A bit on a tangent, but that was believed to be the case for quite some time. Don't Ever Wipe Tears Without Gloves is worth watching, and is as far as I have been told from people that survived those years, eerily realistic.
I actually managed to track down this paper, and it's just as insane as you think.
Has articles by Paul Joseph Watson on why Osama Bin Laden isn't real, why the NWO is coming for you, foreign bankers are controlling the world, globalists, anti-vax bullshit, eugenics being linked to Darwin, chemtrails, Hitler = Socialist, 9/11 being a hoax, etc.
Honestly, was pretty much a "Greatest Hits of 2011 conspiracy theories", and is essentially Irish Infowars.
Here's the PDF for those interested in losing some brain cells
He also recently illustrated an ABC book for Lauren Southern. He’s a really talented illustrator. It’s a shame that he chooses to be a political cartoonist with the politics he has.
Also, most of the stuff in the book is okay, but there are definitely some noticeable bad ideas if you know what you’re looking for. I’d recommend Xanderhal’s video reviewing it over actually purchasing the book.
Based on their amazon pages, it really doesn't seem like it sells well.
Edit: In case you miss it, the one for Republicans is #3 in political humor, while the one for Democrats is #240 in political humor.
After seeing the Newsweek magazine headline “Is Your Baby Racist?” I’ve never been able to trust them.
If you want to buy a copy for your collection
I shared the editorial process to prove that it's peer reviewed already, as that's a requirement to get published on JRAI.
As for the paper, I've found it on Sci-Hub. You can read it there for free.
And I went around digging about this one scholar you were critiquing so vociferously. I didn't know who David Graeber was before today. He's a giant and considered one of the best in his field. He passed away recently last year. RIP. I've made a note to read some of his works.
8th common feature of fascism according to Umberto Eco:
The enemy is both strong and weak. “By a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak.”
We also have a very big "statue" in our capital. But y... it's not to glorify anyone it's to remember. (https://www.ecosia.org/images?q=berlin%20mahnmal%20holocaust#id=1A9EBABC5452D9D40DB571A082062DF2483278D7) Oh and btw our right wing party wants to get rid of it ;)
Here's the definition for steal
I believe the definition u/mcbirdman12 was referring to is, "To get or take secretly or artfully."
Under capitalism, we have people like Jeff Bezos who are worth over 100 billion dollars while his workers struggle to make ends meet. He is artfully getting the fruits of his workers labour. That is what they meant by the word steal.
You can just buy the part from an autopart… oh holy fuck, they really made them for this purpose.
Yeah. And here’s some more! (That second one isn’t a source on it’s own, but has several citations)
This is also a blatant attempt to shift the conversation away from the original argument, how does Palestine’s laws justify Israeli human rights abuses!?
Must not be a very good book if he still has to ask the question while reading it.
Btw for anybody actually interested in how Germany had gone from the Weimar Republics (one of the most progressive societies in the world at the time) to Nazi Germany, I can’t recommend the book The Death of Democracy by Benjamin Carter Hett more
Hopefully everyone realises its just a halloween costume of Kyle Rittenhouse , and not an actual mass shooter currently doing a mass shooting
Edit: Atleast keep the orange tip and/or make the what i hope to be an airsoft gun look more like a toy gun or get one of those obvious toy guns with a lot of bright colours like this one , perhaps even get a blatant toy assullt rifle replica of the gun Kyle was using if you wanna go the extra mile with the fidelity
> Expose Corruption, Demand Justice Against Evil Beings Who Seek Harm To Innocent People, Spread Awareness Beneficial for Others and Unite Good Hearted Souls for The Sake of Humanity and Mankind.
We hit the mother lode. One dumb meme after the other.
Good read if you’re interested. I’m sure you can find a free version somewhere. I know you won’t read it, but nonetheless here ya go.
>Scarves are mega tactical
Scarves are not tacticool, but shemaghs/keffiyehs? Now that's tacticool.
^^^/s ^^^just ^^^in ^^^case
By 1890 only a third of the population had been alive during the civil war. The populace had already turned hard back into racism. This was the point where black people were code-switchedfrom being simple-minded, childlike, and in need of a masters guidance, to dangerous, violent, over-sexed, criminals. Every party places to that tune now, just some more overtly than others.
>When your political philosophy revolves around insults.
