No I'm a malicious story stealer and I collect ALL your data. Thats's right I then sell it to the MOST nefarious scammers on the planet! /s
Seriously I'm one fucking Guy who built a bit of free software, give me a break from all the red tape malarky. I don't sell your data, I don't HAVE your data.
>The most recent Wavemaker App does not store any of your novel information on our servers – it’s all under your control. Whether it’s stored locally using or in your personal Google Drive account.
The reason those sections are missing is that they are irrelevant - I don't have your data
I'd try design-boarding as a starting point. That's when you pull notes, cool reference pics, random research, snippets of dialogue onto a big open surface, IRL or in a digital format, build a giant heap of stuff you like, and organize your way to a story.
You can use an app like Milanote, the free version will take you part of the way. They have guides and templates available for writing. A real life table or wall board are also good for this kind of work. I use Google Drawings, it's free and works well with Google docs. It's not as well documented as Milanote though, and I recommend trying out Milanote's guides and templates first and then building your own.
Once you have enough material, organize it into a timeline, you can use a beat sheet like "Save the cat!". The free writing app "Wavemaker" has some basic tools. The software professionals use is called "Scrivener", I haven't used it, and it's not free, but I hear good things about it.
For voice memos, any recording app on the Google play store will work for your phone, just do some Googling and pick one you like. Give "Gboard" a try, it's a keyboard app for Android by Google that among other things have a dictation setting that lets you speak and have your words turned into text automatically.
Blowing my own trumpet here - but you might want to check out some of the tools and structures in wavemaker -
I built it, it has several templates (3 act structure etc) , and tools (planning board, snowflake tool etc.)
I'm the developer - find out more at r/wavemakercards
I built wavemaker cards and you can also easily dictate into that using your phone (not tried iPhone but works well on android) using the buikt in text to speech.
Bonus is its easy to transfer from the phone app to the desktop one.
Also its free
You could also try
I made it - Its Free, Cross Platform, syncs between devices and runs offline.
I can let you use it Free, because it's free
It's quite similar to scrivener and was originally built to be a chromebook clone
If you've not already tried it It's basically a mini scrivener that works on everything. I built it you can get more info at r/wavemakercards has a lot of good reviews!
The googke drive desktop app should have nothing to do with wavemaker.
Check your google drive in the web browser
This page should help
Wavemaker is free, and has several novel planning options: Database Cards, Planning Board, Snowflake, Mind Map, Grid Planner, Timeline.
I personally like the Grid Planner because you can layout concurrent events side by side in columns.
This might help you
Also if you have privacy extensions either remove them or disable them for wavemaker as they might be deleting your info
There is a 100% off Wavemaker for people who think about possibly taking part in nanowrimo. Its usually $1099.99 for people who want to write furry porn on a tuesday and have a name consisting entirely of consonants, but is free to use for anyone that has a vowel in their name and/or have drunk water at some point in their lives
... it's free
I'm the guy who built it
Could you be thinking of 'Scrivner'? is a wonderful and free alternative to Scrivner. It also contains index cards/storyboarding tools. I use Wavemaker for my rough draft, and then polish things up on Google docs. I jot down notes and ideas in Google Keep Notes.
A few suggestions:
For word count, someone else recommended an excel doc. That's my preferred method (i use google sheets for accessibility but its the same thing), there's also WordKeeperAlpha which is very good and free
As for writing, Scrivener is considered the best and it has an apple app. Can't cross versions though, so you'd need Apple products for both. Is a one time purchase of i believe 60$ but there's also always coupon codes around
A free alternative, and what i use currently, is Wavemaker which syncs between the app and your computer using google drive. Only downside is you have to manually sync up and down if you go between devices, but that takes two button clicks to do. Only is an issue if u don't remember to do it. And the app isn't the best imo, but it does the job.
There's also just google docs, but that can be much messier to sort out as your word count gets larger. The other two have better sorting capabilities.
I use my phone I dictate straight into my writing software while walking the dog. When I get home I sync with the desktop and edit it to fix the invariable dictation issues can churn out a pretty solid word count that way.
I use
I've seen someone recommend this site/app they made:
I've never actually tried to transfer my stories into it (I'm a Word doc gal) but I played around and it seems to work without too many extraneous features.
