Looks like polymer water beads, like these.
Yea I want to believe every video is real. But these rave boi's can be found everywhere
I have this guy's book! Honestly, even if he is wrong, it is worth a read. In addition to his research, the book is basically a memoir of working with NASA, and how there was a serious divide among scientists and engineers when it came to searching for life on Mars. Scientists wanted to find life, and there was an initial soil test that came back with two negatives and a positive for evidence of life. Engineers did not like this, since it meant NASA would accelerate a program to put Man on Mars, and would drain money from the engineers. Honestly, it is a good read and the names and events he mentions all check out from what I've looked into.
Brandenburg's book Death on Mars
The security leaks like a sieve. Kids operating the missile silos cannot avoid talking about the weird shit they have experienced.
I believe that book is "Vampires Are" by Stephen Kaplan. It seems to be darn near impossible to find the book anymore. I heard the story on an old episode of Mysterious Universe, and I did find a PDF of the chapter on Elizabeth, the 400+ year-old vampire. I think this is what you are talking about, but maybe not. Anyway, it's pretty interesting: https://www.docdroid.net/aiUKBNj/elizabeth-pdf
If you would like to know more about this, I would HIGHLY recommend this book:
Well worth it to know more about the background, lots of research and a convincing argument about what was here before native Americans.
That's the theory..except the other way around. People confusing aliens for owls https://www.amazon.com/Messengers-Owls-Synchronicity-UFO-Abductee/dp/0967799570
Check it out...tons of stories about "4 foot tall owls" and all sorts of craziness. I don't know what to think about it but it's definitely a captivating read.
Sounds interesting (https://www.amazon.com/Walking-Among-Us-Control-Humanity/dp/1511304359), although it seems like a hypothesis with some plausible explanations. Not that I'm demanding absolute proof, but comments like the one I responded to should take a tone befitting of a theory and not something genuinely proven.
Riveting read so far, that part of the introduction gave me chills and validated my views on the matter, so I’m sharing it. It’s available on Kindle.
Reversing Hermon, by Michael Heiser explains the importance of Enoch to early Christianity. Enoch 1 was excluded from the biblical canon because it was already so well known to second temple period Jews that it simply didn’t need to be repeated again in the Bible. This is why Genisis only references Enoch, the “giants” and nephilim in passing and with little detail - it was just referencing the older works of Enoch that everybody knew already.
Reversing Hermon: Enoch, the Watchers, and the Forgotten Mission of Jesus Christ https://www.amazon.com/dp/0998142638/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_ZS4QP2PK670VP8W95EV6
WEIRD AF! 😮 It makes you wonder what we're missing left and right, things that are just outside of our "frame of reference."
This book is really interesting and I suggest it mightily, as a potential "explanation" for a lot of this type of stuff. Our brains did not evolve to perceive reality. They evolved for fitness within our particular niche, period.
The Case Against Reality: How Evolution Hid the Truth from Our Eyes
Donald Hoffman, UC Irvine
Pretty nasty storm rolling through right now. OR Is this closer to the sound? 10 year old video but maybe?
I read a book by a remote viewer almost exactly like this transcript called
Database of various Masonic materials: https://the-eye.eu/public/Books/Occult_Library/Freemasonry/
If someone manages to find it, please let us know.
OP, would you possibly remember the site or forum you saw those images in?
I read a book by a remote viewer almost exactly like this transcript called
This incident was (along with the orbs incinerating the ranch owner’s dogs) the most shocking account of the George Knapp’s Hunt for Skinwalker book.
Hunt for the Skinwalker: Science Confronts the Unexplained at a Remote Ranch in Utah https://www.amazon.com/dp/1416505210/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_Q6N3SBW2VCKPE3N5NK1T
Thank you. This coincides closely to The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life. A little time difference here and there, like the pole shifts take around 20 hours instead of 6-12, but tomato, tomato.
I would be interested to hear your views on how animal mutilation and bigfoot fit into this theory. If we look at the collection of stories from places like skinwalker ranch and other wide open spaces, where these beings were accompanied by entities similar to bigfoot, and animal mutilations that have been taking place as long as the sighting of "ufo" phenomena, it's super hard to connect the dots.