Like the Michael Savage book-
>[Liberalism Is A Mental Disorder
Better yet this parody of right wing book-
>[Lies: And the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right
Here’s some good reading for you to start with barbarian
here’s a pic of an actual healed scar from a thigh graft for a phalloplasty. warning, this photo contains a dick and if you scroll around this page there’s some medical gore. weird that the artist did a thigh scar instead of the more common forearm scar, though.
This falls right in line with one of Umberto Eco's tenets of Ur-Fascism. The rest aren't too far off either.
One of Umberto Eco’s 14 common features of fascism. One of Umberto Eco’s 14 common features of fascism
It's mentioned above:
> the enemy is both strong and weak.
-- Umberto Eco, 14 common features of fascism
"8. The followers must feel humiliated by the ostentatious wealth and force of their enemies. When I was a boy I was taught to think of Englishmen as the five-meal people. They ate more frequently than the poor but sober Italians. Jews are rich and help each other through a secret web of mutual assistance. However, the followers must be convinced that they can overwhelm the enemies. Thus, by a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak. Fascist governments are condemned to lose wars because they are constitutionally incapable of objectively evaluating the force of the enemy."
Quote from Ur-Fascism by Umberto Eco, widely considered the seminal work for defining fascism. You can read it here: https://www.pegc.us/archive/Articles/eco_ur-fascism.pdf
The below article explains a bit of context for Eco's piece, and restates/simplifies the main points of his definition of fascism. http://www.openculture.com/2016/11/umberto-eco-makes-a-list-of-the-14-common-features-of-fascism.html
Fuck outta here with your "both sides" shit.
Says the guy that supports a militant group of thugs that goes around beating up gay Asians as they brag about beating up fascists.
If you don't understand that Antifa regularly wave flags of anarchism and communism, then you're a mindless idiot.
But do continue with poor quality questions and ultimately avoiding a reasonable debate.
that is something we can agree on. that being said we also dont have open borders now, else my students and family members wouldn't have to endure so much to get in.
> People who cross the border illegally are likely to be criminals. While I don't doubt that some of them are good people, the risk of letting anybody through this easily is not worth it.
this is the part i took issue with. of the 216 students currently enlisted in our sheltered classes (don't have enough english to take grad requirements) i can only think of two that are actually bad people. all the rest are just children trying to survive. (and some of them do have legal status, but an estimated 92-95% of them don't.)
if you're interested in learning more and/or like to read i highly recommend either Enrique's Journey (biography of sorts) or We Are Not From Here
my s/o is doing okay, his siblings received legal asylum status last month actually! we're going to try for him at the beginning of october.
Straight identifying men who have sex with men is a thing. Whether you believe they are or not, they identify as such which is interesting.
For many it's internalized homophobia while for others it's a different relationship and attitudes towards sex (typically based on who you're attracted to vs who is open to meaningless fun.) and sexuality (like current understandings of it being who you are [I AM gay] vs a thing you do, just another activity. attraction to the person isn't required, it doesn't really need to mean anything). Another one is defining themselves by romantic attraction (as that'd be more important to them) while sexual attraction may differ (romantically straight but sexually bisexual).
A couple books exploring this phenomenon:
Not Gay: Sex Between Straight White Men is a 2015 book by Jane Ward, in which the author details the phenomenon of straight white men seeking out sex with other straight men despite not identifying as gay, bisexual, or bi-curious. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Not_Gay
Still Straight: Sexual Flexibility among White Men in Rural America by Tony Silva. A big argument in this one is they identify with straightness as a culture. focuses in rural areas where traditional values are big, marriage, church and community, typical rural activities like hunting and fishing, more conservative idea of what it means to be straight/masculine/"normal". They don't identify with popular gay culture representation they were exposed to like drag queens, partying, general femininity which influenced them what to think what gay means. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08BFK3D7D/ref=dbs_a_def_rwt_hsch_vapi_tkin_p1_i0
Straight identifying men who have sex with men is a thing. Whether you believe they are or not, they identify as such which is interesting.
For many it's internalized homophobia while for others it's a different relationship and attitudes towards sex (typically based on who you're attracted to vs who is open to meaningless fun.) and sexuality (like current understandings of it being who you are [I AM gay] vs a thing you do, just another activity. attraction to the person isn't required, it doesn't really need to mean anything). Another one is defining themselves by romantic attraction (as that'd be more important to them) while sexual attraction may differ (romantically straight but sexually bisexual).
