is the best one out there right now... There are few smaller projects, too but not that good. NodeBB is free open-source and also paid SaaS. Easy to use next generation forum software.
the person he's talking to this is the co-founder of the forum software nodebb
I assume OP wants to get something custom done from them, I don't think their rates are unreasonable pretty standard rate in the western world
After taking a look, I got to say I am damn impressed. Thats one powerful forum, it does everything!
As for upvotes/downvotes, yes they do!
/u/MemoryDealers - Have you seen this? Its amazing :
And open source. So you could pay 1/10th of the price you paid and get it up and going.
It's actually because their forum is hosted by, and is using their certificate, but the domain isn't valid for it as it's on
You can still log in, just not with https, so it's at risk of MITM, but then again I use a unique password for it, so it's not a big deal to me if that account gets compromised.
Over at GGServers we use NodeBB, which works wonderfully. If Node.js really isn't an option for you, I'd personally pick Flarum, because not only do you get to use a wonderful looking piece of software but you also can contribute back to the open source scene by reporting bugs and such.
I haven't found or heard of any CMS frameworks with a social component but I think you could start with any of these:
Hexo and Keystone are free and open source but NodeBB is not. It looks to me like NodeBB probably has almost everything you are looking for.
Unfortunately node is just not as mature as PHP where you have wordpress, drupal, and mybb.
Hope this helps!
I've been running with NodeBB for a while. It's very fast, and I believe it looks very nice. One feature of it that I really like is that it includes it's own plugin manager, therefore it can install plugins for you right from the Admin control panel!
Is it possible to have a category under the category? because i don't see it, and i don't really see it.
and thanks for the FlaskBB as well! I found the node based forum you mentioned!
Looks...interesting to say the least...
also any opinion on MyBB? it just realsed 1.8 earlier this month.
> The solution in my opinion is to build networks with strong core values that promote productive conversations. Start with a small community with a solid foundation then gradually expand keeping the values intact.
A few friends and I are trialing this idea right now. We made a platform based on NodeBB, determined core values, and invited people in multiple phases, describing it as an "antidote to social media". We place a value on both ideological and physical diversity in the membership (though finding women and true conservatives has been difficult).
We are at about 15 people right now, just starting phase 2, and would consider declaring an early success if we can sustain 40 members with at least 20 of them posting 2-3 posts comments/week.
So you want to know how to create a forum.
Either you write it by yourself in something like PHP which is terrible amount of work. Like these:,
Most of the design will probably either be a template or working a lot with CSS.
Or you try out a framework
Theymos, please consider hiring this guys They have a great Open Source Forum software and also provide custom programming or support if necessary.
Disclosure: I am not related to this company, I use their open source software and think is great.
$100.000 a month!! Come on! Hide this guys! they make an amazing Open Source Forum Software and provide services as well!. It will cost a fraction of that and most improvement could be make available open source to the forum users!