What is it about the soft tissue and reproductive organs, and one eye and one ear? To me it does appear to correlate with some type of scientific study, that these are samples being taken, which is often referred to by some as an investigation into virology of Transmissable Spongiform Encephalopathy (TSE)'s and referred to as prion diseases. There are papers on this: https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Unexplained-Cattle-Deaths-and-the-Emergence-of-a-(/62a32c7689dac707925824f7f311506c4e7aae69
My thoughts are that if these beings are us, in a future state where a genetic mutation has taken place, are they looking for where it starts? This particular linked study mentions that some prion diseases are misdiagnosed as alzheimers, which is currently an epidemic. I admit I haven't studied this topic nearly enough, I have read a lot of books on the ufo phenomena, however I had never heard of Mac Tonnies, so I'll start digging into his material as well as those of his colleagues.
It's just Chinese lanterns floating in the wind. Set off three at a time and the whole neighborhood claims UFOs the next day. They are like 2 bucks a piece - have fun yall.
>I'm just someone that's very keen on Aliens and very interested in a potential disclosure of some sort.
If you feel like it, I would recommend Richard Dolan's book UFO's and the National Security State. It's a very long book, meticulously researched. It provides basically irrefutable evidence of a government cover-up (IMO). Things like the Twining memo, etc. - also outlined in Dolan's many YouTube presentations - make an open and shut case that yeah, all that "Flying Saucer" stuff was a huge deal in the 40s and 50s. It was a massive cultural event that touches millions of people's lives and our government was obsessed with them. Stories were not allowed to persist in the culture and got ridiculed out of existence.
Also "The Day After Roswell" is good. I really don't think people lie as much as some skeptics would have us believe. That story for example - it has to be either an amazing and true story, or one of the most grandiose, self-serving, well-put-together tapestries of lies ever created. Which I don't think it is.
Its a Readers Digest compilation from 1982.
Great podcast. It reignited my fury at the CIA and all "doctors" involved in this horrific crime. The amount of nonconsensual experiments and sheer torture that went on during MK ULTRA truly is astonishing.
If you haven't already, and you are interested in MK ULTRA, definitely read the book Poisoner in Chief: Sidney Gottlieb and the CIA Search for Mind Control. It discusses numerous experiments and also dives into the mind and history of the awful human who signed off on all of this stuff.
I apologize for somehow missing the entire bottom portion of your first message!
I'm not sure what to make of the voice, to be honest. Since you were in a known dream - even lucid - I would err on the side of your own subconsciousness. If you get to that state again and try the same thing, I would ask things back. But I'm brazen and that may not be the right thing for you to do. Only you know the tone of voice and if it felt friendly and natural enough to proceed.
Personally, I'm not a huge believer in grounding or protective visualizations (again, this is not my wheel house and take everything with a grain of salt) as I have no personal evidence of them being helpful; but nor have I really needed them. But perhaps it may be helpful for you in those times? You can always imagine yourself surrounded by an energy, a protective bubble of bright light. If the intention is to protect you, then the idea is, that it does.
That is VERY cool about the cars. Have you read anything by Jung? Specifically about synchronicities?
If not, you may like the above book.
My personal take is that, since everything is consciousness, it allows for weird and strange events like these. It even becomes mundane. I have had crazy experiences and so have many other people, but it seems no one really acknowledges, let alone shares this with others.
I definitely think this is a possibility. Either inner Earth OR in the depths our oceans. In fact, I think the oceans are where the true mysteries, and hopefully answers, lay. I'd highly suggest checking out this book by the late Mac Tonnies. https://www.amazon.com/Cryptoterrestrials-Meditation-Indigenous-Humanoids-Aliens/dp/1933665467
Admiral Byrd really did fly inside.
He saw numerous Haunebu UFO on the ground. These same UFO flew over D.C. in 1952 to send a message to not enter again.
All of this and much more is detailed in this absolutely incredible documentary: https://www.amazon.com/Operation-High-Jump-Admiral-Richard/dp/B07119Z6BM
Phil's story of Dulce was also in the Bennewitz accounts for UFOs. Paul died in 2003 and he had made the same kind of claims, the only thing about this is that the scale and size of their underground base would be untenable without ventilation on a massive scale. He was also in and out of mental institutions:
>Bennewitz, who had been in a mental health facility on three occasions after suffering severe delusional paranoia, into a mental breakdown by feeding him false information about aliens.
As far as I am concerned I don't find enough evidence to support the Dulce base, from Phil or Paul.
Crypoterrestrial theory, it's some of the best strangeness out there.
An ancient race (or races) exist on (or in) Earth with us hiding their presence, hence the name Crypto (hidden or secret).
I made a post the other day which linked to a website that summed it up well but it's randomly gone offline (possibly the author didn't like getting exposure).