A couple books exploring this phenomenon:
Not Gay: Sex Between Straight White Men is a 2015 book by Jane Ward, in which the author details the phenomenon of straight white men seeking out sex with other straight men despite not identifying as gay, bisexual, or bi-curious. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Not_Gay
Still Straight: Sexual Flexibility among White Men in Rural America by Tony Silva. A big argument in this one is they identify with straightness as a culture. focuses in rural areas where traditional values are big, marriage, church and community, typical rural activities like hunting and fishing, more conservative idea of what it means to be straight/masculine/"normal". They don't identify with popular gay culture representation they were exposed to like drag queens, partying, general femininity which influenced them what to think what gay means. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08BFK3D7D/ref=dbs_a_def_rwt_hsch_vapi_tkin_p1_i0
Ironically, Dr. Seuss drew himself some pretty damned racist anti-Japanese cartoons early in his career.
It's just, he recognized how shitty he was years later. Garrison's just happily enriching himself from his continued racial stereotypy.
That's not true at all. During 4th or July season they make red white and blue M&Ms
You can literally buy them on Amazon.
Turns out you're just as ridiculous as the people crying about M&Ms.
If you’re interested in art I would get a book calledVkhutemas
It was a Soviet avante garde school that rivals the Bahaus
There are a multitude, depending in what you are interested in id say either personal accounts (The SS state, a book written in the 50s by a KZ survivor or "Tigers in the mud" by tank ace Otto Carius ) or general enceclopedia like https://www.amazon.de/World-War-II-Definitive-History/dp/1465436022/ref=asc_df_1465436022/?tag=googshopde-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=310780560952&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=9466352884851017667&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvd... that one from the smithsonian. Generally you have to be carefull with your sources because there is a lot of BS, you have to read personal accounts with the thought of "what did this person want to tell is his legacy" and documnetary books with the thought of " What interest might the author have to lie, like in the series "the great patriotic war" published in the USSR (which is still worth a read, if you read it with a critical mind).
I would like to pitch a book called Behind the Myths:Foundations of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. It’s a materialist look at the archeological and historic evidence for the formations of these religions. It goes over a class analysis of the religions as well.
Maybe you could try better Google searches.
Here is a nice link to more.
Note that this is actually a pretty unsurprising finding, because penis size is correlated with height, and Africans are taller than Caucasians on average.
There’s a great biography of him:
(Full disclosure, it was written by a friend of mine, but it is objectively good).
Oddly, this reminds me of the concepts being espoused in the book The Forth Turning, which actually made some interest arguments.
Ever see this Book on Liberalism?
[Liberalism Is a Mental Disorder-
Michael Savage has the cure.
With grit, guts, and gusto, talk radio sensation Michael Savage leaves no political turn unstoned as he savages today's most rabid liberalism. In this paperback edition of his third New York Times bestseller, Savage strikes at the root of today's most pressing issues, including:
Homeland security: "We need more Patton and less patent leather . . . Real homeland security begins when we arrest, interrogate, jail, or deport known operatives within our own borders . . . One dirty bomb can ruin your whole day."
Illegal immigration: "I envision an Oil for Illegals program . . . The president should demand one barrel of oil from Mexico for every illegal that sneaks into our country."
Lawsuit abuse: "Lawyers are like red wine. Everything in moderation. Today we have far too many lawyers, and we're suffering from cirrhosis of the economy."
"Pure Savage. Very effective, very timely, very hot." American Compass Book Club
For those interested, I recommend the book [The Doctor Who Fooled the World](https://www.amazon.com/Doctor-Who-Fooled-World-deception/dp/191161780X/ref=sr_1_2?crid=1WC31BUVEIVKB&keywords=the+doctor+who+fooled+the+world&qid=1636746590&qsid=132-0540139-9906323&sprefix=The+doctor+who+%2Caps%2C587&sr=8-2&sres=1421438003%2C191161780X%2CB079DZW1WX%2CB084V867TV%2C0691188831%2CB086VS5JSL%2CB09KN656QH%2CB0031RSAP6%2C1510765182%2C1478947993%2C1610398610%2C0142424986%2CB08BDVN4QR%2CB07J4W56SS%2C0008295123%2CB089SNLMNY&srpt=ABIS_BOOK). The entire study linking MMR vaccine to Autism was fraudulent and the man behind it lost his medical license.
> If you have the capital to invest in furniture you're not middle class.
1). Affording nice furniture IS middle class. America is just so fucked we think the upper portion of the lower class is the middle class.
2). As other have pointed out, those are bullshit, cherry picked prices to exaggerate the cost. Here is the chair on Amazon for $895 USD, which converts to €807. Other versions were around the $600 mark, but I PURPOSELY CHOSE THE MOST EXPENSIVE ONE (of the first results) TO MAKE MY POINT.
