This app was mentioned in 452 comments, with an average of 12.34 upvotes
Only real solution: Hound Niantic until they fix their hardware-abusing app.
The fact is that this app runs your CPU and battery excessively hard and hot, and it really doesn't need to. (I can run 3D-rendered GPS navigation apps or games while continuously streaming data and playing music in the background all day long, and it doesn't heat up my phone like PoGo does.)
Lots of us have already noticed battery capacity loss. Some of us have had their batteries killed entirely. Various other heat-related problems have been reported as well.
A few users here have said that it doesn't heat up their phone or drain their battery quickly, but that is a vanishingly small minority.
Until Niantic fixes their code, it's going to keep costing us, through greatly reduced hardware life. How much will it cost to have your battery replaced 2-3 times as often as you normally would? How about your whole phone?
So, definitely complain to Niantic.
Also consider reporting the app as abusive to hardware. For Android: Near the bottom of the Pokémon Go page in the Play Store: Flag as inappropriate: Harmful to device or data. I don't know the app reporting procedure for iOS / App Store; perhaps someone who does know can share that info in a comment.
Open this link in a web browser on a PC.
Choose your mobile device from the list (must be logged into your Google account)
Click Install.
This will install the App remotely to your mobile device, and now you can play!
Android app doesn't appear to be on the Play Store yet. They take a few hours to show up. But it's on iOS!
Edit: For those who've had the app before, yes your data/pokemons will remain. It's tied to your Google/Pokemon Trainer Club account, not the app itself.
Servers seem to be down right now. Check status here.
Also visit /r/pokemongo and /r/PokemonGoCanada!
Edit: It's apparently on the Play Store now.
Edit: Servers are back on!! (5:25pm EST)
Android store page-
Won't let me install yet and doesn't show up on the play store app. "This item cannot be installed in your device's country."
-US east coast.
edit- 10am, still not up yet.
Installed and working on my android here near Boston. No beta anything, and just from the play store, nothing special. Good luck!
Agreed. Ratings and of course not buying this garbage or anything else is the best way to get their attention.
play store:
app store:émon-go/id1094591345
I've noticed that the "Updated" date will update for me in the Google Play store before the "Current Version" will update. Generally it is a few hours difference:
Edit: it may take more than a few hours as noted in a comment below. I'm still waiting for my play store to update the current version# but have downloaded it from the app mirror.
Edit #2: The date updated when 85.1 was starting to circulate online, but this afternoon my store had the update for 85.2.
You're pushing it to the limit! :)
The play store recommends 2GB of RAM minimum:
And Niantic used to suggest it for iOS too, back in the day (if my memory serves me right). But I believe they're actually not allowed to say that, as they claim the app is supported down to the iPhone 5+, which only had 1gb RAM (if memory serves me right twice).
When I went to the store on my phone it was still saying "Not Available in your Country" then I went to the Google Play Store page for Pokemon Go and was able to start installation from there!
Damn.. This sounds pretty cool! Im gonna see if it in the play store.
Edit: it's not there (yet?) So don't bother looking it up just yet I suppose (im on android tho).
Guys! It's here:
here's hoping google doesn't delete all the reviews.
This app is alarmingly hard on both short-term and long-term battery life. A power bank is a technical workaround for one of those, but it's not truly a fix.
The underlying problem is not a technical one, but rather a policy / decision-making issue at Niantic. If they wanted to fix the battery abuse, they most certainly could. (Comparison: I can run 3D-rendered GPS navigation apps or games while continuously streaming data and playing music in the background all day long, and it doesn't heat up my phone like PoGo does.)
This issue has been repeatedly raised here for almost a year, and Niantic has been unresponsive. That leaves two obvious options:
Report the app to the distributor. Google Play has a link specifically for this sort of thing at the bottom of their Pokémon Go page: Flag as inappropriate: Harmful to device or data. Apple's App Store may have a similar mechanism for reporting abusive apps. If enough people do this, Niantic might get a warning from Google or Apple, which (since those are their primary sales channels) would be harder for them to ignore than it is for them to ignore us.
Keep reporting the problem to Niantic. They obviously know about it by now, but they have been ignoring complaints about it for nearly a year. Don't let them think you don't care.
If your battery is showing signs of premature capacity loss (or if you have already had to replace it), be sure to include that information in both reports.
I have a portion of my terminal open, dedicate to watching the Google Play Store Pokemon GO version. If you're running linux (or maybe OSX?), you can run this. As soon as it changes to 0.37.0 I'm clear to snag the update :-)
curl -s | grep -o '0.3[0-9].0'
I'm beginning to wonder if Niantic or Google messed something up.
Checking the play store via my andriod phone I see version 0.35.0 and last update of August 22nd, 2016.
Checking the play store via my desktop web browser I see version still at 0.35.0, but the update date shifted to September 10th.
I hope whomever uploaded the new version to the play store didn't fumble finger the version number and leave it the same.
When viewing the listing from a desktop PC in the browser it shows you at the button the newest date when an updated Apk has been pushed, but it wont show the latest Staged rollout version unless your account has been flagged for it.
It just updated a little bit ago from September 17th to the 27th.
You probably dont have 2gb ram. That was the sole reason I couldn't download it on my Galaxy Note 2. Although apkmirror worked and after installing it all was fine. Or check this page on why you cant install it.
~~Just to add to the topic, users logging in with Google credentials on an Android system need NOT worry, as it does NOT even show up in "Connected sites and Apps" in your Google Account. Instead, the app is put in check by the permissions it asks from you, and they do not require full access~~. Even if you're an Android user, check your Google Account page at - I use a Moto X and the app does not show anywhere in that page, but people reported otherwise for other phones. You can check the permissions yourself in Pokemon GO's Google Play page:
EDIT: from the comment below, I see that this is not always the case.
I had the page opened and was killing my F5 key (okay, I had a script refreshing the page). And just as I was about to go to bed, I got my "finally available notification". Now I can finally use all the tips I learned /o/
Går installera på Play nu! Kunde inte installera via telefonen, men provade det /u/t0gep1 sa och installerade via datorn, fungerade bra!
The update today on iOS shows version 1.0.1
No update for android yet.
So Pokemon Go is out for Android and it's <em>not</em> available in our country (*un*surprisingly)
I wonder if people will actually play it here.
*edit: changed from available to not available I'm not super interested in it since I'm lazy. I'll probably play Pokemon S&M instead since it sounds more interesting. *wink
6 PM - Nothing. Edits: For times.
But here's the link so you all don't have to go crazy looking for it when it's available
Here's a link for the app when it comes available.
I mean, all we can is wait for it to be available right?
Open this link in a web browser on a PC.
Choose your mobile device from the list (must be logged into your Google account)
Click Install.
This will install the App remotely to your mobile device, and now you can play!
For the convenience of my fellow Canucks. When PoGo launches it will be available at this link iOS: Android:
EDIT: Added Android link
Andriod in Arizona here,
Anyone know why it says updated Sept.10 here but the current version is still 0.35
and then if I check the "app" version of the store it says last update was Aug.22?
According to my Android version of the app I'm on 0.29 which seems to match what's on the Android store at the moment.
EDIT: Woke up this morning to find that the store has 0.29.2 in. Hopefully this has stability improvements. Now if you excuse me, my phone apparently doesn't have enough storage to download this update, because apparently phones ignore SD cards entirely.
When I went to the store on my phone it was still saying "Not Available in your Country" then I went to the Google Play Store page for Pokemon Go and was able to start installation from there!
> This app is incompatible with your device.
> LGE LG-D852
Come on, it's an LG G3, more than capable..
I don't know why you were downvoted; minimum RAM has always been 2 GB. Look on the Google Play listing :
"Compatible with Android devices that have 2GB RAM or more and have Android Version 4.4 - 6.0 installed."
I previously played it on a device with 1 GB of RAM myself. It technically works, but not well.
For those at work....
WHAT'S NEW That allowed me to dl it on to my galaxy note 5 remotely idk if it works for anyone else. So far nothing wrong with it. I mean ive moved like 40 feet and found a sparrow and went back inside. I cant find any poke shops or gyms around my neighbor hood yet ill check more tomorrow
Just an FYI - Non-APK Mirror links are generally frowned upon here.
