Mit der Maus.
Aus der Anleitung:
>Text selection In block selection mode, dragging the mouse with the left button held down will highlight an arbitrary rectangle. Shift-clicking will extend the selection.
>In linear selection mode, dragging with the left button will highlight text in reading order. Double-clicking or triple-clicking will select a word or a line, respectively. Shift-clicking will extend the selection.
>Selected text can be copied to the clipboard (with the edit/copy menu item). On X11, selected text will be available in the X selection buffer.
pdftk can easily do #1 with the shuffle command but apparently cannot do #2 if the page size is variable and a blank page is not given in advance.
You may be able to do #2 if you pull the page size with pdfinfo, create a blank page with ImageMagick convert.exe and insert it with pdftk.
(I'm afraid I can't help further here...)
PdfImages is my tool of choice. It is similar to what other people describe here as "copying it out", but gets all of them at once. Also it is free. Unfortunately, it is a command-line tool. If you know your way around a command line, it will be quick and easy. Otherwise, the first time might take a bit.
Here is how it works:
1. If you are on Windows, get the wsl.
2. Open a terminal/the wsl.
3. Install pdfimages. It comes bundled with some other tools.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install poppler-utils
, from there it is the regular Windows folder structure. E.g. your desktop is at /mnt/c/Users/<your username>/Desktop/
.mkdir out
.pdfimages <your pdf name> -png
. This dumps all images as pngs in the out
folder. If you want less output, you can use the -f
(marks the first page) and the -l
flag (marks the last page) to only get the images from pages between these numbers. pdfimages <your pdf name> -png -f 2 -l 4
gets images between page 2 and 4.out
folder in the regular explorer and choose the picture that you want.Pas une réponse complète, mais avec pdftotext tu peux convertir le PDF en texte brut; si sa structure est assez régulière ça devrait être assez trivial de convertir ça en csv par exemple.
> If you have Windows Subsystem for Linux, you may use the following command to split PDF into images: > > pdftoppm HowLearningHappens.pdf HowLearningHappens -png
If you don't, there's native pdftopng.exe and pdftoppm.exe from here (Xpdf command-line tools).
DPI is adjustable via the -r
argument: pdftopng HowLearningHappens.pdf -r 300 HowLearningHappens
, in case the default of 150 doesn't cut it.
Ah, okay. You can use pdfimages
from xpdf command line tools on Windows ( to extract the art from the PDF. Each one will come out as two images, one with the transparency mask (alpha channel) which will look like just the outline of the monster, and another which contains the colors but will have a bunch of ugly artifacts at the border. You can combine them both with the imagemagick command line tools (also has a windows version) using the flags -compose SrcIn -composite
. All of that should work on Windows, but I don't know how to make a full script that would string it all together; my environments are all Linux for the most part.
Any way you can get the data in another format? If you're stuck with PDF, I would recommend using something like pdftohtml from in a script to convert your files to HTML, and then load them with Power Query.
Edit: otherwise, a more automation-friendly solution would be to use Python and something like this (not tested).
Try this:
It has a command line utility to convert pdf documents to txt. And depending on the arguments you set it will do a fine job on keeping the formatting.
I have chosen to do it this way in a project of mine because every native python package i tried was useless to keep the formatting. Especially since I work with alot of tabular data in pdf format, and most pdf converters have a hard time with this. But not xpdf.
So now I call the utility using a subprocess call in python. And then read the txt file.
Xpdf command-line tools can help. Specifically, pdftopng (to "screen shot" pages) or pdfimages (to extract images embedded in the PDF.)
ImageMagick's 'convert' utility can also render PDF pages as images. There's also a COM+ interface if you'd rather work with an API than with command-line tools.
> na telefonie się zwyczajnie nie da, a wydolnego dla pdf tabletu nie posiadam
Próbowałeś przekonwertować pdf do innego formatu czy to nie wchodzi w grę? Sam korzystam z tego zestawu narzędzi.
If you're comfortable with command-line tools, pdfimages ( will extract the raw images from the file, which you can then edit with your favorite program (I use the GIMP). The GIMP can also load the pdf directly (as can other software like ImageMagick or even a simple screenshot), but that won't preserve the native resolution and will therefore probably lead to resizing-based artifacts.
I use a program called Xpdf, it is open source as well which is a bonus and does very well against computer generated invoices from accounting softwares. They tend to be very static with exact information in repeating fashion to easily target.
Here is a snippet detailing how I use it with AHK. It uses %LoopFileFullPath% because I typically run it against a folder of files. Then RegEx the contents of temp.txt
runCmd = %A_ScriptDir%\pdftotext.exe -table %A_LoopFileFullPath% %A_ScriptDir%\temp.txt
Runwait, %comspec% /c %runCmd%,, Hide
I use Pdftotext, It converts a PDF to its text equivalent. Its part of the XpdfReader suite.
I use the process.start method to put all the content of a pdf into a file
Process.Start("C:\path_to\myapp.exe option1 option2")
I wait for the process to exit and then I load the file created into a string and work on it from there.
dim pdftext as string = file.readalltext("{path}")
At this point it becomes text manipulation. Let me know if you want some more information on that.
EDIT: I cant type without my coffee, had to fix the stuff that I thought was English but turned out to be some odd hybrid of Klingon and chicken scratch. don't judge...