I do stuff like timeline it out into events, Then I use a 'snowflake method' to break the story into chunks, then I use a planning board to write scene notes etc and then I write (although I do other stuff as well now) I built software to help me out - might be useful for you.
I ended up building my own as I wanted something that rtan on chromeOS, but it runs on everything, people seem to like it....
I'm the guy behind a free and cross platform writing & planning app You may want to have a look at that - I'm also floating around r/wavemakercards
It can sync a database file to a google drive account.
Here's something you can use for practice. It's a method for writing 6000 word Pulp Detective short stories, but it applies to other genres too.
Lester Dent's short story formula.
The link leads to an overview page, the headings lead to an in-depth explanation of each part. It's so detailed it's practically paint-by-numbers.
Use a writing program with plotting tools like Wavemaker, and it'll be even easier. There are many too choose from, but Wavemaker's free.
You should find out if you're what's known as a pantser, someone who writes best by inventing as you go. For them a good chunk of research and a good idea about the conflict is better than a detailed plan, and it's just as likely to produce a good story.
Wavemaker is an open source novel writing software. Nothing fancy, but it has a few good tools, it's lightweight and it backs up to Google drive. Did I mention it's free forever?
I built and Use wavemaker ( because I wanted a set of cross platform tools for writing that helped structure your work better than one big document.
You really need an "other" here because your list is in no way exhaustive
I built a few templates from other people into you might like - the 3 act structure, the betternovelproject one is good for YA and the manuscript shredder one seem to be popular
heh - it's both
New technology called a Progressive Web App it will install locally, but also runs through the browser, tis the future of software :)
There are some good story structures.
I built a couple into wavemaker. Try out the better novel project website. It could really help you get a story going as a guide.
Or you could try the snowflake method (tool for that in
I took a couple of Months off thanks to a new job starting quite a way after last one.....
Assumed I'd write a novel........
Didn't ........
Avoided it by writing software to help me write a novel (
Software now being used by lots of people to write novels.........
........ Still haven't finished novel.
In all seriousness, this is what happened. I still have my WIP in my wavemaker files, occasionally delve into it.
Plan to get back to it after this latest update of the software if I can get a break!!
It's buried. You want this:
There are lots of good writing software for Mac. Scrivener is industry standard for a reason, but other options are: (has a stand-alone client)
Ulysses (subscription)
iAWriter (not free)
and so on.
Or try wavemaker on your chromebook from the chrome web store -
Also available for other platforms at
Phone or tablet? will work via browser pretty well on tablet (was originally designed for chromeOS)
Some stuff just needs me to get round to it in my updates (drag and drop currently doesnt work on android, but It's on the To-Do list so should be coming soon (probably around version 3 (current one is 2.4))
It works on a phone too, but displays a bit funny in some parts - I just need to do a tidy up.
Try Https:// It's got a cool snowflake tool that can really help with that. And a timeline tool that lets you get your events in order.... And a Trello style planning board.
I know cause I built it 😁
Have you tried the Wavemaker novel-writing tool? It's got some planning tools that might help you. There's a plethora of different tools, so you can experiment and pick one that works for you (everybody's different!). It also has some templates for a common hero's journey story that you might want to check out.
Personally, I like to make a list of things I mentioned in the past that I don't want to forget & things that are coming up in the future, as well as witty lines that I want to use later. All the storyboarding happens in my head—my overarching plot is fairly easy to remember, so I don't have to write it down; I just have to fill it in.
But, according to the complexity and style of your fic, different things will work for you! Figuring out how to plan a longfic is a personal journey, and I wish you the best of luck.
I'm not sure why I got downovoted for saying that? But as its one of the questions they asked i wrote a blog post with instructions on it
As far as online services go, all I can suggest is email drafts and something like Livejournal/dreamwidth (and making the entries private. I don't actually know of anything like GDocs otherwise. (Which I don't use for writing because of how many documents it ate once it started getting past ~30 pages or so.)
I use Scrivener and swear by it. It's the best writing program I've ever used.
Someone the other day promoted Wavemaker: which is similar to Scrivener, but completely free. I haven't used it yet myself, though.
Wavemaker is seriously underrated and has some of the best planning options out therr. Free/donationware, has multiple options that are expensive on other apps: snowflake style iterative planning, J K Rowling style grid planning, mind maps, timeline, traditional index card structure, database cards, multiplatform, story structure templates..