Also, this is a separate application from the Google Play version of Pokemon Go for anyone looking to install this.
All that said - the Google Play Store shows an update is rolling out because it has today's date. Go here and look at additional information.
No, Apple requires apps released in their app store to at least be version 1.0. Currently, the iOS version in the store is listed as 1.49.4 but if you check the settings in the actual app it is 0.79.4. Google is more tolerant of version settings, as the Play Store actually list PoGo as 0.79.4
Edit: For proof check the Play Store and iOS App Store
Can anyone suggest one that will keep my walks fun and make me eager to go out to walk?
So far I have tried:
-Was fun for couple weeks. However it has too much staring of screen waiting to see Pokemon, too much stopping to throw balls and too long stops to fight at gyms. I am looking for game where I walk more and stare screen less than in Pokemon Go.
-Too much staring on screen and too much finding exact best location with GPS. Also too much to do at home when not walking. Was fun for week but more as and regular game than one making me want to go walk 10 km.
Ingress has been decent. It is more about walking to specific destination, checking screen there and short stop. However after about year of playing I know all local portals way too well and gameplay is getting boring and there is almost zero progress at this point.
Any suggestions for games that make me want to go to walk?
The current "visible" outcry so far is in a bunch of 1 star ratings:
I remember checking the play store a few days ago before the update was officially out because someone told me it was out, and while I don't remember the number of 1 star reviews I remember the red 1 star bar being a bit over half of how big it is right now. I suspect that bar will get a tiny bit bigger once it is released to everyone, though I wonder if the outcry will be as big as when tracking was 100% dropped.
Can't download on Android N?? at least that's what a review says. Sigh... -
On the Japanese play store, in the description, it says "日本版は近日公開!もう少しだけお待ちください!", which translates to, "The Japanese Version will be released soon! Please just wait a little bit more!". So by the sounds of that probably a release date of tomorrow or sunday would be most accurate. Source,
Not sure if this has been mentioned but the link to Android is actually not right. The current one is:
You need to delete %20iOS like such,, to make it actually work.
This looks like it'll wind up being a pay-to-win game.
You should look into Pokemon Go as an alternative. It works perfectly well as a free-to-play game. (There's a bit of pressure to invest $10-$20/month on extra raid passes, but this is strictly optional and there's no real need to spend much more than that.)
out already, always goes full on android at the same time as iOS.
The partial rollout on Android dribbles out for several days but when you hear iOS it's time to go to or open the play store on your phone.
You can try that before you hear about iOS but it isn't guaranteed until that day.
If you go to this URL, with out sign in to Google (I.e. Incognito Mode or Private Browsing), you can see the Install button.
This was it looked like for past few months. When you click on it you will be asked to sign in and tell ' This app is incompatible with all of your devices.'
That is the whole story. Geo block go off about 30 mins before release. And Niantic release the App in Friday or Saturday morning due commercial purpose (who can go out and play in a night).
I am very much happy if I am wrong. But seems to be it is not.
So I've been loosely keeping track of one-star reviews on the Google Play store since the update came out. Wish I had taken screenshots for proof, it's more just me remembering the numbers.
When I checked shortly after the update hit, one-star reviews were at around 770,000. Right now it's at 824,418. That's 54,418 one-star reviews since then.
Now, it's a false comparison to say this is in direct response to the update or that every single one of them is because of banning root. It's anecdotal evidence, but looking through reviews I can say a lot of them do mention blocking root as their criticism.
Also, it's not like I've been keeping track before the update, so I don't know if this is a significant trend or not.
That said, we can be certain that many people are affected by this and are pissed off about it. I just don't know if that criticism will ever get to Niantic or if it even matters
Checking the app store, ~~still not available~~
/u/HalifaxSamuels is correct, go to This link and download from the Google Play site. Make sure your google account is the same one that is on your phone's app store
~~Looks to be there!!~~
~~But I can't install it, though my phone meets all the requirements! Ugh. But the "not available in your device's country" message is gone here. Just "this app is incompatible with your device".~~
Edit: I'm wrong
And in case anyone wants a link to the apps on their respective system, here you go:
It is, kinda, it's just not released in the UK (and other parts of the world). It was first released in Aus/Nz then USA a day later and it was planned to be released in UK by now but after the USA release their servers got overloaded by the amount of people playing the game so the slowed down release 'till they got things fixed.
I was seeing the same message that others reported when browsing on my phone. Try installing from the website and selecting your device.
the game is in beta
"Current Version 0.29.3"
the game is literally 1/5th of the way done
it's going to have issues, it's in B E T A
If you view the listing on the Google Play Store website instead of the app you can see latest date at the bottom of the page.
View on a PC Browser.
If you view the official link below on PC, it will say that it is on update 0.75.0 with the most recent update being today (Sept. 12)
This is what it shows for me (old version number, but dated yesterday!):
>Current Version
>February 15, 2017
>What's New
>- Reduced the starting load time on Android devices.
>- Resolved Android connectivity issues for the Pokémon GO Plus accessory.
>- Integrated iOS wheelchair support for use with Apple Watch.
>- Minor text fixes.
Just helped a friend through same situation.
Hope I remembered this correctly and entirely. Let me know if it works out, and if it doesn't I'll try to retrace my steps.
Also, don't go the voucher route; It'll give the same error.
edit - I see that you already saw this, OP, but will leave it in case anyone else hadn't seen it. Sounds like your phone is in the same situation as my son's was - just finally unable to keep up with the app to run it properly and reliably.
Update still hadn't rolled out for my account. Checking the web link while logged in says installed instead of update:
View the link in incognito mode and it shows it as the updated version.
Open the play store app, no update. Force quit it and cleared the cache. Reopened it and BAM, update for Pokemon Go detected.
So if you still don't see the update, try force closing the play store app, clearing the cache, then re-opening it to see if you get the update option now.
So I've been loosely keeping track of one-star reviews on the Google Play store since the update came out. Wish I had taken screenshots for proof, it's more just me remembering the numbers.
When I checked shortly after the update hit, one-star reviews were at around 770,000. Right now it's at 824,418. That's 54,418 one-star reviews since then.
Now, it's a false comparison to say this is in direct response to the update or that every single one of them is because of banning root. It's anecdotal evidence, but looking through reviews I can say a lot of them do mention blocking root as their criticism.
Also, it's not like I've been keeping track before the update, so I don't know if this is a significant trend or not.
That said, we can be certain that many people are affected by this and are pissed off about it. I just don't know if that criticism will ever get to Niantic or if it even matters
You can read they have the "old" version from June 30. The new one in the IOS store is from Aug 1st. Seems like they might have just updated IOS for the Current reviews. I don't see anything like that on Google play.
For those at work....
For those at work....
Search for the link on Chrome and open it in the Play Store. Or if you are using reddit on your phone just open this link.
It is fixed.
> WHAT'S NEW (0.33.0)
> - Added a dialog to remind Trainers that they should not play while traveling above a certain speed; Trainers will have to indicate they aren’t the driver > - Fixed a bug that prevented ”Nice,” ”Great,” and “Excellent” Poké Ball throws from awarding the appropriate XP bonuses > - Enabled the ability for Trainers to change their nickname one time, so please choose your new nickname wisely > - Resolved issues with the battery saver mode on iOS and re-enabled the feature > - Other fixes
I keep going to the Play Store page - When it no longer says "This app is incompatible with your device" I'll know we're good. It's faster and (for me) less distracting than the app. ^.^
Not sure if you have seen it now but go to this link on your PC then add it to your Wishlist and you should be able to find it on your phone if you go to your Play Store Wishlist
both, but if your device doesn't meet the minimum requirement you can't find it on the play store, your device might still be compatible though, but you will have to get it from apk mirror.
Send her to this link to log in, see what her error messages are online.
Small chance she could have an incompatible device.
Absolutely. Everyone has a smartphone. Latest counts put Pokemon X and Y at 14.7m sales, while the Google Play Store has it in the 50m-100m tier with 1.7m reviews, and the App Store (that doesn't publish numbers) has 118k reviews. Even if we liberally assume that 1/20 people leave a rating/review of a game, that's still 23 million. As a conservative estimate.
Or were you being facetious? I can't detect that this far away from my 1pm coffee.
