ratticweb has:
About Good encryption read this https://github.com/tildaslash/RatticWeb/wiki/RatticDB-and-Encryption
For a team, you should really you a team password manager which everyone accesses using their own account and which logs who accesses what (audit log). Ideally access would also be group-based instead of everyone having access to everything or each item having a list of each individual with access. I've used webpasswordsafe and rattic in the past
I've been using Rattic for a while. The project is super-dead though. That second link has a couple alternative suggestions at the very bottom.
I would say Secret Server or PasswordState are the top-tier options, but both are windows server only.
Well, the repo README does state:
> The filesystem in which the database is stored should be protected with encryption.
Honestly, that's a pretty reasonable architecture (assuming they're just providing a UI for managing passwords).