The person who coined the term (which Vallee and Keel had both also alluded to decades before in their own way) was called Mac Tonnies (referenced in the article I posted) in his book: The Cryptoterrestrials: A Meditation on Indigenous Humanoids and the Aliens Among
I think it quite succinctly puts a lot of the UFO/Miracle/Fae phenomena throughout human history into context.
Bigfoot is Interdimensional and a Window is created to allow the creature to travel back into the Lower Astral Dimension.
UFO and their occupants use similar technology. These "portals" are also how Mothman and other cryptids enter our reality.
A shimmering energetic field is seen opening around the creature and then closes as it crosses over from our dimension. This has been seen by many people around the world and is detailed in this fascinating documentary:
Also, I'm just going to throw this out there but I think there's a relation to the series of ufo sightings around michigan/ohio and some top secret tech the us government were using to spy on Iran (which was caught totally by accident in a CNN news broadcast)
Here's a link to a searchable weather radar map for that area, it would be interesting to see what was on the screen at the time you took the pic!
The part about schizophrenia is really interesting, I just read a paper showing that muscimol, the active ingredient in amanita, can potently reverse the symptoms of schizophrenia in a mouse model: https://smallpdf.com/shared#st=878bc7e0-0450-4a3f-bd07-55f6bfab8218&fn=Ch.+17+Schizophrenia.pdf&ct=1596579952707&tl=share-document&rf=link
The link will go away in14 days, so if anyone in the future wants it, I can post again, just ask.
Jeep in mind amanita are not psilocybin mushrooms. Amanita are more similar to xanax, even more similar to lorazepam. Psilocybin, meanwhile, is closer to LSD, so they are very different experiences.
I disagree with Buddha and asceticism, Buddha tried everything, and at least in Herman Hesse' version, said practicing meditation so you could be joyful and laugh was pointless since you could get the same thing by drinking. To me, the way he got there was more important to learn about than how he taught other people to get there, since he was very reluctant to teach in the first place, he must have believed that by trying many things, a person would naturally adopt the middle path. The Dalai Llama has said he would take a drug that would let him temporarily experience enlightenment if one existed.
Jesus starves himself for 40 days and hears a bunch of voices, as do several of the early saints, as a way of testing their resolves against the devil. I dislike the way Catholicism tells you how saints and jesus lived, and then tells you you can't do that.
My impression was that weddings are and were specifically very lit, and therefore wine a dry wedding was a disaster. Actually, catholics today tend to get very drunk together, so if they mostly used diluted wine as a disinfectant, amanita might have been the only way to mimic something like high proof alcohol.
>When you get the message, hang up the phone
You'll break your mother's heart
I read his book, almost exactly like this transcript called
(John Keel, the master of High Strangeness, is that you?!)
The Eighth Tower by John Keel discusses this exact idea, and I am in agreement.
Fantastic read, and really puts a lot of other theories in their place under this paradigm.
Brain 1 reacts immediately based on past learned behaviors. This is our subconscious mind making snap decions based on previous information.
Brain 2 is able to slow things down, recognize there is something to think about to influence brain 1s decision. If this happens enough times in a pattern you will teach your brain 1 to make different decisions.
Seems like brain 2 was heavily activated for you and took over where brain 1 is normally in control for most people.
For anyone curious about this topic and looking for good info, I recommend reading Chris O'Brien's "Stalking the Herd: Unraveling the Cattle Mutilation Mystery" : https://www.amazon.com/dp/1939149061/ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_26WHEYBSE8XSSSRMJEJN
He has an excellent overview of the phenomenon as appeared in the 1970's and played out until his book was published in 2014, with tremendous documentation. He also discusses our VERY complicated relationship w/cattle dating back to humanity's earliest communities, which I found to be pretty interesting, tbh.
As for the "who, what, and/or why" may be behind these mutilations, he explores a few possibilities including "the military" (some mutilations included reports of 'unmarked helicopters' flying away in the direction of 'nearby' military bases), "contractors employed by the military or (US) government", or "third parties (human or not) posing as military or gov't operators." One of the more intriguing theories he puts forth is that these mutilations would be an effective way for a third-party to check these cattle's sensitive tissues and organs for the presence of a variety of biological markers, potentially including prions.
I find this topic very intriguing and the essence of "high strangeness," as the crimes are very bold, and we are 50+ years into a modern worldwide cattle mutilation phenomenon and not a single perpetrator has ever been caught.