Technically, it should be available on the Polish iOS App Store. As for Android, I'm not too sure. Keep checking the play store by following this link on your phone.
If you really are desperate to play it, you can grab the US Pokemon Go .apk file from a site called apk mirror until the official version is available for your device.
Agreed, I haven't download the APK file but I do feel like I'm missing out and don't think I have ever pressed refresh on a page as much as this one
I downloaded the APK off their website, and it works just fine (android though). With iOS there's a workaround, but since i dont care about apple, i couldnt be arsed to look for it :P
Its also in the google play store now btw
Yes, there's a new app, Pokemon Go, which allows you to essentially battle and catch Pokemon in virtual reality. It uses maps and your camera to add realism. I'll add a link the the iOS and Android versions on their respective stores
For the people who Still habing trouble,
Open web browser (i.e. Chrome)
Paste the link go visit the site
The web page will say its available. Click the [Install] button.
You will see downloading icon on notification bar.
Its not in the app store because its not available in the country yet. Try here in your browser~
Although it will just tell you all your devices aren't compatible due to the country.
From the Play Store page:
>- This app is free-to-play and offers in-game purchases. It is optimized for smartphones, not tablets.
>- Compatible with Android devices that have 2GB RAM or more and have Android Version 4.4 - 6.0 installed.
>- Compatibility is not guaranteed for devices without GPS capabilities or devices that are connected only to Wi-Fi networks
>- Not compatible with Android devices that use Intel Atom processors.
>- Compatibility with tablet devices is not guaranteed.
>- Application may not run on certain devices even if they have compatible OS versions installed.
>- It is recommended to play while connected to a network in order to obtain accurate location information.
>- Compatibility information may be changed at any time.
>- Please visit for additional compatibility information.
>- Information current as of July 5, 2016
Basically, there is no guarantee that it will work on your phone. It may in time.
a mi me aparece desde la tienda (windows):
si lo busco desde el celu en la tienda no me figura, pero porque mi smartphone (a pesar de tener android) no es compatible
If 6-year-olds are allowed to have smartphones (costing hundreds of dollars) to download an app that is rated for Everyone 10+, then I do wonder about the future.
> y sin el riesgo de bajarte un apk de procedencia dudosa.
De que hablas willis? Pokemon Go esta en la Google play store disponible en México, con firma del desarrollador original (Niantic Inc):
Por cierto, la mayoria delos workarounds de iOS es precisamente eso: bajarse una app de un sitio de procedencia dudosa y sin firma digital. :v
~~Scrap that, its live everywhere now
Jumped the gun a bit there, final step says not available. But you can still get the apk.
If you're phone is added to your Google account you can install from your computer to your phone when you are on the play store website. Tell me if it works!
Xiaomi phone, but that's not the problem. Do you know that you can check if an app is available in a certain country by changing the URL? If I access this URL `\` then it says "We're sorry, the requested URL was not found on this server.". If I access `\`, then it shows the device incompatible message.
This proves that the Pokemon Go app is completely removed from the Vietnam Play Store.
Pokémon GO | 4.1 ⭐️ | Free with IAP | Varies with device |
> New! Now you can battle other Pokémon GO Trainers online! Try the GO Battle League today! Join Trainers across the globe who are discovering Pokémon as they explore the world around them. Pokémon GO is the ...
^(Legend: |🏠: Family Library| ▶️: Play Pass|)
^(Comment author may reply with !remove if wrong result is provided)
Why did you not get the version from the Play Store?
This is supper-annoying because it was supposed to be fixed. See announcement.
Relevant section:
>Charged Attacks fired at the same time allow Trainer with first Charged Attack to switch Pokémon
Issue description: In Trainer Battles, when Charged Attacks occur at the same time, the Trainer whose move goes first is able to switch their Pokémon before their opponent's Charged Attack lands.
Issue status: Resolved in update currently rolling out (0.181.1)
It looks like on Playstore, it says the update should have rolled out yesterday, July 30 (at least for Android). Either this didn't actually fix the issue, or your opponents didn't update their app?
I play Pokémon Go and Zombies, Run! walking up and down at home. Now Zombies, Run! has started The Home Front, a series of indoors missions starting with “Zombies, Stay Inside!” (and an e-mail afterwards), in which a zombie horde has trapped many people inside. I’m not sure if the story’s worldview is objectively right, but I’m rarely sure about anything. 8-)
Pokémon GO | 4.2 rating | Free with IAP | 100,000,000+ downloads | Search manually
> NEW! Team GO Rocket has invaded the world of Pokémon GO! Battle with Team GO Rocket Grunts as you restore PokéStops and rescue Pokémon. Join Trainers across the globe who are discovering Pokémon as they explore ...
To use me, type linkme: AppName. Seperate each search by a comma.
Please help me by private messaging me any feedbacks.
Thank You human.
Pokémon GO | 4.2 rating | Free with IAP | 100,000,000+ downloads | Search manually
> NEW! Team GO Rocket has invaded the world of Pokémon GO! Battle with Team GO Rocket Grunts as you restore PokéStops and rescue Pokémon. Join Trainers across the globe who are discovering Pokémon as they explore ...
I am a new bot. Please help me by private messaging me any bugs you see. Thank You.
It says 5.0 and above in
4.0 KitKat is not supported anymore.
Doesn't say that on the play store at nor on
wanna show me a URL where it says 2GB?
I decided to make these comparisons because I was curious which bundle was the most cost efficient. It turns out that the answer is different depending on which currency the player is using.
If the player is using Polish Zloty (PLN) it's much more efficient to buy the cheapest bundle, while for a player using Euros or US dollars, the most expensive bundle is the most efficient.
You can always go here, on a browser, not the play app on your phone.
Then directly under the age restrictions, it should say something like "This app is compatible with some of your devices" (at least it does for me). Click on it and it should list all devices on your account and if Pokemon go is supported on the device or not. I've got three phones listed, and one of them is listed as unsupported, the other two are supported.
Did you spell Pokem*o*n wrongly like in your post?
I think your model should work/downlod fine.
Restart your phone or something.
I'm on iOS, but does this link work? here is the latest android version, 0.63.4. Ios version 1.33.4
According to the Pokémon GO listing in the Google Play Store it will run on any device running Android KitKat 4.4 and above, so you should be fine.
You never get softbanned if you use this app
Just be careful to close all other pokemon related apps, including other spoofing apps. You won't be banned using this app.
It is a decent phone, but I'm sorry to say the 1GB RAM is your problem, at least right now. The listed requirement for this game is 2GB. It has been that way since launch, however 1GB phones could run the game decently.
I don't know exactly what happened in a recent patch that caused the amount of memory PoGo uses to increase. I don't remember exact numbers, but now on my phone it is using ~450-500MB when active. I know it was less than that in the past, but I don't remember the exact number.
Your phone might have been fine for playing before, but you were always cutting it kind of close, and the additional ~100MB? pushed it over the edge.
The current patch has a lot of problems, so it is something that might be 'fixed' enough to where you can play again. The game was rather under developed at launch, and as they keep adding more features, the memory usage is going to get worse not better. Considering they have set the requirement at 2GB, I don't think they are going to put much effort into making sure this game runs on 1GB devices.
You can check how much memory is available by going to your settings>apps>running. On my phone with a 2GB memory. The OS takes takes 450MB, PoGo takes 450, and apps I can't (or don't want to) shut off take 200MB. Leaving ~900MB free. If I had 1GB RAM instead, I wouldn't be able to run the game.
To your point about iPhone and Galaxy, newest models of those lines have 4 or 6GB RAM, which is way more than necessary.
All of the patches to the game may have bloated the game a bit, so reinstalling could improve things a bit, but may not help. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.
Interestingly, your screenshot has a Content rating of "everyone", but the app actually has a content rating of 3+
My guess is, someone was playing around with the game settings on google, or maybe they had a blip of sorts and it showed up momentarily.
Can you try to clear your google play store data + cache and see if it still appears for you?
Sorry for that we are asking you to do so many things, but currently you / your friend seem to be the only one having it in India!
