Mostly just don't understand why. I get the point, we live in a wasteful society. So the artist thinks creating more waste is the right answer? Could they not have come up with a project that doesn't add to the needless waste of products?
According to this you need to use porcelain plates 120 times to offset the carbon footprint of their production. So let's just break them instead? Its pointless waste in the name of art. I don't understand why people think this is so clever and brilliant.
You'd figure the "actual sitting on the toilet reality" of dealing with blood coming out of your wherever (snerk) would be dysphoria triggering, not the female symbol on the package. Free-bleeding because you feel intimidated by what's written on the box is tantamount to insanity. Employ a Keeper or reusable menstrual pads with freakin' monster trucks on them if that's how you keep in it check.
I get that you can also argue that caring so much about a symbol on a box of shark pads is also nuts, but its likewise evidence of female erasure to deal with the medical/psychiatric problems of less than 1% of the population. Why don't we cater to people with club feet or cleft palates or chronic depression this way? "I was born with my foot half-mangled so I seeing mannequins with two normal feet is triggering to me" is just as valid an argument then.