Even though it is proclaimed they were all students, that wasn't the fact. A few worked in different industries like nuclear power, had high ranking positions in these fields. One of the hikers worked in a top security clearance lab in Moscow before transferring to the Ural Polytechnic University for an additional degree. They mentioned that there was a few strange incidents that could have been "communicating" with others on the journey. I do think it's possible that they were after one, especially the guy who worked in the top security clearance lab. He may have found something out and then all of them were eliminated by the KGB. Another one of the guys was a WWII vet and had continued military experience. So the idea that they were all students was not really accurate. There was some secret things as well as an unknown camera, a secret diary. Another guy was taking samples of minerals along the way. There could have been sketchy things that was covered up by this supposed "hike." So much that the government didn't want to even let the bodies come off of the mountain but be buried there. While I don't agree with everything the author wrote, the book is "Death of Nine: Dyatlov Pass Mystery" https://smile.amazon.com/Death-Nine-Dyatlov-Pass-Mystery/dp/0578445220/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=death+of+nine&qid=1617651147&sr=8-1
There's a much longer speech at a UN conference room from 1991 on Prime Video. WAY more interesting details. I'll see if I can find it for you.
Been studying NDEs for 20 years now.
Here is a great list of a some great NDEs
best book on a single NDE I have read, written by a neurosurgeon
another great one is Anita Moorjani's book Dying to be Me, you can find her on youtube also
and for more comprehensive study of the phenomenon look at PMH Atwater's books, she has studied this thing in great great depth
I have m ore links if anyone if interested
Hi. My opinion is Bigfoot/Sasquatch is absolutely an Interdimensional Being.
Many people have seen them literally disappear in front of them. Some talk about a strange silver/grey field of light that appears around Bigfoot/Sasquatch as what looks like a "window" opens up and the creature passes through it and disappears.
Real examples of this are detailed in these fascinating documentaries:
1)The Bigfoot Alien Connection Revealed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WRHSUIYOt7s
2)Paranormal Bigfoot: https://www.amazon.com/Paranormal-Bigfoot-Ron-Morehead/dp/B07NRFH3XW
Well first off the Bavarian Illuminati has been defunct for hundreds of years, so there’s that (For those interested in actual Bavarian Illuminati documents and rituals, I can’t recommend The Secret School of Wisdom by Joe Wages enough).
Secondly, they got about two years of dues, and a very overpriced sterling silver ring out of me a few years back so I do have personal experience with the group. They are very open about who they are, where their materials come from, and why their degree system is set up the way it is. It is a valuable organization for some (mostly those who want a fraternity where they don’t ever have to interact with others, folks who were rejected from the Freemasons or similar organizations for one reason or another, or (and sadly there are a lot of these guys there, as you’d expect from a group that takes anyone who asks) people who take alchemy literally.
The museum at the headquarters in San Jose is interesting, however, and I would recommend it to anyone in who finds themselves in the area with some time to kill. They do have serious legitimacy in one area though, Martinism. They are the only known legitimate steward of Martinism as far as I know.
Well this sub does consist of "outlandish theories", but point taken re: Epoch Times background.
Here's more info on the lead researcher:
John A. Ruskamp, Jr. is the Senior Research Analyst for Epigraphic Research. His education includes a B.S. in biochemistry from the Illinois Institute of Technology, three graduate degrees (M.Ed., M.B.A, and Ed.D.) from Loyola University of Chicago, and extensive postdoctoral coursework.
During his multifaceted professional career, John worked as an analytical chemist for Argonne National Laboratory; taught college courses for VanderCook College on the campus of the Illinois Institute of Technology; served as a mathematics instructor for the Army-Navy Academy; and as a teacher, administrator, and the first eLearning Manager for the Chicago Public Schools... a position in which he pioneered the introduction of online credit courses, Internet content filtering, and professional computer training activities for the District's 640 school sites.
Currently John is involved with the Adler Planetarium's near-space high altitude balloon program and lectures on the following topics: "The Identification of Ancient Chinese Pictograms in pre-Columbian North American Rock Writing;" "Scientific Studies of the Shroud of Turin;" and "The Cultural Significance of the Hooper Ranch Pueblo sun dagger Shrine and Quetzalcoatl effigy."
Don't think I read 8th tower, definitely read Operation Trojan Horse and Mothman Prophecies (about 15 years ago).
The Cryptoterrestrials: A Meditation on Indigenous Humanoids and the Aliens Among us by Marc Tonnies might be of interest to you also.