7 Quick Steps:
Click link:
Click Unlawful activities
Copy this sentence without the quotations: "I am flagging the app because Niantic doesn't respond to support emails which is against the T.O.S of the Google Play Store. All the emails are sent to an unmonitored mailbox"
Paste sentence under "Please explain briefly why you flagged the app"
Paste this app link into the app link form:
Enter your email and name
Google should now email you asking for confirmation. Copy and paste this paragraph along with the screenshot below without the quotations and reply to the email:
"Hi. I have sent an email to but it gave me an automoderator response saying that all emails go to an unmonitored mailbox.
It states in your Google Play developer distribution agreement that developers should respond within 24 hours upon submitting a report.
3.6 You Support Your Product. Buyers are instructed to contact the developer concerning any defects or performance issues in applications downloaded and installed from Google Play. You will be solely responsible for, and Google will have no responsibility to undertake or handle support and maintenance of your Products and any complaints about your Products. You must supply and maintain valid and accurate contact information that will be displayed in each application detail page on the Store and made available to users for customer support and legal purposes. For paid Products or in-app transactions, you must respond to customer support enquiries within three (3) working days, and within 24 hours to any support or Product concerns stated to be urgent by Google. Failure to provide adequate information or support for your Products may result in low Product ratings, less prominent product exposure, low sales, billing disputes or removal from the Store.
Edited text due to MAJOR text fixes and suggestions in the replies
Thanks for the gold, I appreciate it <3
I'll be updating the below information every so often. The most recent time checked will be at the top for your convenience.
(At least for me)
5:25PM | 6:25PM | 7:25PM | 8:25PM |
When/If the game is released:
12:00PM | 1:00PM | 2:00PM | 3:00PM |
12:30PM | 1:30PM | 2:30PM | 3:30PM |
12:35PM | 1:35PM | 2:35PM | 3:35PM |
12:40PM | 1:40PM | 2:40PM | 3:40PM |
12:45PM | 1:45PM | 2:45PM | 3:45PM |
12:50PM | 1:50PM | 2:50PM | 3:50PM |
12:55PM | 1:55PM | 2:55PM | 3:55PM |
1:00PM | 2:00PM | 3:00PM | 4:00PM |
1:05PM | 2:05PM | 3:05PM | 4:05PM |
1:10PM | 2:10PM | 3:10PM | 4:10PM |
1:15PM | 2:15PM | 3:15PM | 4:15PM |
1:20PM | 2:20PM | 3:20PM | 4:20PM |
1:25PM | 2:25PM | 3:25PM | 4:25PM |
1:30PM | 2:30PM | 3:30PM | 4:30PM |
1:35PM | 2:35PM | 3:35PM | 4:35PM |
1:40PM | 2:40PM | 3:40PM | 4:40PM |
1:45PM | 2:45PM | 3:45PM | 4:45PM |
1:50PM | 2:50PM | 3:50PM | 4:50PM |
1:55PM | 2:55PM | 3:55PM | 4:55PM |
2:00PM | 3:00PM | 4:00PM | 5:00PM |
2:05PM | 3:05PM | 4:05PM | 5:05PM |
2:10PM | 3:10PM | 4:10PM | 5:10PM |
2:15PM | 3:15PM | 4:15PM | 5:15PM |
2:20PM | 3:20PM | 4:20PM | 5:20PM |
2:25PM | 3:25PM | 4:25PM | 5:25PM |
2:30PM | 3:30PM | 4:30PM | 5:30PM |
2:35PM | 3:35PM | 4:35PM | 5:35PM |
2:55PM | 3:55PM | 4:55PM | 5:55PM |
3:00PM | 4:00PM | 5:00PM | 6:00PM |
3:05PM | 4:05PM | 5:05PM | 6:05PM |
3:20PM | 4:20PM | 5:20PM | 6:20PM |
3:30PM | 4:30PM | 5:30PM | 6:30PM |
4:00PM | 5:00PM | 6:00PM | 7:00PM |
4:10PM | 5:10PM | 6:10PM | 7:10PM |
4:20PM | 5:20PM | 6:20PM | 7:20PM |
4:35PM | 5:35PM | 6:35PM | 7:35PM |
4:55PM | 5:55PM | 6:55PM | 7:55PM |
5:10PM | 6:10PM | 7:10PM | 8:10PM |
5:20PM | 6:20PM | 7:20PM | 8:20PM |
Edit: The reddit hive mind has decided an hour is too long to wait in between. Now you can see how often I check. It may be 1 minute, it may be 5, or 30. ¯\ (ツ) /¯
Edit 2: Updated to Daylight time, instead of Standard time. Thanks Reddit.
Edit 3: Apparently I can't look at a calendar correctly either. Also fixed.
Edit 4: I have some adult things to do, so I'm steeping away for a bit.
Edit 5: Back in action, but at the night progresses, Ill have to spend time with the family.
Edit 6: I stopped getting the "No eligible devices for app install" from the website. I still can't download it, but something changed. Who knows if it means anything.
Edit 7: getting the error message again, false alarm.
Edit 8: Some people have been able to download the app. The two I've seen are both from California and on android. I sadly have not been so lucky.
Edit 9: Last edit. I'm glad my updates helped you all. Now that the app is live for US, ill stop updating this post. See you out in the real world!
40 isn't old.
How to play:
Go play.
Hey folks, Please do not take what I am saying as a prediction of impending release, nor any indicator of anything coming soon, but I think I have a bit better understanding why some have gone to and seen the app store and play store buttons.
The site, when you region is Canada, has the following in the code:
<a class="btn btn-appstore btn-appstore-apple btn-appstore-toggle-by-platform visible-xs-inline-block" href="" target="_blank" data-app-postrelease>Apple</a>
<a class="btn btn-appstore btn-appstore-google btn-appstore-toggle-by-platform visible-xs-inline-block" href="" target="_blank" data-app-postrelease>Google</a>
I looked for this because I noticed when I did a refresh, the app buttons were there, but just for a brief moment, then the coming soon flashed in their place. I think this is just code to very easily 'flip the bit' for enabling the app in our country once ready.
Now, the 'data-app-postrelease' part of those buttons looks to be controlled by " data-app-release-state="prerelease"" which is earlier in the code, and for US it says " data-app-release-state="postrelease"". The code also shows that when the bit is flipped, the Coming Soon will change to the Available Now that other countries are seeing.
Again, this is not really newsworthy, just a note of how easily the page can be changed, and a thought to how easy it would be to run a script to see if it's available, though using the link and seeing if it shows an app page or redirect could work just as well. Just my two cents.
(As an aside, yes, I am a 'cheater' and use 'illegal' means to play, but I keep checking here because I think that while the treatment of myself and others who've downloaded by some here is abysmal, I do respect you all. Also, I am eagerly watching for the game to go live so that I can throw my money at Niantic/Nintendo in large chunks, so I watch with just as much excitement as you all, I promise. We are all fans, but we are also all Canadians, so show some respect, everyone.)
And for the droid Canucks
Still 4 stars on the Play store, can we all just step up our game for a second please?
What's worse is that they've figured out how to get it to work on androids!
Pokemon Go is online now on italian play store:
Link for the app in Google Play and for iPhone
Play Store app can be found here, there's no need to rely on unsafe APKs.
that's amazing that it has run this long considering since the day the game came out, their specs page has said you need 2 GB RAM to run it.
This app is free-to-play and offers in-game purchases. It is optimized for smartphones, not tablets.
It is recommended to play while connected to a network in order to obtain accurate location information.
Compatibility is not guaranteed for devices without GPS capabilities or devices that are connected only to Wi-Fi networks.
Compatibility information may be changed at any time.
Information current as of February 18, 2019
Compatible with iPhone® 5s / SE / 6 / 6s / 6 Plus / 6s Plus / 7 / 7 Plus / 8 / 8 Plus / X devices with iOS Version 9 or later installed. [NOTE THAT AS OF 4:41am eastern approximately, on May 11th 2019, Niantic's pogo web page for phone specs says that iDevices must be running ios 10 or above, NOT 9: ]
Not compatible with 5th generation iPod Touch devices or iPhone 5c or earlier iPhone devices.
Please visit for additional compatibility information.
Compatibility with tablet devices is not guaranteed.
Compatibility is not guaranteed for all devices.
Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically reduce battery life.
