPoints too. You can save your files with the same extension as Microsoft so if your sending your doc to someone who doesn't use Libre Office, they can still open that document.
If you have ever used a Linux system then you are probably familiar with this product or at least know of it.
If you have never heard of Libre Office here is the link to their website!
So there is another option, a FREE option to use instead of Microsoft's s product.
Just as an FYI there's a lot of nail trimmers out there that have a built-in nail file attached to them that you can just swing out (for example).
I recommend this interpretation of the yoga sutras. A book won't get you there alone though. I do recommend a rigorous physical practice where you can focus on your breath and senses, such as yoga or running. Music is fine - but LISTEN to it!
Bro do you guys remember those sweet little usb mp3 players we all used to have that looked like this? Just walking to school listening to your shit. Things were so much simpler back then
Us real pros are into a little faster access, though.
Wrap the cable up with a Velcro tie (rubber band, twist tie, choose your poison) and use one of these for storage. Bagless, binless, and designed to be hidden on the back of a door. The 24-shoe job has pockets big enough to hold anything but the really long or stiff HDMI cords. 24 pockets means you can have one each for USB A, B, C, whatever. Label the pockets with a Sharpie or label maker.
Probably the best ten bucks I ever spent.
It’s gorgeous right?! I’m favoriting for when I have more money, but someone linked the original above:
And a less expensive one (I have zero experience with this site and don’t know how legit it is):
There were also some AliExpress versions in response to the top comment. :) Those are definitely a gamble though
I think this is the original? Or at least the most expensive.
There's a literal book about the subject, so yah I hold my wifes purse without apologies for all the times I asked her to sit at the bar with my jacket while stage diving. Fellas do your part, with a smile.
I... uhh... I don't actually know, I've seen them before in... uhh... research videos...
But Google does have some options one example
Or Relay
Play store link : Relay for reddit
Promo Video : Relay
If you have an iPhone the Apollo app allows you to download natively.
I don’t have an android but I’ve heard good things about the Sync app that has similar features.
for anyone on android, highly recommend this minesweeper app, super clean interface and boards are generated such that you never have to guess.
So you use dubious Ad-blockers and hackers gain access to your information. To stay safe from hackers I recommend NordVPN. You can play games like you are from other countries. Game like RAID: Shadow Legends.
Hey if you liked my tips click that subscribe button and check out my Patreon to get access to my tech-tips 24h earlier than everyone else.'re reading my life's story friend.
If you're in denial nothing I say will help. But if there ever comes a point you want to explore that avenue, try reading the book The Complete Guide to Aspergers Syndrome by Tony Attwood.
I ran away from my diagnosis for years before realizing it'll always be part of me. It doesn't define who I am but it's good to realize there are areas I can make improvement.
At work I often have to remember "oop. They asked about my hobby but they don't really care. Keep it simple, keep it moving".
You should check out InternetHistorian’s NordVPN ads. They let him do what the fuck ever he wants to advert the product. He has a whole NordVerse roster of characters and in some cases, a plot that I don’t care watching over 60 seconds of.
Honestly funny shit. And not “this could be played in any crowd regardless of demographic” kind of funny. Like it doesn’t play as if corporate came up with the ad in any way… honestly, if you told me he was making this without any request or approval from NordVPN but rather is trolling, I’d believe it.
I say all of this to say — a good channel can make good ads go unnoticed or even welcomed if they are well done.
I definitely appreciate the YouTubers who make the sponsor ad into a segment that fits their style. Nothing more jarring than a creator who is jokey and upbeat suddenly cutting to a serious and down-to-earth ad about NordVPN.