The creator is very responsive on the subreddit, too.
Just be sure to regularly back up on Google Drive as it is a Chrome based app.
Try .... its free. uses chrome browser with Google drive to give you access anywhere, anytime and on any device. It also has android app.
Developer is English writer who codes ... so he is scratching his own itch while helping others. Its free ... but buy him coffee once in a while to show your support and appreciation.
I've used Wavemaker Cards a few times now. It's a Chrome app that has a research area, character area, a planning tool, and a place to write. It keeps a database of this stuff, and syncs to your google drive. It's free.
There's also a free spreadsheet-like program I've used a few times called Treesheets. I say spreadsheet-like because it looks like a spreadsheet, but you can use it in different ways. I like it because it's easy to add columns or rows, link things like a mind map and other stuff.
You can however try wavemaker that does a lot of this stuff too, works cross platform and syncs across your devices, using google drive, including your mobile phones ... yes it works on mobile phones too - in fact someone told me it ran on their samsung fridge whatdda ya know, you can write in the middle of the night while snacking- beat that scrivener!
oh ... and it's free & open source -
I'm the developer find me at r/wavemakercards - code on Github for those interested
in the name of transparency I do accept donations :)
I use something called wavemaker which has been absolutely fab for my writing. I don't even know what it is, perhaps the simplicity of it and its neat functions. (dedicated subreddit for it)
Now, you have to connect it to your onedrive and before each session make sure to tick the little sync-up. I'd also advise you to sometimes download your WIP and store it as a backup. Other than that I've never had any issues at all and it's skyrocketed my writing output.
If you're looking at going digitally, there's a webapp I use (more for writing than for D&D, but its features could easily be transferred to D&D notes) called wavemaker, it has a bunch of features including a word processor with a sidebar where you can easily organise "sections", a timeline feature that's easy to edit, and the "cards" feature which could probably be neat for keeping quick, organised notes of NPCs. I've not used it on a touchscreen, but as long as the screen's big enough to display everything properly I don't see why it wouldn't work.
I like to use Milanote to plan stuff. It's flexible and simple enough for me not to get annoyed. The free version gives you a hundred notes and two boards, enough for my needs. They've unfortunately fallen for this fad with a monthly subscription model, but I can't deny it's a good tool. Link.
Wavemaker have a few planning tools that might fill your needs, it's open source and free forever, but it has that half-baked feel of a hobby project. I use it anyway and quite like it. Link.
I hear good things about Bibisco, but I haven't had a chance to use it yet. "pay what you want" model, which I think is nice. Link.
There are so many answers to this questions, and it depends a lot on what you mean by not knowing how to write. You say you've written the outline, so I'm assuming you know enough to use a dramatic structure of some kind. Are you using a detailed beat sheet? Something like this? Or a writing app with plotting tools, like Wavemaker? (Free and open source)
Maybe you're more comfortable with discovery writing, and a detailed outline is a hinderance? You can try writing with just some solid research and a basic premise, for some it's a more productive road to take.
In my experience the problem is often an under developed premise, when the character, setting, conflict and them doesn't come together into a whole that's bigger than the sum of it's parts. It's a good idea to keep working at it until a good dynamic has formed, it's often a good idea to include an irony of some sort.
If you care to explain in a little more detail what you think you need, I have folders worth of bookmarks and resources I can share.
Thanks. I read the blogpost and did what it said to do. I had to go back to a previous version and was able to upload it. I haven't lost everything, which is a huge relief, but I have lost the work that I've done the past few days (my own fault for not syncing). I don't understand much about computers, but the opening page of Wavemaker says that things are saved automatically on a local database. Is there anyway to access what I've written on the computer on which I wrote it? I understand if there isn't, but I'd love to have the work I've done the past two days back. I'm at the climax of the novel and it was very difficult to write.
I created my own (free and cross platform - people seem to like it) . r/wavemakercards
I would nudge to towards some form of spelling and grammar checker though
write not wright, stories not storys. Those are easy catches with something like Grammarly or even the most basic spell checker.
I started writing.... then got procrastination mode on.....
Now is a thing, all because I read about the snowflake method and wanted a tool that was not a sodding spreadsheet.