If you use Pokémon GO with your Apple Watch, with your consent we use the Apple HealthKit APIs to read and/or write certain data (such as Step Count, Calories Burned, and Distance Walked) to the Health App Database on your device (the "Health App Data").
Update 9/12
View on PC browser
※ 日本版は近日公開!もう少しだけお待ちください!
Yup, I updated through the play store.
Update is available in the play store for me -- check there first
OP can you add these links to the system for people to check if they want.
These are the links for Pokemon Go when it becomes available: Android: iOS:
Rumor is it's starting to show up on Android.
android link is incorrect. It has a ' iOS' at the end which it shouldn't. Should be
Links now available on Japanese iTunes and Google play store. Read a rumor about 18:00 JPN time for Japan release.
Nianticlabs official download page
Google Play link (Live)
iTunes link (unavailable)
Found the 18:00 rumor based on all other areas getting the release at 18:00 in their time zones. (Appears to be true in several other regions.)
iOS: ~~I dunno. Google "Pokemon Go" or something.~~
Says it on the Play Store.
And click to see more text
Here is the direct link to the play store.
The link is working now for me.
It's alright. I got you fam:
Pokemon GO Has Released
EDIT: APK for those receiving "not available" errors: - Download at own risk!
> It turns out that an app with a specified availability date appears on an international App Store roughly at midnight in the store’s local time zone. So New Zealand will have a 16-hour head start on the United States. [Source] I was beta and this used to go to the app. Now it says "item not found"
Edit: now working for android
Faut donner les liens sinon c'est pas sympa
I assume American? If so not until midnight or something like that
Would a vpn work?
Heb je geprobeerd het via je computer naar je telefoon te downloaden?
Just was able to download from
I am in US, no apk funny business.
It's up for Android
Android Link:
Not compatible for Note 2 :'(
Try installing with your web browser using the account connected to your phone.
Here I'll copy and paste a tutorial my friend made:
-Pokémon GO
-Droid Info
-FGL Pro
Official: (FGL Pro has been removed from the Google Play Store.)
Go to Settings > Lock Screen & Security > Unknown Sources > Turn On.
Google Play Store:
Go to Settings > Apps > Application Manager > Google Play Store > Disable the Google Play Store.
Google Play Store Picture
Google Play Services:
Go to Settings > Apps > Application Manager > Google Play Services > Click the three dots in the top right hand corner > Uninstall Updates.
(After the updates are uninstalled, force stop Google Play Services & clear the cache.)
Google Play Services Picture
(If it says cannot uninstall updates please refer to “NOTE 2” below.)
(NOTE 1: Do not disable Google Play Services unless it automatically keeps updating.)
(NOTE 2: Uninstalling Google Play Services Updates should automatically bring you to a page to turn off Google's Find My Device, you must turn off all phone administrators. If it doesn’t automatically bring you to the page go to: Settings > Lock Screen & Security > Other Security Settings > Phone Administrators > Turn off all phone Administrators
UPDATE: Go to Settings > Apps > Application Manager > Google Play Services > Build Number is below the version number.
(If you find your build number and it does not work when matching up the APK, follow the steps below.)
There are two sets of Google Play Services that currently work for this spoof. If you cannot get the first set to successfully install move onto the second set. This is currently the hardest step of the process because even if you get it installed you could end up going back for a different SET if FGL Pro gives you the error mentioned in “NOTE 6.”
Open up Droid Info. Get ready to write these down. Under the device page scroll down to OS Version. Under the device page again scroll down to Density. Now go to the system page and scroll down to instruction sets. You should have three things written down: OS Version, Density & Instruction Sets.
Droid Info Picture
Search through the sets below and find your correct Google Play Services, you must correctly match your phone's information with the set you pick to install.
(NOTE 3: For OS Version: If you have 8.0 or above run the 8.0. If you have 7.0 or below run the 6.0. (This varies from each device however this is what I found to be the best.) | For Density (DPI): If you do not see your “DPI number” in the SETS, for ex: you have “420dpi” and there is not a “420 dpi file” then you use the “nodpi file.”)
SET 1:
(APK Mirror – Google Play Services Version 12.5.20)
SET 2:
(APK Mirror – Google Play Services Version 12.6.85)
Go to Settings > About Phone > Build Number > Tap Build Number up to “7” times > Go back to Settings > Developer Options is now an entry in the menu.
Enabling Developer Picture
(NOTE 4: If you open FGL Pro it will automatically ask you to set these up and help you locate them. As for this tutorial I will go into depth on how to do it without FGL Pro for those who wish to know the process.)
High Accuracy: Go to Settings > Location > Locating Method > Turn on High Accuracy.
High Accuracy Picture
Mock Location: Go to Settings > Developer Options > Mock Location App > Choose FGL Pro.
Mock Locations Picture
(NOTE 5: If you have other “Fake GPS Apps,” delete them all besides “FGL Pro.” Only have “FGL Pro” as the others may interfere when enabling mock location.)
Now open FGL Pro and it will automatically set up your settings for you as it detects your devices system information. After it opens find a place on the map place your marker and click the start button. Now open Pokémon GO & enjoy the spoofing right from the comfort of where you please! Alright that about sums it up happy hunting guys if you have any questions please feel free to dm me.
IMPORTANT This is the non rooted method, also it would be wise to go through and collect the items you need to download BEFORE you start Disabling and uninstalling Google things.
disclaimer I am not affiliated or endorsed by Niantic or Google in any way, by doing this you are accepting any and all consequences that may arise. This is technically against Niantic TOS so please proceed with caution.
Hope that helps!
+1. You can look at & see that it was updated on the Play Store.
Einnig komið á Google Play Store
It was released last night, there may be an error.
Edit: See if this works:
Pokemon Go live for the USA.
Try that. It worked for me. I signed in through Baconreader and it started downloading. theres the link btw
Strangely enough, the Play store shows it was last updated on July the 12th (today) but it still says it is version 0.29.0:
Here's a direct link:
delete your apk if applicable
open up your computer
go to
install on your device
Link :
News shows : "minor text fixes" At this point they are trolling us
It's on Play as well:
Click install anyways it should still work
I honestly don't know? My last bet is to try this link: Nope. Requires Android 4.4+ So you could either install a custom rom (AOSP, Cyanogenmod) or just get anoher phone.
Try logging in from your computer and see if you can download it from there
Oop, sorry about that! This one. Edit: Formatting
I just downloaded it. You might need to go through a the store site instead of the app though.
Did you try using the Link?
Cannot install on my US Nexus 5x, Nexus 6 or Nexus 5.
At the bottom of the page: you need 4.4 (KitKat) or up.
Try that, otherwise your device might not be compatible
Experimenta usar o link da app no market:
Just a head's up... it was officially released in Canada earlier today.
Note: it appears it's releasing by stages, only few people on Pokemon go Discord could download it
iTunes version is 1.0.2; Android version is still at 0.29.2
Gå her ind, og se om du kan installerer det på din mobil.
Kann ich bestätigen.
Link .Nem mudando a config do celular adianta. Dá "não pode ser instalado no país de origem do dispositivo"
Look at the app if you're wondering:
I tried accessing Pokemon Go on Google Play on PC. Here's the result:
Using the US link: it's saying the app is not available for my device
Using the VN link it's returning 404
My conclusion is that it's just removed from the store. Vietnam's local government requires any game publisher to have an official representative in Vietnam in order to release to the Vietnam market. I haven't heard anything about Pokemon GO having an official office in Vietnam, so this may be the case.
Pokémon GO | 4.3 ⭐️ | Free with IAP | Varies with device |
Forever Lost: Episode 1 HD - Adventure Escape Game | 4.4 ⭐️ | $3.49 | 12MB | 🏠
^(Legend: |🏠: Family Library| ▶️: Play Pass|)
Done using report form above. Had to include link to the app in the store ( and a screenshot (just used the raid screen).
Pokémon GO | 4.1 rating | Free with IAP | 100,000,000+ downloads | Search manually
> NEW! Now you can battle other Pokémon GO Trainers online! Try the GO Battle League today! Join Trainers across the globe who are discovering Pokémon as they explore the world around them. Pokémon GO is the ...
Pokémon GO | 4.1 rating | Free with IAP | 100,000,000+ downloads | Search manually
> Join Trainers across the globe who are discovering Pokémon as they explore the world around them. Pokémon GO is the global gaming sensation that has been downloaded over 1 billion times and named “Best Mobile ...