There is a Monroe Institute in Virginia people go to to experience the O.B.E.
They have an incredible set of cd's called the Gateway Experience:
Love these! You should do a Flatwoods Monster. This book might interest you.
One billion birds die per year due to window strikes, it’s not a unique phenomenon. That’s why these exist.
Looks to bright be bioluminescence.. like fungus. Looks like someone put up a christmas decoration and one of the spots is wandering.
Like one of these (https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B09G9TMF2K?tag=track-ect5-ca-491790-20&linkCode=osi&th=1&psc=1)
Yeah, I read this book which did that I think it was unfair. https://www.amazon.com/Quantum-Night-Robert-J-Sawyer/dp/0425256421/ref=nodl_?dplnkId=f23cfa55-bfd3-40a3-9304-23a253f54d85
I feel like I go through the day observing myself as much or more than anything feels like I experience it firsthand. I have always not enjoyed it because I am often critical of everything that happens. It's exhausting, too.
Umm OP posted a link this this book on Amazon, as “proof”
It was, you're incorrect, but I don't need to argue with you about it any more.
If anyone is actually curious (and not just feigning a point of view so they can argue with anonymous people online) I suggest they check out the fantastic book:
The Dawn of Everything
I'm not looking to be vindicated, just looking to spread my developments in my understanding of this environment.
I'm kind of not the only one saying this, I've been told. But sure, you're free to think that I'm wrong.
Here's a cool book if you're into that kind of folklore.
Elves, Wights, and Trolls: Studies Towards the Practice of Germanic Heathenry: Vol. I
I’ve noticed there’s a staunch effort to downplay or repress notions of a crytpoterrestrial presence. Mac Tonnies died not long after writing his book “The Cryptoterrestrials: A Meditation on Indigenous Humanoids and the Aliens Among Us”. He died after writing it, but BEFORE it was published.
Now, I’m not really big into conspiracies about “silencing people” (save Epstein), but he was a pretty damn young guy to die of a cardiac arrhythmia, right after he submitted his work to the publisher I’m sure, before the book was released posthumously. Lord knows what edits were made that we’re not aware of.
Ronnie talks about his mothers problems with this in the video. Multiple news articles about her injury back in the 70s. Dr. Faruk covered this injury in his research. The Compelling Scientific Evidence for UFOs: The Analysis of the Delphos, Kansas UFO Landing Report
I apologize that I came off as coy, I can see why you get that way. My bad.
The thing with this affirmations without evidence (that there are, indeed*) is that, he puts himself at the same level of charlatans. He needs to use hypotethical speech or cite evidence.
I posted the wrong experiment.
The experiment described in my previous comment is actually called:
Quantum mechanics needs no consciousness.
These are transcriptions of a channeled text from the early eighties. Ra is the name of the spirit that was channeled.
Interesting read. I have the book.
I also have a couple of the Seth books, which were also channeled texts dealing with the nature of reality.
Highly recommend this book by Ingo Swann.
The Great Apparitions of Mary: An Examination of Twenty-Two Supranormal Appearances
God-sent: a history of the accredited apparitions of Mary by Roy Abraham Varghese
Amazon blurb
>Collecting the 34 known and accredited apparitions of the Virgin Mary, this study applies an intellectual clarity, precise scholarship, and overall rigor so often absent from Marian studies. Offering detailed evidence, supported by thorough theological and scientific investigation—including the circumstances of each apparition and their legacy—this entertaining and provocative resource gives validation to each event, while connecting their significance to civilizations past, present, and future. Marveling at each phenomenon deemed most holy—often calling on to humanity to pray, do penance, or predicting cataclysmic events—mainstream Catholics and seasoned Theologians alike will find reassurance and guidance in each account of real life miracles. Also included are a chronology of the officially sanctioned apparitions and the exact text of the words spoken by the Virgin to the mystic or seer who bore witness.
I enjoyed Psychic Warrior. Memoirs of a US Army officer who suffered a head wound and began having visions, etc. Recruited into the CIA’s remote viewing program in its infancy. Amazon listing
We don't know. And to make it even stranger, it's worth remembering that human eyesight is very limited and only sees a small portion of the full spectrum of light.
Dr. Bruce Cornet made some similar observations in his book, Unconventional Aerial Phenomena: In the Hudson and Wallkill River Valley of New York . He didn't come to any conclusions, but he made extensive notes about the trickster nature of the phenomenon as he observed it. One of his takeaways was that whatever is piloting the UFOs (and/or the phenomenon behind them) have a sense of humor and seem to enjoy messing with us.