Beat that!
Fucks sake dude ........ Stop spamming this Coming soon crap. When we can see it show it!
Alternatively y'all are welcome to come visit where there is a fully functional and free writing tool that kicks ass.
What's more ... you can use it right now, no waiting, no signup
come visit us at r/wavemakercards to learn more
Wavemaker Cards for drafting, Scrivener for editing.
Wavemaker is a simple cloud-based app made by one guy and is intended to be something like Scrivener, but web based. It has some warts, but it works for me, and I feel like it has just enough features to be useful without being distracting.
I would use Scrivener for everything if it had an Android app.
yep! it's a web browser app so you don't have to download anything, but you can for an offline version of the program. it took a little learning to figure out what the different tools did but it's so useful in the long run. link! and some video guides on the different tools
I found links in your comment that were not hyperlinked:
I did the honors for you.
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I found links in your comment that were not hyperlinked:
I did the honors for you.
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To be fair it's one of my standard downloads - but I'm a programmer - it's a great bit of kit (I built which is a bit more of a writing tool, but it started out as a text editor that allowed you to have different files for each chapter (it just organised the plain text files)
Its come on a bit since then
First, it's not laziness. If you're trying but can't make yourself do it, that's not laziness.
Second, you're trying too hard. You can't write, because you likely are expecting too much of it.
Starting is the scariest part. You have all the ideas, you look down at the paper and you think "but what if it doesn't come out right?". The easy answer, it doesn't fucking matter. It wont come out right on go one. You'll have to write and rewrite and rewrite to make it so. But that doesn't get you writing. Its easy to say "dont care just do it" but in practice... thats immensely hard.
What i suggest is this. Download something like Scrivener, or if you don't wanna spend the money I personally really like Wavemaker (what you use doesn't really matter, so long as it has the ability to split your writing up into individual scenes and not be a complete mess), and write random scenes. Just. Entirely random. Use prompts if you would like to get yourself going. Just break down that wall. It doesn't have to be written in order, it doesn't have to be good. You can write things you don't even intend to keep. That's fine. I find writing everything in their own small, isolated scenes makes the task way less overwhelming, and using a software like mentioned above makes that extremely easy.
And, when you still feel stuck on a scenes, write a summary instead. First drafts are for getting the story down. It doesn't have to be written out all nice nice. Write a quick summary of it to get the thoughts down and move on.
I found links in your comment that were not hyperlinked:
I did the honors for you.
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They run Google Docs .... and ..... Wavemaker, which I built for my chromebook originally (now its cross platform and will probably even run on a fridge nowadays!)
You may enjoy it - sorta a scrivener clone (plus ... it's free)
I found links in your comment that were not hyperlinked:
I did the honors for you.
^delete ^| ^information ^| ^<3
wavemaker! the timeline feature is one of my favorite parts, i do all my writing with the app now. it took a little getting used to but it's amazing.
Point 1 : First line of the description in the Google Play Store "Quick FYI : If you're on a chromebook DON'T USE THIS APP - just visit and install from there. Its exactly the same but runs natively"
So. On your chromebook.
Don't use the app - uninstall the app, the app is just a marketing thing, it literally just bundles the PWA into a browser .... the app is not the thing to use ANYWHERE in my opinion, the PWA is what you should use, it's the same thing but smaller.
need to know how to install it
Ok Right
Point 2 :
Possible. the local database is vulnerable to the whims of the operating system, or privacy extensions, or just browser cache cleaning. Hence all the options for backing up and the VERY VERY important sync tool
Sync often, pause to breath, press sync, stop to think, press sync
that way when you come back and all gone, you just sync down from he home screen and you're up and running again
Right. It's not as easy as you might think :) I built the software at
It is open source and has a good user base. I did not plan to produce software, but people seem to like it.
Whatever your software does, it has to compete against a lot of other well made software, my angle was, cross platform, same software on any device.
I have a patron, I also have a PayPal donation link, they generate some income , but nowhere near enough for me to quit my day job to focus on it.
you could try Wavemaker, it's an offline app that backs up to your google drive with a button click. it's super easy to sync up between your phone and pc too, and has awesome plot planning features too! i've been using it for a couple months and now i prefer it to docs
I found links in your comment that were not hyperlinked:
I did the honors for you.