I do, here you go.
Actually, the new update might have rolled out just today (at least for Android). On PlayStore, it says Updated July 30, 2020.
This is the announcement for the bug fix:
>Charged Attacks fired at the same time allow Trainer with first Charged Attack to switch Pokémon
Issue description: In Trainer Battles, when Charged Attacks occur at the same time, the Trainer whose move goes first is able to switch their Pokémon before their opponent's Charged Attack lands.
Issue status: Resolved in update currently rolling out (0.181.1)
I'm on a Samung Galaxy S8+ and I haven't had any luck. At this point I've basically given up, but here are a few things that Niantic Support has sent me. Hope this may help.
Email #1
In order to use the Adventure Sync, you need to login in with a Gmail address to your device. It should be logged in and the location services turned on.
Then, you can Go to Device Settings -- > Google --> Google Fit.
You can check whether your Device is connected to Google Fit or not.
Choosing the small arrow option at the top of the screen in the Google Fit screen will show you the total accounts logged in your device and you can choose the appropriate account you need to connect to Google Fit.
Also, the following steps should resolve the issue you’re experiencing:
Here are some of the scenarios in which Adventure Sync may not be tracking your data correctly.
Email #2
1) If you are using any other peripherals, such as Mi band, fit bit etc. Then, even though the fitness data can be imported into Google fit. This will not sync with Pokémon GO.
2) If you are using Battery saver on your phone, then background data will not be tracked.
3) If you use Samsung health/ Huawei health and import the data to Google fit, it will not sync with Pokémon GO.
4) If you have Pokémon GO app open/ running in the background then the steps counted will be from Pokémon GO and not your fitness app (Google Fit/Apple health).
5) The steps counted in Pokémon GO will not show up in Google fit.
6) If you are using Apple watch during your exercise, then ensure that Pokémon GO app is not running on your Apple watch.
Please use these based on the scenario.
The distance traveled that you see when you open is that of the previous week. You will receive an option to claim the rewards. Once you claim the rewards for that, you will then see the progress made in the current week. You will be able to claim the rewards of the current week at the end of this week.
This is great!
Can you please let the bot tweet when a new version is incoming?
It can periodically check and see if the "Updated on" date changed.
If this date changes(but not the version number), it means a staged rollout of an update has begun, but the update is not yet available to you.
more info:
I had the same issues on my OnePlus 6, it would literally take me 5-8 minutes to send a single gift. I emailed Niantic () but the suggestions were a load of rubbish but you can find them below:
None of these helped and in fact removing my Google account messed up my contacts and couldn't get them back. I ended up finding out there was a new Android Pie beta for my phone and just installed that and factory reset. I haven't had the issues since the completely fresh install of Android.
Below is what Niantic support told me to do. I didn't have to re-install the app... for me, force quitting the app and clearing the Safari data on my iphone did the trick.
Android device:
1. Open the Settings app on your device. Touch Storage > Apps > Pokémon GO, and Touch Clear Data and then Clear Cache.
2. Make sure that your device's time and date is set to automatic (network provided).
3. Ensure your device is connected to a reliable data connection (WiFi, 3G, or 4G).
4. Ensure that your phone has not restricted background data access to Google Play Services and Google Play Store. Learn how to turn on background data.
5. Open your Google connected apps settings and remove Pokémon GO access.
6. Remove your Google account from your device. Visit the Google Help Center for additional support.
7. Delete the Pokémon GO app and reinstall the latest official version from the Google Play Store.
iOS device:
1. Double tap the Home button and swipe up to close the app.
2. Launch the Settings app from the Home screen of your iPhone or iPad > Scroll down and tap Safari > tap on Advanced > Tap Website Data > Tap on Clear History and Data on the pop-up menu to complete.
3. From the Settings app, select Pokémon Go and turn on Background App Refresh.
4. Make sure that your device's time and date is set to automatic (network provided).
5. Ensure your device is connected to a reliable data connection (WiFi, 3G, or 4G).
6. Delete the Pokémon GO app and reinstall the latest official version from the iTunes Store.
Pokémon GO, with the new legendary Pokemon.
Try visiting the webpage for the Google Play store and see if it is showing December 6th?
Opinion without the reasoning:
More opinions: I think 2022 will be the soonest it's adopted by the social norm. Remember, the internet used to be for geeks, nerds, and basement dwellers. But now it's weird if you don't use it.
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Subreddit for the Augmented Reality collaboration between Nintendo and Niantic.
Travel between the real world and the virtual world of Pokémon with Pokémon GO for iPhone and Android devices! With Pokémon GO, you'll discover Pokémon in a whole new world—your own! Pokémon GO will use real location information to encourage players to search far and wide in the real world to discover Pokémon.
Niantic Helpdesk | List of Known Issues
Current versions: Android & iOS
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Subreddit for the Augmented Reality collaboration between Nintendo and Niantic.
Travel between the real world and the virtual world of Pokémon with Pokémon GO for iPhone and Android devices! With Pokémon GO, you'll discover Pokémon in a whole new world—your own! Pokémon GO will use real location information to encourage players to search far and wide in the real world to discover Pokémon.
Niantic Helpdesk | List of Known Issues
Current versions: Android & iOS
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Subreddit for the Augmented Reality collaboration between Nintendo and Niantic.
Travel between the real world and the virtual world of Pokémon with Pokémon GO for iPhone and Android devices! With Pokémon GO, you'll discover Pokémon in a whole new world—your own! Pokémon GO will use real location information to encourage players to search far and wide in the real world to discover Pokémon.
Current versions: Android & iOS
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Subreddit for the Augmented Reality collaboration between Nintendo and Niantic.
Travel between the real world and the virtual world of Pokémon with Pokémon GO for iPhone and Android devices! With Pokémon GO, you'll discover Pokémon in a whole new world—your own! Pokémon GO will use real location information to encourage players to search far and wide in the real world to discover Pokémon.
Current versions: Android & iOS
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[The Silph Road](/r/TheSilphRoad)
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Subreddit for the Augmented Reality collaboration between Nintendo and Niantic.
Travel between the real world and the virtual world of Pokémon with Pokémon GO for iPhone and Android devices! With Pokémon GO, you'll discover Pokémon in a whole new world—your own! Pokémon GO will use real location information to encourage players to search far and wide in the real world to discover Pokémon.
Current versions: Android & iOS
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I have a pizza cutter similar to this one but the exact brand isn't on here because I bought it from a different site. It is by and far the best I've ever used. I went through quite a few trying to find one that cuts well :)
I keep this with me at all times. It was a gift from a friend many moons ago. We were all amazed that he had bought it on because back then we thought amazon only sold books :D
My favorite mobile app is Pokemon Go!
This "welcome" mat is amazing.
This is my favorite piece of furniture. I bought it on super duper black friday clearance and I just love it. It's distressed and holds a lot of crap inside of it. It helps give the appearance of adulthood!
I have a much cheaper version of this (also an off brand not bought on amazon) and it's really awesome. It has a setting that senses when you sweep stuff to it and just sucks it up. My room mate is "floored" by it and loves it almost as much as I do!
shrdbrd you lazy bum, heres some cool stuff.
BTW, I never install the ApkPure app, or any other app to download something. I always prefer downloading directly with the browser.
In case you didn't click the link in the title:
Update just became available for me via Play Store :D
I had this same issue mysel, where I searched pokemon go on my brand new tablet (LG GPadF), as well as niantislab, but only saw Pokemon Go guides and not the game itself. I found your post when I was looking for answers.
Eventually I figured out. I used the browser on the device to manually type in the URL for Pokemon Go, and tap the install button on the webpage, this url:
I hope this helps others who are having this same issue.
DONE! thanks so much
more incentive yes, but it's also infinitely harder.
the larger the community the more voices are simultaneously crying for attention and the less likely any given voice is to actually represent what the broader community wants.
this subreddit has about 800,000 subscribers. a fraction of that are probably active contributors.
pokemon go is listed on the google play store as having somewhere between 100,000,000 to 500,000,000 installs (exact number not provided, just that range). even on the low end, this community is under a hundredth of the number of installs we see just in the US play store, not including iOS or worldwide.
