There are better options. But sikuli should do whatever you’re looking to do:
You’ll need java, you can just use the snipping tool to build everything you need. It’s also based on Python, so go nuts with python code. It can run a little slow.
> various simple images like a small square or single digit numbers
That pretty well describes a Captcha, something machines are very bad at. Machines and humans have totally different understandings of 'simple'.
You're saying things like "I expect the hard part of this machine vision project to be taking a screenshot".. I can't tell if you're joking, if you're unaware of how much 'machine vision' has been a big research thing for decades, or if you have a very narrowly bounded problem which is totally plausible - or if you're positing an XY problem because you don't know that you can often reach into other programs and scrape data from them in ways which are much easier and more reliable than image recognition.
Handwaving a lot, OpenALPR license plate recognition is coming up >10k lines of C and C++. And that requires OpenCV to do the heavy lifting image processing and TesseractOCR to do the character recognition. does what you ask - it scans a screen looking for pre-scripted images and matches them. It's a big pile of Java, and also uses OpenCV to do the image processing.
> always exactly the same. I'm thinking about dumping it out to base64 and comparing strings, but I don't know if one screenshot would be the same as another
Sounds simple - but if they're exactly the same, how/why might they not be the same? o_O
Check out SikuliX, it says it works in some Linux but not sure why it wouldn't work on some. I used it in windows before and it's a pretty neat visual way to automate things
There's also AutoKey
Possibly some others here:
> I realize this is partially a tooling problem.
I'd like to see a Sikuli server which could be piloted from other E2E testing frameworks. Drive your tests using screenshots and text. You could even imagine an invision to basic E2E tests pipeline. And it's suddenly not limited to a browser: you can try any browser and do things with other tools on the side if you want to check what happen.
Depending on web or console based game testing, nothing too out of what I'd assume people are experiencing elsewhere in SQA - lots of Selenium based testing, Sikuli, javascript's still relevant.
Also, from the few AAA's I worked on, it wasn't so uncommon to have us becoming familiar with and work directly within the Unreal Engine - but that was largely just for us to understand map design, trigger areas, and more deeply inform our functional tests.
Lots of opportunities in my town, but I live in a hub city for games and most of the positions are seasonal and low pay.
Muchas gracias, en cuanto a Sikuli me refiero a se supone que tiene OCR y " lee" lo que hay en la pantalla, quesque ayuda con automatización, yo solo lo he escuchado una vez por eso mi pregunta porque aparte de esa persona no he escuchado a nadie más mencionarlo.
Two things that you could try.
You could try to open up Dev tools in chrome. In the network tab you see what requests the page is making. Your script would just need to send the same request.
I checked it out briefly, it looks like the form loads a unique ID of the question, you may need to parse the page to get the question id.
Or, if you want to macro it, you might have luck with it can use image recognition and wait commands to handle any kind of timeouts.
The IDE basically lets you take a screenshot of a button and say click(here.jpg); waituntil(otherthing.jpg)
I've tried a couple times to get it up and running and wasn't happy with the results. Haven't revisited it in a year or so though so maybe something has changed for the better. Good luck.
You should ask the company if there's a way to import directly to them via a flat file or API - what happens if your script glitches or approves incorrect amounts? You have to probably put in a few fail safes here to avoid potential issues that may arise and be directly your fault.
If the IDs and CSS selectors can't be used due to having bad naming for this sort of task, you can try SikuliX( - it alllws you to automate via screen captures for labels and such.
E:reading the description makes it sound like it's hard to make a bad mistake because you have to filter a payment to approve.. SikuliX can probably help here
Sorry, I wish I could help more. It has been a long time since I used it. I'll see if I can play around with it again.
EDIT: One thing I noticed is you are running Windows 10 and I see "Sikuli IDE 1.0.1". The Sikuli download page has this note:
> On Windows10 and OSX 10.10 use version 1.1.0 (