Many DNS lookups for all those styles and scripts in your code pointing to making it slower than usual to load.
If you add some gzip compression to the rest, your site would score better
>lazy load
I'd never heard of Lazy Load, so I'm guessing no. Reading up on it now, I discovered and am curious if you had any thoughts on this vs another image optimization plug-in (ie: fully free), not only for cost, but also for method - if lazy load is indeed the culprit here, as this simply suggests a 'smart lazy load' which means nothing to me, other than a potential red flag based on your comment. I have put zero time into priming images for the site, but intended to templatize any hero image sizes as projects, with documentation on hand for ideal file specs when updated / replacing - once the site is 'complete' and ready for bandwidth-tweaking. Or am I approaching this like a pilgrim... are image optimizing plug-ins pretty standard fare for WP / Elementor veterans at this stage in the game?
I tried the text margins/padding - didn't solve the problem, though I did find a horde of minutia on all the various sub-elements repositioning themselves, which ultimately useless - but what I found ironic was that in Elementor itself, on the top section (comprised simply of a background image and a single alpha logo, the brand icon but not dynamic linked via the site itself) that when I scroll over its single element, the background behaves similarly, with the image hiccup. It doesn't do that while viewing the sites, no do the sections that do this in view mode behave this way in Elementor. Related, or funny coincidence?
Most puzzling is that this only happens on one section at a certain computer, while it happens on all three sections (of this style) on another computer. Does this mean it's something beyond Elementor?