Go to the Play Store
And this is supposed to be a 4-star app.
If you haven't already, leave a negative rating on the Play Store.
Since youre on vacation, simply loging out of your account, finding the app, and downloading it should work. I am not sure if you are on android or mac, but the process should be roughly the same.
Majestic, I love it. Play store score still high though.
You should install this version, it's from the store, if you can't install that, then download the correct apk of the game, I recommend apkmirror it has the real one
For anyone who can't find it in the playstore, I checked on browser and updated my app through there.
Link: Pokemon Go
Lyckades precis installera den på min Android genom Play stores hemsida:
Play (when it's out):
EDIT: Apparently it's only up for iOS Sorry guys.
Charzard? Pikachu? Bulbasaur? Have you caught them? If not, and you're interested in talking about it! WE GOT IT! Pokemon go, is it a trend or a fad? What's the difference? You decide!
We talk all things pokemon with Skaldera gaming! Check out his channel
Pokemon GO IOS -
Pokemon GO Android -
can anyone confirm that it was released or not? Here it say's I cannot install it but it's because of my phone/tablet or cuz it is restricted ?
You wont find it in the play store by searching, you have to click a link from a browser (from, say, here on reddit) to even see it in the store.
Like this:
<strong>@BulbaNewsNOW</strong>: >2016-07-05 23:38:36 UTC
>Pokémon Go is live on Google Play for Android users! We're still trying to confirm if it's available for iOS ><em></em>
[^[Mistake?]](/message/compose/?to=TweetPoster&subject=Error%20Report&message=/4rfpak%0A%0APlease leave above link unaltered.) [^[Suggestion]](/message/compose/?to=TweetPoster&subject=Suggestion) [^[FAQ]](/r/TweetPoster/comments/13relk/) ^[Code] ^[Issues]
It's there for me now. Just installed direct from the play store.
> that affects every part of the game.
> How is this not objectively worse?
Because you're just deciding that the bugs, balancing and spawn changes are collectively worth less than the tracking feature for EVERYONE. That's just simply not the case. It's subjectively worse, not objectively.
> The game was made around the ability to "see" nearby pokemon and triangulate their position via the 3 steps which no longer exists.
It really wasn't. Neither the Pokemon GO ad nor the app description talk about tracking pokemon. The community focused on this feature, but it wasn't the focus of the developers. As far as they're concerned you were just meant to be walking through tall grass - not sure what you'll find or when.
Official Pokemon Go Download Locations:
To install on Android via the web browser - sign into Google Play Store on the top right corner. After you are signed in, click on the "Install Button", it should bring up a prompt saying it it downloading to your device.
Apple iOS
To install on iOS iPhones or iPads via the web browser - click on the "view in iTunes" button on the left hand side under the game icon. Proceed to download and install from iTunes.
Hope that helps! Happy hunting.
Hier in de Play Store. Maar geen haast, servers zijn down.
go to the google play store in a browser and sign in with the gmail tied to the phone, on the pokemon go page when you click install it should list your devices and either say incompatible or not available in your country like so:
link to the play store page:
Pokemon Go is now officially out in the UK:
I uninstalled the version I had, re downloaded from the app store and logged in. No progress lost and seems to be more stable :)
Here you go. Pokemon Go on Play Store
I couldn't find it in the Play store on my phone, but I downloaded it at this link and it worked for me! Woohoo!!
(I'm in FL, by the way!)
In google play store ( it says the email address is Try it
Apparently it's still not showing for some people, but it's showing for me on Google Play:
In the store it says the current version is 0.29.0
I have a few friends with a galaxy s3 who can't find it either. Despite the s3 technically matching minimum requirements, it may still be considered too old.
Check the app via this link, but via a web browswer, not the play store app, and be logged into your google account. It may give you more information as to if it can work.
I think this will literally be it, when it's available for your region:
That shouldn't make a difference. I'm in Canada and was able to download and install it. They aren't blocking access by geographical closeness to the border, or IP address for that matter. Otherwise I could easily use a proxy or vpn and bypass the restrictions. The Play Store is locking the Pokémon Go app according to the address of the current active credit card on the account. Remove any non-American cards from your account, then put a credit card on your account with an American address, download the app to your phone through the web interface and you should be fine.
On the other hand, if no credit cards are associated with your account, then perhaps adding one, or actually using a VPN or proxy to prove you're in the States may help. It is rather uncanny that Google would think that you are somehow in Canada!
In either case, here is a direct link to the game in the Play Store. It may work without you having to do anything:
Good luck!
i dont think this is accurate, you're probably viewing the store page from different countries.
Sometimes you can't find it, use this link:
There is no Android 6.1 the latest is 6.0.1 and having an S6 edge myself, I can say he should check the direct link or download the APK.
Direct link:
Edit: Sorry for the confusion everyone. My father, who is a beta tester, got it from the play store. Thats how it must have worked for him.
Check what the Play Store says when you click the direct link to the app:
I still see it. Link
Download links:
Here's your routine Play Store and AppStore links.
I personally won't be too afraid about the servers, considering France has a smaller playerbase compared to Japan and the Japanese release wasn't that bad.
But just in case, you know who took down the servers next time.
Also this guy posted before but I don't feel like switching announcements so give him some trickle down karma.
what happens when you try to install from here
Dunno. The "while in the US" made me think you were visiting. I had to install it from the Play store website on my PC because the Play store app said it's not available. I figured that was just because I was breaking my F5 key looking for a report that it was released and got it as soon as it was. That was a few days ago.
go on your pc and try to install it from here {google play store}
oh uh awkward didnt share the info for the screenshot uh here you go link to the pokemon go playstore page
There is no changelog available on the Google Play Store :(
Use this link (Android only) and it will apear in the Playstore. You can't download the game yet.
Does me no good, but here
That's how it was for me until I tried the link
Maybe false positive.
Same for me, even if I open on my laptop the Play Store still says 0.29.0 is the current version.
You could try checking here and see if you can install using this
download from browser
If it still shows up as unavailable in a country where it should be released, try installing by using this link:
and then restart your phone.
Click the button to add it to your device. I did that and going back to the play store app it shows as installed with the uninstall and open buttons appearing.
Play Store and AppStore are live for USA (no, Canada, you don't get to play it yet).
Is it i cant find it on the play store, and when i go to the Website is still says im incompatible
Someone has posted a link. Here it is again.
Go to this link and check.
Play store link works.
seems legit though the page has not updated the version number on the play store but it does say updated july 29th
What login button?
Im just reloading this page over and over
Go to and search for it. All mirror is the most legit site for downloading apps as all packages are confirmed to be exactly what's on the play store. Alternatively, search for the app in your browser and follow the link to the play store from there.
Or try this :
Go on the website on a computer and make sure you are signed into the same google account. When you click install it will either say it is incompatible or it is not available in your country. If it is incompatible you need to get a new phone, if it says it is not available in your country just make a new google account making sure you choose the US.
My phone still gave me the error "This is not available in your region" (U.S.)
I went to the play store on my PC and was able to tell it to install remotely. Link to Pokémon GO.
what does it say on here? you have to go here but even when i do it says its not compatible
Install it from here -
I am having issues with my Moto G 2015. It does specify that you need 2 GB of RAM as a minimum requirement. I also found that I am missing the gyroscope so the game adjust my orientation. I do get a lot of freeze-ups and the AR does not work very well (maybe because of the lack of RAM). EDIT: I am in Canada.
On the west coast, installed through play store online.
Your device might not be able to run it perhaps? See if it says that via the website version of the store.
Just letting you know the Android link is broken the link you put is:
It should be:
Also, you're doing a great thing here!
Edit: I'm dumb and I screwed up my correction, fixed it!
Random question: I can't install it because my devices are incompatible, but can't people in North America install via this link?:
Your phone probably isn't compatible with it. I checked if my phone was compatible by going directly to the store link on my phone.
Here is the play store app in the UK. still unavailable though.
view this on your computer. It might be a cache issue
Tablet probably wont be a supported device though.
@MisakiPony Your Android Link is incorrect, you have an extra 'IOS' at the end of the link, it should be HERE
It does say it was updated today (July the 12th).
Why does the link on the play store still show 4 stars? Or is it just me?