It's just a generic candy bar
Kinda like a Hershey bar
After looking on Google I found the one I saw here on Amazon. I did see another variation that had 1776 on it.
I go to a school that studies this exact topic. Been going there for a few years now.
There's a sub for it called r/internetCommentEtiq
And a YouTube channel where Conment Daddy uploads new lessons every time he needs to get paid from a Raycon or NordVPN ad (but there's a bunch of old lessons to keep you busy until you catch up and get frustrated that some asshole makes like one 10-15 min video every 3 months).
Welcome to the class and don't forget to bounce on your boy's dick to this comment.
Yeah, most religions from the ancient/bronze age Mediterranean, Levant, Anatolia and Mesopotamia regions borrow things and combine heros/gods etc. Best example that many people don't know is that the Jesus character from the Bible is almost a beat for beat rip off of the Egyptian god Horus. I find ancient mythology interesting. My favorite is Norse, their stories are wild and hilarious. Neil Gaiman actually wrote a modern anthology of many and I highly recommend it if you have any interest.
Kinda true. Althought post revolution Washington and the first 4-5 Presidents (I forget the exact number) treated the native American Indians as as separate nations and worthy of equal treatment. Washington hosted Native American Chieftains and brokered treaties with them the same as he would dignitaries from European nations within the first two years of his administration (found here: https://www.amazon.com/First-Congress-Washington-Extraordinary-Government/dp/1451692110)
The average person however was a different matter. The settlers often overpopulated the lands purchased from local tribes and created demographic shifts that all too often led to violent conflict and subjugation. Wrong then, wrong now.
Really!?! black people from Africa act different from African Americans? Wow it’s almost like they live in totally different countries and cultures and the color of their skin has no bearing on their actions.
Thanks for reasserting my point. As I’ve recommended a few times, learn about generational poverty. I’d recommend this book as it helped A
Framework for Understanding Poverty 4th Edition https://www.amazon.com/dp/1929229488/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glc_fabc_d0F7Fb0VA0JG3
I’m not excusing people for their actions. As a teacher I’m all about holding people accountable for their actions. I feel as though you will gain a much better understanding as to why people do what they do.
If history is any example, the likelihood of defeat is inversely proportional to the flair of the marching. Take the DPRK army, for example -- the most gaudy and machine-like marchers on the planet. They would take maybe a week to defeat in a modern war, whereas even the most ragtag Russian division would slug it out to the last man if WWII is any example. The SS was somewhere in between and OK, took a few years to defeat but only because we let them get the upper hand before getting involved.
"In true form, Lao explains his foregoing description of quintessential statesmanship with specific examples of how good order breaks down under improper government, to be replaced instead by the appearance of good order." -- Profound Accordance (2016), discussion of Tao Te Ching chapter 18.
You should get the Republican version. Its the same thing with the pages blank. Personally though I like it. Would be a great journal with proper research being done one could detail the pros and cons of each party, the make their own much book for 3rd parties.
There's an identical book made for Democrats called Why Trump Deserves Trust, Respect and Admiration which is also completely blank. It's not a scam, buyers are well-informed that these books only contain empty pages.
These things keep the mask tighter so it doesn't fog up your glasses
Not terribly wonderful for your second problem, sorry.
She wasn't a CEO but rather a journalist, but Barbara Ehrenreich wrote a book about her experiences trying to live on minimum wage jobs. It's a good read if you want realistic examples of why "just get a job" and "just get a better job" are stupid, privileged responses to the poor expressing the need for a living wage.
I am a 5th grade teacher. There is an identical line Who Was Albert Einstein. I read it to my class. It was written in 2002, before the election so there is no way it's even a deliberate shot at Trump. I read that line and let my class sit on it for a couple of seconds. I hope some of them got it.
Edit: clarification
The act of pretending to be color blind is in fact racist, and perpetuates systemic racism by shutting out all possibilities of being racist from discussion.
If you want to learn more, I highly recommend the book White Fragility.
I don't know what the open book is, but the closed book is <em>Beginning Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Programming</em>. The other book's just as much of a doorstop, so it's probably computer-science stuff too.
I'm sure you all know about the virulent leftism that underpins database theory.
The quotes are taken from this book: Fest, Joachim C.<em>Hitler. Eine Biographie</em>
Ullstein/Propyläen, Frankfurt a. Main/Berlin 1995
It's available in English too, I think. Just so you can provide a source when you're arguing with someone!