I started being interested in UFO's as a child in grade two but years later this is the book that really got me into the subject.
Above Top Secret: The Worldwide UFO Cover-up by Timothy Good. I just remember it had so many interesting reports in it . This was before Good went off the deep end and started to sound like he's insane. https://www.amazon.com/Above-Top-Secret-Worldwide-U-F/dp/0688092020
Your wish is my command. I believe the author even mentions me by name in the book as I was the origional investigator who introduced her brother to this incredible story. https://www.amazon.com/Bleedthrough-story-aliens-demons-Texas/dp/B0B2TYD8CM/ref=sr\_1\_1?keywords=bleedthrough&qid=1665018420&qu=eyJxc2MiOiIxLjIyIiwicXNhIjoiMC45MiIsInFzcCI6IjAuOTgifQ%3D%3D&sprefix=bleedthrough%2Caps%2C120&sr=8-1
at least in his follow up books he makes it clear he invents the entire narratives.
"The Ranch is a speculative narrative derived from those documented events and brief statements "
The Airfield book he wrote is completely based on my notes. I however do know an author who wrote the REAL story of events there if at all interested. It is a fascinating read! But this "eric rhetts" (FAKE NAME BTW) is completely full of shit, and just a money grab based on reader gullability.
Check out any of my books on the topic. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B078MR4BMX?binding=kindle_edition&searchxofy=true&ref_=dbs_s_aps_series_rwt_tkin&qid=1664732569&sr=8-1
If anyone wants to read the full Bennewitz story this book covers it:
Bennewitz did make up the story. He was fed it by the US Air Force.
Here's the cover of the book (which was made out of someone's PhD thesis) which my friend from Classics Book Club was reading:
Apparently it is available on Amazon as well
If you're interested in this topic, this may be worth reading.
Prescience and nascent thinking, cosmic downloads, spiritual communication, etc. is integral to the revolutions of mankind. If we think otherwise, it would attribute undue causation and forces of emanation to deliberate modifications of history and time as being the sole responsibility of humanity. Yet humanity isn't steering humanity. The Universe is.
Also 'accidents' and serendipity.
I've experienced impossible phenomena, but sharing or publicizing it would just be the next book on the shelf, the next website, etc. Accomplishing what? Indicating that we're within mystery after mystery?
Eventually the quiet sadhu by the river makes more sense. Just doing my time.
Color me skeptical. When the government is selling "yes it's real be scared" I don't really want to hear it. What, are they gonna declare a "war on UFOs" and suck billions more out of the people while pushing fear porn and other control agendas? I'm sorry but if they start pushing "be afraid of UFOs" please I hope someone will start spreading this to counteract it: https://www.amazon.com/Close-Encounters-Fifth-Kind-Contact/dp/B086DH2YVH/ Mind you. I'm not saying I buy all of that, either. But I think people need to hear different perspectives and make up their own minds and not just fall for whatever the latest thing to be afraid of is. Because when the government spends decades gaslighting anyone who dares to take it seriously, and now they're starting to open up, there's a reason and it might be a warped reason rather than a true one.
We’re in the middle of something called the Fourth Turning. In a nut shell, society constantly goes through a series turnings: highs, awakenings, unravellings, and crises. We’re in the middle of a crisis now which began around 2008. Here’s the book: https://www.amazon.com/Fourth-Turning-History-Americas-Rendezvous-ebook/dp/B001RKFU4I
This reminds me of a book I read a few years ago, making the case that pre-industrial people went to be a little after dark and woke up in the middle of the night for an hour or two. This is when people would have sex, do some other leisure activities, and even walk around the village visiting with everybody else who was awake.
It's easy to see church authorities wanting to discourage this kind of unsupervised nighttime fun!
Here's the book! https://www.amazon.com/At-Days-Close-Night-Times/dp/0393329011 Was a really interesting read; I plowed through it.