^delete ^| ^information ^| ^<3
Hi there
I built
If your complaint is that it's too "FREE" then that can be fixed by simply paying me some money via patreon or PayPal
I dunno... You try and be a decent open source developer and people frikking complain about Free... Smh
Scrivener is a great tool. It was my main writing software for years although the learning curve.
I've switched for a Chromebook and needed a replacement for Scrivener. After many trials and frustrations, I've found Wavemaker. It's free, intuitive,reliable, saves in the cloud, works anywhere (online and offline as well) and gets the job done.
I'm well satisfied with it and never miss Scrivener. Even when I'm editing in Windows (where my Scrivener copy resides still), I keep using Wavemaker.
Hi. I don't pay for software, mainly because they mostly done work the way I wanted, I built software of my own.
If you want to have a go with it head on over to r/wavemakercards it
It's free and cross platform
You might be looking for wavemaker cards - it's got a built in tool that does a 'hashtag' database, might be worth a look
I built it and there's more info at r/wavemakercards
Hi. I built
You may want to take a look, also at r/wavemakercards
It's free, cross platform and open source, and people think its pretty good. Check the reviews in the Chrome Web store
Hi. What technology are you using?
If you want ideas and have some JavaScript you can get the vide for on GitHub
You might want to look at the version 2 one, it's pretty simple
I like using a variation of the snowflake method, it's like iteratively building your story up by branching it out as needed Ended up building my own (free) software to help me out
You can of course try out wavemaker! - Writing software with a bunch of planning tools
I'm the developer and I hang around on reddit a bit - App is free and cross platform (and opensource - look on github)
read more at r/wavemakercards
Have you tried It actually tracks that at the moment but I havn't built the bit that displays the data yet, but maybe you could create a section dated every time you write?
yesss i get that, i can't even open up the document needed to do work! it's all complete shit!
try this website and just letting out a stream of thoughts, not caring if it's bad. if you already have the content you're already you're pretty good
also u can pm me to check over them
Bunch of plotting tools and a few templates here
all free - might help you out.
Have you tried wavemaker?
I built it as a cross platform alternative to scrivener (i used chromebooks at the time, and linux) kinda evolved from there
No. You should only do it the approved way of the Global Writing Guild. I assume you are a member? If not you can have your index fingers forcibly removed with blunt pliers unless you pay the membership dues pronto. I will accept the payment of 1076.97 on their behalf if you wish
Pffft. Imagining you are free to write in whatever way you deem fit. That's crazy talk!
But if you wanna try some software that's free and stuff you can check out . I built it for me but you might like it
I was planning on writing an article on something along these lines. Basically writing a novel using agile methodologies use in software development.
Work in 'sprints'
Make sure you always have a Minimum Viable Product
Improve iteratively
I literally built software to help with this ( - specifically the snowflake tool)
Write a card which has a summary of your story
expand adding detail - and keep going until the novel is finished
I dictate into my phone using it's not a dictation app as such, but you can use the android speech to text fairly easily to get a lot of text down. However it isn't perfect and needs editing afterwards
Yes, it does turn it dark, not really black but dark for sure.
What I am still not seeing are the 3 dots in the app. Like I see here - on your website.
You may also like the website
has a lot of stuff there
there are also templates in that might help you
Goddamit people! Do you not use the Chrome Web store!!
I went to a stupid amount of effort to build custom writing software for the Chromebook.
Wavemaker ... Latest version is cross platform and installs locally virtually anywhere.
Ok several things that may help
I really like these as a starting point for getting a feel for the sort of milestones you can aim for
There are templates for all of these in along with some other planning tools you may find useful
Thanks yup it's mine. Main site is has more info about the app. That URL is so I keep the site and app separate .
It's actually not 100 yet. Was built will plain JavaScript CSS and HTML.
Using vue.js and firebase for next version
Hi, just found this
"Wavemaker A pretty simplistic Hypercard-like solution."
Not sure that's a good description of wavemaker? (I'm the guy who built it) Have you used it?
You may have been looking at a (very) old?? version? Somehow? is where the latest stuff is.
Have a look at the tools in - you have some flexibiltiy there with the timeline tool / snowflake tool / or the grid planner - they all have flexibility - and the best bit is it'll work on your phone for note taking and sunc to your desktop..