Does this link give you any warnings or incompatibility messages?
try this on your computer
if it doesnt work what model of phone do you have.
Try using the playstore website instead:
Adding to this, no where on the Play Store page or in the app does the term 'beta' show up. If it was truly a beta, it should at some point have this stated. does that link work for you?
For the US, if it's not showing up, try the Web Google Play store.
App Play store shows not available, but the Web link worked just fine.
Install it from the website
nvm but its not compatible (
may be too old then.
you can use that page when you log into google to see what devices you have can play pogo.
Gotcha, same android I'm on. I just used the Google play version.
I think by now most of you coming from /r/all would know what Pokémon Go is about, so here's the US AppStore and Play Store link.
If you're playing, please keep in mind to read the Rules of the subreddit. Please refrain from asking about server situations or from posting screenshots especially ones taken from the toilet.
For me it says it is not compatible with any of my devices and I am currently playing the apk on an S6 edge+
Have a look and see if it works. Download it from the site directly?
Any android phone with a better operating system then KitKat 4.4,if you look on the page it should say the requirements.
So I've thought of a possible way to see if the apk you have installed is the same that's in the playstore. I'm not sure if this is a legit way to check since I'm not an expert in this.
Go to and add to your wishlist.
Open your phone and navigate to the wishlist tab in the playstore
If you did step 1 correctly you should see the icon of PoGo. In the right corner there should be a green suitcase. Now click on the three dots which usually mean settings. There should be an option "open"
Click the option "open". If all goes well your phone should open the apk you installed outside the appstore. This should mean your installed apk is identical to the one in the playstore.
Hope this helps :)
here is the play store link for it man, might help
Assuming youre from an area where the game is offically out follow this link. Should say if its compatible with any of youre devices if theyre connected to your google account.
Here's a direct link to the app on the play store. What does that page say for you?
The very bottom of the Play Store page:
Try this link. You should be able to log in and send it to your device via the play store web app.
It's a collab effort between nintendo and niantic so you might have glossed over it thinking it should say Nintendo. It's by Niantic.
So being in the UK I'm guessing your Google Play Account is a UK account.
I triple checked the specs for the Moto E 2nd Edition and everything looks good.
So you're saying if you go to that it's still showing incompatible with all of your devices?
I think it's already out in the Google Play store, but I'm not sure for which countries.
Drop the entire %20iOS
So what country ARE you in? If you're in the US use this link to install it on Android from the Play Store website, not the Play Store app. Otherwise, find somewhere you REALLY trust to download the APK from because there's a lot of cases of malware being in Go APKs now. I can't really offer any advice for iOS.
They don't list stuff that you can't play. Here's the URL you're looking for though.
what is the version? i see 0.29.2 :
There is a new version 0.29.2 already and this one is compatible with Intel CPU. However if Pokemon Go is still not available in your market, you will still get the same message.
Link on the store:
Link for the APK:
If you're having trouble downloading it on Android, you can log onto your computer and go to the Play Store to install it on any of your devices.
go on your computer and install it. it will install on your phone
Actually, I think you cannot search for it... BUT if you go from a direct link it will appear. However you will not be able to install it still as it is country blocked. SAD :( You can put it in your wishlist though for easy reference. Link is here
It's available in the app store, but I'm seeing "This item isn't available in your country."
It just launched yesterday, so they might still be rolling it out in the U.S.
I was just able to start the download:
entrá directo desde el store:
fijate que capaz no te aparece porque tu smartphone es incompatible, entrá por este link:
Android: Hvis appen stadig står som ikke tilgængelig, så prøv at installere den gennem
og genstart derefter telefonen.
[Comedy, Video Games, Tech Industry] NSFW Language Youtube Link Pokemon GO! Trend or fad? | Skaldera | Dev N Bob Show
Charzard? Pikachu? Bulbasaur? Have you caught them? If not, and you're interested in talking about it! WE GOT IT! Pokemon go, is it a trend or a fad? What's the difference? You decide!
We talk all things pokemon with Skaldera gaming! Check out his channel
Pokemon GO IOS -
Pokemon GO Android -
Cool down, people! The app is still in its 0.29 version.
I understand it was already released. So once it was in development for a while, a major update won't probably come out so soon. However, when I see the version 0.29, it tells much has to come.
They have been releasing test versions, and maybe they are now ensuring how things work in the real world (with millions of users) before releasing more features.
It also seems that (I can't play yet, not released in my area) only the first 150 Pokémon are available. So, let's wait and see what they will announce for the version 1.0.
>I was checking for any updates/changes. I had uninstalled and when I went to reinstall, Play Store said it couldn't be found. After refresh the app no longer shows. Crossing fingers. > >Edit: proof-ish... Used to be the beta link
>Appstore Link | Play Store Link > >--- > >More info soon.
it's the new Pokemon GO app
Still not in the HK App Store though: (Play Store Link:
Just follow this link and hit install (as long as youre signed in). It can also open in the playstore depending on how you have it set up
should be out in the US, last I checked...
try this link?
High jacking top comment to include link in Play Store:
Are you sure your Google account/Play store is based in the US and not in another country (I think there are ways to check that, for example see if the app prices are displayed in USD).
If this is not the problem then restart then try to open the app page in Chrome instead of the play store, worked for some people.
I installed it from my pc remotely.
PokemonGO is now available in Canada!
Voy a dejar esto aquí...
It's possible that your device isn't compatible, and won't show up in the play store app if so.
The website there will show if you have no compatible devices though.
here's the direct link Here's the direct link. If it's unsupported on your phone, it should say.
If it's not showing up on your phone's play store go here for the online play store and get the app pushed to your phone.
it's out for android (
First I vpn'd into the US on my computer. Then I went to the play store link for Pokémon go in Chrome. Then I chose to install it on my device (Android phone).
The joke lies around.
(I upgraded from the Beta, so I never saw the country error, so YMMV)
It works for the G3. It is on the playstore but I do not know if they are allowing people to install it again. They halted production because servers kept crashing. Once they fix the issue, they are going to allow new users to install it again.
I would be careful with the apk's. I heard that some included this malware or something. I would just wait until you can install it on the play store.
It might be back and ok to download. Here is the link: Pokemon Go Play Store
Play Store Link. Doesn't seem to be available in Canada yet though.
Kann man das Spiel auf dem LG G Flex 2 nicht spielen?
Im Android-Store steht: "Diese App ist nicht mit deinem Gerät kompatibel." :(
Pokémon GO by Niantic, Inc. | Free with IAP | 100,000,000+ installs
> NEW! Team GO Rocket has invaded the world of Pokémon GO! Battle with Team GO Rocket Grunts as you restore PokéStops and rescue Pokémon. Join Trainers across ...
I am a new bot. Please help me by private messaging me any bugs you see. Thank You.
I mean, the link is there ( but it won't download. I just went to apkmirror and got the latest build.
Had a couple of hours spare so threw something together
Demo of what it'd look like with the text/android, If the CSS is easily editable I recommend a 5px dropshadow with 1px distance to make it stand out a bit my banner's probably a bit to busy.
I used some of the games I currently have installed.
Pokemon Go
FF Mobius
Out There Chronicles
Moe Girl Cafe 2
For some reason I can install Pokemon Go in my brower as it seems. (link in description)
Pokemon Go is out on several countries, both on the app and play store. Most of Europe, Canada, USA, New Zealand, Australia.
Android here to check if you have it :D
I was able to install it in the Netherlands on Android. If I go to with my webrowser on my computer. I am able to install the App to my smartphone.
They are. They just release a new version. Take a look yourself here it is my friends can download it
The version listed in the <strong>play store</strong> is also 0.29.2 updated July 13th, if you prefer to get it from there and not APKMirror.
Where can I get Pokemon go? Couldn't find it on the app store
Edit: Found it (, not compatible with my phone :( unfortanately not enough people are giving the google play version 1 star reviews like they should
Sorry for my ignorance... States that my device is not compatible. I notice most people say that the site states it is not available in their region. So, does this mean It is available in AZ, but I do not have a compatible device? I have a Nexus 5x. Does this mean I will not be able to play today?
You're looking at the rating of a single update, not the game. You're also only looking on iTunes
3.9 Stars on Google Play
3 stars on iTunes