The book "Death in Yellowstone" will help understand the history of the place and a lot of the tragedies that have occurred there. https://www.amazon.com/Death-Yellowstone-Accidents-Foolhardiness-National/dp/1570984506
"JOTT: When things disappear. . .and come back or relocate & why it really happens" by Mary Rose Barrington
('JOTT': Just One of Those Things)
>Rifts in the Fabric of Causality Jott is derived from Just One of Those Things, meaning things that fall on the floor and are never seen again, or were placed on a table for ready access but were next seen a few weeks later in a box of corks inside a drawer in a trunk, or which are not where you left them but unaccountably re-appear, on top of something you have just placed there... Jott takes a variety of forms, but is generally dismissed as your faulty memory, your faulty perception, your inability to report facts correctly, or just as a nuisance best forgotten. But sometimes the anomaly really is a blip in our causal reality. The author presents some cases that resist conventional explanations and goes on to examine the far-reaching implications of these seemingly trivial incidents.
Haven't read it, did hear interview, don't remember where, it was a while ago.
This is actually a pretty common phenomenon, but it's a bit unusual that it happened so long after his death. Usually I hear about it happening a few hours or days after a person passes.
It happens often enough that there is at least one book about it, written in 1979 way before any kind of online spoofing would be a thing.
That being said, it could also just be some kind of weird glitch or a spoof. Unless you heard your grandfather on the other end, it could likely just be some weirdness with the phone lines or the number.
West of Eden
Incredible sci fi novel (with a couple sequels) based on this premise. Highly recommended.
You could also say it's having the intellectual honesty to acknowledge the phenomena appears to be more complex than we have the current capacity to comprehend and that we're evidently missing a critical piece of the puzzle that is both intrinsic to understanding the nature of the phenomena and potentially reality itself.
The difference between knowing that you don't know and not knowing that you don't know in other words.
Considering other planes of existence inhabited by sentient entities that can interact with ours isn't intellectually lazy, it makes the whole conundrum far more complex if you're actually trying to understand what that means.
It isn't intellectually lazy to admit the answer lies beyond the well-lit boundaries of academic consensus. In fact we know that whatever UFO's are, they are already beyond current scientific understanding.
Public sector at least.
As far as Bigfoot is concerned, it isn't just because no ones ever found a skeleton, it's because there are a plethora of sightings that involve the same kind of woo as many UFO encounters such as;
Ghost lights/orbs
Shapeshifting, materialization/dematerialization
Intense emotional manipulation (e.g fear and/or calm) and altered states of consciousness
Persisting paranormal phenomena after the initial encounter
Dramatic changes in personality/world view
To be honest I think it's ultimately disingenuous to dismiss this kind of evidence because F&B hypothesis is perceived to be vaguely scientifically plausible and people don't want it make it too weird by acknowledging it (effectively the same scenario with ETH).
I recommend Where the Footprints End
Best book I've read that really illustrates all the strangeness around Bigfoot (including UFO/ghost light/orb sightings associated with BF encounters).
This guy really gave up his life to study crop circles, and he's a great researcher, writer, and speaker. I don't know if he's right about the phenomenon, but his work is very interesting and always thoroughly researched and beautifully written: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00BUAM6H4/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=1
As far as this picture, it's pretty silly. But the subject is fascinating when looking at ones that obviously cannot be seen as hoaxes.
He is referring to Real Magic: Ancient Wisdom, Modern Science, and a Guide to the Secret Power of the Universe by Dean Radin. I just listened to a podcast going over this book and it was very interesting about the different experiments they ran and the weird results they obtained.
Read this book. Robert Monroe goes into detail of how he was living another man's life in a different dimension: https://www.amazon.com/Journey-Robert-Monroe-Out-Body/dp/1571745335/ref=sr_1_3?crid=1RJ2H5WBA5XDT&keywords=journey+of+robert+monroe&qid=1657677092&sprefix=journey+of+robert+monro%2Caps%2C589&sr=8-3
Calvin Parker has a couple of books out on his experience. Here's the first one:
SS: The boys sit down to listen to Bob Lazar tell his tale of top secret Q clearance, element 115, and nine ancient alien aircraft being studied by the US government. We got intrigue, we have government cover-ups. we got Uzis, we got Bob Lazar being caught in a prostitution sting. So grab your nearest tin foil hat because this file is going to be a wild ride into the deep underground military bunker that is Area 51.
Weekly Reading Series:
Bob Lazar Documentary:
Nope, you won’t sway me! 😊 I’m posting this from someone else on Reddit, hope someone finds thus helpful. “If anybody hasn’t seen it, Dark Journalist and Joseph P Farrell did an excellent video on the Nazi origins of CERN and some speculation on its real purpose. One of my favorite DJ interviews: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5Gcvnvr-cbg
Joseph P Farrell supposedly (haven’t read it yet) dives deep into this Nazi stay behind network involved in the creation of the EU and CERN (which is a sovereign entity like the Vatican, most people aren’t aware of that) in his book The Third Way. Still available on Amazon, believe it or not. https://www.amazon.com/Third-Way-International-European-Corporate/dp/1939149487 “
I read this book and believe it has merit.