I'm the dev and you can find me on r/wavemakercards if you need any help
You could do me a favour by trying out wavemaker on iOs it's got planning tools and should work. (although probably needs tweaking as the desktop stuff tends to get better coverage)
Let me know if you have issues I'm on r/wavemakercards
There are loads of options. Why not use Google Docs?
I can also suggest (as I'm the developer) - works like a lightweight scrivener
But if that isn't your cup of tea there are plenty others that are free out there!
Anyone here tried wavemaker on Android yet... Info at r/wavemakercards It's a free app that works cross platform so can be used on desktop too.
I'm the guy who built it.
I think you need to be able to outline to an extent. Personally I generally snowflake an story out adding detail.
It can be oddly liberating to have a complete story in front of you at all times but lacking detail
This is the approach I use
It's evolved a bit since then as I tweaked the software to do more stuff
Did you literally mean make a map? Or planning software?
If the latter try out r/wavemakercards
Free and cross platform. I'm the developer any questions I'm on Reddit :)
As an Author your opinions on Wavemaker Novel Writing and Planning software might go down well :)
Pretty sure you could generate a few articles about the individual tools even. If you do, let me know and I'll link to them
Gonna add wavemaker here
Browser based, but can install locally , I built it - available at
Free and cross platform - Installs as a Progressive Web App so can work offline
I'd say it's new but I have been building it for nearly 3 years (about a version a year) just launched version 3,
It's got a decent following and has the big bonus that it's free and runs on phones/tablets and desktop.
Was originally built as none of the major players worked on my chromebook :P
Is there a reason you don't use tools like Scrivener/ Wavemaker or Atomic Scribbler? There are a lot of organizational tools out there (I'm actually the developer of the Wavemaker Novel Software
I just finished the latest version that has a 'tree' structure for working on chapters/scenes -
You can try it out at It works on pretty much everything and is free (also no logins required with this version)
The snowflake method is good I find for getting detail out there
I personally like to timeline my story so that I have key events plotted, then I expand on that
If you want something like scrivener, but need something that can run on any device try wavemaker. novel writing software
The web interface works from your google drive , so the files are available when you change device.
Version 3 is on the way and adds a load of new features
Ohh try this out - it's a test concept and would need integrating with version 3
Let me know if you like it?
For the OP - its in my codepen account as well
Its more about organising and finding things. The ability to find a particular scene or chapter without scrolling through multiple pages.
The way I see it (I'm a programmer) Word is great, it's like notepad. You CAN do a full piece of software with it, but the benefits of an IDE (like scrivener - or My novel writing software Wavemaker ) that helps organise your project, autocomplete and has a load of useful feature that increase your productivity.
I created a bit of software that may help you out called wavemaker (likns are to the blog entries, not the tool)
Wavemaker snowflake method tool
but you might also lie a breakdown of the Novel Writing Software Tools
It's free and cross platform
Ouch. well good luck with that. Do you have another PC? you can pull out the HDD and plug it into another as a second drive and get the files off that way? or buy a usb adapter thing (basically external hard drive case, fit your drive, plug it in an off you go)
If you want to try my mini-scrivener - runs online and saves to google drive , also it's free -
Ok (shameless plug coming)
Have you tried
Use the Web App version - saves to google drive, works on pretty much anything.
Built it myself.....
I agree - I went this route as I personally did not want to make my software charge, but there's quite a few people using it now and I'm spending more time on it, would be nice to have something back from that :)
(software is Wavemaker Novel Planning and Writing Software FYI) which is freely available the Patreon is just voluntary - going the wikipedia route a bit :)
It just seemed that it would be possible if you had a following to release content via patreon, but I imagine it fits a video/audio/podcast/webcomic creativity angle better
Stuff that can be produced and released in discrete chunks.
Try the snowflake tool in wavemaker
Summarise your plot in it's entirety then start breaking it down iteration by iteration
Wavemaker - mainly because I built it :)
cons - not as full featured as scrivener for formatting (yet) - version 3 i s on the way and has some major new features
If you're on a chromebook try out wavemaker from the web store (it's also available online at
It's a free bit of software specifically built for planning and writing novels
Doesn't do the formatting and so on of Google Docs, but it might suit you?