If you're really interested in this guy's work and life, check out Anthony Peake's book about him: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00FRJXO3E/ref=dbs_a_def_rwt_bibl_vppi_i4.
I will warn you that this guy was a complete degenerate and addict and probably insane. That being said, he was a prolific and great writer and had some weird insights.
>Then we have Parsons & Hubbards dabbling in the desert that some believe triggered the massive uptick in UFO phenomenon for a similar reason.
Damn, did Satan put all his money on Bitcoin? He must be in dire straits if he's resorting to selling a pack of Preternatural Feats for $25 on Amazon. Kudos to him though for supporting small time artists and performers.
Sometimes I wonder if Emmanuel Swedenborg wasn't wrong. And treatments in line with his teachings are showing decent results.
This a good book on it https://www.amazon.ca/Amazing-Journey-Into-Psychotic-Mind/dp/0359783368?ref_=d6k_applink_bb_dls&dplnkId=3b20fc1b-6ad3-465a-ab6b-3fefb363683c
It’s from a book which is referenced in the video, the discussion and the description if you did more than give it 3 seconds.
The book is Hair of the Alien
Published in 2005. The sample was analyzed in 1999 and reportedly obtained a few years before that.
The connection I make is that in 1999 this kind of genetic engineering using mitochondrial dna from a 3rd parent wasn’t known yet as the first official case was 2016 (I’ve seen some reports it was done in 1996 but can’t find much on it.) the point being this wasn’t considered during the analysis in 1999. Most people figured it must be a contaminated sample at the time. In hindsight it fits the description of what is now a form of genetic engineering that people are doing. My speculation is that perhaps it’s evidence of an illegal early application of the technology as it’s been outlawed and is very controversial.
Im reading the fourth phase of water. Pretty interesting stuff. “Reality” is pretty complicated.
You know, I’ve thought something similar for a while…
It’s really amazing to hear others think it too. Something I’m reading right now that really supports the idea is the book:
Actually, the discussion of how a Christian Chaplain in the military who objected to his satanic beliefs attempted to set him up has been discussed in a book he wrote called Extreme Prejudice. https://www.amazon.com/Extreme-Prejudice-Presidio-Satanic-Abuse/dp/1500159247?ref_=d6k_applink_bb_dls&dplnkId=589a9c16-a30d-45ed-8ac6-3dcadaf1dc70
I was largely referring to his other work however.
This is 100% from my reading of Jacques Vallée Dimensions: "A Casebook of Alien Contact" where he expresses earnestly his believe folklore is right with alien contact in the scope of Fae and folklore. I got another book he recommended from Amazon for free I am interested in reading this summer for free. I always try to cross reference what I see or hear, and what he says is largely accurate, caught one movie promo in there which was debunked later as a PR stunt.
Here is the book Free on Prime I believe:
Me too, I recently published a book "The Field Guide To UFO Science, Media And Data Sources" https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B17K9KFF
In the writing and researching of the book, one thing I really noticed was that the UFO enigma is very connected to the Paranormal. I have a chapter in the book of various hypotheses and it covers this.
There was also a really neat quote I have in the book by Colm Kelleher, who ran the BAASS program at Skinwalker Ranch, and he found an overlap between the UFO "Nuts&Bolts" aspect and the Paranormal poltergeist etc stuff, so that really got my attn.
So yes, I'd be interesting in checking it out and engaging here and there.
His true identity was likely the famed French scientists Jules Violle
that would have made him over 100 years old in the 1920s while appearing as a much younger man. One of his students wrote a book on it
You need a faraday cage or a faraday bag.
I bought one of these, not necessarily for this, but because my neighborhood sucks and someone breaks into cars with a car transponder copier. I keep my car keys/transponders, SD cards, a Game Boy, an MP3 player, a handheld ham radio, a burner cell phone, a USB power bank, and a set of FRS walkie talkies in mine.
If you're willing to go to Canada, Klemtu BC and Vancouver Island seem to be hotspots.
Otherwise, I'd recommend reading this book. The Author lays out a lot of solid, logical steps, and had an excellent track record of contact in the field (if sources are to be believed).
$10 and a friend sitting across from you and you can do this trick also.
Or get somebody behind you with a leafblower.